
    christian unity

    Explore " christian unity" with insightful episodes like "Episode 141: Unity & Mission: Exploring Catholic and Protestant Perspectives", "Preparation for The Holy Spirit", "Dr. Steve Pelton - Why are Christians so afraid of Science?", "1 Corinthians 12-14 | Speaking in Tongues, Spiritual Gifts, and Gender in the Church" and "1 Corinthians 5-8 | Grace, Accountability and Confronting Sin in the Church" from podcasts like ""EquipCast", "BuddyWalk with Jesus", "Why God Why?", "God's Plan, Your Part" and "God's Plan, Your Part"" and more!

    Episodes (45)

    Episode 141: Unity & Mission: Exploring Catholic and Protestant Perspectives

    Episode 141: Unity & Mission: Exploring Catholic and Protestant Perspectives
    Is unity between Catholics and Protestants really possible? Just imagine the incredible things we could accomplish if we could learn to collaborate. We could address social issues, promote justice, and serve those in need, all while spreading the message of God's love through evangelization. It's an exciting thought, isn't it? But, of course, in order for this dream to become a reality, we need to confront our fears and misunderstandings head-on. We need to foster unity within the body of Christ, embracing humility and openness along the way. That's why I'm thrilled to share an episode of unComfortable with you, a podcast from Christ Community Church in Omaha. I had the honor of joining them for a discussion on ecumenism, and let me tell you, it was eye-opening. In this episode, you'll discover: * Why unity and collaboration between Catholics and Protestants are so important to our faith journey. * Practical tips on how to engage in meaningful conversations and find common ground across different faith traditions. * The power of approaching these discussions with humility, leading to genuine relationships and deeper understanding. To hear more from our Christian brothers and sisters, check out unCOMFORTABLE Conversations About Culture & Christianity (https://www.cccomaha.org/uncomfortable?sapurl=LythNWE4L2xiL21zLyt0cjd0c2t3P2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5tZWRpYS1zZXJpZXMmcmVjZW50Um91dGVTbHVnPSUyQnRyN3Rza3c=). For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/. A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)

    Preparation for The Holy Spirit

    Preparation for The Holy Spirit

    This week we're continuing The Acts Project by taking a look at the prelude to The Book of Acts in Luke 24 and then crack into the several verses of Acts 1. 

    Along the way we're looking at the lead up to The Holy Spirit by briefly looking at the resurrection of Jesus, his 40 day stay, His ascension and the promise of something greater coming. 

    By the end of day's episode you'll have a picture painted for you of the beginning of the assertion that the Church was always designed to for a plethora of expressions of worship.  

    If you have any questions about the subjects covered in today's episode you can find us on Facebook at the links below or you can shoot me an email at joe@buddywalkwithjesus.com

    One Stop Shop for all the links Linktr.ee/happydeamedia

    1 Corinthians 12-14 | Speaking in Tongues, Spiritual Gifts, and Gender in the Church

    1 Corinthians 12-14 | Speaking in Tongues, Spiritual Gifts, and Gender in the Church

    Are you ready to unlock the mysteries surrounding the practice of speaking in tongues and the use of spiritual gifts? We've brewed plenty of enlightening discussions in this episode where we navigate through the scriptural voyage of 1 Corinthians 12-14. We dive deep into questions surrounding the reality and continuance of speaking in tongues, the significance of utilizing our individual spiritual gifts, and the paramount importance of love and unity among the community of believers.

    We didn't shy away from controversial topics either. In the second half, we discuss the roles of men and women within the church, guided by interpretations drawn directly from God's word. We've shed light on the beautiful diversity within the body of Christ and offered forthright views on women's roles and the use of spiritual gifts in the church. The episode wraps up with a powerful reminder that love, indeed the greatest gift, should be pursued above all else. Join us, as we decipher our contemporary understanding in light of God's timeless revelations.

    In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul discusses spiritual gifts, emphasizing their diversity within the body of Christ. He compares the church to a human body, illustrating interconnectedness and necessity among its members. Various gifts like wisdom, healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues are listed for the church's common good. Paul stresses the importance of love as the guiding principle for using these gifts without elevating one over another.

    1 Corinthians 13 is known as the "love chapter," Paul eloquently describes love's supreme value over spiritual gifts. He articulates its patient, kind, selfless, and enduring nature, contrasting it with temporary gifts. Paul emphasizes the lasting significance of love, declaring it the greatest virtue that should underpin Christian relationships.

    In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul continues discussing spiritual gifts, focusing on speaking in tongues and prophecy. He encourages prioritizing prophecy over tongues for the church's benefit unless there is interpretation. Paul emphasizes the importance of clear communication, providing guidelines for orderly worship and stressing the significance of intelligible communication for mutual edification during gatherings.

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    Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
    -Ryan and Jenny

    1 Corinthians 5-8 | Grace, Accountability and Confronting Sin in the Church

    1 Corinthians 5-8 | Grace, Accountability and Confronting Sin in the Church

    Ready to confront the uncomfortable? This episode pulls no punches as we address a prickly subject - sin within the church. Drawing from the wisdom of 1 Corinthians 5-8, we boldly face the realities of sins like sexual immorality, disputes among believers, and questionable practices like eating food offered to idols. Join us as we discuss the imperative task of dealing with sin head-on, striking a balance between grace and accountability—a tightrope the Corinthian church struggled to walk. We grapple with the important distinctions between addressing sin in believers and non-believers, emphasizing the need for community accountability.

    Now, let's talk about living a life that shines bright for God. Regardless of where we find ourselves, we can always live a life that glorifies God. Part two of this enlightening episode explores the essence of spiritual accountability within the church community, emphasizing the crucial role it plays in keeping our moral compasses aligned. We consider how to handle disputes among believers, and why it's vital to distance ourselves from those who willingly indulge in immoral behavior. Want to know how you can keep your 'temple' pure? We'll chat about why our bodies, as temples of the Holy Spirit, must be safeguarded against sexual immorality. Join us on this enlightening journey as we continue to understand God's plan and our part in it. We're excited for you to join us in the next episode!

    In chapter 5, Paul addresses a case of severe immorality within the Corinthian church, emphasizing the need for discipline to maintain the community's purity. He urges them to remove the individual engaged in sexual sin to prevent its influence from spreading.

    Chapter 6 advises against believers suing each other in secular courts and encourages resolving disputes internally. He stresses the importance of honoring God with one's body, avoiding sexual immorality, and emphasizing the unity between Christ and believers.

    In chapter 7, Paul provides guidance on marriage, singleness, and divorce. He acknowledges the benefits of both marriage and celibacy, urging mutual respect and fulfillment of marital duties. He advises believers married to non-believers to maintain peace in their relationships.

    Chapter 8 discusses the issue of food sacrificed to idols. He acknowledges the insignificance of idols but emphasizes considering weaker believers' consciences. He advises using knowledge and freedom in Christ while prioritizing love and avoiding causing stumbling blocks for others.

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    Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
    -Ryan and Jenny

    1 Corinthians 1-4 | Celebrity Pastors and Unity in the Church

    1 Corinthians 1-4 | Celebrity Pastors and Unity in the Church

    Are you yearning for a deeper understanding of biblical wisdom and the significant role it plays in the unity of the church? Well, join us as we unravel the intriguing city of Corinth, heavily influenced by Greek culture and philosophy, and its impact on the church's unity. We'll untangle the divisions that arose from people aligning themselves with different leaders, such as Apollos and Cephas, and how Paul refocused their attention on Jesus and his sacrifice. Together, we'll discover the power of the cross, diminished when we prioritize human leaders over the teachings of Jesus. As we journey through this significant biblical text, remember the ultimate goal - drawing closer to Jesus.

    Ever wondered about the power dynamics in the early church and how they mirror some of our modern-day church challenges? Get ready for a thought-provoking discussion on unity and wisdom in Christ. We'll dive into the division within the church, a critical issue often overshadowed by human wisdom. We'll explore the danger of boasting in human accomplishments over the Lord and the importance of viewing the church as God's temple. As we highlight the importance of imitating Christ and demonstrating God's power, let's remember that the kingdom of God is more than just talk. It's about living out His teachings and following His example. Whether you're a seasoned biblical scholar or a curious newcomer, this journey promises to deepen your understanding and stoke your desire for spiritual growth.

    In 1 Corinthians 1-4, Paul addresses the Corinthians, emphasizing the importance of unity and humility within the Church. He urges them to embrace the wisdom of God, which may seem foolish to the world, over human wisdom. Paul stresses that the message of the cross and Christ crucified is the core of their faith, not worldly wisdom or human leaders. He highlights the dangers of divisions and boasting, advocating for spiritual maturity and understanding. Paul defends his authority as an apostle, explaining that he preaches Christ crucified without eloquence but with the demonstration of the Spirit's power. He encourages the Corinthians to move beyond prideful allegiances to human leaders and instead focus on the true foundation of their faith in Christ. This section lays the groundwork for Paul's teachings on Christian living, the nature of grace, and the significance of spiritual gifts within the context of the Corinthian church.

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    Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
    -Ryan and Jenny

    Acts 15-16 | The Church Resolve Their Conflict and Paul and Barnabas Don't

    Acts 15-16 | The Church Resolve Their Conflict and Paul and Barnabas Don't

    Are you ready to journey back to the early days of Christianity, where the first church council was convened to resolve a heated conflict? Prepare to uncover the mysterious dynamics of the early church, the tumultuous relationship between Paul and Barnabas, and the vital role of Timothy in their successful missionary journeys. Immerse yourself in the compelling tale of the first church council, where the tension between Jewish and Gentile believers came to a head, and where Paul and Barnabas stood steadfast in their faith amidst great adversity.

    Brace yourself for a debate that rocked early Christianity - the contentious issue of circumcision and its relevance to Gentile believers. Relive the journey of Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, where they met with the apostles and elders to discuss this divisive issue. Hear about the profound impact of Peter's words in resolving the debate, and how Paul and Barnabas, despite a disagreement over John Mark, continued their missionary work, strengthening churches and spreading the Word of God. It's a wild journey through the annals of early Christianity, and we are excited to share it with you. 

    In Acts 15, the chapter narrates the Jerusalem Council, a crucial event where the early church addresses the issue of Gentile believers and circumcision. There's a debate among the apostles and elders regarding whether Gentile converts must adhere to Jewish customs. Peter, Paul, and Barnabas share testimonies of God's work among the Gentiles. James, the brother of Jesus, proposes a resolution to accept Gentiles into the faith without imposing Jewish law, emphasizing faith in Jesus Christ as sufficient for salvation. The decision brings unity and joy among believers, strengthening the church's foundation for a broader outreach to the Gentiles.

    Acts 16 continues Paul's missionary journey with Silas, after a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas led to their separation. In this chapter, Paul, Silas, and Timothy travel through various regions, guided by the Holy Spirit, spreading the Gospel. They arrive in Philippi, where they meet Lydia, a businesswoman who becomes a believer. Later, they encounter a slave girl with a spirit of divination, whom they free from the spirit. This act leads to their arrest and imprisonment. Despite their circumstances, they praise God through prayer and worship. An earthquake miraculously opens the prison doors, and the jailer, witnessing this, converts to Christianity. Paul and Silas prevent his suicide, and he and his household are baptized. The chapter demonstrates perseverance in faith, God's guidance in difficult situations, and the transformative power of the Gospel in changing lives.

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    Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
    -Ryan and Jenny

    Why Church? Ep. 21

    Why Church? Ep. 21

    Hey! Welcome back! Glad you could make it. Today the guys tackle the age old question: Why Church? Jeff and Rip share some very interesting statistics about church attendance and discuss why we do (or don't) need the establishment of church. 

    Get Rip Wahlberg's new book, "Shattered" out now on Amazon.com and online at Barnes & Noble. Look for it in stores soon.

    Connect with Jeff on his website, https://www.jeffmclain.com/ and his blog "Lead A Quiet Life," https://www.patheos.com/blogs/leadaquietlife/

    You can connect with Rip on Instagram @twomintalks and TikTok @discoveringgod

    If you enjoy these discussions please give us a like, comment and also subscribe. You can also support the guys by giving the podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

    All content published by Discovering God was created and produced by In The Wild Media.

    Intro & Outro Music: Hip Hop That Logo by Boomopera 
    Provided and license by Envato Elements
    Envato Elements Pty Ltd (ABN 87 613 824 258)
    PO Box 16122, Collins St West, VIC 8007, Australia

    Philippians: Heavenly Joy

    Philippians: Heavenly Joy

    This is a message by Ps. Dylan Ball from our series, Philippians: Joy In Everything.

    We hope and pray it’s been a blessing to you.

    In a world that is dominated by narratives of fear, anxiety and worry, what does it mean that joy is not dependent on outward circumstances, but on the inner state of one's heart? You’ve joined us in our series Philippians where we are exploring what Paul meant when he wrote to have ‘joy in everything’ and the importance of living in unity among believers for the sake of the gospel. 
    We pray this message is a blessing. 

    Make sure if you haven’t yet; subscribe to our channel and follow our social accounts to stay up to date and be encouraged throughout the week!

    For more information about Newlife head to:


    Facebook: https://facebook.com/newlifebrisbane

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newlifebrisbane

    Philippians: Christ's Joy

    Philippians: Christ's Joy

    This is a message by Ps. Alex Stark from our series, Philippians: Joy In Everything.

    We hope and pray it’s been a blessing to you.

    In a world that is dominated by narratives of fear, anxiety and worry, what does it mean that joy is not dependent on outward circumstances, but on the inner state of one's heart? You’ve joined us in our series Philippians where we are exploring what Paul meant when he wrote to have ‘joy in everything’ and the importance of living in unity among believers for the sake of the gospel. 
    We pray this message is a blessing. 

    Make sure if you haven’t yet; subscribe to our channel and follow our social accounts to stay up to date and be encouraged throughout the week!

    For more information about Newlife head to:


    Facebook: https://facebook.com/newlifebrisbane

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newlifebrisbane

    Philippians: Pure Joy

    Philippians: Pure Joy

    This is a message by Ps. Scott Wrigley from our series, Philippians: Joy In Everything.

    We hope and pray it’s been a blessing to you.

    In a world that is dominated by narratives of fear, anxiety and worry, what does it mean that joy is not dependent on outward circumstances, but on the inner state of one's heart? You’ve joined us in our series Philippians where we are exploring what Paul meant when he wrote to have ‘joy in everything’ and the importance of living in unity among believers for the sake of the gospel. 
    We pray this message is a blessing. 

    Make sure if you haven’t yet; subscribe to our channel and follow our social accounts to stay up to date and be encouraged throughout the week!

    For more information about Newlife head to:


    Facebook: https://facebook.com/newlifebrisbane

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newlifebrisbane

    Philippians: Do you know Joy?

    Philippians: Do you know Joy?

    This is a message by Ps. Dylan Ball from our series, Philippians: Joy In Everything.

    We hope and pray it’s been a blessing to you.

    In a world that is dominated by narratives of fear, anxiety and worry, what does it mean that joy is not dependent on outward circumstances, but on the inner state of one's heart? You’ve joined us in our series Philippians where we are exploring what Paul meant when he wrote to have ‘joy in everything’ and the importance of living in unity among believers for the sake of the gospel. 
    We pray this message is a blessing. 

    Make sure if you haven’t yet; subscribe to our channel and follow our social accounts to stay up to date and be encouraged throughout the week!

    For more information about Newlife head to:


    Facebook: https://facebook.com/newlifebrisbane

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newlifebrisbane

    Why we are seeing the WORST Church Division in HISTORY...

    Why we are seeing the WORST Church Division in HISTORY...

    Why is the Church so divided? Francis Chan, a notable former Mega Church Pastor and author of several phenomenal books such as Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Letters to the Church, and more (we are fans if you can’t tell!) once remarked that Christians are some of the most divisive people he knows. In the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic, the world watched as Christians vilified each other over going to Church or having online services, getting the vaccine or not getting the vaccine, whether one presidential candidate was more of God’s over another.. the list goes on. So, why are if Jesus is all about love and unity are we so divisive! Is there any chance of hope for Christian unity in today’s world?

    Welcome to the Theological Mutts Podcast! In each episode, Jason & Riley McCollister of Tribal Studios host honest discussions about developing a deeper relationship with Christ and His Church. This show is all about the journey of finding a more meaningful faith with God, breaking down denominational walls and building unity in the body of Christ! Whether your new to the whole Jesus thing or a seasoned believer this podcast will have something for you!

    ❌ Check THIS Out: https://www.thetribalstudios.com/theological-mutts-podcast

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    🔥 Our mission is to break down denomination walls and build unity in the body of Christ!

    🛠 Tools that can help you grow:

    ♥️ Dwell: https://dwellapp.io/aff?ref=tribalstudios

    🤓 Audible: https://amzn.to/3K9wKmd

    📚 Books We Recommend:

    📖 The Bible (duh!): https://www.bible.com

    ⭕️ Until Unity: https://amzn.to/3dQaS3f

    📜 Letters to the Church: https://amzn.to/3TaRbmX

    🤲 Contagious Disciple Making: https://amzn.to/3AEYvQw


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    This Is Why Satan Wants Us Divided

    This Is Why Satan Wants Us Divided

    Hey everyone - I’m not going to waste too much time today because we don’t need much setup. (I realize that I just inferred I waste time on other podcasts...oh well.) Here's the deal.

    You see how divided we are as people. You see how divided Christians are and feels like it's getting worse, doesn’t it? That’s right where the enemy wants us. Not just so we can’t accomplish things or fight more or hate each other more… it's for a much more powerful reason and we read about in Psalm 133. 

    If you would like to dive deeper into this, or other verses in the Bible, if you have a verse you would like to submit to have included in a future episode if have questions about the Bible that you would like answered in a bonus episode, or simply want to connect with me click here

    Also included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well. 

    As always – ratings and reviews are massive! They really help others discover the podcast and ultimately help us improve VERSED. Thanks in advance for that 😊

    This episode of the VERSED podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Visit FaithfulCounseling.com/VERSED – to get 10% off your first month! Join the over 500,000 people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional.

    Love you all – keep making hope louder!


    FOLLOW ME ON IG! @johnlawhon