
    bible ministry

    Explore "bible ministry" with insightful episodes like "03 - Policy by the US Towards Iran: Is it Repeating or Avoiding Past Critical Mistakes?-Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War (2024)", "01 - “To the Jew First”—Romans 1:16 and the Priority of Jewish Evangelism-Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War (2024)", "062 - Living Today in Light of the Future [B]", "056 - Day of the Lord: Joel, Amos [B]" and "041 - God’s Grace Provides Forgiveness for All Sin [B]" from podcasts like ""All Current Classes From Dean Bible Ministries", "All Current Classes From Dean Bible Ministries", "2nd Peter (2019)", "2nd Peter (2019)" and "2nd Peter (2019)"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    01 - “To the Jew First”—Romans 1:16 and the Priority of Jewish Evangelism-Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War (2024)

    01 - “To the Jew First”—Romans 1:16 and the Priority of Jewish Evangelism-Supporting Israel and the Jewish Community in the Time of War (2024)
    Why is it a priority for Christians to reach out to Jewish people to help them understand that Christ is the Messiah? Listen to this message to hear five reasons for this, including that Jews are saved by believing the gospel and not through their Jewish heritage. Hear a number of ways to present the gospel to Jewish people. During the message Dr. Dean referred to a couple of books: To the Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History and How to Introduce Your Jewish Friends to the Messiah.

    062 - Living Today in Light of the Future [B]

    062 - Living Today in Light of the Future [B]
    What did the Apostle Peter challenge believers to remember at the end of this epistle? Listen to this lesson to hear Peter’s concluding remarks on how, in light of the false teachers and the knowledge of what is ahead of us in God’s timetable, we are to live. See how we are to be eagerly pursuing spiritual growth. Find out the importance of establishing our faith so we cannot be shaken by the current culture we engage with every day. This Bible class includes a short presentation by missionary Scot Ullrich at the end. The slides that Scot presented are available in the notes link below.

    056 - Day of the Lord: Joel, Amos [B]

    056 - Day of the Lord: Joel, Amos [B]
    Are all references to the Day of the Lord to be fulfilled in the future? Listen to this lesson to hear about one that is historic and others that are still to come as recorded in the Old Testament. In the Book of Joel learn about a plague of locusts and hear descriptions of coming celestial cosmic darkness. Hear about the chronology of the campaign of Armageddon and Christ’s march to Jerusalem. Continue with Amos’ description of these same events of judgment. Be reminded that we, too, may face chaotic times, but that God will always sustain us.

    041 - God’s Grace Provides Forgiveness for All Sin [B]

    041 - God’s Grace Provides Forgiveness for All Sin [B]
    Also includes: 1 Corinthians 6:9-12 and 1 Timothy 1:8-9. What makes a person decide to be homosexual? Listen to this message to learn that all mankind is born with a sin nature and that when we follow our sinful inclinations we go through stages as outlined in the first chapter of the book of Romans in the New Testament. See that all sins are a matter of our choosing them and not something that is predetermined. Find out what it means when it says if we practice certain sins we will not inherit the kingdom of God. Remember, as believers we are to reflect the love of Christ and explain the good news that Christ died for all sins on the Cross. Click here to view the video, "Homosexuality and the Christian Faith" by former-lesbian Rosaria Champagne Butterfield.

    033 - The Resumption of 2 Peter – Review and Overview [A]

    033 - The Resumption of 2 Peter – Review and Overview [A]
    What can we learn from a study of 2 Peter? Listen to this lesson to get an overview of the epistle and review what we studied earlier this year. Hear about the Apostle Paul and his unique qualifications as he depended on God the Holy Spirit in authoring this Book. Find out the importance of growing to spiritual maturity and becoming productive in order to discern false teaching.

    225 - God Delivers, Answers Prayer, Protects [B]

    225 - God Delivers, Answers Prayer, Protects [B]
    Are you a vampire Christian? Listen to this message to measure yourself against four ways Christians act like vampires. Contrast these with David’s praising God for delivering him when he was almost overwhelmed by his enemies. See God intervenes in the lives of those who trust Him to protect and deliver them from all the evil around them. Recognize that we are to be loyal to God at all times in spite of our failures.

    217 - Grace in Action [B]

    217 - Grace in Action [B]
    After Absalom was killed and his rebellion crushed how did David resume his role as king? Listen to this lesson to learn how David treated his defeated enemies in grace with the exception of his own general, Joab, whom he replaced. Hear the two limited roles of government according to the Bible which our Founding Fathers followed. Just as David did, we need to learn to love our enemies and treat them in grace.

    030 - THE TRUTH vs. Myth, Fable, Fantasy [B]

    030 - THE TRUTH vs. Myth, Fable, Fantasy [B]
    What is TRUTH and how do we know it? Listen to this lesson to learn about lower case and upper case truth. Find out three human viewpoint systems of knowledge and how all of them involve faith in human ability. See that only divine revelation reveals TRUTH. See the contrast between mythology and revelation. Be challenged to make certain you are not deceived by myths, fables, or fantasies in our culture so you can continue to mature spiritually.

    198 - Solomon; David; Love and Hate [B]

    198 - Solomon; David; Love and Hate [B]
    Does God have favorites that He loves more than others? Listen to this lesson to learn a wide range of meanings for the words “love” and “hate” and how they refer to nations rather than individuals in some cases. Find out the connection between these people who are said to be loved and the role they have been selected to play in the plan of God to bring the Messiah into the world through the House of David. See that this has nothing to do with their salvation. Complete this section of 2 Samuel by learning how David finally conquers the Ammonites.

    195 - Excursus: The Value of Human Life [C]

    195 - Excursus: The Value of Human Life [C]
    What does the Bible really teach about the pro-life/anti-abortion issue? Listen to this lesson to begin a study of how these movements began and grew over the years. Hear what positions ancient Judaism and the early church held on the question of when life begins. Find out if a couple create soul life in their infant or if God must breathe life into each individual. Be prepared to continue this study of how the Bible defines the parameters of life in coming weeks.

    022 - Fruitful, Productive Spiritual Lives [B]

    022 - Fruitful, Productive Spiritual Lives [B]
    How can we know if we’re maturing in our spiritual life? Listen to this lesson to hear a list of character traits that productive Christians exhibit and how these traits can be developed in us. See what the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles John and Paul teach about Christians abiding in Christ. Understand the importance of being a productive believer and how it depends on walking by means of the Holy Spirit.

    020 - New Testament Examples of Sufficiency [C]

    020 - New Testament Examples of Sufficiency [C]
    You think your life is hard? Listen to this lesson to learn that your troubles don’t compare to what the Apostle Paul experienced. Find out what his mental attitude was during his many tests including beatings, imprisonment, being shipwrecked and floating in stormy seas. See how Paul boasted in his tests because he trusted God to be sufficient. Continue with a study of how the Lord Jesus Christ faced rejection and three specific tests from Satan. Accept the challenges of your rejections and unfair treatment by trusting God in all circumstances.

    182 - God Resolves Our Problems in His Time [B]

    182 - God Resolves Our Problems in His Time [B]
    How honest are you when you pray? Listen to this lesson to hear about a psalmist who expresses his frustration over what is happening and asks God if He’s going to keep His promises. He wonders why the nation is under divine discipline and points out that they are a reproach to God’s name. As he expresses his unhappiness, he petitions God to change the circumstances. See how he recovers and expresses once more his understanding of God’s Word. When we are in a situation like that, we need to remember to trust God and His promises, which can be hindered by our disobedience but are never cancelled.

    181 - God’s Power, Loyal Love, and Faithfulness [B]

    181 - God’s Power, Loyal Love, and Faithfulness [B]
    What can we learn from the promises God made to David in the Davidic Covenant? Listen to this lesson to learn about the magnificent promises God made and see how He said He would establish and stabilize David and protect him from all his enemies. Hear about the intimate relationship God promised David and his descendants and see that these promises were eternal. Learn the meaning of God being called the Rock and see how we can apply His strength and power in our own lives when we face difficulties.

    180 - A Believer After God’s Heart [B]

    180 - A Believer After God’s Heart [B]
    When you think of being humble what comes to your mind? Someone who is mealy-mouthed? Being afraid to stand up for yourself? Being a “doormat” that everyone walks on? Listen to this lesson to learn that humility is the highest virtue in the spiritual life and without it you cannot be a person after God’s own heart. Find out a biblical definition of humility and contrast it with its opposite which is arrogance. See that God is seeking people who have humility and hear three examples from the Old Testament of men who learned humility through the tests they endured. Hear Jesus’ emphasis in the New Testament on taking up your cross and following Him.

    172 - God’s Awesome Power [B]

    172 - God’s Awesome Power [B]
    Do you have confidence that God will answer your prayers? Listen to this lesson to hear a number of biblical reasons for trusting God. Hear King Solomon’s prayer where he exercises the Faith-Rest drill. Continue in Psalm 89 as Ethan calls on God’s attributes and praises God just as the angels who surround God’s throne do. As you pray, praise God’s wonders and His uniqueness and remember that God is so powerful that He can fulfill every promise He had made to us,

    167 - Davidic Covenant in Isaiah 9:6 [b]

    167 - Davidic Covenant in Isaiah 9:6 [b]
    Why are so many people angry with Jews and Christians in the world today? Listen to this message to learn that this results from people who have rejected God’s sovereign rule over His creation and are living in spiritual darkness. Hear about the prophet Isaiah when he confronted King Ahaz of Israel and was told by God to take his young son with him as an object lesson for what the king needed to hear. When faced with frightening news, find out that we can always trust that God is in control and that He provides for His people.