

    Explore " congruence" with insightful episodes like "February 2024 energy report", "December 2023 Energy Report", "Patti DeNucci - Intentional Networking for Sales Success", "November 2023 Energy Report" and "It's Retrograde Time And This One is Special" from podcasts like ""High Vibes Living with Jennifer", "High Vibes Living with Jennifer", "Selling From the Heart Podcast", "High Vibes Living with Jennifer" and "High Vibes Living with Jennifer"" and more!

    Episodes (60)

    February 2024 energy report

    February 2024 energy report

    It’s February and we are witnessing a change of the guard in many ways. This new month is really the fresh start we were hoping for this year because January was full of loose ends, clearing up unfinished business, major setbacks, and very heavy energy. That wasn’t surprising given that we were closing up the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, a 16 year process of upending everything in our 3D material world and preparing us for massive change on the individual and collective levels. Now that that’s over, we can start looking forward to the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings of the powerful 8 year that is 2024. 

    In February we find ourselves in Aquarius territory and with Pluto just beginning its 20 year transit there, that energy gets an extra special blessing and attention. I don’t agree with those who say that Pluto is the planet of death, destruction, and misery. Pluto only destroys that which we have put off destroying and points out what should have been dead long ago because it is way past its use by date. Pluto prunes the dead wood, but it doesn’t touch the viable growth unless what is getting its attention is rotten from the core, then all bets are off  and Pluto does what it does best – raze everything to the ground so we can start over. Haven’t we seen quite a lot of that in the past 5 years? 

    February 2024 ushers in a 10 vibration which is the number of fresh starts and action from a place of pure potential. Simply put, it’s a time for a return to the basics, setting intention and creating miracles. Manifestation is a strong point of February but not the kind that gets us out of a jam, the kind that requires us to acknowledge our mastery and start using our energy in ways that benefit us in both the short and long term. I have been talking for a long time about how we need to stop the healing cycles, acknowledge our own path, and start moving forward in our own direction. 

    I know that is hard to do when we are noticing how much people around us need help and support but it’s time to draw the line and make your energy boundaries strong.

    In February the messages is to Embrace Enlightenment as we enter this new Age of Enlightenment. But that’s a topic with many variations.  As we enlighten ourselves, which means to light up our own lives, we can discover a lot of things hidden in the dark recesses where we put them so many years or lifetimes ago. Long forgotten dreams, delayed goals, plans set aside because of time, timing, events, and life itself. It’s time to get those out of their dark closets and re-visit them. 

    Is there something you have always wanted to do, to become, or to experience? Now’s the time to consider it. Even if you are not ready to take action right now, those old dreams and goals are going to become important this year and next, so give them some room to expand. 

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    December 2023 Energy Report

    December 2023 Energy Report

    December starts with a huge energy wave because of 3 events that happened in the last week of November. The first was the November 27 full moon in Gemini, which I described as being ‘karma on steroids’. The second was a huge near X-class solar flare on November 28 which was a big surprise and brought in a huge influx of high vibe energy and light. And the third was November 29 when Henry Kissinger’s death was announced. Someone told me when I was hosting the Enlightening Life LIVE broadcast and the first words out of my mouth were ‘hallelujah’. I have been waiting to hear of his demise for at least 10 years. 

    That night, when I went to bed, my guides told me to get back up because I had energy work to do. Kissinger’s death released an important and key pillar of 3D density on the planet and his removal meant that we could bring in a vast amount of light that had been blocked before. 

    I will spend some time talking about him and his evil and monstrous impact on the world in this energy report because we must never allow this level of evil to become entrenched in our geopolitical world again. Hundreds of millions of people died because of Kissinger, whose gruesome focus on forever wars, political destabilization, and socio economic manipulation caused death and destruction around the world. 

    Name any war, famine, depression, coup, or genocide in the last 70 years and his name is associated with it. He is also mentor to both Klaus Schwab of the WEF and George Soros. That should tell you something about the evil he embodied. But he’s dead and we are rid of him and his energy. The bright side is that there is no one to take his place, as that level of 3D density has dis-integrated and decayed into oblivion. Now we need to bring in the light to fill that 3D density block and usher in a new era and paradigm of peace. 

    December is both a pinnacle and a precipice. We are at a pinnacle of the ascension cycle, achieving great heights of awareness and spiritual integration. But we are also at a precipice where it could all fall into the abyss of despair and dissolution because of the immense pressure of the density we fight against and the fear of failure. We have achieved huge victories in this ascension cycle but we have also made great sacrifices. And in December we have a chance to review it all before we begin a great cycle in 2024.

    December 2023 is a 10 numerology vibe but it’s a double 10 because as we have seen since October, the word December actually refers to 10 (deca means 10). Before the calendar was changed in 1751, March was the first month of the year and December was the 10th month. The names did not change when the months were displaced so we have a 10 value for December and this month 12 2023 is also a 10. 

    10 is 1 + 0, referring to the staff of action and the sphere of unlimited potential. 1 and 0 activate the morphogenic field (remember this from the IDEA – The Bridge from Intention to Manifestation program). 0 is not nothing, it is no thing, the deep stillness of absolute energetic potential which waits for our word to manifest into reality. The morphogenic field is the energetic field of pure potential, pure energy waiting to become form. 

    This is a great place to be as we end a year and several big energy cycles. If you’re feeling relief as December starts, I’m there with you. This has not been an easy year and in fact, it has been rough since 2019. That’s when my health issues started and if you have been following me here or on social media, you know that I have suffered from extreme chronic pain for the past 4 years and have just started to see healing and get relief. It has not been pleasant. 

    But this has been a tough year for so many of us, as we have braved health, financial, family, relationship, and other personal and professional issues. It has seemed like it would never stop, that we would never overcome the challenges and that we would never see the daylight of freedom, joy, peace, and love again after being in so much darkness. And here we are, the lights are on and it’s time for a new paradigm. 

    December’s theme continues what we have been experiencing since August, as the rollout of energy continues to take us wider and higher into the ascension path. The farther we delve into the ascension energy the more we increase our vibration and connect with higher dimensions of energy. In August we had the inflection point, followed by September’s Convergence, October’s Catharsis, and November’s Reclamation. 

    Now in December we have Restoration as we prepare to move into 2024, a year I believe will be so much easier and less challenging and problematic than we have seen in quite some time. And Restoration is a great theme to have in December since we have lost touch with the basic aspects of ourselves after the mayhem and madness of the past few years. From one day to the next the world changed and yes some of those changes have forever altered our world view but they have made us less trusting, less naïve, and more discerning of who and what we share our energy with. The events of the past few years has also brought to light the need to be empowered, congruent, unbreakable, and very clear in our intention, alignment, and embodiment of energy.

    To restore means to return to existence, to bring back, to refresh, renew, refurbish, and re-vibe. What we will discover this month is that some things cannot be restored, they have completed their journey with us and are beyond their use-by date. Other things that we have forgotten, ignored, or left by the wayside will call to us because it is time to bring them back. Some of those things include our joy, power, energy, affection, trust, and commitment. If we have been committed to things that are not aligned with our own joy and potential, we won’t be able to restore them especially if that means we have to lose part of ourselves in the process. 

    Read the rest of the article on the website at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Patti DeNucci - Intentional Networking for Sales Success

    Patti DeNucci - Intentional Networking for Sales Success

    Patti DeNucci is the author of the critically acclaimed book, "The Intentional Networker." She is a networking expert and consultant who helps professionals build genuine and meaningful connections. Patti believes that authentic relationships are the key to professional success.


    Patti DeNucci joins the Selling from the Heart podcast to discuss the power of intentional networking. She emphasizes the importance of being authentic and purposeful in building relationships. Patti shares her insights on how to navigate networking events with grace and intention. She encourages sales professionals to focus on having meaningful conversations rather than trying to make a sale. Patti also highlights the value of finding your "right people" and investing in your network.


    • Networking is about building relationships, not making immediate sales.
    • Show genuine interest in others and ask meaningful questions to start conversations.
    • Find your "right people" and invest in building relationships with them.
    • Be intentional and purposeful in your networking efforts.
    • Networking can happen anywhere, not just at formal events.


    • "It's about selling one conversation at a time and being your true self."
    • "Drop the idea that you're going to make a sale because of a networking event."
    • "Find your 'right people' and invest in building relationships with them."
    • "Networking happens everywhere. It's just connecting."
    • "Proximity is power when you're around other lifelong learners."

    Learn more about Patti DeNucci:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pattidenucci/

    Learn more about Darrell and Larry: 

    Darrell's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrellamy/
    Larry's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/larrylevine1992/
    Website: https://www.sellingfromtheheart.net/


    Got a video about how you sell from the heart? Share it by texting VIDEO to 21000.

    Please visit BarnesandNobles to order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book. 



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    November 2023 Energy Report

    November 2023 Energy Report

    November is a fresh start after October’s eclipses and that’s a welcome change. Eclipses always shake things up, reveal what’s hidden, bring situations to a head, and challenge us to find new options when what was once a permanent fixture in our lives is reduced to rubble. November brings in the 9 energy and like October, it’s double 9s because November was once the ninth month (novem means nine) and it’s the number of completion. November’s themes are Energy Reclamation and TRIM (which stands for Transformation – Release/Renewal -- Intention/Integration-- Mastery/Manifestation) and with the retrogrades ending this month, fresh starts and new perspectives are possible. 

    November is the 11th month, but it was the ninth month in the Roman calendar. In 2023, a 7 year, November is a 9 value, the number of completion. But we need to expand the meaning of ‘being over’ – look at how 9 is written. You have the staff and the circle, 1 and 0, beginning and end. 1 is the word becoming matter and 0 is the infinite potential, the morphogenic field of energetic potential waiting for a word to materialize. This is the cycle of infinite creation. I find it interesting that basic computer binary code is written with 1 and 0. 

    Completion is more than endings, it is being whole and lacking nothing, being finished, fulfilled, and at peace with what we can say is a perfect masterpiece. Here perfection is not measured by the outcome and there is no failure. We have achieved perfection in our performance, our participation, and in what we could accomplish.  Within my definition of forgiveness, completion and closure are prominent aspects because completion allows us to move away knowing we have done all we can, and our role has been fulfilled and closure allows us to do that without guilt or shame or regrets.

    November’s themes are Reclamation and TRIM and both refer to how we connect, align with, and use our energy. Reclamation is the process of reclaiming your energy and it is a lot more than getting your power back. This is recalling your energy across lifetimes of energy drains such as grief, disappointments, unmet expectations, drama, trauma, loss, anger, sadness, regret, and the whole host of energies that arise with our karmic partners. It is our intention to remove our energetic participation in situations, memories, challenges, and any activity that is draining our energy away from our present moment. 


    You can read the rest of the article on the website at enlighteninglife.com.

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    It's Retrograde Time And This One is Special

    It's Retrograde Time And This One is Special

    Every calendar year we have a number of planets that have retrograde cycles and this year is no different. Except this year and specifically this month, we will have 7 retrograde planets and that is a lot. The only planet that is not retrograde will be Mars and it did a 3 month retrograde in Gemini in 2022, ending it the first week of January 2023. That Mars retro is significant to what is happening now, more on that later. If you wonder why I don’t mention the sun and the moon, it’s because they never go retrograde and they don’t figure in here. 

    Technically we can include the Sun in this group of retrogrades because Venus is currently retrograde in Leo, which is ruled by the sun. So that gives us a total of 8 planets in a field of 9. I think that is significant, don’t you?

    What does all of this retrograde motion mean to us? Well, first of all retrogrades invite us to step back, review, use discernment, and pause before moving forward. Mercury will be retrograde, which is always a significant factor in our daily lives. If you don’t believe me think back to the last Mercury retrograde and your car broke down, you lost your keys, you tripped or fell and hurt yourself, you missed an important phone call, or something happened that upset your plans. Mercury retrograde has a way of being very inconvenient, especially when we’re rushed, in a hurry, or juggling too many things at once. 

    Mercury retrogrades in Virgo, one of its signs of rulership, although I have always thought that Chiron should be the ruler of Virgo, especially when we consider its lower or more negative aspects of being the Martyred Healer, servitude, self-judgment, and it can be a bit OCD. This Mercury retrograde is tied to the Mars in Gemini retrograde, also another sign of Mercury rulership and this retrograde brings up our karma, soul cycles, soul groups, karma cycles, and stories in a big way.

    I want to introduce something I call the 4 karmic milestones, which involves the signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. This figures very prominently over the next 3 months which is why I am calling it to your attention now. You may thank me for it later. 


    Read the rest of this article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    August 2023 Energy Report

    August 2023 Energy Report

    August comes in with a huge burst of energy and it leaves that way too since August 1 and August 31 are both full moon dates and these full moons come with very powerful aspects. So we have that to look forward to, we have the 8-8 Lion’s Gate, and in spite of multiple retrogrades, including personal planets venus and Mercury, it’s an action packed month (again). It’s a month for setting things right and being open to new pathways because they may just happen in spite of your best efforts to stop, delay, or prevent them. 

    The energy theme of August is The Inflection Point and that is going to bring necessary change, even if it is not welcome, we aren’t ready, or we participate under protest. There are things that we must accomplish to stay aligned with specific energy milestones and if we aren’t doing the work or making the effort then the Universe will just take over the wheel and make sure that we get to that destination. It’s a matter of divine timing and energetic alignment right now and we each have a role to play in the ascension cycle but if we are not where we need to be, doing what we need to be doing, with the people who need to be part of that process, we will get pushed into place. It’s going to be an interesting month. 

    August is the 8th month of the year and in 2023, which is a 7 year, we have 8 + 7 = 15, 1 + 5 = 6. Six is the number of descension, where we have access to spiritual downloads of energy and information that we need to integrate and move into our new paradigms. If you are in the Energy Purpose & Soul Monthly Energy Toolkit group you can review the ascension cycle diagram and explanation that is available to you there.

    The ascension cycle follows this path and it is a constantly renewing process that we have committed to as part of our ascension work. The 6 energy of August is much easier than the 5 energy of July. It’s more defined and the downloads are less chaotic. But it is still part of our work here and in a 6 energy we are sure to have heavy download activity so be prepared. 

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Moving On - The Space Between Endings and Beginnings

    Moving On - The Space Between Endings and Beginnings

    If you’re facing the end of a relationship or life situation you probably cringe when you hear the phrase ‘time to move on’. You may have to do that but you don’t want to. You may be facing an ending that you did not want, did not ask for, and hoped would never happen but here you are and you have to deal with it and ‘move on.’

    Moving on is that space between endings and beginnings, the limbo that we find ourselves in when we are forced to acknowledge that the path we are on is no longer going to work for us and we have to find something else. It’s not fun, it’s frustrating and it makes us feel helpless and powerless but we do not have other options so we have to deal with the ending and navigate our way through the limbo and learn how to move on. 

    When we are in moving on limbo we are untethered, anchorless, and rudderless. The energetic forces that once drove our beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions are no longer appropriate or relevant. And because we are ‘moving on’ from a relationship or situation that required a huge contribution of our energy we have lost our set point and our focus which is why we can feel so purposeless, ungrounded, and anxious. 

    After an abrupt exit from an intense karmic cycle or situation, which is what these relationships are, we feel like someone has let the air out of us. We have used so much energy for such a big purpose and been so intent on our mission that when it ends we do not know what to do. Our energy needs a new focus and if we’re not careful we will find a similar situation and jump into it in order to give our energy a focus and relieve the pressure buildup of healing energy that has nowhere to go. 

    Remember the old adage that you should wait 2 years after a divorce or breakup to get into a new relationship? My understanding of moving on limbo has given that saying a whole new meaning and a new level of understanding.

    read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    The WORMs of Karma and Trauma

    The WORMs of Karma and Trauma

    I got the title for this article and podcast from a research on US legislation I had to do so I could write a course for the University of Phoenix, whose e-business program I wrote in the early 2000s. A few years after the Patriot Act was enacted they had asked me to research and report on data safeguarding requirements under the Act. One of the requirements was called the WORM process, where WORM stands for Write Once Read Many. This process required that data could be written once and never changed but it could be read unlimited times. Once you entered the data it was permanently inscribed and could not be altered. But you could look at that data as many times as you wanted to.

    What an appropriate concept for how we process and handle our karma and trauma. We write it into our energy field once at the time it happened, and then we read it over and over again, each time we are in a similar situation. If you want to create your high vibes, joyful life you need to understand your WORMs of karma and trauma and deal with them. Now is better than later and a lot better than never.

    How do you write karma and trauma into your energy field? Let me ask you a question – do you remember the last time you had an interaction with someone in your life who has always been a source of irritation, annoyance, frustration, and anxiety? Are you afraid of re//eating this behavior with each interaction? Do you dread talking to them because you know that it’s going to be another rehash of why you’re a terrible, no-good, bad, inept, untalented, unattractive, and unsuccessful person? 

    Do you remember the first time they made you feel that way? You wrote that experience once into your energy field and every time you think about, see, or talk to that person, that old data comes up, that situation gets repeated, and all of the energy around it rises to the surface and starts eating away at your joy, peace, and peace of mind, heart, and spirit. 

    What came first, the energy or the experience? In this lifetime it’s the energy , in past lifetimes it’s the experience. Now it’s your turn, think of someone in your life who is a challenge and what makes them challenging. Do you remember the first time it happened? Now go farther back in your memory. Was there ever a time when you felt comfortable around them or did you always feel that you had something to prove with them, that they were a threat to you, toxic, or even dangerous? Welcome to your karma.

    You can read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com  at this link.

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Big Heart and Determined Love

    Big Heart and Determined Love

    Have you ever loved someone so much that you were determined to make the relationship work out, no matter what it took?

    Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought everything in your life depended on it? 

    Have you ever felt that you would die if someone wasn’t in your life (maybe not physically die but you just cannot imagine living your life without them)?

    Be honest, we have all had that relationship in one way or another, the one that took so much time, energy, and effort and every bit of dedication and determination we had and yet, it ended, sometimes badly. And we remember it forever.

    Do you still think about the one that did not work out, the big heartbreak, the one you could not help, change, or convince that you loved them?

    I call this big heart relationships and we have all had a ‘big heart’ towards someone. 

    Our big heart allows us to put endless effort into the relationship no matter what it costs us emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

    Our big heart allows us to never give up even when we do not seem to be getting any rewards for our efforts. 

    Our big heart allows us to be determined in how and who we love and we are 100% committed to showing our love and support to everyone we have a big heart for.

    But our big heart hides our deepest darkest secrets about love and relationships:

    • That we are not worthy of being loved
    • That no one has or will ever love us
    • That we will only be hurt by love
    • That we must give love without getting love in return
    • That we will one day realize our deepest fear that we really are unlovable, unloved, and not worthy of love.

    Determined love compels us to love someone, to show them how much we love them so they will love us in return, no matter what they do to us or how they treat us. This includes family, children, and those closest to us. Do you have family members who do not ‘love, honor, and respect’ you, who really treat you badly, who are disrespectful, manipulative, toxic, dishonest, and abusive and you still give them your time and energy and you do your best to show them how much you love them? 

    Determined love is connected to our Big Heart energy because it is the fear of being unloved and unlovable that makes us continue to seek love from those who have already shown that they do not love us, or who cannot or won’t love us in a way that meets our description of love. 

    This is a key point here. We have our own definition of love, of what we believe is loving behavior, and that meets our criteria for feeling loved. Anyone who doesn’t meet these criteria is not a loving person, as far as our love definition is concerned. I call this your ‘love language, a term I coined in 2012 when I introduced my first ‘Raise Your Love Vibes’ program.

    read the rest of this article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Manifestation Fact and Fiction

    Manifestation Fact and Fiction

    Manifestation is a big buzzword. Everyone wants to know how to create their reality, to become an alchemist and turn the dense lead of their unhappiness into golden joy. Ever since the book ‘The Secret’ came out, manifestation books, coaching, and training have become popular things and manifestation coaches and teachers are a dime a dozen, you can find one on every street corner. 

    But are they telling you the truth about manifestation and is their information really going to help you create the ‘life of your dreams’? Not really and since much of the information they share is based on fiction and not fact, it does more harm than good, and it can make you believe that you aren’t capable of manifesting your reality when you can. But you have to know the facts and stop trying to work with the fiction which appears to be easier and faster, but it isn’t.

    Let’s look at the fact and fiction of manifestation so you have the information and tools you need to become a master manifestor.

    Fiction:manifestation happens with no effort and all you have to do is wish for something and it happens. When I hear this I remember a scene from the movie, The Secret, where a young woman is standing outside a store window looking at a beautiful gold necklace. In a flash the necklace is around her neck. That is so phony and false, but many people do believe that manifestation works this way.

    Fact:  manifestation happens as a process that involves intention and other factors that begin with something which motivates you to start the process and then keeps the energy moving in the direction of your manifestation.

    Fiction:manifestation is magical and special, and you need intense teaching to figure out how to use it. This is false and there is nothing magical about manifestation. It is an intentional, guided, directed process that involves energy flows, intention, and action. I don’t like using the word magical because it implies the interference or participation of third party or extra forces and that doesn’t sit well with me. In fact, it can be so easy and effortless and occur in such mundane circumstances that you wouldn’t realize you had manifested something wonderful. Listen to the podcast to hear my story about how I got my entire yard mowed with a random thought while I was weeding my garden.

    Fact:manifestation is a process of energy management, starting with identifying your intention to create an energy container. Then it is a matter of staying on track, avoiding distractions, and focusing your energy flows to ensure that you are aligned with your intention. There is nothing magical about this and it is always in your control. Manifesting is one of your abilities because it is part of your energy management tools, so you can easily manifest your reality once youknow how to do it, have been successful a few times, and remember to use this powerful ability all of the time. 

    Fiction: the universe has your back and it manifests for you and keeps you on track. This is fiction because the Universe does not do this and if you think that somehow, without your input, you’re going to manifest what you wanted whatever you do, no matter how little effort you put into it, you’ll be sorely disappointed. This is the sanitized, spin version of manifestation that you can get from a lot of self-appointed gurus in the new thought space and it’s wrong. It’s also how they sell you their programs by getting you to believe that they can teach you special skills to hack the process so that it happens by itself. It doesn’t.

    Learn how the Universe really helps you (the facts) on the blog page at enlighteninglife.com


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Leadership and Mental Health

    Leadership and Mental Health

    Today I'm discussing the importance of leadership and how good leadership skills are directly connected to your mental health. I believe that it's crucial to approach learning with humility and respect towards experienced teachers. It's also important to have a positive attitude towards learning and not take criticism too personally. When I was younger, I adopted this attitude and it has helped me tremendously. I encourage you to avoid being disrespectful towards those who offer their knowledge and wisdom for free. 

    Next, I talk about the modern-day mating dance and how mental health and confidence play a huge role. It's important to take care of ourselves and our mental well-being in order to be confident and successful in all our relationships. 

    The Joseph W. South Show – Volume 1 is packed with even more practical insights and personal stories than what you saw in my last book. Building on the success of Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man, this book provides you with a deeper understanding of female psychology and how to apply it to everyday interactions with women.

    Whether you're a new reader or a returning fan you'll find plenty of useful advice in these pages. I bring decades of experience to the table, having made every mistake possible when it comes to the opposite sex. From divorce and child custody battles to wild sex and successful relationships I've seen and done it all!

    It's not just men who stand to benefit. Female readers of the original book have raved about how PFP helped them understand their own thinking and the differences between masculine and feminine thought processes.

    In a world where dating, sex, and relationships are complex and difficult to manage, I offer practical advice on how to overcome shyness, interact comfortably with the opposite sex, and find sexual partners. I share experiences of meeting and having sex with a lot of women, despite not being super rich, tall, or with model-good looks.


    The Energy of Courage

    The Energy of Courage

    Have you ever had an experience where you had to act quickly, boldly, and decisively and you did, even though it may have involved something dangerous and scary? But in that moment you did not consider the scary and dangerous aspects, you knew that you had to act and to do something in that moment, and you did. 

    We call these acts of heroism and of courage and we celebrate the people who put their personal interest and safety aside and act on behalf of someone or something that has a greater immediate need. If you look on Instagram or facebook you can find many videos showing these acts of heroism. Some of the most watched and liked are those of people rushing to help a motorist stuck in a car, or rescuing an animal trapped in mud or water, workings digging an elephant out of a ditch, or compilations of fathers saving their children from harm. 

    We celebrate these acts of courage and the people who commit them. We admire their grit, their selflessness, their bravery, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. Sometimes we wish we could be like them as we examine the parts of our lives that could use an act of courage and wonder when we’ll have the determination, heart, grit, and courage to act. We do and that moment can be now, so let me share some courage inspiring tips with you. 

    Acts of courage require an emergency, a fearful outcome, a dire situation, and a challenge. We look for those in the physical world around us and often neglect our own world in the process. What does it take for us to leap into action, to boldly decide to act, to become completely selfless and focus on an objective while ignoring the consequences?

    It’s easy for us to act on behalf of others but less so when it comes to our own lives and our own life situation, no matter how dire it may be. We wait to become courageous, for our courage to build to the point where we can act, to overcome our fear, and to find a reason to make a change. We think that courage is something we do but it is something we become. Courage is an energy and the energy of courage is within us all of the time, we just need a reason to activate it. 

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    May 2023 Energy Report

    May 2023 Energy Report

    It’s now the 5th month of the year and where do you stand with respect to your intentions, plans, goals, objectives, and secret dreams for the year? Are you close, nearly there, or so far away from them that you are discouraged, depressed, and demoralized? Don’t lose hope because this month is a creative wellspring of high vibes that is going to give us the energy and opportunities to make tracks and gain traction even though we start the month with Mercury retrograde and the annual planetary retrogrades begin. Don’t be intimidated by May’s energy theme of Mastering your Matrix – because it’s a process you have been engaged with for years and now you get to add the final touches. It’s a process I call IDEA – Intend - Decide - Expand - Act.

    May is a 3 year in numerology – 2023 is a 7 plus 5 for May equals 12, and that breaks down to 3. But in numerology, a 3 that is a combination of 1 + 2 is a divine trinity, encompassing the values of 1 and 2, to create a whole that is ‘greater than the sum of its parts’. This month’s numerology combines our individual self-awareness with our higher consciousness, the divine partnership of self and Self, of human and spirit, of material and spiritual, integrating our divinity into our humanity. It is the ultimate objective of our soul mission – not to become soul led or soul filled, but to achieve self and soul integration, the congruent intersection of ego and spirit, the synergy of self and soul working in divine harmony for material mastery. 

    Sounds good but how do we do that? Well, we start with understanding our own energy matrix, which is May’s theme. We need to learn to master our matrix, the different levels, types, and vibrations of energy that make up our personal energy grid. This is our personal power plant, the energy resources that support and sustain us and that we draw from with every belief, thought, word, and action. Our personal energy matrix either supports our forward movement or keeps us mired in the past. 

    While our energy matrix is influenced by what is going on around us, it is also how we interpret energy events. For example, May begins with a Mercury retrograde that began in April. Do you dread Mercury retro or do you see it as an opportunity to see what may need some adjusting, touch-up, or a complete makeover in your life? Mercury retro will do that, especially with this one that started conjunct ‘surprise a minute’ Uranus and with Venus in Gemini, creating a synergy between self and soul that reminds us of the ever present wheel of karma that turns in our lives, an opportunity to shift from the pain of the past to joy in the present. This Mercury retro is a value proposition – to decide what has value and what is valuable to us. Many people equate Taurus and Venus with money but that is not their true focus, which is value. What is ‘worth it’ and worthy of your time, energy, and effort?

    Is there anyone in your life who is an energetic challenge, and you dread every interaction with them? Is there a life situation that you want to run and hide from because facing and dealing with it feels like such a challenge? Is there an area of your life that really requires some attention now and you ignore it, hoping that it will go away? When we create a value proposition for transformation we overcome our fear of consequences and put the focus on our joy, peace of mind and heart, and our sovereignty becomes our primary objective. We must make ourselves the most valuable thing in our lives.

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Eclipsed - The Intersection Between Intention and Interests

    Eclipsed - The Intersection Between Intention and Interests

    The recent April 21 eclipse was indeed a powerful one. A rare hybrid eclipse that began as an annular eclipse and morphed into a total eclipse that could be seen in in Australia and parts of the south pacific region. It is another astronomical phenomenon but we know it’s much more than that because it is part of a vast energy movement that has been showering us with energy shifts and downloads for the past 4 years. With a solar eclipse, which means that the dark obscures the light, the sun being covered by the moon, but don’t stop there. To eclipse something is to surpass it, to be the best in comparison to others. 

    This eclipse is our opportunity to eclipse our karmic path and focus our light on what is most important to us. If we are not sure what that is, having to choose between the dark and the light will push us in the right direction. Just remember that while an eclipse is momentary, the effect is long lasting. 

    I believe that we are coming out from under centuries of darkness and only now are we able to see the light and to have the awareness and spiritual maturity to choose between the dark and the light and that is happening because we are now aware of the darkness. It was never visible to us before because it was fully integrated into 3D, as we were. 

    But as we awaken from our collective slumber, like sleeping beauty and her 100 year sleep, it is not the magical kiss of a prince that awakens us,  it is the moment that the darkness is eclipsed by the light. In a total solar eclipse that is the moment after the moon  has covered, or eclipsed, the sun, there is a brilliant flash of light as the sun’s light begins to show again. In our lives it is when the light becomes so bright and so strong that we must abandon our darkness and let the light in. 

    What does it mean to be eclipsed? If you are eclipsed by someone or something it means that it overshadows you and you pale in comparison. More simply – it is better, brighter, and bigger than you are. Now think about what happens when you eclipse something – say you eclipse a challenge or a problem or you finally overcome an issue you never thought you would be able to move on from. Congratulations, you have eclipsed the darkness in your life and let in the light. 

    But before we get too pleased with the process and you think that I am being overly simplistic about a situation, let’s take a look at what you are trying to shine the light on because like most things, it is just not quite that simple. 

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    S2 E7: TOLWM + Kelli Murbach x Shame on a Loop + Words That Matter

    S2 E7: TOLWM + Kelli Murbach x Shame on a Loop + Words That Matter

    Meet Kelli Murbach, a modern-day human, reclamation coach, word wrangler, and celebrant. Kelli believes we shift and change our lives by rewriting our stories so that they encompass and acknowledge the whole truth of our lived experience. With intuition and care, Kelli wields the tools garnered in a multiplicity of spaces, including trauma recovery coaching, somatic coaching, social work, improv, and engineering realms, to hold space while others transform into who they want to be.

    Kelli and I think out loud about a recent shame spiral in which I found myself, specifically using her Life Support Paradigm as a roadmap. We chat about the power of words, and what's not selfish about supporting yourself in living your best life.

    Gosh, I dig the connection I have with Kelli. I hope you'll find reason to experience her in real-time by connecting with her online via the following links:

    Website: http://secularshepherdess.life/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/secularshepherdess/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifesupportparadigm/

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/SecularShepherdess/

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    April 2023 Energy Report

    April 2023 Energy Report

    March supposedly comes ‘in like a lion and out like a lamb’ but this March came in like lion and out like a tornado. The energy movements in the last few days of March, along with some X- and M-class solar flares, shook things up and re-distributed some of the darker, denser energies, creating a lot of dis-integration and chaos. Both are aspects of the descension phase of the ascension cycle and chaos is a by product of dis-integration. We will see more of this in April as we enter a month whose theme is Rebirth into Freedom and we choose between energetic sovereignty and the continuation of karma timelines.

    April is an 11 month, the number of the initiate, and it will be our only 11 month in 2023. This brings heightened spiritual awareness and knowledge, usually in the form of lessons and challenges, and new potentials for healing, learning, growth, and transformation. An 11 month is both a call to acknowledge our journey and a call to action, to prepare for new potentials. These can be very challenging months and months where we quickly and easily manifest the changes we need to allow new potentials to occur. They can also be months where we learn to turn challenges into blessings and to learn how to let go of what no  longer serves us, resonates with us, is relative to our new path, and restricts our ascension process.

    The darkness and density are giving way to the light – not without a fight, but they are retreating significantly. Don’t be fooled by what may appear to be the dark winning out – it is not. It’s safe to say that when we notice the darkness it’s because it has been displaced by light and it has to be out in the open as it can no longer hide, it has no place left to hide. The only people holding the dark energies are those who have chosen unintegrated, un-ascended 3D. 

    When 3D was more dense and there was no 5D energy to start dis-integrating the density we did not notice that the density was there. We could not, it was completely integrated within 3D. But that is no longer the case and it is because of our 3D/5D ascension integration process that we are now able to see the density in all of its forms and they are out in force right now. Remember the energy gaps between the dark and the light, between pure, ‘unenlightened’ density and the 5D energies and light are why we are noticing so much darkness, perversion, and sheer lunacy right now. 

    We are in the down cycle or descension aspect of this ascension journey which is a difficult place to be because this is where we do all of the inner work, the tough work that has to be done to prepare for the next ascending cycle where we rise and expand our energy. But descension leads to transcension and the 4D bridge, which leads to ascension and that is how we achieve new levels of ascension integration. Cycles are part of the process and we go through them all the time. Are you starting to be able to recognize your ascension cycles now?

    The descension process of the ascension cycle reminds me of the tv show ‘extreme home makeover’ where a family is chosen for a complete home remodel. The family goes away for a week and they return to a fully remodeled, often brand new home. What we don’t see in that process is the thousands of people who work 24x7 to tear down and rebuild and then fully re-decorate that home. We just see the beautiful, finished product and while they do show small glimpses of the tear down work being done, it is just enough to add a dose of theatrics – the biggest part of the dirty work is done behind the scenes. Sound familiar? 

    So if you are struggling with the energies from March and into  April, remember that the finished product is in the process of being remodeled and that what no one sees is the ‘home work’, the inner work that must done to expand our outer glow and shine our light brightly. And a side note here – as soon as we finish with one remodel we spend a few minutes enjoying our work and then we start another remodeling process. Ascension is a continuously evolving and rising spiral of energetic expansion. 

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    S2 E5 : Think Out Loud With Me + Kim E. x The Beauty of Healing Ways

    S2 E5 : Think Out Loud With Me + Kim E. x The Beauty of Healing Ways

    There's a saying, “Your mind is like an unsafe neighborhood; don't go there alone.” On my recent journeys to Mexico, I found a sister to hold my hand as I continue to walk in mine. She’s my guest in Episode 5.

    Kim Eden is an Intuitive Empath, PSYCH-K® Practitioner, Reiki Master, NLP Practitioner, Holistic Herbalist, Hypnosis Practitioner, and Life Coach. But these, as she says, are just labels. The reality is that Kim is an energetic being having a human experience. 

    Kim grew up on a rural desert farm in southern Arizona. She spent most of her childhood lost in her imagination. The open desert was her playground; her best friends were her horse, dogs, goats, and cats that called the farm home.

    Growing up, she’ll tell you she was always the oddball and outcast. She saw the world differently, even at a young age. She could see the energy that flowed into everything. She realized she was called to help and could hold that space for others. Kim does not believe that one modality will heal everything.

    This belief has led Kim to learn different modalities. For over 25 years, she has been working on her spiritual development. She has attended courses at Arthur Findlay College to study mediumship and psychic development and has numerous certifications and additional training in holistic modalities, energy psychology, and energy work. She has traveled to learn with shamans, Maestros, and healers throughout North and South America. She is a perpetual student of the world. In 2020 Kim opened Peaceful Path. Through her private practice, she works with individuals to break free of their limiting beliefs, does energy healing, and conducts shamanistic ceremonies to help with additional spiritual support a person may need.

    In Chapter 11 of Shaman Heart: Sacred Rebel, the book hitting the shelves in May in which we will both be featured with two dozen others including lead authors Stephanie Urbina Jones and Jeremy Pajer, Kim tells a story called "The Broken Path," and shares very special medicine for freeing oneself from limiting beliefs. 

    Listen in as we think out loud about the beauty of healing, the paths we walk, and the relief we find when we lean into our shadows for the lessons and love we have for ourselves.

    Kim can be found just outside Nashville, TN, for in-person work, or online at https://peacefulpath.net/ or Kimeden@Peacefulpath.net. Follow her at facebook.com/peacefulpathinnerillumination and keep an eye out as she develops her YouTube channel at youtube.com/@peacefulpath1866

    #peacefulpath #plantmedicine #healing #selflove #selfwork #ayahuasca #psychek #nlp #holisticherbs 

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    February 2023 Energy Report

    February 2023 Energy Report

    When you think of February you think of Valentine’s day and that is the main focus of the month. It’s typically the month in which our thoughts are on love, romance, and relationships whether we are celebrating what we have, regretting the ‘one that got away’, trying to forget the one that broke our heart, or hoping that our turn at love comes soon. But February is so much more than that and this month has some beautiful and powerful energy that is going to highlight this year’s Reckoning theme and present a clear ascension transition path. 

    Have you ever felt like the calendar was wrong to start with January, often the coldest, darkest month of the year? If we celebrate the birth of the new year in nature with spring, why do we celebrate our new calendar year in the cold of winter? Until 1752 the calendar year did begin with the month of March and then it was changed to the Julian calendar which began in January. With the ‘old style’ calendar, February would have been the 12th month of the year and the final month before a new year begi,n in spring with the March Equinox. That’s why February is named after , Februus, Roman god of atonement and purification.

    Now this is a new focus for the month where we typically think of romance to consider a less ‘romantic’ theme to the month and make the best use of its energy. It’s fully aligned with the 2023 theme of  Reckoning and the Path that we are embarking on this  year. Since 2023 is a 7 year and that number represents contemplation and inner growth, as a 2 month February’s numerology is a 9, the number of completion. How appropriate and supportive for us to prepare for new growth and new beginnings in spring, which is next month’s theme. 

    Rather than focusing on love and romance this month, which can be a challenge if you do not have a love to celebrate, we’re going to look at alchemical purification, at-onement, recalibration, and ascension energy movement. This doesn’t mean that love is out of the picture, but it does mean that we cannot continue to chase after love and continue our love patterns which include choosing healing over wholeness, perspiring instead of inspiring, and seeking our own redemption by redeeming others. 

    It sounds harsh but if we are to fulfill our own desire for love then we need strong energy boundaries, more self esteem, and a willingness to engage in partnerships that are energetically aligned and not emotionally unbalanced.

    read the rest of this article on the Enlightening Life Blog at this link. 

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Our Own Hypocrisy

    Our Own Hypocrisy

    Why do we contradict ourselves? Are we aware or willfully ignorant? Does awareness matter if we are causing harm? Are we using rhetoric to get what we want without any of the sacrifices it requires?  We don't know the answers to most of these questions but we offer up some possibilities. 

    The big takeaway from this episode is that hypocrisy is something that everyone does for one reason or another. We hope that listening to our discussion, you will reflect on your own life and determine why you live out of congruence with your morals and if you should take action to create more alignment. 

    Thanks again for stopping by and we hope you enjoy this episode of Expansive Minds.


    Featured artist: Kevin K.

    Our very own Kevin K! Kevin K is an all around musician that loves jamming on the ukulele, guitar, and bass with the various objects around him becoming percussive instruments. 

    He does not have a method for distribution yet so email us at expansiveindspod@gmail.com and pressure him into sharing his talents with the world.

    Timelines, Time Travel, and Transformation

    Timelines, Time Travel, and Transformation

    When I was young my mother listened to old country songs and one of the songs had the chorus “if I knew then what I know now”. I thought that was rather silly because you could not go back to the past with the knowledge from the present. But it was an interesting thought and when I got older I remembered that phrase and more than once, I wished that I could go back in time and tell my past self what I had learned so she could avoid making certain choices. 

    The things we secretly hope and dream of if we could just turn back time. How often have you said those words to yourself? 

    The relationship we would leave or would work harder to keep.

    The words we would say or would keep to ourselves.

    The choices we would make or avoid

    What would we do if we could turn back time, go back to the past, do-over portions of our life, and especially, not make certain choices? 

    But while we think about these things we also know they are just pipe dreams. There is no way to turn back time, to undo what has been done, or to re-do a choice or action. The past is a fixed moment in time. 

    We cannot undo the past or go back to it and the only reason we would want to is because we think that somehow we could undo the lessons and experiences of the past and have a much different present. Just imagine if we had not said yes, or said no, made a different choice, or realized how important the choice we were making at that moment, which we thought was inconsequential, was actually one of the most important choices of our life. 

    If there is anything that is immovable, unchangeable, and set in stone in our lives, it is the past. There is nothing we can do to change what once happened but there is something we can do to change the effect the past has on our life in the present. We cannot time travel to fix the past but we can use our timelines to shift what is happening today and to create transformation. The secret to time travel, to turning back time, to knowing something new, is in understanding timelines.

    Timelines are the linear expression of an energetic imprint. A timeline is the outcome of an energetic event that sets us on a specific path  and that path and its energy determines the frequency, vibration, and flow of our life’s energy and all of its connections.

    The timeline continues on autopilot, sometimes like a runaway train or an avalanche that wipes out everything in its path, until we decide we have had enough of that and we want something different.

    Then that timeline starts losing energy until it comes to a full stop – it has run out of energy road. And now we have two choices – to restart that time line with a rebirth (renaissance is one word people like to use) or to create a new timeline.

    We can always restart an old timeline by going back to it but it doesn’t feel the same, everything is off balance and different, and we feel stuck and out of place. It’s like going back to your high school reunion and remembering all of the old battles and rivalries and realizing how much you didn’t like those people then and they are still not very nice to you. You try to talk to them and there is no energetic connection. That timeline is ended and there is no bringing it back.


    read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com 


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions


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