
    ceo coach & mentor peak performance expert

    Explore " ceo coach & mentor peak performance expert" with insightful episodes like "How the Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken Built His Businesses | Simon Duffy | The 2%", "Do this to ACHIEVE your Full Potential FASTER | James Altucher | The 2%", "PPI #134: Why You're So Stressed (And What You Can Do About It)", "PPI #130: Only SUCCESSFUL People REALIZE THIS!" and "PPI #117: 5 Rules for the Game of Life" from podcasts like ""The 2% with Eric Partaker", "The 2% with Eric Partaker", "The 2% with Eric Partaker", "The 2% with Eric Partaker" and "The 2% with Eric Partaker"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    How the Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken Built His Businesses | Simon Duffy | The 2%

    How the Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken Built His Businesses | Simon Duffy | The 2%

    Do you want to build the business you’ve always dreamed about? Join Simon Duffy (Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken) and Eric Partaker as they discuss what it takes to launch a product and build a brand in today's environment. Take away tips and insights into how you yourself can join the path to achieving your goals. 


    You can start now - There's a certain mindset where people think they have to understand everything about a problem or a business opportunity before they make a start. You don't need to have all the answers before you start.

    You don't need to be an expert - You don't need to be a domain expert in almost any part of what you're doing. You just have to believe that you can be good with people and you can collaborate your way to success, whether that's through building a great team or hiring great consultants and experts to support your vision.

    The formula for success - Innovation is a combination of vision, opportunity and desire.

    Think beyond the category - High interest products can perform very well in low interest categories of products.

    Be Bold - Have the determination and the confidence to give something a go. You don't have to be an expert in the category to launch a brand.

    Be Determined - And once you've given it that go, be determined. Have confidence in yourself. If you think you're seeing something that other people haven't seen yet, have the courage to have a crack at something entrepreneurial for a few years.

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    Do this to ACHIEVE your Full Potential FASTER | James Altucher | The 2%

    Do this to ACHIEVE your Full Potential FASTER | James Altucher | The 2%

    What if I told you, you could skip the line? Experience is no longer the key to success! Would you believe me? Join James Altucher (Hedge Fund Manager, Author, Podcaster and Entrepreneur) and Eric Partaker as they share tips on how to reach your full potential and discover how James became the successful Entrepreneur he is today.

    Skip the line! – There will always be people who want to tell you ‘You can’t do it. You cannot skip the line. Stay in line, pay your dues. It’s not going to happen.’ When someone tells you this, they are imprinting their own goals on you, their truths, not yours.

    Efficiency is the Answer – 1% of your focus could generate 50% of the benefits you seek in life. So be aware of yourself when you are doing something mindlessly, or you’re not optimizing your training and your study. Inefficiency is a waste of time.

    The Power of 10 - Spend 20-30 minutes a day writing 10 ideas down. Exercise your idea muscle. Use this list to focus on businesses you could start or industries that could be disrupted and changed, or things in life that could be better.

    Stress Creates Strength – Stress the muscle to cause it to grow. Put in the effort and work hard in order to level up.

    Broadcast Your Ideas – Sharing ideas builds a network, people learn to trust you, people try your ideas. Don’t stress about people stealing your ideas. If you are exercising the power of 10, by tomorrow you will have 10 more ideas. Be abundant with ideas, as opposed to scarce.

    Create the Room that Nobody Else is in – If you’re the only one, you are going to get known. Not only will you be noticed but with the skills that you are combining you might be the best in the world.

    The Only Failure is Not Trying – Experiment with your ideas using these three rules. It should cost almost nothing, it should be very fast to do, and there should be little downside. In the worst case scenario, even if you do not succeed, you will still learn something. The upside is you could gain a huge business out of it.

    Love What You Do – If part of your energy is used convincing yourself to try the idea, that’s energy inefficiency. If you love something, you can use that energy that would have been required to convince yourself to work harder on your idea and do it better.

    Plus, Minus, Equals – PLUS: find yourself a mentor to learn about the top echelons of the industry. EQUALS: Find people who are like you, who are interested in your industry, and with whom you are roughly at the same level. Challenge each other and compare ideas. MINUS: Less is more. Learn how to teach and explain your ideas simply. If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not truly understand it.

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    PPI #134: Why You're So Stressed (And What You Can Do About It)

    PPI #134: Why You're So Stressed (And What You Can Do About It)

    There are so many simple things that you can do to lessen those feelings of stress. And today, you're going to learn not only why you're so stressed, but what you can do about it.


    Are You Respecting The Fundamentals? - Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating properly? Are you getting enough exercise? In high stress moments that is when we most need our fundamentals.

    Are Your Goals Clear Enough? - Make sure you have clear goals set for the quarter, month, week. Ensure you are clear on what you are doing on a daily basis.

    Plan Each Day - Choose the top three things you would like to achieve in the day ahead, and schedule them into your working day. Know exactly what you are doing, when. 

    Do What's Meaningful To You - Make sure what you're doing is important to you. Are you being challenged appropriately to allow you to grow and develop into the best version of yourself?

    You’re Too Busy! - Are you doing too many things and not enough of the right things? Eliminate some of the unessential work and schedule in what you should be doing? What gets scheduled gets done.

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    Achieving success in work and life comes down to following a handful of rules that any successful person knows. Here are the success principles that will serve you for the rest of your life.


    Mistakes are Valuable Lessons - It's through the mistakes that we learn how to grow. It's through mistakes we learn how to make that next round of valuable improvement.

    Measure What Matters - What gets measured gets done, what gets measured can improve. Ask what should I be measuring, what relates to the goal and what I am trying to achieve?

    Successful People Are Always Learning - Ask yourself, what can I be doing to accelerate my learning? Keep your eyes and ears open to find that next thing that you can be learning.

    Successful People Don't Focus on Everything -  They focus on the things that matter most. 80/20 principle, 20% of the things we do can account for 80% of the result.

    Growth Isn't Within Your Comfort Zone - Success isn't where you currently are, it's just outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself, take bold action. 

    Consistency Rules! - It's much better if you don't push yourself as hard and actually just maintain that 80% consistently. Instead of overworking resulting in you burning out. 

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    PPI #117: 5 Rules for the Game of Life

    PPI #117: 5 Rules for the Game of Life

    Would you like to know the five rules for the game of life? By the end of today's episode, you'll know the five top rules that in my research and experience lead to a better life.


    Don't Compare Yourself to Others - Instead compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Keep track of the days you have wins and the days you can learn from.

    Decide Who it is That You Want to be Right Now - Whether its health, work or fitness related, find an identity for all three and work at being the best possible version of yourself. 

    Take Action! - Plan ahead, everyday write three things to accomplish the next day and schedule them into your diary.

    Level Up Your Network - Are the people you're spending time with giving you energy? Are they helping you in the game of life or are they taking energy away?

    Smile, Laugh, and Have a Good Time! - Allow the space for our favourite moments to happen when we are not in pursuit of our goals.

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    PPI #113: How to Design Your Destiny

    PPI #113: How to Design Your Destiny

    Would you like to know how to design your own destiny? By the end of today's episode, you'll know exactly how to design your own destiny and take your life to an entirely new level.


    Do You Have a Vision! - If you don't have a vision, you won't know where you're headed, you’ll drift through life.

    Why Is Your Vision Important To You? -  What is the deeply motivating reason that's going to drive you towards fulfilling your destiny?

    Focus on what’s important! - What are the outputs that matter most for the future you’re trying to create? Schedule your time, show up to appointments and single task. Focus on whatever it is that you intended at that moment.

    Behaviour Follows Identity - Decide who it is that you want to be. Start acting how that person would. 

    Expect the Unexpected - By expecting the unexpected you’ll be stronger and a lot more capable of staying on the path to achieving and designing your own destiny. 

    Upgrade Your Network - Are you spending time with the people who help me achieve my destiny or are they holding you back?

    Design Your Learning - Find out what it is you need to be learning to reach your goals, and learn it!

    Visualize Your Dreams - Everyday for 5 minutes visualize your dreams and achieve your goals.

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    PPI #112: 10 SKILLS That Are HARD to Learn, BUT Will Pay Off FOREVER!

    PPI #112: 10 SKILLS That Are HARD to Learn, BUT Will Pay Off FOREVER!


    Face Your Fears - A lot of people think that they need to be more confident in order to step into their fears, but they've got it wrong. The key skill to learn is that we step into our fears in order to build confidence.

    Practice Curious Listening - Asking curiosity-based questions, will not only deepen your connection with a person, but also teach you things that you never would have perhaps known before. This can be important for your own development as well.

    Practice Single Tasking - Did you know that the average person loses 13 weeks a year, an entire calendar quarter, because they are not working on one thing at a time? Eliminate your distractions!

    80/20 Focus - 80/20 focus is simply recognizing that things are not all created equal. What are the 20% of the things that you can be focusing on for 80% of the benefit?

    Get Some Sleep - A lot of people are not getting the recommended eight hours of sleep. It impacts their productivity. It impacts their ability to achieve their goal. Ultimately it impacts their ability to get to where they want to in life.

    Pause! - When something happens that triggers the worst in you, do not respond right away. Pause between whatever is triggering you and responding so that you can choose the best response, the response that's congruent with who you are at your best.

    Step into Difficult Conversations - It's not confidence that we need to have a difficult conversation. It's stepping into the difficult conversation that will build the confidence we seek.

    Create Consistency - Working constantly at an 80% level is better than on occasion 100%, and then 60% or 50%. 

    Find an Expert - There are experts out there to help you in your quest to achieve whatever it is that you want. If you can develop the comfort to get out there and reach and connect to them, you can acquire the expertise that you need.

    Manage your time well!

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    PPI #111: 9 Ways to Make People RESPECT You IMMEDIATELY

    PPI #111: 9 Ways to Make People RESPECT You IMMEDIATELY


    Listen With Curiosity - People want to feel that they’re being listened to. It commands respect from the others because you suddenly are and appear more engaged. 

    Do What You Say! - You need to be reliable. If you're not reliable, people will not respect you.

    Say How You Feel - If you go about a conversation or a relationship and you're not revealing your true feelings, but then those feelings become revealed later through other means people tend to not respect you.

    Treat People Fairly and Respectfully - They need to feel that justice is being made available for everyone in the relationship. 

    Offer to Help Others Achieve Their Goals - If you do that, people will immediately feel a greater bond to you and increase the likelihood of them wanting to work with you.

    Look After the Human Side of Someone and Not Just the Work Side -  Remind yourself that they're not just there to work or to collaborate with you.

    Demonstrate your Vulnerability - When you admit to others that you've made a mistake, it makes you more approachable, it makes you more accessible and it makes it more likely that someone is going to respect you because you're like them in that situation.

    Deliver your Best - If you're delivering your best and people can feel that, they are more likely to respect you. Giving your best commands respect from anyone around.

    Demonstrate That You are Constantly Seeking to Improve - Asking for feedback, demonstrating that you're looking to continuously improve immediately commands respect from others.

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    PPI #110: How to Succeed 5 Steps for Getting Ahead

    PPI #110:  How to Succeed 5 Steps for Getting Ahead


    Identity Creates Behaviour - It's not the other way around. Choose a superhero version of yourself, give that a name and see how your behavior starts to follow suit and match who you're striving to be.

    Set Magnetic Goals - Goals that pull us into action. Goals that make us want to be productive. Setting massive goals makes them magnetic.

    Focus on What Matters Most - Focus on the outputs that matter most. What is going to create the most amount of positive movement?

    Determine What You Need to Learn, and From Whom - When you do something you haven't done before, it requires you to learn something new. 100% of the knowledge that you need to achieve your goals already exists so go out there and learn it!

    Schedule time to work on the things that matter most.

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    PPI #109: The #1 THING You MUST DO if You WANT SUCCESS!

    PPI #109: The #1 THING You MUST DO if You WANT SUCCESS!


    IPA stands for Identity, Productivity and Antifragility. Mastering IPA is the number one thing you need to do to be more successful in life.

    I = Identity -  Start with identity. Behavior follows who you think you are. You cannot  become a better version of yourself if you continue being the person you've always been.

    P = Productivity -  You must optimize yourself for action. You must have 80/20 focus. What’s the 20% of things that you could do for 80% of the results?

    A = Antifragility - Reframe stress; so that the more stress, hardship or difficulty you experience, the stronger you become. 

    Stress Can Be Helpful - It is not something that you should seek to run away from, stress is positive, if viewed from the correct point of view.

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