

    Explore "cauda" with insightful episodes like "Serpens the Serpent", "Verminoses em equinos #04 Como tratar a habronemose?", "Verminoses #04 Como tratar a habronemose?", "Verminoses #03 Habronemose cutânea" and "Verminoses em equinos #03 Habronemose cutânea" from podcasts like ""Constellations", "Ceva Sounds BR Pecuária", "Ceva Sounds BR Equinos", "Ceva Sounds BR Equinos" and "Ceva Sounds BR Pecuária"" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    Verminoses #02 Tratar e prevenir!

    Verminoses #02 Tratar e prevenir!
    As verminoses são causadas por inúmeros tipos de vermes e para cada um existe o tratamento e a base correta. Nem sempre trocar a base do produto várias vezes ao ano é a melhor opção para prevenção das verminoses. Drª. Baity Leal, Médica Veterinária especializada em equinos, explica como implementar o protocolo de vermifugação na série "Verminoses".

    Episode 123: Dr. Nevada Gray

    Episode 123: Dr. Nevada Gray

    Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast with hosts Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter. For this episode, Dr. Nevada Gray joined the show. Nevada is a pharmacist and registered nurse with 20 years experience helping patients navigate the healthcare system and empower themselves back to health with fitness and nutrition. After suffering a partial spinal cord injury in 2016 called cauda equina syndrome, Nevada utilized the ketogenic diet and became a NASM certified personal trainer during her 2 year recovery.

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    Instagram handles: @shawnbaker1967@zachbitter@thepaleopharmacist  

    Twitter handles: @SBakerMD@zbitter@drnevadagray  

    Facebook handles: Shawn Baker@zach.bitter@thepaleopharmacist 

    Website URLs: https://zachbitter.com , https://shawn-baker.com, and https://thepaleopharmacist.com/ 

    YouTube: Zach (https://www.youtube.com/c/ZachBitterUltra) Shawn (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5apkKkeZQXRSDbqSalG8CQ)

    If you would like to set up a consult call with either Zach or Shawn, you can schedule with Zach at https://calendly.com/zbittercoaching and with Shawn at https://shawn-baker.com/consultation/.

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    with Prince Handley


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    There are many types, as well as causes, of back pain. Also, there are severities ranging from moderate to extreme … and some, life threatening. Many people suffer for years with a condition that could have been taken care of in a short time … and some, instantly. God is the Healer and the Creator – and by virtue of this fact – He knows exactly what you need.

    There is nothing wrong with going to physicians or seeking medical help or advice.   But what we should do is seek the LORD first to see what He wants us to do. He may want to heal us by His sovereign power, over a period of time, or instantaneously.




    There are many types, as well as causes of, back pain. There is neck pain, upper back pain, mid and lower back pain, and then the sacrum related coditions at the base of the spine. You have probably heard someone complain of sciatica which is caused by irritation ot the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve coming out of the spinal cord in the lower back. A bulging or ruptured disc is usually the primary culprit is such a condition. However, there can be other conditions involved.

    Arthritis can cause bone spurs which can cause or exacerbate sciatica. Also, an injury can cause compression of the nerve roots. There are several other causes for sciatica, and the source of the irritation will usually dictate the treatment prescribed: physical therapy, medicine and sometimes surgery. Be very careful of exercise regimen with any type of back condtion, especially spinal related, as you could be aggravating the situation. Always check with your medical professional concerning any type of workouts, exercise and even stretching.

    CAUTION: There is a condition known as Cauda Equina Syndrome which you might think is sciatica; however, it is very dangerous and without a MIRACLE from God may require urgent surgical treatment. It's symptoms can be similar to sciatica, and causes can be:

    • A severe ruptured disk in the lumbar area (the most common cause).

    • Narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis).

    • A spinal lesion or tumor.

    • A spinal infection, inflammation, hemorrhage, or fracture.

    • A complication from a severe lumbar spine injury such as a car crash, fall, gunshot, or stabbing.

    • A birth defect such as an abnormal connection between blood vessels.

    There are types of bone pain attributed to bone fusion or where the vertebrae grow over. One such conditon is known as Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). It affects the spine with pain and stiffness from the neck down to the lower back and does not necessarily confine itself to older people; it happens most often to teenagers and men in their twenties, and is characterized by stiffness from the neck down to the lower back, and can result in a rigid spine.

    Back pain can be caused from injury, work, poor posture (sitting or standing), sports and recreation. But … the Good News is that YOU can be healed of back pain! You may be thinking … or saying … “I've had this condition for years!” Well, let me tell you, my friend, that Jesus, the Healer, has been healing for years! There are some practical things you can do to help your situation:

    1. Exercise (check with a medical professional before starting an exercise or stretching regimen);

    2. Take proper nutrition and supplements;

    3. Get the required amount of sunshine (for Vitamin D);

    4. Rest your body and your mind.

    5. Take advantage of physical helps like the “Teeter HangUps” inversion table. This helps reverse the effects of gravity and disc compression. (Check with your medical professional before using.)

    The scope of this teaching is NOT to discuss specific types of therapy or treatments, but rather to present an alternative solution to problems that you or a loved one may be experiencing with back related issues.You can be healed today...NOW...by calling on the name of the LORD:  Who forgives all your sins, and Who heals all your diseases [Psalm 103:3]  The LORD's healing nature never changes.  It is God's will to heal you!

    Remember the lady in the Bible who was bent over for 18 years?

    “And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together (bent over), and could not in anyway lift herself up.

    And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.

    And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.” (Matthew 13:11-13)



    I am completely back pain FREE at this time in my life … and I have been on Planet Earth for quite a while! My advice to you – especially if you know the Great Physician, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, the Messiah) – is: NEVER GIVE UP!

    I went for 13 years with terrible back pain. I don't know what caused it. I was a varsity wrestler in school, but I don't remember any happenings that would have caused (the devil's) pain. (I say “the devil's pain” because it was NOT my pain; it was pain the devil wanted me to have!) Also, I had been in NO serious accidents, not even small ones. By God's grace I have never had a broken bone in my lifetime. I have claimed the scripture for years (a prophetic one about Messiah Jesus' death on the cross) that says, “He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.” (Psalm 34:20)

    Here is how I was healed. My pain was so bad and so aggravating. I had been to a chiropractor years before and had learned or remembered how he had “fixed” my back to alleviate pain. So, I would lie on the floor and try to “fix” my back the way the chiropractor did.

    I was miserable, and it got worse and worse! I was addicted to”cracking” my back. I probably was compounding the situation. It was such a miserable condition … and, to make matters worse, at that time in my life I did NOT know about the healing power of Christ!

    Finally, I began to wonder if the situation was NOT a physical problem, but possibly a “spirit” problem; in other words, a “spirit of affliction” sent by the devil to plague me while I was trying to do God's work! To give you an idea of how bad the situation was, if I were in a business environment where I had never been before, I would look to see if the receptionist stepped out of the office so I could lie on the floor and “crack” my back. I was miserable!

    One day as I was on the floor ready to “crack” my back, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He said, “Why don't you let me take care of that for you?!” Wow! I knew exactly what He meant. Instead of ME trying to fix the problem and compounding it each time I “cracked” my back, the Holy Spirit wanted to FIX it. It was such a temptation because when – and immediately after – I would “crack” my back, I would feel so much better … until it started hurting again! I really had to resist “cracking” my back … but realized at the same time, I didn't want to go through that all of my life. So … I said, “OK, Holy Spirit, I give this problem – this back condition – to You!” That was it, it was over. PRAISE GOD! That was many years ago.

    Another time, I experienced extreme pain in my upper back below my shoulder. It was not a spinal problem, but it would hurt so badly that I would cry. I asked God different times to either heal me or take me home to Heaven! I went to medical doctors, I went to specialists, I went to physical therapy … nothing worked. I even told two of the doctors I had that I asked the LORD, “Either heal me or take me to Heaven,” so they would know how bad the situation was.

    Nothing worked! Finally, one night while travelling in another area of the country, before I went to bed, I prayed to God and said, “Father, you can just send an Angel to touch me and I will be healed.” That night, while I was sleeping, I was awakened with a loud “POP” in my back where the problem had been. It was so loud it awakened me. And I was perfectly healed. I have never had that problem since, and never will, thank God … and thank the Holy Angel that God sent to touch me. Yes, “Touched by an Angel” has a special meaning to me!


    PRAISE is also an important remedy for back pain.

    1. It lifts up and straightens the spinal column and relaxes it from a “stooped” condition. Learn to practice praise to God several times a day for at least 30 seconds.

    2. God lives in the praise of His people. “But You are holy, O You that inhabits the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3)

    3. The anointing breaks the yoke. Since God lives in the praise of His people, there is an anointing present with true praise, which can break an “assigned” attack on the body, mind or spirit. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” (Isaiah 10:27)

    4. Praise brings victory. King Jehoshaphat and the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem won a large battle utilising praise. (Read 2 Chronicles Chapter 20, verses 1-30 in the Tanakh.)


    CHECK THIS OUT:  An Egyptian friend of mine, Magdy Girgis, was a member of our Board of Directors. He worked for Hughes Aircraft as did several Christians who had been Baptized in the Holy Spirit, all of which spoke in tongues. They had Bible studies together every morning before work and also at luch time. One day a man named Warren Meisenbach, who worked in the Engineering Department, came to their Bible study at lunch. Warren was NOT a believer and he asked them, “What's this born again stuff you keep talking about?” Warren had been a “hunch back” for 15 years (like the lady in the Bible I discussed earlier who had been bent over 18 years). Warren received Christ as his Lord that day, and asked the men to lay hands on him for healing. Instantly … they could hear his back "cracking' like: POP, POP, POP. He was perfectly straightend in a normal position. (See Note #3 at bottom to listen to a podcast of this MIRACLE.) When he went home his wife was dumbfounded because he was not only “straightened” but smiling for the first time in years! Jesus is the Healer … the Great Physician. Will you let Him heal YOU?

    If you want to meet the Healer, Yeshua HaMashiach – Jesus the Anointed One – NOW is the time!  Invite God’s Son, Yeshua, to come into your life by praying the following prayer:

    "Messiah Jesus, I know that you are The Great Physician. You loved me enough to shed your sinless blood and die for me on the cross stake that I might be healed.
    I know you are alive. Please forgive my sins, come into my life, and be my Master. Help me to live for you, and take me to Heaven when I die."


    I have selected three (2) books which will help you to know how to deal with back pain, and any type of pain – so you can live PAIN FREE and serve God – and enjoy life the way God wants you to. Here they are … just click on the image.




    I have seen many people healed by the LORD of back pain, back conditions and paralysis. I have witnessed many people walking out of their wheel chairs. I was holding a three day seminar and I had asked the people present to join me in prayer and fasting for the last day as I was going to teach on healing. A man was present who had been in a wheel chair for nine years due to two conditions: 1. A large 18 wheel semi-tractor truck had run into his automobile and he had five breaks in his spine; 2. He had muscular dystrophy. During Holy Communion he walked out of his wheel chair and never went back! Two years later, he gave his testimony in a large Presbyterian church and hundreds of people fell out of their seats under the Power of the Holy Spirit. NEVER GIVE UP!


    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    Podcast time: 17 minutes, 45 seconds (with music)


    1. Healing and Miracle Podcast – Source A: www.healing.libsyn.com

    2. Healing and Miracle Podcast – Source B: www.hmpodcast.wordpress.com

    To listen to the account of the hunchback being healed, go here: POP-POP


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    Back pain

    Back pain

    Back pain is not usually the most exciting chart in the rack but there are many serious diagnoses lurking out there that we have to look out for.  In this episode, we'll go over how to do a good back pain history and physical, catch the red flags, form a broad differential, order the right tests (not everyone need labs and films!), and treat the patient's pain effectively.


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