
    dean koontz

    Explore "dean koontz" with insightful episodes like "#189 Los hilos rojos del destino: sincronicidad y serendipia", "FrontispizExtra (30) - Heißer Sommer", "The Sadness and Odd Thomas", "The Stylist and Demon Seed" and "Choose or Die and Phantoms" from podcasts like ""kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago", "Frontispiz - Der Literaturpodcast", "Night of the Living Podcast: Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Film Discussion", "Night of the Living Podcast: Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Film Discussion" and "Night of the Living Podcast: Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Film Discussion"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    #189 Los hilos rojos del destino: sincronicidad y serendipia

    #189 Los hilos rojos del destino: sincronicidad y serendipia

    (NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/189-los-hilos-rojos-del-destino-i-sincronicidad-y-serendipia/)

    En 1914 una madre alemana fotografió a su bebé y llevó la placa a revelar a una tienda de Estrasburgo pocos días antes de que estallara la Primera Guerra Mundial. Por esa desagradable manía que tienen las guerras de interrumpir la vida de las personas, le fue imposible recoger la fotografía.

    Dos años después esa misma mujer compró otra placa en Munich para fotografiar a su otra hija, recién nacida. Esta sí pudo revelarla y al hacerlo se encontró una sorpresa: había una doble exposición. Es decir, aquella placa ya se había usado antes, por lo que había dos fotografías superpuestas. Una, la de su hija recién nacida. Y la otra, aquella foto que ella misma tomó dos años antes a su bebé. Por alguna casualidad cósmica, esa placa nunca llegó a revelarse, viajó los 165 kilómetros que separaban Estrasburgo de Munich y acabó siendo vendida, como si fuera nueva, a la misma mujer. 

    Ésta y otras historias de casualidades increíbles fueron recopiladas por el escritor Wilhelm von Scholz en un libro cuyo título en alemán bien podría provocarme un esguince de lengua así que lo diré en castellano: «Casualidad y destino. Miradas tras el telón de la vida»

    Según tengo entendido, porque te confesaré que no lo he leído, en él dice algo así como que esas casualidades hacen que la vida parezca «El sueño de una conciencia mayor y más completa, que es incognoscible». Cómo odio esa palabra y la de veces que ha salido esta temporada.

    Carl Jung, uno de los pioneros de la psicología, en general, y del psicoanálisis en particular —y dejaremos que cada cual considere si eso es bueno o malo— sentía fascinación por esas casualidades tan extraordinarias que parece imposible que sean simples coincidencias. Y de hecho las estudió a fondo, mientras profundizaba en su idea del inconsciente colectivo, algo así como las estructuras inconscientes que compartimos todos. Según él, nuestro inconsciente colectivo está poblado de instintos y arquetipos, de ideas universales que llevamos preinstaladas. Por ejemplo, las figuras paterna y materna, con un montón de atributos asociados. 

    Bueno, pues mientras pensaba en estas cosas, Jung dijo haberse encontrado con sorprendentes conexiones que la racionalidad científica no era capaz de explicar. En sus propias palabras: 

    «Lo que encontré fueron “coincidencias” que estaban conectadas de manera tan significativa que su concurrencia “casual” representaría tal grado de improbabilidad que tendría que expresarse (estadísticamente) mediante una cifra astronómica» - Jung

    Olé. Y se quedó tan ancho.

    Jung hizo buenas migas con Wolfgang Pauli, un físico brillante, que desde muy joven llamó la atención de Einstein y que acabaría recibiendo el Premio Nobel en 1945 y siendo considerado uno de los padres de la mecánica cuántica. 

    Aquella amistad fue cuanto menos peculiar. Pauli llegó a Jung como paciente, en un momento especialmente turbulento de su vida. Su madre se había suicidado, tras descubrir que su padre le había sido infiel. Y al poco tiempo, éste se casó  con una mujer mucho más joven, de la edad del propio Pauli, que no llegaba aún a los 30. En paralelo, el matrimonio de Pauli con una cabaretera a la que había propuesto casarse al poco de conocerse, y mientras ella salía con un químico, tampoco iba muy bien. Más que nada, porque, pese a aceptar, ella siguió mucho más interesada en el químico que en él. No duraron ni un año casados y Pauli acabó dándose al alcohol y al tabaco compulsivamente. Hasta que su padre le convenció de que contactara con Jung. 

    Durante años, primero con otra terapeuta y después con el propio Jung, Pauli registró sus sueños, algo que estaba muy de moda. Al parecer, tenía una enorme capacidad para recordarlos y llegó a escribir más de 1.000. Pauli tenía todo tipo de sueños a los que trataba de dar significado con la ayuda de Jung, mientras que éste iba poco a poco derivando hacia ideas cada vez más esotéricas apoyándose sobre sus interpretaciones de las teorías físicas del propio Pauli.

    Por ejemplo, en una ocasión, Pauli escribió a Jung contándole un sueño que había tenido sobre un congreso de física con muchos participantes. El sueño estaba repleto de imágenes que simbolizaban cómo la polarización separa las cargas positivas y negativas generando dos opuestos, como en los dipolos eléctricos. Jung respondió que aquel simbolismo representaba «la relación complementario de un sistema autorregulado de un hombre y una mujer». Claro que sí. 

    Otro de los sueños de Pauli incluía un símbolo ancestral llamado Uróboros: una serpiente o un dragón que se muerde su propia cola formando un círculo. Es un símbolo que ha aparecido en multitud de culturas a lo largo de los siglos y que, generalmente se ha asociado a una especie de ciclo eterno de las cosas y también al esfuerzo o las luchas eternas e inútiles por intentar evitar aquello que se repite una y otra vez. 

    Es un símbolo muy asociado a la alquimia, también, donde representa la unidad de todas las cosas, materiales y espirituales, que nunca desaparecen, sino que cambian en un ciclo eterno de destrucción y nueva creación. Todo muy normal, como ves. El caso es que Pauli permitió a Jung que usara estos y muchos otros de sus sueños en sus conferencias y en un libro con un título prometedor: psicología y alquimia. Hoy me da que no voy a tener suficientes olés para decir. 

    Intercambiaron cartas durante veintiséis años en las que ambos demostraron estar interesados en la interacción entre la mente y la materia. Pensaban que lo físico y lo psíquico eran aspectos complementarios de una única entidad, así que la física y la psicología podían ser formas complementarias para entender la realidad. Y aunque parece que se fueron distanciando a medida que Jung se adentraba en terrenos cada vez menos científicos, de su colaboración surgió una idea que obsesionaba a ambos: la sincronicidad. 

    Decía el propio Jung que se le ocurrió este concepto un día que estaba en terapia con una paciente. Justo cuando ella le contaba un sueño en el que alguien le regalaba una joya dorada con forma de escarabajo, Jung oyó un golpe en el cristal y al asomarse vio que había sido un escarabajo de color entre verdoso y dorado. Así nació la idea de la sincronicidad, que sería la existencia de relaciones no causales entre acontecimientos simultáneos. Es decir, coincidencias increíbles conectadas entre sí de alguna manera que se nos escapa. Venga, uno más: Olé.

    ¿Te gusta kaizen? Apoya el podcast uniéndote a la Comunidad y accede a contenidos y ventajas exclusivas: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/comunidad-kaizen/

    The Sadness and Odd Thomas

    The Sadness and Odd Thomas

    More Dean Koontz. In this one we discuss Paul Gauthier's pick Odd Thomas. Kelley reviews The Sadenss for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette. 

    Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:

    • Alise Kombrinck
    • Mark Watts
    • Amanda Geletko
    • Ernest Perez
    • Blake Heath
    • Jeremy, Cassie & Gamora Burmeister
    • Jeff L
    • Iona Goodwin
    • Branan & Emily Intravia-Whitehead
    • Bill Chandler
    • Blayne Turner
    • Monica Martinson
    • Paul Gauthier
    • Brian Krause
    • Alyssa Boehm
    • Dave Siebert
    • Carla Gibson
    • Dustin & Ace Chisam
    • Lynn Walsh
    • Joe Juvland
    • Mike Burns

    Additional financial contributions by Amy & Freddy Morris

    “Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.

    Night of the Living Podcast’s chief contributors are: 

    • Andy Hung
    • Kelley Kombrinck 
    • Amy Morris
    • Freddy Morris

    The podcast is produced and engineered by Amy & Freddy Morris. 

    Night of the Living Podcast Social Media:     





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    The Stylist and Demon Seed

    The Stylist and Demon Seed

    More Dean Koontz. In this one we discuss Demon Seed. Amy reviews The Stylist for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette. 

    Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:


    • Alise Kombrinck
    • Mark Watts
    • Amanda Geletko
    • Ernest Perez
    • Blake Heath
    • Jeremy, Cassie & Gamora Burmeister
    • Jeff L
    • Iona Goodwin
    • Branan & Emily Intravia-Whitehead
    • Bill Chandler
    • Blayne Turner
    • Monica Martinson
    • Paul Gauthier
    • Brian Krause
    • Alyssa Boehm
    • Dave Siebert
    • Carla Gibson
    • Dustin & Ace Chisam
    • Lynn Walsh
    • Joe Juvland
    • Mike Burns

    Additional financial contributions by Amy & Freddy Morris

    “Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.

    Night of the Living Podcast’s chief contributors are: 

    • Andy Hung
    • Kelley Kombrinck 
    • Amy Morris
    • Freddy Morris

    The podcast is produced and engineered by Amy & Freddy Morris. 

    Night of the Living Podcast Social Media:     





    Connect with other listeners in the Facebook Group or on Reddit:



    Choose or Die and Phantoms

    Choose or Die and Phantoms

    You asked for it. This next series is devoted to Dean Koontz. Up first is Phantoms (1998). Andy reviews Choose or Die for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette. 

    Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:

    • Alise Kombrinck
    • Mark Watts
    • Amanda Geletko
    • Ernest Perez
    • Blake Heath
    • Jeremy, Cassie & Gamora Burmeister
    • Jeff L
    • Iona Goodwin
    • Branan & Emily Intravia-Whitehead
    • Bill Chandler
    • Blayne Turner
    • Monica Martinson
    • Paul Gauthier
    • Brian Krause
    • Alyssa Boehm
    • Dave Siebert
    • Carla Gibson
    • Dustin & Ace Chisam
    • Lynn Walsh
    • Joe Juvland
    • Mike Burns

    Additional financial contributions by Amy & Freddy Morris

    “Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.

    Night of the Living Podcast’s chief contributors are: 

    • Andy Hung
    • Kelley Kombrinck 
    • Amy Morris
    • Freddy Morris

    The podcast is produced and engineered by Amy & Freddy Morris. 

    Night of the Living Podcast Social Media:     





    Connect with other listeners in the Facebook Group or on Reddit:



    Interview with Dean Koontz

    Interview with Dean Koontz
    He's back! The Master of Suspense / Thriller / Horror, well just about anything he puts on paper, Dean Koontz, is here talking to us about his latest book "The Other Emily." When he was a senior in college, Dean Koontz won an Atlantic Monthly fiction competition and has been writing ever since. His books are published in 38 languages and he has sold over 500 million copies to date. Fourteen of his novels have risen to number one on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list (One Door Away From Heaven, From the Corner of His Eye, Midnight, Cold Fire, The Bad Place, Hideaway, Dragon Tears, Intensity, Sole Survivor, The Husband, Odd Hours, Relentless, What the Night Knows, and 77 Shadow Street), making him one of only a dozen writers ever to have achieved that milestone. Sixteen of his books have risen to the number one position in paperback. His books have also been major bestsellers in countries as diverse as Japan and Sweden. The New York Times has called his writing “psychologically complex, masterly and satisfying.” The New Orleans Times-Picayune said Koontz is, “at times lyrical without ever being naive or romantic. [He creates] a grotesque world, much like that of Flannery O’Conner or Walker Percy … scary, worthwhile reading.” Rolling Stone has hailed him as “America’s most popular suspense novelist.” "The Other Emily": Number one New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz takes readers on a twisting journey of lost love, impossible second chances, and terrifying promises. A decade ago, Emily Carlino vanished after her car broke down on a California highway. She was presumed to be one of serial killer Ronny Lee Jessup’s victims whose remains were never found. Writer David Thorne still hasn’t recovered from losing the love of his life, or from the guilt of not being there to save her. Since then, he’s sought closure any way he can. He even visits regularly with Jessup in prison, desperate for answers about Emily’s final hours so he may finally lay her body to rest. Then David meets Maddison Sutton, beguiling, playful, and keenly aware of all David has lost. But what really takes his breath away is that everything about Maddison, down to her kisses, is just like Emily. As the fantastic becomes credible, David’s obsession grows, Maddison’s mysterious past deepens?and terror escalates. Is she Emily? Or an irresistible dead ringer? Either way, the ultimate question is the same: What game is she playing? Whatever the risk in finding out, David’s willing to take it for this precious second chance. It’s been ten years since he’s felt this inspired, this hopeful, this much in love…and he’s afraid.

    Frontispiz Adventskalender 2020 - 12. Dezember

    Frontispiz Adventskalender 2020 - 12. Dezember
    Es ist wieder soweit, Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und wir wollen euch die Zeit des Wartens mit ein paar kleineren Podcast Episoden verkürzen. Was wir uns dieses Jahr ausgedacht haben, das erfahrt ihr in Folge Nummero 1 (1.12.20). Viel Vergnügen, euch allen eine schöne Zeit und bleibt vor allem gesund! ________________________ Social Media Kanäle von Frontispiz: Podigee: https://frontispiz.podigee.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Frontispizpcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frontispizpodcast/?hl=de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfpydcd6jW9CNdWChFeocBg _______________________________________ Titelmusik von: E's Jammy Jams

    Beyond The Cover with #1 NYT Bestselling Author Harlan Coben

    Beyond The Cover with #1 NYT Bestselling Author Harlan Coben
    Get ready for a great interview with #1 NYT Bestselling author Harlan Coben, as he talks his latest book "The Boy from the Woods." A man with a mysterious past must find a missing teenage girl in this shocking thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Run Away. Thirty years ago, Wilde was found as a boy living feral in the woods, with no memory of his past. Now an adult, he still doesn't know where he comes from, and another child has gone missing. No one seems to take Naomi Pine's disappearance seriously, not even her father-with one exception. Hester Crimstein, a television criminal attorney, knows through her grandson that Naomi was relentlessly bullied at school. Hester asks Wilde-with whom she shares a tragic connection-to use his unique skills to help find Naomi. Wilde can't ignore an outcast in trouble, but in order to find Naomi he must venture back into the community where he has never fit in, a place where the powerful are protected even when they harbor secrets that could destroy the lives of millions . . . secrets that Wilde must uncover before it's too late.

    Beyond The Cover with special guest NYT Bestselling Author Joseph Finder

    Beyond The Cover with special guest NYT Bestselling Author Joseph Finder
    Bestselling Author Joseph Finder joins us to talk about his latest book "HOUSE ON FIRE." "HOUSE ON FIRE": In New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder's new thriller, private investigator Nick Heller is hired to infiltrate a powerful family whose wealth and reputation hide something far more sinister. Nick Heller, private spy, exposes secrets that powerful people would rather keep hidden. At the funeral of his good friend Sean, an army buddy who once saved Nick's life and had struggled with opioid addiction since returning wounded from war, a stranger approaches Nick with a job. The woman is a member of the Kimball family, whose immense fortune was built on opiates. Now she wants to become a whistleblower, exposing evidence that Kimball Pharmaceutical knew its biggest money-maker drug, Oxydone, was dangerously addictive and led directly to the overdoses and deaths of people like Sean. Nick agrees instantly, eager to avenge Sean's death, but he quickly finds himself entangled in the complicated family dynamics of the Kimball dynasty. The other Kimball siblings view Nick as the enemy, and at least one will do anything to keep him from exposing the patriarch's guilt. And Nick discovers he is not the only private investigator employed by a Kimball scion. His old lover Maggie has also been hired, reuniting the two after a conflict when they both worked at the Pentagon years ago. Nick and Maggie soon realize the sins of the Kimball patriarch are just the beginning. Beneath the surface are the barely concealed cabals and conspiracies: a twisting story of family intrigue and lethal corporate machinations. Series Overview Nick Heller likes nothing more than being underestimated by an opponent. He’s self-deprecating, irreverent, a man who can’t stand pretense. Or bullies. He really doesn’t like being lied to — and no one’s more loyal. After serving in the Special Forces in undisclosed locations, doing things he’s not allowed to talk about, he became a “private spy.” Now he’s got his own boutique international investigation firm in his hometown of Boston. And as some very bad people are about to learn, he never, ever gives up.

    Beyond The Cover with special guest #1 NYT Bestselling author Dean Koontz

    Beyond The Cover with special guest #1 NYT Bestselling author Dean Koontz
    What more can you say about Dean Koontz? He's one of the most prolific writers ever, and one of the most popular writers of the 20th and 21st Century. Dean has done almost everything a writer can do, but late in his career he decided it was time to do something different. Signing with Amazon for a novella series, that includes six stories that all roll together called "Nameless". Amazon Prime members will get the books for FREE! Yep, you heard that right, FREE for Prime Members. We were lucky enough to be invited to Dean's house and have a great three hour conversation with him. You will hear the the hour long interview we had with Dean, sitting in his office. The "Nameless" series consists of these six books: IN THE HEART OF THE FIRE, PHOTOGRAPHING THE DEAD, THE PRAYING MANTIS BRIDE, RED RAIN, THE MERCY OF SNAKES and MEMORIES OF TOMORROW.

    Beyond The Cover with special guest #1 NYT Bestselling author Robin Cook

    Beyond The Cover with special guest #1 NYT Bestselling author Robin Cook
    What can you really say about the man that pretty much invented the medical thriller genre with "Coma?" Well you might be surprised. We had a great interview with Robin talking about his latest book "Genesis." You won't want to miss this one! "Genesis": New York Times-bestselling author Robin Cook takes on the ripped-from-the-headlines topic of harnessing DNA from ancestry websites to catch a killer in this timely and explosive new medical thriller. When the body of twenty-eight-year-old social worker Kera Jacobsen shows up on Chief New York City Medical Examiner Laurie Montgomery's autopsy table, at first it appears she was the victim of a tragic yet routine drug overdose. But for Laurie and her new pathology resident, the brilliant but enigmatic Dr. Aria Nichols, little things aren't adding up. Kera's family and friends swear she never touched drugs. Administrators from the hospital where Kera worked are insisting the case be shrouded in silence. And although Kera was ten weeks pregnant, nobody seems to know who the father was--or whether he holds the key to Kera's final moments alive. As a medical emergency temporarily sidelines Laurie, impulsive Aria turns to a controversial new technique: using genealogic DNA databases to track down those who don't want to be found. Working with experts at a start-up ancestry website, she plans to trace the fetus's DNA back to likely male relatives in the hopes of identifying the mystery father. But when Kera's closest friend and fellow social worker is murdered, the need for answers becomes even more urgent. Because someone out there clearly doesn't want Kera's secrets to come to light . . . and if Aria gets any closer to the truth, she and Laurie might find themselves a killer's next targets.

    Beyond the Cover with very special guest Dean Koontz

    Beyond the Cover with very special guest Dean Koontz
    What more can you say but Dean Koontz. It's our pleasure to be able to speak with him live on the air. "The Silent Corner" : A dazzling new series, a pure adrenaline rush, debuts with Jane Hawk, a remarkable heroine certain to become an icon of suspense "I very much need to be dead." These are the chilling words left behind by a man who had everything to live for—but took his own life. In the aftermath, his widow, Jane Hawk, does what all her grief, fear, and fury demand: find the truth, no matter what. People of talent and accomplishment, people admired and happy and sound of mind, have been committing suicide in surprising numbers. When Jane seeks to learn why, she becomes the most-wanted fugitive in America. Her powerful enemies are protecting a secret so important—so terrifying—that they will exterminate anyone in their way. But all their power and viciousness may not be enough to stop a woman as clever as they are cold-blooded, as relentless as they are ruthless—and who is driven by a righteous rage they can never comprehend. Because it is born of love. Look for a special preview of Dean Koontz's next Jane Hawk novel, The Whispering Room, in the back of the book.