

    Explore "bizstrategy" with insightful episodes like "#80: Tactical Tuesday: Using Group Funnels to Grow your Prospect List", "#76: Tactical Tuesday: 3 Ways to Grow your Business with Podcasts", "#70: Tactical Tuesday: Leveraging Guest Expertise to Explore New Opportunities", "#66: Tactical Tuesday: Boost Marketing through Stellar Customer Service with Guest Host Francis Waldecker" and "#62: Tactical Tuesday: Bootstrap your Startup the Right Way Using Facebook Groups" from podcasts like ""Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast", "Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast", "Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast", "Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast" and "Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    #80: Tactical Tuesday: Using Group Funnels to Grow your Prospect List

    #80: Tactical Tuesday: Using Group Funnels to Grow your Prospect List

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast invites Nelly Duprat, his wife and founder of Luscious Letdown, to guest host this week’s Tactical Tuesday episode. Nelly shares how she’s utilizing Facebook Groups to build her Luscious Letdown community and grow her prospect list. She also highlights how she’s leveraging Group Funnels to help with this growth using a Chrome Extension. 


    Episode Highlights:

    • Episode #62 of Tactical Tuesday provides the background story of how Nelly Duprat started her business Luscious Letdown and why her personal experiences with breastfeeding led her to assist others struggling with this challenge.  
    • Nelly talks about the value of building a robust prospect list to grow your business versus only using social media such as Facebook and Instagram.  
    • Two ways to collect email addresses are through offering free downloads from your website or through Facebook Groups.  
    • Nelly shares the questions she uses for joining her Luscious Letdown Facebook Group. This includes asking for an email address and about their greatest breastfeeding struggle.  
    • Nelly chooses to let everyone into her Facebook Group who wants to be there, even if they didn’t provide their email address because at some point they might become a customer.   
    • By adding Group Funnels via a Chrome extension, you can approve multiple Facebook group requests at once versus one at a time and they’re automatically downloaded into  a Google Drive spreadsheet.
    • Upload your email addresses from the spreadsheet to an email service provider and scale your list size and costs as you grow.   
    • Luscious Letdown has been growing daily since it started in December 2019 with almost 500 Facebook Group members.
    • Nelly engages daily with her Luscious Letdown Facebook Group Monday through Saturday by providing valuable information to build trust and relationships.  


    3 Key Points:

    1. Collect email addresses through an opt-in on your website where visitors can download a PDF of free content in exchange for their email address. 
    2. Before a member is approved to join your Facebook Group, post questions for them to answer such as what is your email address, how did you hear about us and questions specific to your business. 
    3. Upload your Google Drive spreadsheet containing your email addresses to an email service provider like MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit or Kajabi.  


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “Collect and create an email list because that’s where your money is - in your email list. That’s where you’re going to sell your product and people buy more from email compared to Facebook or Instagram.” – Nelly Duprat
    • “Instead of individually manually approving each member in your group, you can add (Group Funnels) as a Chrome extension...add it to your Chrome and then Group Funnels does the job for you.” – Nelly Duprat
    • “When (Facebook Group) members request your approval to get into your group, are you going to let everybody in or the people that answered the questions? – Nelly Duprat

    Resources Mentioned:

    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizstrategy #facebookgroups #groupfunnels #prospectlist #breastfeeding

    #76: Tactical Tuesday: 3 Ways to Grow your Business with Podcasts

    #76: Tactical Tuesday: 3 Ways to Grow your Business with Podcasts

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast talks about how to leverage podcasts to get exposure for your business. He explains three options and the value each provides, which includes sponsoring podcasts, being a guest on podcasts and creating your own podcast. 


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason talks about the benefit of podcasts for your business, particularly when it comes to building brand awareness and affinity. 
    • One option to leverage podcasts for your business is to sponsor a podcast. 
    • By sponsoring a podcast, you affiliate your brand with the show’s content, which is evergreen as podcasts typically don’t have a shelf life.   
    • If you do sponsor a podcast, Jason recommends checking to see if there are limits on how long your sponsorship ad will run.  
    • Typically, podcast ads cost considerably less than other advertising channels.  
    • Another option for leveraging podcasts is to be a guest on a show, which helps people become aware of and familiar with your business. 
    • Jason shares that his mentor, John Lee Dumas, recommends appearing on no less than 7-10 podcasts per month as a guest.   
    • The third option for engaging with podcasts is to create your own show. 
    • If you choose to do your own show and you plan to do more than one episode each week, Jason recommends building a team to help with production and promotion.  
    • Most podcasters tend to quit after only 7-10 episodes. 
    • If you produce your own show, Jason points out you can repurpose your podcast content on blogs using your shownotes.  


    3 Key Points:


    1. You can gain exposure to your business by leveraging podcasts. The three options include sponsorship, guest appearances and creating your own show. 
    2. Sponsoring a podcast provides an evergreen advertising opportunity with content that can potentially exist forever online.   
    3. Starting your own podcast takes a lot of consistency, effort, time, great content and building out a team. 


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “Most of the hosts will actually read their own version or whatever you script for them as far as an advertisement, which has actually shown to produce better results than having a professional voiceover artist.” – Jason A. Duprat
    • (Appearing as a guest) “Many of them are interview-style podcasts. You're going to share your knowledge, your information, your success, your story, your failures. You’re  going to build brand awareness.” – Jason A. Duprat
    • “Most people have hired out a team to write the show notes, to help them write some of the content ideas, to help market the podcast and to help book guests.” – Jason A. Duprat


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizstrategy #podcast #podcastsponsor #podcastguest

    #70: Tactical Tuesday: Leveraging Guest Expertise to Explore New Opportunities

    #70: Tactical Tuesday: Leveraging Guest Expertise to Explore New Opportunities

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast discusses the differences between free, local Meetups and membership-based Masterminds. He talks about his decision to move from forming an Orlando Meetup to considering forming a Mastermind group instead. Jason highlights the takeaways he received from Aaron Walker, a recent guest and Mastermind group leader. He also talks about the value of hosting onsite and virtual Mastermind groups.  


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason shares his reasons for canceling his proposed free, local Meetup in the Orlando area.
    • He highlights the expertise of recent guest Aaron Walker, a Mastermind group leader and the possibility of Jason training with Aaron on how to execute paid Masterminds. 
    • A few of the top qualities of Aaron’s virtual Masterminds includes providing each member with reading content and opportunities to share and respond, as well as sitting in the ‘hot seat.’ 
    • In addition to a virtual Mastermind, Jason is exploring the idea of equipping his property to host in-person Masterminds as well. 
    • A key attribute for Mastermind groups includes having access to accountability partners to ensure progress and forward momentum.


    3 Key Points:

    1. Jason decided to cancel his proposed Meetup in Orlando due to a lack of interested individuals, which he attributes, in part, to it being free.   
    2. Aaron Walker, who was recently interviewed on the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast, runs 15 national and international mastermind groups, averaging 10-12 people in each group. 
    3. Jason is exploring training with Aaron due to his wealth of expertise. In the virtual Mastermind, each member is invited to sit in the ‘hot seat’ to talk about their problems so the group can provide feedback based on their own experiences.  


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “The thing we discovered with local Meetups is that, essentially, the quantity of interested persons is pretty limited.” – Jason A. Duprat
    • “When people pay, they pay attention and if something is free they sort of just don’t care.” – Jason A. Duprat
    • “We have a large 5-acre property and we just ran it by the CPA to see what we could do as far as making an arrangement to get people here once or twice a year as part of the Mastermind experience.” – Jason A. Duprat

    Resources Mentioned:

    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizstrategy #meetups #masterminds

    #66: Tactical Tuesday: Boost Marketing through Stellar Customer Service with Guest Host Francis Waldecker

    #66: Tactical Tuesday: Boost Marketing through Stellar Customer Service with Guest Host Francis Waldecker

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast invites Francis to return as guest host. In this episode, find out how to leverage stellar customer service to elevate your marketing and brand. Discover the three things you must do consistently to provide outstanding customer services and the value of having multiple touch points for customer conversations.   


    Episode Highlights:

    • Within the healthcare industry, and across many other industries flooded with options, customer service is extremely important to stand out from the competition. 
    • Francis shares two major brands that deliver outstanding customer service. One example is Amazon. By offering free two-day delivery, compared to others who charge high rates for a longer delivery time, Amazon has crushed the competition.    
    • Another example is Zappos. They enhance customer service by not putting a time limit on phone calls when a customer service representative is speaking to a customer to troubleshoot problems and ensure satisfaction. 
    • Customers calling in are important and valuable prospects because they’re taking an extra step to learn more about your product or service offering beyond using the internet.  
    • Great customer service experiences provide positive advertising because they generate word-of-mouth. These experiences get customers talking about your business to their family and friends. 
    • There are three things Francis recommends you must do to ensure stellar customer service. Answer your phone, provide a solid online or in-person experience and follow up. 
    •  If you encounter a negative customer experience, apologize. Listen to the complaint, provide empathy and ask what you can do to make it right.  


    3 Key Points:

    1. Answering your phones when they ring is a strong way to deliver great customer service because those customers are seeking immediate answers to their questions.   
    2. Having a process and system in place helps you greet customers properly when they enter your business and allows you to get to know your regular customers better.  
    3. Following up with customers after you’ve provided a product or service is a point of differentiation. Some examples include sending a thank you note or an email to check in to ensure their experience with your brand was positive.


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “One of the biggest ways you can differentiate yourself and get a lot more people coming in talking about you is by providing really, really good customer service.” – Francis Waldecker
    • “I know you don’t really think of Amazon as customer service. But, think about their two-day shipping. What better customer service could you give than getting people their online orders quicker and faster?” – Francis Waldecker
    • “The number one way I see most businesses falling short is not answering their phones.” – Francis Waldecker


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizstrategy #customerservice #marketing #branding #customerexperience #customersatisfaction

    #62: Tactical Tuesday: Bootstrap your Startup the Right Way Using Facebook Groups

    #62: Tactical Tuesday: Bootstrap your Startup the Right Way Using Facebook Groups

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast talks about his wife starting her own business called Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group. He shares how she identified her three circles to determine her Sweet Spot for Success and the right business niche. He also discusses the development phase of her business and how to engage with prospects using Facebook Groups for audience building and testing business markets.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason’s wife is starting her own business called the Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group, replicating the process they used to develop the Ketamine Academy Course and IV Therapy Course.
    • The idea for Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group began from breastfeeding issues Jason’s wife experienced when she had their baby daughter in March.
    • Jason reminds listeners of the three circles that intersect to create the Sweet Spot for Success: what you do well, what you want to do and what people are willing to pay for.
    • Highlighting the three circles for success for Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group, Jason shares why this method works and the value of launching a business using this method.
    • Testing the market for Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group stemmed from Jason’s wife interacting with Facebook Groups and engaging with other mothers who struggled with the same breastfeeding issues.
    • As a startup business tool, Facebook Groups are an effective long-term play to establish an audience by sharing free advice and adding value.


    3 Key Points:

    1. The Sweet Spot for Success for Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group includes Jason’s wife’s expertise as an RN, her passion for breastfeeding and working through her own issues and witnessing the need for information on breastfeeding by interacting in Facebook Groups.
    2. To test the market for the Luscious Letdown Breastfeeding Support Group, Jason’s wife joined Facebook Groups and then decided to start her own based on her interactions in those support groups.
    3. Provide value in Facebook Groups to get people to know, like and trust you.


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • (On lactation consulting) “Now it’s become her passion because she spent so much time reading books, watching YouTube videos and studying. And now she’s going to get her certification in lactation consulting.” – Jason Duprat
    • “We know there’s market demand because we struggled personally. We also found several dozen Facebook Groups talking about this (breastfeeding) specific topic.” – Jason Duprat
    • “In the very first question before joining the group, we ask - ‘what is the number one problem they’re facing as it relates to breastfeeding?’ So we’re getting super valuable information.” – Jason Duprat


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizstrategy #sweetspot #skills #passion #marketdemand #breastfeedingproblems #lactationconsultant #facebookgroups

    #58: Tactical Tuesday: The 3 Circle Intersection for Sweet Spot Success

    #58: Tactical Tuesday: The 3 Circle Intersection for Sweet Spot Success

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast discusses how to develop the idea of your business by identifying three different areas directly related to your business. Where these three areas meet is the sweet spot of a successful business startup. Jason provides examples by highlighting a radiology tech who started his own product, a marketer who joined Jason’s team and a potential business his wife is exploring.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason begins by talking about how to develop your business idea using 3 circles: what you’re good at, what your passionate about and what the market demands.
    • Jason talks about expertise areas a healthcare professional might be good at.
    • He breaks down what constitutes an area of passion.
    • Jason shares an example highlighting a radiology tech he recently interviewed who created a new product serving an unmet need.
    • How did Jason go about establishing the idea for Ketamine Academy?
    • Jason discusses a potential new business he’s helping his wife explore, who is a registered nurse.
    • How can you test your business idea’s sweet spot and hone your communication skills at the same time?


    3 Key Points:

    1. The 1st Circle is what you do you well.
    2. The 2nd Circle is what you want to do.
    3. The 3rd Circle is what people are willing to pay for.


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “What you do well...it consists of your current knowledge and your current skill set.” – Jason Duprat
    • “What you want to do...these are items you might be passionate about or things you have a really strong interest in and they might not be things you are good at right now.” – Jason Duprat
    • “What people are willing to pay for...this consists of your existing market’s problems and the demands of that market.” – Jason Duprat


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizidea #sweetspot #skills #passion #marketdemand #ketamine #ketamineacademy

    #54: Tactical Tuesday: Increase your Productivity and Output with an Executive or Virtual Assistant

    #54: Tactical Tuesday: Increase your Productivity and Output with an Executive or Virtual Assistant

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast shares his advice regarding executive assistants and virtual assistants. He clarifies the differences between the two roles, how you should source either role and how both can help you amp up your business productivity and output.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason explains the difference between an executive assistant (EA) and a virtual assistant (VA).  
    • VAs handle tasks that are more tactical versus strategic. Tasks are repetitive in nature and don’t take too much time away from revenue-generating initiatives. 
    • VAs are less expensive to hire than executive assistants.  
    • Jason elaborates on the types of jobs a VA would do for a business.   
    • Consider offering a competitive salary to secure a good EA.  
    • Jason highlights the types of tasks you should pass off to an EA.   
    • VAs and EAs increase productivity and output. 
    • Should your VA or EA be local or remote? 
    • How do you go about posting a job for a VA or EA for your business?  
    • Jason shares a few online tools for sharing passwords, posting jobs and automating the interview process.  


    3 Key Points:

    1. VAs are more focused on repetitive tasks that don’t necessarily require a higher strategic level of expertise and can be hired at about $7 or $8 an hour.   
    2. You can pay an EA anywhere from $13 an hour, all the way up to $30, $40 or $50 an hour depending on where they’re located - either in the US or internationally.  
    3. You can source a quality EA online in the US, Europe, the Middle East, India and Pakistan. Make sure to test their English language skills via a phone call or video chat.  


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “A VA tends to do more tasks that don’t require a lot of thought processes. It’s very tasky. So, maybe like transferring data into spreadsheets or uploading a spreadsheet to your email hosting software.” – Jason Duprat
    • “64% of Phillipinos speak English, and really good English. So, that’s a place to hire somebody online who works remotely, speaks English, and doesn’t cost a fortune.” – Jason Duprat
    • “An executive assistant essentially is going to take tasks off your plate. They’re sort of a replica of you. They’re going to learn how you’d respond to something and they’re going to be able to use high-level thinking.” – Jason Duprat


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #virtualassistant #executiveassistant #startup #bizstrategy

    #50: Tactical Tuesday: Strategy of Preeminence with Guest Host Francis Waldecker

    #50: Tactical Tuesday: Strategy of Preeminence with Guest Host Francis Waldecker

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast invites Francis Waldecker as guest host for this episode of “Tactical Tuesdays.” Francis helps Jason with marketing for the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy and the Ketamine Academy. Francis talks about “The Strategy of Preeminence” by Jay Abraham, why you should provide value before expecting money and how keeping your clients at the top of your priority list can expand your business. 


    Episode Highlights:

    • Francis introduces himself and talks about his role behind-the-scenes of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy and the Ketamine Academy. 
    • Francis explains what “The Strategy of Preeminence” means.
    • Why is it really important to pay it forward with value before receiving compensation? 
    • What are Jay Abraham’s beliefs on providing value?  
    • Keep the client at the center of all of your thoughts. 
    • Clients need to understand why something has value. 
    • Francis recommends reading “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got,” also by Jay Abraham.
    • Put your client’s success above your own. 


    3 Key Points:

    1. Give your clients or your community value before they pay you anything.  
    2. Educate your clients and be their mentor. 
    3. Providing value builds trust. Trust builds love. Love builds comfort in doing business with you. 


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “The Strategy of Preeminence” is the belief that value should be given before money ever exchanges hands.” – Francis Waldecker
    • “You should always be looking for how you can help your customer. What can you do to make sure they make the best decision for themselves?” – Francis Waldecker 
    • “Don’t be afraid to give away information and knowledge on the front end. Because when they see all the value you’re giving, see how knowledgeable you are, see that you really truly are the expert, it’s going to build trust.” – Francis Waldecker  


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entreprepreneur #entrepreneurship #bizstrategy #valuebeforemoney #payitforward #customercentric

    #43: Catie Harris: Find your Niche and Build a Successful Business Model

    #43: Catie Harris: Find your Niche and Build a Successful Business Model

    Catie Harris, PhD, MBA, RN, Entrepreneur and Founder of the NursePreneurs Podcast, speaks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. Catie discusses how she chose a niche for her first business and how she helps nurses find their best business ideas. She also shares several tools and tips, including how a podcast can help build your business and why it’s important to monetize your knowledge and skills. 


    Episode Highlights: 

    • What is Catie’s background? Where did she grow up?
    • How did she transition to her first business?
    • How long did she run this business and how did she get it started? 
    • What kind of problems did Catie run into initially?
    • What did her first business model look like?
    • How did Catie create an experience where patients and surgeons were happy?
    • How did the NursePreneurs podcast evolve?
    • Catie offers advice to healthcare professionals who want to explore and execute a business idea.  
    • How did she set up the NursePreneur business model?
    • What are some of the struggles she faced? 
    • Catie explains the benefits of a mastermind and how to pick the right one for your business needs.  
    • When should someone start a podcast?
    • What are the pros and cons of podcasting?
    • What's the most common mindset people need to get over before considering entrepreneurship?


    3 Key Points:

    1. When she wanted to explore building a business model, Catie found a small niche to focus on and found a creative way to provide premium experiences to her clients.
    2. A mastermind group can provide a place to talk openly about your business and get feedback about what to do next.
    3. When starting a podcast, put out a lot of content and dominate a small niche.


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • I take nurses with no ideas (or too many ideas) and find what they love to do and show them how to get started.” – Catie Harris
    •  As long as you have an audience and there are people who are interested in what you're talking about, you can monetize.” – Catie Harris
    • When you find that one person, there's really no amount of money that will be enough to pay them if they can get you results.” – Catie Harris

    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #nurse #nursepreneur #bizmodel #bizstrategy #podcast #mastermind

    #40: Tactical Tuesday: Deciphering the Code for Going from Good to Great

    #40: Tactical Tuesday: Deciphering the Code for Going from Good to Great

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast shares his takeaways from the book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t by Jim Collins and why he recommends it. 


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason opens this episode talking about his time at the National Nurses in Business Association conference in Las Vegas.
    • Jason highlights why he recommends reading Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t by Jim Collins. 
    • What are the key concepts Jason found in the book? 
    • Jason closes the podcast with an invitation for show guests, including healthcare professionals such as pharmacists, physicians, and respiratory therapists to expand his interviews beyond the nursing profession.  


    3 Key Points:

    1. Jason listened to an amazing audio book called Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t by Jim Collins and plans to buy the hard copy because it was packed with incredible business insight. 
    2. The book emerged from five years of research with a research team.
    3. Key concepts in Jim Collins’ Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t include: level 5 leadership, first who then what, confronting brutal facts, the hedgehog concept, the culture of discipline and the flywheel concept. 


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “If you guys are interested in a great book, it’s called Good to Great by Jim Collins. It’s a #1 Bestseller with 5 million copies sold.” – Jason Duprat 
    • (When it comes to great leaders) “It’s not about them. It’s about their team and the common vision.” – Jason Duprat 


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #goodtogreat #level5leadership #hedgehogconcept #bizstrategy

    #38: Tactical Tuesday: Creating Alliances Through Networking and Business Partnerships

    #38: Tactical Tuesday: Creating Alliances Through Networking and Business Partnerships

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast, talks about his experience at the American Society of Ketamine Physicians (ASKP) Conference, the reasons to hire an attorney for your business, and what he’ll be doing at the National Nurses in Business Association conference in Las Vegas.


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason reflects on his attendance at the ASKP conference in Denver, Colorado. 
    • What was the downside of the conference? 
    • What are Jason’s ideas on how ASKP can be more inclusive?  
    • Jason talks about the value of building alliances and working together in a unified manner.
    • Why is it important to partner with a good attorney?
    • What are some of the business tasks you should consult an attorney for? 
    • Jason talks about getting ready to go to the National Nurses in Business Association conference in Las Vegas and why he looks forward to networking.  


    3 Key Points:

    1. Jason believes we can all add to the body of knowledge when it comes to entrepreneurship. 
    2. Facebook proved to be a good starting point for dialogue between ketamine providers and ASKP board members on how ASKP can be more inclusive. 
    3. Good attorneys may be pricey but they can keep you out of legal trouble and protect your business.


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “One of my biggest mottos is everyone should be working together and learning from each other. That’s why I started my podcast.” – Jason A. Duprat 
    • “I’d prefer to remain united. It’s just better that way than divide and conquer. I’d rather build an alliance and conquer.” – Jason Duprat  


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #askp #networking #conference #bizattorney #bizstrategy

    #37: Travis Chappell: The Fundamentals of Networking: Add Value and Leverage Connections

    #37: Travis Chappell: The Fundamentals of Networking: Add Value and Leverage Connections

    Travis Chappell, host of the Build Your Network Podcast and a Top 25 Business Podcaster speaks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. Travis talks about how entrepreneurs should ditch their fears of networking and they can build authentic relationships. He also shares his insight and experience for launching a successful podcast.  


    Episode Highlights: 

    • Where did Travis grow up and how did he transition into entrepreneurship and become an expert in networking?
    • Travis always had an entrepreneurial itch - it started when he owned a landscaping business in high school.
    • At one point, he was on the path to full-time ministry but realized he wanted to actually be in sales.
    • How did Travis get into his first sales position and what did he sell? 
    • He describes cultivating the feeling of exclusivity and how to consider your tonality and facial expressions when it comes to sales.
    • Travis listened to self-development podcasts and was inspired by John Lee Dumas. 
    • If you're not willing to invest in yourself or your business, then it's going to be much more difficult. 
    • How did he get the idea to launch a podcast?
    • 90% of podcasters don’t make it past the eleventh episode.
    • Travis recommends taking beginning podcasting courses before launching your own show. He also recommends 1:1 podcast coaching or podcast consulting.
    • Ask yourself: What are you expecting out of the show and invest accordingly.
    • If you have a large business already, podcasting will amplify your message and build customer relationships. 
    • When it comes to his business, what are the different ways he’s monetizing?
    • How did Travis get connected with high-level people?
    • How did he provide value to his mentor?
    • Adding value is doing kind things for other people without expecting an immediate return or any return. 
    • Relationships are built through memories and experiences.


    3 Key Points:

    1. Add value as much as you can to the top 1% of people in your industry. 
    2. Travis knew if he wanted to succeed in podcasting, he needed to be around someone who had risen to a high level of success.
    3. If you want to turn your podcast into a business, treat it like a business.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    • "You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You’ve got to get around people who have figured it out and do what they say." – Travis Chappell
    • People severely underestimate what it takes to gain an audience.” – Travis Chappell
    • Connect with the top 1% in your industry. Add value as much as you can to those people. Then leverage those initial connections into breaking into larger circles of those people.” – Travis Chappell


    Resources Mentioned:


    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #sales #startup #podcast #networking #mentor #bizstrategy

    #022: Tactical Tuesday: My Mentor John Lee Dumas Gives 7 Figure Advice

    #022: Tactical Tuesday: My Mentor John Lee Dumas Gives 7 Figure Advice

    Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast, shares segments of his strategy call with coach and mentor, John Lee Dumas. They talk about how to grow your business to 7 figures and Jason reflects on what it’s like to have someone who is many steps ahead of you support you with affirmation and focused goals.  


    Episode Highlights:

    • Jason talks about his mentor John Lee Dumas (JLD), the host of the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast
    • What should you do if you have too many tasks to juggle? 
    • Why should you hire a COO?
    • Jason discusses creating a partnership podcast.  
    • Jason and JLD talk about the importance of a content strategy. 
    • What interviewing advice did JLD give to Jason?


    3 Key Points:

    1. Fill a COO position while you have the bandwidth and energy to make it happen.  
    2. Top of the funnel, organic leads that come in on their own are the most valuable because they have zero associated costs.  
    3. To get a helpful candidate reference, ask the past employer to speak to his/her quality of work for a minimum of a six month period. Share your business goals and ask - what do I need to know about this candidate relative to my goals? 


    Tweetable Quotes:

    • “If you pay bananas, you get monkeys.” – John Lee Dumas
    • “What does an entrepreneur who is making 7 figures in course sales have? They have a COO.” – John Lee Dumas  
    • “A COO will release you to do what only you can do, which is be the content creating machine for your business.”  –- John Lee Dumas   


    Resources Mentioned:

    #HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneurs  #EntrepreneursOnFire #johnleedumas #bizstrategy #content strategy #mentor #coach