
    custom categories: sector: south bay

    Explore " custom categories: sector: south bay" with insightful episodes like "Midweek 11/14/18 - Mark Steburg - Audio", "Midweek 11/07/18 - Calvin & Elaine Johnson - Audio", "Spirit-Filled People - Significance of Unity (Acts 8) / Steve Morici - Audio", "Spirit-Filled People - Faith and Courage (Acts 7) / Daniel Kim - Audio" and "Spirit-Filled People - Kingdom, Spirit, Baptism (Acts 2) / J. Brian Craig - Audio" from podcasts like ""South Bay Church", "South Bay Church", "South Bay Church", "South Bay Church" and "South Bay Church"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Midweek 11/14/18 - Mark Steburg - Audio

    Midweek 11/14/18 - Mark Steburg - Audio
    Imagine if someone from biblical times were able to travel to our time and see all that we experience on a typical day. The technological changes would no doubt overwhelm them, but what would they think about faith among people, especially those who claim to be disciples of Christ. Would thy be inspired by our faith..., or disappointed? Mark goes through a fictional scenario of what this would look like in relation to the South Bay Church.

    Midweek 11/07/18 - Calvin & Elaine Johnson - Audio

    Midweek 11/07/18 - Calvin & Elaine Johnson - Audio
    Giving sacrificially is not always an easy thing to do. God and Jesus expect it of those that choose to follow the faithful path. Calvin and Elaine Johnson walk through their lives and how, because they were willing to give to God sacrificially, he blessed them in so many ways. By no means did they have an easy life, yet God honored their willingness to give as much as they could.

    Spirit-Filled People - Kingdom, Spirit, Baptism (Acts 2) / J. Brian Craig - Audio

    Spirit-Filled People - Kingdom, Spirit, Baptism (Acts 2) / J. Brian Craig - Audio
    The book of Acts illustrates God moving in people, using the Holy Spirit in the disciples to bring about his Kingdom on Earth. God's kingdom is not physical, but spiritual, with His Spirit living inside us and guiding us towards His ultimate plan for us. We enter this kingdom through baptism, wherein the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Acts 2 focuses on God's spiritual kingdom being established here, through the Apostles after Jesus had gone back to Heaven.

    Spirit-Filled People - Wait & Witness (Acts 1) / J. Brian Craig - Audio

    Spirit-Filled People - Wait & Witness (Acts 1) / J. Brian Craig - Audio
    The Spirit works in all God's followers. Many times, it asks us to wait for God's timing, which can often be very different than ours. If we are will to wait, God can do amazing things for us and through us. Often times he will use us to reach out to others with our lives. Our patience and faith can be incredibly impactful to others as they watch us go through different stages or situations. Our example an inspire them to want to seek God for themselves.

    Mythbusters - The "Sin doesn't matter" Myth - Audio

    Mythbusters - The "Sin doesn't matter" Myth - Audio
    Sin is a part of every person's life, to varying degrees. Many think that it is just part of life and does not impact us at all. Sin is extremely damaging to our psyche. The more we give in, the more our sensitivity to it diminishes greatly, making the next sin even easier to give into. Satan knows this and tempts that us with small things at first and then pushes towards worse and worse things. Repentance is the only thing that can lead us back to God and the plan he has for our lives.

    Mythbusters - The "Science disproves the Bible" myth - Audio

    Mythbusters - The "Science disproves the Bible" myth - Audio
    People often say that science and the Bible are polar opposites; that science disproves the Word of God. In many ways, science and the Bible actually help prove each other. Much of the scriptures is a history book that can be verified by scientific research. Also, a lot of science proves the existence of God in how there would have to be a designer for things to have worked out like they did.

    Mythbusters - The “My Faith is Personal” Myth - Audio

    Mythbusters - The “My Faith is Personal” Myth - Audio
    Some people believe that faith is specific to the individual and that organized religion is unnecessary. Jesus did preach individual relationships with God, but also in the context of the church being a body. We are all connected and need each other to survive spiritually. For those that try to "go it alone", Satan is just waiting to pick them off because they don't have the support and structure that is needed. God always planned for the church to be a family and support each other on our path to Heaven.

    Mythbusters - The “Pink, Plastic, Pansy Jesus” Myth - Audio

    Mythbusters - The “Pink, Plastic, Pansy Jesus” Myth - Audio
    Many people have preconceived notions about who Jesus is. Many pictures display him as pale-skinned, blue eyed, ultra gentle person. Jesus was indeed loving and focused on helping people, but he was not afraid to tell it as needed. He often challenged the authority of the day and was willing to be rough verbally when needed. He was willing to stand up for what was right, even if others did not like it.

    Mythbusters - "American religion" Myth - Audio

    Mythbusters - "American religion" Myth - Audio
    America was founded on the notion of religious freedom. Most of those coming here were of a Judeo-Christian faith. However there are many other religions practiced by it citizens. Additionally, Christianity is practiced all over the world. God's plan was to save all humanity through Jesus. America may be largely christian, but God cannot be contained within a specific country.

    Mythbusters - Cosmic Cop - Audio

    Mythbusters - Cosmic Cop - Audio
    We can often think of God as a cosmic cop that is always looking to spool our fun and make us overly focused on the duties of being a Christian. God really wants us to live a full life that allows us the freedom to do all that we want with our lives in this world. He has given us free will, but given us rules on how we are to enact that will

    Heat of the Day - Audio

    Heat of the Day - Audio
    Special guest speakers: Marvin & Sharisse Lucas. Sometimes, we can forget what we have been given and complain about what we receive. The "Heat of the day" can cause us to forget all that God has done for us and focus on what we don't have. When we remember all that God had done for us, we are much better people as a result.

    Ordinary Heroes - Joseph - Audio

    Ordinary Heroes - Joseph - Audio
    Joseph had a rough life from a young age: Sold into slavery, falsely accused, thrown into prison, forgot by his cell mate. His faith and love for God is what sustained him and allowed him to rise to an extremely powerful position in one of the most powerful nations in the world. Regardless of his situation, his integrity stayed strong and he remained loyal to God.

    Ordinary Heroes - John Mark - Audio

    Ordinary Heroes - John Mark - Audio
    Even as disciples, disagreements can some time arise. John Mark and Paul had such a disagreement that caused them to split ways and John to temporarily abandon his mission. Eventually he corrected himself to them point where Paul praised him for the work he did. As disciples, we can stumble in our faith, but we can always come back and change our ways.

    Ordinary Heroes - Esther - Audio

    Ordinary Heroes - Esther - Audio
    Esther was a unique case in the scriptures. She was picked to be queen by the king, having no royal background at all. Given her position, she worked to be a humble servant to the king, as well as to her people. She was able to get many things for her people, even at the potential cost of her own life. A humble person thinks not of themselves first, but of how they can help others out. If we all are humble, we will meet the needs of others, but also get our needs met by others.

    Ordinary Heroes - Timothy - Audio

    Ordinary Heroes - Timothy - Audio
    Timothy may have been a kingdom kid, but that does not mean he knew it all. Paul mentored him, especially when he was put into a leadership position. He had a very strong spiritual upbringing with both his Mom and Grandmother being disciples, but that does not guarantee that he will have the same spiritual values. He had to learn the on his own. Whether you have come into the kingdom fresh, or live among it all your life, God still needs to be a personal relationship for you.

    Ordinary Heroes - Enoch - Audio

    Ordinary Heroes - Enoch - Audio
    The Bible is replete with ordinary people that God used to further His kingdom in various ways. In the earliest days of the scriptures Enoch was a man that was described as 'walking with God' and 'pleasing God' We don't know much more about him, but we do know that God did not allow him to die in the traditional sense. He was simply "taken'. Any of us can have the same said about us.

    Church Without Walls - Missions Sunday - Audio

    Church Without Walls - Missions Sunday - Audio
    Mission's Sunday is always about helping those around the world financially, but it is also about breaking down walls. We can get so caught up in our own life that sometimes we need something to help us step back and see the needs of others Jesus was all about this during his ministry and beyond. Its easy to focus on ourselves, but he taught us to look outside us and help others