

    Explore "carissa" with insightful episodes like "Battle of the Sexes Carissa vs Gibby 10/19/23", "Battle of the Sexes Cody vs Carissa 10/17/23", "Ep. 41【可小姐不可以】Welcome to D.C.,學妹來啦", "Are you new to coaching? - Carissa Karban" and "Ep. 39【可小姐不可以】西半球唯一沒有疫苗的國家" from podcasts like ""Dave and Jenn on KEE100", "Dave and Jenn on KEE100", "微醺旅途|Corine's Tipsy Way", "Coach Cast" and "微醺旅途|Corine's Tipsy Way"" and more!

    Episodes (23)

    Ep. 41【可小姐不可以】Welcome to D.C.,學妹來啦

    Ep. 41【可小姐不可以】Welcome to D.C.,學妹來啦
    旅徒們久等了~開學Moving Week終於告一段落,來跟各位聊聊 Week 4常駐單元,Corine跟可小姐這次互相交換彼此近況,也交流了下剛開始留學生活的苦與樂 謝謝旅徒們陪Corine一起踏入新生活❤️ Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Are you new to coaching? - Carissa Karban

    Are you new to coaching? - Carissa Karban
    The Coach Cast - Carissa Karban - Are you new to coaching? then listen up!

    The "Coach Cast" inbox has been inundated with messages from Coachs and Clients who are new to this journey and Darren and Justin answered their call and brought on someone who could set you straight onto the right path and give you the advice and support you need.

    So Darren and Justin invited Carissa Karban onto the show. She's a leadership coach who helps corporate leaders achieve career mastery through impact and fulfilment. Based outside Denver, Colorado she's been coaching since 2014 and specializes in working with clients to overcome their past and maximise their goals in order to live to their full potential.

    Books and links mentioned in the show:

    Becoming by Michele Obama - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Becoming-Michelle-Obama/dp/0241334144

    Brightpages for Journaling - https://app.brightpages.com/

    Contacting Carissa:

    Website: https://www.carissakarban.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/karbanfootprint

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carissakarban

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carissakarban

    Contacting Darren Odell:

    To get in touch with Darren about coaching, the show or being a guest, his details are here:



    Contacting Justin Petersen

    You can also reach the show directly by reaching out to Justin via these platforms


    Drop us an e-mail: hello@coachcast.co.uk

    Social Media:




    Please make sure you subscribe and leave us a 5 Star review in Apple Podcasts and follow us on Spotify!


    Inspirational Quotes:

    Carissa Karban:

    "You never change things by fighting the existing reality to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

    Buck-minster Fuller

    Darren Odell

    "Amteurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they can't get it wrong."
    Peter Thompson


    "“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t walk run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but by all means keep moving."

    Martin Luther King Jr.


    Thank you for listening to Coach Cast......see you on the 15th next month!

    Ep. 39【可小姐不可以】西半球唯一沒有疫苗的國家

    Ep. 39【可小姐不可以】西半球唯一沒有疫苗的國家
    Week 4常駐單元,Corine跟可小姐這次除了聊聊世界大事,也跟旅徒們分享她的冷氣辛酸史 身為西半球唯一沒有獲得疫苗的國家-海地,日前遭到總統遇刺的慘劇 惡性循環式的進展,從被嘴砲王哥倫布發現開始,一路顛沛流離,換了多位統治者 究竟是什麼原因,身為中南美洲第一個宣佈獨立的民主國 會走到今天這樣政局動蕩不安的事態呢? Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Ep. 30【可小姐不可以】來自提克里特的賊魚湯

    Ep. 30【可小姐不可以】來自提克里特的賊魚湯
    Week 4常駐單元,Corine跟可小姐這次聊到伊拉克曾經的獨裁者海珊與他的私廚阿里 波蘭籍的作者自身經歷與臺灣的歷史是那麼樣地相似,前作『跳舞的熊』也大推給旅徒們 原來老一輩的伊拉克人其實懷念著海珊時期?經濟制裁下海珊的伙食真的有變差嗎? 獨裁者的廚師為旅徒們精心烹調每道菜 想找原書的話這邊請https://reurl.cc/W3aj6O Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Ep. 26【可小姐不可以】發達的汴京旅遊

    Ep. 26【可小姐不可以】發達的汴京旅遊
    Week 4常駐單元,Corine跟可小姐還留在古代回不來啊 汴京住一晚折合台幣只要65塊,不去首都玩一波嗎? 到夜市逛到腳酸了再慢慢回飯店,早早起來再去園林遊玩 原來宋朝就已發展出導遊這份職業,自由行的旅徒也可以買旅遊書參照 我們從職業面向聊到唐宋流行妝容,還一直不小心離題,希望大家跟我們一起瘋古代~ Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Ep. 22【可小姐不可以】唐宋不思議,一年有1/3的時間都在放假

    Ep. 22【可小姐不可以】唐宋不思議,一年有1/3的時間都在放假
    Week 4常駐單元,Corine跟可小姐這次帶大家搭乘時光機穿越回古代 著名詩人溫庭筠不僅在宵禁期間ㄌㄨㄚˇㄌㄨㄚˇㄙㄡˊ,還差點大搞師生戀 寫出資治通鑑的司馬唄唄雖然為人正直,但也是個超級大直男 相較唐朝的治安嚴謹、都市規劃方正;宋朝也不遑多讓,人民生活過得精彩無比 一改積弱不振的刻板印象,高達全世界80%的GDP,給外族的不過是些零花錢而已 Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Ep. 17【可小姐不可以】同情我的話請給我錢

    Ep. 17【可小姐不可以】同情我的話請給我錢
    可小姐在香港工作的時候,同事之間也會發送討喜氣的紅包呢! Week 4常駐單元,Corne跟可小姐在年前期間跟大家聊聊對岸 免責聲明!這完全是我們兩個小笨蛋對於各項想知道到底在幹嘛,似懂非懂的淺薄閒聊 本集節目參照書目為野人出版的『Mapping the World』 歡迎上網選購唷~https://reurl.cc/nnDgO1 Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Ep. 13【可小姐不可以】是R不是N,意想不到的北非觀光

    Ep. 13【可小姐不可以】是R不是N,意想不到的北非觀光
    遙遠卻沒有大家想像地那麼落後,行動支付可是在非洲發明的呢! Week 4常駐單元,可小姐跟Corine帶旅徒們到北非的摩納哥感受撒哈拉風情 除了肯亞的Safari,別忘了北非各國位處地中海沿岸,歷史也是很悠久的喔~從東非到北非,沿路可是有條淘金線的呢! Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途https://www.instagram.com/corine.tipsyway/ 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Ep. 8【可小姐不可以】美加瞳鈴眼~Lest We Forget

    Ep. 8【可小姐不可以】美加瞳鈴眼~Lest We Forget
    Week 4常駐單元,可小姐來陪Corine聊聊美國跟加拿大的愛恨情仇~ 原來加拿大是前三大石油儲藏國,邪惡美帝還一直想逼人家喝牛奶! 另外疫情前病態觀光日漸盛行,是紀錄每一個疤痕,也是避免我們忘記❤️ 報名Corine精彩大稻埕的千萬不要錯過這邊請https://reurl.cc/q8a2Mn 1月還新增了淡水老街Walking Tour,Corine可是首發團唷https://reurl.cc/0O3vVo 此為Corine特約合作的德商美最時旅行社✈️ Corine會在12/26的大稻埕回溯日治及民初時期的舊時風華,並在1/9的淡水老街走讀導覽,千萬別錯過妞✨ Instagram:corine.tipsyway 微醺旅途 各路平台歡樂上架,聽完別忘記留言唷! Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/9Xy2q8 Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/v1XVx1 Spotify:https://reurl.cc/14zyWG KKBOX Podcast:https://reurl.cc/e8a1o7 MyMusic:https://reurl.cc/ld6ENq

    Leone & Westlake - Comedy Pop: James Franco! Precious Plum! Sunshine! Chocolate Porn! Weird Gym Outfits!

    Leone & Westlake - Comedy Pop: James Franco! Precious Plum! Sunshine! Chocolate Porn! Weird Gym Outfits!
    This week we tackle inappropriate gym wear, chocolate porn, sunshine, riff on Precious Plum and how to avoid vermin on the streets of New York. What a mish mash! What madness! What a life! We bring it. ALL. Is New York bringing us down? Not when James Franco is on social media. Sigh. Laughter! Brought to you by Alysha Westlake and Carissa Leone. All comedy, all the time.

    Leone & Westlake - Comedy Pop: SXSW, Anna Wintour, Kanye and Kim, Vivian Maier

    Leone & Westlake - Comedy Pop: SXSW, Anna Wintour, Kanye and Kim, Vivian Maier
    SXSW - were we there? Anna Wintour does reality TV? Was it for Kanye and Kim? The artwork of Vivian Maier! "Breaking Bad" goes to Broadway with Bryan Cranston in "All the Way" - Comedy Pop goes high brow and low brow on the streets of New York. Join us for the laughter! Stay for the free nachos! * (*offer only available for those who actually have nachos while listening to the podcast). See ya next week - hugs from Carissa Leone and Alysha Westlake!

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