
    custom categories: senior pastor: steve feden

    Explore " custom categories: senior pastor: steve feden" with insightful episodes like "John 11:6-44 - Audio", "John 10:31-42; 11:1-6 - Audio", "John 10:22-30 - Audio", "John 9:26-41 - Audio" and "John 9:1-25 - Audio" from podcasts like ""CCF Sunday Messages", "CCF Sunday Messages", "CCF Sunday Messages", "CCF Sunday Messages" and "CCF Sunday Messages"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    John 10:31-42; 11:1-6 - Audio

    John 10:31-42; 11:1-6 - Audio
    In finishing up the few versus of John chapter 10 we see both sides of Christ's ministry on earth--the Jewish leaders are continuing to want to stone Him and kill Him as they realize the impact of His claims to be God's son, and yet others are realizing the truth of His words (and John who came before Him), and the chapter closes with, and "many believed in Him". The scene changes as we start chapter 11--Mary and Martha, close friends of Jesus, have a brother, Lazarus, who is sick and near death. Thinking Jesus will come immediately for His sick friend, they send word to Him, but instead He waits! Pastor Steve started the discussion about Lazarus talking about our expectations and how they can get in the way..we'll complete this story next week!

    John 10:22-30 - Audio

    John 10:22-30 - Audio
    Continuing our study in John chapter 10, at verse 22 we fast forward a few months to winter, and Jesus is in Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication--or Hannukah as we know it today. He is again talking with the Jewish leaders who want Him to plainly declare Himself as Messiah. Instead, he speaks again of sheep, and that if they were His sheep, they would know His voice. If you are one of Christ's then you hear Him and know Him, and follow Him, unlike those who don't know Him as their "good shepherd." And to be His sheep means that you are secure in Him, as He will lose none of those who are His! When he finishes, He declares that He and the Father are One, and we'll see next week that this incites the Jewish leaders to want to take violent action again.

    John 9:26-41 - Audio

    John 9:26-41 - Audio
    Continuing our story of the man born blind, healed miraculously by Jesus, in John chapter 9, we see a continuing dialogue between the man who was formerly blind and the religious leaders. It is during these verses we see who is truly blind, as the religious leaders are offended that the uneducated, formerly blind beggar is "teaching" them about Jesus! In the end, the healed man is thrown out of the temple, but he is found by Jesus, who gives him a chance to understand that He truly is the Son of God! The man believes and worships, and his vision is clearer and better than those who thought they really knew God!

    John 9:1-25 - Audio

    John 9:1-25 - Audio
    You can be physically blind but spiritually aware, and you can also have physical vision, but be spiritually blind. In the story from John 9, Jesus heals a physically blind man, but raises the ire of the religious leaders who He clearly shows to be spiritually blind! This is an amazing story, with application to us today--where are we spiritually blind even if we have our "sight", or have we not had our eyes opened to the truth for the first time?

    John 8:48-59 - Audio

    John 8:48-59 - Audio
    As we finish up John chapter 8--with this intense conversation between the Jewish/religious leaders and Jesus--Jesus finishes the chapter with a clear claim to be God. He says "before Abraham was, I AM" Even if you don't get the "language" of the I AM statement, you can see it was not lost on the religious leaders: they immediately picked up stones to stone Jesus for blasphemy. Instead of having a demon, as they had tried to slander him in verse 48, he was the exact opposite--He was and is God in the flesh and yet they mistook Him for a crazy or demon-possessed person! Help us to see clearly and not get defrauded by the lies we tell ourselves and the ones the world tells us!

    John 8:31-47 - Audio

    John 8:31-47 - Audio
    Continuing our study of John, we are in the midst of a long conversation between Jesus and the religious leaders in Jerusalem. In this section Jesus makes a claim that "truth will set you free"--what did they (and we!) need set free from? The bondage of sin--when we commit sin it takes control of us and we become its slave. As hard as it was for the religious leaders to hear this message, it is hard for us today--we want to say "we have never been a slave to anyone!", but if we are in sin, we are being mastered by it, but Jesus has the truth that will set us free!

    John 8:21-30 - Audio

    John 8:21-30 - Audio
    As we continue through the discussion underway in John chapter 8, in verses 21-30 Jesus and the religious leaders cover some difficult ground--Jesus makes it clear that if they don't believe that he is the "I AM", they will die in their sins. Steve covered the common misconception that "God sends people to hell"--rather, we understand from Jesus that people who reject the cure for the disease of sin are the ones who choose hell by refusing the free antidote to the problem of sin found in Jesus.

    John 8:12-19 - Audio

    John 8:12-19 - Audio
    Continuing our study through John, we reach the second "I am" statement from Jesus midway through chapter 8: "I am the light of the world!" Pastor Steve expressed the pictures that "light" and "darkness" bring, both in our tangible world, but also the concepts in the spiritual realm. Living in darkness is impossible when we allow the light to shine into our lives, and Jesus wants to be the light that dispels darkness in our lives and in every corner of the globe!

    Deuteronomy 8: Thanksgiving - Audio

    Deuteronomy 8: Thanksgiving - Audio
    Who do you thank when you sit down to Thanksgiving dinner? Who allowed you and enabled you to be blessed in the ways that you are? God speaks to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 8 of the danger of forgetting how and why our blessings came to us--especially after a time of want and need when we cried out to God and realized our dependence on Him. As our life is blessed, maybe because we cried out to Him, the warning from God is to not forget that He is the one who enabled those blessings as you find yourself in a better place due to His grace and mercy!

    John 7:40-53; John 8:1-11 - Audio

    John 7:40-53; John 8:1-11 - Audio
    Pastor Steve briefly closed out the remaining verses of John 7, and covered in detail the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8. What a powerful story--where again the tables are turned on the religious leaders, who believe they finally have a slam dunk way to discredit Jesus. While it was never about the woman (it was about their trapping Jesus), Jesus again shows the power of His grace to bring forgiveness where there is shame and sinfulness!

    John 7:19-38 - Audio

    John 7:19-38 - Audio
    As Jesus has attended the Feast of Tabernacles on his own time and terms, He is now in direct conversation with the religious leaders and the gathered Jews attending the feast. Many are arguing and trying to resolve his "origin"--the Messiah would just appear, but they know where Jesus is from? The leaders are angered at his claims and responses which put them to shame. But--it is his statement on the last day of the feast that grabs the scene: Whoever is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! Are you thirsty? Come to Him and find yourself overflowing with His Spirit as you believe and trust in Him.

    John 7:10-18 - Audio

    John 7:10-18 - Audio
    How can we know that God's Word is true? On what authority is Jesus's teaching compared to the rabbi's and teachers of His time? In John 7, Jesus attends the feast of tabernacles in Jerusalem under his own terms and timing, and when he reveals Himself he also claims that His authority is from the One who sent Him! And a good test of truth? If the words of a teacher bring glory to himself, then we need to be careful--but if those words bring glory to God, then they are trustworthy (v.18)!

    John 6:66-71, John 7:1-9 - Audio

    John 6:66-71, John 7:1-9 - Audio
    Coming to the end of a long, and somewhat difficult, chapter in John, we find at the end of chapter six that the "hard teachings" of Jesus have driven many in the crowd to no longer follow Him. While Jesus most definitely has compassion on the crowds, He is not going to tone down the true message to keep the "numbers" up--His will and direction are clear, and He is doing the Father's will even while many turn away. Of course the disciples themselves know there is no one else to turn to--"only you have the words of eternal life!" says Peter. Starting chapter seven, we even see that his brothers don't believe in Him and challenge Him to be more public if He is really wanting to gain a following. Again, He knows the Father's timing, and it doesn't match with human expectations.

    John 6:30-51 - Audio

    John 6:30-51 - Audio
    What if instead of you searching for the source of life, the source of life was searching for you!? Continuing our study in John, in chapter 6 Jesus declares Himself as the "bread of life"--but not just temporary "bio" life, eternal life that starts now and continues forever! For those who come to Him, He will not lose any; we are safe and secure when the One who gives life finds us and draws us to the Father. There is an amazing amount of the theology of our faith as well as comfort in these few verses in John 6.

    John 6:16-29 - Audio

    John 6:16-29 - Audio
    Continuing in our study of John chapter 6 from last week, Jesus gets to the heart of the matter with those "seeking him" (v. 26)--He points out that they are currently looking for Him only because of what He did for their stomach (in feeding them), and they have missed the intent of the signs. The key application for us--"don't work for the food that perishes"! We spend a lot of energy on that which does not satisfy; instead, Jesus calls us to seek Him, who can satisfy us fully with his spiritual food!

    John 6:1-15 - Audio

    John 6:1-15 - Audio
    In John chapter 6, Jesus performs another amazing miracle--in essence creating bread/food from nothing, to meet the people's physical need for food. In this, however, he tests his disciples to see what their solution(s) will be. What they learn, and what we can learn, is that we are not sufficient to handle the issues of life, especially the needs of ministry and of people that will overwhelm us in our own strength. Jesus wants to meet the need as we submit the little we have to Him and watch Him work!

    John 5:31-47 - Audio

    John 5:31-47 - Audio
    Finishing up John chapter 5 today, Pastor Steve walked us through the "courtroom scene" as Jesus calls witnesses that declare He is who He says He is. Understanding that someone can delude themselves (his own testimony could be tossed aside), he calls others who witness to the truth of His divinity and Sonship to God the Father. You really cannot call Jesus a good teacher--just as C.S. Lewis portrayed in his own writings, He is either liar, lunatic, or He is truly Lord!

    John 5:16-30 - Audio

    John 5:16-30 - Audio
    After Jesus heals the man with the infirmity by the pools of Bethesda, the religious leaders are angry that He has healed on the Sabbath. Jesus' answer reveals his connection with the Father, and more importantly, reveals his divinity. This is not lost on the religious leaders who want to kill Him not just for breaking the Sabbath, but now claiming to be God! Is Jesus God? Listen in and hear Jesus's own claims from John chapter 5.

    John 5:1-15 - Audio

    John 5:1-15 - Audio
    "Do you want to be made well?" Jesus asked this seemingly strange question in John chapter five of the man with the physical condition of 38 years! But, maybe it wasn't so strange, as sometimes people become defined by their addiction, or problem, or infirmity, and to have it go away would require changes, and a possible loss of excuses. Jesus did heal the man that day, and He is possibly asking each of us "do you want to be made well?", too.