

    Explore "caiaphas" with insightful episodes like "MATT712 - Sure We Murder People Sometimes, but We'd NEVER Inappropriately Allocate Funds Which We Got Back From a Hit We Ordered", "MATT711 - Judas Is a Burned Asset and No Amount of Groveling to the Religious Leaders is Going to Make Them Like Him", "MATT701 - Jesus Takes the Abuse While Peter Starts Ducking Questions", "MATT700 - The Rubicon is Crossed" and "MATT699 - How Could the Religious Leaders Miss on Jesus?" from podcasts like ""The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast", "The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast", "The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast", "The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast" and "The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (43)

    MATT712 - Sure We Murder People Sometimes, but We'd NEVER Inappropriately Allocate Funds Which We Got Back From a Hit We Ordered

    MATT712 - Sure We Murder People Sometimes, but We'd NEVER Inappropriately Allocate Funds Which We Got Back From a Hit We Ordered

    MATTHEW 27:3-10

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT711 - Judas Is a Burned Asset and No Amount of Groveling to the Religious Leaders is Going to Make Them Like Him

    MATT711 - Judas Is a Burned Asset and No Amount of Groveling to the Religious Leaders is Going to Make Them Like Him

    MATTHEW 27:3-10

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT701 - Jesus Takes the Abuse While Peter Starts Ducking Questions

    MATT701 - Jesus Takes the Abuse While Peter Starts Ducking Questions

    MATTHEW 26:66-70

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT700 - The Rubicon is Crossed

    MATT700 - The Rubicon is Crossed

    MATTHEW 26:66-68

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT699 - How Could the Religious Leaders Miss on Jesus?

    MATT699 - How Could the Religious Leaders Miss on Jesus?

    MATTHEW 26:57-64

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT698 - How to Show You're REAAALLLLY Mad in the First Century

    MATT698 - How to Show You're REAAALLLLY Mad in the First Century

    MATTHEW 26:57-66

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

     Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT697 - The Fascinating Social Consequences of Influential People Making Big Bold Testable Claims

    MATT697 - The Fascinating Social Consequences of Influential People Making Big Bold Testable Claims

    MATTHEW 26:57-64

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT696 - Could Jesus Have Walked If He'd Stayed Quiet?

    MATT696 - Could Jesus Have Walked If He'd Stayed Quiet?

    MATTHEW 26:57-64

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

     Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT695 - Are You the Christ the Son of God? ...Yep.

    MATT695 - Are You the Christ the Son of God? ...Yep.

    MATTHEW 26:62-64

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT694 - Jesus Takes the Vth

    MATT694 - Jesus Takes the Vth

    MATTHEW 26:57-58

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT693 - The Best Lies Run Parallel to the Truth

    MATT693 - The Best Lies Run Parallel to the Truth

    ATTHEW 26:59-61

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT691 - It Was Way Easier to Sneak Back Then Which Is Good For Peter Because He's About to Sneak

    MATT691 - It Was Way Easier to Sneak Back Then Which Is Good For Peter Because He's About to Sneak

    MATTHEW 26:57-58

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT690 - There Can Be Only One Mediator

    MATT690 - There Can Be Only One Mediator

    MATTHEW 26:57

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


     Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT689 - Caiaphas Is an Interesting Cat

    MATT689 - Caiaphas Is an Interesting Cat

    MATTHEW 26:57

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!


    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    ep92 馬可福音 十四 1-72 知道嗎?耶穌準備好才開始受難 + 聖餐後的猶大該死嗎?

    ep92 馬可福音 十四 1-72 知道嗎?耶穌準備好才開始受難 + 聖餐後的猶大該死嗎?
    ⭕️打開節目資訊欄 - 只看資訊欄也行 ⭕️拿出中文新譯本聖經和筆 ⭕️下載數位原文查經工具 iOS:微讀聖經 Android及電腦:信望愛聖經工具 🔳前情提要 耶穌交代:福音要傳萬民 預告門徒被抓,被關,要為基督作證 預告Ad66 猶太人反抗羅馬,ad70 聖殿被毀 預告"末世"開端的兆頭,ad1948 以色列復國 預告”末期"敵基督出現,站在第三聖殿,在以色列的選民要快逃到米甸西乃山上 預告"末日”基督降臨之前,天地會崩壞 🔳QA: 守聖餐的意義為何?需要嗎? 倒香膏的女人那麼重要?猶大真的該死嗎? 🔳猶大出賣耶穌 01 (香膏同天較早發生的事) 而過兩天後是”逾越節和(=kai 就是)除酵節”。 👉Ex 除夕就是春節前二天,農曆臘月28 祭司長們和文士們想法子,怎麼用詭計捉拿(耶穌=)他殺害; 02 而他們說:「不可在節期(=逾越節/春節)中,恐怕有百姓的暴動。」 👉bc1500起的摩西律法,除酵節7天內 = 春節期間,不能殺人 - 10 (跳10節,香膏之後猶大離開伯大尼) 而十二門徒之中一個,加略人猶大 (+由伯大尼)離去,到祭司長們那裡,為要把(耶穌=)他交給他們。 11 而(祭司長=)他們聽見就歡喜,且答應給(猶大=)他銀子。 (猶大=)他就想辦法如何 得便出賣(耶穌=)他。 - 👉曾有朋友對我說,猶大是”悲劇英雄”,肩負起別人做不到的事 (滿有道理的!) ❓猶大有什麼罪? 🔳伯大尼的香膏 03 而(耶穌=)他在伯大尼,在大痲瘋西門的家裡,他坐席的時候, 來了一個女人,拿著一瓶”至貴"的真(=純)哪噠香膏, 打破瓶子,倒在(耶穌=)他的頭上。 👉哪噠 = 甘松根的油,草本塊莖,產於東印度喜馬拉雅山脈,生長期一年一次,因特別香氣,可避免生物性的蟲害 - 04 而有”幾個人"很生氣地相互對說,「為何”浪費"這香膏呢? 05 因為這香膏可以賣超過"三百得拿利",且賙濟窮人」;; 他們就斥責(=這笨女人)她。 👉300得拿利(=銀幣) =工人年薪 ❓浪費:焦點在窮人?還是錢? 06 但耶穌說:「由她吧!為甚麼難為她呢? 她做了一件美事(=有用的事)在我身上。 07 因為常有窮人和你們同在, 且,當你們願意時,你們可以向(窮人=)他們行善; 只是,你們不常有我。 08 (這女人=)她做 那她所能做的; 她為預備安葬的事(=耶穌要被殺的事) 預先把香膏倒在我(=耶穌)身上。 09 但我實在告訴你們, 到"普天之下",在甚麼地方若傳這福音 也”要述說"這女人所做的,為她的記念。」 🔳耶穌受膏時間說法不同 1️⃣ ✅約十二1-11:伯大尼第一天,逾越節前6天,耶穌進城之前 2️⃣ ✅可十四3-9:進城後第4天,逾越/除酵節=過年 前2天 不確定祭司長決定殺耶穌 + 受膏,可能是"補充說明" ex ✅可六:約翰被殺 = 補充說明 ❓耶穌:普天之下傳福音,都要述說這女人所做的 👉CCCM:Alabaster jar - GateWay ;"香膏玉瓶” - 約書亞 ❓這女人做的事有多重要?香膏很貴?講奉獻?全部獻上? ❓奉獻2個小錢的寡婦,也奉獻全部,為何不被等同紀念? ✅撒上十1:撒母耳用膏油膏立掃羅作王;當代大祭司倒油膏立是舊約君王儀式 ✅但九26:受膏君被殺 = 受膏了才能被殺 ✅可十四1:祭司長必需”先"決定殺耶穌,伯大尼的女子才能膏耶穌 ❓耶穌:普天之下傳福音,都要述說這女人所做的 👉高舉耶穌為舊約天國君王,耶穌以君王身份結束在世上的生命,也結束舊約,復活後開始新約 ❓說法:耶穌被釘那週,有”兩個”除酵節 👉機率為〇,猶太曆=農曆=陰曆=月亮曆,一個月不會兩次月圓,即使潤月,也隔28天, 👉節期7天,除酵節如同華人春節 🔳最後晚餐 12(進城第5天,在伯大尼) 然後"除酵節”(=春節)的第一天(=十四日白天 =預備日), (+白天)當人們宰逾越羊羔時,他的門徒們對(+耶穌)他說: 「你願意在何處去吃”逾越節”的筵席(=年夜飯)呢?我們去預備。」 13 (耶穌=)他就打發他的門徒們中兩個人, 且對他們說:「你們離開(+伯大尼),到(耶冷=)城裡去, 且必有人拿著一裝水的陶瓶遇見你們,你們就跟著他。 14 (拿陶瓶的=)他進哪家去,你們就對那家的主人說: 『夫子問:我的客房在那裡? 在那裡我與我的門徒們要吃逾越節的筵席。』 15 然後(那家主人=)他必指給你們一間樓上擺設好備妥的大房間; 你們就在那裡 為我們預備。」 16 而(+2個)門徒們出去,就進了(耶冷=)城, 且發現正如(耶穌=)他對(2門徒=)他們所說的, (2門徒=)他們就預備了逾越節的筵席。 - 17 然後到了傍晚 (第5天結束=第6天開始=逾越節), (耶穌=)他和十二個門徒來了(=到那2樓房間)。 18 然後(門徒=)他們正坐席且吃的時候, 耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們, 你們中間有一個,那與我同吃的人要出賣我了。」 19 (門徒=)他們就開始憂愁起來, 且一個一個的對(耶穌=)他說:「難道是我嗎?」 20 但(耶穌=)他對他們說: 「是十二個門徒中一個,那和我一起蘸手到盤子(=碗)裡的。 👉和我一起吃飯的人(=關係緊密的人) - 21(a 因為人子固然必要”離去",正如指著(人子=)他所寫的; 👉舊約人子離去:✅但九26:受膏君被剪除,不再存存 Ref ✅可八31,九31,十34:耶穌對門徒預言自己會死 - 21(b 但藉著他 把人子出賣的那人 有禍了! 那人若不被生出來 對他倒好。」 ❓耶穌指出”那人有禍"的兩個問題 1️⃣出賣耶穌是大罪? 2️⃣錯失耶穌復活聖霝保護,死後只能待陰間? - 22 而當(門徒=)他們吃的時候, (耶穌=)他拿起餅來,祝了福,就擘開, 且遞給(門徒=)他們又說:「你們拿去,這是我的身體」; 23 又拿起杯來,祝謝了,遞給他們; 然後他們所有人都喝它了。 24 且他對他們說: 「這是”我約”的”血”,為”多人"流出來的。 25 我實在告訴你們,我”不再喝"這葡萄的產物(=子女/後代;引申:酒/所結的果子), 直到當我在上帝的國裡喝”新的它"那日子。」 ❓耶穌即然說”不再喝”這酒(=再接受結果/停止贖罪祭),為何我們要”守聖餐"??? - 26 然後唱了詩,他們就出來,往橄欖山去。 🔳愈嘴硬,愈教訓 27 (由耶冷往客西馬尼路上;下山很近的路程) 然後耶穌對(門徒=)他們說: 「你們都要跌倒了,因為(+撒迦利亞書)記著說: "我要擊打牧人,而羊就分散了"。 Ref ✅亞十三7-9 「刀劍哪,醒來吧!攻擊我的牧人,我的同伴,"要擊打牧人,羊群就分散";我也要轉過手來,攻擊小羊。 全地的人必有三分之二被除滅,只有"三分之一存留下來"。 我必使這(+存留的)三分之一經火試煉。我要煉淨他們,像煉淨銀子一樣;我要試煉他們,像試煉金子一樣。他們必呼求”我的名",我必應允他們。我要說:『他們是我的子民。』他們也要說:『亞威是我們的上帝。』」 👉以前發生的事,門徒四散;末日前,最後通過試煉的1/3,才是上帝的選民 - 28 但我復活以後,我要在你們之前先往"加利利"去。」 Ref ✅可八31+十34:耶穌預言自己被殺後要復活 - 29 但彼得對(耶穌=)他說:「甚至若眾人都跌倒,但我不會。」 30 耶穌就對(彼得=)他說: 「我實在告訴你,你就在今天這夜裡, 雞叫兩遍以先,要三次不認我。」 31 但(彼得=)他一再強調說: 「我若是必須和你同死,也絕不能否認你。」 而所有(門徒=)人也都照這樣說。 Ref 👉✅可十四50:耶穌在客西馬尼被抓,所有(門徒=)他們都逃走,離開耶穌。 👉承認軟弱才得幫助 🔳耶穌煩惱/苦惱什麼? 32 (離開耶路撒冷吃”逾越節晚餐/年夜飯”的地方) 然後他們來到一個地方,名叫客西馬尼(的園子)。 👉客西馬尼(亞蘭文):榨油坊/榨油工廠 - (在榨油場外,耶穌=)他就對他的(+8個)門徒們說: 「你們坐在這裡,等我禱告。」(猶大不在) 33 接著,(耶穌=)他帶著彼得、雅各和約翰和(耶穌=)他(+4人)一起(+進園), (+耶穌)就開始❌"驚恐起來且難過",(=被某事苦惱而感到愁煩/無能為力) ❓ep86-87-88 ✅可八+九+十:死意堅定的耶穌,在為何事感到憂傷及無能為力? 自己?門徒?猶太人? - 34 (+耶穌)就對(3個人說=)他們說: ❌我霝魂是極其憂傷,幾乎要死(=直到死亡/當死亡的時候); ⭕️我的霝魂將要死亡的時候極其憂傷 你們留在這裡(=留下來的人),就要儆醒。」 ❓霝魂不滅才對,為何耶穌會面對霝魂死亡? Ref ✅創二17:上帝對亞當:吃果子那天死死;聖霝離開霝魂 - 35 (+耶穌)然後(+獨自)往前走一點(=一小段距離,離開3個門徒), (耶穌=)他就俯伏在地, 且禱告:倘若是可能的話,那"時間"離他過去。 36 (+耶穌)他就說: 「阿爸!父啊!對你來說凡事都有可能; 求你將這杯(=時間)撤去離開我。然而不要那我想要的,而是那你(要)的。」 ❓Q:發生什麼事的時間?父要什麼?耶穌的生命嗎? 👉❌耶穌的生命:✅可八+九+十:三次預告耶穌被抓被殺復活 - 37 然後(+耶穌)他回來(+3個門徒), 發現他們”睡著"了,就對彼得說: 「西門,你睡覺嗎?你不能儆醒一個時刻嗎? 38 (+你們)應當儆醒禱告,免得入了迷惑; 而(+你們)心霝固然願意,但肉體卻軟弱無助。」 ❓Q:3人都睡著,誰記錄這段? - 39 然後(耶穌=)他再次離開(+3個門徒)去禱告,說”同樣”的話(35+36), 40 然後又回來(+耶穌)發現(3個門徒=)他們睡著了, 因為(3個門徒=)他們的眼睛甚是沉重; 且(3個門徒=)他們不知道回答(耶穌=)他什麼。(=迷迷糊糊) 41 然後(+耶穌)他第三次來,對(3個門徒=)他們說: 「你們仍然睡覺,安歇;夠了,時候到了。 看哪!人子被賣在罪人手裡了。 42 起來!我們走吧;看哪,那賣我的人近了。 ❓Q:耶穌照✅但九預言要死=不怕釘十架,32-42節中,什麼是耶穌怕的?不論有這段?沒這段?作者想表示什麼? 🔳耶穌被抓 43 然後當(耶穌=)他仍然說話時, 立刻十二個門徒之ㄧ,猶大來了 並從祭司長們和文士們並長老們那裡, 帶人群帶著刀和木棒和他一起。 44 而那出賣(耶穌=)他的人(=猶大), 給過他們一個信號,說: 「我親吻誰,(誰)就是(耶穌=)他。 你們把他拿住,且牢牢靠靠的帶去。」 45 既來了, (猶大=)他隨即到(耶穌=)他跟前,說: 「拉比」,便”親吻”(耶穌=)他。 Ref ✅可十四20:耶穌對門徒說:十二個門徒中一個,那和我一起蘸手到盤子裡的。 - 46 而(帶刀和木棒的人=)他們就向(耶穌=)他下手,且拿住(耶穌=)他。 47 而有一個那旁邊站著的人(=彼得),拔出刀來, 砍了大祭司的僕人(=馬勒古),削掉了他的一個耳朵(=右耳)。 Ref ✅約十八10 - 48 然後耶穌對(祭司派出抓拿耶穌的人=)他們說: 「如同對強盜,你們出來帶著刀和棒,抓拿我嗎? 49 天天我與你們在聖殿中教導時(=眾人眼前), 你們並沒有(=不敢)拿我; (+現在要拿我),是為了要”應驗"聖經。」 Ref ✅賽五十三(全):受苦的僕人 Ref ✅但九26:69個7,受膏君被剪除,不再存在 Ref ✅可十四3-9:伯大尼女人膏立耶穌 - 50 而(門徒=)他們所有人逃走了,都離開(耶穌=)他。 Ref ✅可十四27:擊打牧人,羊群四散 (✅亞十三7) Ref ✅可十四29+31:老師,我們都不會離開你! ❓羊群四散不好嗎? ✅徒一8:由耶冷,猶大,撒瑪利亞,直到地極作基督的見證人。 ✅徒八4:那些分散的人,經過各地,傳揚福音真道。 👉打散,福音才會傳開 ex 20年以前,桃園區有間教會 🔳公議會耶穌的罪名 51 有某個少年人在赤身上披著一塊麻布,跟隨他, 他們就捉拿他; 52 但他丟了麻布,赤身逃走了。 ❓Q:人都跑光了,誰記錄這段?或者指出彼得只有偷偷跟著的原因? - 53 (拿刀和木棒的人=)他們強行帶耶穌到大祭司那裡, 又有所有的祭司長們和長老們並文士們一同聚集。 54 而彼得從遠處跟隨(耶穌=)他, 直到進入大祭司的院裡, 且和差役們同坐在火光裡取暖。(=彼得聽審判) 55 而祭司長們和全公會尋找見證,為了不利耶穌, 要治死(耶穌=)他,卻尋不著; 56 因為有很多人作假見證敵對(耶穌=)他, 但眾見證 各不相合。(=無法定罪) 57 又有幾個人站起來,作假見證敵對他,說: 58 「我們聽見他說: 『我要拆毀這那人手所造的殿, 且三日內,我要建造另外一座不是人手所造的。』」 Ref ✅約二18-21 猶:顯什麼神跡給我們看,使我們相信你的權柄。 耶:拆毀這殿(=舊約),我三天之內要把它建造起來(=新約)。 猶:這殿建了四十六年,你三天之內就能把它建造起來嗎? 但耶穌所說的殿,就是他的身體。(=作者補充) - Ref ✅林前六19:你們不知道你們的身體,就是那位住在你們裡面的聖霝的殿嗎?這聖霝是你們從上帝那裡領受的。你們不是屬於自己的 👉耶穌+人的身體 = 聖霝的殿"部份" - 59 且照樣他們的見證也是不相合。 60 大祭司在中間站起來,問耶穌說: 「這些人作證控告你的,你甚麼都不回答嗎?」 61 (耶穌=)他卻沉默,且不回答什麼。 再次大祭司問(耶穌=)他說: 「你是基督(=受膏者),那當稱頌者的"兒子"嗎?」(=是上帝當中一位嗎?) 62 (大祭司問到對的問題,耶穌才會答) 「我是。你們必看見人子(=我/耶穌) ❌坐在那權能者的右邊, ⭕️從權能者(=上帝)的右邊出來坐著,(ek:從…出來) 且被天上的雲伴著降臨。」 👉✅亞十四4:上帝降臨 (之後才有✅啟十九11-16) 63 而大祭司就撕開他的衣服,說: 「為何我們仍需要有見證人呢? 64 你們聽見這僭妄的話了(=耶穌說自己就是上帝); 你們的意見如何?」 而他們全都定罪(耶穌=)他,罪該一死。 👉因為猶太人本是上帝的兒女,若耶穌的意思是(61)”上帝的兒子”不會被判罪;耶穌的罪名是”自稱上帝” Ref ep79 ✅可二5-7:文士心想:耶穌怎可說癱子的罪赦了,這種僭妄的話。(和文士的直球對決) - 65 然後就開始有人向(耶穌=)他吐唾沫, 又蒙著他的臉,且打他,且對(耶穌=)他說: 「你說預言吧!」(=你猜猜看誰打的) 然後,差役們打他幾巴掌後接過他來。(=把耶穌帶走) 🔳別認為自己完美剛強 66 而彼得在下邊院子裡時; 來了一個大祭司的女僕, 67 見彼得取暖,就看著(彼得=)他說: 「你也是和那拿撒勒人耶穌一夥的。」 68 但(彼得=)他否認說: 「我既不知道,也不明白你所說的是什麼。」 然後(彼得=)他出到外面(=不想別人認出來), 到了院門口,雞就叫了。 69 然後那女僕看見(彼得=)他, 開始再次對旁邊站著的人們說: 「這人是(拿撒勒人耶穌=)他們中間的人。」 70 但彼得再次否認。 然後過了不久,旁邊站著的人們再對彼得說: 「你真是他們一夥的!因為你也是加利利人。」 71 而(彼得=)他就開始發咒且起誓: 「我不認得你們說的(耶穌=)這個人。」 72 而立刻雞叫了第二遍。 彼得想起耶穌對他所說的話; 「雞叫兩遍以先,你要三次否認我。」 (+彼得)就崩潰哭了。 Ref ✅可十四30:耶穌預言,雞叫2次前,彼得3次不認耶穌。 👉雞叫時間,約清晨3-4點 🔳QA:猶大出賣耶穌 01 (香膏同天較早發生的事) 而過兩天後是"逾越節和除酵節”。 祭司長們和文士們想法子,怎麼用詭計捉拿(耶穌=)他殺害; 02 而他們說:「不可在節期(=除酵節)中,恐怕有百姓的暴動。」 - 10 (跳10節,香膏之後,猶大離開伯大尼) 而十二門徒之中一個,加略人猶大 (+由伯大尼)離去,到祭司長們那裡,為要把(耶穌=)他交給他們。 11 而(祭司長=)他們聽見就歡喜,且答應給(猶大=)他銀子。 (猶大=)他就想辦法如何 得便出賣(耶穌=)他。 - ❓猶大為何要出賣耶穌?愛錢?主持正義? ❓為何選擇一位門徒猶大”主動”出賣/背叛耶穌? 👉把猶太人由上帝手中”買斷”,早就設定好的事情 Ref ✅亞十一12-13:(上帝=)我對(祭司/文士=)他們說:「你們若看為美,就給我工資;不然,就算了。」於是,(祭司/文士=)他們稱了三十塊銀子作我的工資。那時,亞威對我(=撒迦利亞/人)說:「你要把銀子丟給"陶匠"。」那銀子就是(祭司/文士=)他們認為(上帝=)我應得的高價。(先知/人=)我就拿了那三十塊銀子,在亞威的殿裡丟給陶匠(=maker/製造者/匠人)了。 Ref ✅太廿七1-10:猶大把銀子丟進聖所,祭司長拿起銀子,買了”陶匠的田”(=將泥水混合的人),應驗❌耶利米⭕️撒迦利亞先知 所說的。 - ❓誰”買斷"了天國受膏君=耶穌/上帝 的工作? 👉祭司長(=猶太人代表) 給猶大三十銀,猶大把三十銀丟回聖所,祭司長拾起銀子(=給了上帝) 👉祭司長+文士 = 匠人 ref ✅詩一一八22:匠人(=建築工人)所棄的石頭(=舊約天國受膏君),如今成了房角石(=新約聖殿頭塊) 👉當時猶太匠人(=文士)教導:1閃避律法實質,2聖霝是鬼王 👉雖然猶大成為賣耶穌的橋樑,別忘是由祭司長決定殺耶穌開始;冤有頭,債有主 👉因撒迦利亞已預言,於是今天猶大不做,也會有一個人要指認耶穌; -ref ✅帖三-四:(四14)末底改:今天如果以斯帖不找 亞哈隨魯王 說 哈曼 的事,上帝也會開一條路拯救以色列 - 👉信耶穌的門徒愈來愈少 -ref ✅可八14-21:耶穌問門徒,把餅兩次分給鄉親之後,分別剩幾籃?12和9籃 -ref ✅可九1-9:耶穌只帶3個門徒上山,變像 (相信耶穌的門徒愈來愈少) 🔳QA:守聖餐的意義為何?需要嗎? 22 而當(門徒=)他們吃的時候, (耶穌=)他拿起餅來,祝了福,就擘開, 且遞給(門徒=)他們又說:「你們拿去,這是我的身體」; 23 又拿起杯來,祝謝了,遞給他們; 然後他們所有人都喝它了。 24 且(耶穌=)他對(門徒=)他們說: 「這是”我約”的”血”,為”多人"流出來的。 👉我約:上帝立的舊約=耶穌立的舊約;血:贖罪祭原則,替罪羔羊 = 耶穌 ref ✅利一1-4:按手在燔祭牲頭上(=罪的轉移),燔祭就蒙悅納,可為人贖罪 = 替罪羔羊 👉多人(=猶太人):大祭司的工作,ref ✅民十五24-26:祭司為以色列人不知之罪獻祭 - 25 耶穌:我實在告訴你們,我”不再喝”這”葡萄"的產物(=子女/後代;引申:酒), 直到當我在上帝的國裡喝”新的它"那日子。」 👉舊約只吃祭牲肉,不喝/吃牲祭血: Ref ✅利六16:亞倫和他的子孫要吃剩餘的祭物,在聖潔的地方作無酵餅吃;他們要在會幕的院子裡吃。 Ref ✅利六30:但是任何贖罪祭,如果它的血帶進了會幕在聖所內進行贖罪,祭肉就不可吃;必須用火燒盡。 - 👉不再喝:十架後,不再”接受"流血遮罪,由"因信稱義+聖霝內住"取代 👉新的酒:末日後,上帝的國裡=新天新地,上帝重新接納以色列人的產物(=子女/果子/獻祭) Ref ✅何六:以色列被上帝擊傷2天(2千年),第3天上帝重新接納以色列人 - ❓耶穌即然說”不再喝”這酒(=停止贖罪祭),為何我們要”守聖餐"??? 👉傳統?保羅在哥林多也這麼做 ref ✅林前十一23-28 ❓接著問,為何保羅在其他地方沒記錄? 敘利亞的安提阿,以哥念,路司得,特庇,彼西底的安提阿,特羅亞,以弗所,腓立比,帖撒羅尼迦,庇里亞,雅典… - 👉哥林多前書的主軸:ref ✅徒十八:亞居拉+百基拉在以弗所訓練亞波羅之後,將亞波羅派到哥林多傳福音,但卻造成哥林多人意見分岐 (ref ✅林前一12:保羅,亞波羅,磯法各一派,其實都是基督派),保羅想說的意思是:即然在基督裡是一家人,要如同基督在最後一次逾越節晚餐一樣(for example)以合一的樣式像一家人,而不是分黨結派;你們哥林多人要像我保羅效法基督,盡已所長,包容彼此。 (ref✅林前十 - 十三) 👉耶穌當時逾越晚餐,是以色列人由 ref ✅出十二:摩西流傳1500年的儀式;看起來今天守的聖餐和耶穌當時守逾越節晚餐的本意有所落差。 ❓今天守聖餐(=逾越節晚餐=除夕年夜飯)核心意義為何?為了儀式感?紀念耶穌?有何功能? 🔳重點整理 伯大尼女人為何要打破香膏?為何耶穌表示這事超重要?祭司長決定殺耶穌而不膏耶穌,而耶穌需要在死前受膏,完成但以理預言。 出賣耶穌一事,需把猶大,祭司長及以賽亞,撒迦利亞的預言一同考量 逾越節最後晚餐,耶穌交代以後不再喝這杯,現代聖餐核心意義為何?QA 客西馬尼園中大家都睡了,誰記錄耶穌禱告?作者彼得寫這段目的為何? 公議會要殺耶穌前需定罪,耶穌的罪名是”自稱為上帝” (同✅可二:文士:只有上帝能赦罪) 彼得雞叫2次前,3次不認耶穌;愈嘴硬,愈教訓 🔳下輯預告 彼拉多無法定罪耶穌,為何還把耶穌送上十架?彼拉多壞壞嗎? 耶穌被釘十架,何事”成了”? 耶穌被安葬 🔳galigongbible最新單輯於台灣時間每週四下午6點整發佈 ---想說的 或 問題 請留 社群平台 或 私訊 apple podcast--- 🔳Line社群---https://reurl.cc/3Ng69O 🔳FaceBook---https://reurl.cc/8yd6VR 🔳Telegram--- https://t.me/galigongbible ---播送平台--- 🔳MixerBox || https://www.mixerbox.com/podcast/1384900 🔳Apple || https://reurl.cc/0OnVeo 🔳SoundOn || https://reurl.cc/OqLg1D 🔳Spotify || https://reurl.cc/Xk3713 🔳Google || https://reurl.cc/Xk9kM0 🔳支持 如果覺得這頻道對你有幫助,請將今天節目再分享給一個朋友,就是支持本節目的方式喔! 🔳Donate galigongbible by SoundOn || https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b5160802-3786-4511-821f-01a05221c602

    MATT636 - Did Any of the Religious Leaders Second Guess Their Murder Plot?

    MATT636 - Did Any of the Religious Leaders Second Guess Their Murder Plot?

    MATTHEW 26:1-5

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT635 - Caiaphas's Only Available Moves

    MATT635 - Caiaphas's Only Available Moves

    MATTHEW 26:1-5

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT634 - Who's In the Position of Power Here?

    MATT634 - Who's In the Position of Power Here?

    MATTHEW 26:1-5

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT633 - The Pressures That Limited Caiaphas's Options

    MATT633 - The Pressures That Limited Caiaphas's Options

    MATTHEW 26:1-5

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT632 - The Ancient Origins of the High Priesthood

    MATT632 - The Ancient Origins of the High Priesthood

    MATTHEW 26:3-5

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.


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