
    christian women in business

    Explore "christian women in business" with insightful episodes like "You are not crushed when you depend on your faith - Friday Faith Foundations", "You are not crushed when you depend on your faith - Friday Faith Foundations", "Why you need to stay close to God's Word - Friday Faith Foundations", "Why you need to stay close to God's Word - Friday Faith Foundations" and "Friday Faith Foundations - To succeed, put on the armor of God" from podcasts like ""The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social", "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social", "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social", "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social" and "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social"" and more!

    Episodes (24)

    You are not crushed when you depend on your faith - Friday Faith Foundations

    You are not crushed when you depend on your faith - Friday Faith Foundations

    The demands of owning a business and living life, especially with a family, can be overwhelming. Over time, you may feel burned out or, at a minimum, overwhelmed. But you will not be crushed.

    When you depend on your faith and lean into the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit, you are not crushed. You may experience demands from every angle, and you may be criticized or judged, but you will not be destroyed. You can't be if you have Christ at the forefront.

    Depend on your faith.

    In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Paul tells us, "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." This is such a powerful reminder that when we have faith in Christ as our savior, we can overcome. We can navigate all experiences through the power of our helper, the Holy Spirit. 

    Now, I'm not saying it's easy. No, Christ didn't call us to an easy life, we must work hard and dedicate ourselves to Him and our work. We will experience bumps in the road, and sometimes we will feel stuck in trenches of muck and mire.

    But if we depend on our faith, and lean into Him as our savior, we will not be crushed.

    Depend on your faith to fulfill your calling

    In 2 Peter 1:3-11, we are again reminded that we have divine power within us. Peter writes about how we can confirm our calling.

    His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

    For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.

     Therefore, my brothers and sisters, try to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Read the full show notes and access all links and additional resources.

    Additional resources on faith and entrepreneurship

    Faith in Entrepreneurship, The Example of The Proverbs 31 Woman

    The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    The influence of faith on business

    Free eBook: 37 Bible Verses Every Christian Entrepreneur Should Reflect On And Live By



    You are not crushed when you depend on your faith - Friday Faith Foundations

    You are not crushed when you depend on your faith - Friday Faith Foundations

    The demands of owning a business and living life, especially with a family, can be overwhelming. Over time, you may feel burned out or, at a minimum, overwhelmed. But you will not be crushed.

    When you depend on your faith and lean into the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit, you are not crushed. You may experience demands from every angle, and you may be criticized or judged, but you will not be destroyed. You can't be if you have Christ at the forefront.

    Depend on your faith.

    In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Paul tells us, "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." This is such a powerful reminder that when we have faith in Christ as our savior, we can overcome. We can navigate all experiences through the power of our helper, the Holy Spirit. 

    Now, I'm not saying it's easy. No, Christ didn't call us to an easy life, we must work hard and dedicate ourselves to Him and our work. We will experience bumps in the road, and sometimes we will feel stuck in trenches of muck and mire.

    But if we depend on our faith, and lean into Him as our savior, we will not be crushed.

    Depend on your faith to fulfill your calling

    In 2 Peter 1:3-11, we are again reminded that we have divine power within us. Peter writes about how we can confirm our calling.

    His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

    For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.

     Therefore, my brothers and sisters, try to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Read the full show notes and access all links and additional resources.

    Additional resources on faith and entrepreneurship

    Faith in Entrepreneurship, The Example of The Proverbs 31 Woman

    The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    The influence of faith on business

    Free eBook: 37 Bible Verses Every Christian Entrepreneur Should Reflect On And Live By



    Why you need to stay close to God's Word - Friday Faith Foundations

    Why you need to stay close to God's Word - Friday Faith Foundations

    You never know when you will be in a situation where God's word is necessary more than ever before.

    There are myriad reasons you need to stay close to God's word. A situation I recently experienced confirmed this need. Undoubtedly, the Holy Spirit is needed and the word He breathed into life is critical for staying aligned with our faith.

    The story that made me aware of the need to stay close to God's word

    It all started with a podcast interview, one I'd forgotten about.

    You know those days. Something was added to your calendar many moons ago and you had the best intentions of remembering it and doing the necessary preparation.

    But then, at 12:10, your intuition reminds you to look at your calendar. And there it is, the thing you scheduled months ago peering at you, screaming be ready in 20. Oh shucks! A sense of panic rises but then you tell yourself no biggy, I've got this.

    This was me Wednesday afternoon.

    But when I logged onto the Zoom call, I didn't have it.

    Oh, I thought I did. Until I admitted my mistake and unpreparedness and asked if there was anything I needed to know about the interview. Then the truth came out. The podcast that I assumed was about God and the Christian faith, which it was, was hosted by an agnostic/atheist.

    The second the host said this, I thought oh no! Why didn't I look at my calendar earlier? I would have canceled. But then I quickly reframed that thought to, no, there is a reason I didn't look. God planted me here. He knew if I'd done my homework I wouldn't have held to my commitment. Thankfully, I've known for a long time that I need to stay close to God's word because it sure came in handy to calm my nerves and keep my stake in the ground so to speak.

    I was in over my head. . . or was I?

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

     Learn how to start a blog and reach your ideal audience.

    The limited-time coupon code for the Blog Course is 8B29KZB. The code expires on January 28th, 2024. 


    Why you need to stay close to God's Word - Friday Faith Foundations

    Why you need to stay close to God's Word - Friday Faith Foundations

    You never know when you will be in a situation where God's word is necessary more than ever before.

    There are myriad reasons you need to stay close to God's word. A situation I recently experienced confirmed this need. Undoubtedly, the Holy Spirit is needed and the word He breathed into life is critical for staying aligned with our faith.

    The story that made me aware of the need to stay close to God's word

    It all started with a podcast interview, one I'd forgotten about.

    You know those days. Something was added to your calendar many moons ago and you had the best intentions of remembering it and doing the necessary preparation.

    But then, at 12:10, your intuition reminds you to look at your calendar. And there it is, the thing you scheduled months ago peering at you, screaming be ready in 20. Oh shucks! A sense of panic rises but then you tell yourself no biggy, I've got this.

    This was me Wednesday afternoon.

    But when I logged onto the Zoom call, I didn't have it.

    Oh, I thought I did. Until I admitted my mistake and unpreparedness and asked if there was anything I needed to know about the interview. Then the truth came out. The podcast that I assumed was about God and the Christian faith, which it was, was hosted by an agnostic/atheist.

    The second the host said this, I thought oh no! Why didn't I look at my calendar earlier? I would have canceled. But then I quickly reframed that thought to, no, there is a reason I didn't look. God planted me here. He knew if I'd done my homework I wouldn't have held to my commitment. Thankfully, I've known for a long time that I need to stay close to God's word because it sure came in handy to calm my nerves and keep my stake in the ground so to speak.

    I was in over my head. . . or was I?

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

     Learn how to start a blog and reach your ideal audience.

    The limited-time coupon code for the Blog Course is 8B29KZB. The code expires on January 28th, 2024. 


    Friday Faith Foundations - To succeed, put on the armor of God

    Friday Faith Foundations - To succeed, put on the armor of God

    Building a business and life in general can be challenging and frightening. But when you put on the armor of God, anything is possible.

    What does it mean to put on the full armor of God? What are the pieces of the armor of God? Let's take a look.

    Put on the armor of God and you'll never be alone

    You aren't alone to face the world.

    The world often feels like a big scary place. Evil lurks everywhere. And simply being on social media trying to meet the demands of growing your business can allow Satan to influence your beliefs in yourself and God.

    But this message isn't about doom and gloom. Because as believers, we have hope.

    You have all you need to build a successful business and even grow your business without social media. If you choose to, you can eliminate, or at least alleviate the distractions, fear, doubt, comparison, and imposter syndrome that prominently plagues many small business owners and entrepreneurs. That's not to say all of social media is bad. But if you are feeling fear, doubt, a lack of self-confidence, comparison, or imposter syndrome, it's time to step away and focus on what God has planned for you. He always equips you.

    How can you protect yourself from a negative mindset, from getting confused by what secular society says you must do?

    It's simple. You put on the armor of God.

    What is the armor of God?

    In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul tells us:

    Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

    What are the pieces of the Armor of God?

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Join the wait list for the How to Start a Blog and Reach Your Ideal Audience Self-Study Course.

    Friday Faith Foundations - To succeed, put on the armor of God

    Friday Faith Foundations - To succeed, put on the armor of God

    Building a business and life in general can be challenging and frightening. But when you put on the armor of God, anything is possible.

    What does it mean to put on the full armor of God? What are the pieces of the armor of God? Let's take a look.

    Put on the armor of God and you'll never be alone

    You aren't alone to face the world.

    The world often feels like a big scary place. Evil lurks everywhere. And simply being on social media trying to meet the demands of growing your business can allow Satan to influence your beliefs in yourself and God.

    But this message isn't about doom and gloom. Because as believers, we have hope.

    You have all you need to build a successful business and even grow your business without social media. If you choose to, you can eliminate, or at least alleviate the distractions, fear, doubt, comparison, and imposter syndrome that prominently plagues many small business owners and entrepreneurs. That's not to say all of social media is bad. But if you are feeling fear, doubt, a lack of self-confidence, comparison, or imposter syndrome, it's time to step away and focus on what God has planned for you. He always equips you.

    How can you protect yourself from a negative mindset, from getting confused by what secular society says you must do?

    It's simple. You put on the armor of God.

    What is the armor of God?

    In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul tells us:

    Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

    What are the pieces of the Armor of God?

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Join the wait list for the How to Start a Blog and Reach Your Ideal Audience Self-Study Course.

    Finding Beauty from Ashes: A Journey Through Widowhood with Sonya Peacocke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Finding Beauty from Ashes: A Journey Through Widowhood with Sonya Peacocke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    "I take the pain that you suffer in life as something you have to be a steward to. It's something of great value." - Sonya Peacocke 

    Have you ever wondered how the tangled threads of grief and resilience can be woven into a tapestry of strength?

    In this heart-wrenching yet inspiring podcast episode, Sonya Peacocke shares her journey as a young widow, offering insights into rebuilding life's structure after tragedy. Join Jennifer Aube on the Naked Wealth podcast as she explores the profound beauty that emerges from the ashes and discovers the power of community in the face of life's most unexpected challenges. Are you ready to unravel the threads and find strength in vulnerability?

    In this episode:

    • Sonya's Personal Journey: Gain an intimate understanding of Sonya Peacocke's experiences as a young widow and the emotional challenges she faced.

    • Resilience in Grief: Explore the theme of resilience and how it manifests in the face of profound loss, as Sonya shares the strategies and coping mechanisms that helped her navigate through grief.

    • Rebuilding Life: Discover the practical steps and emotional processes involved in rebuilding life after the sudden loss of a partner, including the importance of self-care and seeking support.

    • Community Support: Delve into the role of community and social connections in the healing process, as Sonya reflects on the impact of a supportive network during her journey.

    • Finding Strength in Vulnerability: Uncover the transformative power of vulnerability and openness as Sonya discusses how embracing her own vulnerability became a source of strength.

    • Beauty in Adversity: Explore the idea that even in the darkest moments, there is a profound beauty that can emerge, as Sonya reflects on the unexpected moments of grace and growth that accompanied her grief.

    • Navigating Unexpected Challenges: Gain insights into the unpredictable nature of life and the strategies Sonya employed to navigate unforeseen challenges, offering a roadmap for others facing unexpected turns.

    • Practical Tips for Coping: Receive practical advice and tips for those dealing with grief, as Jennifer and Sonya impart lessons learned and actionable insights that can help others on their own personal and financial journeys.

    • Love and Loss: Reflect on the complexities of love and loss, as Sonya shares the depth of her connection with her late husband and how that connection continues to shape her life.

    • Encouragement for the Future: Find hope and encouragement for the future as Sonya's story becomes a testament to the human spirit's capacity for resilience, growth, and finding new meaning after loss.

    Take a moment to immerse yourself in Sonya's narrative by listening to the podcast. Share this episode with friends, family, or anyone who might find solace, inspiration, or a renewed sense of connection. In the act of listening, we become witnesses to the profound resilience of the human spirit. Let's foster a community of empathy and understanding, recognizing that, in each other's stories, we discover the strength to face life's unexpected challenges. You can find these transformative moments not just in words, but in the power of listening and empathizing with the journeys of those around us.

    Connect with Sonya Peacocke:

    Instagram: @sonyas_open_cupboard


    Website: https://www.neveralonewidows.com


    Finding Beauty from Ashes: A Journey Through Widowhood with Sonya Peacocke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Finding Beauty from Ashes: A Journey Through Widowhood with Sonya Peacocke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    "I take the pain that you suffer in life as something you have to be a steward to. It's something of great value." - Sonya Peacocke 

    Have you ever wondered how the tangled threads of grief and resilience can be woven into a tapestry of strength?

    In this heart-wrenching yet inspiring podcast episode, Sonya Peacocke shares her journey as a young widow, offering insights into rebuilding life's structure after tragedy. Join Jennifer Aube on the Naked Wealth podcast as she explores the profound beauty that emerges from the ashes and discovers the power of community in the face of life's most unexpected challenges. Are you ready to unravel the threads and find strength in vulnerability?

    In this episode:

    • Sonya's Personal Journey: Gain an intimate understanding of Sonya Peacocke's experiences as a young widow and the emotional challenges she faced.

    • Resilience in Grief: Explore the theme of resilience and how it manifests in the face of profound loss, as Sonya shares the strategies and coping mechanisms that helped her navigate through grief.

    • Rebuilding Life: Discover the practical steps and emotional processes involved in rebuilding life after the sudden loss of a partner, including the importance of self-care and seeking support.

    • Community Support: Delve into the role of community and social connections in the healing process, as Sonya reflects on the impact of a supportive network during her journey.

    • Finding Strength in Vulnerability: Uncover the transformative power of vulnerability and openness as Sonya discusses how embracing her own vulnerability became a source of strength.

    • Beauty in Adversity: Explore the idea that even in the darkest moments, there is a profound beauty that can emerge, as Sonya reflects on the unexpected moments of grace and growth that accompanied her grief.

    • Navigating Unexpected Challenges: Gain insights into the unpredictable nature of life and the strategies Sonya employed to navigate unforeseen challenges, offering a roadmap for others facing unexpected turns.

    • Practical Tips for Coping: Receive practical advice and tips for those dealing with grief, as Jennifer and Sonya impart lessons learned and actionable insights that can help others on their own personal and financial journeys.

    • Love and Loss: Reflect on the complexities of love and loss, as Sonya shares the depth of her connection with her late husband and how that connection continues to shape her life.

    • Encouragement for the Future: Find hope and encouragement for the future as Sonya's story becomes a testament to the human spirit's capacity for resilience, growth, and finding new meaning after loss.

    Take a moment to immerse yourself in Sonya's narrative by listening to the podcast. Share this episode with friends, family, or anyone who might find solace, inspiration, or a renewed sense of connection. In the act of listening, we become witnesses to the profound resilience of the human spirit. Let's foster a community of empathy and understanding, recognizing that, in each other's stories, we discover the strength to face life's unexpected challenges. You can find these transformative moments not just in words, but in the power of listening and empathizing with the journeys of those around us.

    Connect with Sonya Peacocke:

    Instagram: @sonyas_open_cupboard


    Website: https://www.neveralonewidows.com


    Renewed Vitality: Unraveling the Healing Potential of Functional Medicine with Alyssa Zielke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Renewed Vitality: Unraveling the Healing Potential of Functional Medicine with Alyssa Zielke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Curious about unlocking your body's hidden healing potential?

    Join seasoned Physician Assistant and the visionary behind Renewed Vitality, Alyssa Zielke, on a riveting exploration of functional medicine, where cutting-edge testing and a virtual wellness approach converge, promising a path to renewed vitality and well-being.

    Alyssa shares her journey, ignited by personal challenges, from navigating her daughter's severe congenital heart defect to her struggles with pregnancy losses. As she delves into the power of functional medicine, Alyssa discusses how it transformed her health, leading to a profound understanding of the body's healing capabilities.

    In this episode:

    • Crisis Sparks Curiosity: Alyssa recounts the pivotal moment when her daughter faced life-threatening complications, propelling her into a quest for understanding the body's innate ability to heal.

    • Functional Medicine Unveiled: Alyssa demystifies functional medicine, emphasizing its focus on optimizing body functions through in-depth testing and a holistic approach, contrasting it with conventional medicine's disease-centric model.

    • Personal Triumphs and Challenges: From her daughter's successful healing journey to Alyssa's personal struggles with pregnancy losses and weight management, explore the multifaceted ways functional medicine played a crucial role.

    • Testing for Precision: Alyssa elucidates the significance of functional testing in identifying underlying issues, offering personalized insights into nutrition, metabolism, and hormonal balance.

    • Virtual Practice Revolution: Learn how Alyssa's transition to a virtual practice allows her to bridge the gap in healthcare, providing individualized care beyond the constraints of conventional medicine.

    • Mind-Body Connection: Alyssa highlights the interplay between mindset and physical health, demonstrating how managing stress and cultivating a positive mindset positively impact overall well-being.

    • Habit Transformation: Discover how small lifestyle changes can create a significant impact, from regulating circadian rhythms to fostering healthier habits that align with the body's natural functions.

    Whether you're navigating health challenges or seeking proactive wellness, Alyssa's insights into functional medicine offer a roadmap to renewed vitality and a deeper connection with your body's extraordinary potential for healing.

    🚀 Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review for more entrepreneurial tips and empowerment insights! 

    Connect with Alyssa Zielke:

    Instagram: @renewedvitality_byalyssa


    Website: https://www.renewedvitalitybyalyssa.com


    Renewed Vitality: Unraveling the Healing Potential of Functional Medicine with Alyssa Zielke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Renewed Vitality: Unraveling the Healing Potential of Functional Medicine with Alyssa Zielke | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Curious about unlocking your body's hidden healing potential?

    Join seasoned Physician Assistant and the visionary behind Renewed Vitality, Alyssa Zielke, on a riveting exploration of functional medicine, where cutting-edge testing and a virtual wellness approach converge, promising a path to renewed vitality and well-being.

    Alyssa shares her journey, ignited by personal challenges, from navigating her daughter's severe congenital heart defect to her struggles with pregnancy losses. As she delves into the power of functional medicine, Alyssa discusses how it transformed her health, leading to a profound understanding of the body's healing capabilities.

    In this episode:

    • Crisis Sparks Curiosity: Alyssa recounts the pivotal moment when her daughter faced life-threatening complications, propelling her into a quest for understanding the body's innate ability to heal.

    • Functional Medicine Unveiled: Alyssa demystifies functional medicine, emphasizing its focus on optimizing body functions through in-depth testing and a holistic approach, contrasting it with conventional medicine's disease-centric model.

    • Personal Triumphs and Challenges: From her daughter's successful healing journey to Alyssa's personal struggles with pregnancy losses and weight management, explore the multifaceted ways functional medicine played a crucial role.

    • Testing for Precision: Alyssa elucidates the significance of functional testing in identifying underlying issues, offering personalized insights into nutrition, metabolism, and hormonal balance.

    • Virtual Practice Revolution: Learn how Alyssa's transition to a virtual practice allows her to bridge the gap in healthcare, providing individualized care beyond the constraints of conventional medicine.

    • Mind-Body Connection: Alyssa highlights the interplay between mindset and physical health, demonstrating how managing stress and cultivating a positive mindset positively impact overall well-being.

    • Habit Transformation: Discover how small lifestyle changes can create a significant impact, from regulating circadian rhythms to fostering healthier habits that align with the body's natural functions.

    Whether you're navigating health challenges or seeking proactive wellness, Alyssa's insights into functional medicine offer a roadmap to renewed vitality and a deeper connection with your body's extraordinary potential for healing.

    🚀 Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review for more entrepreneurial tips and empowerment insights! 

    Connect with Alyssa Zielke:

    Instagram: @renewedvitality_byalyssa


    Website: https://www.renewedvitalitybyalyssa.com


    Friday Faith Foundations - You Need To Rest Too

    Friday Faith Foundations - You Need To Rest Too

    It's that time of year when it's easy to get inundated with to-do lists and life can quickly become stressful instead of joyful. Remember, you need rest, and stepping away or saying no is okay.

    Even God chose to rest on the 7th day. And you need to rest too. You can't do well if your body, mind, and soul aren't given the rest they need to reset and refuel. You can find rest, peace, and joy this Christmas season and beyond.

    It's so busy and the distractions are many

    One might argue that every season of life is hectic and full of chaos and distractions. But the holiday season seems to be especially busy, especially if you are a business owner.

    You have year-end reviews, goal-setting, gift-buying, parties, baking, and more that have been added to your already-growing to-do list. Overwhelm can set it quickly. And with overwhelm often comes stress.

    To top it off, your email inbox is overflowing with shoulds and last-minute ideas on how to prepare your life and business for the new year. Not to mention the sales and gift promotional emails from every store on the planet - most of which you've probably never heard of but somehow they have your email address.

    One overwhelming thing after another, right?

    You can see why it is important to turn down the volume, turn off the electronics, and give yourself some rest. We all need to rest. All year long, but especially during the holiday season.

    After all, Christmas is about the birth of the Prince of Peace, not about hustle and bustle, to-do lists, baking, gifts, and traditions. Those things are all very nice to incorporate, however, we must not lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas and the rest God has called us to.

    What does the Bible say about the need to rest?

    If we're talking about rest, we have to start with Genesis. In Genesis 2:2-3 we learn that even God rested. The verses read, "By the seventh day, God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."

    Likewise, in Hebrews 4:9-10 we read, "There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his."

    In Psalm 4:8 David wrote, "In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety." Not only does this verse emphasize the need to rest, but also to trust that God will provide the rest and safety we need. 


    Read the full show notes and access all links. 


    Download the free eBook: 37 Bible Verses Every Enterpreneur Needs To Reflect On And Live By. 

    Friday Faith Foundations - You Need To Rest Too

    Friday Faith Foundations - You Need To Rest Too

    It's that time of year when it's easy to get inundated with to-do lists and life can quickly become stressful instead of joyful. Remember, you need rest, and stepping away or saying no is okay.

    Even God chose to rest on the 7th day. And you need to rest too. You can't do well if your body, mind, and soul aren't given the rest they need to reset and refuel. You can find rest, peace, and joy this Christmas season and beyond.

    It's so busy and the distractions are many

    One might argue that every season of life is hectic and full of chaos and distractions. But the holiday season seems to be especially busy, especially if you are a business owner.

    You have year-end reviews, goal-setting, gift-buying, parties, baking, and more that have been added to your already-growing to-do list. Overwhelm can set it quickly. And with overwhelm often comes stress.

    To top it off, your email inbox is overflowing with shoulds and last-minute ideas on how to prepare your life and business for the new year. Not to mention the sales and gift promotional emails from every store on the planet - most of which you've probably never heard of but somehow they have your email address.

    One overwhelming thing after another, right?

    You can see why it is important to turn down the volume, turn off the electronics, and give yourself some rest. We all need to rest. All year long, but especially during the holiday season.

    After all, Christmas is about the birth of the Prince of Peace, not about hustle and bustle, to-do lists, baking, gifts, and traditions. Those things are all very nice to incorporate, however, we must not lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas and the rest God has called us to.

    What does the Bible say about the need to rest?

    If we're talking about rest, we have to start with Genesis. In Genesis 2:2-3 we learn that even God rested. The verses read, "By the seventh day, God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."

    Likewise, in Hebrews 4:9-10 we read, "There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his."

    In Psalm 4:8 David wrote, "In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety." Not only does this verse emphasize the need to rest, but also to trust that God will provide the rest and safety we need. 


    Read the full show notes and access all links. 


    Download the free eBook: 37 Bible Verses Every Enterpreneur Needs To Reflect On And Live By. 

    Friday Faith Foundations - The Recipe You Need to Succeed

    Friday Faith Foundations - The Recipe You Need to Succeed

    If you want to experience business growth you need a recipe for success.

    Your business growth strategy is like a recipe for success. When you bake, you have a recipe to follow, and certain ingredients are necessary or the baked good won't turn out the way you want, or taste good. Similarly, when you are growing a business certain ingredients create a road map to success.

    In keeping with the recipe theme, be sure to read to the end of the post for a special Christmas gift...our family gingerbread men recipe.

    The ingredients needed for the recipe for success

    1. Clarity
    2. Confidence
    3. Commitment
    4. Consistency
    5. Community
    6. Communication
    7. Collaboration


    The first ingredient in the recipe for success is clarity. You must be 100% clear on what you do, why you do it, how you do it, why you do it the way you do it, and who you do it for.

    There is no wiggle room in your measure of clarity. If you aren't clear, your community will not be clear.

    Clarity creates confidence. When you have clarity you will confidently communicate what you do, why you do it, how you do it, why you do it the way you do it, and who you do it for.

    1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us, "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people."

    If you are feeling unclear about your business, do this exercise:

    Make a list of all of your past experiences that have led you to start your business. These may be jobs you've had, volunteer positions you've had, teams you were part of, experiences you've gone through and learned from, or a combination of these.

    Once you have the list, take it a step further. What about each thing you've done or experienced differentiates you from others who have experienced something similar? What makes you unique? This could be qualifications, what you learned and then implemented to create a positive result, the people you worked with or had the experience to learn from, mistakes you made, the mistakes you saw other people make, and/or the people you've helped along your journey.

    Then, evaluate the list of people you've already helped and identify the people who are consistently asking you for help or to solve a problem. What are you their go-to for? Is there a consistent problem people ask you to help solve? Are there skills that you have that no one else has? How can your experiences and what you've learned from them help solve a problem for someone else? Who are the people who most likely need help solving this problem or challenge?

    Read the full show notes and access a plethora of additional resources. 

    My Christmas gift to you

    In closing, now that we've reviewed the recipe for success, I want to share a fun recipe with you. Download your copy of our family Gingerbread Men Recipe. You can download it as a PDF or JPEG.

    Happy baking!

    Friday Faith Foundations - The Recipe You Need to Succeed

    Friday Faith Foundations - The Recipe You Need to Succeed

    If you want to experience business growth you need a recipe for success.

    Your business growth strategy is like a recipe for success. When you bake, you have a recipe to follow, and certain ingredients are necessary or the baked good won't turn out the way you want, or taste good. Similarly, when you are growing a business certain ingredients create a road map to success.

    In keeping with the recipe theme, be sure to read to the end of the post for a special Christmas gift...our family gingerbread men recipe.

    The ingredients needed for the recipe for success

    1. Clarity
    2. Confidence
    3. Commitment
    4. Consistency
    5. Community
    6. Communication
    7. Collaboration


    The first ingredient in the recipe for success is clarity. You must be 100% clear on what you do, why you do it, how you do it, why you do it the way you do it, and who you do it for.

    There is no wiggle room in your measure of clarity. If you aren't clear, your community will not be clear.

    Clarity creates confidence. When you have clarity you will confidently communicate what you do, why you do it, how you do it, why you do it the way you do it, and who you do it for.

    1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us, "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people."

    If you are feeling unclear about your business, do this exercise:

    Make a list of all of your past experiences that have led you to start your business. These may be jobs you've had, volunteer positions you've had, teams you were part of, experiences you've gone through and learned from, or a combination of these.

    Once you have the list, take it a step further. What about each thing you've done or experienced differentiates you from others who have experienced something similar? What makes you unique? This could be qualifications, what you learned and then implemented to create a positive result, the people you worked with or had the experience to learn from, mistakes you made, the mistakes you saw other people make, and/or the people you've helped along your journey.

    Then, evaluate the list of people you've already helped and identify the people who are consistently asking you for help or to solve a problem. What are you their go-to for? Is there a consistent problem people ask you to help solve? Are there skills that you have that no one else has? How can your experiences and what you've learned from them help solve a problem for someone else? Who are the people who most likely need help solving this problem or challenge?

    Read the full show notes and access a plethora of additional resources. 

    My Christmas gift to you

    In closing, now that we've reviewed the recipe for success, I want to share a fun recipe with you. Download your copy of our family Gingerbread Men Recipe. You can download it as a PDF or JPEG.

    Happy baking!

    Habitual Growth - Unleashing Potential for Positive Change with Lisa Small | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Habitual Growth - Unleashing Potential for Positive Change with Lisa Small | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Ready to Elevate Your Leadership and Propel Your Team to Success?

    In this episode, we sit down with Lisa Small, co-founder of Habitual Growth, to explore the mission of impacting 5 million lives and creating a ripple effect of positive change. Lisa shares insights into her journey, the development process of Habitual Growth, and the transformative power of their mobile application.

    In this episode

    • The Genesis of Habitual Growth: Lisa delves into the origins of Habitual Growth, narrating how this transformative initiative sprouted from the rich soil of her and her brother's varied experiences. Together, they cultivated a robust process for personal and professional development, united by a shared mission to empower individuals and teams on the journey to realizing their utmost potential.

    • The Habitual Growth Process: The conversation delves into the core of the Habitual Growth process, emphasizing the importance of setting measurable, specific goals. Lisa highlights the role of daily commitments, providing a practical example of how this approach can enhance both personal and professional aspects of life.

    • The Mobile App as a Tool: Lisa introduces the Habitual Growth mobile app, designed to guide users in defining their goals, tracking progress, and fostering intentional focus. Whether used individually or within a coaching relationship, the app serves as a powerful tool for self-improvement.

    • Target Audience: Lisa identifies two main target populations for Habitual Growth — individuals seeking personal or professional development and small to midsize teams and organizations aiming to enhance productivity, engagement, and team culture.

    • Balancing Emotional Investment: Lisa shares insights into the delicate balance of emotional investment in one's mission, emphasizing the importance of caring without allowing emotions to impede judgment, a challenge she has faced throughout her leadership journey.

    • Upcoming Features: Lisa provides a sneak peek into upcoming features, including a group feature and team-specific functionalities, aimed at fostering accountability, transparency, and a sense of community among users.

    • The Impact on Team Accountability: The discussion explores the crucial role of individual accountability in team success, highlighting how teams need both shared and individual accountability to perform at their highest levels.

    • Future Developments: Lisa shares exciting developments in the pipeline, such as group features and team-specific functionalities, designed to provide visibility into organizational goals and enhance overall team performance.

    • Personal Habits for Success: Lisa concludes by sharing her personal habits for success, including prioritizing physical fitness, ensuring sufficient sleep, and being intentional about taking time away for family and self-care.

    Join us in this inspiring conversation with Lisa Small, exploring the transformative power of Habitual Growth and the journey to unlocking human potential. Whether you're an individual on a self-discovery mission or part of a team striving for excellence, Habitual Growth offers valuable insights and practical tools for positive change.

    🚀 Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review for more entrepreneurial tips and empowerment insights! 

    Connect with Habitual Growth:

    Connect with Lisa Small:

    • Instagram: @midwestmomx3


    Habitual Growth - Unleashing Potential for Positive Change with Lisa Small | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Habitual Growth - Unleashing Potential for Positive Change with Lisa Small | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Ready to Elevate Your Leadership and Propel Your Team to Success?

    In this episode, we sit down with Lisa Small, co-founder of Habitual Growth, to explore the mission of impacting 5 million lives and creating a ripple effect of positive change. Lisa shares insights into her journey, the development process of Habitual Growth, and the transformative power of their mobile application.

    In this episode

    • The Genesis of Habitual Growth: Lisa delves into the origins of Habitual Growth, narrating how this transformative initiative sprouted from the rich soil of her and her brother's varied experiences. Together, they cultivated a robust process for personal and professional development, united by a shared mission to empower individuals and teams on the journey to realizing their utmost potential.

    • The Habitual Growth Process: The conversation delves into the core of the Habitual Growth process, emphasizing the importance of setting measurable, specific goals. Lisa highlights the role of daily commitments, providing a practical example of how this approach can enhance both personal and professional aspects of life.

    • The Mobile App as a Tool: Lisa introduces the Habitual Growth mobile app, designed to guide users in defining their goals, tracking progress, and fostering intentional focus. Whether used individually or within a coaching relationship, the app serves as a powerful tool for self-improvement.

    • Target Audience: Lisa identifies two main target populations for Habitual Growth — individuals seeking personal or professional development and small to midsize teams and organizations aiming to enhance productivity, engagement, and team culture.

    • Balancing Emotional Investment: Lisa shares insights into the delicate balance of emotional investment in one's mission, emphasizing the importance of caring without allowing emotions to impede judgment, a challenge she has faced throughout her leadership journey.

    • Upcoming Features: Lisa provides a sneak peek into upcoming features, including a group feature and team-specific functionalities, aimed at fostering accountability, transparency, and a sense of community among users.

    • The Impact on Team Accountability: The discussion explores the crucial role of individual accountability in team success, highlighting how teams need both shared and individual accountability to perform at their highest levels.

    • Future Developments: Lisa shares exciting developments in the pipeline, such as group features and team-specific functionalities, designed to provide visibility into organizational goals and enhance overall team performance.

    • Personal Habits for Success: Lisa concludes by sharing her personal habits for success, including prioritizing physical fitness, ensuring sufficient sleep, and being intentional about taking time away for family and self-care.

    Join us in this inspiring conversation with Lisa Small, exploring the transformative power of Habitual Growth and the journey to unlocking human potential. Whether you're an individual on a self-discovery mission or part of a team striving for excellence, Habitual Growth offers valuable insights and practical tools for positive change.

    🚀 Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review for more entrepreneurial tips and empowerment insights! 

    Connect with Habitual Growth:

    Connect with Lisa Small:

    • Instagram: @midwestmomx3


    Empowering Female Entrepreneurs: Unstuck and Thriving with Melanie Colon | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Empowering Female Entrepreneurs: Unstuck and Thriving with Melanie Colon | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Are you ready to thrive as a female entrepreneur and get unstuck? 

    In this episode, Melanie Colon takes you on a transformative journey, unveiling the secrets to breaking free from the shackles of mindset barriers and operational challenges. Are you ready to thrive as a female entrepreneur and get unstuck? 

    Join host Jennifer Aube in this empowering episode of 'Naked Wealth,' where women entrepreneurs discover the strategies seasoned mindset and business coach Melanie Colon recommends for combating common challenges like imposter syndrome and the feeling of "not enough." Explore the importance of community and collaboration in the entrepreneurial world.

    Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for getting unstuck, boosting confidence, and making strides in your entrepreneurial journey. Unlock the secrets to success with Melanie Colon by learning how to rise above challenges, create a supportive community, and thrive in your business endeavors.

    In This Episode

    • Getting Unstuck: Melanie dives deep into the common hurdles entrepreneurs face, unraveling the knots of operational challenges and mindset roadblocks. Discover why the absence of a supportive community intensifies this sense of being stuck and how to break free for unstoppable growth.

    • Overcoming Mental Barriers: Explore the intricate landscape of mental challenges, from battling imposter syndrome to wrestling with feelings of inadequacy. Melanie unveils a powerful antidote—using affirmations rooted in scripture to counter negativity and foster a resilient mindset.

    • Empowering Through Community: Uncover the profound impact of community support as Melanie delves into her coaching philosophy. From dynamic group coaching to transformative mastermind sessions, and a steadfast year-long inner circle group, Melanie shares how these collaborative spaces amplify growth and resilience in the entrepreneurial journey.

    • Seamless Support, Anywhere You Are: Melanie's coaching transcends boundaries, providing the flexibility of both in-person and virtual sessions. Whether you're in her Tampa Bay locale or miles away, Melanie's expertise is at your fingertips, fostering growth and breakthroughs wherever you are in the country.

    • Stay Connected, Elevate Your Journey: Take the next step in your entrepreneurial voyage by connecting with Melanie on Instagram (@rise_up_solutions) and explore more insights on her website (riseupsolutions.net). Don't just listen, engage, and let the empowerment begin!

    Whether feeling stressed or alone, reaching out to Melanie or applying the insights discussed can be a positive step. Thanks for tuning in to Naked Wealth, and until next time!

    🚀 Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review for more entrepreneurial tips and empowerment insights! 

    Connect with Melanie:

    W: https://riseupsolutions.net

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/Rise_up_solutions

    RISE UP TRAINING: https://riseupsolutions.kartra.com/page/ffce


    Empowering Female Entrepreneurs: Unstuck and Thriving with Melanie Colon | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Empowering Female Entrepreneurs: Unstuck and Thriving with Melanie Colon | Naked Wealth Podcast

    Are you ready to thrive as a female entrepreneur and get unstuck? 

    In this episode, Melanie Colon takes you on a transformative journey, unveiling the secrets to breaking free from the shackles of mindset barriers and operational challenges. Are you ready to thrive as a female entrepreneur and get unstuck? 

    Join host Jennifer Aube in this empowering episode of 'Naked Wealth,' where women entrepreneurs discover the strategies seasoned mindset and business coach Melanie Colon recommends for combating common challenges like imposter syndrome and the feeling of "not enough." Explore the importance of community and collaboration in the entrepreneurial world.

    Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for getting unstuck, boosting confidence, and making strides in your entrepreneurial journey. Unlock the secrets to success with Melanie Colon by learning how to rise above challenges, create a supportive community, and thrive in your business endeavors.

    In This Episode

    • Getting Unstuck: Melanie dives deep into the common hurdles entrepreneurs face, unraveling the knots of operational challenges and mindset roadblocks. Discover why the absence of a supportive community intensifies this sense of being stuck and how to break free for unstoppable growth.

    • Overcoming Mental Barriers: Explore the intricate landscape of mental challenges, from battling imposter syndrome to wrestling with feelings of inadequacy. Melanie unveils a powerful antidote—using affirmations rooted in scripture to counter negativity and foster a resilient mindset.

    • Empowering Through Community: Uncover the profound impact of community support as Melanie delves into her coaching philosophy. From dynamic group coaching to transformative mastermind sessions, and a steadfast year-long inner circle group, Melanie shares how these collaborative spaces amplify growth and resilience in the entrepreneurial journey.

    • Seamless Support, Anywhere You Are: Melanie's coaching transcends boundaries, providing the flexibility of both in-person and virtual sessions. Whether you're in her Tampa Bay locale or miles away, Melanie's expertise is at your fingertips, fostering growth and breakthroughs wherever you are in the country.

    • Stay Connected, Elevate Your Journey: Take the next step in your entrepreneurial voyage by connecting with Melanie on Instagram (@rise_up_solutions) and explore more insights on her website (riseupsolutions.net). Don't just listen, engage, and let the empowerment begin!

    Whether feeling stressed or alone, reaching out to Melanie or applying the insights discussed can be a positive step. Thanks for tuning in to Naked Wealth, and until next time!

    🚀 Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review for more entrepreneurial tips and empowerment insights! 

    Connect with Melanie:

    W: https://riseupsolutions.net

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/Rise_up_solutions

    RISE UP TRAINING: https://riseupsolutions.kartra.com/page/ffce


    God is speaking to you with Laureen Alexa Trujillo

    God is speaking to you with Laureen Alexa Trujillo

    When God is speaking to you, you follow His call. Being unashamed about sharing Jesus.

    Have you ever wondered if God is speaking to you? Some believe that that only happened in the Bible. But in reality, God still speaks to us, but we have to listen to hear Him.

    How is God speaking to you?

    The first step in hearing God speak to you is to read Scripture. Reading Scripture will help you recognize how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. And you can ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to His voice and to help you hear Him.

    The Holy Spirit speaks to us through our intuition. Or, you may have a strong feeling about something.

    Oftentimes, things you've been praying about will come up in conversation. Someone will bring up the topic to you out of the blue. Let your ears be open to hear the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit may speak to you in dreams, song lyrics, or maybe a picture that pops into your head. In addition, you may experience a change in your circumstances, like opportunities dry up. This is what happened to Laureen Alexa with her acting career. The roles she was willing to play quit coming up. In addition, the roles offered to her were not aligned with her morals.

    When you feel a shift like this in your life, ask God if he wants you to lean in and keep pressing because He's training you in perseverance, or does He want you to pivot? Or, ask Him if this is a new opportunity and ask him to redirect your steps.

    Similarly, if it's a perseverance thing, He's going to strengthen you and you will receive confirmation or release that gives you a new insight or direction.

    In addition, ask God to give you sensitivity to hear His voice and to know the counterfeits from His. Also, ask Him to make you in tune to Him because you want to obey Him.  This is the prayer Laureen prays.

    Discernment is critical

    The most important thing about communicating with God is discernment. It's imperative to discern and differentiate between what we think God is saying versus what the world or Satan may be saying.

    How to let go of perfectionism and control


    Read the full show notes and access all links. 

    Website for Laureen Alexa 

    Laureen's book: Festival in the Desert: Learning to Rejoice in the Difficult Seasons of Life


    Download the free eBook: 37 Bible verses every Christian entrepreneur should reflect on and live by. 

    God is speaking to you with Laureen Alexa Trujillo

    God is speaking to you with Laureen Alexa Trujillo

    When God is speaking to you, you follow His call. Being unashamed about sharing Jesus.

    Have you ever wondered if God is speaking to you? Some believe that that only happened in the Bible. But in reality, God still speaks to us, but we have to listen to hear Him.

    How is God speaking to you?

    The first step in hearing God speak to you is to read Scripture. Reading Scripture will help you recognize how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. And you can ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to His voice and to help you hear Him.

    The Holy Spirit speaks to us through our intuition. Or, you may have a strong feeling about something.

    Oftentimes, things you've been praying about will come up in conversation. Someone will bring up the topic to you out of the blue. Let your ears be open to hear the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit may speak to you in dreams, song lyrics, or maybe a picture that pops into your head. In addition, you may experience a change in your circumstances, like opportunities dry up. This is what happened to Laureen Alexa with her acting career. The roles she was willing to play quit coming up. In addition, the roles offered to her were not aligned with her morals.

    When you feel a shift like this in your life, ask God if he wants you to lean in and keep pressing because He's training you in perseverance, or does He want you to pivot? Or, ask Him if this is a new opportunity and ask him to redirect your steps.

    Similarly, if it's a perseverance thing, He's going to strengthen you and you will receive confirmation or release that gives you a new insight or direction.

    In addition, ask God to give you sensitivity to hear His voice and to know the counterfeits from His. Also, ask Him to make you in tune to Him because you want to obey Him.  This is the prayer Laureen prays.

    Discernment is critical

    The most important thing about communicating with God is discernment. It's imperative to discern and differentiate between what we think God is saying versus what the world or Satan may be saying.

    How to let go of perfectionism and control


    Read the full show notes and access all links. 

    Website for Laureen Alexa 

    Laureen's book: Festival in the Desert: Learning to Rejoice in the Difficult Seasons of Life


    Download the free eBook: 37 Bible verses every Christian entrepreneur should reflect on and live by. 


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