
    child free

    Explore " child free" with insightful episodes like "Life Lessons: Part 1", "Give Yourself Permission to Live Your Dream Life!", "Got Boundaries?", "When Helping You Is Hurting Me!" and "Closure Is a Gift of Self-Love That You Give to Yourself!" from podcasts like ""Still Worthy", "Still Worthy", "Still Worthy", "Still Worthy" and "Still Worthy"" and more!

    Episodes (49)

    Life Lessons: Part 1

    Life Lessons: Part 1

    The ushering in of a new year always brings with it a fair amount of introspection and contemplation. And one of the biggest areas of personal reflection is always, “What did the outgoing year teach me that changed me?”

    Typically, I post that insight on Facebook. But this year, I’m sharing it with you here on the podcast in a multi-episode series with personal stories and suggested mindset and behavioral shifts.

    From knowing my worth to riding out the storms of life to managing difficult family members to flipping the script on failure (and more), tune in to Part 1 of the series to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of what life taught me – or reminded me of – in 2023.

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Give Yourself Permission to Live Your Dream Life!

    Give Yourself Permission to Live Your Dream Life!

    Bronnie Ware, a nurse who worked in palliative care, conducted a survey that became a best-selling book written in multiple languages: “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.”

    She asked people who were in the last stage of their life what was the biggest regret of their life. People mentioned the types of things you might imagine: that they wished they hadn’t worked so hard, that they’d had the courage to express their feelings, and that they had stayed in touch with friends.

    But two of the top five regrets are the topic of today’s episode. People wished that they’d let themselves be happier, and that they’d had the courage to live a life that was true to themselves, not the life others expected of them.

    Sure, there may be fears to overcome, naysayers to ignore, boundaries to implement, and information to learn… but we often make life more difficult and complex than it has to be. And the starting point to living our dream life may be as simple as giving ourselves permission to live life on our own terms, creating our own unique brand of happiness in the process.

    Tune in to hear about an area where I had to go against my biggest naysayer, but what doing so has allowed me to accomplish, and learn several reasons why right now is the time for you to begin saying “Yes” to your own self! Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Got Boundaries?

    Got Boundaries?

    To many women, the idea of setting, communicating, and reinforcing boundaries with family, friends, and dating or relationship partners is uncomfortable.

    And yet, the personal situations necessitating boundaries are equally uncomfortable.

    And if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, they can also feel dismissive and disrespectful. Especially to single, childfree women.

    It’s a conflict. One that feels like a no-win situation.

    Supporting a friend, potential partner, or beloved family member vs. guarding your time, energy, and other resources and protecting your peace, health, and well-being. And let’s not forget about your dignity and self-respect.

    But establishing boundaries doesn’t need to be difficult or disdainful.

    Listen in for several simple mindset shifts and behavioral changes – with examples – that can help you reclaim your power, regain your life, and rekindle the love and care in your friendships and relationships in a healthy manner that you can actually live with.
    Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    When Helping You Is Hurting Me!

    When Helping You Is Hurting Me!

    There are many misconceptions and stereotypes about single, childfree women and the lifestyle we live:

    ~ We’re lonely.

    ~ We’re selfish.

    ~ We’re unhappy.

    ~ We’re afraid of commitment.

    ~ We don’t know what true love is.

    ~ We’ll die alone.

    There are many others, but one of the most frustrating is that we have the availability and capacity to support our families in whatever ways are needed because we have more time, energy, and money due to not having a husband and children.

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    But the expectation [whether expressly stated or covertly implied] may, indeed, have some good-hearted, single, childfree women who love their families actually putting their own lives on the back burner as they step up to act as cook, maid, nurse, banker, babysitter, caregiver, chauffeur, errand-runner… and much more.

    Before you know it, the frustration and resentment are building… and these women have lost themselves… and their lives.

    Listen in as I share my own personal story as well as five tips to change the dynamics and engagement with your family so you can get yourself and your life back again!

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Closure Is a Gift of Self-Love That You Give to Yourself!

    Closure Is a Gift of Self-Love That You Give to Yourself!

    Perhaps you’ve had a falling out with a friend, family member, or significant other. The kind that ended the relationship. But you’re waiting for them to come back and explain or apologize for their words and actions. You’re waiting for some kind of closure on what happened.

    And I’m here to tell you that you don’t always get an explanation. You don’t always get an apology. You don’t always get closure from the person who said or did such awful things to you.

    So now what? Are you going to plant your feet in the ground and bring your life to a grinding halt – waiting for those things to occur? OR, are you going to choose to move on with your life, because you deserve more than what they gave you, more than what they’re continuing to give you?

    I know what you’re saying, “Of course, the answer is clear, Sonjia! But HOW do I do that? HOW do I move on?”

    I’m glad you asked, girl!

    Listen in on this episode to hear a personal story that I, myself, had to choose to move on from, exactly how I did it... and how you can, too! Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Why I Choose to Thrive in My Singleness!

    Why I Choose to Thrive in My Singleness!

    I’ve noticed something on social media. When women talk about their marriages in a positive light – e.g., I love my husband; I’m dedicated to my marriage; he protects and provides for me; he covers and cares for me; He accepts me as I am; he’s the best thing that ever happened to me; etc. – there are always a lot of likes and positive comments on the post.

    People are glad and happy for these women. They wish them the best. They comment that they’re waiting for the same; they can’t wait until it’s their turn!

    But when I make a post sharing something wonderful about my life as a single woman – e.g., pursuing a hobby or passion I’ve always wanted to try; checking off a dream, “bucket list” destination; or being able to indulge in some self-care because I’ve been working hard and need some “Me” time, it’s crickets. There are very few likes, comments, or shares.

    And it leaves me wondering, “What’s the difference?” Married women are allowed – no, not just allowed, but encouraged to be happy in their marriage, but I can’t be happy in my singleness?

    Tune in to find out what’s really at the root of this difference in responses and why – despite my desire to marry someday – I choose to water the grass on my side of the fence, bloom where I’m planted, and live my most joyful and fulfilling life. Not when I get married, but right now, as a single woman!

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Where is My Village?

    Where is My Village?

    There’s an old saying that almost everyone has heard at one point or another, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

    What that means is what you and I already know – it’s not easy to raise a child on your own, and I dare say that few people would choose to do it alone if they had the choice of having a present and available partner.

    But even with a present and available partner, it still takes a village. That’s where grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, neighbors, and friends from work, church, school, and the community come in.

    To help support parents in getting it all done. To help fill in the gaps. And even to help relieve parents when they need a break.

    The village is essential. The village cares about you and your child or family and wants to see you succeed, so the village does what it can to help. And almost every parent – whether single or partnered – has some type of village.

    But… where is our village as single, childfree women? Who supports us? Who steps in to help ensure that we succeed?

    Tune in for my perspective on why we ALL need and deserve a village, regardless of our marital or family status.

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Don't Believe the Hype!

    Don't Believe the Hype!

    There’s a tendency amongst many dating coaches and relationship gurus to blame women for their single status. Their answer, of course, is that if single women would start doing this, if they would stop doing that, if they would change this, if they would improve that – in other words, if they would just fix this deficient thing about themselves – they would increase their likelihood of getting married.

    With that messaging coming from seemingly everywhere – and directed almost exclusively toward women – it has many single women turning themselves into the equivalent of a human pretzel. Contorting themselves into someone that, after a while, they don’t even recognize anymore. Because in the process of trying to gain a husband, they end up losing themselves.

    Tune in for a big dose of single woman support and empowerment as I call foul on this constant and insidious form of brainwashing that leaves many women with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.

    Girl, I'm here to set the record straight and tell you, "Don't Believe the Hype!" 

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    You Were Set Apart for a Purpose!

    You Were Set Apart for a Purpose!

    We all have what I call a “thing” – something personal in our life that has served as the bain of our existence.

    It could be anything from a physical quality that we perceive to be unattractive to a life experience that we feel has ruined our life. But it’s typically something that makes us different. Something so distasteful to us – and typically born of the idea that it’s distasteful to others – that we try to hide it, minimize it, cover it up, or make it disappear altogether.

    But what if this “thing” that has caused you so much pain in your life was always a part of God’s plan for your life?

    What if that physical quality or life experience that you find so distasteful was designed to prepare you for your divine purpose… the work you would one day perform on behalf of your God-assigned people to make a difference and an impact in their lives?

    What if what you perceive as unfortunate in your life actually has the power to transform your entire life for the better?

    Tune in as I share the story of my own personal “thing” and how it set me apart for a purpose I am now living today… and some tips on how to change the perception of your own “thing” so you can tap into its true, life-changing power. Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    It's Not Your Life's Purpose to Be a Wife & Mother!

    It's Not Your Life's Purpose to Be a Wife & Mother!

    In a world that often glorifies and idolizes the traditional path of marriage and motherhood, it can be easy to buy into the narrative that your life’s purpose is to be a great wife and mother.

    And while that’s a noble and worthwhile goal, to be sure, I’m here to remind you that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for happiness and fulfillment. Furthermore, you were created to be more than a partner and a parent, more than a Mrs. and a Mama.

    You have a divine mission here on earth. You were created for a specific purpose, and you were assigned special people and unique gifts, talents, and other assets to use in the fulfillment of your purpose.

    If you’re ready to forget about your biological clock and answer the purpose alarm on your destiny clock instead, tune in for a foundational discussion on one of my favorite topics in the world – PURPOSE! Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

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    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Will I Lose Friends When They Have Kids?

    Will I Lose Friends When They Have Kids?

    When your friends have kids and you are childfree, it can instantly transform your friendship beyond what you may have imagined. In this episode, Rick and I identify some of the challenges that can arise once your friends begin to have children.

    You may realize that choosing a childfree life can mean losing commonality with your friends who become parents. How can you manage those inevitable changes? Should the topic be addressed although it may feel uncomfortable or inappropriate? Should you compromise or just let it go?

    When you’re the only childfree person in your circle, it may also feel more isolating as time goes on. (we don’t want you to feel this way!)

    Rick and I share our personal stories and share some tips that may help you ease the transition.

    We'd love to hear what topics you'd like us to explore in future childfree podcast episodes!

    More about The Childfree Connection: https://www.thechildfreeconnection.com/

    Interested in being a guest? Email veronica@thechildfreeconnection.com

    Connect with us:
    : https://www.instagram.com/thechildfreeconnection/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijDaIWP2XcXMNPaUG08t8g
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechildfreeconnection
    X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/TheChildfreeCxn

    Free to Be Me!

    Free to Be Me!

    In my corporate career, I was repeatedly told that I was “too direct” and “too assertive.”
    In my dating life, I was repeatedly told that I was “too tall” and “too opinionated.”

    For much of my life, it seemed like I was always too much of something for somebody to deal with. But unlike many women, I didn’t let the opinions of others cause me to change who I was.

    In fact, I often dug my heels in… more determined than ever to stay true to myself as well as my purpose and values, and to live life on my own terms, in my own way.

    Time, location, and financial freedom are great, but in today’s episode, I share two additional freedoms that are more personal, and which hold greater significance and meaning for your life… along with what’s at stake and what you stand to lose if you let others rob you of these fundamental freedoms.

    Listen in and be inspired and motivated to take off the mask – from your corporate job or business to your friendships and relationships – and finally be free!

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

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    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Why I Chose NOT To Have Kids

    Why I Chose NOT To Have Kids

    It's Veronica's turn as she describes her personal childfree journey and how different areas of her life guided her to this difficult choice. Veronica’s road to choosing childfree was very bumpy and included 10+ years of confusion, doubt and panic. She spent a significant amount of time reflecting, researching and exploring what being childfree would mean to her. Now, she is a proud and confident childfree woman who spends her time helping younger women explore and dissect why they are leaning towards a childfree life but still don’t feel at peace with choosing childfree.

    We'd love to hear what topics you'd like us to explore in future childfree podcast episodes!

    More about The Childfree Connection: https://www.thechildfreeconnection.com/

    Interested in being a guest? Email veronica@thechildfreeconnection.com

    Connect with us:
    : https://www.instagram.com/thechildfreeconnection/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijDaIWP2XcXMNPaUG08t8g
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechildfreeconnection
    X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/TheChildfreeCxn

    No Guts, No Glory, No Legend, No Story!

    No Guts, No Glory, No Legend, No Story!

    In defining inertia, Isaac Newton said an object in a state of motion or rest will remain so until a greater force acts against it.

    Some single women are in a state of rest – they need to take a minute to recover, replenish, and rejuvenate after a relationship ends before they can even consider entering a new one.

    There are other single women; however, for whom rest simply means inaction.

    And inaction is fine if you truly don’t care whether you’re ever in a relationship again, or whether you ever say the words “I Do” to a soulmate and life partner.

    But if your desire is to enjoy the presence and benefits of the partnered life vs. the single life, you must do something to change something. Because nothing changes IF nothing changes.

    What is the greater force that can shift you out of your current state of inaction so you can make bold, courageous moves in the direction of your desires? Listen in on today’s episode to find out! Listen in...

    Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Are You Aligned and Positioned to Receive?

    Are You Aligned and Positioned to Receive?

    Many times in life, we state that we desire something. For example, to marry someday.

    And yet, if we were to examine our life more closely, we might find that our behaviors are contrary to our desires. That our actions aren’t aligned with our thoughts. That we’re not backing up our faith with intentional action that supports and complements what we’re standing in faith to receive.

    In fact, if were truly honest with ourselves, we might find that we’re actually sabotaging and thwarting the manifestation of our desires at every turn.

    Perhaps we’re not aware of our behaviors. After all, it can be difficult to objectively see where we’re working against ourselves. But going even deeper, maybe we aren’t as clear on our desires as we thought we were, or ready to take the action to help bring them to fruition.

    Join me in a discussion on getting aligned and positioned to receive your heart’s desires! Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    What Do Childfree Men Think About?

    What Do Childfree Men Think About?

    We dive deep into a childfree man's (Rick) personal childfree journey. Discover how his upbringing shaped his views on parenthood, hear about his past relationships, and the close call with the 'I'll have a baby if you want one' dilemma.  We'd love to hear what topics you'd like us to explore in future childfree podcast episodes!

    Let us know if you enjoyed listening and what you would love to hear in future episodes.

    More about The Childfree Connection: https://www.thechildfreeconnection.com/

    Interested in being a guest? Email veronica@thechildfreeconnection.com

    Connect with us:
    : https://www.instagram.com/thechildfreeconnection/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijDaIWP2XcXMNPaUG08t8g
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechildfreeconnection
    X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/TheChildfreeCxn

    Here's What We're Not Doing: Hiding Our Success!

    Here's What We're Not Doing: Hiding Our Success!

    “Best not let him see what kind of car I drive; he might feel intimidated.”

    “Best not let him see what kind of house I live in; he might feel emasculated.”

    “Best not let him know how much money I make; he might feel irrelevant.”

    “Best not let him think I don’t need him to be a provider, or this relationship is over before it even begins!”

    It’s sad to think, but there are women out there who think these very things. And because they do, they’re showing up on dates and in relationships with a façade to mask their education, accomplishments, salaries, even the cars they drive and the houses they live in.

    They’re toning themselves and their lives down to be more attractive and appealing to a man. So as not to derail a promising start before it even gets started.

    But if you tone yourself down at the beginning of a relationship to ensure a man doesn’t bail at the first whiff of your success, where does it end? How far are you willing to go to show up as LESS so he can feel like MORE? Is a wedding ring truly worth that?

    Listen in on today’s conversation as we discuss relationships and success. Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

    Support the show

    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    The Power of Choice

    The Power of Choice

    In this thing called life, there can be times when it feels as if certain dreams or desires are out of your control.  

    One such dream might be having a biological child.

    When your body won’t cooperate and actually seems to be working against you, you can feel powerless in your own life.

    But here’s what I need you to understand... even when things don’t work out the way you would like, you are NEVER without agency in your own life!

    You have the power of choice. Whether that means continuing the journey and pursuing alternative options of having children (biological or otherwise) … or choosing to end the journey and create a joyful and fulfilling life without children, you have options.

    And the biggest and most important option is deciding what will be the story of your life. Will one chapter of disappointment define your entire existence? Or will you write new chapters where you find joy, peace, freedom, and fulfillment in other ways?

    YOU get to decide.

    You are the ONLY one who can decide. Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.

    Party of One for the Full-Table-Service Life, Please!

    Party of One for the Full-Table-Service Life, Please!

    Imagine, if you will, a scenario where it’s Friday night and a single, childfree woman is getting hungry. She’d love to visit one of the many new restaurants that have opened across the city this year. So she picks up the phone and calls friend after friend, but alas, everyone is busy with other plans. She sighs in frustration, exasperation, and resignation as she thinks to herself, “Looks like another night of cooking in or ordering in through Door Dash or Uber Eats.”

    And if she does go out, she’s guided to a seat at the back of the bar, where she fades into the dark shadows and gets lost in the busy ambience.

    Why should a smart, capable, worthy woman stay in when she’d prefer to go out? Why should she settle for a lower level of attention and service at restaurants and other establishments simply because she’s a party of one?

    Listen in on today’s episode as I encourage single, childfree women to accept nothing less than the “Full-Table-Service Life!” Listen in...

    Host: Sonjia "Lioness" Mackey of Still Worthy Women

    Email Sonjia! Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Join the Conversation on Social Media:

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    No Husband. No Children. Still Worthy.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Sonjia Mackey 2024.


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