
    christ is all

    Explore " christ is all" with insightful episodes like "Biblical Preparedness w/ David from Ultimate Survival Tips", "Should I Go Bivocational? w/ Pastor Kyle Horton", "The Rare Jewel of Pastoral Contentment", "Should Rural Pastors Waste Time on Music? with Keith Getty" and "What Gets You Out of Bed?" from podcasts like ""Rural Pastor's Talk", "Rural Pastor's Talk", "Rural Pastor's Talk", "Rural Pastor's Talk" and "Rural Pastor's Talk"" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    Biblical Preparedness w/ David from Ultimate Survival Tips

    Biblical Preparedness w/ David from Ultimate Survival Tips

    In this episode we discuss...

    • how to be prepared for anything with our good friend David!

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    • Interested in survival tools for everyday use? Check out David's Tiny Survival line!
    • Use code RPT50 on the bundle of Tiny Survival Guide and Tiny First Aid God for 50% off!

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!" -  Abraham Kuyper
    • "When indeed it is in God we live, and move, and have our being. We cannot draw a breath without his help."  - Jonathan Edwards


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    Should I Go Bivocational? w/ Pastor Kyle Horton

    Should I Go Bivocational? w/ Pastor Kyle Horton

    In this episode we discuss...

    • going bi-vocational to better serve the rural church.

    Purchase your own mug at reformedpottery.com.

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • "Your heart is not the compass that Christ saileth by."  -  Samuel Rutherford


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    The Rare Jewel of Pastoral Contentment

    The Rare Jewel of Pastoral Contentment

    In this episode we discuss...

    • Pastoral contentment in the local church:
      • 1 Timothy 6:6–10
      • We live in a world that thrives on stealing your contentment!
        • Cell phone updates
        • New Vehicles
        • Weight loss drugs
        • We're drilled with advertisements telling us what we really need
        • Love of a bigger church
        • Love of respect from other pastors
        • Love of a different location
      • How much of our discontent is based on GOOD things vs. selfish things?  How much of it is just part of being a fallen human in a fallen world and finding no ultimate satisfaction here?
      • How can you work on becoming content with your lot as a rural pastor in the church you’re in today?
      • Be sure of your call to every business you go about. Though it is the least business, be sure of your call to it; then, whatever you meet with, you may quiet your heart with this: I know I am where God would have me. Nothing in the world will quiet the heart so much as this: when I meet with any cross, I know I am where God would have me, in my place and calling; I am about the work that God has set me. - Jeremiah Burroughs, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • Contentment is one of the most distinguishing traits of the godly person, because a godly person has his heart focused on God rather than on possessions or position or power. - Jerry Bridges


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    Should Rural Pastors Waste Time on Music? with Keith Getty

    Should Rural Pastors Waste Time on Music? with Keith Getty

    In this episode we interview...

    • Keith Getty about singing in the rural church.
      • We ask:
        • So, do you really believe an already overwhelmed rural pastor should squeeze one  more thing into his schedule by focusing some of his time on singing?
        • What role does singing play in helping Christians walk through times of difficulty?
        • What did you take away from the experience of family hymn sings during COVID that might help some of us grow in the way we teach our families to sing?
        • For more info go to:


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: http://facebook.com/ruralpastorstalk

    Twitter: @ruralpastors






    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    What Gets You Out of Bed?

    What Gets You Out of Bed?

    In this episode we discuss...

    • our 5 points on what to look forward to when you can't get out of bed:
      1. Your next dedicated time in the Word and prayer seeking God.
        • Psalm 19:7-11
        • Psalm 63:1-8
      2. The Next Sunday’s Worship with your flock and preaching the Word.
        • Colossians 3:16
      3. Attaining an attainable goal
        • Read a book, finish a project, lose some weight to the glory of God!
        • Colossians 3:17
      4. Leading your wife & family into holiness
        • Ephesians 5:25-6:4
        • Colossians 3:17-21
      5. The New Heavens and the New Earth & the day when you will see the faithful ones of your flock found righteous in Christ, receiving their crown of glory, feasting at the wedding supper of the Lamb, and witnessing the final defeat of evil.
        • Isaiah 25:6-12
        • Revelation 21:1-6

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    • Need a new tool to help with sermon study? Check out biblearc.com!

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • “This world is but a wilderness through which we must pass. It is not our place of rest. Heaven is our home, the King of kings is our husband and glory is our eternal inheritance” - James Smith


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: http://facebook.com/ruralpastorstalk

    Twitter: @ruralpastors






    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    Cheer up, Buttercup

    Cheer up, Buttercup

    In this episode we discuss...

    • our 5 points on fighting negativity in the heart:
      1. Remember: You have bad stuff in your heart!
        • Matthew 15:18-19
      2. What you CHOOSE to think about is a matter of worship.
        • Romans 12:1-2
        • 2 ways to think about 2020:
          • Disaster OR 
          • Kindness of God 
        • This is an opportunity for the Church to grow in faith.
      3. What you CHOOSE to allow to grip your heart will have a major impact on how you live.
        • Proverbs 4:23
        • Luke 6:45
      4. If you’re entertaining negative thoughts you are in sin.
        • Philippians 4:8
        • Examples of bad things we could think about…
          • Nobody helped me shovel the church driveway.
          • Boy, it’s lonely out here.
          • I want 2020 to just end.
      5. God will help you, and you NEED it!
        • Psalm 51:10
        • Hebrews 4:12

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    • Need some ideas about pretty much anything? TJ reviews Pinterest for all your creative needs!

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • "In some ways, depression is a slow, painful death of desire, the heart-sickness that comes from repeatedly having hope deferred (Prov. 13:12). Hope that sustains the heart when pursuing a treasured desire has faded (or disappeared) in the depressed. What, then, do you treasure? What do you think would bring you happiness? Who or what are you worshiping? What would give your life meaning? Whose life do you covet? The joyous truth is that perhaps this painful depression is the Lord’s way of revealing false gods to you… Bathing our soul in the Gospel message will powerfully transform the locus of our treasure. Rather than cherishing success or self-approval, we can learn to cherish the Lord because He’s lavished such love upon the undeserving (1 John 4:7-10). All-satisfying treasure is found in this Gospel message.

      The depressed don’t simply need to feel better. They need a Redeemer who says, “Take heart, my son, my daughter; what you really need has been supplied. Life no longer need be about your goodness, success, righteousness, or failure. I’ve given you something infinitely more valuable than good feelings: your sins are forgiven.”

      This is the freeing truth you can learn through your depression: You weren’t created to love and worship anything more than you love and worship God; and when you do, you’ll feel bad. God has made you to feel pain when you’ve got other treasures that you’ve placed above Him. He wants you to treasure Him." 
      • - From Elyse Fitzpatrick's "Will Medicine Stop the Pain?"

    CONTACT (give us feedback, topic ideas, or just say hey)

    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com



    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    Does it Matter if the Building is Outdated?

    Does it Matter if the Building is Outdated?

    In this episode we discuss...

    • our 5 points on losing focus in the rural church by internal means:
      1. Buildings are just places.
      2. We are stewards of our buildings.
        • 1 Corinthians 10:31
      3. The way we use our space makes a statement to lost people.
        • 2 Corinthians 2:15
      4. The way we use our space will encourage or discourage our values (gathering, one-anothering, hospitality, etc).
      5. Watch out! Buildings can quickly become idols (idols of neglect or idols of too much care).

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    • Trying to live stream your church services? Josh reviews OBS Software, and its many applications.

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • "When we are most lazy, the devil is most busy. Sloth is the cause of sin, and idleness the fruitful mother of wickedness." Andrew Gray

    CONTACT (give us feedback, topic ideas, or just say hey)

    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: http://facebook.com/ruralpastorstalk

    Twitter: @ruralpastors





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    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    Losing Focus in the Rural Church Pt. II

    Losing Focus in the Rural Church Pt. II

    In this episode we discuss...

    • our 5 points on losing focus in the rural church part II:
      1. Politics can distract the Church
        • Titus 3:1-8
        • Instead of MAGA, Christians should be K.O.G.I.B - The Kingdom of God is Better
        • Instead of The Resistance, Christians should be The Persistence - Living a Christlike Life no matter who the president is
      2. Hyper-Patriotism and/or Nationalism can distract the Church
        • God CREATED the nations (Acts 17:24-26)
        • God RULES the nations (Psalm 66:7)
        • God RAISED UP HIS OWN kingdom (Rev 5:9-10)
        • God’s KINGDOM will continue to grow (Matthew 13:31-32)
      3. The Culture War can distract the Church
        • The culture war is actually a spiritual war.
        • Don’t be surprised at the depravity of man! Don’t make your only goal to win the culture war, make your goal to make disciples.
        • Jeremiah 17:9
        • Romans 1:21-24
        • Isaiah 5:20-21
        • 2 Timothy 4:1-5
      4. The Church can get distracted by our response to COVID-19
        • 2 Timothy 1:3-7 - Walk in the STRENGTH/POWER of Biblical Conviction, the LOVE of Christ and the SELF-CONTROL given by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God planted into a regenerate heart… and PRAYER helps too!
      5. Rather than have the “perfect church” in our own eyes, our goal is to have a church that responds perfectly to these things, and shepherd them through it
        • Be encouraged! Christ has and is working to make His church perfect, so stop comparing your church to other churches.
        • Ephesians 5:25-27
        • 2 Timothy 1:15
        • 1 Corinthians 3:3-4
    • Next week we’ll focus on the INTERNAL FOCUS rural congregations can develop and how to overcome it.

    Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:

    • Got some free time and want to listen to some books? Joe reviews Audible Plus.

    Our Quote of the Day:

    • "The day is coming when he will ride on his white horse and go forth conquering and to conquer; but today, it is the red horse; for his church still suffers; still is she stained with the blood of persecution." Charles Spurgeon

    CONTACT (give us feedback, topic ideas, or just say hey)

    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: http://facebook.com/ruralpastorstalk

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    A Walk Down Memory Lane: What Motivates a Rural Pastor?

    A Walk Down Memory Lane: What Motivates a Rural Pastor?

    In this episode we discuss...

    • the motivation of the rural pastor!
      • Why do people live in rural areas?
        • Less people.
        • Less noise.
        • Less traffic.
        • More grass.
        • More wildlife.
        • More like-minded people.
        • Slower pace.
        • Good place to raise kids.
      • Why do pastors live in the country?
        • Where there are people there needs to be a presence of the local church.
        • A local church, by God’s design, is shepherded by men who are qualified, called, and equipped by God.
      • What are false motivations for rural ministry?
        • A paycheck.
        • The approval of a congregation.
        • To express your gifts.
        • To develop a platform for yourself.
        • To feel you’ve earned God’s approval.
        • To save people.
        • Nobody else will do it.
        • You like it.
      • What is the only RIGHT motivation?
        • Philippians 3:7-14
        • Ephesians 4
        • Acts 20

    The listener question we answer this week:

    • Jeremy from Catawissa, PA asks, "Where do you draw the line regarding when to use a resource from a questionable teacher? What kinds of warnings do you give to those you are using it with regarding the author's overall ministry or problems with his teaching, so that the individuals being taught don't assume a blanket commendation of that teacher?"

    Links for our Top Two's:

    CONTACT (give us feedback, topic ideas, or just say hey)

    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: http://facebook.com/ruralpastorstalk

    Twitter: @ruralpastors





    Google Play


    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors




    What Motivates the Rural Pastor?

    What Motivates the Rural Pastor?

    In this episode we discuss...

    • the motivation of the rural pastor!
      • Why do people live in rural areas?
        • Less people.
        • Less noise.
        • Less traffic.
        • More grass.
        • More wildlife.
        • More like-minded people.
        • Slower pace.
        • Good place to raise kids.
      • Why do pastors live in the country?
        • Where there are people there needs to be a presence of the local church.
        • A local church, by God’s design, is shepherded by men who are qualified, called, and equipped by God.
      • What are false motivations for rural ministry?
        • A paycheck.
        • The approval of a congregation.
        • To express your gifts.
        • To develop a platform for yourself.
        • To feel you’ve earned God’s approval.
        • To save people.
        • Nobody else will do it.
        • You like it.
      • What is the only RIGHT motivation?
        • Philippians 3:7-14
        • Ephesians 4
        • Acts 20

    The listener question we answer this week:

    • Jeremy from Catawissa, PA asks, "Where do you draw the line regarding when to use a resource from a questionable teacher? What kinds of warnings do you give to those you are using it with regarding the author's overall ministry or problems with his teaching, so that the individuals being taught don't assume a blanket commendation of that teacher?"

    Links for our Top Two's:

    CONTACT (give us feedback, topic ideas, or just say hey)

    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: http://facebook.com/ruralpastorstalk

    Twitter: @ruralpastors





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    Call and leave a message at (570) 724-3741

    Email: ruralpastorstalk@gmail.com

    Website: http://ruralpastorstalk.buzzsprout.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ruralpastors

    Twitter: @ruralpastors





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