
    crypto currencies

    Explore " crypto currencies" with insightful episodes like "E087. 加密货币,是骗局还是未来?ft. 投资人Vincent", "Episode #24 - Cisela Klahr (bsurance) über Versicherungen und Payment", "Weekly Crypto Review 06.09.23", "Episode #13 - Daniel Tesch (Lightning Company) darüber, wie man mit Bitcoin und Krypto im regulären Handel bezahlen könnte" and "Huxley Peckham" from podcasts like ""TIANYU2FM— 对谈未知领域", "P19 Payment Podcast", "WEB3 UNPACKED", "P19 Payment Podcast" and "Tomorrow Is Mine"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    E087. 加密货币,是骗局还是未来?ft. 投资人Vincent

    E087. 加密货币,是骗局还是未来?ft. 投资人Vincent
    比特币、以太坊、加密货币… 这些词和所谓的币圈,让很多人联想到的第一个关键词是—— 魔幻。 比特币从发行以来,涨了超过1000万倍,创造了无数一夜暴富的神话,也让很多人血本无归。加密货币是未来,还是骗局?作为普通人,我们该如何理解它们的存在? 本期节目,我们有幸邀到了我们的投资人朋友Vincent,一起聊聊加密货币与crypto currency。 Vincent 从2016年就深入金融科技行业的美元基金投资人。 Vincent曾历经过P2P,现金贷,Crypto(也就是加密货币)等行业的在中国兴衰。他也曾在海外Top2 Crypto大厂投资部门参与股权并购投资,在第一线接触crypto这个行业。 目前Vincent就职于香港某家族基金,主要关注金融科技创新赛道。 那在本期节目里,我们从比特币的发明人”中本聪“究竟是谁聊起,聊到了加密货币的价值从何而来?为什么围绕着它有这么多骗局?它又为什么能如此迅速的渗透到全世界各个角落,斩获人心?不同的币之间到底有什么区别?香港最近的政策为何有所松动?央行为何会推出数字货币,以及crypto会不会有消失的一天等等。 为了保护嘉宾的隐私,也为了让嘉宾更畅所欲言,我们对嘉宾进行了半匿名处理。另外提醒一下,本期节目不提供任何投资建议。同时,请注意遵守你所在国家地区的法律法规。 结语 我觉得正如Vincent所说,无论加密货币最后走向何方,它都清晰地反映了科技巨头试图进一步颠覆已有社会运作方式和价值体系的野心,这些企业和个人声称的宏大变革和“先进性”或许还有待时间去进一步验证。而科技本身是不是一个资本的游戏或是令人痴迷的神话,则又是另外的问题了。 本期节目制作 John(制片人) 在洋(节目剪辑) Alan(节目运营) TIANYU2FM的理念:每期对谈有价值的声音 我们是天宇和天域,是挚友,也是一起求知的伙伴。这是一档为了开拓眼界,走出自我局限而设立的播客,我们通过与人的对谈来与未知的领域及知识互动。 主持人简介 天宇 | 大白(声调偏低):从事中日流行文化与媒介研究(文章见于澎湃新闻私家历史、网易新闻历史频道等) 天域 | 杰激(声调偏高):服装电商公司创始人、UnDeR20合伙人 视频播客 TIANYU2FM视频播客现已上线! 请在B站 / Youtube 搜索TIANYU2FM找到我们!(比音频版更新晚一周左右) TIANYU2FM听友群 欢迎你加入TIANYU2FM听友群,和我们一起直接聊天。 请在WX搜索同名ID:TIANYU2FM,并且备注:来聊天。记得不是公众号,而是添加好友。 欢迎关注我们的微博、twitter以及收藏我们的网站以看到更多日常信息以及节目更新提醒! Weibo: @tianyu2fm Twitter: @tianyu2fm Bilibili:tianyu2fm 网址: https://tianyu2.fireside.fm/

    Episode #24 - Cisela Klahr (bsurance) über Versicherungen und Payment

    Episode #24 - Cisela Klahr (bsurance) über Versicherungen und Payment
    In Episode 24 des P19 Payment Podcast geht es um Versicherungen und Versicherungsprodukte, die direkt in Payment-Lösungen eingebettet sind. Host Roland Toch spricht mit Cisela Klahr von bsurance über Skiversicherungen, die mit einem Klick in der Gondel gekauft werden können, Versicherungen, die über die Banking-App abgeschlossen werden können, und wann welches Versicherungsprodukt am sinnvollsten ist.


    Der P19 Payment Podcast ist eine Produktion von P19 und KRAFTKINZ und stellt Payment Pioneers aus unterschiedlichen Branchen vor, die über Insights, Erfahrungen & Entwicklungen im Payment sprechen. Euer Host ist Roland Toch. Produziert wird der P19 Payment Podcast von Brendan Philipp.

    P19 bildet eine Plattform für alle Payment Pioneers. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam daran, Sichtbarkeit für das Thema Payment am Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich und Europa zu schaffen. Ziel ist es, die rasanten Entwicklungen durch Technologiesprünge gemeinsam als relevanten Wirtschaftsfaktor zu verstehen und als Chance zu nutzen.

    Informationen zu P19, den Payment Pioneers und P19 Events gibt es auf der P19 Website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook und Instagram.

    Weekly Crypto Review 06.09.23

    Weekly Crypto Review 06.09.23

    Good afternoon. It’s Friday, June 9th, and this is your Web 3 Unpacked Weekly Crypto Review. Here are some highlights to bring you up to speed:

    It’s been a wild week for crypto exchanges as the SEC continues to wage war on dominant exchanges and financial products…

    • The SEC Files Emergency Action to Freeze Binance.US Assets. The SEC alleges Binance and its founder, Changpeng Zhao or CZ, have demonstrated a "disregard" for U.S. law. The SEC is accusing them of fraudulent activities, improper commingling of funds, and operating as an unregistered securities exchange.
    • The SEC Charges Coinbase for Operating as an Unregistered Securities Exchange, Broker, and Clearing Agency, despite countless efforts by CEO Brian Armstrong and his team to work with the SEC to help define regulations and asset classes. If you dont already follow Coinbase on Twitter, I highly recommend it, the SEC, Crypto battle is well underway and things are just about to get interesting.
    • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen ‘very supportive’ of SEC using enforcement power against Binance and Coinbase. BIG SUPRISE!
    • XRP’s ongoing legal battle with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission continues, with the regulator alleging that Ripple offered unregistered securities via XRP. Some say the SEC has less then three percent chance of winning, and I would have to agree with that.
    • US senators propose A I bills for transparency and innovation. The bipartisan bills target government transparency when using A I and the formation of a new Office of Global Competition Analysis to stay on top of innovation.
    • Custodia Bank won a step forward in its legal battle against the Federal Reserve, as a Wyoming federal judge denied dismissal motions from both the Fed and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    Thanks for listening. For more insights into the world of Web3 and how to navigate the rapidly changing crypto and blockchain landscape, visit arctai.com and look for Web3 Unpacked on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Episode #13 - Daniel Tesch (Lightning Company) darüber, wie man mit Bitcoin und Krypto im regulären Handel bezahlen könnte

    Episode #13 - Daniel Tesch (Lightning Company) darüber, wie man mit Bitcoin und Krypto im regulären Handel bezahlen könnte
    In Episode #13 des P19 Payment Podcast geht es um Bitcoin und Kryptowährungen, aber mit einem Twist. Host Roland Toch spricht mit Daniel Tesch (Lightning Company) darüber, wie es ist, heutzutage mit Bitcoin oder anderen Kryptowährungen im Handel zu bezahlen. Spoiler: Es ist schwierig. Wie könnte das Bezahlen mit Krypto im regulären Handel aussehen?


    Der P19 Payment Podcast ist eine Produktion von P19 und stellt Payment Pioneers aus unterschiedlichen Branchen vor, die über Insights, Erfahrungen & Entwicklungen im Payment sprechen. Euer Host ist Roland Toch.

    P19 bildet eine Plattform für alle Payment Pioneers. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam daran, Sichtbarkeit für das Thema Payment am Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich und Europa zu schaffen. Ziel ist es, die rasanten Entwicklungen durch Technologiesprünge gemeinsam als relevanten Wirtschaftsfaktor zu verstehen und als Chance zu nutzen.

    Informationen zu P19, den Payment Pioneers und P19 Events gibt es auf der P19 Website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook und Instagram.

    E1 An intro to Crypto

    E1  An intro to Crypto

    The crypto space is imperfect and ever-evolving, with tremendous potential  There is more to crypto than Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. Approximately 97% of the cryptocurrencies listed on Coinmarketcap are vaporware DeFi, Web3.0, the Metaverse, and crypto infrastructure are the crypto sectors seeing the most development

    Episode Links

    Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com

    Satoshi Nakamoto ‘s Bitcoin whitepaper: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=bitcoin+whitepaper&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

    Further Reading

    DeFi: https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-defi/

    Metaverse: https://www.coindesk.com/learn/everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-the-metaverse-but-were-afraid-to-ask/

    Web3.0: https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-is-web-3-0

    S03 E09 - Web 3 and More Surprises - Barcelona Virtual European Marketing Podcast

    S03 E09 - Web 3 and More Surprises - Barcelona Virtual European Marketing Podcast
    In this ninth Episode of Season 3, we interview Edgar Griñant, our Chief Innovation Officer, focusing on Web 3.0, crypto currencies, the new blockchain-based privacy, robots and more! And since it's almost Christmas, be prepared as well for the virtual scent of holiday pastries and a touch of holiday cheer ;-) You can find programme notes, resources and links on each episode on our blog at: blog.bvirtual.com

    #11 | The Tip Of The NFT Iceberg |

    #11 | The Tip Of The NFT Iceberg |

    Little switch up for the show today guys, I had the pleasure of sitting with Evan & Matt. They're two amazing individuals with a lot of knowledge / stake in the NFT & Crypto world. We touch on the term "NFT" and what it actually is, what cryptocurrencies are and how theyre regulated, and of course what they have going on in the metaverse!

    We will for sure be bringing you guys more episodes on this in the future. If you have questions on anything or, you're interested in learning more, please hit these gentlemen up on twitter!

    Also, if you find this information valuable for yourself or someone you know, please share the episode and get it in front of as many people as possible.

    Evans twitter - @NFtSNiPERbOt

    Matts Twitter - @MatSposta

    Support the show



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    ETJ 41:A Conversation w/Soul-Care Champion and Director of Replenish.org, Rawd Jones

    ETJ 41:A Conversation w/Soul-Care Champion and Director of Replenish.org, Rawd Jones

    In this conversation with soul-care champion and the Director of Re-Plenish.org, we cover a wide-variety of issues important to Pastors, Church Leaders, Leaders, and anyone committed to living a life with healthy rhythms.

    Rawd's vision and passion to see pastors and leaders live a replenished life stems from three decades of ministry experience. He's a leader of leaders with the resume and skills to back it up. As an energetic, motivating, and passionate speaker he is highly sought after by churches, businesses, and corporations to elevate people's lives.

    Find Rawd on Social Media: @rawdbee

    To find out more about Re-Plenish: https://www.re-plenish.org

    If you'd prefer to watch this podcast, you can go here: https://youtu.be/PytV7i8BFZI

    If you like this Podcast, please like it, subscribe, and share it with as many people as you can. 

    If you’d like to contact me, you can reach me at arron@arronchambers.com. 

    My website is www.arronchambers.com. 

    If you’d like to check out the church where I serve or watch one of my messages, go to: www.journeychristian.org/media. 

    My Instagram @arronchambers
    Twitter @ArronChambers
    My Official Facebook Page: @ArronChambersOfficial

    May 23rd, 2021 - China Launches Crypto Coin Crackdown!

    May 23rd, 2021 - China Launches Crypto Coin Crackdown!

    On this episode we covered: The crypto currency market takes a hit; China and the US add new regulations to crypto currencies; Brian Pallister is denied vaccines from the United States; Manitoba pro Palestine protester is attacked; and a major US pipeline was hacked.

    Subscribe for more!

    Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/thecanadianperspective 
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the.canadian.perspective/ 
    Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheCanadianPer2 

    Intro and Outro music "Soviet March" by Shane Ivors       

    Investments for this Brave New World

    Investments for this Brave New World
    Frank Holmes & Jeff Deist return. Trillions of dollars created out of thin air serve to reduce interest rates toward zero. This combined with lower capital gains taxes has resulted in the greatest financial gambling casino in history and taken wealth away from production. Now, with inflation on the rise, the days of zero interest rates appear to be numbered. And a new administration is likely to hike capital gains taxes forcing capital more toward companies that actually produce useful products and profits. What kind of companies will benefit most from this rapidly changing environment? Gold and various commodity producers should do well as raw materials prices rise. But what about technology stocks, including crypto currencies? We'll ask Frank, whose funds invest in both precious metals mining and crypto currency mining, to opine. Jeff will provide insights into political and economic factors shaping changes in this brave new world. Your host will update you on favorite gold shares.

    S1E7: Iedereen houdt van doekoe - met Fons de Bilde

    S1E7: Iedereen houdt van doekoe - met Fons de Bilde

    Maakt geld gelukkig? Of koop je met geld vooral genot? We gaan in gesprek met Fons de Bilde, onafhankelijk financieel planner. Waarom gaf hij zijn goed betaalde baan bij een grote bank op om plaatjes te draaien als 'Hitmeister Fons'? Zijn mensen die de loterij winnen gelukkiger?  Wanneer kan je starten met beleggen? Fons zit vol goede anekdotes en adviezen in aflevering 7 van de Genotcast.

    Verder in deze aflevering van de Genotcast:

    • Is content gratis?
    • Genotsmoment van de week - Lekker en luxe koken om de lockdown door te komen
    • Feitjes over geld - Hoe je jaarlijks een 'flink' bedrag kunt besparen op je boodschappen
    • De 'Good News Show' - Een hartverwarmende honden (en miniatuur pony) special 

    Leuk dat je er bent. Welkom bij de Genotcast.

    Best Way to Own Gold? Best Way to Own Gold Stocks?

    Best Way to Own Gold? Best Way to Own Gold Stocks?
    Nolan Watson and Thomas Coughlin visit for the first time. Nolan is the CEO of a gold royalty and streaming company named Sandstorm Gold Royalties. For reasons that Nolan will explain streaming and royalty companies profit from metal production but face less risk than standard mining companies. As such, they tend to be priced by the market at higher multiples than the norm in the mining sector. Owning gold as a safe haven against risks of political or monetary mayhem is well documented. But Thomas will explain why combining crypto-currency backed gold has advantages over holding gold in your personal safe. Both men will provide an education that is most important during a time when global economies are becoming ever more burdened with debt with potential for another major catastrophe as bad as or worse than that of 2008-09.

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