

    Explore "catholicpodcast" with insightful episodes like "DCP 13: Dealing with Wounds in the Family", "Of Man and Beast 1/3 - Beast", "DCPP 12: Demo of Time and Space", "DCPP 11: Preparing to Build Your Domestic Church" and "The End" from podcasts like ""Domestic Church Project Podcast", "dude|CATHOLIC Podcast", "Domestic Church Project Podcast", "Domestic Church Project Podcast" and "dude|CATHOLIC Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    DCP 13: Dealing with Wounds in the Family

    DCP 13: Dealing with Wounds in the Family

    Welcome back to the Domestic Church Project Podcast. Once again, we are Bill and Nancy, the parents of five kids, ages 9 and under. We are the creators of the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp, a six week experience for Catholic Families that enables them to set up and live in their Domestic Church. Zero Prep, and designed to help ANY Catholic Family.

    Well, although we are the creators, we are FAR from perfect in this regard, so Bill and I are taking our family through the Bootcamp for the second time right now. And, guys, it’s been so good for us! Last week we finished up the 2nd week of the Bootcamp. This week asks you to take a close look at the wounds that exist in your family, and then take those wounds to Christ in the sacrament of confession.

    In this episode we discuss what it was like for our family to go through this content and the things that came up for us. We cover:

    • The PRIDE we have to confront as we realized that only God can heal us…that we on our own we can’t heal ourselves.

    • The major sin we struggle with as parents: yelling

    • How it’s tough to go to confession…and yet it feels so good to have gone!

    • The beautiful practice of taking young kids to confession.

    And so much more!

    We currently have over 400 families going through the DCP Bootcamp, and it has been a GIFT to hear about their experiences as they confront the wounds in their own families.

    If you would like to join us, we are opening up enrollment again the week of Ash Wednesday. We will only be open for a few days, so to make sure that you don’t miss it, sign up for our email list at https://www.domesticchurchproject.com/dcp-community 

    If you are listening to this episode during your enrollment week, head here to sign up!


    It is such an honor to be building our Domestic Church with you!

    All the very best,

    Nancy and Bill Bandzuch

    Of Man and Beast 1/3 - Beast

    Of Man and Beast 1/3 - Beast
    In this episode we talk about God's first commandments to man and how society is moving away as far as it can from them- Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:28) and how the farther we move away, the more devastating the consequences. So get after it and join us on:


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    Facebook (we don't really monitor facebook):

    DCPP 12: Demo of Time and Space

    DCPP 12: Demo of Time and Space

    Welcome back to the Domestic Church Project Podcast. This week we are kicking off our family’s journey through the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp, a 6 week experience for the whole family that will train you to establish and lead your own Domestic Church. We currently have about 500 families going through the Bootcamp inside of our app, and we are taking our family through the Bootcamp for the 2nd time.

    The first week of the DCP Bootcamp is called “Demo.” We spend this time looking around our home and wondering, do we really have room for God here? Next, we look at our calendars and wonder if we are making any time for God. Each night the family takes on a small challenge designed to help them make lasting changes that will allow Jesus to dwell in their home.

    So that’s the content of the DCP Bootcamp. In this episode Bill and I talk about how all of this played out (and continues to play out) in our home. We talk about our prayers space, how we deal with over commitments and clutter and distractions. We are definitely a work in progress, but we are here to share our small victories and struggles because we are all on this journey together!

    If you are interested in taking your family through the DCP Bootcamp, we will be enrolling new families right around Ash Wednesday. Head to https://www.domesticchurchproject.com for more info and to sign up for our email list so that you don’t miss this small window of enrollment.

    We can make space and time for Jesus. We can!

    In Christ,

    Nancy and Bill

    DCPP 11: Preparing to Build Your Domestic Church

    DCPP 11: Preparing to Build Your Domestic Church

    Welcome back to the Domestic Church Project Podcast!

    In case you missed it, our new app launched on January 1, and we’ve had a wild couple of days welcoming families and parishes into the app. We closed enrollment on January 6th at midnight, and we are looking forward to guiding over 500 families through the DCP Bootcamp. On top of this, we are also preparing to take our family through the Bootcamp for the second time.

    To this end, we are taking about all the key things that need to happen to get ready to build your Domestic Church. In this episode we talk about a few key prerequisites for building your Domestic Church. These include:

    • Committing to personal prayer

    • Making time for your family, that is distraction free.

    • Adopting an attitude of willingness to TRY, and awareness that you will fail, in one way or another.

    • Accepting that everyone in your family is a sinner, and this might not be easy.

    • And, above all else, opening yourself up to the Holy Spirit and acknowledging that this is HIS work.

    It’s a simply little list, but nothing here is simple.

    And so, whether you are planning to build your Domestic Church with the Bootcamp or another program, please know that you are in our prayers.

    If you missed this enrollment window for the DCP Bootcamp, we invite you to prayerfully consider joining us at the start of Lent when we will be welcoming families into the program again.

    Thank you for being here, and God bless!

    In Christ,

    Bill and Nancy

    The End

    The End
    Today the dudes talk about the stuff about the things. You didn't come here to read and I didn't come here to write, but to post a podcast (on time for once). So Happy New Year! and pray for us as we pray for you. Ferrum Ferro Acuitur.

    Join us on:


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    Facebook (we don't really monitor facebook):

    DCPP 9: I'm afraid to build my Domestic Church too!

    DCPP 9: I'm afraid to build my Domestic Church too!

    The process of creating the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp has forced us to really analyze our own experience. We thought really hard about the major thing we felt just before diving into this work. And that major feeling was fear.

    Here are just a few of the fears we experienced:

    1. The fear that if I try I might fail.

    2. The fear that if I invest in my faith, I might have to confront my own sins and failure to trust.

    3. The fear that I might not be enough for my family.

    4. The fear that God doesn’t have a plan for my family.

    5. The fear that radically trusting God will mean I am taken down a plan I don’t want to go.

    I know that when we hear someone else say all of these fears aloud it is easy to identify them as lies. Of course God has a plan for your family! Of course you are enough for your family!

    But….in the quiet, secret places of our heart, it is hard to hear the lie. It is hard to know that these lies come from Satan, the Father of lies, and they aren’t reality.

    And so, in this episode we talked through all the ways fear was part (and still is part) of building a Domestic Church.

    Of course, we don’t let fear stop us! Through God’s grace we can be liberated from Satan’s lies and we can know the Truth. There, if you too are struggling with fear as you stand upon the brink of building your Domestic Church, please know that you aren’t alone. We are there with you. Also, this is BIG, Important work! It only makes sense that Satan would try to throw some roadblocks in your way. The LAST thing he wants you to do is to build your Domestic Church.

    But we can do this, together.

    Our app will be live on January 1st, and we will be welcoming parents into the app through January 6th. If you would like a blueprint for building your Domestic Church and a community of parents engaged in the same work, I pray you join us!


    In Christ,

    Bill and Nancy

    Episode 172: 'Tis the season... 3 of 3 - to feast

    Episode 172: 'Tis the season... 3 of 3 - to feast
    So... it's been a few weeks, but here is the last episode of the season, the year, and the season to be jolly. We will be back early next year when we begin a new series. In the meantime, enjoy the feast - the season of Christmas and demand your bishops stop compromising the faith. And pray for us as we pray for you...

    You've read this far, so why not waste a little more time and give us a five-star review. It'd be a lot cooler if you did. Also, join us on:


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    DCPP 8: What's holding you back from building your Domestic Church?

    DCPP 8: What's holding you back from building your Domestic Church?

    Especially this last year, there has been LOTS of talk about the Domestic Church within Catholic Circles. We know we need to be the primary educator of our children’s faith, we know that we need to be leading homes that are centers for holiness, but, you are anything like us, there are a number of things holding us back.

    Over the years Nancy has been held back from fully embracing her role as a Catholic Mother due to “idea overwhelm”. Over and over again she would read a great book or talk to an experienced mom and come back with all these ideas…only to have them flop when she tried to make them work in her house.

    Bill has felt paralyzed in his role as a Catholic Father due largely to comparison. Many of his close Catholic male friends have advanced degrees in Theology. Many of them went through seminary only to discern out toward the end. Bill does not have an advanced degree in Theology, he can’t quote the Suma and sometimes he feels ill-equipped to teach the faith.

    So, these are the things that have held us back, and we still struggle with them, but we have been liberated by this one truth:


    And if He thought we were up to the task of parenting (with His grace, of course) then we are, and we should stop all of the constant researching and second-guessing and comparing and just focus on the kids in front of us!

    Therefore, if you are interested in moving past the things in your life that have kept you from building your Domestic Church, I invite you to join us inside our new app, available January 1, and lead your family through the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp.

    The doors will only be open January 1st-6th.


    Join us, and let’s build our Domestic Churches, together!

    In Christ,

    Bill and Nancy

    DCPP 7: Conversation with the Vitals, DCP Graduates

    DCPP 7: Conversation with the Vitals, DCP Graduates

    Welcome back to the Domestic Church Project Podcast. Today we are excited to share another super awesome Catholic Family with you: The Vitals. Chris and Gian Vital and their seven children live in California. They went through our Beta Test of the program the fall of 2020, and they have some beautiful things to share with us all.

    A few quick notes about what we discuss in this conversation.

    First, we will be opening up enrollment for The Domestic Church Project Bootcamp, which is located in our beautiful new app, on January 6th, but we will only be enrolling until the 6th. At that time we will close the doors and focus on the families ready to start building their Domestic Churches.

    If you are reading this during that enrollment window, please head to domesticchurchproject.com to enroll.

    We plan to open up enrollment once again for a few days around Ash Wednesday.

    Next, Bill and Chris speak quite a bit about the Men’s Group that Bill ran to support Fathers taking their families through the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp. If you decide to join us in the app, we will be encouraging all fathers to dedicate themselves to a small group. The small group will meet weekly and encourage each other to keep going and to be the man that their family needs.

    Finally, if please stay tuned for more information about all of the improvements that we made the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp, based on the feedback from the beta families. Again, this will be open for enrollment from January 1st-January 6th, 2021.

    Thanks for listening! Have a blessed Christmas Season!

    In Christ,

    Bill and Nancy

    DCPP 6: Authentic Community

    DCPP 6: Authentic Community

    Hi! We are Bill and Nancy, and we run a ministry for Catholic Parents that you can learn all about right here: https://www.domesticchurchproject.com

    We'd also LOVE for you to join our new app for Catholic Parents! Enrollment will be open from Jan 1-6th! More details here: https://www.domesticchurchproject.com 

    Today we are talking about Community, but before you tune us out, I want to challenge you to really evaluate the role community plays in your life. And I bet you are actually starving for real community.

    But first, a little background:

    As you might know, we were spurred on to created the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp through the utterly transformative experience of competing for and winning the Our Sunday Visitor Catholic Innovators Challenge. Through that challenge mentors really pushed us to investigate what Catholic Families REALLY needed. So many things exist, and yet the Catholic Faith is not being transmitted to the next generation. So, what was missing?

    Through prayer, research, conversation and lots of hard work, we realized that parents need the HOW. We need to stop talking about teaching the Faith at home, and start showing parents HOW to teach. They need a program that trains them “on the job, at the speed of life” and that is what we created through the Domestic Church Project Bootcamp.

    In order to validate the Bootcamp, however, we decided to test it. And so, 100 families signed up and went through the whole program. Overall, it was a great success…but it was missing something: a community.

    Now, for the Beta testers were offered a FB group, but we soon learned that this just wasn’t enough. And lots of people didn’t want to be on FB (including me!)

    So, while I was scratching my head, Bill and the fathers were busy teaching us an important lesson. You see, the men started to meet each week for a “Happy Hour.” They simply jumped on a zoom call and shared how the Bootcamp was going in their home. And guess what, that simple element of community, authentic sharing and accountability was pivotal for the men that joined.

    And so, in the end that was our MAJOR learning from the Beta test: Catholic Parents need community.

    But, there is an even deeper problem here. Most of us have completely forgotten what community is!

    Community is not a 10,000 member Facebook group.

    Community is not scrolling on IG.

    Community is a group of people who share a goal and share the truth of their experiences openly.

    Therefore, half way through building the app we turned everything on its head. We abandoned our original plan and (through the grace of the Holy Spirit) found a must better platform that is private and an beautiful place to build this community for Catholic Parents.

    Listen to hear more about it.

    And, as always, thanks for being here!

    In Christ,

    Bill and Nancy

    DCPP 5: The Brormans: DCP Graduates

    DCPP 5: The Brormans: DCP Graduates

    Welcome to the Domestic Church Project Podcast, a podcast for Catholic Parents. We are Bill and Nancy from Catholic Sprouts, and we aren't starting this podcast because we have it all figured out. Not at all. We are very much in the trenches of parenthood, with five young children. We worry too much, and yell too much...and rely on God too little.


    We want to do better, and we want to link arms with you as we embrace the greatest calling of our lives: to RAISE SAINTS and to BUILD DOMESTIC CHURCHES.

    It is our hope that by sharing the REALITY of our lives was parents struggling with our own issues as we attempt to raise saints and build a Domestic Church that you will be inspired to get to work in your own homes.

    And so that's what this podcast is. This podcast is a place for us to discuss what it means to be Catholic Parents, a place where we can share our struggles and insights, a place where we can challenge each other to be just a little bit better and rely on God just a little bit more each and every day.

    And so, welcome!

    If you are a REAL Catholic Parent who loves the Church but struggles to know HOW to teach the faith and engage the hearts of your kids, then you are in the right spot.

    And we hope that you not only listen but that you commit to getting to work in your own home and that you consider sharing your unique story with us! We are each called to be a unique Domestic Church, and the more stories we hear about what is going on in other homes the better!

    In future episodes you can look forward to Bill and I sharing our own struggles as parents and the small insights that we can gain. We also plan to bring on other Catholic Parents of all types including single parents, parents married to non-catholics and Catholic parents from all over the country and the world.

    It's going to be epic!

    Because no matter who you are, God knew what He was doing when He made you a parent. Even if your formation was terrible (or terribly received), even if you are super busy, even if your marriage is imperfect, even if there are wounds in your family.

    Even then! 

    No matter what the situation might be, God is STILL calling YOU to raise saints and build a Domestic Church.

    And with His grace YOU ARE UP TO THIS TASK! Believe it, and let's get to work!

    Join us as we travel this path together. 

    You remain in your prayers, and we happily welcome any and all prayers you can offer for this little ministry! 

    To find our more about The Domestic Church Project, a program for Catholic Families, head here: https://www.domesticchurchproject.com

    And, to listen to the daily podcast for Catholic Kids, Catholic Sprouts, head here: https://catholicsprouts.com

    Finally, if you are looking for some easy yet meaningful activities to do in your home to help teach the faith, check out our resource library for Catholic Families. It is 100% free for our subscribers. Just sign up here: https://catholicsprouts.com/abcs-of-the-catholic-faith-new-and-improved/

    Thank you for listening! 

    And remember, God has a plan for your family. Yup, even your family.

    In Christ,

    Nancy and Bill

    Episode 171: 'Tis the season... 2 of 3 - to fast

    Episode 171: 'Tis the season... 2 of 3 - to fast
    Face it, you suck at fasting... and that's good. That's basically the message here. There's some stories of Ramon's work and Adrian's dad life. Those are worth listening for. But if you're here to read, then this is basically the end of the road. You've read this far, so why not waste a little more time and give us a five-star review. It'd be a lot cooler if you did. Also, join us on:


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    Facebook (we don't really monitor facebook):

    The Domestic Church Project Podcast with Bill and Nancy

    The Domestic Church Project Podcast with Bill and Nancy

    Welcome to our podcast! We are Bill and Nancy Bandzuch. We live outside of Minneapolis, and we are busy raising 5 young kids. We certainly aren't experts, but we are passionate about building our own Domestic Church, and helping other parents do the same.

    More than anything else, we'd like to invite you to join us. Join us in this hard but important work of raising saints.

    On the podcast we plan to talk about everything involved in teaching the Catholic Faith at home. We will share our struggles and small victories. We also will have lots of other Catholic Parents on to share about their families. 

    Tune in each Thursday for new episodes! 

    DCPP 4: Catholic Parents Need Training

    DCPP 4: Catholic Parents Need Training

    Welcome to the Domestic Church Project Podcast, a podcast for Catholic Parents. We are Bill and Nancy from Catholic Sprouts, and we aren't starting this podcast because we have it all figured out. Not at all. We are very much in the trenches of parenthood, with five young children. We worry too much, and yell too much...and rely on God too little.


    We want to do better, and we want to link arms with you as we embrace the greatest calling of our lives: to RAISE SAINTS and to BUILD DOMESTIC CHURCHES.

    It is our hope that by sharing the REALITY of our lives was parents struggling with our own issues as we attempt to raise saints and build a Domestic Church that you will be inspired to get to work in your own homes.

    And so that's what this podcast is. This podcast is a place for us to discuss what it means to be Catholic Parents, a place where we can share our struggles and insights, a place where we can challenge each other to be just a little bit better and rely on God just a little bit more each and every day.

    And so, welcome!

    If you are a REAL Catholic Parent who loves the Church but struggles to know HOW to teach the faith and engage the hearts of your kids, then you are in the right spot.

    And we hope that you not only listen but that you commit to getting to work in your own home and that you consider sharing your unique story with us! We are each called to be a unique Domestic Church, and the more stories we hear about what is going on in other homes the better!

    In future episodes you can look forward to Bill and I sharing our own struggles as parents and the small insights that we can gain. We also plan to bring on other Catholic Parents of all types including single parents, parents married to non-catholics and Catholic parents from all over the country and the world.

    It's going to be epic!

    Because no matter who you are, God knew what He was doing when He made you a parent. Even if your formation was terrible (or terribly received), even if you are super busy, even if your marriage is imperfect, even if there are wounds in your family.

    Even then! 

    No matter what the situation might be, God is STILL calling YOU to raise saints and build a Domestic Church.

    And with His grace YOU ARE UP TO THIS TASK! Believe it, and let's get to work!

    Join us as we travel this path together. 

    You remain in your prayers, and we happily welcome any and all prayers you can offer for this little ministry! 

    To find our more about The Domestic Church Project, a program for Catholic Families, head here: https://www.domesticchurchproject.com

    And, to listen to the daily podcast for Catholic Kids, Catholic Sprouts, head here: https://catholicsprouts.com

    Finally, if you are looking for some easy yet meaningful activities to do in your home to help teach the faith, check out our resource library for Catholic Families. It is 100% free for our subscribers. Just sign up here: https://catholicsprouts.com/abcs-of-the-catholic-faith-new-and-improved/

    Thank you for listening! 

    And remember, God has a plan for your family. Yup, even your family.

    In Christ,

    Nancy and Bill

    DCPP 3: I’m not qualified to teach the Faith

    DCPP 3: I’m not qualified to teach the Faith

    The Church tells us that as Catholic Parents we are the “primary educator of our children’s faith.” But…what if we don’t feel qualified to teach the Faith? What if our own formation was poor (or poorly received)? What then? And what if we are busy…can’t we just out source teaching the Faith to our parish or school.

    Well, here’s the hard truth. No matte who you are, what your life looks like or what you’ve been through, YOU need to be the primary educator of your child’s faith. Why? Because you have access to your children in a way that no one else does or ever will. Because God intended that the Faith should be taught in the family.

    But, don’t worry! We don't have all of the answers, but we do have some ideas. And we also are right there with you. We wonder all of the time, who am I to teach the Faith?

    Rest assured friends, God knew what He was doing when He gave you these kids, and He will equip you to lead your Domestic Church.

    Join us for a conversation about being the primary educator of our children’s Faith.

    You remain in your prayers!

    Nancy and Bill

    Episode 169: Ain't so bad 3 of 3 - We're Fine

    Episode 169: Ain't so bad 3 of 3 - We're Fine
    Today we recorded with wild children playing in the background. Let's just say the editing was pretty involved. We also talked about: The importance of community; Choosing your tribe wisely; & Having an intentional tribe directed toward God. I mean, it's more than that; but you don't subscribe to a blog... this is a podcast, so stop reading this and listen.

    You've read this far, so why not waste a little more time and give us a five-star review. It'd be a lot cooler if you did. Also, join us on:


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    Episode 168: Ain't so bad 2 of 3 - You're Fine

    Episode 168: Ain't so bad 2 of 3 - You're Fine
    As the crazy times continue, we continue this series of optimism and perseverance (or so we think). Today we bring our focus to the unnecessary negativity that people bring to our lives and the lives of others through this fashion of negativity perpetuated by a general dissatisfaction with life, no matter how good things may be going. There are legitimate reasons why people are not alright. Today we don't focus on that. Perhaps we can all stop feeding into the constant complaining and negativity of others and see the bright side of things.

    Ain't so bad 1 of 3 - I'm Fine

    Ain't so bad 1 of 3 - I'm Fine
    Times are crazy, people are crazy, America is burning... but it ain't so bad. Join us as we talk about it. Get your head out of the mainstream and take a stroll down... less mainstream.

    Adrian brought us some guy named Robert Spencer and a close to 2hr video titled: The only good Muslim is a bad muslim - debate with Dr. Peter Kreeft. While the episode is not about that, I thought it important to give the details here. And here is the link to it in case you want to watch it.

    Join us on instagram if you wanna talk to us. Just do a search, we're not hard to find. At this point. Adrian will settle for a 4 star review. Ramon still doesn't care.

    This is Shaggy...ween

    This is Shaggy...ween
    Just in time for Halloween (aka all hallows eve), we have an episode that took years to come to fruition. A special edition of the dude|CATHOLIC podcast, featuring long time friend of the show and comic book artist: Mr. Andy "Shaggy" Korty.

    Hear as we dive deep into the genre of horror, it's relation to the faith, and hear Adrian lose it completely after hearing the ultimate dad-joke of the season. You're gonna have to go all the way to the end to hear the full clip, because we had to cut him off during the episode. So sit back, relax, and hang out as we talk about everything and anything with Andy. Oh, and Adrian says hell; so be careful if you have littles listening... and you consider this word profanity.

    You've read this far, so why not waste a little more time and give us a five-star review. It'd be a lot cooler if you did. Also, join us on:


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