
    daily planning

    Explore " daily planning" with insightful episodes like "Choosing Happiness for Success: Michele Phillips on Developing Positive Workplace Habits", "Prioritize Your Health & Make More Money In Your Business with Hally Brooke", "The Power of the Pen: Unleashing Workplace Wellness through Writing Workshops with Kim Anderson", "Navigating the Entrepreneurial Trap Hiring Experts for Business Breakthroughs with Jeffrey Shaw" and "Soulful Success: Unleashing Inner Transformation for Fulfillment in Business with Tony Wang" from podcasts like ""Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life", "Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life", "Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life", "Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life" and "Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Choosing Happiness for Success: Michele Phillips on Developing Positive Workplace Habits

    Choosing Happiness for Success: Michele Phillips on Developing Positive Workplace Habits

    Living in the higher emotions is a choice, and it will lead us to success. Michele Phillips is the founder of Key Performance and specializes in increasing happiness and individual performance in the workplace. We can work on increasing our happiness by making intentional shifts in our lives, like taking time for self-care and positive activities that motivate and inspire us. It's important that we never sacrifice our happiness to achieve our goals, and sometimes we need help from an outside perspective, like a coach, to maintain a positive mindset and strategy during this process. Happiness is a powerful decision to make, and we can work on it and develop it as a habit in our lives so it becomes part of who we are and how we show up. When you choose to be happy, you are an asset to yourself, your business, and the world around you!

    😊 Michele is the founder of Key Performance & the author of Happiness is a Habit: happy people have happy habits. 02:02
    🏞️ When people regularly do something mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally for themselves, they feel better: a walk in the woods with a loved one hits all four. 04:17
    💗 Happiness is just as important as any other goal: I'm of great help to everybody when I am in those higher emotions. 07:21
    🛏️ Successful people take time to tune themselves in the morning: the energy you create first thing in the morning is what you take with you. 10:20
    💭 In the positive psychology world, the difference between optimists and pessimists was how they processed and explained life events. 13:11
    🤝 To be optimistic, bring your happy game into conversations: a coach helps you see your pessimism, but it sometimes takes time to accept it. 15:23
    🔳 Know when you're emotionally hijacked: we all have a negative voice, but we also have a positive side that we don't always tune into. 19:30
    👔 Busy people are boring - if you have focus and goals, you should have time to work out, manage your finances, spend time with your family and make money joyfully: what's your happiness portfolio? 23:07
    🥳 When you're stuck, hire a coach to get an outside perspective and be able to pivot the strategy: you can make new positive habits in 90-day cycles. 27:25


      Connect with Michele: michele@key2unlock.com

      Key Performance: https://key2unlock.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Prioritize Your Health & Make More Money In Your Business with Hally Brooke

    Prioritize Your Health & Make More Money In Your Business with Hally Brooke

    In business, better health equals more money. Hally Brooke is the Founder & CEO of Live Nourished Coaching, where she helps entrepreneurs make changes to their lifestyles to treat and prevent illness and stress. It's no secret that the life of a business owner is exceptionally busy and stressful, but making your health a priority is essential for success. Multiple studies have shown that business owners who prioritize their self-care make more money, have happier employees, and have overall more successful businesses. Making self-care a part of your daily routine gives you time to recharge, gain clarity, and live your life more productively and happily. Don't wait until you have health issues to start prioritizing your self-care!

    👱‍♀️ Hally worked herself into stress and illness, but overcame it: working with entrepreneurs on movement, nutrition, mindset, resilience, and relationships, while her team handles regular functional medicine patients. 01:17
    🧯 Functional medicine is a root cause medicine - it treats the root causes so all the symptoms go away. 03:36
    👉 Functional medicine is preventative and thriving medicine, but people come to functional medicine when nothing else has worked: find a practitioner who treats you like an expert in your body. 06:48
    🧬 It takes four months minimum for every cell in your body to die and be made new: you can’t reverse things in a week. 12:17 
    💲 A Forbes study shows that business owners who take care of their health and well-being make more money: working through lunch means you’re having a less successful business. 15:01
    🔆 Nourish nutrition, movement, mind and spirit, and relationships - implement these 4 baselines to create a snowball effect. 21:47
    🚶 You must commit to a 30-minute walk, 5 days a week, for your first 5 days. 26:52
    🧑‍⚕️ Don’t just keep cranking. Give yourself a break, and you'll figure out the answer: find a doctor or a nutritionist, depending on the level you're ready to go for. 29:29
    🌷 Don't be the person who has to lose their health to get appreciation and gratitude for taking care of it. 32:16


      Connect with Hally: www.livenourishedcoaching.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats 

    The Power of the Pen: Unleashing Workplace Wellness through Writing Workshops with Kim Anderson

    The Power of the Pen: Unleashing Workplace Wellness through Writing Workshops with Kim Anderson

    Writing workshops are a very rewarding workplace wellness activity. Kim Anderson is the founder of The Unapologetic Pen and shares her passion for helping people process their thoughts and reduce stress through writing. In many workplaces, we are expected to drop our humanity at the door, and this can make for a very unnatural and stressful environment without the addition of activities that allow us to feel more human. Writing and sharing your thoughts can be a great team-building exercise that leads to increased emotional intelligence, better communication, and less stress. While writing, you receive similar benefits to meditation and have the time to process your thoughts and emotions, which helps us show up more authentically. Slow down, put a pen to some paper, and release your stress!

    🧠 Kim does unapologetic writing workshops: writing whatever comes into your mind helps you listen to your brain. 02:01
    ✍️ Writing workshops are an alternative to meditation: writing in groups makes us more human and connected. 06:43
    ✅ Workshops in person are more vulnerable than virtual ones: virtual workshops help people compensate for micro-interactions that are missing in fully remote environments. 13:53
    ⭐ A healthy outlet for our emotions and the things on our mind makes us focus better on our work: when we get comfortable with ourselves and our thoughts on paper, it's easier to show up authentically. 18:16
    💙 Developing emotional intelligence improves the whole team. 21:18


      Connect with Kim: https://theunapologeticpen.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Navigating the Entrepreneurial Trap Hiring Experts for Business Breakthroughs with Jeffrey Shaw

    Navigating the Entrepreneurial Trap Hiring Experts for Business Breakthroughs with Jeffrey Shaw

    How can you expect to be hired as an expert if you don’t want to hire experts yourself? Jeffrey Shaw is the founder of Self-Employed Business Institute and coaches entrepreneurs, so they can spend more time doing what they are great at and focus on building the life of their dreams. When starting the entrepreneurial journey, it is common for business owners to get stuck in the trap of working on marketing, building their business, and having little time to do what they are great at, and what makes them money. The key to getting out of the trap is getting a new perspective because it's difficult to see the label that your business needs when you are so far inside the jar. When you invest in the services of others, you can fast-track the development and growth of your business and focus on doing more of what makes you money, and more of what you love. Don't try to be an expert on everything, hire a coach and get the nudge you need to build the life of your dreams!

    🥚 Jeffrey began his entrepreneurial experience selling eggs door to door when he was 14 years old: rewards are greater than fears. 01:52
    📸 After 25 years in a very successful photography business, Jeffery started coaching: no one taught his clients to make money from their talents and skills. 04:17
    ❗ The rule of thirds trap - you end up spending a third of your time running your business, a third of your time marketing to get the business, and only a third of your time doing what makes money. 08:38
    🤗 What is “Hug Marketing”: a different marketing approach. 11:25
    ❌ There's no silver bullet, and it's not one size fits all: thinking like that is disrespecting the diversity of the world. 14:42
    🫙 Being in the jar: engage with experts to help and nudge you because no one goes into business and immediately has that nailed down - the real sweet spot is 2–5 years. 17:31
    🌼 Why 55-60-year-olds leave their corporate job: they are wise enough to realize they don't want to spend forever figuring stuff out. 21:39
    📈 The problem of silo-minded business owners: everyone needs a coach, you can’t do all things yourself - you are not an expert in everything. 25:42
    🕯️ Be willing to reinvest in what you want to get in return: packaging trick from Bergdorf Goodman’s store. 29:04
    🌌 The universe will listen if you put yourself on a limb. 31:43


      Connect with Jeffrey: www.jeffreyshaw.com

      Assessment: www.selfemployedassessment.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Soulful Success: Unleashing Inner Transformation for Fulfillment in Business with Tony Wang

    Soulful Success: Unleashing Inner Transformation for Fulfillment in Business with Tony Wang

    True fulfillment and success in business come from doing the inner work. Tony Wang is a business coach that helps leaders tackle their inner work so they can achieve a more meaningful and fulfilling version of success. The journey to success is so much more than material goods, and without healing our inner wounds, we can never truly feel fulfilled.

    Real fulfillment and happiness come from having a positive mindset and deep emotional awareness, and tactical achievements will never feel as good without it. If you are struggling with inner wounds and your emotional health is affecting your ability to run your business, find a coach, healer or therapist to help you accelerate your journey. You don't have to suffer alone, you can break through to the next level and find real fulfillment and a renewed love for life!

    🔵 Tony is a business coach and mentor who helps business leaders and entrepreneurs redesign their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to create a more fulfilling life: Tony helps his clients overcome their negative mental patterns and unconscious self-sabotaging patterns to achieve more success and happiness. 01:56
    🌱 Fulfillment doesn't come from the outside - it comes from the inside: plant medicines helped Tony go through his inner work. 07:37
    🟡 Healing wounds is part of business achievements: the journey of accomplishment, success, and spirituality are the same. 10:26
    ❗ Imposter syndrome and procrastination are the most common problems Tony's clients face: when you feel resistance, be aware of your emotional state as you think about the problem. 12:39
    🧡 Feel what you're feeling, but don't add that second layer of junk on top of it: the truest level of freedom is on the emotional side. 16:40
    ◽ We are the way we are to fulfill the goals of our identity: we have 1000s of identities that we're shifting through, depending on our goals. 20:19
    🟣 In the beginning, getting a coach will speed up your progress: as you gain more awareness, you can start doing more self-inner work. 23:37


      Connect with Tony: https://tonywang.gg

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Breaking Free from the Busyness Trap: Unleashing Sustainable Success with Teresa Vozza

    Breaking Free from the Busyness Trap: Unleashing Sustainable Success with Teresa Vozza

    To prevent burnout, we must reevaluate our checklists. Teresa Vozza is a leadership expert and executive coach who shares her passion and wisdom on getting in alignment with your true values. The idea that busyness equates directly to importance is a toxic paradigm that we need to break away from because many of us are stuck in a workaholic mindset and have become addicted to crossing endless tasks off our lists. Less can be more, and in order to move forward with a more sustainable lifestyle, we need to focus on making choices that align with our values and stop doing everything else. When you practice meaningful intent and focus on your vision, you can avoid burnout and live a happier and healthier life. Drop your addiction to busyness and focus on what really matters!

    🌹 Teresa is a leadership expert with over 20 years of corporate experience: productivity is really about making choices that align with your values and stopping those activities that don't. 02:13
    🗒 The rush of energy and adrenaline comes from crossing 6-7-8 things off your list: are the items on your list really meaningful? 04:24
    ❗️ We must rewire the belief that more is better: focus on meaningful intent because busyness does not necessarily equate to importance. 07:54
    ✅️ You can't operate where you're at today to achieve the kind of success that you want tomorrow: sustainable success is not made by constantly proving yourself. 11:55
    👫 The entry point for Teresa's women clients is psychological well-being & the second curve: with male clients, it's more about the absence of stress and pressure, and improving relationships. 16:05
    💪 Power is not fake it until you make it, but practice it until you embody it. 20:14
    ⏳️ The second curve is when we come to that critical point in our careers, and we ask ourselves “What it is all for?”: we are no longer willing to trade in dollars for time. 23:2
    👨‍💼 A sense of belonging on a team, the freedom to express ideas and thoughts, and welcoming the diversity of opinion create a good work environment. 27:04
    🤝 There is a power in communication when people are eyeball to eyeball: human-to-human contact and conversation is where bonds are created and unity is formed. 30:44


      Connect with Teresa: www.teresavozza.ca

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Unlocking Time Freedom: Automating Your Busywork for Business Growth with Aytekin Tank

    Unlocking Time Freedom: Automating Your Busywork for Business Growth with Aytekin Tank

     Automating your busywork can save you time, and lead to a better business. Aytekin Tank is the founder of Jotform and shares his wisdom and passion for automating the busy work in your business. Many founders and startups run into the problem where managing their business can start to feel like a prison. Busy work like scheduling and emailing can take your valuable focus and energy away from more important tasks, like growing and improving your business. If you value your freedom, you need to audit your tasks and workflows so you can learn where to manage time more efficiently with the aid of automation. It’s easier than ever to find tools to help you manage your time so you can focus on what is most important! 

    ⭐ Aytekin is the founder of Jotform and a productivity and automation expert: he wrote the book Automate Your Busywork. 01:44
    🍼 Work/life balance is important for Aytekin, who is a father of 3 kids and a family man: hire somebody if you already have their one-year salary ahead of time. 04:51
    ❤️ Adopt the mindset of valuing your personal freedom: don't retire early because you still have so much to give to the world. 10:19
    👉 Jotform was like a prison at the start because Aytekin worked all day: He started to automate things, and it made a big difference because he could focus on the product and not just the busy work. 15:05
    ✅ Competing with Google was quite a challenge, but it helped Jotform get better. 18:32
    📧 An average office worker or entrepreneur can receive hundreds of emails a day: Aytekin uses labels and filters to prioritize emails. 20:51
    ⏳ We are all drowning in busy work - use a time audit to manage your time: Aytekin's book can help you do that. 26:12
    🎯 Deep work requires attention: everything is turning into software today, and that gives you more freedom and power. 30:49



      Connect with Aytekin: https://aytekintank.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats 

    Unlocking Business Success: Aligning Internal & External Branding with Ruth Klein

    Unlocking Business Success: Aligning Internal & External Branding with Ruth Klein

    Aligning your internal and external branding is essential for a successful business. Ruth Klein is a renowned author and brand visibility strategist who shares her wisdom on branding your business. Branding is so much more than a logo and a website, and before you even create those things, you need to identify the personality and values of your brand. You must align your business brand with your internal, personal brand, so you can show up as who you truly are and effortlessly illustrate that message to your team and your potential clients. When your brand is in alignment with your business, you will be happier, and more successful, and it will make your marketing, advertising and PR a breeze. Discover your internal branding and live in alignment with your business!

    📚 Ruth is the CEO of Expert Celebrity™ Branding: once your brand is in alignment with who you truly are - you’re in a happy place. 02:54
    🧩 Be very conscious of updating our brand: we all have a different puzzle & Ruth's job is to find puzzle pieces and put them together for her clients. 05:04
    ❤️ What do your ideal clients say about working with you?:  if you truly listen with your heart, people tell you who they are and what they need. 10:14
    🇧 Internal and external brands have to be consistent: When your personal brand is not in conjunction with the business you work for, you may not do as well. 16:55
    ❗ Customer service is one of your best ambassadors, and it’s the first line of defense: you can get away with less expenditure on PR and advertising if you spend just as much time training your team. 21:03
    👍 Ambassadors have great reach - find people who love what you do and create training for them: another way to grow your new business is to find sponsors. 27:37
    🧍 Work with regular people, not just influencers: your clients and vendors can be your ambassadors. 30:09
    🥳 Having a business needs to be fun & healthy: the attitude makes a huge difference. 32:08


      Connect with Ruth: www.ruthklein.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com 

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com 

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats 

    Elaine Pofeldt - The One-Person Million-Dollar Business Paradigm

    Elaine Pofeldt - The One-Person Million-Dollar Business Paradigm

    It’s getting easier and easier to create a 7-figure business as a solopreneur. Elaine Pofeldt is an independent journalist and author who shares her passion for studying successful entrepreneurship. As we journey into the digital age, we are seeing the rise of new, successful business models that favor smaller businesses and fewer employees. More employees no longer means more revenue because technology and outsourcing are expanding the limitations of what a single person with a non-employer business can accomplish. A one-person business can be incredibly lucrative, but it can also be very isolating, so make sure you stay networked with other people and share your experience and knowledge with others. It’s easier than ever to be a one-person show and build the successful business of your dreams, so start your solopreneur journey today!

    👩‍💼 Elaine is an independent journalist specializing in entrepreneurship: she's the author of The Million-Dollar One-Person Business & Tiny Business, Big Money. 02:04
    📚 Writing about entrepreneurship made Elaine connect with entrepreneurs: she asked readers of Forbes how they succeeded, gathered that knowledge, and put it in a book. 03:35
    📄 We're leaving the coercive world of work and entering one that's much more voluntary: Jennifer shares how she developed her company to seven figures via contractors. 11:55
    🤝 Contractors also prosper by gaining experience and knowledge - it's a beautiful thing where everybody can help each other and rise together: being a solopreneur can be lonely. 17:35
    🕴️ Around 45% of the 7-figure owners belong to entrepreneurship groups, and 37% have a business coach: friends and family often don't understand entrepreneurs. 20:37
    💲 Professional services are a large portion of 7-figure businesses. 22:48
    🖥️ 7-figures businesses generally have contractors and self-invest, and 90% use automation: automation empowers people to build upon it and lean into the things only humans can do. 26:12
    👉 You are the most precious resource of your business - leverage things only you can do: leave the industrial mindset behind and embrace capital-efficient methodologies. 30:45


      Connect with Elaine: www.instagram.com/milliondollaronepersonbusiness

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Christine Blanchette - Get Physically Active For A Better Business

    Christine Blanchette - Get Physically Active For A Better Business

    Pairing physical activities with your goals and business is proven to increase your success. Christine Blanchette is a content creator who shares her passion for fitness and running. Physical activity is an important part of self-care that will boost your confidence, and well-being, and help put you into a more positive mindset for your business. There are so many options out there, so make sure to pick an activity that pairs well with your lifestyle. Remember to be patient with yourself and listen to your body to avoid injury and improve your physical endurance. No matter how busy you are, you have the time to make exercise a regular part of your self-care routine! 

    🌼 Christine is a content creator who produced 2 TV shows: she loves to interview celebrities on her show, and loves to write, teach and run. 01:24
    🏃‍♀️ Running helped Christine develop her business and well-being: it gave her confidence in every aspect of her life. 03:49
    👍 Be who you are, try things, and see what you like: you may need the help of the doctor or a sports club, but there's something out there for everyone. 07:08
    🏥 If you have a nagging injury, deal with it right away: see an injury prevention specialist, a chiropractor, or a physiotherapist. 09:27
    ✅ It's better to be safe than sorry: be cautious and ask questions. 11:29
    👩‍💼 Find the activity that fits you: you can absolutely fit exercise into your day, no matter how busy you are as a business owner. 13:24
    ⏰ The time to start is now: make an appointment with yourself. 16:20


      Connect with Christine: www.instagram.com/christineblanchette_tv/?hl=en

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Owen Marcus - The Importance Of Emotional Wellness For Men

    Owen Marcus - The Importance Of Emotional Wellness For Men

    Learning to be vulnerable with others can benefit your relationships, your health and your business. Owen Marcus is the cofounder of Evryman, a wellness company for men that seeks to help men connect and grow emotionally. The majority of men are raised to believe that showing vulnerability and emotion is a sign of weakness, and it’s time that we destigmatize this. Getting in touch with your emotions can relieve chronic stress, strengthen relationships, and make you more creative and collaborative in business. We all learn and let our guard down through modeling and example, so the more you show up as your authentic self, the more you will attract emotional connections with others. Let your guard down, be vulnerable, and help create a culture of real connection!

    🙋‍♂️ Owen helps men learn the emotional skills they were never taught. 02:23
    ✅ Emotional physiology skills help men deal with stress and start naturally connecting to others: men are vulnerable in a different way than women, and they often don't have authentic, vulnerable, and powerful men around them. 05:59
    🔵 Owen gets guys to talk about stress or physiology to make them open up emotionally. 09:46
    🤝 Connection to other people goes up when you stop going into your survival response: we feel safe because we co-regulate each other. 12:20
    🟢 As guys get older, they tend to have fewer friends and miss authentic connections: in Owen’s groups, guys get competitive about how authentic and vulnerable they can be. 16:54
    👫 Your partner shouldn't be your whole source of support: take a personal approach when talking about stress and recommending help. 21:26
    👉 Survival coping mechanisms may have diminishing returns: most men learn communication skills via modeling. 24:39
    ❗ Boys are more sensitive than girls up to the age of two: shutting down emotions brings illness and relational dysfunction, and can become a self-perpetuating behavior. 27:36
    😊 One of the biggest benefits is the enjoyment Owen's clients get from helping other men. 29:15


      Connect with Owen: https://owenmarcus.com

      Evryman: https://evryman.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Melisa Keenan - Heal Yourself & Your Business With Intimate Feminine Energy

    Melisa Keenan - Heal Yourself & Your Business With Intimate Feminine Energy

     A healthy intimate relationship can directly translate to a healthy and successful business. Melisa Keenan is an intimacy coach and explains the deep connection between our business life and our intimacy. Juggling the energetic spaces needed to run a business with masculine energy and bring femininity and intimacy home to your loved one can be exhausting. The solution isn’t about putting on a dress or painting your nails, it’s connecting with your Yin, exploring your desires, and allowing your love life to become life-giving again. Sex and intimacy can be profoundly healing, and this energy is directly tied to the creative energy needed to thrive in business. Open a space of feminine energy for yourself and bring vision, pleasure and play to your business!

    Show notes:

    👩‍💼 Melisa is the go-to intuitive intimacy expert for high-achieving spiritual CEOs: when focusing on achieving perfectionism, many businesswomen fall into a more masculine energy. 02:05
    💅 Your husband may say he wants you to vacuum more, put on a dress, or color your nails, but that doesn't really fill his love tank. 07:26
    ☯️ We are culturally told what it means to be a good woman, but it doesn't always align with us: Yin & Yang are feminine and masculine energy, and we all have both. 09:05
    👉 Feminine energy is the opportunity for emotion, connection, and curiosity: male energy operates more in businesses. 13:28
    👫 Marriage is a life-giving experience and opportunity, but we often forget to express and meet our desires. 16:17
    🤗 Women tend to carry a huge wound, even if we weren't personally sexually abused: this is why we may avoid intimacy and security, feel shut off, and lack creativity even in business. 20:52
    ❤️ Menopause affects your body and mood, and a little bit of testosterone can go a long way: Melisa helps women who don't want hormone therapy find things that give them pleasure. 28:21
    👄 Sex can be a tremendous vehicle, even in menopause: many women miss out on exploring the concept of “sex magic” because they are too busy. . 32:46
    ✅ The sacral chakra is responsible for your pleasure, creativity, and vision: that energetic space can help us stay in a place of creativity, expansion, and joy. 37:29
    📚 Melisa is super approachable and will talk to you on social media: you can find her books on Amazon. 42:15


      Connect with Melisa: www.melisakeenan.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats 

    Mortality as Motivation with Kate Manser

    Mortality as Motivation with Kate Manser

     Viewing mortality as a source of motivation and courage is essential for a more positive journey through life. Kate Manser is a spiritual teacher who helps people learn to love and embrace the journey of life with a renewed sense of appreciation and vitality. It’s no secret that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, and that there will always be challenges and hurdles. The key to feeling more alive is to stop living for the next big achievement and learn to love the journey. Shift your mindset and learn to embrace the beauty in the mundane and challenging moments, and accept mortality as the profound source of motivation that it truly is. Life can be filled with beauty and fun when you let the appreciation of living drive your attitude! 

    Show notes:
    🧘‍♀️ Kate became a spiritual teacher, author, and artist that helps people feel more present and alive: no matter what we do, there'll be challenges, but as a monk once said - “no mud, no lotus.” 01:22
    ⚰️ You might die tomorrow: it's polarizing, but also a source of courage, motivation, truth, clarity, and presence. 05:56
    ⛰️ One of Kate's friends died climbing Everest, but she realized he died doing something he loves: the true challenge of life is to feel alive while standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes. 10:11
    🤔 Look at the attitude you're approaching your day with - maybe you can whistle while working?: the “deathbed gut check” is a perspective tool you can use when you need to make a decision without judgment and external influences. 17:30
    🧠 When you feel completely overwhelmed, rediscover the beauty of life: Kate recommends a few books to help you claw your way out and wake up the right-brain symphony. 24:28
    🌡️ Are you a thermostat or thermometer?: a thermostat sets the mood for everybody around them. 35:37
    💚 It is a privilege to wake up in the morning. 41:14



      Connect with Kate: www.katemanser.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats 

    David Meltzer - Happiness is the Pursuit

    David Meltzer - Happiness is the Pursuit

    Happiness is the pursuit, not the destination. David Meltzer is the cofounder of Sports 1 Marketing and shares his passion for empowering people to be happy. The key to discovering our happiness is to stop attaching our positive emotions to conditional outcomes. Our natural state is one of ease and inspiration, so if we are feeling unhappy we must identify the emotions that are interfering with this and why we have them. When you can live in your natural state and stop holding on to outcomes, you can find true happiness in the pursuit of your potential. Roll with the right trajectory and embrace the joyful pursuit!

    🙂 David is the former CEO of the Leigh Steinberg Sports and Entertainment Agency, which inspired the Jerry Maguire movie: his life's mission is to empower over 1 billion people to be happy. 01:32
    🚗 Money doesn't buy love or happiness, but it allows you to shop, and if you shop for the right things, and for the right reasons, it can make you happy. 06:14
    🔹 The consistent pursuit makes you happy, not the goal: people don't know how to enjoy the consistent, everyday pursuit of their potential because they're attaching their emotions to an outcome. 09:59
    🔮 You can surrender to having what you want and just enjoy, and it will come bigger and faster than it would if you attach your emotions to the outcome. 13:30
    ✌️ There's only fear of the past and fear of the future: if you're naturally in spirit with truth, joy, and happiness, you can identify what fear you have and stop it. 16:00
    🟩 If David's not in his house of emotion, he finds out what's creating the interference to that house, a high powerful place of "I am": fear, gut, and intuitions are indicators. 20:55


      Connect with David: www.dmeltzer.com

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    Amy Feind Reeves - Bridging the Management Gap in a Post-Covid Workplace

    Amy Feind Reeves - Bridging the Management Gap in a Post-Covid Workplace

    Amy Feind Reeves is the founder and CEO of Job Coach Amy and shares the wisdom she has gained in the workplace from her 25 years as an executive hiring manager. She discusses the struggles in today’s job market and how management and employees have become too detached. What’s more, fewer people seem to be applying for jobs in the aftermath of Covid due to being shell-shocked and burned out from the way the workplace has evolved. The new generation of employees feel under-appreciated and are experiencing a lack of opportunities to grow within their workplace. To bridge the gap between management and employees, organizations must begin to build a culture of respect and value that facilitates opportunity and advancement with constructive feedback. Avoid management by least resistance and create a dedicated and passionate workforce for your business!

    👱‍♀️ Amy Feind Reeves recently published a book called College to Career, Explained - which explains tools, skills, and confidence for your job search. 01:33
    3️⃣ The job always goes to the person who wants it the most: you need 3 things at any stage of the job search process. 10:45
    📊 Millennials may skew a little bit towards money, but the statistics show that feeling valued, validated, and respected are big drivers: there are specifically targeted packages that can be purchased to set you apart from other employers. 21:29
    👩‍💼 Millennials have a different approach to work because they were raised differently: the biggest management mistake is falling into “management by least resistance.” 27:31


      Connect with Amy: www.jobcoachamy.com

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    Dr. John Demartini - Don't Be Fooled By The Facade of Others

    Dr. John Demartini - Don't Be Fooled By The Facade of Others

    You can't find success until you stop comparing yourself to others and realize your true values. Dr. John Demartini is a renowned self-development author and shares his knowledge and wisdom on how to be accountable to your most authentic, successful self. Every time you put another person on a pedestal, you are depreciating yourself and misaligning yourself from your true values. The truth is that everybody has their own intelligence and areas of success based on their unique, core values, and our judgment of other people only obscures this. The key to success is self-accountability, owning your personal goals, and aligning the actions you make in life to your values. You are not missing what you see in others, so stop judging yourself and discover what’s important to you!

    🫶 Stop being narcissistic and altruistic - maximize economic growth and self-worth: when we compare ourselves to others we set ourselves up for injected values from outer authorities and end up judging ourselves. 02:30
    ❤️ Nothing is missing in you, but the moment you are fooled by the facade of others and compare yourself to them, you start to exaggerate or minimize yourself: everything you admire in others is on the outside. 08:25
    ✅ Drop the judgment of others: you have the same intelligence in a different area. 14:49
    ❗ The second you compare yourself to others and create a fantasy of who you should be and you undermine the magnificence of who you are. 21:22
    ✌️ You have 2 choices: set goals that match your values, or change your values to match the goals you say you want. 22:40
    💯 Most people are passively following their values in life instead of taking command: the wealthiest people look for how they can be of service to more people. They value maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of their work, saving and investing, and creating a financial cause that leaves a legacy. 29:59


      Connect with Dr. John: https://drdemartini.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Uncover Passive Income & Make Your Capital Work For You with Andrea Cwik

    Uncover Passive Income & Make Your Capital Work For You with Andrea Cwik

    Investing your money in the right places can unlock passive revenue streams. Andrea Cwik is a real estate investment expert who shares her wisdom on how busy business professionals can find sources of passive income. There are so many places out there to invest your money, but finding the best opportunities requires research, networking and getting educated. Thankfully, there are investment strategies that allow you to use your money efficiently but don’t require active engagement. For the busy entrepreneur, commercial real estate and working with syndications are excellent strategies for adding hands-off investments to your portfolio. Shift your mindset and make your capital work for you!

    🏢  Andrea manages over 180 million dollars in real estate portfolio assets: leaving California for Texas was a great opportunity to learn about investments and real estate. 02:31
    💲 Find someone who knows more about investing than you: syndications are similar to crowdfunding. 06:45
    🏥 Commercial real estate is a great investment for the busy business owner: working with a syndication company you trust will bring the opportunities to you. 09:17
    💵 Andrea and her team built relationships with passive investors: the typical minimum investment is $50-100.000. 11:29
    💰 Investors get quarterly cash flow and the appreciation play: COVID didn't affect the real estate business. 14:37
    📈 Assets typically turn around in four to six years: after selling the building, money goes back to the investor. 16:57
    ❗ Andrea shares a few tips on how to start as an investor. 19:35
    ✅ Let your capital work for you so you can concentrate on what you want to do. 22:14


      Connect with Andrea: https://goodgoodinvesting.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Tap Into Your Intuition For Success In Business & Life, with Lee Chaix McDonough

    Tap Into Your Intuition For Success In Business & Life, with Lee Chaix McDonough

    Learning to understand your brain/body connection is essential for success. Lee Chaix McDonough, founder of Coach With Clarity, shares her wisdom on using our intuition to unlock a more successful business and fulfilling life. Many of us suffer from internalized messages that prevent us from taking steps forward in life and business, and the key to overcoming these obstacles is to trust our intuition. Our brains and our “gut” don’t always agree, and we’re often held back by our brain trying to protect us from stepping outside our comfort zone. Learning to distinguish our brain from our intuition isn’t easy, so don’t be afraid to seek help from a coach or a therapist if you’re feeling stuck. Lift the restraints of your comfort zone and learn to trust your intuition!

    🌺 Lee was a psychotherapist for almost 15 years before she started coaching. 02:03
    🔸 Follow your intuition to save yourself from a lot of heartaches. 04:33
    💮 You can feel intuition in your body: pay attention to the sensory experience. 06:38
    🔹 Mindset is how we relate to our internal experiences: we can differentiate mindset chatter from intuition by creating a space between the thought and the self. 09:33
    ☺️ We each have an upper limit for the amount of joy we feel safe holding and expressing: excavate your internalized messages. 15:10
    🔹 How to decide if you should be working with a coach or a therapist. 20:46
    💡 You have to define what progress is in order to get results: if it's not working, change your supportive partner. 26:21
    🔸 A coaching relationship takes both people coming together to create a synergy, but the work is your responsibility. 28:53
    🌸 Whether you choose a coach or therapist, the center of the experience is the relationship. 30:55


      Connect with Lee: www.coachwithclarity.com 

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com 

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com 

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats 

    Sebastien Lagree - Fitness Affects Your Success

    Sebastien Lagree - Fitness Affects Your Success

    Integrating fitness into your personal life can improve your work life. Sebastien Lagree is the CEO and founder of Lagree Fitness and shares his journey through creating an industry-shaping workout routine and keeping a positive mindset. Every business has its obstacles and challenges, and a positive attitude is a way to move forward with success. Engaging in physical activities like fitness helps us work off anxieties and stress, giving us the emotional, spiritual, and mental benefits of self-love. Making time for physical self-care and taking time off to refresh our mindset sets us in a positive frequency and allows us to attract more positivity into our lives. Start your fitness journey and learn to vibe on a different level!

    ⭐ Sebastien wanted to be an actor, but he found his calling in the fitness industry: when life is showing you a different path. 01:27
    🌌 If you do what you're supposed to and follow your own path, you are aligned with the universe. 20:45
    🦈 Even Sebastien sometimes doubts himself - he goes diving to step out of negative energy: when you're having a hard time, go take a fucking vacation. 25:07
    🤝 Fitness connects people - when you work out together and sweat together, you're the same: the connection between our frequency and our success. 31:21
    🤸‍♀️ You can't separate your work from your personal life, so why can't fitness affect your work?: fitness helps you do the hard work on the days that you have to dig in.
    ✅ Sebastien plans a trip to the Amazon: we're not programmed to be happy, but we can choose to be happy, try better, and do better. 40:00


    💪  Lagreefitness: www.lagreefitness.com

    🎓  Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

    🌸  Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

    ✨ Our retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

    Blaine Bartlett - The Soulful Way Of Doing Business

    Blaine Bartlett - The Soulful Way Of Doing Business

    Operate your business with compassion to regain a healthy connection to the world. Blaine Bartlett is the CEO of Avatar Resources, a global leadership consultancy that provides the resources and services to foster compassionate capitalism. Today’s capitalist society is filled with toxic workplaces centered on wealth accumulation and competitive values. To reconnect with business more positively and soulfully, we must interrupt these toxic patterns and focus on being distributive and supportive. Connecting your business to the market compassionately breeds healthy workplaces where employees and consumers can grow and thrive. Business is born out of connection, so make those connections compassionate!

    🌱 Blaine consults advisors and coaches globally: he grew up on a farm that taught him nature is probably the only truly free market economy that exists. 02:19
    🤝 Competition is rooted in a mindset of scarcity: compassion is impossible to experience without connection. 09:12
    ✅ The purpose of business is to enhance the likelihood of thriving on this planet: If purchasing my product or service helps you thrive, you will beat a path to my door. 14:47
    ❣️ Love what you're doing: Observe people from the perspective of the story you're holding in your mind. 16:57
    ‼️ It's easier to blame external circumstances: responsibility is not the blame - take responsibility. 21:40
    🟢 "Without the play of the imagination, nothing of consequence has ever been produced" - Jung. 25:20
    👉 Get yourself centered and design an environment that feels good to be there. 28:26
    🍃 Anytime you interrupt a pattern the process stops: there is nothing in nature that serves as a center of accumulation - everything is a center of a distribution. 33:18
    📖 Blaine's book about how capitalism is conducted today: how compassion gets translated into a practical business process. 38:10
    📊 A study showed that companies with compassion built into the system outperformed all other companies by not just a little bit - it was a huge differential. 41:50
    🔴 Balance compassion and profit: people think of compassion as soft and squishy - genuine compassion has a very hard edge to it. 44:59
    🌻 The nature of life is to grow: finding business opportunities during COVID. 50:05
    💚 Life happens in conversation. 52:43


      Connect with Blaine: www.blainebartlett.com

      Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

      Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

      Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats


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