

    Explore " biontech" with insightful episodes like "Prozesse um mögliche Impfschäden I Wahlkampfstart in der Türkei I Gesetz gegen Hass im Netz I 0630", "Νέο εμβόλιο κατά του καρκίνου", "Stechmücken mit Krapfen zu Karneval - Folge 71", "E98|mRNA疫苗商战:一场速度的竞赛" and "Investments & Exits - mit Lisa Liu von UVC Partners" from podcasts like ""0630 - der News-Podcast", "ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ Σήμερα", "die Ossi & der Wessi", "硅谷101" and "Startup Insider"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Prozesse um mögliche Impfschäden I Wahlkampfstart in der Türkei I Gesetz gegen Hass im Netz I 0630

    Prozesse um mögliche Impfschäden I Wahlkampfstart in der Türkei I Gesetz gegen Hass im Netz I 0630
    Wie viele Tupperdosen habt ihr zuhause rumfliegen? Bei Flo in der Küche stehen massig Plastikdosen herum, Minh Thu findet, man könnte auch mal wieder mehr auf das Einmachglas von Oma setzen. Vielleicht müssen wir das bald alle, denn der Firma "Tupper" geht es nicht gut  Außerdem geht es heute um diese Themen:  Was als Impfschaden gilt und warum hunderte Menschen deswegen klagen wollen (01:41). Warum es bei den Wahlen in der Türkei in knapp einem Monat für Erdoğan eng werden könnte (07:07). Wie ein neues Gesetz deutschen Gerichten ermöglichen soll, Internet-Accounts zu sperren, die wiederholt andere Menschen beleidigen (11:43).  Uns interessiert eure Meinung zur anstehenden Cannabis-Legalisierung. Schickt uns dazu gerne eine Sprachnachricht an 0151 15071635 oder schreibt uns eine Mail an 0630@wdr.de. Natürlich freuen wir uns auch über allgemeines Feedback. Mehr News aus unserem Team gibt's hier: www.instagram.com/tickr.news  Von 0630.

    Stechmücken mit Krapfen zu Karneval - Folge 71

    Stechmücken mit Krapfen zu Karneval - Folge 71
    Aschermittwoch, für Marcus den Karnevals Muffel ein Feiertag, gut das wir diese Folge an diesem Tag aufgenommen haben. Wie nennt man bei euch eigentlich Krapfen, oder Berliner, oder Pfannkuchen? Also dieses typische Gebäck zur 5. Jahreszeit? Außerdem sprechen wir über Stechmücken die schon jetzt, im Februar unterwegs und aktiv sind, Janett berichtet von der 18 Staffel "Germanys next Topmodel", Marcus dafür über "Wer stiehlt mir die Show" und beide einigen sich auf die Good News die wir von LeFloid übernommen haben. Danke an der Stelle Richtung Berlin. 

    Ein Dankeschön auch an unseren Werbepartner Babbel. Klick den Link und erhalten bei einem 3-Monatsabo nochmal 3 Monate Gratis obendrauf, oder bei einem 6-Monatsabo sogar 6 Monate für ume oben drauf. 

    Unsere Spotify Playlist und Ihr dürft gerne auch Vorschläge für weitere Songs machen. 

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    延长人类寿命最重要的两个发明:一个是抗生素,还有一个是疫苗。在新冠大流行期间,世界顶级五家药厂与创业公司,如何在疫苗的研发与生产上,开始了一场速度的竞赛。 在这次新冠大流行以前,科学家们已经研究了mRNA技术很多年,但此前从未有过任何一款mRNA疫苗真正实现大规模应用。但按照美国现在市场的注射来说,mRNA疫苗已经垄断了市场 ,mRNA技术以及背后的公司们是如何做到的? 【主播】 泓君,资深媒体人 【嘉宾】 周叶斌,遗传学博士,现在药企从事免疫学研究 (微博:@生物狗Y博,公众号:一个生物狗的科普小园) 张璐,Fusion Fund管理合伙人 【你将听到】 01:40 什么是mRNA疫苗 03:36 为何新冠疫苗是全球最早大规模应用的mRNA疫苗 07:53 新冠之前,投资机构为何不看好Moderna的mRNA技术 11:40 mRNA学界早期质疑: 不稳定、容易被分解、生产困难 15:18 BioNTech:为新冠疫苗做出核心贡献的创业公司 22:41 辉瑞与BioNTech的合作细节 23:35 辉瑞生产秘诀——国防生产法:拜登政府一路开绿灯 25:50 全球四支主流团队的疫苗竞赛:mRNA疫苗是如何胜出的 32:27 Novavax,重组蛋白疫苗效果好,但应对变种困难 34:57 生产困难:原材料重新布局 38:20 最被看好的强生反而出现生产问题 39:28 Moderna与辉瑞的生产比较 43:58 复兴与BioNTech的合作 45:46 如果mRNA疫苗改的不对,副作用很大 50:33 Moderna与辉瑞的知识产权官司:划地盘 53:16 mRNA错综复杂的专利技术,大多数是十几年前申请的 55:28 辉瑞如何成为现阶段大赢家 59:02 新趋势:制药巨头与创业公司的合作 61:10 市场份额打到6:4,Moderna不输辉瑞 63:35 不是大公司的竞争,而是跟病毒的赛跑 64:41 播客荐书 【播客中提到的疫苗研发团队】 Moderna 莫德纳,成立于2011年的生物技术公司,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,专注癌症免疫治疗,基于mRNA技术做药物研发和疫苗开发。新冠mRNA疫苗的核心开发与生产团队。 BioNTech 创建于2008年的德国生物技术公司,专注于肿瘤与严重疾病的免疫治疗公司。 Pfizer辉瑞 创立于1849年,总部位于美国纽约的跨国制药与生物技术公司。根据收入排名,辉瑞现在已经成为全球最大的制药公司。 强生 成立于1886年,总部位于美国纽泽西州的制药公司、医疗保健品与医疗器械集团。新冠期间与旗下杨森(Janssen)团队联合开发新冠疫苗。 阿斯利康/牛津 成立于1999年,是位于瑞典阿斯特公司和英国捷力康公司合并而成的大型英瑞合资生物制药公司。新冠期间与牛津大学的科研团队联合研发新冠疫苗。 Novavax 创建于1987年的美国疫苗研发公司。 复星医药 创建于1994年的中国制药集团,曾与BioNTech合作开发mRNA疫苗。 【相关阅读】 勇者的犒赏:辉瑞CEO披露全球首支mRNA疫苗幕后故事 https://finance.sina.com.cn/cj/2023-01-10/doc-imxzsqhq2152491.shtml mRNA疫苗之战:莫德纳为何输给辉瑞? https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20220228A0375100 【相关书籍】 《A shot to save the world》——Gregory Zuckerman 《he First Shots: The Epic Rivalries and Heroic Science Behind the Race to the Coronavirus Vaccine》——Brendan Borrell  《Moonshot: Inside Pfizer's Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible》—— Dr. Albert Bourla 【后期】 Amei 【在这里找到我们】 公众账号:硅谷101 收听渠道:苹果|小宇宙|喜马拉雅|蜻蜓FM|网易云音乐|QQ音乐|荔枝播客 海外用户:Apple Podcast|Spotify|TuneIn|Google Podcast|Amazon Music 联系我们:podcast@sv101.net Special Guests: 周叶斌 and 张璐.

    Investments & Exits - mit Lisa Liu von UVC Partners

    Investments & Exits - mit Lisa Liu von UVC Partners

    In der Rubrik “Investments & Exits” begrüßen wir heute Lisa Liu, Investment Manager bei UVC Partners. Lisa bespricht die Finanzierungsrunde von Hystar und die Übernahme von Instadeep durch Biontech.

    Das norwegische Unternehmen Hystar hat 26 Millionen US-Dollar bei einer Series-B-Finanzierungsrunde von AP Ventures und Mitsubishi Corporation eingesammelt, um die Produktion von grünem Wasserstoff auszubauen. Es benutzt Polymerelektrolytmembran-Elektrolyse (PEM), die 90% dünner sind als herkömmliche Elektrolyseure und 150% mehr grünen Wasserstoff produzieren können. Das Ziel des Unternehmens ist es, Projekte in großem Maßstab zu realisieren und die Produktionskapazität für Projekte mit einer Leistung von 100 MW und mehr zu erreichen.

    Biontech hat den bisher größten Zukauf in seiner Unternehmensgeschichte gemacht. Mit 362 Millionen Pfund (410 Millionen Euro) hat es Instadeep, ein britisches Startup im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI), übernommen. Mit dieser Übernahme möchte Biontech sein Engagement im Bereich der KI ausbauen und eine weltweit führende Plattform für die KI-basierte Entwicklung von Impfstoffen und Immuntherapien schaffen. Instadeep hatte zuvor eine Partnerschaft mit Biontech und hat unter anderem ein Früherkennungssystem für die Identifizierung von gefährlichen Sars-CoV-2-Varianten entwickelt.

    About You • BioNTech • Microsoft • OpenAI • Binance • Gerichtsverhandlung mit KI-Anwalt • Elon Musk • Virgin Orbit • Coinbase

    About You • BioNTech • Microsoft • OpenAI • Binance • Gerichtsverhandlung mit KI-Anwalt • Elon Musk • Virgin Orbit • Coinbase

    Heute u.A. mit diesen Themen:

    • About You verzeichnet mehr Kunden und mehr Verlust
    • BioNTech übernimmt KI-Startup Instadeep
    • Microsoft könnte 10 Milliarden Dollar in OpenAI investieren
    • Gerichtsverhandlung mit KI-Anwalt
    • Kunden ziehen Milliardensumme von Binance ab
    • Elon Musk jetzt im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde
    • Erste britische Weltraummission von Virgin Orbit gescheitert
    • Neue Entlassungswelle bei Coinbase
    • Microsoft-KI kann Stimmen sofort simulieren

    'Tripledemic' of flu, RSV & COVID-19 cases continue to rise with Andrea Garcia, JD, MPH

    'Tripledemic' of flu, RSV & COVID-19 cases continue to rise with Andrea Garcia, JD, MPH
    It's National Influenza Vaccination Week and AMA Vice President of Science, Medicine and Public Health Andrea Garcia, JD, MPH, reminds you to #FightFlu by getting your flu shot. Also covering the latest news on coronavirus from a post-Thanksgiving surge, what doctors need to know about monoclonal antibody treatments, and Pfizer BioNTech submitted an Emergency Use Authorization application to the FDA for its omicron-targeting coronavirus booster for children younger than 5. American Medical Association CXO Todd Unger hosts. CDC Influenza resources for physicians: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/nivw/activities.htm

    303 Creative Takes First Amendment Challenge to Supreme Court

    303 Creative Takes First Amendment Challenge to Supreme Court
    Top 5 News Headlines and Commentary for Tuesday, December 6, 2022. 1. 303 Creative Takes First Amendment Challenge to Supreme Court. 2. Gavin Newsom Plans Profit Cap for Oil, Gas Industry. 3. Pfizer, BioNTech Seek FDA Consent to Vaccinate Children Under Five Years Old. 4. White House Labels Twitter’s Email Leaks Suppressing Hunter Biden Story as “Old News”. 5. Germany Mandates People Get Vaccinated Before Being Euthanized.

    Zalando • FTX-Film • Biontech-Gründer • Theranos • Foxconn • Kuaishou • Sam Bankman-Fried

    Zalando • FTX-Film • Biontech-Gründer • Theranos • Foxconn • Kuaishou • Sam Bankman-Fried

    Heute u.A. mit diesen Themen:

    • Zalando wegen Geheimverträgen mit Top-Managern in der Kritik
    • Biontech-Gründer: Krebsmittel überzeugt in Phase-3-Studie
    • Studie untersucht Wirkungsgrad von Startup-Marken
    • Apple plant FTX-Film
    • Theranos-CEO soll in Gefängnis mit minimaler Sicherheit
    • Bankman-Fried entschuldigt sich bei Mitarbeitern
    • New York schränkt Mining von Kryptowährungen ein
    • TikTok-Rivale Kuaishou wächst
    • Proteste bei Apple-Zulieferer Foxconn

    Las noticias de la tarde del viernes 26 de agosto de 2022

    Las noticias de la tarde del viernes 26 de agosto de 2022

    La operación de tráfico por el retorno de las vacaciones ha comenzado con pocas complicaciones.

    El ministro de la Presidencia, Félix Bolaños, ha cargado contra el PP por su rechazo al plan energético convalidado ayer en el Congreso de los Diputados. Mientras, la secretaria general del Partido Popular, Cuca Gamarra, ha instado al presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, a que "levante el teléfono para hablar con el líder de la oposición".

    El secretario general de UGT, Pepe Álvarez, ha anunciado un otoño de grandes movilizaciones y conflictos si la CEOE no se sienta a negociar para revisar los salarios para ajustarlos al crecimiento de la inflación.

    La farmacéutica Moderna ha presentado una denuncia contra las compañías Pfizer y BioNtech.

    La Central de Zaporiyia vuelve a conectarse con la red eléctrica de Ucrania.

    Este viernes se ha publicado el esperado single de Britney Spears y Elton John, "Hold Me Closer".

    Producción: Daniel Relova
    Realización: Paula San Pablo


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    BD Develops New Monkeypox Test + FDA Authorizes COVID-19 Vaccines for Infants

    BD Develops New Monkeypox Test + FDA Authorizes COVID-19 Vaccines for Infants

    In this episode, Ayesha discussed a new collaboration between leading medical technology company Becton Dickinson (BD) and CerTest Biotec who will work together to develop a molecular diagnostic test for the detection of the monkeypox virus. Learn about how BD will leverage its BD MAX platform to develop and validate CerTest’s under development monkeypox test amid an anticipated growing demand for testing given increasing cases of monkeypox infection around the world.

    Ayesha also talked about the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s amended authorizations for Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines to include children as young as six months old. The authorizations were based on the FDA’s analysis of efficacy and safety data in pediatric populations. Hear about the vaccine trials and parents’ attitudes towards vaccinating younger children.

    Read the full articles here: 

    Monkeypox Test Kit in Development by Becton Dickinson in Partnership with CerTest Biotec

    FDA Authorizes Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Under Five After Unanimous Advisory Panel Support

    For more life science and medical device content, visit the Xtalks Vitals homepage.

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    BioNTech Partners for mRNA Vaccine Delivery Tech + Pfizer Acquires ReViral for RSV Therapeutics

    BioNTech Partners for mRNA Vaccine Delivery Tech + Pfizer Acquires ReViral for RSV Therapeutics

    In this episode, Ayesha discussed BioNTech’s new collaboration with Matinas BioPharma to explore the company’s lipid nanocrystal (LNC) delivery technology for mRNA vaccines. LNC structures are more stable than the lipid nanoparticle technology used in the current COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Learn about how BioNTech hopes to leverage Matinas’ LNC platform to develop improved mRNA vaccines, including the possibility of orally administered vaccine formulations. 

    The editorial team also talked about Pfizer’s acquisition of RSV antiviral therapeutics company ReViral Ltd. in a $525 million deal. Pfizer made the purchase to help expand its RSV portfolio, which currently includes a candidate RSV vaccine that received breakthrough therapy designation from the FDA for the prevention of RSV in individuals 60 years of age and older. With the acquisition, Pfizer is looking to expand its infectious disease portfolio after the great success of its COVID-19 program.

    Read the full articles here: 

    BioNTech Partners with Matinas BioPharma to Develop New Delivery Technology for mRNA Vaccines

    Pfizer to Acquire RSV Antiviral Developer ReViral in $525 Million Deal

    For more life science and medical device content, visit the Xtalks Vitals homepage.

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    Startup Insider Daily • Air Up • Hellofresh Go • Apple

    Startup Insider Daily • Air Up • Hellofresh Go • Apple

    Der tägliche Nachrichten-Podcast der deutschen Startup-Szene

    Heute u.a. mit folgenden Nachrichten:

    Hollywood-Glamour für Air Up Hellofresh Go ist insolventCloud der Schwarz-Gruppe gestartetApple plant eigene Zahlungsinfrastruktur „Breakout“Clubhouse mit geschützten ProfilenRussische Alternative zum Google Play StoreTwitter-Posts beeinflussen VCsApple und Meta fallen auf falsche Ermittler rein

    Heute begrüßen wir im Rahmen der Reihe “Investments & Exits” Peter Specht, Partner bei Creandum.

    #70: Bruno Montanari - How Venture Capital Supports Science And Innovation

    #70: Bruno Montanari - How Venture Capital Supports Science And Innovation

    Big corporations strive to bring new solutions to their customers to help them solve their most pressing problems.

    To do so the corporation needs to be innovative. That's why companies like Apple, Google, Pfizer, and similar players want to cooperate with start-ups and scale-ups globally.

    Such cooperations strive to collaborate with top startups, invest in them, and sometimes acquire them to have access to novel ideas. By innovating the big players stay competitive, secure growth, and also help keep their employees motivated and curious.

    One of the best ways to foster innovation is creating Venture Capital funds. Venture funds collect capital to invest in high-risk early-stage innovative startups to help them grow.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • Why is Venture Capital important for Innovation in Life Science?
    • What is the Secret Sauce of Venture Capital?
    • Venture Capital Success Stories
    • What is the Current Situation of Venture Capital in Europe?
    • And much more

    Who is the expert in the show?

    Bruno Montanari is a Partner at Seroba. He has a background in venture capital and in investment banking, with a focus on the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries.

    Bruno sits on the boards of STORM Therapeutics and Coave Therapeutics.

    Youtube: https://youtu.be/nG8DspNug-4

    00:00) Introduction
    (03:30) Start of the Conversation “How Venture Capital Supports Science & Innovation”
    (03:45) What is Venture Capital?
    (07:30) Why is Venture Capital Necessary?
    (08:35) How Capital Intensive is Drug Development in Life Science?
    (11:55) Why Do Research Organisation and Big Pharma Need Companies in Between the Value Chain?
    (17:15) How Much Capital is Needed to Bring a New Therapy to the Market?
    (19:10) Why do some Life Science Start-Ups Fail?
    (24:30) How Can Venture Capital Help to Build Europe Into a Startup Continent?
    (31:53) How Innovation Changes the World
    (32:40) The Entrepreneurship Mindset between Academia and Industry
    (36:45) The State of Venture Capital in Europe
    (39:00) Elements Needed to Develop the Life Science Industry in Europe
    (42:35) Why Do Life Science Companies in Europe get Listed on the NASDAQ?
    (49:00) The Advantages of Specialized Investors
    (50:50) Benefits for Family Offices and High Networth Individuals to Invest in a Venture Fund Rather than directly into early-stage startup companies
    (59:00) Seroba Life Sciences
    (01:00:40) Success Stories from the Venture Capital Life
    (01:06:15) What kind of Deals are VCs looking for?
    (01:09:15) The Importance of Gathering Information before Closing a Deal – on both sides of the negotiation table
    (01:14:10) How to Balance Pitching and Relationship Building
    (01:19:30) 2x/10x/100X – Why are these metrics important to VCs
    (01:23:30) Deal Closed and they lived happily ever after – How does life look like

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    BioNTech Unveils Modular mRNA Factories for Africa + FDA Authorizes Eli Lilly Monoclonal Antibody Effective Against Omicron

    BioNTech Unveils Modular mRNA Factories for Africa + FDA Authorizes Eli Lilly Monoclonal Antibody Effective Against Omicron

    In this episode, Ayesha discussed BioNTech’s new modular mRNA factories, called the BioNTainer, that are destined for Africa to help boost COVID-19 vaccine supplies on the continent. The modular production units are housed in containers that come equipped with raw starting materials and state-of-the-art technology for producing mRNA-based vaccines from start to finish, except for the fill-and-finish step, which will be carried out by local manufacturers. Despite most African leaders welcoming the container factories, there is some controversy over BioNTech’s “paternalistic” control over production of its vaccine, especially since it continues to resist calls for patent waivers for its vaccine.

    The team also talked about Eli Lilly’s new COVID-19 monoclonal antibody bebtelovimab that received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicated for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are at risk of progressing to severe disease. The treatment replaces Eli Lilly’s previous monoclonal antibody cocktail of bamlanivimab and etesevimab, which was pulled by the FDA over a lack of effectiveness against the Omicron variant. Lilly’s new monoclonal antibody has shown neutralizing activity against Omicron in lab studies so far. The US Department of Human Health Services (HHS) is making it available to patients free of charge. The team discussed how quickly the new monoclonal antibody was developed, showing that companies like Eli Lilly are continuing to work on new iterations of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines in the face of new emerging variants.


    Read the full articles here: 

    BioNTech Unveils the BioNTainer, a Modular mRNA Vaccine Factory to Help Production in Africa

    FDA Authorizes Eli Lilly’s Bebtelovimab Which Demonstrates Activity Against Omicron

    For more life science and medical device content, visit the Xtalks Vitals homepage.

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    Jan 31, 2022 - Zapp raised $200 million, VoxGen got acquired by Waterfield Tech

    Jan 31, 2022 - Zapp raised $200 million, VoxGen got acquired by Waterfield Tech

    Welcome back to United Kingdom Tech Weekly Deals Roundup, a weekly podcast by Tracxn for key startup deals in United Kingdom from last week. 

    In this edition, we will cover funding rounds of Zapp, Instadeep, and more. In exits, we will cover the acquisition of Cotopaxi by Spirax-Sarco Engineering among others.

    Starting with our deep dive into funding rounds, tech companies in United Kingdom raised around $586 million of funding across 30 funding rounds during this week.

    Online Grocery startup, Zapp, raised $200 million in a Series B funding round led by Lightspeed Venture Partners, 468 Capital, BroadLight Capital, and others. Zapp is an online platform offering multi-category grocery products. Zapp's product offerings include drinks & beverages, groceries, snacks, ice cream, pharmacy, baby products, pet essentials, and more. Zapp offers mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms. Founded in 2020, Sevenoaks-based Zapp has raised $200 million till date.

    London-based enterprise applications startup, InstaDeep, raised $100 million in a Series B funding round led by Alpha Intelligence Capital and CDIB Capital with participation from Synergie, google, and others. InstaDeep is a Provider of AI-based solutions for organizations. InstaDeep offers products to address the challenges of optimization and automation. InstaDeep offers a decision-making system that leverages reinforcement learning to make decisions on its own. InstaDeep's product can be used to provide services in the field of logistics, finance, and healthcare. Founded in 2015, InstaDeep has raised $107 million till date.

    Energy Tech startup, Nexeon, raised $80 million in a Series D funding round led by BNW Investment, SJL Partners, SKC, and others. Nexeon is a Silicon-based anode developer. Nexeon claims that they have patented a unique way of structuring silicon so that it delivers extended cycle life and increases battery capacity. Nexeon's first commercially available material is low-cost silicon. Nexeon also claims that the graphite currently used in the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process can simply be replaced with materials and used in combination with conventional polymer binders and current collectors, thus allowing for easy adoption in existing Li-ion batteries production lines. Founded in 2006, Abingdon-based Nexeon has raised $255 million till date.

    London-based FinTech startup, 365 Business Finance, raised $74 million in a Series C funding round led by Kendall Capital. 365 Business Finance is a Business cash advance provider. 365 Business Finance is a direct lender for business cash advances ranging from GBP 5K-100K, with flexible repayments at a fixed percentage of card sales. 365 Business Finance offers loans for the business with an operation for at least 12 months, and average credit and debit cards sales during the period should be at least GBP 5K per month. 365 Business Finance's platform claims to have a 90% approval rate and approvals within 24 hours. Founded in 2012, 365 Business Finance has raised $74 million till date.

    FinTech startup, Moneyfarm, raised $59 million in a Series D funding round led by M&G. MoneyFarm provides an online platform for investment planning & advisory services. Moneyfarm helps users in portfolio management based on their profiles and goals. Moneyfarm offers advisory services for investment in stocks & shares, pension management, and wealth management. MoneyFarm also features tools for tracking investments. Founded in 2011 by ex-Morgan Stanley employee, London-based Moneyfarm has raised $186 million till date.

    London-based Environment Tech startup, Sylvera, raised $32 million in a Series A funding round led by Index Ventures and Insight Partners with participation from Salesforce Ventures, LocalGlobe, and others. Sylvera is a Provider of solutions to offset the carbon footprint. Sylvera's Users can understand the real-time carbon performance of offset projects through the platform. Sylvera also allows users to explore satellite imagery to see the real story on the ground. Founded in 2020 by London Business School alumni, Sylvera has raised $40 million till date.

    Technology startup, PQShield, raised $20 million in a Series A funding round led by Lee Fixel with participation from Crane and Oxford Science Enterprises. PQShield is a Provider of quantum computing solutions for secured communication. PQShield uses post-quantum algorithms to protect data. PQShield also uses a cryptographic SDK for mobile and server technologies that can protect sensitive information, identities, and cybersecurity infrastructures. PQShield provides solutions to industries, such as the automotive, industrial, and manufacturing industries. Founded in 2018, Oxford-based PQShield has raised $27 million till date.

    London-based HR Tech startup, Otta, raised $20 million in a Series A funding round led by Tiger Global Management with participation from LocalGlobe and Founder Collective. Otta is an online job portal for multiple industries. Otta's platform allows the hiring staff to post the jobs for free and recommend the jobs to the candidates based on their skills and experience. Founded in 2000 by University College London alumni and University of Cambridge alumni Otta has raised $20 million till date.

    This was all from the funding updates, moving on to the exits. United Kingdom Tech observed 6 exits during the week of 30 Jan 2022.

    Skelmersdale-based energy tech startup, Cotopaxi, was acquired by Spirax-Sarco Engineering for $18 million. Cotopaxi provides energy management solutions which include software and services for optimizing energy usage. Cotopaxi Energy monitoring products include the eXpert Boiler, Motor, Pump, and Fridge to track the energy of the respective equipment, alongside Strata, which is an energy management software. Cotopaxi Services provided include energy consulting, end-to-end CHP solutions, and boiler and steam audit services. Cotopaxi was Founded in 2009.

    London-based gaming tech startup, Faceit, was acquired by Savvy Gaming Group. Faceit is a free-to-play eSports gaming platform. Faceit's platform helps the gamers to discover and showcase their skills to potential sponsors and professional eSports teams. Faceit's platform also runs its own eSports tournaments where individual users and teams can register and compete. Faceit's users can also add games onto the platform to compete and win awarded points. Founded in 2012, Faceit has raised $17 million till date from Makers Fund, Creator Collective Capital, and others.

    This was all for today, we will be back next Monday with more updates. You can subscribe to our podcast on Google Podcasts to stay updated. If you have any feedback, please reachout to us at podcast@tracxn.com. Thank you for tuning in today, see you next week.

    #63: Albert Missbichler, Peter Llewellyn-Davies - This was 2021 - A Year in Review Part 4/7

    #63: Albert Missbichler, Peter Llewellyn-Davies - This was 2021 - A Year in Review Part 4/7

    Part 4 of the Year in Review Recording.

    1 hour minutes of inspiring conversations with speakers from previous podcast episodes and business partners of the hosts.

     What was hot in 2021, and what do our speakers expect for 2022?

    In this episode, we talk about

    • Biotech in Austria
    • Culture of Success
    • Business Angels, Investment and Market Perspective
    • Customer Needs and Entrepreneurship

    I hope you enjoy the conversation the same way I did.

    Who are the Experts in this episode:

    Video to the Episode: https://youtu.be/IGybV1SsTko

    (00:00) Opening Christian Soschner / Albert Missbichler
    (02:00) Peter Llewellyn-Davies Biotech in Austria
    (03:22) How was 2021 for Life Science Entrepreneurs?
    (05:12) How was 2021 for Biotech Austria?
    (06:45) The situation of Life Science Infrastructure in Austria
    (08:00) Lab Space in Austria
    (09:30) Europe Needs a Culture of Success
    (12:25) English Proficiency in Austria
    (14:08) Agenda 2022 – Biotech Austria – 3 Main Goals
    (16:30) Goal #4: Availability of Capital for Life Science Investments
    (18:10) Goal #5: Availability of Funding for Clinical Trials
    (19:30) Goal #6: Have Fun
    (20:15) Astrid Wollard / Christian Soschner / Matthias Tarasiewicz– Education – Health and Financial Literacy – Beginner’s Mindset
    (25:30) Why Beginner’s Mind Matters More Than Ever
    (28:18) The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Oxford
    (30:05) How Did the Start-Up Scene in Europe Evolve since the 90s?
    (32:25) Albert Missbichler – Entrepreneurship & Business Angel in Life Science
    (35:00) Fianostics – Diagnostics during Covid
    (37:25) From Prototype Stage to Market Entry
    (38:35) How Important Is Market and Financing Expertise in the Early Stages of a Company?
    (43:04) Entrepreneurship Mindset and Customer Needs
    (47:00) Outlook to 2022 – Importance of Meeting in Real Life
    (49:20) Direct Contact to Customers in the Digital World
    (52:00) Content Marketing Helps to Build Trust Online
    (56:30) How Building Business Relationships Changed During the Pandemic

    Podcast Links:
    Community Partner: https://linktr.ee/lsg2g
    Christian Soschner: https://linktr.ee/soschner
    Podcast Community: https://lsg2g.substack.com/
    LSG2G Twitter: https://twitter.com/LGet2gether
    LSG2G Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/life-science-get2gether
    Podcast Episodes: https://pod.link/1493847125
    Episodes on YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlZfrwd6iXrQ3LIANISUpP22seS2CsCEV
    Podcast Website: https://www.lifescienceget2gether.com/

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    FDA and CDC Update Guidelines Amid Omicron + Life Science Trends for 2022

    FDA and CDC Update Guidelines Amid Omicron + Life Science Trends for 2022

    In the first episode of 2022, Ayesha provided updates on Omicron and COVID-19 vaccine boosters. The FDA expanded authorization of booster doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to youth between 12 and 15 years of age, a third dose for immunocompromised children between five and 11 years old and a shorter wait time to get a booster for individuals 12 and older. Meanwhile, the CDC reduced isolation and quarantine periods by half to five days. The team discussed the implication of these updates and despite the direness of the current situation, expressed hope in seeing the pandemic finally end.

    Ayesha also discussed some of the predicted trends in the life sciences in 2022. These include the continued promise of RNA-based vaccines and therapeutics like RNA editing for the treatment of various conditions including rare genetic diseases. Digital transformation in healthcare is another significant trend that will continue in 2022. Tools like wearable technologies, electronic data capture and integration of AI approaches are enabling the digital transformation of healthcare to help improve and revolutionize patient care.


    Read the full articles here: 

    Key Trends in the Life Sciences to Look Forward to in 2022

    For more life science and medical device content, visit the Xtalks Vitals homepage.

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