
    blowing rock church

    Explore " blowing rock church" with insightful episodes like ""Discovering Your Worth" This is Us Sermon Series #22", ""How Hope Overcomes The World" Living Sacrifices Series #16", ""The Dangerous Dilemma of Deceived Sheep" Following Jesus Sermon Series #33", ""In God we Trust" Following Jesus Sermon Series #26" and ""Take My Word for It" Following Jesus Sermon Series #17" from podcasts like ""First Baptist Blowing Rock", "First Baptist Blowing Rock", "First Baptist Blowing Rock", "First Baptist Blowing Rock" and "First Baptist Blowing Rock"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    "Discovering Your Worth" This is Us Sermon Series #22

    "Discovering Your Worth" This is Us Sermon Series #22
    How do we determine our worth? Is it our income? our talent? our abilities? For the Christ follower our value or worth should not be defined by who we are, or what we can do, or have done but rather "whose" we are. From our story in Nehemiah we discover that the Israelites used the old broken and burned bricks from the destroyed wall to rebuild the new wall. They literally redeemed those bricks that had laid around for 170 years and which most people had considered worthless and gave them value. They formed the foundation of all that was new. God does the same thing for each of us. Even at our worst, God never stopped seeing our worth and value to Him - we just needed to be redeemed. Join us as we discover the beauty and joy of redemption and how valuable each of us really are to God. From Nehemiah 4:1-2, Nehemiah 6:15-16.

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    Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715

    "How Hope Overcomes The World" Living Sacrifices Series #16

    "How Hope Overcomes The World" Living Sacrifices Series #16
    It seems like you can't watch the news or get online without being overwhelmed with acts of "Evil" happening all around the world; church shootings, hunger and homelessness, marriages and homes dissolving and hate filled protest. We have a tendency to want to ask why? what happens that causes these events or these acts? The answer is simple; we live in an evil and fallen world and trying to understand it won't change it, trying to rationalize it won't change it, yet on this first weekend of Advent we find an answer; Hope! Paul closes Romans chapter 12 by reminding us that responding to evil with evil will never stop it or change it - the only thing that can overcome evil is good - and the Bible tells us that the ultimate good that overcomes evil is Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we do not live like those who have no hope, who fear evil,but with the understanding that evil can be overcome and one day it will be eliminated. Listen in to find out what that looks like in our everyday lives and how Hope can change everything. From Romans 12:21

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    "The Dangerous Dilemma of Deceived Sheep" Following Jesus Sermon Series #33

    "The Dangerous Dilemma of Deceived Sheep" Following Jesus Sermon Series #33
    In every letter that the Apostle Paul writes to the various churches he warns them about false teachers. Numerous times throughout the Gospels, Jesus warns about false teachers but none clearer and more direct than what is found at the end of his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7. He is very pointed in calling out those He calls "wolves in sheep" clothing whose intent is to build up their own kingdoms, their own power and their own prosperity at the expense of deceiving those looking to follow Christ. He then goes on with a scary and heartbreaking warning about the end results of those who get lured into these false teachings by describing what will happen when they stand before him in judgment at the end times. Instead of hearing "Welcome in my good and faithful servant", Jesus warns they will hear "Depart from me, I never knew you". We have a clear warning, we see the results of the deception but what is difficult to understand is how it happens. How does a sincere and spiritually seeking person get caught up in the web of false teaching? This message strives to answer that question by warning when each of us is vulnerable to the influence of false teachers. No one is exempt from falling for these lies that can lead to destruction; so what can we do to protect ourselves and those we love? Join us as we examine when sheep are the most vulnerable to predators, because the same is true for seekers and false teachers. From Matthew 7:15-23.

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    "In God we Trust" Following Jesus Sermon Series #26

    "In God we Trust" Following Jesus Sermon Series #26
    In Luke 18 when Jesus is asked by the "rich young ruler" what it takes to "inherit eternal life" Jesus responds by calling him to "sell all you have and give the proceeds to those in need". Was this a specific command for this one person or is it something He expects from every follower? In our series from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus seems to be encouraging his followers to invest their time/talent and treasure in eternal things over the temporary things of this world - but it is only a suggestion and not a command. What is the difference and how does it relate to those of us today who are followers of Christ? Maybe the issue was not that the "rich young ruler" had money but rather that his money HAD HIM. Listen in as we discuss what it means to only serve one master and the consequences that occur when we try to serve more than one. From Matthew 6:24

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    "Take My Word for It" Following Jesus Sermon Series #17

    "Take My Word for It" Following Jesus Sermon Series #17
    With the recent Presidential elections over and after a nasty and ugly campaign, one thing is pretty obvious; regardless of which candidate you supported - the character and integrity of a candidate no longer matters to a majority of Americans. Both candidates trustable rankings were in the low 30 % meaning that over 70% of America did not trust or believe the word of either candidate and yet the same people who said they did not trust or believe a candidate went on to support and vote for that same candidate. We make excuses like "someone's private life" shouldn't effect their "public life" and yet that is the exact same argument Jesus was dispelling in his Sermon on the Mount! The religious leaders came to believe that as long as everything looked good publically, as long as you followed the prescribed rules - you were spiritual/righteous; Jesus came along and said they had missed the point! Here in Matthew 5:33-37 He argues that it is our private lives - the condition of our hearts that holds the key to everything we do and His followers cannot separate their private faith from their public lives. He does so by explaining why integrity and truthfulness are so important; why character matters, why our words, our promises and commitments matter! It was a counter cultural message in His day, and even more so today!

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    A Few Sacred Cows that Need Tipping

    A Few Sacred Cows that Need Tipping
    Join us as we examine a few things that we have allowed to become sacred cows in our personal lives and in the life of the church that have the potential to become idols. Many of these are good, if not great things, that were created or given to us as a way to help develop a deeper relationship and walk with God but over time many of these things have become items of worship themselves. Anything that hinders, detracts or gets in the way of our worshiping and serving God has become an idol - even good things like a worship style, or a denomination, or even certain doctrines. You might be surprised at how these things grow from a sacred cow to an idol and what the end results can be on us as individual believers and on the church. From Matthew 12:1-14.

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    Are We There Yet? Harvest Day 2015

    Are We There Yet? Harvest Day 2015
    The "State of the Church" message on where we have been and where we are going. God's vision and purpose for First Baptist Church of Blowing Rock. From our annual Harvest Day joint worship service.

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    The Passion of a Spirit Filled Husband; To Be or Not To Be Series from Ephesians #36

    The Passion of a Spirit Filled Husband; To Be or Not To Be Series from Ephesians #36

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    Join us for our weekly worship online at www.firstbaptistblowingrock.com or our Youtube page.

    Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715

    Releasing the Song in your Heart; To Be or Not To Be, series from Ephesians #31

    Releasing the Song in your Heart; To Be or Not To Be, series from Ephesians #31
    "I just don't like to sing, it is nothing against the hymns or choruses". This statement is becoming more commonplace in worship every Sunday as more and more believers mumble through the song portion of worship. The problem with that is you have the dynamic Holy Spirit of God living inside you and He has a Song to sing. Maybe we need to examine our hearts to find out why we are quenching the Holy Spirit's song each week and discover how that is affecting your day to day lives.

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    Under the Influence; To Be or Not to Be series from Ephesians # 30

    Under the Influence; To Be or Not to Be series from Ephesians # 30
    Should Christians drink alcohol? Should Christians drink wine? Is wine evil? This passage from Ephesians 5 answers none of those questions and it is time we stop trying to make it say something it does not. It also does not imply that when a Christian is filled with the Spirit they will "act like a drunk". It also does not say that the amount of Holy Spirit we have is insufficient and we need a "second blessing" or a refill - Find out what Paul is trying to say when he reminds the Christians of Ephesus to "not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery, instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit". A little clue to help; it has little to do with you getting more Holy Spirit and a lot to do with the Holy Spirit getting more of you!

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    One Step Forward, Two Steps Back; To Be or Not to Be series from Ephesians #23

    One Step Forward, Two Steps Back; To Be or Not to Be series from Ephesians #23
    Can a Christian lose their salvation? Can they lose their relationship with God? Why do so many Christ followers lives seem no different than those that don't follow Christ? Find the answers to these questions as well as learning how most spiritual battles are won or lost before we ever act by joining us as we examine an important warning from the Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Ephesus. From Ephesians 4:17-24.

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    Moving Forward Together as One; To Be or Not to Be Ephesians series #19

    Moving Forward Together as One; To Be or Not to Be Ephesians series #19
    How important is unity in a church? Without it, a church cannot function, grow, serve or be effective. It is so important that as we move into the more practical aspects of Ephesians, Paul prefaces the promises and power of the church on whether or not they are united. A divided church is a dying church and too many churches have allowed disagreements to turn into division and that division turns into death. Join us as we discover the keys to unity and how we can have healthy disagreements and still move forward as a united body following God's leadership. We also address some of what has happened here at First Baptist in the past 18 months and the faithfulness of God as we move forward. From Ephesians 4:1-6

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    From Park to Power; To Be or Not to Be Sermon series from Ephesians # 15

    From Park to Power; To Be or Not to Be Sermon series from Ephesians # 15
    If God has given us everything we need to live and experience an "abundant life" while here on earth; what do I need to do to start experiencing it? In what many call the "heart" of the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul lays out some key principles that allow the Christ follower to move from reading about "biblical truths" to experiencing them in your everyday life. Are you experiencing power in your spiritual life? in your marriage? as a parent or grand-parent? Join us as Paul explains how you can move your life from "Park to Power" like shifting a car into 1st gear. From Ephesians 3:17-19

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    Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715

    Why Finding a Family Fits; To Be or no To Be Ephesians series #11

    Why Finding a Family Fits; To Be or no To Be Ephesians series #11
    Have you ever felt like you did not belong? Like you did not fit in? Ever walked into a room and everyone stopped talking? All of us have been on the outside looking in at one time or another but the Apostle Paul explains that for God's children that is no longer a reality! We belong! We are now a part of a family that we don't have to try to impress or be something we are not to get accepted - Listen and find out how God provides for you a family that fits. It could make all the difference in the world!

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    Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715

    "Saints" Introduction to new series from Ephesians "To Be or Not To Be"

    "Saints" Introduction to new series from Ephesians "To Be or Not To Be"
    What do you call those that identify themselves as a follower of Jesus Christ? What do you call yourself? "Christian" "Christ Follower" "Sinner saved by Grace" ? Does it really matter? The Apostle Paul thought so and rightly identified the faithful believers in Ephesus as "Saints" . Do you think of yourself as a "Saint"? If not; it could be the reason you find yourself struggling to embrace and claim all of the blessings and promises of God that are yours in Christ Jesus. It could be the reason you find you have a powerless faith. Join us as we kick off our new series from the Book of Ephesians and discover that it is foundational for Christ followers to understand their new identity in Christ. It matters because your identity will influence and direct your destiny!

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    Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715

    Dissecting the Heart of a Servant; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

    Dissecting the Heart of a Servant; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
    What makes a true servant serve? If it is not for the recognition or the fame, if it is not because they feel guilty or convicted or that they are somehow trying to pay God back; then what is it? Jesus tells us in Matthew 20 that the greatest in his kingdom will be the one who serve others - so what makes a servant tick? Join us for this message as we dissect and examine the heart of the Apostle Paul and learn how each one of us can develop a true heart of a servant.

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    Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715


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