

    Explore "chineselanguage" with insightful episodes like "EP.43 看电视学中文:你知道华人常说的「你还别说」、「舍不得」是什么意思吗?— 中級", "EP.42 花開花謝年年有(Huā kāi huā xiè nián nián yǒu) ── 中高級", "EP.40 你知道流行語「YYDS」是什麼意思嗎?── 初級", "Body Shaming in China" and "Idealizing in China" from podcasts like ""跟著西坡大姊學中文/Learning Chinese With Sister Xipo", "跟著西坡大姊學中文/Learning Chinese With Sister Xipo", "跟著西坡大姊學中文/Learning Chinese With Sister Xipo", "China University Podcast" and "China University Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (48)

    EP.43 看电视学中文:你知道华人常说的「你还别说」、「舍不得」是什么意思吗?— 中級

    EP.43 看电视学中文:你知道华人常说的「你还别说」、「舍不得」是什么意思吗?— 中級
    Podcast只有聲音,想看影片(film)請看: https://youtu.be/sTbRPMwXsMU 也歡迎收聽西坡大姊的另一個Podcast:「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」 繁體字、简体字、Pintyin、Engllish↓↓↓ 繁體字: 大家好,我是西坡大姊。你知道華人常說的「你還別說」和「捨不得」是什麼意思嗎?讓我們先來看看一小段影片。 爸爸:老婆,今天早上還做這麼複雜的早餐?累不累啊? 媽媽:這是咱們在這個家最後一頓早餐,當然得吃好了。 爸爸:你還別說,我真有點捨不得。兒子,今天就是別人的家了,你舍不捨得啊? 兒子:當然不捨得。 影片中,這家人要搬到新家去了,所以媽媽在這一天做了這麼複雜的早餐。這裡「複雜的早餐」意思是「媽媽做的早餐不是隨便做的,是花了很多時間做的」。然後爸爸說:「你還別說,我真有點捨不得。」如果你想說出心裡的想法或感覺,你就可以用這句「你還別說」,然後說出你的想法或感覺,如果你聽到「你還真別說」,也是一樣的意思。 「捨不得」的意思就是:你得離開一個喜歡的地方、你愛的人,或是把你喜歡的東西送給別人,這個時候,你覺得難過,心裡有不願意的感覺,這就是「捨不得」。還有一種情況就是,你不願意讓別人難過或痛苦,也可以用「捨不得」。比如說,因為你捨不得讓媽媽擔心、難過,所以你不願意告訴她你生病的事。 我們來聽聽以下的對話: 男:你來台灣學了一年的中文,現在可以回家見家人了,很開心吧? 女:你還別說,我真開心,可是也很捨不得,有點難過。 男:你還真別說,我也捨不得你離開。 女:謝謝你。可是我真捨不得讓我媽媽擔心我,所以我得快點回家。 男:我明白。回國後網路上見。 女:嗯~網路上見。 現在,「你還別說」、「捨不得」你會用了嗎? 我是西坡大姊,跟著我一起學,你的中文不可能不進步。 简体字: 大家好,我是西坡大姊。你知道华人常说的「你还别说」和「舍不得」是什么意思吗?让我们先来看看一小段影片。 爸爸:老婆,今天早上还做这么复杂的早餐?累不累啊? 妈妈:这是咱们在这个家最后一顿早餐,当然得吃好了。 爸爸:你还别说,我真有点舍不得。儿子,今天就是别人的家了,你舍不舍得啊? 儿子:当然不舍得。 影片中,这家人要搬到新家去了,所以妈妈在这一天做了这么复杂的早餐。这里「复杂的早餐」意思是「妈妈做的早餐不是随便做的,是花了很多时间做的」。然后爸爸说:「你还别说,我真有点舍不得。」如果你想说出心里的想法或感觉,你就可以用这句「你还别说」,然后说出你的想法或感觉,如果你听到「你还真别说」,也是一样的意思。 「舍不得」的意思就是:你得离开一个喜欢的地方、你爱的人,或是把你喜欢的东西送给别人,这个时候,你觉得难过,心里有不愿意的感觉,这就是「舍不得」。还有一种情况就是,你不愿意让别人难过或痛苦,也可以用「舍不得」。比如说,因为你舍不得让妈妈担心、难过,所以你不愿意告诉她你生病的事。 我们来听听以下的对话: 男:你来台湾学了一年的中文,现在可以回家见家人了,很开心吧? 女:你还别说,我真开心,可是也很舍不得,有点难过。 男:你还真别说,我也舍不得你离开。 女:谢谢你。可是我真舍不得让我妈妈担心我,所以我得快点回家。 男:我明白。回国后网络上见。 女:嗯~网络上见。 现在,「你还别说」、「舍不得」你会用了吗? 我是西坡大姊,跟着我一起学,你的中文不可能不进步。 Pinyin: Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Xīpōdàjiě. Nǐ zhīdào huárén cháng shuō de `nǐ hái bié shuō' hé `shě bù dé' shì shénme yìsi ma? Ràng wǒmen xiān lái kàn kàn yì xiǎo duàn yǐngpiàn. Bàba: Lǎopó, jīntiān zǎoshàng hái zuò zhème fùzá de zǎocān? Lèi bú lèi a? Māma: Zhè shì zánmen zài zhè ge jiā zuìhòu yí dùn zǎocān, Dāngrán děi chī hǎo le. Bàba: Nǐ hái bié shuō, wǒ zhēn yǒu diǎn shě bù dé. Érzi, jīntiān jiùshì biérén de jiā le, nǐ shě bù shědé a? Érzi: Dāngrán bù shědé. Yǐngpiàn zhōng, zhè jiā rén yào bān dào xīn jiā qù le, suǒyǐ māma zài zhè yì tiān zuò le zhème fùzá de zǎocān. Zhèlǐ `fùzá de zǎocān' yìsi shì `māma zuò de zǎocān bú shì suíbiàn zuò de, shì huā le hěnduō shíjiān zuò de'. Ránhòu bàba shuō:`Nǐ hái bié shuō, wǒ zhēn yǒudiǎn shě bù dé.'Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng shuō chū xīnlǐ de xiǎngfǎ huò gǎnjué, nǐ jiù kěyǐ yòng zhè jù `nǐ hái bié shuō', ránhòu shuō chū nǐ de xiǎngfǎ huò gǎnjué, rúguǒ nǐ tīngdào `nǐ hái zhēn bié shuō', yěshì yí yàng de yìsi. `Shě bù dé' de yìsi jiùshì: Nǐ děi líkāi yígè xǐhuān de dìfāng, nǐ ài de rén, huò shì bǎ nǐ xǐhuān de dōngxi sòng gěi biérén, zhè ge shíhòu, nǐ juéde nánguò, xīnlǐ yǒu bú yuànyì de gǎnjué, zhè jiù shì `shě bù dé'. Hái yǒu yìzhǒng qíngkuàng jiù shì, nǐ bú yuànyì ràng biérén nánguò huò tòngkǔ, yě kěyǐ yòng ` shě bù dé '. Bǐrúshuō, yīnwèi nǐ shě bù dé ràng māma dānxīn, nánguò, suǒyǐ nǐ bú yuànyì gàosù tā nǐ shēngbìng de shì. Wǒmen lái tīng tīng yǐxià de duìhuà: Nán: Nǐ lái táiwān xuéle yì nián de zhōngwén, xiànzài kěyǐ huí jiā jiàn jiārén le, hěn kāixīn ba? Nǚ: Nǐ hái bié shuō, wǒ zhēn kāixīn, kěshì yě hěn shě bù dé, yǒudiǎn nánguò. Nán: Nǐ hái zhēn bié shuō, wǒ yě shě bù dé nǐ líkāi. Nǚ: Xièxie nǐ. Kěshì wǒ zhēn shě bù dé ràng wǒ māma dānxīn wǒ, suǒyǐ wǒ děi kuài diǎn huí jiā. Nán: Wǒ míngbái. Huíguó hòu wǎnglùs hàng jiàn. Nǚ: En ~wǎnglù shàng jiàn. Xiànzài, `nǐ hái bié shuō', ` shě bù dé ' nǐ huì yòng le ma? Wǒ shì Xīpōdàjiě, gēnzhe wǒ yìqǐ xué, nǐ de zhōngwén bù kěnéng bú jìnbù. English: Hello everyone, I am Xipo. Chinese people often say "nǐ hái bié shuō" and "shě bù dé" – do you know what they mean? Let's take a look at a short video first. Dad: Honey, why did you make such a complicated breakfast this morning? Are you tired? Mom: This is our last breakfast at this house, so of course we have to eat well. Dad: To be honest, it’s a little difficult for me to leave. Son, after today this will be someone else’s house, are you willing to leave? Son: Of course not. In the film, the family is moving to a new home, so the mother made a complicated breakfast on this day. Here "complicated breakfast" means "the breakfast that mother made is not just an everyday meal, it took a lot of time to make". Then Dad said: "To be honest, it’s a little difficult for me to leave." If you want to express your own thoughts or feelings, you can use the phrase "nǐ hái bié shuō" and then say your thoughts or feelings. If when you hear "nǐ hái zhēn bié shuō", it means the same thing. "Shě bù dé" means: you have to leave a place you like, a person you love, or give something you like to someone else. At this time, you feel sad and have a feeling of unwillingness in your heart. This is "shě bù dé". Another situation is that you don't want to make others sad or painful, you can also use "shě bù dé". For example, because you don't want to make your mother worry and sad, you don't want to tell her about your illness. Let’s listen to the following conversation: Boy: You came to Taiwan to study Chinese for a year, and now you can go home to see your family. Are you happy? Girl: To be honest, I’m so happy, but I’m also conflicted and feel a little sad. Boy: To be honest, I can’t bear to have you leave. Girl: Thank you. But I really couldn't bear to let my mother worry about me, so I have to go home quickly. Boy: I understand. See you online after you return home. Girl: Yeah~ See you online. Now, do you know how to use “nǐ hái bié shuō” and “shě bù dé” ? I am Xipo. If you study with me, your Chinese will definitely improve.

    EP.42 花開花謝年年有(Huā kāi huā xiè nián nián yǒu) ── 中高級

    EP.42 花開花謝年年有(Huā kāi huā xiè nián nián yǒu) ── 中高級
    Podcast只有聲音,想看影片(film)請看:https://youtu.be/O4UzaqwQBDU?si=OoXIW93Npa4CT8WJ 也歡迎收聽西坡大姊的另一個Podcast:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 繁體字、简体字、Pintyin、Engllish↓↓↓ 前幾天,一位日本友人送給西坡大姊一張山茶花的相片,看著這麼美麗的花朵,西坡大姊不禁潸然淚下。因為西坡大姊想起了一段詩句:花開花謝年年有,人過青春無少年。意思就是:花死了,明年還會再開,每年都一樣。可是,人老了,就不能再回到年輕的時候。花開花謝年年有,人過青春無少年。希望各位同學能夠把握青春,吃喝玩樂的同時,也好好兒地學習。我是西坡大姊,跟著我一起學,你的中文不可能不進步。 简体字: 前几天,一位日本友人送给西坡大姊一张山茶花的相片,看着这么美丽的花朵,西坡大姊不禁潸然泪下。因为西坡大姊想起了一段诗句:花开花谢年年有,人过青春无少年。意思就是:花死了,明年还会再开,每年都一样。可是,人老了,就不能再回到年轻的时候。花开花谢年年有,人过青春无少年。希望各位同学能够把握青春,吃喝玩乐的同时,也好好儿地学习。我是西坡大姊,跟着我一起学,你的中文不可能不进步。 Pinyin: Qián jǐ tiān, yí wèi rìběn yǒurén sòng gěi Xīpō dàjiě yì zhāng shānchá huā de xiàngpiàn, kàn zhe zhème měilì de huāduǒ, Xīpō dàjiě bùjīn shān rán lèi xià. Yīnwèi Xīpō dàjiě xiǎng qǐ le yí duàn shījù: Huā kāi huā xiè nián nián yǒu, rén guò qīngchūn wú shàonián. Yìsi jiùshì: Huā sǐ le, míngnián hái huì zài kāi, měi nián dōu yí yàng. Kěshì, rén lǎo le, jiù bù néng zài huí dào niánqīng de shíhòu. Huā kāi huā xiè nián nián yǒu, rén guò qīngchūn wú shàonián. Xīwàng gè wèi tóngxué nénggòu bǎwò qīngchūn, chī hē wán lè de tóngshí, yě hǎohāo er de xuéxí. Wǒ shì Xīpō dàjiě, gēn zhe wǒ yìqǐ xué, nǐ de zhōngwén bù kěnéng bú jìnbù. English: A few days ago, a Japanese friend gave Xipo a photo of camellias. Looking at such a beautiful flower, I couldn't help but shed tears. Because I remembered a poem: Flowers bloom and die every year. But when a person gets old, he cannot become younger anymore. What it means is that after the flowers die, they will bloom again next year, the same every year. However, when a person gets old, he cannot go back to his youth. Flowers bloom and die every year. But when a person gets old, he cannot become younger anymore. I hope that all my students can make good use of your youth and study hard while eating, drinking and having fun. I am Xipo. If you study with me, your Chinese will definitely improve.

    EP.40 你知道流行語「YYDS」是什麼意思嗎?── 初級

    EP.40 你知道流行語「YYDS」是什麼意思嗎?── 初級
    Podcast只有聲音,想看影片(film)請看:https://youtu.be/o37CkmqDeVY 也歡迎收聽西坡大姊的另一個Podcast:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 繁體字、简体字、Pintyin、Engllish↓↓↓ 同學們,你們聽過YYDS嗎?知道是什麼意思嗎? 我是西坡大姊。歡迎你跟著我一起學中文。 YYDS,就是「永遠的神」。 YYDS,什麼時候你可以用YYDS呢? 比如說,看過麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)唱歌、跳舞以後,你覺得他真的太棒了! 沒有人比得上他,你就可以說麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson),YYDS。意思是,他是你心中永遠的神。 現在你知道YYDS是什麼意思了嗎? 誰是你心中的YYDS呢? 我是西坡大姊,跟著我一起學,你的中文不可能不進步! 简体字: 同学们,你们听过YYDS吗?知道是什么意思吗? 我是西坡大姊。欢迎你跟着我一起学中文。 YYDS,就是「永远的神」。 YYDS,什么时候你可以用YYDS呢? 比如说,看过麦可杰克森(Michael Jackson)唱歌、跳舞以后,你觉得他真的太棒了! 没有人比得上他,你就可以说麦可杰克森(Michael Jackson),YYDS。意思是,他是你心中永远的神。 现在你知道YYDS是什么意思了吗? 谁是你心中的YYDS呢? 我是西坡大姊,跟着我一起学,你的中文不可能不进步! Pinyin: Tóngxuémen, nǐmen tīngguò YYDS ma? Zhīdào shì shénme yìsi ma? Wǒ shì xī pō dà zǐ. Huānyíng nǐ gēnzhe wǒ yìqǐ xué zhōngwén. YYDS, jiùshì “yǒngyuǎn de shén”. YYDS, shénme shíhòu nǐ kěyǐ yòng YYDS ne? Bǐrúshuō, kànguò Màikě Jiékèsēn (Michael Jackson) chànggē, tiàowǔ yǐhòu, nǐ juéde tā zhēn de tài bang le! Méiyǒu rén bǐ dé shàng tā, nǐ jiù kěyǐ shuō Màikě Jiékè sēn (Michael Jackson),YYDS. Yìsi shì, tā shì nǐ xīnzhōng yǒngyuǎn de shén. Xiànzài nǐ zhīdào YYDS shì shénme yìsi le ma? Shéi shì nǐ xīnzhōng de YYDS ne? Wǒ shì Xīpō dàjiě, gēnzhe wǒ yìqǐ xué, nǐ de zhōngwén bù kěnéng bú jìnbù! English: Have you heard of YYDS? Do you know what it means? I am Xipo. You are welcome to learn Chinese with me. YYDS means "eternal or forever god". YYDS. When can you use YYDS? For example, after watching Michael Jackson sing and dance, you think he is really great! No one can compare to him, you can say Michael Jackson, YYDS. It means “He is a god in your heart forever.” Now do you know what YYDS means? Who is YYDS in your heart? I am Xipo. If you learn with me, your Chinese will definitely improve!

    Body Shaming in China

    Body Shaming in China

    In this episode, I will briefly talk about the history of body-shaming in China and the world in general. I'll share a couple of stories related to body image and discrimination.  


    Poverty and obesity in the U.S.:


    “The undermining effect of facial attractiveness on brain responses to fairness”


    “Portrayals of Overweight and Obese Individuals on Commercial Television”



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    Idealizing in China

    Idealizing in China

    In this episode, I will talk about idealization and how idealizing your life in China can sometimes lead you to devalue your entire experience in the country.




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    Sleeping Habits in China

    Sleeping Habits in China

    In this episode, I'll talk about one of the less obvious reasons why students might have inconsistent sleeping habits in China. I'll also talk about sensation seeking and boredom susceptibility.



    Poor sleep is associated with sensation-seeking and risk behavior in college students:


    Sleep Apnea:



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    Feeling Stuck in China

    Feeling Stuck in China

    In this episode, I'll talk about feeling stuck in China, and I'll also share some stories about being stuck outside of China. 


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    Asking for Favors in China

    Asking for Favors in China

    In this episode I will talk about asking for favors, asking for help, over-reliance and codependency.





    “Codependent No More” by Melody Beattie:







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    Lacking Motivation in China

    Lacking Motivation in China

    In this episode, I will talk about lack of motivation in China. I'll also share a story about high-functioning depression and talk about revenge bedtime procrastination.


    Revenge Bedtime procrastination:


    High-functioning depression:



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    Being judged in China

    Being judged in China

    In this episode I'll talk about being judged, judging others, the reasons why it happens. I will also share my personal experience with judgement and "projection".


    What is "projection" in psychology?




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    Feeling like a fraud in China

    Feeling like a fraud in China

    In this episode I will talk about impostor syndrome or the impostor phenomenon and how certain circumstances in China made me doubt about my own capabilities.


    Impostor Syndrome:



    Fear of success:






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    Expectations in China

    Expectations in China

    In this episode, I'll talk about what we expect from others and what others expect from us in China. I'll talk about some unrealistic expectations that you will run into and how to have healthier expectations.


    Digital Availability:






    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:



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    Trailer: China University Podcast

    Trailer: China University Podcast

    You'll be listening to realistic advice and genuine encouragement from a veteran college student. In this podcast, I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences during my college years as a foreigner in China. This podcast won't be about how to study in China, how to study mandarin or how to apply for a scholarship. But instead, it will be about the positive and negative aspects of studying in China. I hope my anecdotes and advice can help you get a better perspective of your current situation in regard to studying in China.

    第48集: 中国的孝顺文化 The Filial Piety Culture in China

    第48集: 中国的孝顺文化 The Filial Piety Culture in China

    对一个中国人来说,孝顺非常重要。在古代,孝顺的人被别人尊重,甚至被授予朝廷 (政府) 的工作。中国人为什么这么孝顺?孝顺是一个好的文化吗?我们来看看。

    To a Chinese person, filial piety is extremely important. In the old days, people with this virtue were repected, and even given government jobs. Why are Chinese people so respectful to their parents? Is this a good culture? Let's find out. 

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    第47集: 在法国找实习 Looking for Internships in France

    第47集: 在法国找实习 Looking for Internships in France


    Many university students and graduate school students look for internships. I am without exception. However, looking for internships in a foreign country can pose more difficulties. Today, I would like to share with you my experiences of looking for an internship in France. 

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    Episode 45: Where do Chinese people go when they travel?

    Episode 45: Where do Chinese people go when they travel?

    The Old Town of Lijiang, Zhangjiajie and Sanya are three famous tourist attractions in China. They are also three of the most vistited places in China. Do you know where they are? Do you know their stories and what they are famous for? Today, let's have a Tour de China!

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    第45集: 中国人旅游的时候去哪里?Where do Chinese people go when they travel?

    第45集:  中国人旅游的时候去哪里?Where do Chinese people go when they travel?


    The Old Town of Lijiang, Zhangjiajie and Sanya are three famous tourist attractions in China. They are also three of the most vistited places in China. Do you know where they are? Do you know their stories and what they are famous for? Today, let's have a Tour de China!

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    Episode 44: The Story of the Butterfly Lovers

    Episode 44: The Story of the Butterfly Lovers

    The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (the Butterfly Lovers) has been past on for generations in forms of litterature, theatre, as well as cinema and animation today. The story of the death of two young persons for love and their reincarnation into butterflies is most familiar to a Chinese ear. What exactly happened in this story? Let us find out today.

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    第44集: 梁山伯和祝英台 The Butterfly Lovers: a Tragic Love Story

    第44集: 梁山伯和祝英台 The Butterfly Lovers: a Tragic Love Story

    梁山伯和祝英台 (梁祝) 的故事千年以来口口相传,出现在文学,戏剧,以及今天的电影,动画之中。梁祝殉情,双双化蝶的故事,在中国家喻户晓。这是一个怎样的故事?今天,让我们一起来发现。

    The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (the Butterfly Lovers) has been past on for generations in forms of litterature, theatre, as well as cinema and animation today. The story of the death of two young persons for love and their reincarnation into butterflies is most familiar to a Chinese ear. What exactly happened in this story? Let us find out today.

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    Episode 43: The History of Mandarin Chinese

    Episode 43: The History of Mandarin Chinese

    The concept of "the common language" emerged no more than 100 years ago, but it has become the shared language of 80% of the Chinese population today. Why do we need Mandarin Chinese as the common language? Is Mandarin Chinese equal to "the Beijing language"? Throughout history, has the Beijing language always been the major dialect in China? Have a listen to today's podcast.

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