

    Explore "biblereadingplan" with insightful episodes like "2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #881 Week 8 Understanding the Heart of God 2-25-24", "2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #878 Week 6: Trusting God in Life’s Tests", "2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #878 Week 5: Expectations: Trusting God When It’s Hard to Wait – Sunday 2-4-24", "2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #874 Week 1: What is Driving You?" and "Daily Radio Bible - November 7th, 23: Stand Firm in Faith: Job's Integrity & Galatians' Liberty - Job 31-32 & Galatians 5-6" from podcasts like ""The Bible Tribe Reading Plan", "The Bible Tribe Reading Plan", "The Bible Tribe Reading Plan", "The Bible Tribe Reading Plan" and "Daily Radio Bible Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #881 Week 8 Understanding the Heart of God 2-25-24

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #881 Week 8 Understanding the Heart of God 2-25-24

    How much are our troubles intensified because we just don't understand the heart of God?  

    God's heart toward us is good. The heart of God is perfect, compassionate, kind, Holy, and good. God is the Lover of our souls, our friend, our Advocate, and our ever-present help in times of need. 

    God is not in a box of our own making, and His character is not subject to our perception. His heart is that we would have His heart. And He gives us His heart and understanding!

    Listen to the Bible Tribe summary for week 8 as we unpack God's heart through the scenarios of God's people. 

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #878 Week 6: Trusting God in Life’s Tests

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #878 Week 6: Trusting God in Life’s Tests

    How do you do with tests? Do you resent them? Do you doubt God’s character when they arise? Life's tests can be hard, but they reveal our trust in God and prove that God's purpose in the tests is ultimately to bless us. This week in the Bible Tribe reading plan, we learn that God is trustworthy and our security is in Him, not the blessings given by God.  

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #878 Week 5: Expectations: Trusting God When It’s Hard to Wait – Sunday 2-4-24

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #878 Week 5: Expectations: Trusting God When It’s Hard to Wait – Sunday 2-4-24

    What are you expecting from this life? From God? Expectations can really let us down. Much of our life is spent longing for something we really hope for or believe in, and it still seems so out of reach. In all our readings this week, there is a stumbling block one must choose to step over as one waits on God. We forsake the peace that could be ours when we fix our thoughts on our failed expectations rather than on what God has said. A scripture-shaped mind will focus more on how we can fit into God’s larger plan than how His plans might fit into ours.

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #874 Week 1: What is Driving You?

    2024 Bible Tribe Ep. #874 Week 1: What is Driving You?

    Well, friends, how has your time been in the word of God this week? In the Bible Tribe FB group, I shared from our first reading in Genesis 1–4 what God saw (The Hebrew word, “Ra’ah”) and how that differed from what Eve or any of us see. Through the first five days of reading this week, this factor of what we see shapes our drive and our “why” for life and, ultimately, how we live this life.

    Listen in and discover what is driving your "why" for this life and where your significance comes from.

    Daily Radio Bible - November 7th, 23: Stand Firm in Faith: Job's Integrity & Galatians' Liberty - Job 31-32 & Galatians 5-6

    Daily Radio Bible - November 7th, 23: Stand Firm in Faith: Job's Integrity & Galatians' Liberty - Job 31-32 & Galatians 5-6

    Dive into the Bible in one year with Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible'. Experience daily 20-minute episodes packed with scripture readings, touching devotionals, and collective prayers, guiding you closer to God's love. Explore more: DRB Kids, Daily Psalms, Proverbs, and Lectionary insights.


    Today on 'Daily Radio Bible', witness the stirring defense of Job in chapters 31-32 and explore the liberating messages in Galatians 5-6. Delve into timeless lessons of standing firm in righteousness and living by faith, not by law. This episode weaves together the wisdom of the Old Testament with the freedom found in Christ, offering a daily dose of inspiration and guidance for your spiritual journey. Tune in to enrich your understanding and fortify your daily walk with God.


    Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose  through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen.  

    Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.  

    And now Lord,  make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope.  Where there is darkness, light.  And where there is sadness,  Joy.  Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.  For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life.  Amen

    And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray...

    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, they kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

    Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ.  Amen. 

    TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Job 31-32; Galatians 5-6

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    We are reading through the New Living Translation.  

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    193: The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023

    193: The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023

    Last week’s episode, number 192, was about my pick for word for the year: Read. If you’re not much of a reader and can only tackle one book this year, I suggest read the Bible. Some people follow a Bible Reading plan that gets them through the entire book in one year.

    But if you’re an underachiever like me, I’ve got a more manageable, guilt-free way to read the Bible. Keep listening to learn what it is and how it could work for you.

    But before we get into all this, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Intimidated by Pat Boone

    I recently read a Wall Street Journal article about Pat Boone entitled “Last of the Hollywood Squares.” It was about how this actor, whom I’m guessing is about 420 years old by now, has capitalized on his squeaky-clean image throughout his career. He stands in stark contrast to the typical Hollywood actor that comes to mind these days.

    The article talked about Pat Boone’s faith and that he has read through the entire Bible for each of the past 40 years. 40 Years! Yikes!

    Read through the Bible in a year

    People like this intimidate me. I’ve read through the entire Bible I think 3 times. But I’m clearly an underachiever when compared to Pat Boone. I followed a Bible reading plan that each day of the year included chapters from the old testament, the new testament, and the book of psalms. I would read the selected passages for the day, and then put a checkmark in the box next to that day's reading.

    I’m glad I did this. I saw themes and issues that repeated themselves that gave me insight as to what is important to God, which in turn showed me how I should then live.

    If you like feeling a sense of accomplishment, this type of plan works well. The downside to this reading plan for underachievers like me is that some days I’m just reading to be able to check off the box that I completed the task. Some days I was reading just to read, and not to draw closer to God and understand him better. That’s the underachiever in me.

    Another downside, if this is the first time you’re considering reading through the Bible in a year, is that we’re already 11 days into the new year as of the date of this episode. It puts you 11 days behind most Bible reading plans.

    Another option

    But I have an alternative I’d like you to consider. Last summer I came across an idea from a Bible teacher I heard at a Christian family camp we’ve been going to for years. As an aside to whatever he was talking about that day, he said in passing,

    “If you want to get to know Jesus better, read just 3 chapters a day from the Gospels, and you’ll finish all four of them in a month.”

    I started doing that on September 1, but by the middle of the month I got behind, and then on some days couldn’t figure out where I ended the day before so I could start the next day’s reading. As an underabhvier, this was not surprising. So I came up with a slightly different Bible reading plan. This one could work for you, too.

    My Underachievers Bible reading plan for 2023 is to still stick with just reading a portion of the four gospels every day this year. It will mean going over the four Gospels several times during the course of 2023.

    The difference between this plan and the one from the Bible teacher I heard last summer, is that sometimes I’ll read 3 chapters in a day, sometimes 2, and maybe even 4 chapters. Plus, it’s easier to keep track of. Here’s how it works.

    Here’s how it works

    Open your Bible and start reading the first complete chapter that begins on the page on your left. Continue reading onto the page on the right side. Start any new chapter that starts on the right-hand page, and don’t stop until you’ve completed reading the chapter. This will usually mean turning the page, and finishing up that chapter on the next page on your left. You stop here for the day. Tomorrow, you pick up where you left off with a new complete chapter on the page on your left. It’s rinse and repeat every day.

    For example, today I opened my Bible to the page where I placed the burgundy bookmark ribbon yesterday after finishing that day’s reading. I’m in the Gospel of John at the moment. The left page continues the text from the end of John 12 from yesterday’s reading. I started today’s reading with the first complete chapter on the left-hand page, chapter 13.

    It continues onto the right page and ends there. Chapter 14 starts here, and then I turn the page to get to the rest of chapter 14, which ends in the middle of the page and where I stop for the day. I place my bookmark here, which tells me where I start the next day.

    So you start each day with a new complete chapter, and you end each day finishing a chapter.

    Using a bookmark eliminates the need to check off a box for a pre-determined reading for a particular day. If you’re a box checker-offer, type, this approach may not work for you. But for underachievers like me, this bible reading plan works well for getting to know Jesus better.

    Here’s what I’ve noticed

    I’ve been doing this for four months now, just reading through the four gospels multiple times as I’ve described. Here are a few things I’ve noticed in my reading.

    • The story never gets old. It’s like looking at a painting several times over a period of time and seeing something new each time you see it again.
    • I’ve seen how much Jesus spoke against the religious leaders of the day and their hypocrisy. How they misled people and were out to hold onto the power they had over people
    • How much Jesus loved people
    • The lengths to which Jesus used simple stories to illustrate profound truths
    • How a relationship with Jesus is not as hard as we make it. In John 6:28-29 a crowd of people who weren’t quite sure what they thought of Jesus say to him. “…we want to perform God’s work, too. What should we do? Jesus replies,

    “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”

    Let that sink in for a minute.

    • Religion at times makes it harder to get to know Jesus.
    • I don’t remember where in the gospels I read it, but there’s a scene where the disciple are walking with Jesus around town and pointing out buildings to him. I find this humorous and wonder if the gospel writer saw it too, this guided tour telling Jesus what he was already well aware of. It made me chuckle.
    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    I’ve said it many times before that this podcast is all about finding joy in the relationships God designed for us. The most important relationship is our relationship with Jesus. Following a bible reading plan, any plan, helps nurture that relationship.

    You will find more joy in life the more you read about Jesus and what he tells you. He will be the most impactful person you can read about this year. Take time to discover more about Him this year, a little each day, following a bible reading plan.

    Here’s the main idea I hope you take away from today’s episode

    Reading through the whole Bible this year is one of the most enriching things you can do for yourself. But if this seems too daunting a task right now, give reading 2 or 3 chapters a day from the Gospels a try. Cut yourself some slack, and it’s okay if you miss a day here and there.


    Before we wrap up today’s show, if you’d like some input regarding a relationship question or issue you’re dealing with, I’d love to hear from you. Just go to JohnCertalic.com/question to leave me a voicemail. If you’d rather put your question in writing, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll do my best to answer your question in a future show.

    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, enough to put into practice a Bible reading plan to get to know Jesus better.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. Ask people what they’re reading these days. Tell them what you’re reading. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    192: Word of the Year for 2023 - Read

    The place to access all past and future episodes


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    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    Day 359 Celebrating God’s Salvation (Bible Tribe Esther 6-10)

    Day 359 Celebrating God’s Salvation (Bible Tribe Esther 6-10)

    When we celebrate Christmas or Easter, it can be easy to have these holidays just be religious observances. But when we remember what Christ has done on our behalf, these holidays are not just days off work, but moments of worship and gratitude.

    Bible Reading: Esther 6-10

    Verse of the day: Esther 9:27, “The Jews took it on themselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should without fail observe these two days every year, in the way prescribed and at the time appointed.”

    Word of the day: Custom. It is the Hebrew word:  קָבַל (kaw-bal').   

    Day 358 Following in His Steps (Bible Tribe Deut. 33-34)

    Day 358 Following in His Steps (Bible Tribe Deut. 33-34)

    Those who are loved by God will follow Him. We cannot follow if we do not first know what or Who we are following.

    Bible Reading: Deut. 33-34

    Verse of the day: Deuteronomy 33:3, “Indeed, He loves the people; All Your holy ones are in Your hand, And they followed in Your steps; Everyone receives of Your words.”

    Word of the day: Followed. It is the Hebrew word:  תָּכָה (taw-kaw').           

    Day 357 Imitation is Sincere Flattery (Bible Tribe 3 John)

    Day 357 Imitation is Sincere Flattery (Bible Tribe 3 John)

    Sometimes we can try to imitate others so we can fit in, but as we imitate Christ, we might not fit in with the world.

    Bible Reading: 3 John

    Verse of the day: 3 John 1:11, “Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.”

    Word of the day: Imitate. It is the Greek word:  μιμέομαι (mim-eh'-om-ahee).       

    Day 356 Credible and Incredible (Bible Tribe Acts 25-26)

    Day 356 Credible and Incredible (Bible Tribe Acts 25-26)

    How we live out the message we carry can be a stumbling block or a compelling witness to others. Are we credible as we share the incredible story of Christ?

    Bible Reading: Acts 25-26

    Verse of the day: Acts 26:8, "Why is it considered incredible among you people if God does raise the dead?"

    Word of the day: Incredible. It is the Greek word:  ἄπιστος (ap'-is-tos).      

    Daily Radio Bible - November 15th, 22

    Daily Radio Bible - November 15th,  22

    The Daily Radio Bible with Hunter and Heather Barnes, offers audio scripture readings, encouragement and coaching through the whole Bible in a year.  For 20 min a day, 365 days a year, let the Bible direct your heart to the God who is love.  You don’t have to go it alone, Hunter and Heather will show up with you, offering a brief devotional at the conclusion of the days reading, and the daily reminder that YOU are loved!  let's experience the word of God together.  One year Bible, every day, 365 days a year we will be here to join you on your journey into the loving heart of God. Follow our family of podcasts at: DRB Kids; Daily Psalms with Hunter ; Daily Proverbs with Hunter and Daily Lectionary with Hunter. 

    Follow our other podcasts at http://www.dailyradiobible.com

    Partner with us to produce these podcasts by gifting us HERE.

    We are reading through the New Living Translation. 



    Day 318: The Day of the LORD (Bible Tribe Zech. 11-14)

    Day 318: The Day of the LORD (Bible Tribe Zech. 11-14)

    Sometimes we can live this life as if it will never end, but how we live our days will be apparent on the Day of the LORD. Live for that day.

    Bible Reading: Zech. 11-14

    Verse of the day: Zechariah 14:9, "The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name."

    Word of the day: Day. It is the Hebrew word:  יוֹם (yome).       

    Day 317: Separated Yet United (Bible Tribe Ezra 6-10)

    Day 317: Separated Yet United (Bible Tribe Ezra 6-10)

    When we serve God, people will come against us. But when God’s people are separated for the work of God yet united in that work, greater is He that is in them than any obstacle in this world.

    Bible Reading: Ezra 6-10

    Verse of the day: Ezra 6:21, "The sons of Israel who returned from exile and all those who had separated themselves from the impurity of the nations of the land to join them, to seek the LORD God of Israel, ate the Passover."

    Word of the day: Separated. It is the Hebrew word:  בָּדַל (baw-dal'). 

    Daily Radio Bible - November 13th, 22

    Daily Radio Bible - November 13th, 22

    The Daily Radio Bible is a part of the one year Bible family of podcasts from the Daily Radio Bible. Your hosts Hunter and Heather Barnes, lead you in daily readings through the entire Bible. Over the course of a year you will read through the Old Testament once and the twice.  These short 20 minute podcasts will help revitalize your soul, give language to your daily prayers, and help root your life in story of God.  Join us on this journey into the heart of the God who is love.  Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com.  

    Follow our other podcasts at http://www.dailyradiobible.com

    Partner with us to produce these podcasts by gifting us HERE.

    We are reading through the New Living Translation. 

    Listen to our daily podcast for Kids
    HERE on Spotify 
    HERE on itunes Podcast

    Listen to the Daily Proverbs podcast.
    HERE on Spotity
    HERE on itunes Podcast

    Day 316: God Wants to Save You (Bible Tribe Deut. 19-21)

    Day 316: God Wants to Save You (Bible Tribe Deut. 19-21)

    Warfare abounds all around us, but we don’t have to fear. In the battles we fight in this life God wants to fight on our behalf and save us.

    Bible Reading: Deut. 19-21

    Verse of the day: Deuteronomy 20:4, "For the LORD your God is the One who is going with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."

    Word of the day: Save. It is the Hebrew word:  יָשַׁע (yaw-shah').       

    Journey - November 11th, 22

    Journey - November 11th, 22

    The Daily Radio Bible with Hunter and Heather Barnes, offers audio scripture readings, encouragement and coaching through the whole Bible in a year.  For 20 min a day, 365 days a year, let the Bible direct your heart to the God who is love.  You don’t have to go it alone, Hunter and Heather will show up with you, offering a brief devotional at the conclusion of the days reading, and the daily reminder that YOU are loved!  let's experience the word of God together.  One year Bible, every day, 365 days a year we will be here to join you on your journey into the loving heart of God. Follow our family of podcasts at: DRB Kids; Daily Psalms with Hunter ; Daily Proverbs with Hunter and Daily Lectionary with Hunter. 

    Follow our other podcasts at http://www.dailyradiobible.com

    Partner with us to produce these podcasts by gifting us HERE.

    We are reading through the New Living Translation. 

    Music by David Nevue, find out more at http://www.davidnevue.com 


    Journey - November 10th, 22

    Journey - November 10th, 22

    The Daily Radio Bible with Hunter and Heather Barnes, offers audio scripture readings, encouragement and coaching through the whole Bible in a year.  For 20 min a day, 365 days a year, let the Bible direct your heart to the God who is love.  You don’t have to go it alone, Hunter and Heather will show up with you, offering a brief devotional at the conclusion of the days reading, and the daily reminder that YOU are loved!  let's experience the word of God together.  One year Bible, every day, 365 days a year we will be here to join you on your journey into the loving heart of God. Follow our family of podcasts at: DRB Kids; Daily Psalms with Hunter ; Daily Proverbs with Hunter and Daily Lectionary with Hunter. 

    Follow our other podcasts at http://www.dailyradiobible.com

    Partner with us to produce these podcasts by gifting us HERE.

    We are reading through the New Living Translation. 

    Listen to our daily podcast for Kids

    Music by David Nevue, find out more at http://www.davidnevue.com 

    Day 311: Abiding in the Branch (Bible Tribe Zech. 6-10)

    Day 311: Abiding in the Branch (Bible Tribe Zech. 6-10)

    A branch on its own cannot survive and begins to die. But a branch connected to the vine is alive. So it is with us. Jesus is the BRANCH, the root of Jesse, and He is also the vine we are connected to.

    Bible Reading: Zech. 6-10

    Verse of the day: Zechariah 6:12, "Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the LORD."

    Word of the day: Branch. It is the Hebrew word:  צֶמַח (tseh'-makh). 

    Day 310: Forever Never Ends (Bible Tribe Ezra 1–5)

    Day 310: Forever Never Ends (Bible Tribe Ezra 1–5)

    Love in this world does not last forever, but God’s love does. Think about that. He will never stop loving you.

    Bible Reading: Ezra 1–5

    Verse of the day: Ezra 3:11, "They sang with praise and thanksgiving to the LORD: “For he is good; his faithful love to Israel endures forever.” Then all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD because the foundation of the LORD’s house had been laid."

    Word of the day: Forever. It is the Hebrew word:  עוֹלָם (o-lawm').     


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