

    Explore "抽象藝術" with insightful episodes like "EP36:抽象藝術家Phoebe用情緒畫出內心的世界!Art is a learn to sincerely work.", "EP102 | 蒙德里安作品被倒掛超過75年-抽象繪畫看不懂怎麼辦?", "【EP21】藝術史:😱😱😱這個表情的始祖 - 表現主義 Expressionism(下)", "【EP19】藝術史:😱😱😱這個表情的始祖 - 表現主義 Expressionism(上)" and "【Wei & Pei】EP.9 |藝術品的價格與價值 (中)The price and value of art (Part.2)" from podcasts like ""逗陣啪啪照GoTogether", "藝情指揮中心", "大叔系少女", "大叔系少女" and "Wei and Pei"" and more!

    Episodes (8)

    EP102 | 蒙德里安作品被倒掛超過75年-抽象繪畫看不懂怎麼辦?

    EP102 | 蒙德里安作品被倒掛超過75年-抽象繪畫看不懂怎麼辦?
    「蒙德里安的作品被倒掛超過75年,MoMA在發現後依然將它保持倒掛。」 你曾因為看不懂抽象藝術而困擾嗎?有時過多的思考及解釋反而限縮了作品的可能,試著去感受自己看到了什麼,就像欣賞音樂和品嚐料理一樣去享受藝術吧!儘管看不懂還是能和作品達到靈魂的共鳴。 🧡 𝟒𝟑𝟓藝術聚落 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐開放工作室日 𝐗 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥日漫時集音樂會 🍁 活動日期:111年11月12日(六) 11:00 - 18:00 活動地點:板橋435藝文特區 ❨ 板橋區中正路435號 ❩ 歡迎你到我們的網站來逛逛,裡頭有每集節目的封面和國內外藝術新聞和專文,還有各種社群平台可以追蹤並分享給你的朋友們。 #蒙德里安 #紐約市一號 #抽象藝術 #抽象 #白居易 #琵琶行 #陳幸婉 #傷 #康丁斯基 #YellowRedBlue #藝術中的精神 #Compositions #音樂 #板橋435藝文特區 #435藝術聚落 #開放工作室 #OpenStudio #現代藝術 #藝術新聞 #藝情指揮中心

    【EP21】藝術史:😱😱😱這個表情的始祖 - 表現主義 Expressionism(下)

    【EP21】藝術史:😱😱😱這個表情的始祖 - 表現主義 Expressionism(下)
    下集來啦!專門來講藝術家嚕 英年早逝的比例好像特別高的一群藝術家 //首先是感謝安倍首相,願他安息 //藝術時事,梵谷買一送一!? //會什麼孟克會畫出😱 //悲慘的童年 //無法順利的感情經驗 //逃婚、吵架、差點打斷手指 //感覺像是被詛咒的人生 //吶喊有好幾張!? //還被偷過? //痛苦和快樂一樣真實 //德國畢卡索? //建築系學生好像自古以來都很常不務正業 //十五分鐘完事 //創傷後壓力症候群 //斷掌自畫像 //差點在藝術史上“被消失” //表現主義跟野獸派差在哪? //能看到聲音顏色的那位先森 //又是一個半路出家的 //用畫筆演奏 //抽象畫的魅力點 //好像有動物在畫裡 //再度英年早逝 //狂飆飆起了什麼? //克林姆的愛徒 //藝術界有名的渣男? //畫畫畫到被抓去關? //看電影順便看帥哥 //絕對的天才 //華人藝術家跟表現主義的關係?

    【EP19】藝術史:😱😱😱這個表情的始祖 - 表現主義 Expressionism(上)

    【EP19】藝術史:😱😱😱這個表情的始祖 - 表現主義 Expressionism(上)
    吶喊是在喊什麼?是壓力很大ㄇ? 橋社不造橋?藍騎士不騎馬? //明年夏天來去東京! //所謂現代藝術的原動力 //表現主義跟抽象表現主義到底是不是同個東西? //把梵谷的漩渦發揚光大 //阿這又乾尼采啥事? //想幹大事還不務正業的建築系學生們 //就是要你覺得不舒服 //組團聲音就大聲 //跟寫實主義有那麼點點像? //陽春又青春 //原來以前也搞付費訂閱這個操作ㄚ? //94要兇 //那有溫柔一點的部分嗎? //藍騎士是哪位 //能看到聲音是怎麼回事? //說一下到底什麼是具象什麼是抽象 //登愣!康丁斯基竟然不是第一個話抽象畫的人!? //其實抽象也是寫實 //下集預告

    【Wei & Pei】EP.9 |藝術品的價格與價值 (中)The price and value of art (Part.2)

    【Wei & Pei】EP.9 |藝術品的價格與價值 (中)The price and value of art (Part.2)
    本集節目含金量超乎您的想像,精彩萬分,一定要立馬收聽與下載。 藝術品的價格取向與金融資本的特性很難區分,而資本的本質是唯利是圖。不只藝術品的價格是人為操作出來的,甚至連藝術的趨勢品味也是。 當藝術品也像股票一樣有基本面,藝術市場的操盤者,選擇操作對象的要件如何?也許可以說是當時的潮流趨勢或是評估藝術家創作量能是否穩定、甚至是藝術家對於作品的論述及對於當時社會事件的敏感度等等…. 可是,符合上述要件的藝術家那麼多,又如何在這些藝術家之中挑出要操作的標的呢?這個陡峻的金字塔結構是個謎團。 價格這個問題跟藝術品的基本面關係不大,既然市場價格的波動有人為操弄的顧慮,那麼初級藏家盡量選擇自己喜愛的藝術品來收藏才不至於掉入市場操弄的旋渦而迷失自己。 如果連藝術品的趣味趨勢都滿是人為創造的痕跡,那麼台灣的藝術市場如何生存? 在亞洲藝術市場出現與歐美反常的藝術品掉價誇張的現象的此時,藏家們該如何再相信藝廊的品味信用? 現在藝廊與藏家的關係竟出現了不為人知的有趣反轉,這是收聽到節目最後才會知道的彩蛋,千萬不要錯過。 本系列分別有上中下三集,歡迎下載、收聽與不斷回放。 歡迎加入臉書留言討論並給予我們您寶貴的意見。 記得訂閱我們的節目,並到 iTunes Store上為節目打星評分留言,和大家分享你的看法,讓更多人看到【Wei & Pei】這個優質的藝術評論節目 This episode is beyond your imagination, very exciting It is difficult to distinguish the price orientation of art from the characteristics of financial capital, and the essence of capital is profit-oriented. Not only the prices of artworks are artificially manipulated, but also the trend and taste of art. When art works have fundamentals like stocks, what are the requirements for the art market traders to choose the objects of operation? Perhaps it can be said that it is the trend of the time or the assessment of whether the artist’s creation can be stable, or even the artist’s discussion of the work And the sensitivity to social events at the time, etc… However, with so many artists who meet the above requirements, how do you choose the target to be operated among these artists? This steep pyramid structure is a mystery. The issue of price has little to do with the fundamentals of art. Since market price fluctuations are caused by manipulative concerns, junior collectors should try their best to choose their favorite art to collect so as not to fall into the vortex of market manipulation and get lost. Yourself. If even the interesting trends of artworks are full of traces of artificial creation, how can Taiwan's art market survive? At this time when the Asian art market is experiencing the phenomenon of exaggerated prices of artworks that are abnormal in Europe and the United States, how can collectors trust the reputation of art galleries? Now the relationship between art galleries and collectors has appeared in an interesting and unknown reversal. This is the easter egg that will only be known until the end of the show. Don't miss it. There are three episodes in this series respectively. Welcome to download, listen and replay continuously. Welcome to join Facebook and leave a message to discuss and give us your valuable opinions. .Remember to subscribe to our show, and leave a comment on the iTunes Store to rate the show, share your views with you, and let more people see [Wei & Pei] this high-quality art review show

    【Wei & Pei】EP.8 |藝術品的價格與價值 (上) The price and value of art (Part.1)

    【Wei & Pei】EP.8 |藝術品的價格與價值 (上) The price and value of art (Part.1)
    本集節目談到藝術品的價格是如何制定出來的。價格是市場機制的運作, 藝術品在賣家想賣時就可以賣得出去,買家在想買時就可以買得到的時候,價格和價值就在此時相等了,而影響價格的因素有那些呢? 這裡提到藝術作品的稀缺性對價格的影響,但稀缺性對藝術品的價值卻無法撼動。 本系列分別有上中下三集,歡迎下載、收聽與不斷回放。 歡迎加入臉書留言討論並給予我們您寶貴的意見。 This episode talks about how the price of artwork is determined. Price is the operation of market mechanism, Artwork can be sold when the seller wants to sell it, and when the buyer can buy it when they want to buy it, the price and value are equal at this time. What are the factors that affect the price? It is mentioned here that the scarcity of works of art affects prices, but scarcity cannot shake the value of works of art. There are three episodes in this series respectively. Welcome to download, listen and replay continuously. Welcome to join Facebook and leave a message to discuss and give us your valuable opinions.
    Wei and Pei
    zh-HantDecember 28, 2020

    【Wei & Pei】EP.7 |如何激活感性接收器 (下)How to activate the perceptual receiver (Part.2)

    【Wei & Pei】EP.7 |如何激活感性接收器 (下)How to activate the perceptual receiver (Part.2)
    【Wei & Pei】EP.7 |如何激活感性接收器 (下) 下集節目將提到有關於意識能力的表現以及探索靈光乍現的頻率並控制它,本系列分別有上下兩集,歡迎下載、收聽與不斷回放。 歡迎加入臉書留言討論並給予我們您寶貴的意見。 [Wei & Pei] EP.7 |How to activate the perceptual receiver (Part.2) The (Part.2) episode of the program will mention about the performance of consciousness and the frequency of exploring the emergence of aura and controlling it. This series has two episodes respectively. Welcome to download, listen to and keep playing back. Welcome to join Facebook and leave a message to discuss and give us your valuable opinions.
    Wei and Pei
    zh-HantDecember 21, 2020

    【Wei & Pei】EP.6 |如何激活感性接收器 (上)How to activate the perceptual receiver (Part.1)

    【Wei & Pei】EP.6 |如何激活感性接收器 (上)How to activate the perceptual receiver (Part.1)
    談到藝術不可學這件事是因為「情緒」不可複製。但我們仍希望可以有方法來激活「感性接收器」讓我們可以提高「靈商SQ」可以接收到藝術品中的靈性而與之產生交流。 上集節目將提到有關於意識能力的開發以能與抽象的世界產生連結的激活方式,本系列分別有上下兩集,歡迎下載、收聽與不斷回放。 歡迎加入臉書留言討論並給予我們您寶貴的意見。 The reason why art cannot be learned is because "emotions" cannot be copied. But we still hope that there is a way to activate the "perceptual receiver" so that we can improve the "spiritual quotient SQ" that can receive the spirituality in the artwork and communicate with it. The last episode of the program will mention the activation method of the development of consciousness ability to connect with the abstract world. Welcome to download and listen and replay continuously. Welcome to join Facebook and leave a message to discuss and give us your valuable opinions.
    Wei and Pei
    zh-HantDecember 13, 2020

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