

    Explore "circlenine" with insightful episodes like "Here We Go", "FBI Man", "Texas Thunderstorm", "Song To Kass" and "David Koresh's Last Words" from podcasts like ""SocietyFringePodcast's podcast", "SocietyFringePodcast's podcast", "SocietyFringePodcast's podcast", "SocietyFringePodcast's podcast" and "SocietyFringePodcast's podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (18)

    Here We Go

    Here We Go

    To me this is the ultimate Circle 9 recording. From Joe's string quartet guitar solo via ebow, to the folk rock explosion after the last verse, to the George Harrison style back up vocals at the end, to the woeful tale of an out of control young-in searchin' for...he doesn't even know what! Something is empty. Something somewhere is off. I love this recording.

    FBI Man

    FBI Man

    I really really really like this recording. Joe's using the vocoder. We rarely ever played this live. It barely registered when we worked it up for recording. It was a "meh" song. Of course, as me and Bri learned through out the course of THE BIG OPERA, you just can't predict which recordings are going to stick. This'n sure did.

    Song To Kass

    Song To Kass

    Here I'm name dropping my wife in a song title AGAIN! ;-) This is Hamer supplementing the mighty 9 on trumpet and Marge from Duku singing the back ups. This also has stayed in the live set forever. It's as true a declaration of love as I've ever gotten. Unapologetic love songs are tough. I don't know how the Beatles did it without ever sounding like a bunch of drips. I reflexively want to sabotage lovely little odes with profanity. I still am pretty much a 14 year old boy at heart. Also, the vocal/guitar line is inspired by "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" by the Beatles off of Abbey Road. It's a C-major so I expect to be weeping at some point.

    David Koresh's Last Words

    David Koresh's Last Words

    I love my country so much I oft get emotional when thinking about the undoubtedly excellent shit that we have established. We're also Robespierre levels of dangerous bonkers. Our two main freedoms collided together with the Branch Dividians, the freedoms to arm and worship. In this nation they go in that order.  Distrust of governmental forces is engrained in certain strains of Americana. Of course it is. This is a nation built on people fleeing other nations. I remember reading an in depth article about Koresh in either Spin or Rolling Stone (pretty much indistinguishable to a hipster Gen Xer) and it boiled down to him being an American version of Mike Meyer's Wayne Campbell and WAYNES WORLD. At least that's what I took from it. Party on! 



    I was trying to write a version of Crazy Horse's "Cortez the Killer" for Circle 9. I STILL want to work up a live version of this with Bri and Ochster. I have an acoustic arrangement too. I want it to be SFP's "out of the blue and into the black." The fellas never wanted to play this one. We were doing mostly 45 minute sets around this time so we would only have 1 longish song. Bidnizz, jack! This is my favorite Circle 9 performance. Also, I didn't realize it at the time but Joe Gallagher introduced the SFPeeniverse with "Moai," "Gateway Of the Sun," and "Pyramids Of the Moon." I'm forever in his debt! You can hear the "Moai" riff during the calm down part. Obviously the SFPeeniverse begins with Circle 9's THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES.

    Risin Outlaw

    Risin Outlaw

    I'm old enough to appreciate westerns. Yo dig. I was struck by something that conservative commentator David Brooks said during the upheaval of 2020. While discussing the protests sparked by the execution of George Floyd on PBS he said "(F)or many decades, the pioneer experience was the defining American experience. And then the immigrant experience was the defining American experience. 
    Now the struggle for racial justice is the defining American experience." He's absolutely right. This here song is a romanticisation of the initial American Experience at the tale end of the European Conquest of the Americas. As a nation we need to talk about this shit. Millions died. Also this is an obvious nod to the "pioneer" of Outlaw Country, the legend known as Hank III.

    Sherman's March

    Sherman's March

    Being a rock and roll kid I didn't realize until much later that you could write songs based in historical times. Fantasy is well represented but actual history is almost nonexistent. Being a big Steve Earle fan and having been introduced to the Pogues by the woman I would eventually marry it was like a whole new world of possibility exploded upon my essential existence as a songwriter. The further back I went the more and more it felt absolutely right to base songs in a time period that decidedly ain't America from the 1950s on. It's such a miniscule sample size! This is my first stab at writing about a different century. They're all just cowboy songs anyway.

    Miss Kathryn

    Miss Kathryn

    This song was originally called "Life's a Beach" and I wrote it in 1987 whilst living at Ocean City, MD for the summer. I remember people crying when I would play it. I just RECENTLY realized that these piano middle C power ballads are very effective in bringing forth emotion. I repurposed it for THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. I used my wife's name. This is absolutely inspired by Ken Burns The Civil War which I watched over and over again. Growing up in Maryland we're there. 

    Rebel Stand

    Rebel Stand

    This is inspired by Clint Eastwood's THE OUTLAW JOSIE WALES and "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" by the Band. In today's polarized world it's a challenge to attempt to see each others' perspectives. Philosophically it's eminently frustrating. Here's a different approach. I used to be a construction worker. Every cliche is pretty much rooted in reality. Everybody is racist or homophobic until they're working with a person of another race or sexual proclivity. Once it's proven that a worker works they transcend the stereotype. It always bugged me that this enlightenment stayed on the job site. At least that's how things appeared. 

    CSS Virginia

    CSS Virginia

    The US is completely insane. The threat of violence is always present. That's what the Axis didn't understand during World War II. We are ahead of the curve always in terms of a willingness to inflict harm on other human beings. I also find the image of Europe looking on in concerned fascination while we butchered each other with iron clad war ships amusing. One day we'll come to terms with our vicious soul but I ain't holding my breath.

    Freedom Africa

    Freedom Africa

    Here's the big shift from bar band to rock opera band. We opened with this for years, especially in showcase environments. I loved opening with it because there's awesome head bang breaks where I made my hair look crazy.  I shit you not. We were in denial for YEARS about boastfully being willfully ignorant of the way we presented ourselves but that was total horse shit. We absolutely played up the working class apocalyptic drunken mountain men on speed look for years.

    North Ontario

    North Ontario

    This was one of the first songs I had to go back and change the lyrics because I got the geography fucked up! I was mimicking "Answering Machine" by the Replacements off of LET IT BE. I played this live until Ochster solidified himself as the SFP drummer. I was also trying to tell a sorrowful tale along the lines of another Replacements song, "Little Mascara" off of TIM. The open B minor would hurt my lil fingies when I played this acoustically. 

    The Revolution's Come & Gone

    The Revolution's Come & Gone

    This was recorded during the same session as "Agenda." I was very proud of this. Honestly? Joe Gallagher is the only other guitar player I'll play chords behind. I was glad to hear him rock out here. I remember when we released this as a 45 we got feedback that Staten Island's college station played it muchly. This is me realizing that youthful rebellion turns into simply acting like an asshole at some point.



    I wrote this between the Baltimore Colts and the Baltimore Ravens. It's my first, and almost only recorded, rapping. Even so, I write a lot of raps but they come out like singing. Everything always comes out a little differently (or even a lot!) than what is intended. This is the Dennis Barth Circle 9. Joey Joe Joe playing his old GEE-tar with the Egyptian symbols, and Pork on drums. This was the 9's first time in the studio. It was the first thing I recorded that turned up an a CD.

    The War Between the States Part 2

    The War Between the States Part 2


    Man after man has wilted from the pressure and the stress
    Man after man has wilted from the pressure and the stress
    If I can't get me a fighting General
    I'll put my brains all on my desk
    I take freedom to give it Oh yes I see the irony
    I take freedom to give it oh yes I see the irony
    We're the first ones to really do it right
    It's all coming down to me
    All these chumps around me they just don't see what's at stake
    All these chumps around me they just don't see what's a stake
    You know that ruling's meant for people
    Not the whims royalty makes
    I don't want no epitaph don't want no gravestone by my hand
    I don't want no epitaph don't want no gravestone by my hand
    Oh no
    All I'm really wanting
    Is to unite this promised land
    Oh guitar
    America is Zion she ain't perfect yes I know
    America is Zion she ain't perfect yes I know
    But when it comes down to it
    Where the hell else you gonna go?
    Four score and seven years that's just a blink in history
    Four score and seven years that's just a blink in history
    And when the killing's over
    It's all coming down to me
    Oh I'll tell yah

    My Gettysburg nurse
    Takes care of me
    She is an angel
    She's the Virgin Mary
    This town stinks of death
    Rancid aftermath
    She reads Walt Whitman
    What a fucking bloodbath
    Oh man
    The Union, sir, means the world to me
    I'm a Pennsylvania boy
    American as can be
    Cut down by rebel fire
    Now I ain't got no knees
    Piles of bloody stumps
    Small price because we're free
    In America
    Death in America
    My Gettysburg nurse
    Glows in the night
    Her voice, a poem, soothes my plight
    Hospital bed
    It's a schoolroom floor
    I'll never walk through another door
    No way
    My Gettysburg nurse
    She held my hand
    I am just a soldier
    I am just a man
    July 8th
    Half past five
    She smiled at me
    And then I died
    For America
    Death in America


    I'm an Ivy League colored in the 54
    Now I'm living in a tent in '64
    I teach these field hands how to read
    Their ways don't mean a thing to me
    Antietem gave Lincoln the where with all
    I'm a chamber music lover in this free for all
    But I can march and shoot 'cause I'm a man
    I'm going to gun down some South Carolinians
    I'm an educated man
    I'm a fixture up in Boston high society
    I enlisted, sir, to help to set my people free
    Took a boat down south it's hot as hell
    The southern women call me "n*****" while they're ringing on their bells
    Down a mile of beach Battery Wagner stands
    To reiterate I am an educated man
    But my knowledge won't mean a thing to me
    When I set foot into that killing spree
    I'm an educated man
    The first volley caught me in the eye
    The second one lodged in my thigh
    In pain I saw the colors fly
    I stood and rushed the bunker then I
    Barely missed a cannon blast
    One more musket ball might be my last
    I took a shell straight through my knee
    You bastards SET MY PEOPLE FREE
    I'm an educated man

    Gone southern man
    Gone dixieland
    Sherman's march to the sea
    Black race finally set free
    Burn, Georgia, burn
    Cry, momma, cry
    Sherman's march to the sea
    Black race finally set free
    Gone, General Lee
    Gone, General Lee
    Sherman's march to the sea
    Black race finally set free

    The winter nights were cold and wet
    We hadn't taken Richmond yet
    McClellan had us camped out there
    "Oh Be Joyful" curled me hair
    General Grant's got bloody hands
    The Wilderness will test a man
    I tripped on skulls of Federal Troops
    I kicked 'em with me Union boots
    Richmond's sacked and Lee is on the run
    Jeff Davis has evacuated, son
    Engaging rebels every day and night
    Appomattox Courthouse in me sight
    Bobby Lee was neat and pressed
    Ulysses Grant just looked a mess
    We took their guns and sent them home
    We drank and toasted northern bones
    I took the train to Maine and then
    I kissed me wife and punched me friends
    The whiskey cuts like heaven's knives
    I can't believe I'm still alive

    Feet on dirt I'm born to roam
    Getting on with the long walk home
    I see these white boys slinking south
    Old school belles they fill their mouths
    I wish I would see Massa Ted
    I'd put a bullet in his head
    "Fieldhand Slim" they did call me
    Until Lincoln set me free
    I'm getting out of Savanah
    Up through the Carolinas
    Up north up north I will go
    I never even seen the snow
    You fuckers best look out for me
    I'll show you what a former slave can be
    Sold my momma raped my wife
    Whipped me beat me took my life
    Blue coat black man broke my chains
    I'm never going back again
    These white boys pass as I head north
    Any city any port
    Feet on dirt I'm born to roam
    Getting on with the long walk home

    The sky's devoid of any trees
    I'm glad I still got two good knees
    There's a hole in my hand like Jesus Christ
    I'm a rebel fighting 'til my work is done
    Well they kilt my family and I dug the graves
    You can't turn off a fucking wave
    Still got my rifle I'll steal your horse
    You'll be staring down the barrel of my gun
    Fuck the US I must say
    It's not my country anyway
    The Second Revolution has come and gone
    Now I'm robbing trains out in the desert sun
    I'm a rising outlaw sling my guns
    I dream about my dead wife and my daughter and son
    I was hitching up my trusty mule
    When they burnt my family down
    I fought their war and truth be told
    I never thought that I could be so bold
    Now living with death is all I know
    I'm rebel pride riding into town
    Now fuck the generals
    Fuck the south
    Fuck the north and shut my mouth
    Fuck the frontier what's yours is mine
    I'm raining down lead like hail
    Fuck the indians
    Fuck the sky
    Fuck the earth and say goodbye
    When I strike you won't see me
    This war will never end
    This war will never end


    What's the difference
    War is war
    All the poor
    Cannon fodder in the ranks
    Stones to swords
    Guns to tanks
    Dadless kids
    Rich man's game
    Leaving corpses
    And the blind and the lame
    Peace is respite
    War is life
    Poor man's burden
    And his wife
    And sonless mothers
    Power hungry
    Sick with rage
    Demand vengeance
    Blood be paid
    Death decreed
    Beyond bombast
    Cowards sing
    We sing
    We don't deserve good
    We just don't rate
    Thugs with weapons
    Thugs who hate
    Trapped and cornered
    Might be dead
    Fire at will

    The War Between the States Part 1

    The War Between the States Part 1



    Freedom Africa
    I shine on the light
    I'm a king I walk this land
    The earth is my gift
    The spirit flows through me


    Who in the hell do these Lincolnites think they are?
    Trying to come down on my beloved Stars and Bars
    Arrogance and cotton is all they think we got
    But we got fire them Yanks can go to rot
    I was born in Dixieland
    I built this house with my two hands
    And now I take a rebel stand
    Now what in the hell are these Federals trying to prove?
    So we seceded we put the Bill Of Rights to use
    Now I don't give a damn 'bout moldy history
    But I'll kill me a Yankee because he would kill me
    If you ask me why I'm fighting
    It's because you come down here
    To the land of plenty
    The skies are blue and clear
    It's God's country
    So go the hell back home
    Or taster my musket
    My wife and children love me
    I don't own no slaves
    I never bothered anyone
    Nor sent nobody to no grave
    But now you're pointing guns at me
    I'm just a farmer can't you see
    You really left me with no choice
    The Rebel Yell's my only voice
    I was born in Dixieland
    I built this home with my own hands
    And now I take a rebel stand
    I guess I'm just a rebel, man

    You go where you go
    You die where you
    You're born where you live
    You march when you're called
    You fall when you're hit
    You charge when you're told
    Kill or be killed
    You reap what you sow
    You bury your dead
    You cry for your Maw
    You take a man's boots
    You murdered his Paw
    Kill or be killed
    Pack up and go
    Die and be dead
    You reap what you sow
    You bleed 'til you're dead
    No water for you
    The wails of the field
    At night they haunt you
    You spit in the dirt
    You stab in the face
    Death is a friend
    Life is disgrace
    You reap what you sow

    Imagine if you will the CSS Virginia
    Ramming French ships, where's my spot of tea?
    Lord I hate the French all for queen and country
    Let's recognize the Confederacy
    Let's get revenge for the War of 1812
    Our colonies can't rule they're not the crown unto itself
    That is not right
    Nor is it polite
    Imagine if yu will
    A powerful alliance
    Great Britain joined with the good ol' CSA
    If Jeff Davis keeps it up
    We'll finally march on Washington
    Make our empire whole again today

    Miss Kathryn sits by her window her man's been gone a year
    He writes letters home to his children his picture shows a beard
    The farm's going badly the rolling hills they seem to call his name
    Them damn politicians they don't die but she knows they're to blame
    All the same
    Sunshine day
    People sway
    The war's a million miles away
    Lists come back to city hall
    Her husband's name ain't there today
    Miss Kathryn thinks back to when it started with euphoria to spare
    Now all this time later she's just wondering why anybody cared
    Every night is sleepless and every single damn night is alone
    She prays every hour for her husband not to die and then to come on home
    How the kids have grown
    Ain't no laughter
    In the windswept pasture
    The fever grips again tonight
    Feed the children
    Try to keep her mind off of this evil plight
    Hot summer night she turns around and stumbles to her feet
    Standing up seems strange here in the darkness that seems so damn complete
    The children are crying she holds them and sings a little song
    She sheds no tears in front of them
    She swears that she can't take this for long
    But she's wrong
    Sunshine day
    People sway
    The war's at her front door today
    The list come back to city hall
    Her husband's name was there today

    I hope wasichu kill each other and leave me alone
    I hear they're marching all around on land that was our home
    This land it holds a beauty that wasichu can not see
    The earth is bigger than a war that's between you and me
    How can settlers be called that when they just invade
    They call us savages yet slaughter us
    Because we're red they think that we are of a lower kind
    They rape and pillage rape and pillage rape and pillage
    When they're done their flagellation then they will kill us
    Their white division is a crime to earth
    They treat their men as pets and desecrate this holy land
    The blood will spill the star chiefs lie
    May the great spirit forgive them for they know not what they do


    There's a town up north
    Pennsylvania bound
    A town I never heard
    A place called Gettysburg
    We fought for seven days
    We whooped them yankees good
    Now Richmond's standing tall
    Like I knew she would
    Old Stonewall's come and gone
    The meanest cuss you'll see
    With Longstreet at his side
    We're fighting for General Lee
    June is hot and I miss my momma true
    The Cause is why I'm here, son, how 'bout you?
    How I miss the scent of southern pines
    We're marching across that Mason Dixon Line
    Stonewall Jackson's dead
    His own troops shot him dead
    We're marching through the north
    To Lincoln's own back porch
    We marched through Maryland
    We didn't touch the land
    Two days battle gone
    We're charging come the dawn
    General Pickett gave the sign and we stood up
    Cannon fire lit the Federal embankments up
    The proud red banner hoisted in the air
    The first volley killed my brother and singed my hair
    Armistead is dead
    The summer grass is red
    Dealt these filthy cards
    I fell at Pickett's Charge
    General Armistead is dead
    The summer grass is red
    Dealt these bloody cards
    I fell at Picket's Charge



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