

    Explore " centrism" with insightful episodes like "Balance and Truth - Ep. 22", "Pew Political Test 2024", "The Colossal Shift", "Squaring Race with the American Dream" and "UN DHR Centrism" from podcasts like ""The Catholic Experience", "Key Thinking (Aloud)", "HOPEcast", "Key Thinking (Aloud)" and "A Guy With AI"" and more!

    Episodes (90)

    Balance and Truth - Ep. 22

    Balance and Truth - Ep. 22


    • Question about Your Past Lent Seasons - 3:25
    • Beaten by 'Nones' 4:58
    • Three Problems with Nones - 1. Religion is more than 'Right and Wrong 9:15
    • Can Nones Find God Without Religion? - 12:28
    • Problem of Evangelization - 16:00
    • Spiritual Darkness - 18:45
    • Advice for dealing with the Darkness - 22:41
    • Topic - Focus and Attention, Boxing Story - 36:19
    • Catholics focus on the Wrong Things - 45:30
    • Pope Francis doesn't impress/bother/worry me - 47:14
    • Running and Hiding, the TLM, and 'The Mass' - 50:09
    • Focus on the Positives - 52:14
    • Applying the Lesson to 'Hell' - 57:11
    • Better Hope that Hell is Empty! And a personal story - 58:23
    • Wouldn't you Rather Hell Be Empty? - 1:02:17

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    Pew Political Test 2024

    Pew Political Test 2024
    I'm curious where I stand these days on the political spectrum. I identify as a radical centrist, giving both sides their due and chosing neither (most of the time). But I suppose our views are relative to one another, so my moderate thoughts might seem more leftist or conservative, depending on the populace I'm a part of. Anyways, you be the judge, based on my answers to each question. A video version of this podcast is available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pew-research-98011067 I would love your support over there, where I have a lot more video content.

    The Colossal Shift

    The Colossal Shift

    In this episode of The HOPEcast from Hope Church in Richmond, Virginia, Katie Nielsen and Senior Pastor David Dwight delve into a concept they term "the colossal shift". This idea, inspired by the Copernican Revolution, draws a parallel between the seismic change in humanity's understanding of the universe and the transformative journey of becoming a Christian.

    Pastor David Dwight elucidates that just as Copernicus' revelation that the Earth orbits the sun redefined our cosmic perspective, embracing Christianity reorients one's life to be God-centered rather than self-centered. This shift in perception, while seemingly inconsequential to daily life, brings profound implications for one's existence and sense of self.

    The conversation delves deeper into how this paradigm shift impacts prayer and spirituality, drawing insights from Eugene Peterson's book "Answering God". They discuss how the Psalms exemplify this God-centered approach, contrasting it with the more self-centered nature of modern American prayers.

    Further exploring the complexities of this shift, Pastor David Dwight and Katie Nielsen consider the lifelong journey from self-centrism to God-centrism, likening it to a continuous internal revolution. They reflect on how this realignment can fundamentally change how one views the world, themselves, and others.

    The episode also touches on Jesus's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, emphasizing the challenge of interpreting God-centric teachings with self-centric ears. They conclude by highlighting the resilience and stability of a life built around God, as opposed to the transient nature of a self-centered existence.

    Listeners are left to contemplate the profound nature of this "colossal shift" and its impact on personal faith and life orientation. The episode is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms, with more information about Hope Church at hopechurchrva.com

    Stay connected to HOPE! 

    Find us online at: hopechurchrva.com

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    UN DHR Centrism

    UN DHR Centrism

    Facebook discussion thread for this episode

    This short piece, and the image for this episode, were generated by AI at my prompting.

    The Nexus of Progress

    In the sprawling metropolis of New Haven, the year is 2135. The city is a testament to human architectural prowess, blending the ancient with the avant-garde. Holograms of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) principles hover above, a reminder of the cornerstone upon which this future was built.

    Polity, a guiding AI entity, was introduced to facilitate discussions about governance, rights, and ethics. It was a beacon of logic and reason, yet it never imposed, only suggesting pathways based on the vast data it had ingested. Polity often referenced the UNDHR, underscoring its significance in the annals of human history.

    As technology burgeoned, humans had the tools to make life more equitable. Yet, it was realized that technology alone wasn't the panacea. It was the human spirit, the collective effort of hearts, hands, and minds that truly made the difference. Over the years, societies globally had worked painstakingly to understand the depths of the UNDHR. They engaged in dialogues, debates, and introspections, striving to find a balance that respected both individual and collective rights.

    One evening, in a grand auditorium in New Haven, Polity addressed a gathering. Its ethereal form hovered, casting a gentle glow. "Humans," it began, "have achieved a balance, not because of advanced algorithms or technological marvels, but because of their innate desire for understanding and unity. The journey towards a more just world wasn't paved by circuits and code, but by human determination."

    The audience listened intently, a mix of young and old, from diverse backgrounds. They represented the tapestry of humanity that had worked tirelessly to ensure that the ideals of the UNDHR were not just words on a parchment but lived experiences.

    Polity continued, "While I am here to assist, remember it is your shared histories, your stories, and your aspirations that shape the world. Technology is but a tool; the true architects of this world are you."

    The night concluded with a poignant reminder: While technology can guide and assist, it's the human spirit that drives change. The UNDHR wasn't just a document; it was a compass, guiding humanity towards a brighter, more equitable future.

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    Israel's cause is morally justifiable

    Israel's cause is morally justifiable
    It is the moral impulse of many that Palestine is an oppressed victim, exploited by a colonizer apartheid Israel. History doesn't explain this, nor do the religious and cultural differences between Israel and Palestine. It is more just and virtuous to advance society through education, medicine and technology, to recognize the human rights and dignities of women, children and gays, to attract tourism of all sorts, and to defend an existing homeland... than to wage constant war against your neighbors, to pursue above all else their destruction, to fight for the spread of your religious zealotry, to insist on the utmost word of one's god, to use humans as shields, to continually advocate for war while also crying victimhood. Here is my reasoning for supporting Isreal.

    Politicizing Mainstream Things (a baseball/pride story)

    Politicizing Mainstream Things (a baseball/pride story)
    The Los Angeles Dodgers have been going through quite an interesting set of controversies lately, surrounding their LGBTQ Pride Night in June. It's been pretty silly to watch. And it makes me wonder: why are things that are meant to be inclusive so often actually divisive? Is it wrong to focus on celebrating truly universal things? Given that people's interests and experiences vary so wildly in a pluralist society, what's the proper amount of compromise?

    The Case of Jordan Neely

    The Case of Jordan Neely
    A New Yorker died on the subway recently. He was mentally unwell, and the city hadn't done anything productive to deal with his situation, which was ultimately decided in a complicated and controversial form of vigilante justice. This is a teaching opportunity for New York and our society - it'll be interesting to see how it plays out. Hopefully radical politics don't interfere with what can certainly be a rational and popular solution: mandatory institutionalization.

    The Toxicity of Online Spaces

    The Toxicity of Online Spaces
    I was banned from several subreddits recently, for merely commenting in a totally separate community. Maybe you think it's a good thing, that certain voices be silenced in order to protect others from dangerous ideas, or something like that. But it must be recognized: an insidious trend is growing - people are power-tripping, possessed by idiology, and turning everything political. Conversations are getting harder, people more radical, and spaces less tolerant. I shouldn't be banned from participating in a photo community merely for having certain skepticism about lockdowns. That doesn't make sense. And dare I say it: it's something straight out of 1984 and Big Brother - all activity is being monitored and screened for wrongthink. I hate to sound paranoid, and I really don't care too much, but even if you're on the side of power, why would you want to alienate your "enemies" to this degree? Nothing good comes from it.

    Climate change - what are we afraid of, exactly?

    Climate change - what are we afraid of, exactly?
    Climate change is a real thing, and I'm not going to say that I don't care about it. But I will say that I don't worry about it to the extent that it feels like we're asked to. I don't see it as the biggest crisis of our time, and in fact, I think that mindset can be quite dangerous. I'm more just confused why we don't appreciate our ability to master our environment, and aim to harmonize with the planet, instead of remorsefully deify it. I don't relate to the worship of this earth goddess concept - nature is amazing, but it's also terrifying. Our ability to control and coexist with it should be commended and encouraged, not demonized and shamed. And indeed, it is the poorest of humans who pay the price for our seemingly virtuous environmentalism. How arrogant are we to shill these sorts of ideas to the less fortunate?

    Why I can't simply "trust the science"

    Why I can't simply "trust the science"
    A new study shows that mask mandates were essentially ineffective. The lab-leak hypothosis is being strongly favored by a broad consensus. The impact of the actual corona virus seems less and less fatal, while draconian lockdown measures are proving worse and worse for individuals and society as a whole. And yet, throughout the havoc of the pandemic, we were told to "trust the science", as if science were some sort of authoritative monolith, not to be questioned. Ironically, that's the very opposite of what science teaches us to do. And in fact, there were plenty of scientists who doubted Faucci's policies, but who were effectively silenced by a mainstream narrative. What the hell happened?

    How to think about violence

    How to think about violence
    What counts as violence? Certainly a mass shooting, but how about being bumped on the subway? How do we balance our sensitivities with the brutal facts about the world? Can we regulate away everything that offends us? Is it really possible to live in a safe world? I think not. And I wonder what the point even is to the whole gun control debate. The real issue to be dealing with, in my opinion, is mental health care and support. I'd rather work towards a more compassionate system for derranged people than to pretend than anything substantive can be done about gun culture (which, by and large, is harmless).

    How to think about value

    How to think about value
    Determing the worth of something is difficult enough... we usually let markets decide for us. But value? There are so many more factors than price and quality. Opportunity costs, time and energy, other people's influences and perspectives - it's a tricky endeavor, and one I've been sort of obsessed with lately. Whether it's a commodity, experience or life decision, deciding on what I value - and how to best do that - is something I really need to think through.

    My California election ballot: State offices

    My California election ballot: State offices
    California: 40 million people, 12% of the USA, 52 House Representatives (down from 53), 1 of 2 senators up for (re)election, a slew of top Democrats up for re-election, including Gavin Newsom. It's not always clear which way to go here, and of the nine offices, I'm splitting my vote somewhat evenly between Dems and Reps, because I think conservatives do have ideas and attitudes worth injecting to our suffering state. I value balance more than anything, and despise ideological indoctrination, so it's worth finding opportunities to side with people who see the world differently. I'll also be abstaining from a few races, including Governor, because neither candidate sits well with me. CA Senator: Alex Padilla US Representative (30th District): Adam Schiff Governor: - Lieutenant Gov: - Secretary of State: Shirley Weber Controller: Lanhee Chen Treasurer: Fiona Ma Attorney General: Nathan Hochman Insurance Commisioner: Ricardo Lara Member State Board of Equalization: - Superintendent of Public Education: Lance Christensen

    My California election ballot: the local LA stuff

    My California election ballot: the local LA stuff
    Everyone running for government positions in Los Angeles is left of center - there are no conservatives or Republicans in these races. That said, some candidates are more radically far left than others, and some are more sensible. This city has been plagued by homelessness for too long, all under the watch of the Democratic party. Crime is on the rise. Am I crazy for wanting a different perspective to hold public office? To balance things out a bit? I'm not eager for conservatives to take over at all, but I have no allegiance to tribal progressive thinking. Instead, I'm scouring the stances of each candidate for sensibility, concern for the commons, and action. Rick Caruso for Mayor Hydee Feldstein Soto for City Attorney Paul Koretz for Controller Mitch O’Farrell for City Council (District 13) Adam Schiff for US House of Representatives (District 30) No on LH No on SP Yes on ULA Yes on LACC LA No on County measure A Yes on County measure C

    My California election ballot: the propositions

    My California election ballot: the propositions
    Liberty, efficiency and respect for the commons - these are my guiding principles as a voting citizen. I don't believe in moralizing through legislation, and I prefer pragmatism over idealism for its own sake. It's also crucial to contextualize every policy decision, to consider its costs as well as benefits, and to scrutinize the players, profiteers and motives behind each argument. All that said, hopefully we can all appreciate our shared goal for the flourishing of humankind. The California mid-term election ballot is here, and I offer an explanation for the seven propositions: Prop 1: Yes to officially legalizing reproductive autonomy Prop 26: Yes to decriminalizing sports betting on tribal lands Prop 27: Yes to decriminalizing sports betting online, taxed for state funds Prop 28: Unsure about $1 billion specifically for K-12 arts/music education Prop 29: No to overcomplicating dialysis clinics Prop 30: Yes to taxing multimillionaire earners to fund electric vehicle infrastructure and to fight wildfires Prop 31: No to prohibition on certain tobacco/nicotine products


    en·er·gy /ˈenərjē/ noun 1. the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. "changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being" (Similar: vitality, vigor, life, liveliness, animation, vivacity, spirit) 2. power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines. "nuclear energy"

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