

    Explore "dalai" with insightful episodes like "Dalai Lama – frihetssymbol i exil och västvärldens lyckoguru", "Intervista Michele Dalai - Estratto Amala - 11/05/2022", "#51 - Uncut Nongina (feat. Luke Mungo)", "Kindesmissbrauch? Der eigentliche Skandal liegt nicht beim Dalai Lama. Ein Kommentar von Jogi Horst R. Brumm" and "Child abuse? The actual scandal is not about the Dalai Lama - 007 of Buddhism for Beginners with Yogi Horst R Brumm - Fire Rain of Wisdom" from podcasts like ""P3 ID", "Amala", "Working Crass Podcast", "MANJUSHRIS WEISHEIT" and "Buddhismus für Anfänger"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Dalai Lama – frihetssymbol i exil och västvärldens lyckoguru

    Dalai Lama – frihetssymbol i exil och västvärldens lyckoguru

    Han har tilldelats Nobels fredspris, kallats för en ulv i munkkläder och skapat kontroverser. Tibets högste andlige ledare kan vara den sista Dalai Lama.

    Nya avsnitt från P3 ID hittar du först i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Redan som tvåårig liten pojke utsågs Tenzin Gyatso till den fjortonde Dalai Lama, och därmed Tibets högste andlige och politiska ledare.

    Genom åren har han blivit en världskändis, skrivit en rad böcker med olika livsråd och turnerat jorden runt med föreläsningar och samtal.

    För den kinesiska regeringen är han ett rött skynke, och för exiltibetaner ett hopp om ett mer självständigt Tibet. Sedan 1959 lever han i exil i norra Indien.

    Dalai Lama har flera gånger varit i blåsväder. Senast vinter 2023 då ett videoklipp där han ber en ung pojke att suga på hans tunga spreds som en löpeld.

    Han är den fjortonde Dalai Lama, och kanske också den sista.

    I avsnittet hörs kulturreportern Nanna Olasdotter, oberoende kinaanalytikern Kristina Sandklef och TV4-programledaren Malou von Sivers som har intervjuat Dalai Lama två gånger.

    Avsnittet gjordes av Studio Olga våren 2023

    Programledare: Carl-Johan Ulvenäs

    Avsnittsmakare och reporter: Sally Henriksson

    Producent: Carl-Johan Ulvenäs

    Ljudmix: Fredrik Nilsson

    Klippen i avsnittet kommer från Efter tio TV4, Sveriges Radio, CNN, BBC, AP, Reuters, Youtube, Good Morning Britain, Nyhetsmorgon TV4.

    Böckerna "Dalai Lama - mitt land, mitt folk", "In exile from the land of snows", "Dalai Lama" av Bertil Lintner och "Dalai lama: en auktoriserad biografi" har varit till hjälp i arbetet med det här avsnittet.

    P3 ID
    svJune 19, 2023

    #51 - Uncut Nongina (feat. Luke Mungo)

    #51 - Uncut Nongina (feat. Luke Mungo)

    We're joined by our friend Luke to laugh about circumcision, the Dalai Llama asking a child to suck his tongue, and a mother-in-law who wipes her granddaughter the wrong way. Byron joins us to talk about the time he dropped a turd on the floor.
    Luke is on Instagram @luke_mungo and @mungo_333. Check out his YouTube channel 'Luke Mungo'. Recorded 5/4/2023.
    Working Crass - Month of MAYhem: New guest. Every Episode. All month long.
    Full video of every episode available on YouTube
    Audio available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts
    Follow us on Instagram: @workingcrasspod

    Kindesmissbrauch? Der eigentliche Skandal liegt nicht beim Dalai Lama. Ein Kommentar von Jogi Horst R. Brumm

    Kindesmissbrauch? Der eigentliche Skandal liegt nicht beim Dalai Lama. Ein Kommentar von Jogi Horst R. Brumm

    Hear the English translation in our podcast 'Fire Rain of Wisdom -  Buddhism for Beginners with Yogi Horst R Brumm'

    Auch als Video in Deutsch und English auf unserem Youtube-Kanal 


    Ein Kommentar von Jogi Horst R. Brumm, Spiritueller Leiter Buddhistisches Institut Karma Tengyal Ling bei Stechlin-Menz. Horst R. Brumm, Jahrgang 1954, lernt und arbeitet seit über 30 Jahren in der gemeinnützigen, nichtgewerblichen Institution Karma Tengyal Ling. Ihre Eminenz Khandro Rinpoche beauftragte ihn 2010, zu lehren. 2016 erklärte sie ihn offiziell zum Jogi.

    Child abuse? The actual scandal is not about the Dalai Lama - 007 of Buddhism for Beginners with Yogi Horst R Brumm - Fire Rain of Wisdom

    Child abuse? The actual scandal is not about the Dalai Lama - 007 of Buddhism for Beginners with Yogi Horst R Brumm - Fire Rain of Wisdom

    This title has also been published as video in Deutsch und English on our Youtube channel


    We have now had what one might call a worst-case scenario in Buddhism.
    And I have to say that the situation that has arisen in this way is not held against the Dalai Lama 
    directly, but rather against the people around the Dalai Lama.
    There has just been this scandal between the Dalai Lama and a little Indian boy because it appears 
    to be an Indian boy and not a Tibetan boy because the Dalai Lama speaks English to that boy.
    So he didn't speak Tibetan, but English. 
    That means the press was there, there were people who recorded it on video and you can see that 
    on the internet.
    And now the really big scandal, where it comes down to it, did the action between the Dalai Lama 
    and the boy imply sexuality, so to speak, was it sexual abuse.
    The Dalai Lama has also publicly apologized for the situation that happened. 
    And the people who are very close to the Dalai Lama then said, well, you know that the Dalai 
    Lama always does something very casual and stuff like that.
    And that's outside of the narrow Buddhist scene. 
    Right now in the camp of people who are in the Tibetan Buddhist community, especially in the 
    West, it's incredibly difficult for practising Buddhists to sort that out.
    There are those who defend what the Dalai Lama does and say yes, whatever the Dalai Lama does 
    is right and everything is okay.
    And then, on the other hand, those who have lost a great deal of trust in the Buddha's teachings 
    as a result. 
    There were also people who are very critical of our social conditions in today's society.
    And then a situation like the one that happened between the Dalai Lama and this little boy in 
    That's what happened, and I'm just saying that now, because of course I can't prove it, but I know 
    myself that we often have situations where lamas and rinpoches are surrounded by very bad 
    A Dalai Lama is not omniscient, because all the Rinpoches are not as realized as Buddha 
    Shakyamuni, it is said that he was omniscient, but the Rinpoches don't have that kind of 
    omniscience and lineage holders don't usually have that either.
    And so, if you are somehow aware of this now, then we should understand that these problems 
    arise because we live in a degenerate age where the Dharma teacher himself, surrounded by the 
    students, can drag down the Dharma teacher.
    Especially when someone has a lot of students. 
    Then you also have to understand that the Dalai Lama lives the way he does, also from a political 
    point of view, where you sometimes overhear statements from the Dalai Lama that may not 
    necessarily be logical, but where the point is that his main aim is that he has to take care of the 
    Tibetan people, all the Tibetans who are in exile.
    They depend on him. 
    He holds together the Tibetans living in exile. 
    And then you have to see that there are a lot of powerful beings around him who also use the 
    Dalai Lama and influence how he behaves.
    So I think that this happened partly because the people around him don't inform him enough. He 
    gets a lot of information, but not necessarily the information he needs socially.
    The scandal that we had three or four years ago when it came to Sogyal Rinpoche is an example 
    of the fact that trust in Buddhism has now of course been greatly weakened as a result.
    From this situation, as it is now publicly presented to the Dalai Lama, I can understand every 
    outsider's loss of trust in the Buddhist teachings as a result.
    Trust has been lost from saying how Sogyal Rinpoche behaved. All these accusations at Sogyal 
    Rinpoche were being made, I listened carefully and built the constellation of how these different 
    things were presented.
    Namely, what was the difference between what Sogyal Rinpoche did and what was here. Here 
    with the Dalai Lama dispute, it was a child and it was in public and what was portrayed there.
    Anyone can google it themselves, what was there in detail, I don't want to describe it now, but 
    you can see it for yourself. 
    And I can understand why people don't get along with it.
    With Sogyal Rinpoche, the situation was different. Those were adults. They were grown people. 
    And I've been dealing with this topic of Buddhism for almost 40 years.
    In that time I met more than 60 teachers, and experienced the behavior of the students around 
    me, of all of us western students, all of whom I met, Germans, French, Americans, English, 
    Everyone always wanted the highest teachings. So what we're doing here now is kindergarten for 
    them. What we did here this morning is preschool. They understood that a long time ago. They're 
    not interested in that. It bores them, it's boring to talk about the four thoughts that turn the 
    They wanted only the highest teachings. The very best, the most beautiful, the greatest. What's 
    the biggest? That's not even tantra anymore. There is a Kriya tantra, that is outer purity. No, they 
    want the non-dualistic. Yes, then let's do father and mother tantra. No, we want to do the non-
    dual tantra. No, that's actually way too complicated.
    We then do Mahamudra and Dzogchen. Actually, that's too much. We only do Maha Ati now. We 
    are Maha Ati. 
    And people think they have the skills. In order to be able to realize this at all, you need a Vajra 
    A Dzogchen master. In order to realize Dzogchen, you don't have to listen and ponder 
    intellectually in your mind, but you have to experience the non-existent of the Self in your mind.
    The non-self-experience. Only then can you realize Dzogchen. Only then can you realize non-
    duality. So a Dzogchen master has only one task.
    He has to keep kicking your ass. Constantly. He must get your ego boiling.
    And I remember one teacher, I really appreciate him so much, it's Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. 
    He has done and is still doing such fantastic things.
    I'm always touched by him whenever he says anything. And he also does it very cleverly and he 
    noticed that with Sogyal Rinpoche and then also what's going on in America with Mipham 
    Rinpoche and Shambala and stuff like that.
    And Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche said he is not as courageous as Trungpa Rinpoche and Sogyal 
    These Rinpoches offered their disciples their own flesh, their own bodies. Not sexually, but they 
    sacrificed their body, sacrificed it to the students.
    They gave everything to them. The students wanted Dzogchen Mahamudra and the Rinpoches 
    did everything to make that happen. They have every means that was right, that was at all 
    possible, to crack the ego to give them a chance to experience non-duality.
    Trungpa Rinpoche had a situation with them where they said, somehow he just called the closer 
    people at night, to say he wanted to eat this and that now.
    And then they thought, that wanting to eat something, was his greed.
    But he only did what he had to do. What does he have to do?
    Imagine yourselves, Wolf and Dorothy, are lying comfortably in bed, the phone rings, and you 
    pick it up.
    "Get up! I want pancakes now!", I say to you as if I were your Vajra master, which I'm not. (I'm a 
    Imagine you are hanging up on me and Dorothy saying: "Has Horst lost his mind?"
    "Well, you know, Dorothy," Wolf  would note, "we said we wanted Dzogchen Mahamudra from 
    him. So is this the price for that? Having to get up at night and then get him pancakes because he 
    wants to eat pancakes now? I can't believe it. Does he have a quirk?"
    And so, if I were a Vajra master now, you then begin to fight my effort to boil your ego.
    And then I would say to Ramon: "You know Ramon, every time you come I want a tenth of your 
    net income from you.
    Give me that." And when you bring me ten percent, I would say, why don't you give me fourteen 
    I would like to have ten percent, be a little generous, give me fourteen percent.
    And then you'd think, he's suddenly become so greedy.
    Be glad you didn't do that and I wouldn't do that to you, either.
    But of course I am not your vajra master. I have no intention of letting the vajra master hang out 
    around here.
    However, if people mean they really want to experience non-duality, then they have to pay the 
    They can't have it for free. Not because Sogyal Rinpoche, a vajra master, needs it.
    But we in the West, we're so arrogant, we're so lofty that we think we're great students like 
    Naropa, like Marpa, like Milarepa, like Gampopa, like the first Karmapa.
    We would be such eligible students for a Vajra master.
    But when the Vajra master makes BOOH, we go BAAAAH.
    And because of that, I examined the various things that were assumed of Sogyal Rinpoche, I 
    examined them analytically and looked what causes his behavior, what he does then.
    He cuts across Westerners' concepts of anything.
    And Trungpa Rinpoche did something similar in the 1980s when he was in Marburg.
    Oh, Trungpa Rinpoche comes to Marburg!
    There is only one public event!
    And at that time, I think, they were supposed to pay something around 300 or 350 Deutschmarks 
    for the evening.
    That's more expensive than a concert with the Beatles or the Rolling Stones back then.
    I think that's triple or quadruple if you sat in the front row.
    Not everyone is sitting in the front row in that hall in Marburg.
    The event was announced to start at half past seven.
    Now that we've paid 300 Deutschmarks, we want something for it, don't we?
    However, Trungpa Rinpoche keeps people waiting.
    Seven forty-five. Eight. Half past eight. Eight forty-five.
    People just wait.
    We have now paid so much, now we want something for it.
    This is our attitude.
    And he comes in swaying, held by his students.
    Completely drunk. He looks that way.
    He staggers in.
    Sits down on the chair.
    Says a few sentences.
    I think the whole thing lasted a maximum of fifteen minutes from what I've been told.
    Then he gets up and goes outside.
    And the whole thing was still like that, I think until ten o'clock.
    We just sat in there and said, will he be right back? Does this go any further?
    But he's out.
    Did he just want to pee outside?
    No, he's gone then, he didn't come back.
    And we paid 300 Deutschmarks for that?
    It's mean, isn't it?
    Isn't that mean?
    Fifteen minutes.
    Everyone who participates actually knows that this is the 11th Trungpa Rinpoche.
    They know he presents crazy wisdom.
    Everyone who took part knows that.
    They knew there was something said to show the nature of mind.
    For this, one has to be prepared.
    And he did.
    He showed people the nature of mind.
    And they didn't look.
    Maybe some, but very few.
    I then heard later that was the scandal that was going around at the time.
    He took so much money for it and they complained that they got so little.
    That was half a year later, in Albertstrasse in Berlin.
    A photographer who also took beautiful black and white photos of Tai Sitoo Rinpoche, told me 
    he had been there.
    People were really pissed off.
    And I said, shit, if I had only gone there.
    I didn't have enough money and neither did I have the time and I didn't have a car.
    I didn't have a friend with whom to stay overnight in Marburg, I would have needed a hotel or 
    whatever, so I didn't manage to get there.
    And I said, man, I'm sorry I wasn't there.
    Because that would have been the chance.
    A mind-to-mind transmission, that's what Trungpa Rinpoche did there.
    Because I knew the stories of what such yogis, who have crazy wisdom from earlier times, do.
    And I regretted that I wasn't there.
    And then all of a sudden it was like being struck by lightning.
    My joy and my regret that I was not there resulted in me getting the blessing of it even though I 
    wasn't there.
    It went through my whole body like lightning.
    And suddenly a lot of things that I never understood, made sense to me. 
    The ones I didn't get along with.
    Oh, that's how it is.
    Oh, that's what it means.
    Oh, I see.
    That went for days.
    A lot of things I didn't understand, I then understood them afterwards.
    Not that I can now say I have any yogic abilities, which are now theoretically here.
    None of that.
    But if you as Westerners hang in there like that, and don't know the culture, don't understand a 
    lot, and suddenly it becomes so clear to you. 
    You are told what it is exactly, and here is what I commend to you.
    Be careful when people judge any teacher.
    Now, with Sogyal Rinpoche, I still defend Sogyal Rinpoche and I don't let dirt and dust fall on 
    And if people should picture me on the internet as a somehow narcissistic ego teacher or 
    whatever, totally gaga - well, I can live with their cursing, I have no problem with that.
    And I will continue to defend him.
    I will defend Trungpa Rinpoche and also Mipham Rinpoche in America.
    All the allegations are going on there and we don't just have what's going on with the Dalai 
    We still have that people keep claiming and just repeating the claims because someone else said, 
    repeat that and they say there must be something to it if anyone says so, and so on.
    For example that the Karmapa had illegitimate children somewhere, well, our Karmapa, Ogyen 
    Trinley Dorje, he's under supervision all the time, he's never alone, and the close monks around 
    him, they wouldn't understand if he took a woman in there with him, and then he's practically 
    next to the door, and they kind of pop around in there and stuff.
    And people then say, Karmapa should just give a DNA sample, and then one can check whether 
    it's true.
    Just this idea of ??doing this, going into it, now Karmapa has to prove if he is the father or non-
    father, or else it is just claimed that he had done it. 
    And then in 'Buddhismus heute', a magazine by the DBU, a woman wrote, that there was a 
    scandal about the Karmapa in Canada, the proceedings were discontinued, an out-of-court 
    agreement was then reached - without mentioning that this is speculation, but continuing that 
    dropping the case would be an admission that something had happened.
    That's how westerners write about it.
    Why? Because they just want to make themselves important like the monk Tenzin here in 
    Germany, who only cares because he picks on Sogyal Rinpoche.
    I don't know how he's dealing with this story now, with the Dalai Lama, the way he's doing it now, 
    because Tenzin said that the Dalai Lama praised him, that he does a lot of great things, how 
    Tenzin is behaving now.
    I am not criticizing the Dalai Lama for what he did, it's not my job to criticize that.
    All I'm saying is it's a very awkward situation for all Buddhists in the west, people are losing faith, 
    and that's because of the atmosphere created around the Dalai Lama, the advisors that he has.
    And I know that when a situation is very unfavorable to a great teacher, weak students who think 
    they have more power than the teacher, can drag the teacher into difficult situations.
    Karmically it doesn't have a direct effect now, so that the Dalai Lama would have to suffer 
    because of this, but it simply means that his work becomes more difficult, his activities become 
    more difficult.
    Likewise the activities of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, of the Buddha who, somewhere in Europe, 
    how do you say, works incognito all the time and gives teachings via Zoom, if such talk is used, 
    his activities will of course be restricted.
    And so remember, if you hear any criticism of teachers, it's interesting that in all the scandals, the 
    real abusers will not be in the spotlight, like the one Zen teacher in Bavaria or Baden-
    Wuerttemberg, the one sentenced to eight years in prison for real sexual abuse of refugee 
    You hear next to nothing about it in the Buddhist scene.
    Then there is this film by Arte, where at the beginning they mention a French teacher, a Buddhist 
    teacher who opens up there as if he was a super lama and started a community there. You don't 
    hear anything about his sentence from a French court to seven or eight years on probation 
    because he was found guilty in many, many cases where he treated children very, very badly - 
    psychological, physical violence or whatever, I haven't read the charges.
    The children had to do prostrations, they had to practice Buddhism, which of course doesn't work 
    at all in our western society.
    In Tibet the children like to do this on their own and voluntarily, but not here.
    And when the western parents will become Buddhists, children will be forced into such an 
    And if they will not participate and will not obey, then there's a kind of food deprivation or they 
    get bad food or something like that.
    He was found guilty.
    That will not be discussed.
    But what you then accuse the great teachers of, that's a big deal.
    There you have it. 
    There are several more cases, for example in America, of former students of Trungpa Rinpoche, 
    Westerners who then thought, well, I'm also a Dharma teacher now and when Trungpa Rinpoche 
    has sex with women, well, then I can move my student to having sex with me, too, because I'm so 
    great, as well.
    Do you understand?
    These scandals won't happen, I can see from that how partisan and how paradoxical Westerners' 
    criticism is of the various people where something like this happens.
    And the reason why I mention this now is so that it is very clear: I stand for the Buddhist 
    teachings, I stand behind the teachers, I also talk about it when there are problems but I want to 
    make it clear that we need to think why anything can happen in the first place. 
    That it has a lot to do with the sensitivity of the people who are around a teacher, where you then 
    say, well, here it would be cheaper, we now live here in public. 
    There are so many problems, let's think how in America, for example, right now since Biden is in 
    office, about 100,000 children, unaccompanied children, come across the border and disappear 
    somewhere in America.
    Nobody knows where they are.
    For child trafficking where abuse of children is supported by the Biden administration, by the fact 
    that down there everyone can get in unchecked.
    And we also had that here in Germany, in 2015, where many children who were not registered 
    simply disappeared.
    In the beginning there were so and so many children and then the kids were gone.
    One would say, well, they just disappeared somewhere among their family relatives.
    But they're just gone, because, if they had showen up at the families, then the families would 
    suddenly have more children, right?
    But it doesn't happen.
    So also in Europe, all over the world children are abused, they are helpless, helpless objects of 
    sexual desires, with delusions that they have.
    And then, of course, when something happens like that with the Dalai Lama, people think in the 
    back of their minds: the Dalai Lama kind of gives the blessing that children can be used and 
    treated like shit.
    Because here in this case it was the boy asking the Dalai Lama, if he can hug the Dalai Lama.
    And then the Dalai Lama said yes.
    And that's exactly where you see it, this situation, a limit, where one does not know from the 
    outside what is it that the child felt, what is what the Dalai Lama felt - but what emerges on the 
    Hug, then kiss, and then tongue touch, with your own tongue.
    Then it's a chain reaction where you say you don't know if the child wanted it of his own accord, 
    or whether it did so because the Dalai Lama said so.
    So when do we in the West really call it sexual abuse?
    If I ask if a child will you hug me, then it's something of me, when the child comes up to me and 
    says, will you hug me, or just comes and hugs me, then I can allow it because it would not be 
    sexual abuse.
    It would come from me if I asked the child to give me something.
    And that's the difficult thing, when a lot of people who are now trying to protect children, just 
    have this sequence. Then all the others arrive that have thrown dirt on the Dalai Lama before, like 
    some Goldner or so, an Austrian, who has spent an hour and a half on the internet, in a university 
    or somewhere, ranting about what nonsense the Dalai Lama is telling.
    I also listened to what he said, it just became clear to me he didn't understand at all what the 
    Dalai Lama was talking about, because he lacks the basics.
    So if we're missing the basics as I say it here, that all appearances that we have around us here are 
    of a purely illusory nature, they are dreamlike, nothing of what is around us is a reality.
    If you don't have a Buddhist basis there, then you might say that, if it's actually just an illusion, a 
    dreamlike appearance, not real, then you may commit any abuse.
    You may as well do any damage you want, right?
    That's your consequence, because you lack the foundation.
    This is why one often speaks of the secret teachings, meaning they are not secret because they are 
    hidden, but because they are not understood.
    Also, the appreciation for the words is not there because the structure is missing.
    So therefore always try to think for yourselves, when you do something with Buddhism, the first 
    priority is: you turn to the Buddha's teaching because you want to overcome your suffering.
    That should be your only motivation.
    Your motivation should not be, you want to save the world now.
    For the benefit of all sentient beings.
    No, be honest - you're only doing it because you want to overcome the suffering in your mind.
    The second is, keep in your mind, keep in your mind all the time that you have a direct 
    relationship with the teachings of the Buddha.
    And not about others and what others think - instead, it is always a personal, intimate connection 
    that we have with the Buddha's teachings. + + + 

    A Commentary by Yogi Horst R Brumm, German Buddhist Institute Karma Tengyal Ling. 


    For over 30 years, Horst R Brumm, born 1954, headed the non-profit German Buddhist Institute Karma Tengyal Ling. Her Eminence Khandro Rinpoche asked him to teach in 2010. In 2016 she officially declared him a yogi. In 2023 he was named Dharma teacher for Germany.

    Yogi Horst R Brumm may receive donations

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    Account holder: Horst Brumm

    IBAN: DE90 1012 0100 1000 0824 66


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    Karma Tengyal Ling bank details: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

    Account holder: Karma Tengyal Ling e.V.

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    Already published episodes with alternating languages:

    Dharma für Anfänger 3

    Missverständnis Buddhismus (1 through 3)

    'weisheit spezial' episodes (Lama teachings)

    Christmas greeting for Christians and Buddhists by Yogi Horst R  Brumm (no sound, read only)

    Sogyal Rinpoche and Fatal Errors of Western Buddhists (dubbed).


    Our presentation to view and download (12MB pdf) :   https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1J3W9B377b7CE3lJWJ8D0QXuVpr8FR55COHxyRy7Ilwk/edit?usp=sharing  

    Our Youtube channel: 



    Kindesmissbrauch - der eigentliche Skandal liegt nicht beim Dalai Lama

    Kindesmissbrauch - der eigentliche Skandal liegt nicht beim Dalai Lama

    Ein Kommentar von Yogi Horst R. Brumm. Auch als Video auf Deutsch und English auf unserem Youtube-Kanal


    Horst R. Brumm, Jahrgang 1954, lernt und arbeitet seit über 30 Jahren in der gemeinnützigen, nichtgewerblichen Institution Karma Tengyal Ling. Ihre Eminenz Khandro Rinpoche beauftragte ihn 2010, zu lehren. 2016 erklärte sie ihn offiziell zum Jogi.

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    Daniela Ormazábal y Federico Capocci

    Edición, montaje y música original
    Federico Capocci

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    #83: "Sam Comes Out as Psychic" + Talking Bobby Lee + Dalai Lama is a Creep

    #83: "Sam Comes Out as Psychic" + Talking Bobby Lee + Dalai Lama is a Creep
    Sam reveals that he has psychic abilities, offers support for Bobby Lee, and weighs in on the Dalai Lama and Bud Light controversies on this week's Broken Simulation Premium Edition, which includes a half hour of bonus content.

    Save 20 percent and get free shipping with the code "BROKEN" at Manscaped.com!

    More stuff:

    Get episodes early, and unedited, plus bonus episodes: www.rokfin.com/brokensimulation or www.patreon.com/brokensimulation

    Watch Broken Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob18bx1jaU1HYPCPNRnyog

    Social media:
    Twitter: @fatdragonpro, @johnnywoodard
    Instagram: @samtripoli, @johnnyawoodard

    The outro song is "Growing Growing Gone" by Fastball. Listen to it at www.patreon.com/fastball!

    Want to see Sam live? Visit www.samtripoli.com for tickets!

    Hosts: Sam Tripoli, Johnny Woodard

    Dalai Lama ångrar pojkkyss & glutenallergiker får inte göra lumpen – P3 Nyheter med Babs Drougge

    Dalai Lama ångrar pojkkyss & glutenallergiker får inte göra lumpen – P3 Nyheter med Babs Drougge

    Babs Drougge och Matilda Rånge på P3 Nyheter förklarar morgonens stora nyheter, alltid tillsammans med programledarna för Morgonpasset i P3: Linnéa Wikblad och David Druid.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Den tibetanska buddhismens andliga ledare Dalai Lama har hamnat i blåsväder, efter en video där han ses pussa en liten pojke på munnen och be honom suga på hans tunga. Dalai Lama har bett om ursäkt för händelsen, men det har inte stoppat klippets spridning.

    Sen pratar vi om att glutenintoleranta inte får göra lumpen – trots att försvaret är i skriande behov av yrkesmilitären. Det här har väckt ont blod hos Celiakiförbundet, som nu väljer att anmäla Försvarsmakten till Diskrimineringsombudsmannen, DO.

    Dalai Lamas tunga, garga snipes och Helle Schunnesson om Gift vid första ögonkastet

    Dalai Lamas tunga, garga snipes och Helle Schunnesson om Gift vid första ögonkastet

    Det är en Dalai Lama-stämning i studion enligt Christopher Garplind när Margret Atladottir vikarierar för Hanna Hellquist denna annandag påsk. Vi frågar er a la Let's Dance om ert mest minnesvärda år. Matilda Rånge från P3 Nyheter spanar in TikTok-trender bl.a. garga snipes och lågkonjunkturmode. Jonas David snackar Malmös nya klubbscen och Helle Schunnesson pratar Gift vid första ögonkastet!

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Programledare: Christopher Garplind och Margret Atladottir.

    Compasivos y viajeros - 7 Días X Delante 30082021

    Compasivos y viajeros - 7 Días X Delante 30082021
    En esta ocasión, de la mano de Nacho Herranz nos vamos de viaje hasta El Castell de Guadalest, uno de los pueblos más bonitos de Alicante y, posiblemente, una de las localidades con más museos del mundo.
    Loreto Santamaría nos trae esta vez un maravilloso fragmento del libro "El arte de la compasión", escrito por el Dalai Lama, sin duda un contenido que alimenta nuestro espíritu.
    También te contamos las noticias en positivo de la semana, las ofertas de empleo y, cómo no, la previsión meteorológica.

    Contemplating Suicide to Creating A World Wide Movement, Helice Bridges

    Contemplating Suicide to Creating A World Wide Movement, Helice Bridges

    If you think one person can't make a difference, think again!  Helice Bridges was a millionaire living with lots of outer success yet internally dealing with an abusive spouse and contemplating suicide, to currently building a world wide empowerment movement!

    In 1979, Helice "Sparky" Bridges was a millionaire, married to an abusive man, decided to commit suicide when she heard an angelic voice who told her she could not take her life because she was going to sing, dance, write, and star in a musical on Broadway in New York City, telling the true story of how she brought love to the world.  Today over 50 million people have been impacted by her "Who I Am Makes A Difference" Blue Ribbon, saving lives, ending conflict, and making dreams come true.  She is a TEDx presenter,  has spoken on stage following the Dalai Lama, Vice President Al Gore, and other global leaders.   Self-esteem expert and best-selling author, Jack Canfield, has called her a cross between Gandhi, Lucille Ball, and Martin Luther King.

    Connect with Helice at:


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    Fred. Gilda, the dark side of Rita Hayworth - Michele Dalai

    Fred. Gilda, the dark side of Rita Hayworth - Michele Dalai
    "Gli uomini si innamorano di Gilda, ma la mattina dopo si svegliano con me accanto", Rita Hayworth. Margherita Cansino, Rita Cansino, Rita Hayworth, Gilda, tanti nomi, per una sola donna, bellissima, per una donna, sola, drammaticamente sola. Nonostante cinque mariti, tra cui Orson Welles di cui dirà che è stato il più grande amore della sua vita, la Hayworth rimarrà imprigionata in un archetipo che si fisserà indelebilmente all'interno dell'immaginario collettivo di un'epoca (in "Ladri di Biciclette" mentre gli rubano il mezzo di trasporto così faticosamente ottenuto, il protagonista sta attacchinando proprio il poster di "Gilda"), e giungerà praticamente intatto fino ai nostri giorni (tanto che Stephen King le dedicherà un racconto, "Rita Hayworth e la redenzione di Shawshank", in cui sarà sempre la sua immagine, ancora il suo manifesto, a rappresentare metaforicamente, e non solo, il sogno della libertà). E sarà un cartoon, esplicitamente ispirato a lei, a rivelare l'amara realtà: "Io non sono cattiva è che mi disegnano cosi". Rita non troverà altra uscita che quella sciagurata dell'alcolismo, fino a quando si perderà drammaticamente nelle spire di una malattia come l'Alzheimer, che le toglierà anche il ricordo della sua grandezza. Per questo "Fred" ha voluto dedicare una puntata a Rita Hayworth, a poco più di cent'anni dalla sua nascita, per provare a far coincidere l'immagine che abbiamo di lei con quello che sentiva di essere veramente. "Fred" è un podcast di racconto di Michele Dalai con Guido Bertolotti e Danilo Di Termini, una serie di monografie su personaggi del mondo dell'arte, dello sport e dello spettacolo, donne e uomini straordinari riletti attraverso lo specchio delle loro interpretazioni, della finzione scenica e delle loro vicende private. Racconti che lasciano spazio alle parole e alle azioni dei soggetti senza rubare loro la scena, spogliati di retorica e compiacimento perché eccezionali ed emozionanti sono già le parabole dei protagonisti. La serie completa è disponibile in esclusiva su Audible.

    Fred. Indovina chi viene a cena? Il diritto di amare - Michele Dalai

    Fred. Indovina chi viene a cena? Il diritto di amare - Michele Dalai
    "Ma voi siete due esseri perfetti, che vi siete innamorati, e che purtroppo avete una diversa pigmentazione. E adesso io credo che qualunque obiezione possa fare un bastardo sulla vostra intenzione di sposarvi, solo una cosa ci sarebbe di peggio, e cioè che voi due, sapendo quello che fate, sapendo ciò che vi aspetta, e sapendo quello che sentite, non vi sposaste. " (dal discorso finale di Matt Drayton/Spencer Tracy). Il 12 giugno 1967 la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti con una sentenza storica stabilì che le leggi "anti-miscegenation" che vietavano in 17 stati americani i matrimoni misti (tra bianchi e neri) erano anti-costituzionali. In quello stesso anno uscivano due film, "La calda notte dell'Ispettore Tibbs" e "Indovina chi viene a cena?"; nel primo un ispettore di polizia, si ritrovava a indagare su un caso di omicidio a Sparta, una piccola cittadina dello stato del Mississippi, nel profondo Sud razzista degli Stati Uniti. Nel secondo la figlia di un'agiata famiglia liberale di San Francisco si presenta dai genitori insieme a John Prentice, uno stimato medico conosciuto dieci giorni prima alle Hawaii. In entrambi i casi a interpretare quei due ruoli è l'attore afroamericano Sidney Poitier, originario delle Bahamas, ma nato per caso a Miami e quindi cittadino americano per via del diritto dello Ius Soli. Per questo "Fred" ha voluto dedicare una puntata a Poitier, ai due film, agli straordinari attori che li interpretarono, Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Rod Steiger, perché il sogno di Marthin Luther King, assassinato il giorno dopo l'uscita di "Indovina chi viene a cena? " nelle sale italiane, è ancora lontano dall'essersi realizzato. "Fred" è un podcast di racconto di Michele Dalai con Guido Bertolotti e Danilo Di Termini, una serie di monografie su personaggi del mondo dell'arte, dello sport e dello spettacolo, donne e uomini straordinari riletti attraverso lo specchio delle loro interpretazioni, della finzione scenica e delle loro vicende private. Racconti che lasciano spazio alle parole e alle azioni dei soggetti senza rubare loro la scena, spogliati di retorica e compiacimento perché eccezionali ed emozionanti sono già le parabole dei protagonisti. La serie completa è disponibile in esclusiva su Audible.

    Fred. Pride, la storia di Gareth Thomas - Michele Dalai

    Fred. Pride, la storia di Gareth Thomas - Michele Dalai
    "I am Welsh before i am anything else", Gareth Thomas. Per provare a conoscere il Galles bisognerebbe avere la fortuna di andare a Cardiff per un incontro della nazionale di rugby. Perché il rugby non è solo lo sport nazionale, ma riveste nella società gallese un ruolo fondamentale, grazie alle sue antichissime origini e al profondo radicamento nella società di questo paese. Nonostante ciò, nello scorso novembre, una delle leggende di questo sport, l'ex capitano della Nazionale Gareth Thomas, ha subito un'aggressione omofoba nelle strade della sua Cardiff. Lui che nel 2009, all'epoca del suo coming out, aveva ottenuto una standing ovation all'annuncio del suo nome nello stadio di Tolosa, dove allora giocava, e numerosissimi messaggi di atleti che lo ringraziavano per il suo coraggio e la sua determinazione. Oltre che una pacca sulle spalle da parte dei suoi compagni di Nazionale. Per questo "Fred" ha voluto dedicargli una puntata, per raccontare una straordinaria storia di sport e un'ordinaria storia di vita, per ricordare che come diceva Adorno "una società emancipata è la realizzazione dell'universale nella conciliazione delle differenze… concepire uno stato di cose migliore come quello in cui si potrà essere diversi senza paura".
    "Fred" è un podcast di racconto di Michele Dalai con Guido Bertolotti e Danilo Di Termini, una serie di monografie su personaggi del mondo dell'arte, dello sport e dello spettacolo, donne e uomini straordinari riletti attraverso lo specchio delle loro interpretazioni, della finzione scenica e delle loro vicende private. Racconti che lasciano spazio alle parole e alle azioni dei soggetti senza rubare loro la scena, spogliati di retorica e compiacimento perché eccezionali ed emozionanti sono già le parabole dei protagonisti. La serie completa è disponibile in esclusiva su Audible.

    Fred. Kobe Bryant, Black Mamba - Michele Dalai

    Fred. Kobe Bryant, Black Mamba - Michele Dalai
    "Va bene lo ammetto, sono un tifoso dei Celtics". Con questa confessione di Michele Dalai comincia la puntata di "Fred" dedicata a Kobe Bryant, uno dei più forti giocatori di basket di sempre. Una storia che inizia con l'adolescenza di un ragazzo trascorsa in Italia, al seguito di un padre, anche lui fortissimo giocatore ma non altrettanto determinato (e determinante); il ritorno negli USA, l'High School, il passaggio all'NBA senza transitare dal College, i successi con i Los Angeles Lakers con tre titoli consecutivi, dal 2000 al 2002. Nel 2003 la drammatica denuncia per aver tentato di compiere violenza nei confronti di una cameriera di un hotel del Colorado che, se termina con il ritiro delle accuse (anche se i legali della ragazza proseguono la causa civile), produce pesanti conseguenze sulla vita di Kobe, dall'abbandono di molti sponsor all'accentuazione dei difficili rapporti con il suo compagno di squadra Shaquille O'Neal. Nonostante un infortunio al ginocchio Bryant ritorna ai vertici continuando a entusiasmare, a disintegrare record su record, fino al suo ultimo match il 13 aprile 2016, quando segna sessanta punti contro gli Utah Jazz. Per annunciare il suo ritiro, il 29 novembre 2015, scrive una commovente lettera di addio al basket che tre anni dopo diventerà un cortometraggio animato per il quale vincerà l'Oscar nella sua categoria. A dimostrazione che Kobe Bryant è stato una meraviglia irripetibile, un giocatore colossale, un innovatore del suo sport, un pioniere. Per questo "Fred" gli ha voluto dedicare una puntata, per testimoniare la sua grandezza e per non dimenticare che questi sono stati senza dubbio gli anni di Kobe Bryant, prima della sua tragica scomparsa. "Fred" è un podcast di racconto di Michele Dalai con Guido Bertolotti e Danilo Di Termini, una serie di monografie su personaggi del mondo dell’arte, dello sport e dello spettacolo, donne e uomini straordinari riletti attraverso lo specchio delle loro interpretazioni, della finzione scenica e delle loro vicende private. Racconti che lasciano spazio alle parole e alle azioni dei soggetti senza rubare loro la scena, spogliati di retorica e compiacimento perché eccezionali ed emozionanti sono già le parabole dei protagonisti. La serie completa è disponibile in esclusiva su Audible.

    Episode 61 - Happiness 101

    Episode 61 - Happiness 101

    How can we be truly happy? We may wonder if it’s even possible. Buddhism is a more scientific study of the mind and offers a path to happiness. As we study the chapter called Happiness in the Dhammapada, we look specifically at how to be happy and uproot what causes us misery in our lives. Thus, there is a two-fold solution: address what causes us unhappiness and create the causes of future happiness. This episode explores both and offers a mindfulness practice to lift the mind up and create the causes of future happiness. 


    It’s easy to be happy when things are going well. The magic happens when discover how to be peaceful and happy when things aren’t going the way we would have liked. It takes a switch of the mind in the moment. It takes turning our attention from what’s wrong…...to all the things that are right. As humans, there are so many things going right for us. If we are able to train our mind to pay attention to the positive rather than the negative, we can live a bright new world. 


    Secondly, to create the causes of future happiness we can train our mind to be in the present moment and to cherish others. The mind of cherishing others, will lead us all the way to enlightenment. The Buddha pointed to the power of cherishing others when he spoke of the Bodhisattva, a person who has dedicated their life to waking up for the benefit of all living beings—out of compassion. As inspiration for our mindfulness practice this week, also our Bodhisattva practice, we ask ourselves The Three Questions from Leo Tolstoy’s short story. The Emperor's three questions to the wise hermit were:


    When is the best time to start something?

    Who are the most important people?

    What is the most important thing to do?


    The answers and our mindfulness practice:


    The time to start is now. 

    The most important person is the one you are with. 

    The most important thing to do is to cherish this person— to do them good.


    Ah, so happily we live, 

    Without misery among those in misery. 

    Among people in misery

    We live without misery. (198)


    —Buddha, The Dhammapada


    References and Links


    Brahm, A. [Buddhist Society of Western Australia].(2009, June). On Patience [Youtube video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Gl0Lyxi8nbQ


    Buddha. The Dhammapada: The Buddha’s Path of Wisdom. Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita. Buddhist Publication Society Kandy, 1985. pp. 53.


    Tolstoy, L. The Three Questions. [web PDF] Friends Acedemy. Retrieved from 



    Je Tsongkhapa. Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, by Je Tsongkhapa, Volume 2. Translated by the Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee. Joshua Cutler, Editor-in-Chief, and Guy Newlan, Editor, pp 161-164.

    Ep. 8 | Lei'Ohu Ryder - Living Spirit of Aloha

    Ep. 8 | Lei'Ohu Ryder - Living Spirit of Aloha

    From her first words, Lei’Ohu Ryder will wrap you in the embrace of her loving presence. She embodies the deep wisdom of a grandmother and the joy of a giggling child. To listen to her teachings and hear her enchanting stories is to receive the infinite blessings of unconditional Love- the living spirit of Aloha. You’ve never heard anything quite like this… mystical tales of ancient scrolls, the grace of divine beings, and the infectious laughter of those living solely by laws of their heart.