

    Explore "connemara" with insightful episodes like "Irish Moonshine", "Die Erfolgsgeschichte der 2500 km langen Küstenstraße Wild Atlantic Way", "Dan O'Hara - Ein irisches Auswandererschicksal", "Irlands Schokoladenseite - Kylemore Abbey" and "Bodhráns und Pflegekinder" from podcasts like ""Erlebnis Irland - Reisen und Reisetipps mit Chris und Fee", "Irisch gut! Stories und Tipps von der grünen Insel", "Erlebnis Irland - Reisen und Reisetipps mit Chris und Fee", "Erlebnis Irland - Reisen und Reisetipps mit Chris und Fee" and "Erlebnis Irland - Reisen und Reisetipps mit Chris und Fee"" and more!

    Episodes (23)

    Irish Moonshine

    Irish Moonshine
    Die Geschichte des irischen Poitín ist berüchtigt, da er lange als illegale Spirituose galt. Bereits seit den frühen 1600er Jahren wurde er destilliert und war auch unter anderen Bezeichnungen wie “Irish Moonshine” bekannt. Obwohl Poitín auf eine so lange Tradition zurückblickt, ist er außerhalb Irlands kaum bekannt. Ein Grund dafür ist, dass es seit 1661 illegal war, Poitín herzustellen. Das Gesetz wurde erst 1997 geändert, und seitdem ist Poitín wieder legal. Seitdem sind einige Destillerien auf den Zug aufgesprungen und haben wieder mit der Herstellung des Irish Moonshine begonnen. Martin vom Connemara Heritage and History Centre erzählt Fee im Interview von diesem

    Die Erfolgsgeschichte der 2500 km langen Küstenstraße Wild Atlantic Way

    Die Erfolgsgeschichte der 2500 km langen Küstenstraße Wild Atlantic Way

    Der Wild Atlantic Way ist mit seinen 2500 Kilometern die längste ausgewiesene Küstenstraße der Welt. Von der  Halbinsel Inishowen im Norden des County Donegals schentlang der irischen Westküste bis ins Küstenstädtchen Kinsale im Süden des County Cork. Irlands Westen verspricht überwältigende Naturschönheit und idyllische Ruhe. Von dieser Landschaft mit ihren Steinmauern, reetgedeckten Cottages, stimmungsvollen Bergen und verlassenen Stränden ließen sich schon Träumer, Landstreicher, Dichter und Maler gleichermaßen inspirieren. Nehmen Sie bei einem Abenteuer am Rande Europas eine Auszeit vom Alltag. Margaret Jenkins kümmert sich vor Ort um die Vermarktung des Abschnitts Galway, Clare, Limerick und kennt die bekannten Attraktionen ebenso wie die Geheimtipps entlang dieser Traumstraße.





    Dan O'Hara - Ein irisches Auswandererschicksal

    Dan O'Hara - Ein irisches Auswandererschicksal
    Dan hat sein Land und sein Zuhause durch den Landlord verloren. Jetzt steht er im Frost und Schnee und versucht, Streichhölzer zu verkaufen, um zu überleben. Er bittet die Leute, eine Schachtel Streichhölzer von ihm zu kaufen, und verspricht, dass sie die Gebete von Dan aus Connemara haben werden. Der Songtext drückt sowohl die Trauer und Verzweiflung von Dan aus, als auch seine Hoffnung und seinen Glauben, dass er eines Tages wieder Glück und Freude finden wird. Über ihn und die Geschichte Connemaras spricht Martin vom Connemara Heritage und History Center im Interview mit Chris und Fee

    Irlands Schokoladenseite - Kylemore Abbey

    Irlands Schokoladenseite - Kylemore Abbey
    Die Kylemore Abbey ist eine Benediktinerinnenabtei in der Grafschaft Galway im Westen Irlands. Sie wurde 1920 von den Nonnen gegründet, die aus dem belgischen Ypern geflohen waren, nachdem ihr Kloster im Ersten Weltkrieg zerstört worden war. Die Abtei liegt malerisch am Ufer des Lough , umgeben von den Bergen des Connemara Nationalparks. Die Abtei ist bekannt für ihre neugotische Architektur, ihre viktorianischen Gärten und ihre reiche Geschichte, die von Liebe, Tragödie und Spiritualität geprägt ist. Aber auch für Seife und Schokolade. Die Besucher können die Abtei und die Gärten besichtigen, an einer Führung durch die restaurierte gotische Kirche teilnehmen, das Mausoleum besuchen, in dem der Gründer der Abtei, Mitchell Henry, und seine Frau Margaret begraben sind, oder im Café oder im Souvenirladen einkaufen. Die Abtei ist auch ein Zentrum für Bildung und Kultur, das verschiedene Kurse, Konzerte und Ausstellungen anbietet. Die Kylemore Abbey ist ein idealer Ort für alle, die Irlands Natur, Geschichte und Tradition erleben möchten.

    Bodhráns und Pflegekinder

    Bodhráns und Pflegekinder
    Nicht die Harfe, die Bodhrán ist die Ikone Irlands. Ein Instrument, das die irische Musik über die Jahrhunderte begleitet und beeinflusst hat. In dieser Episode besuchen wir Malachey Kearns in seiner Werkstatt in Roundsone Connemara. In unserem Talk erzählt er uns von der Geschichte der Boidhrán, ihrer Herstellung und ganz viele persönlichen Erlebnissen.

    Inis Mór - Grosse kleine Insel

    Inis Mór - Grosse kleine Insel
    Wir sind Fee und Chris. Zusammen bringen wir euch den Podcast Erlebnis Irland. Heute gilt unser Besuch Inis Mór, der die größten der Aran Inseln. Ungefähr 800 Menschen leben auf der 14 Kilometer langen Insel. Die Hauptsehenswürdigkeit ist das Ringfort Dún Aonghasa. Es liegt auf einer 90 Meter hohen Klippe über dem Meer und ist ca 3.000 Jahre alt. Angereist sind wir mit der Fähre. Sie verkehrt mehrmals täglich mit dem Festland. Die Überfahrt dauert ca 40 Minuten. Du kannst aber auch fliegen, das geht natürlich schneller. Leider ist die Insel und vor allem auch das Fort von Touristen sehr überlaufen. Das ändert sich, sobald die Fähren die meisten Tagestouristen wieder von der Insel gebracht haben. Vermutlich erhöht das den Charme von Inis Mór dann deutlich. Episode in Deutsch - Englisch Episode in German and English

    Esquisse d’une France contemporaine - Nicolas Mathieu - ep. 9

    Esquisse d’une France contemporaine - Nicolas Mathieu - ep. 9

    Qu’est-ce que réussir ? Fuir son milieu social, sa banlieue périphérique ? Et cette réussite, bien souvent construite par la société, est-elle celle, finalement, qui nous convient ? Quitter son monde d’origine pour en rejoindre un nouveau et finir par se demander auxquels des deux on appartient ? Peut-être à aucun ? 

    Nicolas Mathieu est un écrivain français. Son précédent roman, Leurs enfants après eux, paru en 2018, remporte le prix Goncourt la même année. 

    Avec Connemara, publié chez Actes Sud, Nicolas Mathieu installe de nouveau ses personnages dans le Grand Est postindustriel, interroge notre rapport au monde du travail et les entreprises qui le composent et explore la mélancolie du temps qui passe pour dresser une chronique sociale. 

    « Pourquoi le monde du travail ? Moi, j’essaye de raconter la vie et ça prend quand même une place énorme dans nos existences le travail. Souvent c’est drôle parce que, quand on m’interroge, on me dit "Pourquoi la sensualité ? Pourquoi le travail ?", mon Dieu mais la place que ça prend dans nos existences, vous vous rendez compte ?! » 

    Aujourd’hui, Ce qui se lie avec Nicolas Mathieu


    Création du podcast : Librairie Le Failler
    Retrouvez notre actualité sur : www.librairielefailler.fr
    Retrouvez les éditions Actes Sud ici.
    Animation et réalisation du podcast : Arnaud Wassmer

    Crédit musical : 

    Auteur : Sapajou
    Titre : « Intencion »
    Source : https//soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats 

    Retrouvez Connemara sur notre site Internet : https://urlz.fr/i6va   

    Heike, Hauke und Hrvoje: Ein Leben im irischen Hostel und die große Liebe im Massenschlafsaal

    Heike, Hauke und Hrvoje: Ein Leben im irischen Hostel und die große Liebe im Massenschlafsaal

    Der Kroate Hrvoje und die deutschen Geschwister Heike und Hauke haben einen ganz besonderen Ausstieg erlebt: Sie wohnten zwischen 5 Monaten und 2,5 Jahren im 14-Personen Schlafsaal in einem Hostel in der irischen Hauptstadt Dublin.

    Warum sie dauerhaft freiwillig mit so vielen Menschen im gleichen Raum schliefen und wie sie sich – trotz der Gegebenheiten – Privatsphäre geschaffen haben, davon erzählen sie dir in dieser Episode.

    Nebenbei gibt es Tipps für deinen Irland-Trip.

    Außerdem wird es romantisch und auch ein wenig schlüpfrig, denn Heike und Hrvoje haben sich nicht nur im Hostel kennengelernt, sondern sich auch ineinander verliebt. Nein! Es war keinesfalls nur eine Hostel-Affäre. Mittlerweile sind sie verlobt und werden 2019 heiraten. Wie man auch im Mehrpersonenschlafsaal mit 12 Mitschläfern, einer davon der eigene Bruder, ein Liebesleben haben kann? Lad dir diese mega lustige Folge am besten gleich herunter, dann erfährst du wie es geht! ;-)


    Weitere Anregungen für deinen Ausstieg sowie amüsante Reiseerlebnisse bekommst du in meinen Büchern:


    Strayaway Child #333

    Strayaway Child #333

    You can support Celtic music. Share this show. Then listen to great indie Celtic music from Chambless, Taylor And Muse, Heather Gilmer and Jeff Moore, We Banjo 3, Fiddlinda: Linda Relph, Devils Waterm Alex Sturbaum, Rogue Diplomats, Ryan MacNeil, Charmas, Dark Patrick, In Search of a Rose, Connemara Stone Company, Plastic Paddy, Kilmaine Saints, The Ugly Mugs. http://celticmusicpodcast.com/

    Listen and share this podcast. Download 34 Celtic MP3s for Free at http://bestcelticmusic.net. Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.

    I'm going to Scotland in 2018, and I want you to join me. We will experience the Isle of Skye, where the Bonnie Prince Charlie fled with the aid of Flora MacDonald after the defeat of the Jacobite Rising of 1745. The Isle of Skye is the largest and northernmost of the major islands in the Inner Hebrides. Some call it one of the most-beautiful islands in the world. You can join our small group of invaders as we get to Know the region through its culture, history, and legends. Subscribe to the mailing list to join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/


    * Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic and Geek musician and podcaster. This podcast is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.

    Thanks to Hank Woodward who increased his per episode pledge this week.

    An extra special thanks to my Celtic Superstars: Bryan Brake, Nancie, John Bilderback, Kevin Long, Annie Lorkowski, Derek Lineberry, Lynda MacNeil, John Sharkey White II,, Theresa Sullivan, Shawn Cali


    I would greatly appreciate it if you would become a patron of the podcast. Whenever we hit a milestone, I bring you a two-hour special. Please sign up today at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast


    0:34 "The Greenland Set" by Chambless, Taylor And Muse from Live at NTIF http://jilchambless.weebly.com

    7:14 "Glen Cottage #2/Glen Cottage #1/Mick Duggan's (Polkas)" by Heather Gilmer and Jeff Moore from Traditional Irish Music

    11:40 "Two Sisters" by We Banjo 3 from String Theory

    16:24 "Strayaway Child" by Fiddlinda: Linda Relph from There & Then - Here & Now

    19:39 "High Germany" by Devils Water from Treading the Marches


    23:36 "Soundcheck Set" by Alex Sturbaum from River Run Wide

    28:27 "Mary Mac/Drunken Sailor" by Rogue Diplomats from Whiskey Picnic

    31:38 "Combo Number Three" by Ryan MacNeil from Shuffle

    34:08 "My Brother Sylvest" by Charmas from Songs of the Sea

    36:35 "Morfa'r Frenhines" by Dark Patrick from Fainne Gael an Lae


    40:39 "London Days" by In Search of a Rose from Kind of Green

    43:29 "Saorsa" by Connemara Stone Company from Back Home

    47:11 "Beer from St. James Gate" by Plastic Paddy from Lucky Enough

    50:08 "Long Shot Nag" by Kilmaine Saints from Whiskey Blues & Faded Tattoos

    54:58 "Shall Ye Go Far" by The Ugly Mugs from The Ugly Mugs EP

    VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2017 episode.

    I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to celticpodcast@gmail.com

    James Slaven emailed a couple photos regarding the Thin Veil episode: "Hey, Marc! Great episode this week! Halloween is my favorite time of the year, and you outdid yourself on the song picks for this year's Halloween episode. Listened to it while baking my annual loaf of Barm Brack, the traditional Irish bread of Halloween, although without the bits and bobs inside, as no one eats it but me. I also found a Barm Brack drink recipe that I tried. Irish whiskey, egg, all-spice and more. Interesting! Not sure if I'll make it again. Keep up the great work!"

    I got an anonymous text: "Good morning Marc from aboard the MV Coho as I head over to Victoria BC listening to the great pre-Halloween episode. Thanks for the great music and adding to the beauty of the trip."

    Patty Bolan emailed a picture: "Hey! My name is Patty, and I've been playing traditional Irish music for most of my life. For the past three and a half months, I've been on the Pacific Crest Trail hiking from Canada to Mexico. I have under 500 miles, or about two weeks, left now. I've started listening to the Irish and Celtic music podcast, and it's so amazing finding new music while hiking and hearing familiar names and people I'm friends with. Here's a picture of me listening while coming down Mt. Whitney!"

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.

    Celtic in Connemara #324

    Celtic in Connemara #324

    Listen and enjoy some great Celtic music from Poitin, The Here & Now, Bard & Company, Eilis Crean, The Jeremiahs, Cady Finlayson, Irish Whispa, Ciana, AmeriCeltic Band, Forkroot, Tim Edey, Sliotar, The Muckers, Screaming Orphans.

    Listen and download 34 Celtic MP3s for Free! http://celticmusicpodcast.com  

    Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. http://bestcelticmusic.net 



    Have you ever thought about writing? Do you get stuck thinking about "how the heck do real writers write?" Do you plot first? Or do you sit down and see what comes out of your fingertips? How do real writers work every day and how do they keep their motivation going? Novelist and memoirist Rachael Herron is always searching for the magic bullet that will make her own writing easier. Tune in and eavesdrop as she talks to professional writers of all types, from graphic novelists to poets to literary novelists, about their particular, daily processes. https://rachaelherron.com/write/ 


    * Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic and Geek musician and podcaster. This podcast is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.

    My two biggest science fiction conventions I play every year are over. So I'm hoping I will finally be able to compile a basic itinerary for the Celtic Invasion of the Isle of Skye in 2018. I will email around Sept 15th with whatever details I find. Go to http://CelticInvasion.com if you want to be the first to hear about next year's invasion.



    I also host Celtfather Music & Travel podcast. I just released a new show where I interviewed Breton musician Dom Duff. He was one of the early contributors to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I was thrilled to talk with him in Brittany. And we also got a concert from him. You can hear a little of my interview and the entire concert over at http://celtfather.com. You don't want to miss this.

    If you're a long-time listener, you probably know that I don't speak Gaelic. My friend Rudiger Reinhardt frequently sends me audio files with how to pronounce the names of some of the songs I play in the show. Last week, I relaunched my Duolingo app to try and learn Gaelic. Apparently, there's now a Club that you can join on the app to learn. If you'd like to join the club, you'll find a code on Facebook with details. I'll also post it in the newsletter. Only a limited number of people can be in the club and if you're not trying to learn, you won't get to stay in. So we're gonna push each other and hopefully, we can learn together. Go download the app, then come join me! https://www.duolingo.com/ 

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast exists on the generosity of our Patrons of the Podcast. You can pledge as little as $1 per episode to pay for the production of this podcast, as well as my time in producing the show. You'll even get shows before regular listeners and my deepest thanks. I want to thank our newest patron: Michael Conners, Alison Johnson, Zane Barber, Ian, Linda Burkins, Nick Felker. The next 2-hour show is picked. And we are $50 away from the next milestone. Become a patron today to celebrate Celtic culture through music! http://patreon.com/celticpodcast 

    * I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to celticpodcast@gmail.com

    Doug Shelton wrote: "Just thought I'd say that because of this podcast I've started learning about celtic culture and religion and started a group like you suggested to bring those in my area together in spreading celtic culture."

    Corpus Christi Irish Sessions emailed: "You ask us to tell you what we are doing while listening to your podcasts. Well right now we are cleaning up after Hurricane Harvey. When we get caught up we plan on sending in some audio of our session get togethers. Love the show."

    Nick emailed: "Hey Marc! I'm so excited I found this podcast through a friend in the Merry Wives of Windsor (who you just covered). I'm a huge Irish / Celtic music fan and play a lot of it. I wanted to go out on a limb and see if you'd be interested in featuring or including my band Forkroot in one of your shows. We do a mix of Irish, Folk and Bluegrass. I'll be listening in regardless and am excited to discover more about all the musics out there. Thanks for doing this podcast. Cheers, Nick"

    Stuart Jervis emailed from Belgium: "Hi Marc, I'm listening to the 2-hours of Scottish Music episode while preparing the next trip in our Pipers Remembering WWI-project. A fellow piper and I are visiting all WWI Military Cemeteries in Belgium, a list of about 530 places. Keep up the good work as I always enjoy listening to your podcasts. In attachement a picture of the dram I just poured myself. Slainthe."



    0:39 "Tuesday from 6 p.m." by Poitin from Simple Pleasures

    4:39 "The State Dance" by The Here & Now from Ladybird

    8:55 "The Lonesome Boatman" by Bard & Company from Playground

    12:05 "Paddy Fahey's Reel / The East Galway Reel" by Eilis Crean from Searbh Siucra

    15:13 "The Wild Barrow Road" by The Jeremiahs from The Femme Fatale of Maine


    21:39 "Connemara / Da Blue Yow / The Brolum" by Cady Finlayson from Irish Coffee

    26:23 "Come Out Ye Black and Tans" by Irish Whispa from Irish Whispa

    29:52 "Maire Rua / Farewell to Whalley Range / The Winding Stair" by Ciana from Rubicon

    33:10 "Braes o' Killiekrankie" by AmeriCeltic Band from Live at KKUP

    36:18 "Whidbey Island / Barry's Window Machine / Gunna" by Forkroot from Water & Shade


    43:30 "Three Miles from Annascaul" by Tim Edey from How Do You Know?

    46:52 "Stick the Kettle On" by Sliotar from Fine Friends

    51:27 "There Is A Time" by The Muckers from The Muckers

    55:56 "Ireland's Hour of Need (Gallant Heroes)" by Screaming Orphans from Taproom

    VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2017 episode. http://bestcelticmusic.net/vote/ 

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at celticmusicpodcast.com.

    Auld Lang Syne #289

    Auld Lang Syne #289

    And so ends another year of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Eleven years and still going strong. We're gonna close out the year with some amazing Celtic music from Beth Patteron/Patrick O'Flaherty, FIMM, The Selkie Girls, The Here & Now, Runa, House of Hamill, The Gothard Sisters, The Triskells, Kevin Tyler, Naomi's Fancy, Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings, Barleyjuice, The Elders, Heather Dale, Connemara Stone Company, Seamus Kennedy. 

    Listen. Like. Share. Then download 34 Celtic MP3s for Free! Then Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.


    Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations

    Travel will change your life. It opens your eyes to the mysterious and makes historical events come alive. In 2017, you can experience the culture, history and legends of Brittany with the next Celtic Invasion Vacation. You'll join a small group of 8-10 invaders who love Celtic music and culture like you, and who love to travel. Brittany is one of the seven Celtic nations and is located in Northwest France. Subscribe to the mailing list to join the invasion at celticinvasion.com



    * Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a musician and podcaster. You can find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. And you can support this show on Patreon.

    * I want to send out a big thanks to the patrons of the podcast. Your generous pledge of as little as $1 per episode pays for the production of this podcast as well as my time in producing the show. You get a personal podcast feed where you can listen to the show before regular subscribers, occasional extended editions of the show, and my deepest thanks. When we hit a milestone, you get a 2-hour special. Become a patron today to celebrate Celtic culture through music.

    * I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763.

    Kilt Lifters Promo


    This Week in Celtic Music

    0:25 "O'Donnell Abu/Men of Harloch" by Beth Patteron/Patrick O'Flaherty from Caelic

    4:18 "Sweeny's Buttermilk" by FIMM from Roiboos e Disappunti

    6:49 "Mo Nighean Donn As Boidhche" by The Selkie Girls from Pirate Queen

    10:56 "Lovely Miss Gunning" by The Here & Now from Ladybird

    15:22 "The False Knight Upon the Road" by Runa from Current Affairs

    20:45 "Guns of the Magnificent Seven" by House of Hamill from Wide Awake

    24:34 "The Boatman's Call" by The Gothard Sisters from Mountain Rose

    28:02 "Cooley's Reel/The Glass of Beer" by The Triskells from The Triskells

    31:32 "Broom of Cowdenknowes" by Kevin Tyler from Conor Savage

    35:03 "Sergeant Early's Dream" by Naomi's Fancy from Crossing Borders


    40:02 "Men of Worth" by Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings from No Bedrolls or Backpacks

    42:47 "Dear Ould Ireland" by Barleyjuice from Six Yanks

    47:55 "Hangover Hill" by The Elders from Story Road

    50:58 "Fair and Tender Ladies" by Heather Dale from My Celtic Heart

    54:34 "The Voice" by Connemara Stone Company from Back Home

    1:01:17 "Auld Lang Syne" by Seamus Kennedy from Goodwill to Men

    VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2016 episode.

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at celticmusicpodcast.com.

    2-Hours of On Fire Celtic Music #284

    2-Hours of On Fire Celtic Music #284

    I went digging through my Celtic music archives and picked some of the hottest, on fire Celtic bands, musicians, songs and tunes for an incredible two-hour special thanks to the generosity of the Patrons of the Podcast. You'll hear Celtic music from Crepuscule, Spencer Murray & Pipeslinger, Sisters of Murphy, Doolin', Innisfall, Poitin, The Led Farmers, Socks in the Frying Pan, The Ceili Family, In For A Penny, NUA, The Kilt Lifters, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Colleen Raney, Skeleton McKee, Saor Patrol, Spirited Lads, Paddy's Pig, We Banjo 3, Old Man Flanagan's Ghost, The Fretless, Tuatha Dea, LQR, Adamh, Connemara Stone Company, Rachel Hair Trio, Wild Colonial Bhoys, The Gothard Sisters.

    Do you support Celtic music, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Subscribe today to download 34 Celtic MP3s for free. Please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. And remember to Vote in the Celtic Top 20 to help me create next year's Best Celtic Music 2016 episode.


    Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations

    Travel will change your life. It opens your eyes to the mysterious and makes historical events come alive. In 2017, you can experience the culture, history and legends of Brittany with the next Celtic Invasion Vacation. You'll join a small group of 8-10 invaders who love Celtic music and culture like you, and who love to travel. Brittany is one of the seven Celtic nations and is located in Northwest France. The Breton language is related closely to Welsh and Cornish. Subscribe to the mailing list to join a Free Webinar in November on "Breaking Down the Celtic Travel Barrier". Join the invasion at celticinvasion.com



    * Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music.

    * You have about a month left to get one of our 2016 Irish & Celtic Music Podcast t-shirts. I'm gonna get with my designer to start work on the 2017 shirts. Stay tuned for that. If you want to save 10%, subscribe to our mailing list and look for the coupon code in the newsletter. If you want to save a lot more, become a patron.

    * Christmas is just around the corner. So I am looking for Christmas music from Celtic bands. If you are in a band and have performed a Christmas song or tune, submit your music to 4celts.com. If you follow an artist who just released Christmas music, please let me know so I can contact them.

    * You can find the latest news about bands in this show by visiting our Facebook page. We post news there each and every week.

    * I want to send out a big thanks to the patrons of the podcast. Your generous pledge of as little as $1 per episode pays for the production of this podcast as well as my time in producing the show. You get a personal podcast feed where you can listen to the show before regular subscribers, occasional extended editions of the show, and my deepest thanks. When we hit a milestone, you get a 2-hour special. You can help decide the next milestone by becoming a patron.

    Thanks to our newest patrons: Brad Millar, Deb Green Become a patron today to celebrate Celtic culture through music.

    A super special thanks to our growing Celtic Superstars: Derek Lineberry, Lynda MacNeil, Peter Tilghman, Steven, Bryan Brake, John Sharkey White II, Theresa Sullivan, John Bilderback, Rian P Kegerreis, Johnny Berry, Shawn Cali

    * The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast app will be coming soon, for free, to both iOS and Android. That was also part of our last milestone. I'm just trying to get some final graphics for the updated free app.

    * I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763.

    Ray Chatterton posted on Facebook: "My last name is Chatterton and you cannot get much more English than that, but from my father's side of the family I have Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and a wee bit of German mixed in. Thus my love of this music. I found you by accident, but I adhere to the concept that there are no accidents ... there is only some purpose that we haven't yet understood."

    John Thompson emailed: "Just a quick e-mail after listening to show #279. Another great one! A listener commented on the band Scythian. It's pronounced Sith' ee in. They're from the DC area. The founding band members (two brothers and now a sister) actually have Ukrainian heritage. They play quite an assortment of music including Celtic and folk -- traditional, covers, and original material. A band you really need to see live to fully appreciate the energy they bring to their shows. Old Tin Can I think was their latest studio album but they followed that with a live cd called Old Time Good Time Tour. Give it a listen if you get the chance. Keep up the great work!"

    Steven Rausch emailed: "You ask what we do when listening to the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Well, I'm in the home stretch of a painting project on my 130-year-old farmhouse. I fire up my headset with your podcast, working my way from the newest to the ones I've enjoyed previously. A great way to work and makes the job go faster and easier. Also, I wanted to highlight a tune by the Elders, "Appalachian Paddy," from a recent podcast. It's a long one but a great story of how the Irish came to my part of the country. Talk about an earworm. Thanks for your work and for making mine go much better."


    This Week in Celtic Music

    0:44 "The Hosting of the Sidhe" by Crepuscule from Horizon

    5:44 "Dowd's Favourite" by Spencer Murray & Pipeslinger from Sound & Fury

    10:07 "Jack Haggerty" by Sisters of Murphy from Working Stiffs Unite

    13:16 "Le Jupon Blanc" by Doolin' from Doolin'

    15:58 "My Lagan Love" by Innisfall from Innisfall

    20:03 "Twenty Candles on Poitin's Cake" by Poitin from Simple Pleasures


    25:37 "Row By Row" by The Led Farmers from Katie

    29:15 "The Track for the Craic" by Socks in the Frying Pan from Socks in the Frying Pan

    33:40 "Banks of Inishfree" by The Ceili Family from Ministry of Silly Folk

    37:38 "Stumblin' Home" by In For A Penny from Every Day

    40:22 "Smuggler Cove" by NUA from FLOW

    46:16 "Come Out Ye Black and Tans" by The Kilt Lifters from Jack in the Green

    50:20 "The Halsway Parade/The Quantock Reel" by Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer from Paper of Pins

    55:14 "The Boys of Mullaghbawn" by Colleen Raney from Here This Is Home

    1:00:13 "Crow's Nest" by Skeleton McKee from Leave the World Laughing

    1:03:23 "Spirit of the Planet" by Saor Patrol from Outlander



    1:10:46 "Pirate Smith of Bristol" by Spirited Lads from Spirited Lads

    1:13:18 "Dan O'Leary, The Walker" by Paddy's Pig from Rebel Tooth EP

    1:17:10 "Shove the Pigs Foot a Little Furter" by We Banjo 3 from Gather the Good

    1;20:43 "Tom Malloy" by Old Man Flanagan's Ghost from Sociable

    1:24:18 "Airbag (Featuring Ruth Moody)" by The Fretless from The Fretless

    1:28:31 "Mavis McGee" by Tuatha Dea from Kith and Kin


    1;35:38 "Bully the Bullies" by LQR from 10 Pinter

    1:39:43 "Willies aul Trews, Bunch of Keys" by Adamh from Adamh

    144:30 "Boys from the Ruhr" by Connemara Stone Company from Back Home

    1:48:12 "Angel" by Rachel Hair Trio from Tri

    1:51:58 "48 Hours in Belfast" by Wild Colonial Bhoys from On Our Own

    1:58:03 "I Courted a Sailor" by The Gothard Sisters from Mountain Rose

    VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2016 episode.

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at celticmusicpodcast.com.

    Wandering Aengus #268

    Wandering Aengus #268

    Wandering the Celtic countryside looking for great indie Celtic music I found David Hyams, Lochlainn, Celtic Squall, The Nettles, The Kish Celtic Band, Shillelagh!, Beth Patterson & Patrick O'Flaherty, Darren Raleigh, Marc Gunn, Bill Grogan's Goat, The Tossers, Connemara Stone Company, Cleghorn, The Ceili Family. Listen and Share!

    If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Subscribe today to download 34 Celtic MP3s for free. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. And remember to Vote in the Celtic Top 20 to help me create next year's Best Celtic Music 2016 episode.


    Today's show is brought to you by Pirates vs Dragons

    Marc Gunn's latest album, Pirates vs. Dragons, will be released on July 27, 2016. You'll hear sea shanties interwoven with a Celtic Steampunk musical story about an air pirate that kidnaps a bard to immortalize his dragon treasure hunting in song. What he doesn't realize is that the musician will do anything to protect the dragons. Subscribe to my mailing list to notified when it is released, or go to savedragons.com



    * Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music.

    * The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is successful thanks to people like you. Your generous pledge of as little as $1 per episode covers the cost of producing the show. And 10% of your pledges go back to non-profits to support and build our Celtic communities. Best of all, whenever we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. We are working towards a two-hour special on Celtic Women. Become a Patron of the Podcast today, because we are helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. Special thanks our latest Patron, Andrew Scarbro, Aaron Bendavid.

    * If you enjoy the music in this show, then you might also enjoy our Facebook video shows. The Celtic Music News show goes out on Mondays, and each show is between 3-5 minutes.

    * I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: Call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening, or from one of your trips to one of the Celtic nations.

    Caitlin Conchoille wrote on iTunes: "Just started listening to this podcast. So far I am loving the playlists! Looking forward to catching up on previous episodes."

    Maddie Hanlon added a new photo to Facebook: "Thanks for the inspiration, Mark! While listening to episodes 265 and 266 of Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, I finally completed the design and burn for this custom guitar for Aisling Guitars. It's a combination of my husband's family crest - the wild boar - and motifs from the Lindisfarne Gospels. Your podcast has been the perfect companion to my work! Looking forward to the next episode!"


    This Week in Celtic Music

    0:31 "The Stolen Kiss" by David Hyams from Knowing the Place

    5:16 "Make the Fence" by Lochlainn from Cailleach's Plaid

    10:00 "Samuel Hall" by Celtic Squall from Celtic Squall

    13:22 "Sandy River Belle/The 28th of January" by The Nettles from Flow

    17:54 "Eastern Morn" by The Kish Celtic Band from The Kish Celtic Band


    20:48 "The Song of Wandering Aengus" by Shillelagh! from A Turn of Fortune

    23:41 "Tolka Polka Set" by SLIP from Demo

    27:42 "Bean Phaidin" by Beth Patterson & Patrick O'Flaherty from Caelic

    28:58 "The Song of the Water Kelpie" by Darren Raleigh from Silverwheel

    32:27 "Come and Be a Pirate" by Marc Gunn from Pirates vs. Dragons


    36:32 "The Burning of Cork" by Bill Grogan's Goat from Third Eye

    40:54 "Leopardstown Races" by The Tossers from Agony

    46:34 "Balivanich" by Connemara Stone Company from Back Home

    53:05 "Castle Kelly" by Cleghorn from Cleghorn

    58:44 "Alive" by The Ceili Family from Ministry of Silly Folk

    VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2016 episode.

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at celticmusicpodcast.com.

    #216: Sleepy Maggie

    #216: Sleepy Maggie

    There's nothing sleepy about this week's show. There's just a ton of great indie Celtic music from The Brayzen Heads, The Tea Merchants, Rambling Sailors, The Gothard Sisters, Slan, Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley, Mason Brown, Cady Finlayson, Jasper Coal, Arthur Hinds, Connemara Stone Company, The Demon Barbers, Marc Gunn. Find out more at celticmusicpodcast.com/216

    If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Subscribe today to download 34 Celtic MP3s for free. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.


    Today's show is brought to you by My Irish Jeweler

    I want to talk to you about a little company called My Irish Jeweler. These guys run a great website out of Dublin, Ireland. They make Celtic Rings & Jewelry for Men & Women and ship for Free all over the world. A few years ago my wife and I ordered our own Celtic Wedding Rings from My Irish Jeweler. We chose the embossed trinity knot wedding ring. The trinity knot is a special celtic symbol that is used throughout celtic art & literature. It can represent faith or eternity, making it the perfect symbol for our ceremony.

    But it's not just about wedding rings. My Irish Jeweler has a great range of Celtic Cross Pendants, Claddagh Jewelry and other super gift ideas. Always made in Ireland. Always free shipping. My Irish Jeweler is offering a 10% discount to listeners of this podcast. Just follow the link in the shownotes.

    If you have any trouble with your discount, or any questions about Celtic Jewelry, just drop Peter an email. That's what I did. His service and communication is outstanding. So, go to MyIrishJeweler.com/celticmusic and get your 10% discount. This offer is valid until July 31st.



    Thanks to the Patrons of the Podcast. Your kind and generous support keeps this show running every week. Become a Patrons at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/patron/. Special thanks to Erin, Wolfgang, Joseph, and Sonya our newest patrons! And HUGE thanks to Brendan Nix.

    Celtic Music Challenge: Financial goal is met. Now I need your voicemails.

    Join our Facebook Event and share it.

    You can now Vote in the Celtic Top 20

    Marc Gunn is at Johnnie MacCracken's Celtic Pub this weekend.

    I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: Email a comment to celticpodcast@gmail.com or call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. Or visit celticmusicpodcast.com to post a comment in the shownotes.

    Slan - Footprints

    This Week in Celtic Music

    "Mandolin Tunes" by The Brayzen Heads
    from Floored

    "Last Tango in Harris" by The Tea Merchants
    from The Tea Merchants

    "Fiddler's Green" by Rambling Sailors
    from Bright Shining Clear

    "Orange Blossom Special" by The Gothard Sisters
    from Celtic Rainbow

    "The Rowan Tree" by Slan
    from Footprints

    Celtic Music News

    "American Tunes" by Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley
    from Yesterday I Saw the Earth Beautiful

    "Constance" by Mason Brown
    from I am a Handsome Devil

    "Open Roads Ahead" by Cady Finlayson
    from Irish Coffee

    Celtic Music Feedback

    "Dalaigh's Polka / Tell Me Ma / Egan's Polka" by Jasper Coal
    from Just the One

    "Children Of Cernnunos" by Arthur Hinds
    from Dance in the Fire

    Sweep - Ne'er Duwels

    "Sleepy Maggie" by Connemara Stone Company
    from Back Home

    "Ranzo" by The Demon Barbers
    from Disco at the Tavern

    "Wild Mountain Thyme" by Marc Gunn
    from The Bridge

    The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. You can post feedback in the shownotes at celticmusicpodcast.com or email me music@celticmusicpodcast.com.

    Come Along For Winter Chores on a Llama and Horse Farm

    Come Along For Winter Chores on a Llama and Horse Farm

    Come along with farm owner and animal trainer, Vickie Maris - also the podcast host of Heartsong Fit - as she cares for her llamas and Connemara pony during evening chores in the extreme cold of winter.

    You can learn more about her Dawn of Promise Farm and what it is like caring for livestock in the winter when you visit the the farm website or the Facebook page, https://www.fb.com/dawnofpromisefarm

    Relax on a Horseback Ride With Vickie Connemara Pony, Madison

    Relax on a Horseback Ride With Vickie Connemara Pony, Madison

    Whether you're an experienced horseman or still dreaming of owning a pony, you're going to enjoy taking a ride through the llama pasture during Episode 11.

    I put my Edirol recorder in my vest pocket so you can hear the footsteps of my Connemara horse, Kerrymor Madison, the creaks of the saddle, the sneezes of the llamas and other ambient sounds of the ride.

    This episode is specifically designed to help you relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the moment. If you're not currently giving yourself time to de-stress each day, I hope this ride on Madison plants a seed for something you could begin doing in your journey of self care.

    I also recap a keynote presentation given by John Medina during the International Online Learning Conference (OLC). He is the author of Brain Rules and several other interesting books about how our brains work and how we learn. He tells us that the research suggests at least 30 minutes of exercising to get your heart rate elevated on a daily basis is you want to stave off memory loss and keep your mind sharp.


    Relaxing Sounds of Fox Lake Resort [Fishing] in Minnesota

    Relaxing Sounds of Fox Lake Resort [Fishing] in Minnesota

    While the primary content of this episode is recorded on location at Fox Lake Resort in Minnesota, the show starts with a story from our llama farm. You'll learn about one of my protective mama llamas, Velvet, who is still looking out for her daughter, Petals, who has long since grown into an adult llama. As I tell the story, my Connemara pony, Madison, interrupts and tries to get the attention on himself.

    Then, at Fox Lake Resort, I visit with Edwin and Sheryl Olson, in Marcell, Minnesota - USA. They share the history of the resort - original structures built completely by hand without electricity by two Frenchmen in the 1930s - and the many ways people enjoy the property for fishing and nature vacations. You'll hear the sounds of a fishing line being cast from the boat during an outing to fish for large mouth bass and northern pike, as well as an eagle chirping from the bank of the lake.

    Scott and I have co-written a song, "Minnesota," that is inspired by our trips to Fox Lake Resort.

    Have You Ever Had a Llama in Your House?

    Have You Ever Had a Llama in Your House?

    Would You Like to Hear a Farm Story?
    For this episode, I took the handheld recorder out in the snow and sat near the barn with the llamas. My Connemara pony, Kerrymor Madison, stood next to the fence, and our Jack Russell Terrier, Hope, joined the conversation.


    You’ll get to learn about life on the farm as I describe our one-eyed llama, Stunning, whom Madison is so careful with as he moves around her. I also describe the coloring of Primary Colors and how we send the fleeces, sheared in the spring, to the mill for processing into roving and yarn.


    I also share a story about the harsh 2014 winter and the day we found Lily, the llama, shivering in the barn. Lily got to live in the old farm house for a few hours as she warmed up and enjoyed watching Let’s Make a Deal on the TV. 



    Did You Work Out Today?
    Vickie encourages you in your fitness journey as she talks about her experience following the schedule in Focus T25 to build cardio, strength, and flexibility. She has finished the first five weeks of Focus T25, or the Alpha section, and has moved on to the final five weeks, or Beta.


    My thoughts about Focus T25:  “There are three things that really stand out to me in this program. 1) I love Shaun T. He is an amazing athlete and professional fitness trainer. He keeps me motivated, and, well, focused! I also love that these workouts are designed to be done five days a week and are only 25 minutes each. They fit in my day very well. And 3) the modifier who does a low-impact version of the moves has enabled me to do this difficult program and gradually work up to some of the full versions of the moves. 


    “My body has really been toning as I do this program, and the inches are melting from my waist line. Love it! I also keep track of my health stats and track my progress in weight loss, inches lost, my decreasing blood pressure and more. You can set up a free account through my Beachbody website.”  https://www.teambeachbody.com/heartsongfit



    Please leave your Feedback at Apple Podcasts which is so helpful as I produce future episodes. 



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