

    Explore "bin" with insightful episodes like "Erkenne Brahman!- AtBo 60", "Brahman ist alldurchdringend- AtBo 59", "Unbegrenzte Glückseligkeit- AtBo 58", "Erfahre Brahman als Eins und wonnevoll- AtBo 57" and "Überwinde die Dualität, erfahre Einheit- AtBo 56" from podcasts like ""Atma Bodha - die Erkenntnis des Selbst", "Atma Bodha - die Erkenntnis des Selbst", "Atma Bodha - die Erkenntnis des Selbst", "Atma Bodha - die Erkenntnis des Selbst" and "Atma Bodha - die Erkenntnis des Selbst"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Erkenne Brahman!- AtBo 60

    Erkenne Brahman!- AtBo 60

    Sukadev spricht über den 60. Shloka des Vedanta Werkes von Shankara, Atma Bodha, die Erkenntnis des Selbst. Thema: Erkenne Brahman!. Der Vers auf deutsch geht wie folgt: Erkenne das als Brahman, was weder fein noch grob ist; weder kurz noch lang; ohne Geburt oder Veränderungen; ohne Form, Eigenschaften, Farbe und Name. Eine Inspiration des Tages von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya. Mehr Infos:

    Atma Bodha Podcast, Atma Bodha, Shankara, Shankaracharya, Sukadev, Podcast, Inspiration,

    Der Beitrag Erkenne Brahman!- AtBo 60 erschien zuerst auf Yoga Vidya Blog - Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda.

    Brahman ist alldurchdringend- AtBo 59

    Brahman ist alldurchdringend- AtBo 59

    Inspirationen aus dem 59. Shloka des Vedanta Werkes von Shankara, Atma Bodha, die Erkenntnis des Selbst. Thema: Brahman ist alldurchdringend. Dieser Vers lautet: Alle Objekte sind von Brahman durchdrungen. Alle Handlungen sind durch Brahman möglich: deshalb durchdringt Brahman alles, wie Butter Milch durchdringt. Eine Inspiration des Tages von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya. Mehr Infos:

    Atma Bodha Podcast, Atma Bodha, Shankara, Shankaracharya, Sukadev, Podcast, Inspiration, Podcast, Sukadev, Tägliche Inspirationen, Vorträge mp3, Yoga Vidya, Vedanta,

    Der Beitrag Brahman ist alldurchdringend- AtBo 59 erschien zuerst auf Yoga Vidya Blog - Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda.

    Unbegrenzte Glückseligkeit- AtBo 58

    Unbegrenzte Glückseligkeit- AtBo 58

    Sukadev spricht in diesem Vortrag über den 58. Vers aus dem Atma Bodha, der Vedanta Schrift von Shankaracharya. Atma bedeutetSelbst, Bodha bedeutet Erkenntnis, die Erkenntnis des Selbst. Hauptthema: Unbegrenzte Glückseligkeit. Deutsche Übersetzung dieses Verses: Gottheiten wie Brahma und andere kosten nur einen Teil der unbegrenzten Glückseligkeit Brahmans und genießen entsprechend ihren Anteil daran. Eine Inspiration des Tages von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya. Mehr Infos:

    Atma Bodha Podcast, Atma Bodha, Shankara, Shankaracharya, Sukadev, Podcast,

    Der Beitrag Unbegrenzte Glückseligkeit- AtBo 58 erschien zuerst auf Yoga Vidya Blog - Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda.

    Erfahre Brahman als Eins und wonnevoll- AtBo 57

    Erfahre Brahman als Eins und wonnevoll- AtBo 57

    Selbsterkenntnis und Suche nach der Höchsten Wahrheit durch das Studium vom 57. Shloka des Vedanta Werkes von Shankara, Atma Bodha, die Erkenntnis des Selbst. Thema: Erfahre Brahman als Eins und wonnevoll. Übersetzung: Erkenne das als Brahman, was nicht-dual ist, unteilbar, Eins und wonnevoll und auf das im Vedanta hingewiesen wird als das unveränderliche Substrat, das nach der Negierung aller dinglichen Objekte erkannt wird. Eine Inspiration des Tages von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya. Mehr Infos:

    Der Beitrag Erfahre Brahman als Eins und wonnevoll- AtBo 57 erschien zuerst auf Yoga Vidya Blog - Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda.

    Überwinde die Dualität, erfahre Einheit- AtBo 56

    Überwinde die Dualität, erfahre Einheit- AtBo 56

    Sukadev spricht über den 56. Vers aus dem Atma Bodha, der Vedanta Schrift von Shankaracharya. Atma bedeutet Selbst, Bodha bedeutet Erkenntnis, die Erkenntnis des Selbst. Hauptthema: Überwinde die Dualität, erfahre Einheit. Übersetzung von Maheshwara aus dem Buch Atma Bodha und Aparoksha Anubhuti, Yoga Vidya Verlag: Erkenne das als Brahman, was absolute Existenz, Wissen und Glückseligkeit ist, was nicht-dual, endlos, ewig und Eins ist und das alles füllt – oben und unten und alles, was dazwischen existiert. Eine Inspiration des Tages von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya. Mehr Infos:

    Der Beitrag Überwinde die Dualität, erfahre Einheit- AtBo 56 erschien zuerst auf Yoga Vidya Blog - Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda.

    Om framtidens bin - robotar eller stadskupor?

    Om framtidens bin - robotar eller stadskupor?

    En tredjedel av maten vi äter är helt beroende av pollinerande insekter och det är framförallt honungsbina som gör jobbet. Hur allvarlig är situationen i världen och i Sverige?

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Det har varit många larm om att våra bin är hotade och minskar i antal de senaste åren. Måste vi hitta alternativ till de vilda pollinerarna i framtiden?Amerikanska forskare försöker ta fram robotbin och i svenska städer sätter alltfler upp bikupor för att hjälpa naturen på traven.

    Programledare: Marie-Louise Kristola och Johan Bergendorff.

    It's about life, the universe and everything--even politics: Ernest Istook Show March 27, 2014

    It's about life, the universe and everything--even politics: Ernest Istook Show March 27, 2014
    The I-R-S tells Congress it will take years to turn over subpoenaed emails Imagine how slow it would be if this were snail mail. Do NOT take that long with your taxes; I-R-S has no sense of humor. Congress is mad, as they should be FYI, contempt of Congress is a process that also takes years Ernest tells how to get I-R-S' attention: Cut off their money! Gun law craziness in Washington, DC - "Attempted possession" of ammunition gets businessman convicted--but it wasn't even ammunition! Players can cross the goal line but not the picket line--NLRB says yes to unions for college football Like father, like son-in-law: Osama-bin-Laden's son-in-law convicted on terrorism charge Americans agree: We're getting weaker Russia has a plan to assimilate the Ukraine without firing a shot. (Are the Borg in Kiev?) How Obamacare undercuts American values Movie CEO blasts Obamacare GUESTS: Emily Miller, Senior Editor, The Washington Times, author, Emily Gets Her Gun Tony Perkins, president, Family Research Council Larry Pratt, president, Gun Owners of America Lt. Col. (ret.) Tony Shaffer, former intelligence officer, fellow, The London Center Congressman Jim Jordan (R, Ohio) Jenny Beth Martin, national coordinator, Tea Party Patriots

    Dhoruba Bin Wahad Interview Re: Assata Shakur

    Dhoruba Bin Wahad Interview Re: Assata Shakur
    Former Black Panther and BLA Co-founder Dhoruba Bin-Wahad Interviewed by Kalonji Jama Changa (Founder of the FTP Movement) live at a "Hands off Assata" Teach-In that took place in Atlanta, GA Sponsored by Red Bike & Green and The FTP Movement. In the Interview, Dhoruba Bin Wahad breaks down the history of Assata, Cointelpro, Angela Davis, the Jay Z trip to Cuba, Alice Walker and a whole lot more! At the end the floor was opened up for questions by the audience....Check it out and pass it on!

    The Osama bin Laden Death Hoax

    The Osama bin Laden Death Hoax
    On the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's supposed killing, ResistRadio.com's Brit Dee reflected on the absurdity of the official story. Originally broadcast May 1st 2012. (If I have run out of bandwidth and you cannot listen to this podcast, download it here instead: http://www.resistradio.com/podcasts/osama-bin-dead-for-a-year)

    Ett liv med familjen bin Laden

    Ett liv med familjen bin Laden

    Möt Åkersbergatjejen som levt tillsammans med en av världens mest mytomspunna och inflytelserika familjer, bin Ladens. Catrin Streete berättar om sin vänskap med familjens överhuvud Bakr bin Laden. om ett liv i lyx och glamour, men också om att vara västerländsk kvinna i Saudiarabien. Och vilken påverkan hade familjens svarta får, Osama bin Laden? Per Jönsson, redaktör Utrikespolitiska Institutet medverkar också. Och så blir det Brännpunkt Elefantjakt! Den spanske kungen Juan Carlos har både skadat sig och hamnat i blåsväder efter att ha jagat elefant i Botswana. Många spanjorer kritiserar hans dyra vanor mitt under den ekonomiska krisen, och Världsnaturfonden vill dra in hans titel som hedersordförande i organisationen. Men - hur går det egentligen till under en elefantjakt? Vi ställer frågan till den svenske storviltjägaren Erik Eckhardt, som har 50 års erfarenhet i frågan. Och så är Operaimprovisatörerna här och förhöjer tillvaron! Bisittare är förstås Louise Epstein.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Osama Bin Fallout - some predictions off the top of my head (News)

    Osama Bin Fallout - some predictions off the top of my head (News)
    Sponsor: http://RidleyReport.com/Travel - Osama Bin Fallout - some predictions off the top of my head How you can buy an ad http://RidleyReport.com/Ad Or use the direct link: http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?&topic=15218.0 ron paul free state project new hampshire ridleyreport dave ridley report nh osama bin laden, staters liberty live free or die libertarian, al-Qaeda al-Qaida al-Qa'ida, talk radio nh osama bin laden, dead, staters liberty live free or die libertarian take on current events, al-Qaeda al-Qaida al-Qa'ida

    Påven, kråkan och Bin Ladin...

    Påven, kråkan och Bin Ladin...

    Bin Ladin är död och människor samlas vid Ground Zero i New York och firar. Men bidrar al-Quaidaledarens död till att läka sorgen efter alla de som dog 11 september 2001? Är det verkligen slutet på det amerikanska traumat vi ser? Psykoanalytikern Clarence Crafoord gästar oss. Och så har public service fått oväntat stöd från - Påven! Påve Benediktus XVI anser att public service har en viktig roll att förmedla information till självständigt tänkande individer. SR:s vice VD Cilla Benkö har träffat påven, och kommer till studion för att berätta om mötet. Och så bjuder vi på vårkråka! Nordegren har lyssnat på de röster som kritiserat honom för att bara ägna sig åt lyxmat i programmet, och sätter därför fokus på den gamla bonderätten vårkråka. Gunnar Ekdahl, källarmästare på restaurang Tennstopet, kommer förbi. Dagens bisittare är Ülkü Holago.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Promo - David Paich Interview Extras

    Promo - David Paich Interview Extras
    One of the things I love to do is build little audio promos for all kinds of stuff. I used to make show promos for all the DJs at United Rock Radio and all kinds of fun things.
    When I started doing interviews with big name prima donna rock stars, I'd ask them if they wanted to participate in a small audio promo skit. Most did to some degree (except for Carl Palmer who appeared to have very little in the way of a sense of humor. He must have been really tired that day.)
    Anyway how it worked was, I'd throw out the stupidest question I could think of off the top of my head and they would answer back with whatever they wanted.
    It was quick, improvised and fun to do.
    David Paich was not only game to do it, he had fun with it. Here's how it ended up.
    Promo - David Paich Interview
    click on link to stream or right click and "save link as" to download

    Enjoy and as always comments are welcome.

    Interview - David Paich (2006)

    Interview - David Paich (2006)
    In the spring of 2006 I was sitting in my office when Dave Tedder owner of United Rock Radio phoned up and asked if I would like to do an interview with someone from the rock band Toto.
    After I picked myself up off the floor I uttered "Yes" into the receiver and it was a done deal.
    It took several attempts but finally one day my office phone rang and David Paich and I started one of the most memorable phone conversations I've ever had.

    In 1978 Toto released their first album "Toto" and I have been a band fan ever since, but even before the release of the album I had been following (vicariously through industry news and record album credits), the careers of Jeff Porcaro (son of legendary percussionist Joe Porcaro), and David Paich (son of Marty Paich - famous producer, arranger, conductor and recording artist).
    These two individuals were proving to be every bit as gifted and talented as their parents.

    So here am I, on the phone with David Paich, one of my heroes, trying not to slobber and show my nervousness. However, David Paich is a professional and makes me feel instantly at ease and what was supposed to be a 15 minute update about the new Toto album "Falling In Between", turns into a conversation of almost an hour down memory lane into David's childhood.
    As David says at the end of the interview, "it was a joy", no doubt more so for me as I came away from the experience feeling totally pumped for at least a few days.

    I edited the interview down to approx 37 minutes and then split it into three sections interspersed with music from Falling In Between.
    It originally aired at 23:20hrs E.S.T. May 09/2006 during my program (Bunky's Bin) on United Rock Radio.
    I present the interview here in two forms.

    With the music portions intact as it was originally broadcast.
    Bunky - David Paich Interview Complete
    click link to stream or right click and "save link as" to download.

    Split into three separate smaller sections with the music portions removed.
    Bunky - David Paich Interview Part One
    Bunky - David Paich Interview Part Two
    Bunky - David Paich Interview Part Three
    click link to stream or right click and "save link as" to download.


    United Rock Radio for all its potential and good intent was closed by owner Dave Tedder about a month after the interview ran. It limped on for about one more year under another manager as Rockin' Jeff/United Rock Radio.
    On Valentines Day 2007 the Matriarch of United Rock Radio Melody Rendon (aka: Flight) passed away from cancer. For most of us old-timers at United Rock that day was the official ending of United Rock Radio forever.
    After that I ran the "Bunky's Bin" program from Rock Nation Radio for just over a year until it became impossible for me to do so and then I morphed it into this Back From The Bin Podcast thing.

    In 2005 David Paich had left the touring aspect of Toto and was replaced by keyboard whiz Greg Phillinganes though David officially remained in the band doing interviews and handling other P.R. events.
    In February 2007, Toto bassist Mike Porcaro announced he also would be unable to tour with Toto, due to an apparent hand injury and was ably replaced by studio veteran Leland Sklar.
    In June 2008 at the end of an exhausting two year Falling In Between Tour, Steve Lukather announced (what most of us could see coming) that as far as he was concerned after 30 years, as a band Toto was done for good.
    And he made the official announcement.
    Sept. 2008 David Paich alludes to the Toto Network forum that he will shortly be releasing what he termed a "world music project"... Is that like a solo album?

    The Toto Network (which should be re-named "the Lee Sklar Network") never quite became what it was envisioned to be.
    However it is still a special place on the internet where band members and fan members can post text and media and mingle.
    Steve Lukather regularly pops in and updates his tour and shares family stuff.
    David Paich posts about once every few months.
    Mike Porcaro, Greg Phillinganes and Simon Phillips rarely post anymore.
    We occasionally hear from guitarist Tony Skinner.
    But Mr. Leland Sklar has really kept the network alive with daily postings of jokes, news and other interesting tidbits. The man has become the cornerstone of the forum.

    If you're little curious or a rabid Toto fan you really should check it out at;

    October 12, 2009
    Toto was inducted into the Musicians Hall of Fame in Nashville.

    February 01, 2010
    The original Rock Nation Radio station disappeared from the internet

    February 26, 2010 Press Release from Toto.
    Former members of Toto are reforming for a brief tour this summer in Europe to honor their brother Mike Porcaro who is living with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). The line-up will include David Paich, Steve Lukather, Steve Porcaro, Simon Phillips, Joseph Williams and special guest, Nathan East.


    You may ask...Bunks, why are you posting this now?
    Over the last few years I'd get the odd request for a re-broadcast or a posting of the interview from Toto fans who had heard it originally broadcast in Europe, Australia and the U.K.
    The one request that convinced me that someone (besides myself) would like to hear it again came from a fellow that my wife works with.
    George is originally from Hungry and is into the metal big-time. And like millions of other Europeans, he is a Toto fan, but more than that, he is a major David Paich fan.
    So George, this is for you.
    I hope you all enjoy the interview and please leave your comments.