
    catholic mom

    Explore " catholic mom" with insightful episodes like "161. Beloved Daughter with Carrie Daunt", "158. Love Letters to Jesus", "157. We Act From What We Believe - Are we FOR them? Part 3 - In Heart", "156. Words Have Power -Are we FOR them? Part 2 - In Word" and "155. If We Aren't FOR Them, the World Will Surely be Against - Part 1 - Action" from podcasts like ""Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts", "Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts", "Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts", "Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts" and "Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts"" and more!

    Episodes (83)

    161. Beloved Daughter with Carrie Daunt

    161. Beloved Daughter with Carrie Daunt

     "Fix these words of mine into your mind and being" Deuteronomy 11:18.

    This week, the lovely Carrie Daunt joins me to discuss her latest book, "Beloved Daughter." It was a treat for my heart to chat with my dear friend Carrie, as we discuss the importance of helping our daughters know who they are in God. 

    In a world that speaks so many lies into our daughters' hearts, we mommas must speak the truth of God's blessings and affirmations over them. In doing this, we can help them rest in their truest identity as a beloved daughter of God's. Carrie’s children’s book beautifully does just that! 

    Check out all things Carrie Daunt and her latest book here:

    Beloved Daughter:
    Beloved Daughter – John Paul II Healing Center (jpiihealingcenter.org)

    John Paul II Healing Center:
    John Paul II Healing Center – Transformation in the Heart of the Church (jpiihealingcenter.org)

    Every little girl longs to know the delight of the Father and the truth of her God-given goodness. Yet often as parents we lack adequate words to express the necessary affirmations our daughters’ hearts need to hear. This beautiful little book is your invitation to curl up close to her and proclaim the truth of her identity, as a precious and beloved daughter. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    158. Love Letters to Jesus

    158. Love Letters to Jesus

    "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart" Proverbs 3:3-4.

    This week, I discuss the power of pouring our hearts out to Jesus ON PAPER. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    157. We Act From What We Believe - Are we FOR them? Part 3 - In Heart

    157. We Act From What We Believe - Are we FOR them? Part 3 - In Heart

    “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8.

    This week we wrap up our series on being FOR our children! We’ve discussed being for them in action and in word, but how can we succeed at either if in the depths of our hearts we aren’t for them???

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    156. Words Have Power -Are we FOR them? Part 2 - In Word

    156. Words Have Power -Are we FOR them? Part 2 - In Word

    "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."  Proverbs 16:24

    This week we continue discussing the importance of being FOR our children. We know in the depths of our momma hearts that we are, but the big question is - do they know it? Today we explore the power of words, both the negative implications and the beautiful transforming strength of words!

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    155. If We Aren't FOR Them, the World Will Surely be Against - Part 1 - Action

    155. If We Aren't FOR Them, the World Will Surely be Against - Part 1 - Action

    “Anyone who is not for me is against me; and whoever does not gather with me scatters."  Luke 11:23

    This week I kick off a mini-series about being "FOR" our children. We all deeply love and adore our children, and most of us would jump in front of a moving train for them. Yet, our actions, words, and hearts don't always line up with the depth of love that we have for them. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    154. What's Your Word? Hineni - Here I am

    154. What's Your Word? Hineni - Here I am

    "Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here I am.”  (Isaiah 58:9)

    This week I explore in depth my newest word of the year, "Hineni", which is Hebrew for "Here I am". When God calls us, will we hide like Adam and Eve, or will we respond like Abraham and Moses with a swift and servant-like response of “Hineni”?


    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    153. Treasured All These Things - Silent Surrender with Mary

    153. Treasured All These Things - Silent Surrender with Mary

    "She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn" - Luke 2: 7. 

    This week we wrap up our miniseries on accompanying Mary through the Advent season by reflecting upon her silent surrender. This new and yet docile mother allowed God to lead the way as she gave birth in a stable and laid her newborn son in what once was a feeding trough for the animals. 

    But it wasn't merely her ability to quietly surrender to God's will in the difficulties of her story that made her silent surrender something to be awed at. No, Mary quietly surrendered even with the miraculous and glorious reception of all that is good. For, even after the shepherds declared all that the angels had told them about the birth of the Messiah, Mary "treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart"

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    152. Set Out! - Humble Action with Mary

    152. Set Out! - Humble Action with Mary

    "My soul proclaims the greatness in God my Savior. For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant"

    This week we continue on our journey of accompanying Mary this Advent as she takes humble action in bringing Christ to others.

    The Visitation Painting

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    151. Be it Done Unto Me - Obedience with Mary

    151. Be it Done Unto Me - Obedience with Mary

    This week we kick off a short Advent series on accompanying Mary from the Annunciation to the Nativity. 

    We start our series by reflecting on the beauty of Mary’s obedience- “Be it done unto me”

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    150. Motherhood- Everyday Heroism with Christine Hanus

    150. Motherhood- Everyday Heroism with Christine Hanus

    "Be Still and Know that I am God" - Psalms 46:10

    This week I am so delighted to sit down with wife, mother, and author, Christine Hanus to discuss her book “Everyday Heroism: 28 Daily Reflections on the Little Way of Motherhood.”

    What if all the tiny little things you do all day, actually aren’t so tiny at all? What if each dish, each diaper, and each tear you wipe are glorifying acts of love that unite you closer with Christ? Christine’s book explores just that!

    I pray this conversation and this book will bless you as much as it blessed me!

    Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a free copy of this amazing book! Leave an Apple review and send me a follow-up email. Have a blessed week!

    Christine Hanus:

    Everyday Heroism: 28 Daily Reflections on the Little Way of Motherhood

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    149. The Devil is in the Distraction

    149. The Devil is in the Distraction

    "Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions" - Proverbs 4:25.

    The enemy loves nothing more than to subtly and sneakily distract our hearts away from God. As we begin to near the holiday season, this is an invitation to take the time to be intentional and slow with our hearts fixed on Christ.  

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    148. The Heart of Perfection - with Colleen Carroll Campbell

    148. The Heart of Perfection - with Colleen Carroll Campbell

    "My grace is sufficient for you" ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9.

    This week I sit down with the wonderful Colleen Carroll Campbell to discuss her book, "The Heart of Perfection: How the Saints Taught Me to Trade My Dream of Perfect for God's".  From one recovering perfectionist to another, this conversation delighted my heart.

    It wasn’t merely their intense love for our Lord that made the saints. Through their slow movement away from control and performance and toward docility and surrender these brothers and sisters in Christ were transformed into saints!! How can we learn from them? Colleen’s book explores just that!

    Colleen Carrol Campbell:

    The Heart of Perfection:

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    147. True Vine: Abide in Him

    147. True Vine: Abide in Him

    "Abide in me, as I also abide in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me." John 15:4

    All the pruning and trimming in the world could not save a branch that is disconnected from the tree. So too, we must remember that abiding in Christ is the only way that the work Christ does in us will bear fruit. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    146. The True Vine: Let Him Prune You

    146. The True Vine: Let Him Prune You

    “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit,while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. “ (John 15:2). 

    This week we start a two part series on what it means to grow with the TRUE VINE. God desires to transform our hearts and souls into vessels that both hold and fully pour out his love. But are we ready to be pruned into the fruit producing branches that God plans to make us? Or do we fight and reject his every attempt to clip away and transform our dead and ugly brokenness? 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    145. Well Said with Sarah Molitor

    145. Well Said with Sarah Molitor

     “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

    This week I am joined by the lovely Sarah Molitor to discuss her new book "Well Said* choosing words that speak life, give grace, and strengthen your faith and family." What we say matters, and how we breathe life into our spouses, our children, our friends, and family is a vital proponent of how we love. But what if we have used our voices and our words in ways that have left behind hurt, destruction, and pain? This my friends is not the end of the story. No, the King of the Universe desires to pour out his mercies and his graces upon us so that we can be made new  in how we live and how we love.

    “Well Said” - By Sarah Molitor

    Modern Farmhouse

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    143. Using Your Gifts - Charisms with Jill Simons

    143. Using Your Gifts - Charisms with Jill Simons

    "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." -  Romans 12:6-8

    This week I sit down with the lovely Jill Simons, founder of Many Parts Ministries, to discuss the importance of understanding our God-given charisms. Jill shares the treasure of recognizing the unique gifts that God has given each of us! It is through  taking delight in who God has created us to be and nurturing our gifts that we can most fruitfully grow His kingdom in our hearts, in our churches, and in our own homes!

    Many Parts Ministries

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    142. Disciple Them: RED Heart Series (Part 4)

    142. Disciple Them: RED Heart Series (Part 4)

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" ~Proverbs 22:6

    This week, we wrap up the RED Heart Series by diving into the last element of a RED Heart, which is to disciple them.  But what does it mean to disciple our children? It means to lead, to train, and to show them the way through the example of our own lives leading them to the perfect and divine teacher Christ himself! 

    And how do we lead them to Christ? "A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way!" - John C. Maxwell

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    141. Embrace Them: RED Heart Series (Part 3)

    141. Embrace Them: RED Heart Series (Part 3)

    "To touch can be to give life" ~ Michaelangelo

    This week we discuss the second part of what it means to Mother with a RED heart. We dive into the calling to not only receive our children but to FULLY embrace them. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    137. But don't forget about MEEKNESS

    137. But don't forget about MEEKNESS

    Two things, only two things. He could have said anything, so much that he would have wanted us to mirror. He could have included “patient”, “courageous”, or “obedient”. But though he calls us to all of these, it is no coincidence that he  said two important things. “Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart” - Matthew 11:29.

    We already dove into humility a few months ago, but we can not forget MEEKNESS!

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    136. All Will be Well if We Abandon Ourselves to God -Chapter 6: Abandonment to Divine Providence

    136. All Will be Well if We Abandon Ourselves to God -Chapter 6: Abandonment to Divine Providence

    This week Johnna and I conclude our conversation on Abandonment to Divine Providence. We wrap up our conversation by diving deep into a trustful surrender into the arms of the perfect parent. 

    We often grasp on tight to the walls of life in fear of all that lies ahead and all that has come before. We walk in the dark unsure of which way to go. How can we move forward when we can't even see our own feet in front of us? This is where the treasure of total abandonment comes in...

    "Come, my soul, come, and let us go to God by self-abandonment. Let us acknowledge that we are incapable of becoming holy by our own efforts, and put our trust in God, who would not have taken away our ability to walk, unless he was to CARRY us in his arms. What, Lord, is the use to us, of being able to see, to feel, and to understand, as we are not making our journey on foot, but we are being carried in your arms!!!"

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com


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