
    business process outsourcing

    Explore "business process outsourcing" with insightful episodes like "How iQor Harnesses Active Learning Strategies to Boost Employee Engagement", "The Role of the IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines", "Utility 4.0 mit Dirk Fleischer (encore) – Gefunden? Das letzte, fehlende Teil im EVU-E-Commerce-Puzzle", "205: The Top 12 | How Amal Hassan Scaled Outsource Global into Africa's Top BPO Provider" and "#56 Bessere Customer Experience dank Business Process Outsourcing. Sascha Wollenberg (Teleperformance) bei Peter Pirner" from podcasts like ""Digitally Irresistible", "Digitally Irresistible", "Utility4.0 - The future of energy", "Business Infrastructure - Curing Back Office Blues" and "CX-Talks - Insights, Technologie und Management für bessere Customer Experience"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    How iQor Harnesses Active Learning Strategies to Boost Employee Engagement

    How iQor Harnesses Active Learning Strategies to Boost Employee Engagement

    A Former Frontline Agent’s Career Journey Contributes to a Powerful Active Learning Approach at iQor  

    In this episode of iQor’s CX Labs Digitally Irresistible podcast, Jason Miles, director of active learning design and development at iQor, sheds light on the transformative impact of active learning in training and development.

    Jason’s active learning methodologies draw from his wealth of experience in the BPO industry and his in-depth knowledge of learning and development thought leadership. His journey began as a frontline agent which evolved into his career in training, facilitation, and instructional design, ultimately leading to his current role at iQor as director of active learning design and development.

    In this episode, we dive deeper into the concept of active learning, its role in successfully training employees at iQor, and the remarkable results it has produced, including improved performance and customer satisfaction. Jason also previews upcoming active learning programs at iQor, shaping the CX landscape,  driving success for the brands we support, and creating smiles for their customers. 

    What is Active Learning?

    Active learning is an instructional design approach that actively engages individuals in their own learning process. Shifting away from traditional training methods in which learners passively receive knowledge, active learning involves a variety of activities to encourage engagement, understanding, and retention.

    Jason explains how active learning strategies encourage employee participation, practice, and a real application of knowledge to foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

    Instead of listening to an instructor at the front of the room presenting PowerPoint slides, learners in active learning settings enjoy opportunities to engage with one another and discuss and apply the concepts they’ve learned. A large part of this process includes interactive tasks, reflection, and feedback to continually improve the experience.

    Active Learning Strategies at iQor

    At iQor, active learning forms the foundation of our employee training and development experiences. This pedagogical approach stems from active learning research showing that adults (and anyone really!) learn most effectively when engaged in meaningful tasks. All aspects of the learning experience and its outcomes improve when learners receive the right resources to advance their understanding along with opportunities to practice, fail, learn, and improve in a supportive setting. 

    This trial-and-error process enables employees to learn from experience. iQor also provides ample opportunities for questions and feedback from experts and peers, an experience that breaks with the norm and has proven essential in creating meaningful and productive traning experiences . 

    In addition, iQor’s active learning approach emphasizes the importance of incorporating time for reflection, which is often overlooked in traditional training programs. By thinking about what they’re learning and assessing what they did well and what they can improve, trainees further advance their understanding and performance.

    “Reflection is actually one of the most important things that we’re adding, because very rarely do you get an opportunity in training to think about what you’re learning, and that’s where the actual learning happens.” - iQor Director of Active Learning Design and Development Jason Miles

    Active Learning Creates Success and Smiles

    The success story of active learning at iQor is exemplified in the transformative results it has produced. Jason's team led a redesign of training for a major retail customer, incorporating active learning techniques. 

    The impact was staggering, with zero attrition, 100% certification, and remarkable performance post-training. The group produced consistent improvements in key performance indicators (KPIs), including a surge in customer satisfaction scores (CSAT), net promoter scores (NPS), and first-call resolution rates. 

    The tangible impact of active learning on business outcomes underscores its vital role in driving employee performance and elevating customer experiences.

    Expanding Active Learning Initiatives

    Building on the success of active learning with training facilitators, iQor is poised to expand its active learning initiatives. In a forward-looking move, iQor plans to roll out a broader active learning design and development program to train new content developers and instructional designers in the art of crafting training content aligned with active learning principles. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development, iQor is paving the way for sustained performance excellence.

    Active Learning as a Catalyst for Organizational Growth and Excellence

    The insights Jason brought to our conversation offer a compelling narrative of the power of active learning in transforming employee training and its undeniable impact on business success. Through a commitment to active learning, iQor exemplifies how innovative training methodologies can drive tangible results, boost employee engagement, and deliver irresistible customer experiences that create smiles. 

    Through our Symphony [AI]TM ecosystem, iQor further drives excellent employee experiences by redefining the employee lifecycle, seamlessly blending automation and human capabilities. This innovative approach—spanning talent acquisition, training and development, and performance excellence—underscores iQor’s commitment to nurturing a highly efficient, compliant, and satisfied workforce. 

    As organizations navigate an evolving landscape and AI innovations, embracing active learning can be the key to unlocking the full potential of their workforce and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

    Watch the video here.

    Read the blog post here

    The Role of the IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines

    The Role of the IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines

    Supporting the BPO Industry and Driving the Digital Transformation of Businesses in the Philippines

    This week, we welcome Jack Madrid to the Digitally Irresistible podcast. Jack is president and CEO of the IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP). He oversees day-to-day operations for the primary trade body and advocacy group for the IT and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) sector in the Philippines.

    With almost 400 member organizations, including iQor, and six partner associations, IBPAP plays a pivotal role in sustaining the growth of the IT-BPM industry by working with stakeholders in the government and academia.

    On this episode, we discuss the role of IBPAP and how the organization supports the BPO industry and drives digital transformation among businesses in the Philippines. 

    A Transformative Journey to the BPO Industry

    After graduating from university, Jack began his career as a banker in both the Philippines and Hong Kong. That led him to a role overseeing strategic planning and business development for a Philippines-based conglomerate.

    His career then took an interesting turn when Jack became managing director for MTV Philippines, empowering him to reinvent himself professionally and personally. From there, he was introduced to the BPO industry in the Philippines where he recognized the future of the country and vibrant opportunities for job creation. This prompted his digital journey[BB1]  in marketing, setting up operations for Yahoo Philippines. After a few years there, he set out to establish the first e-commerce marketplace in the Philippines. Several years after that, he moved to Vancouver, Canada to be with family and six years later he returned to the Philippines to lead IBPAP—15 years after his introduction to the BPO industry.

    How IBPAP Supports the BPO Industry in the Philippines

    IBPAP is the flagship association for the IT-BPM industry in the Philippines, primarily representing the industry, its members, its employers, investors who have offshored their operations in the country, and—most importantly—BPO employees. IBPAP has grown to represent 1.56 million Filipino employees in the country since the beginning of the BPO industry in the Philippines several decades ago.

    In fact, IBPAP represents the largest industry in the Philippines in terms of jobs and revenue, contributing nearly 8% of the country's GDP. The work and mission of IBPAP is essential for advancing continued opportunities to create jobs throughout the country.

    Because the Philippines is an archipelago, jobs extend beyond metro Manila and Cebu to 25 cities throughout the countryside that have their own unique characteristics and talent pools with good universities to educate future talent and further expand the BPO industry in the Philippines.

    The Present State of the BPO Industry in the Philippines

    Jack notes that the BPO industry in the Philippines is entering an exciting new chapter given the COVID-driven migration of 1+ million employees to work-at-home (WAH) and hybrid environments. When onsite operations quickly moved to work-at-home and hybrid environments while maintaining security, productivity, and customer satisfaction, the BPO industry proved it could deliver outsourced customer service success independent of location and environment for global customers spanning different time zones across verticals and industries.

    Jack believes the future is bright as the BPO industry in the Philippines develops more value-added services for brands across the globe.

    Core Strengths and Advantages of the Philippines as an IT-BPM Investment Destination

    Jack says the primary strength of the Philippines as an IT-BPM investment destination lies in Filipino talent. With a population of 110 million, the Philippines has the demographics and the scale to grow the IT-BPM industry even more. The Filipino workforce is world renowned for excellent communication skills, English fluency, patience, empathy, and the ability to adapt and learn new skills to resolve customer issues across different industry verticals. 

    Talent supply will always be an advantage, but Jack recognizes the need to continue to build on that strength given the continued demand for offshoring to the Philippines. On top of that, he says the Philippines has done a great job building up the digital infrastructure and internet connectivity throughout the archipelago outside of metro Manila and Cebu.

    As a nation comprised of thousands of islands, each with its own unique population and talent pool, internet connectivity has improved over the years and will continue to improve in the years ahead as IBPAP works with telecom partners. 

    Future Opportunities for the BPO Industry in the Philippines

    IBPAP recently launched its IT-BPM Roadmap 2028. They publish a new roadmap every six years to outline specific recommendations on how to grow the industry. 

    The most significant part of their Roadmap 2028 is the goal to deliver an additional 1.1 million new jobs for Filipinos by the end of 2028. IBPAP will work with industry stakeholders, government partners, and the private sector to realize this vision over the next six years.

    The roadmap outlines the following four pillars to grow the IT-BPM industry in the Philippines.

    1.    Attract and retain investors by reinforcing the ease of doing business in the Philippines.

    2.    Cultivate an extensive and qualified talent pool. Work with the Department of Education and other partners in government to strengthen university and high school curricula and collaborate with the private sector to ensure the continued availability and employability of talent for the years ahead. Jack emphasizes that this is likely the most critical pillar.

    3.    Improve and strengthen digital infrastructure in the Philippines to ensure strong connectivity in in-office, at-home, and hybrid work environments throughout the archipelago.

    4.    Continue to strengthen the Philippines’ industry positioning to meet the challenge of adding more than 1 million new jobs in six years, a goal that took over two decades to achieve in the early years of the BPO industry in the Philippines.

    By focusing on these four pillars, tapping into new talent pools, and continuing to strengthen the Filipinos’ acceptance of the BPO industry as a long-term career path, Jack and his colleagues at IBPAP will continue to support the growth of the BPO industry and drive digital transformation among businesses in the Philippines.

    What Jack Does for Fun

    For fun, Jack’s passion is studying wine. He began his studies a few years ago and now teaches others as an informal wine coach. He enjoys sharing his knowledge about the wine regions as well as the different grapes and varieties of wine. He also spends a fair amount of time analyzing wines through blind tastings. When he’s not honing his wine skills, Jack enjoys playing golf and improving his short game.

    To learn more about Jack and IBPAP, connect with him on LinkedIn, Twitter, and the IBPAP website at www.ibpap.org.

    Watch the video here.

    Read the blog post here


    Utility 4.0 mit Dirk Fleischer (encore) – Gefunden? Das letzte, fehlende Teil im EVU-E-Commerce-Puzzle

    Utility 4.0 mit Dirk Fleischer (encore) – Gefunden? Das letzte, fehlende Teil im EVU-E-Commerce-Puzzle
    IT-Landschaften bauen und umbauen ist für mich als C64-Kind wie ein etwas zu großes Puzzle. Erst natürlich die Ecken, dann die Seiten und von da aus in die Mitte. Struggelig wird es dann beim Himmel, der am besten impressionistisch durchsetzt ist mit changierenden Wolkenfeldern. Ähnlich ging es mir mit encore, was eigentlich stehen soll für „Energie im Kern“, aber auch französisch im Sinne von „wieder“ eine neue IT-Lösung stehen kann. Ja, aber so ist es und so wird es zukünftig immer mehr der Fall sein auch in der Energiewirtschaft. Eine komplexe IT-Architektur mit verschiedenen offenen Systemen verschiedener Hersteller, die sich gegenseitig integrieren, miteinander auf Event- und Feldebene kommunizieren und bei Problemen auch einfach mal ausgetauscht werden. Viel Himmel, viel Wolken auch dort. Aber Dirk kennt sich als ehemaliger Head of Distribution bei Nokia gut aus mit großen, weltweiten Logistik-Puzzles. Er beschreibt encore als eine E-Commerce-Plattform für Neu- und Bestandskunden mit einem sehr zeitgemäßen Kundenservice-Portal und umfangreichen Fullfillment-Dienstleistungen. Damit kommt die Waschmaschine nach dem Umzug und dem Wechsel des Energieversorgers als Bonus pünktlich zur Einweihungsparty dazu, inklusive der „Vorwärts- und Rückwärtslogistik“, wie es Dirk so schön beschreibt. Wir besprechen in dieser Folge wie immer seine beruflichen Meilensteine, genauso wie die langjährige Entwicklung der encore-Plattform. Vom ersten Problem, ein emotionales Handy mit einem lamen Energievertrag zu verkaufen. Von der IT-Büchse der Pandorra, die man mit dieser Idee für lange Zeit geöffnet hat. Und vom Aufbau und Management eines großen Partner-Netzwerks, man könnte es auch wieder Partner-Puzzles nennen, aber reicht jetzt auch mit der Metapher. Oder ach, einmal vielleicht noch: mit Dirk versuche ich natürlich auch herauszuarbeiten, wo das encore-Teil am besten reinpasst. In die Ecken, am Rand oder doch irgendwo in der Mitte.

    205: The Top 12 | How Amal Hassan Scaled Outsource Global into Africa's Top BPO Provider

    205: The Top 12 | How Amal Hassan Scaled Outsource Global into Africa's Top BPO Provider

    Nigeria produces over 1M graduates annually. But many of them leave the country because there aren’t enough local jobs to hire them. Amal Hassan wanted to change that. She set out to start a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) contact center that would employ some of these graduates. She started it three different times only to be forced to shut down and relocate. The fourth time was the charm!


    In fact, Amal’s living proof of the tenacity required to build, grow, and scale a business. It’s no wonder why her original episode continues to garner downloads and made it to our Top 12 list.


    Now, Outsource Global employs over 850 people with clients in the U.S., UK, and Japan with 50% of their workforce being women! They single-handedly put Nigeria on the map as a BPO to contend with on the world stage.


    In this episode, Amal gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the quality control measures to select the best people, processes, and tools that sustain Africa’s top Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) provider. If your path to scaling your business seems treacherous, then you don’t won’t to miss this episode – Amal’s story might be just the inspiration you need to keep forging ahead!


    📝 Resources & Show Notes: https://www.eqbsystems.com/podcast/205-the-top-12-how-amal-hassan-scaled-outsource-global-into-africas-top-bpo-provider

    ❓ Got questions? Send them to me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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    #56 Bessere Customer Experience dank Business Process Outsourcing. Sascha Wollenberg (Teleperformance) bei Peter Pirner

    #56 Bessere Customer Experience dank Business Process Outsourcing. Sascha Wollenberg (Teleperformance) bei Peter Pirner
    Wie sieht die Zukunft des Customer Service aus? Do it yourself oder assistiert, digital oder multikanal, inhouse oder doch ausgelagert? Und was macht das mit den Kunden und den Unternehmen?▿ Alle Links und mehr Informationen findest du auf der Website www.cx-talks.com und in den ►Shownotes auf Spotify (Abonnenten des Podcasts), Apple ("Website der Episode"), alternativ auf https://cx-talks.podigee.io

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