

    Explore "brainwriting" with insightful episodes like "Lightning Decision Jam: Im Team neue Lösungen finden und schnell Entscheidungen treffen", "Unternehmen verbessern", "Besser entscheiden mit der Aufwand Nutzen Matrix", "Brainwriting statt Brainstorming" and "Mir fällt nichts mehr ein" from podcasts like ""Fit For Leadership - Das Beste aus agiler und klassischer Führung", "INNOQ Podcast", "Fit For Leadership - Das Beste aus agiler und klassischer Führung", "Fit For Leadership - Das Beste aus agiler und klassischer Führung" and "Der Gestaltungs-Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (8)

    Lightning Decision Jam: Im Team neue Lösungen finden und schnell Entscheidungen treffen

    Lightning Decision Jam: Im Team neue Lösungen finden und schnell Entscheidungen treffen
    Schnelle Lösungsideen, dabei einen hohen Einbezug aller Beteiligten. Verkürzte Entscheidungen statt ausufernder Diskussionen. Wenn du als Führungskraft genug hast von Meetings, die zu keinem Ergebnis kommen, dann solltest du dir unbedingt diese Folge über Lightning Decision Jam anhören. LIGHTNING DECISION JAM PRAKTISCH KENNENLERNEN? Dann komm` unbedingt in mein Führungstraining "Führung auf Augenhöhe" oder lade mich in euer Unternehmen ein. Und das Beste: Wir trainieren die Methode natürlich ganz praktisch und es gibt viele Tipps zur souveränen Anwendung . Du erfährst im Training, wie du ein Team lateral führst und lernst, wie du die Eigenverantwortung und Selbstorganisation deines Teams fördern kannst. ► https://fitforleadership.ch/fuehrung-auf-augenhoehe/ LUST AUF FÜHRUNGSSEMINARE, DIE ROCKEN? Meine Präsenztrainings und Online Seminare für Führungskräfte in der Schweiz und Deutschland. Hier mehr erfahren: ► https://fitforleadership.ch/ 95 PRAXIS-IDEEN FÜR EINE FÜHRUNG AUF AUGENHÖHE Hol dir das kostenlose Buch zum Podcast "Führung kann so einfach sein" ► https://fitforleadership.ch/ebook MACHE ALS FÜHRUNGSKRAFT DEN NÄCHSTEN SCHRITT Sichere dir hier dein persönliches Gespräch mit mir! Danach wissen wir beide, wie eine Zusammenarbeit aussehen könnte. ► https://fitforleadership.ch/telefontermin-buchen/ DU WILLST NOCH MEHR ÜBER MITARBEITERFÜHRUNG ERFAHREN? Für mehr Bonus-Tipps folge mir auf LinkedIn. ► https://www.linkedin.com/in/abenedix

    Unternehmen verbessern

    Unternehmen verbessern
    INNOQ wächst und verändert sich. Ein guter Zeitpunkt, sich selbst zu reflektieren und herauszufinden, was wir organisatorisch besser machen können. Doch wie genau funktioniert das eigentlich mit der Selbstreflektion? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, hat sich Lucas diesmal Hermann ins virtuelle Studio geholt. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über Methoden wie Design Thinking und Brainwriting, warum sich der Mut zur Masse lohnt und was das alles mit Fischen zu tun hat.

    Besser entscheiden mit der Aufwand Nutzen Matrix

    Besser entscheiden mit der Aufwand Nutzen Matrix
    Mit einem Brainstorming oder Brainwriting lassen sich schnell tolle Ideen sammeln. Aber welche dieser Ideen sollten dann auch tatsächlich umgesetzt werden? Um dies zu entscheiden, können wir die Aufwand Nutzen Matrix einsetzen. In der Podcastfolge erfährst du, wie sie aufgebaut ist und wie wir sie für unsere Entscheidungen nutzen können. MEIN SERVICE FÜR DICH: Führe doch klassisch UND agil Buche gleich hier dein persönliches Gespräch mit mir! ► https://fitforleadership.ch/telefontermin-buchen/ Danach wissen wir beide, wie eine Zusammenarbeit aussehen könnte. COMMUNITY: Sende mir auf LinkedIn kurz deine Kontaktanfrage, die ich sehr gerne annehme. Klicke hier und vernetze dich mit mir auf LinkedIn: ► https://www.linkedin.com/in/abenedix Ausserdem bist du herzlich in meine LinkedIn Community eingeladen: Hier profitierst du als Führungskraft oder HR-Entscheider*in sofort von exklusiven Bonus-Inhalten zum Thema Leadership und tauscht dich mit der Community und mir über spannende Führungsherausforderungen aus. Hier geht`s direkt zur Leadership Community auf LinkedIn: ► https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8982354/

    Brainwriting statt Brainstorming

    Brainwriting statt Brainstorming
    Brainstorming kennt wirklich jeder. Aus Meetings ist diese Kreativitätstechnik nicht mehr wegzudenken. Schade, dass das sogenannte Brainwriting nicht ganz so bekannt ist und dementsprechend auch weniger eingesetzt wird. Schliesslich hat das Brainwriting aus meiner Sicht einige grossartige Vorteile gegenüber dem Brainstorming aufzuweisen. In dieser Folge will ich dir die Vorteile schmackhaft machen.

    Five Ways to Generate New Ideas

    Five Ways to Generate New Ideas

    When it comes to the process of generating ideas, the default answer is to host a brainstorming session.  Are there other ways to generate new ideas that are not dependent on traditional brainstorming?  Today on Killer Innovations, I am going to share with you five that I use.

    Mind Mapping and Wishing 

    Mind mapping is a fairly common term nowadays; there are many types of software proving templates for mind mapping.  Traditionally they are used to organize your data, but it is also a great way to generate new ideas.

    • Develop your problem statement.
    • Write down the problem statement in the center of your idea (whiteboards work great).
    • Expand on this problem statement by surrounding it with terms that better describe what you need.
    • Now add a second layer to each of your needs describing how you might be able to solve for these individual challenges.
    • Keep adding to your mind map using the steps above until you have sufficiently broken down your problem into manageable parts.

    It is a fantastic ideation technique that encourages creative answers.  Another great way to generate new ideas is wishing.  Wishing encourages your team to let imaginations run wild.  Assuming you have a well-researched and understood problem statement, ask each participant to dream up the most unattainable solutions they can think of related to the problem statement.  Create a list of a few dozen wishes and go through the wishes by considering and discussing the ideas in detail.  Ask yourself:

    • What makes them so impossible?
    • How can that idea be scaled down?
    • Which features of that wish could we integrate into this other approach?

    You might be surprised to discover applicable, real-world solutions among the team’s wildest wishes.

    Six Thinking Hats

    Six Thinking Hats by Dr. Edward de Bono unleashed a new approach to generating ideas by breaking down the ideas into six areas of thought.  It helps participants put themselves into the shoes of another.  The six hats are:

    • Logic- the facts.
    • Optimism- the value and the benefits.
    • Devil’s Advocate- the difficulties and dangers.
    • Emotion- Feelings and intuitions.
    • Creativity- Possibilities and new ideas.
    • Management- Making sure the rules of the hats are observed.

    So, how do you use the tool? Have each member put on one of these different “hats” for the discussion. Make sure everyone has their say and for extended sessions, rotate the hats to others so everyone gets the opportunity to see the problem and ideas from a variety of different perspective.

    Brain-writing and Forced Combinations

    One challenge for generating ideas is to get everything that is rattling around in your head out.  In this exercise, each participant takes a piece of paper and writes down a few rough ideas for solving the problem statement.  Each piece of paper is then passed on to someone else, who reads it silently and adds their own ideas to the page.  This process is repeated until everyone has had a chance to add to each piece of paper.  Once each participant has retrieved their original piece of paper, they read and organize the ideas.  Then each participant shares the notes and ideas on their piece of paper.  The big advantage of brain-writing is that it makes sure everybody has an opportunity to share their ideas and it also reinforces the idea of “building on the ideas of others.”  The last way to generate ideas I wanted to share is one I have used with my own product teams.  The premise is to look at non-logical combinations to create entirely new ideas.  This exercise involves bringing together ides that serve very different needs or interest to form a new concept.  How does this work?

    • Bring a bag of random items to your ideation
    • Draw up two lists side-by-side of the items in the bag.
    • Ask a team member to pick two or more items and explore different ways they can be combined.
    • On the list, draw a line for each combination shared with a brief description of the ideas that resulted.
    • Put the items back in the bag.
    • Next person selects two or more items and repeats the process.

    This technique can produce some silly results, but it is ultimately a helpful way of getting your team out of a creative rut.


    Five Minutes to New Ideas 

    Everybody wants and needs change, but on the other hand we enjoy doing what we do well.  We tend to limit ourselves to the things we know we do well. When it comes to innovation, this plays out in spades when a new innovation team reaches success. They become repetitive in their process, believing the steps are what lead to success. This week on Five Minutes to New Ideas we will talk about how the only way to change creativity and generate new ideas in our lives is to do it deliberately.  We all can do things to get ourselves out of our old ruts and avoid the habit trap.

    CL058: Creativity consultant Gregg Fraley on creative problem solving techniques

    CL058: Creativity consultant Gregg Fraley on creative problem solving techniques

    Gregg Fraley is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, trainer, and consultant in commercial creativity and innovation who helps organizations with creative problem solving. Gregg’s diverse background includes everything from founding and managing high-flying software technology companies to working as an interactive television producer. He is the author of business novel “Jack’s Notebook” which is featured on many business school reading lists and he’s won an Emmy and a cable ACE award during his time at Warner Cable. Gregg is passionate about all things creativity and innovation and I’m delighted to have him on the show today.

    In this episode of The Creative Life Podcast Gregg talks about attending the Intrapreneur Conference and always looking to connect with new groups of people. He tells us about his experiences in working in the television industry for many years and also shares with us how he discusses creativity to larger organizations.

    "My stimulus for new ideas comes from experiences that I have in the marketplace. When I'm working with customers, I'm looking at how they're using what we're doing, I'm looking at how they're responding on what we're doing."

    - Gregg Fraley

    Gregg Fraley 'Creative Problem Solving' Show Notes:

    • The Intrapreneurship Conference (1:26)
    • IBM Survey on Creativity (4:00)
    • Creative Problem Solving (5:02)
    • Breakthrough innovation requires risk (10:06)
    • Creative Problem Solving (CPS) - Osborn and Parnes (14:08)
    • Problem Framing (14:23)
    • Brainstorming techniques for introverts (15:08)
    • Brainwriting (16;02)
    • Brainstorming training (17:58)
    • The business novel (26:04)
    • Idea management systems (29:35) 

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    Join James's Facebook fans: https://www.facebook.com/jamestaylordotme

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/jameskirktaylor

    This is The Creative Life, James Taylor's weekly YouTube show.




    As a creativity expert Taylor is a frequent guest speaker at universities and international conferences. He has given keynotes and talks at Apple, Subscription Site Summit in San Francisco, the British Music Show in the UK and at several universities across Europe including University of Dundee in Scotland and University of Macerata in Italy. He is often called upon by media outlets to give his views on trends in creativity and innovation. He has been quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle, Miami Herald, Columbus Dispatch, STV, Business Insider and San Jose Mercury News as well as featured on BBC TV and being the subject of a 30 minute program on his life for BBC Radio Scotland. As a host on shows about creativity and innovation he has interviewed legendary investor Maynard Webb (Yahoo.com, eBay.com & Salesforce.com board member) and New York Times best-selling writers Chris Guillebeau ($100 Startup), Rolf Potts (Vagabonding), Brand Cooper (The Lean Entrepreneur) and Ryan Holiday (Trust Me I’m Lying). James is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA).

    Meet James at http://www.JamesTaylor.me




    The Creative Life is a weekly self-improvement show full of #motivation, #inspiration, and #creativity strategies with creativity speaker and author James Taylor.

    The Creative Life blog can be read at: http://www.jamestaylor.me




    Never miss a video, and join the Youtube self-help community living the fully creative life: http://www.youtube.com/jamestaylorme

    TCL050: Brainwriting - Brainstorming Technique for Teams

    TCL050: Brainwriting - Brainstorming Technique for Teams

    In this episode of The Creative Life TV Show I talk about how brainwriting can be a great way to generate new ideas from your team. Based on the 6-3-5 brainstorming technique developed in the late 60's it works especially well for introverts.

    'Brainwriting' Show Notes:

    • 6-3-5 Technique
    • 6 Participants + Moderator
    • Define the problem to be solved
    • Each writes 3 ideas in 5 minutes
    • Pass to person on right
    • 6 rounds
    • 108 ideas in 30 minutes
    • Assures active participation, especially from introverts
    • Avoids people dominating the brainstorming session

    Join James's Facebook fans: https://www.facebook.com/jamestaylordotme

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/jameskirktaylor

    This is The Creative Life, James Taylor's weekly YouTube show.




    As a creativity expert Taylor is a frequent guest speaker at universities and international conferences. He has given keynotes and talks at Apple, Subscription Site Summit in San Francisco, the British Music Show in the UK and at several universities across Europe including University of Dundee in Scotland and University of Macerata in Italy. He is often called upon by media outlets to give his views on trends in creativity and innovation. He has been quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle, Miami Herald, Columbus Dispatch, STV, Business Insider and San Jose Mercury News as well as featured on BBC TV and being the subject of a 30 minute program on his life for BBC Radio Scotland. As a host on shows about creativity and innovation he has interviewed legendary investor Maynard Webb (Yahoo.com, eBay.com & Salesforce.com board member) and New York Times best-selling writers Chris Guillebeau ($100 Startup), Rolf Potts (Vagabonding), Brand Cooper (The Lean Entrepreneur) and Ryan Holiday (Trust Me I’m Lying). James is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA).

    Meet James at http://www.JamesTaylor.me




    The Creative Life is a weekly self-improvement show full of #motivation, #inspiration, and #creativity strategies with creativity speaker and author James Taylor.

    The Creative Life blog can be read at: http://www.jamestaylor.me




    Never miss a video, and join the Youtube self-help community living the fully creative life: http://www.youtube.com/jamestaylorme


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