

    Explore " depopulation" with insightful episodes like "Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan & Mike Adams ~ Why the "virus" pandemic is a FARCE", "Episode 49: Nick Yaya", "Episode 37: Chris Hoover", "Episode 26: Jason Lefkowitz" and "Episode 22: Nick Yaya" from podcasts like ""So Ready For Health's Podcast", "The Free America Podcast", "The Free America Podcast", "The Free America Podcast" and "The Free America Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (31)

    Episode 49: Nick Yaya

    Episode 49: Nick Yaya

    Nick Yaya





    The Free America Podcast:

    Website - https://www.freeamericapodcast.com/
    Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XUMguOqsBvbm/
    Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/FreeAmericaPodcast

    Alternate Social Media:

    Gab - https://gab.com/FreeAmericaPodcast
    Mewe - https://mewe.com/i/freeamerica2

    Action Items:

    Agenda 21 - https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

    Agenda 2030 - https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030%20Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf

    Codex Alimentarius - http://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/en/

    Court Rules Facebook Liable for Sex Trafficking - https://report.drudgenow.com/article/?u=https://www.mediaite.com/online/court-rules-facebook-can-be-liable-for-sex-trafficking-on-its-platform-section-230-does-not-create-a-lawless-no-mans-land/&n=0&s=2&c=1&pn=Anonymous

    Sydney Locks Down as Variant Spreads - https://report.drudgenow.com/article/?u=https://www.wsj.com/articles/sydney-locks-down-as-delta-covid-19-variant-spreads-11624611785&n=0&s=2&c=1&pn=Anonymous

    Emails Show Biden Team Pressured Facebook to Censor Trump - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/newly-uncovered-emails-show-top-biden-officials-demanding-facebook-censor-opponent-president-trump-election/

    Family of Vaccinated Woman Blame Unvaccinated for Her Death - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/fully-vaccinated-woman-dies-covid-19-rare-breakthrough-case-family-blames-unvaccinated-person-death/

    Indian BAR Sues WHO for Lying About Ivermectin - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/indian-bar-association-sues-lying-ivermectin-killing-indians-will-fauci-cdc-next/

    CDC Pushes Jab After Study Finds it Increases Heart Ailments 200-Fold - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/not-making-headlines-cdc-officials-admit-hospitalizations-young-people-vaccine-actual-covid-virus-including-huge-number-heart-problems-reported/

    Five Ways They are Trying to Trick You to Take the Jab - https://off-guardian.org/2021/03/04/5-ways-theyre-trying-to-trick-you-into-taking-the-covid-vaccine/

    Episode 37: Chris Hoover

    Episode 37: Chris Hoover

    Rage Against the Vaccine


    Twitter - @ChrisXHoover

    Instagram - @RageNow19

    Crypto-investing - www.cjh.UnitedInvestorsGroup.com


    Free America Podcast

    Website - https://www.freeamericapodcast.com/

    Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XUMguOqsBvbm/

    Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/FreeAmericaPodcast


    Alternate Social Media

    Gab - https://gab.com/FreeAmericaPodcast

    MeWe - https://mewe.com/i/freeamerica2


    Action Items

    Former Pfizer VP Says Vaccine Will Be Used for Massive Depopulation - https://alethonews.com/2021/03/31/former-pfizer-vp-entirely-possible-this-will-be-used-for-massive-scale-depopulation/

    Former FDA Chief Says Social Distancing Not Based on Science - https://www.theepochtimes.com/former-fda-commissioner-says-social-distancing-mandate-wasnt-based-on-clear-science_3742844.html

    Perpetual Vaccines Needed to Fight Covid - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/30/new-covid-vaccines-needed-within-year-say-scientists

    WHO Says Virus 'likely' Jumped From Animals to Humans - https://report.drudgenow.com/article/?u=https://apnews.com/article/animals-coronavirus-pandemic-bats-united-nations-china-8a839c179c330c56fa46a763b7286a7f&n=0&s=2&c=1&pn=Anonymous

    Masks Need to be Worn By Vaccinated People to Allay Fears of Unvaccinated - https://report.drudgenow.com/article/?u=https://www.wsj.com/articles/dr-fauci-tear-off-these-masks-11617387381&n=0&s=2&c=1&pn=Anonymous

    Episode 26: Jason Lefkowitz

    Episode 26: Jason Lefkowitz

    Jason Lefkowitz:

    Instagram - @jasonlefkowitzfunny

    Telegram - @IHowl



    Alternate Channels:

    Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XUMguOqsBvbm/

    Rumble - https://rumble.com/search/video?q=freeamericapodcast&sort=date

    Action Items:

    Document with links to studies, articles and videos re: COVID-19, masks, vaccines, and more - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ic0xv8fzY31BEjhbufL4vEc1V-7PcRiBPU1Erh7mMO0/edit?ts=5ff926e1

    BLM Activist, John Sullivan in the US Capitol - 


    John Sullivan Threatens POTUS - 


    James Sullivan Claims 266 Antifa Members Started Riots - 


    Antifa Wearing Trump Paraphernalia - 


    Antifa at the Capitol Breaking Windows (video 1) - 


    Antifa at the Capitol Breaking Windows (video 2) - 


    Antifa at the Capitol Breaking Windows (video 3) - 


    Screenshots From John Sullivan's Discord - 


    Episode 22: Nick Yaya

    Episode 22: Nick Yaya

    Website: www.freeamericapodcast.com 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmdL_EBGTWQOr8_UvQ5Wtw 

    Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XUMguOqsBvbm/ 

    https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Overdose-deaths-far-outpace-COVID-19-deaths-in-15816356.php https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/530963-federal-agency-says-employers-can-require-workers-to-get-covid-19-vaccine 



    Four Pfizer Volunteers Develop Bell's Palsy: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eo9UacwXIAU-UDF.jpg https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/world/australia/uq-coronavirus-vaccine-false-positive.html 

    Head of Pfizer Research: COVID Vaccines is Female Sterilization: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eo0d5odWMAY4zio.jpg 

    Wodarg/Yeadon EMA Petition Pfizer Trial: https://www.scribd.com/document/487083552/Wodarg-Yeadon-EMA-Petition-Pfizer-Trial-FINAL-01DEC2020-en-Unsigned-With-Exhibits#from_embed 

    Could COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Autoimmune Diseases? https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4347/rr-6 

    Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment: https://infowars.fandom.com/wiki/Ecoscience:_Population,_Resources,_Environment 


    Study on Infectivity of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Carriers: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32513410/ 


    Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Screening in Nearly Ten Million Residents of Wuhan, China: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w 

    Primary Doctor Medical Journal: https://pdmj.org/ 

    Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: https://pdmj.org/Mask_Risks_Part4.pdf 

    Masks, False Safety and Real Dangers: https://pdmj.org/pdmj-masks-4-covid-risk.pdf 

    Molnupiravir: The Drug That May 'Completely' Stop the Spread of Coronavirus In 24 Hours: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/361060 

    COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines; Ivermectin: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/antiviral-therapy/ivermectin/ 

    Therapeutics; Quercitin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quercetin 

    STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Tens of Thousands of Lives in the US from Coronavirus: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/stunning-proof-hcq-saved-tens-thousands-lives-us-coronavirus-land-dr-fauci-prison/ 

    West Texas Doctor Says Asthma Drug Is 'Silver Bullet' for COVID-19: https://www.newsmax.com/us/steroid-covid-19-asthma-budesonide/2020/07/06/id/975952/ 

    FDA Authorizes Regeneron's COVID Treatment, Taken by Trump, for Emergency Use: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/21/covid-treatment-fda-authorizes-regeneron-drug-used-by-trump.html 

    Doctors for Truth: Tens of Thousands of Medical Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny: https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/10/18/doctors-for-truth-tens-of-thousands-medical-professionals-suing-and-calling-for-end-to-covid-tyranny/ 

    Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' Have Used COVID to Advance 'Evil Agenda': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOCyqWsVkr0&feature 

    Gavin Newsom's Health Secretary Admits the Truth About Outdoor Dining Ban: https://rumble.com/vbvvt3-gavin-newsoms-health-secretary-admits-the-truth-about-outdoor-dining-ban.html?mref=22lbp&mc=56yab 

    Nurse Loses Consciousness After COVID Vaccination Shot: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CI7EMVig7c-/?igshid=1xyzd9xkpmnqx 

    Del Bigtree: Vaccines Will be Mandatory! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNhyJqxOyks&feature=emb_logo&t=0s 

    German Doctor Reveals Four Problems with mRNA Vaccine: https://twitter.com/RoofKorean7/status/1340218705075077120 

    Hospital Accused of Faking Nurse's COVID Vaccine on TV After Viewers Claim Syringe Didn't Move: https://www.the-sun.com/news/1984002/hospital-accused-faking-nurse-coronavirus-vaccine-injection-tv/ 

    Dr. Pierre Kory Begs Congress and NIH to Consider Ivermectin as a Therapeutic for COVID: https://twitter.com/SenRonJohnson/status/1336441386128826374?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1336652620308619265%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthreadreaderapp.com%2Fthread%2F1327440288961466368%3Frefresh%3D1607863277

    Episode 21: Tony Moon

    Episode 21: Tony Moon

    Action Links: 

    Tony Moon - https://twitter.com/RoofKorean7 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/world/australia/uq-coronavirus-vaccine-false-positive.html 






    Roundup with Leah Douglas, FERN

    Roundup with Leah Douglas, FERN

    Leah Douglas updates her map of COVID-19 in food workers, and discusses the lack of oversight on "depopulation" and its impacts on the environment.

    In March, HRN began producing all of our 35 weekly shows from our homes all around the country. It was hard work stepping away from our little recording studio, but we know that you rely on HRN to share resources and important stories from the world of food each week. It’s been a tough year for all of us, but right now HRN is asking for your help. Every dollar that listeners give to HRN provides essential support to keep our mics on. We've got some fresh new thank you gifts available, like our limited edition bandanas.

    Keep What Doesn't Kill You on the air: become an HRN Member today! Go to heritageradionetwork.org/donate

    What Doesn't Kill You is powered by Simplecast.

    Let's talk the real Facts about what we DON'T know about COVID 19 with David Crowe

    Let's talk the real Facts about what we DON'T know about COVID 19 with David Crowe

    You won't want to miss this episode. The infamous David Crowe answers all your questions about the Corona Virus such as why PCR Testing is not accurate, why masks won't work, and finally what he thinks the Corona Virus actually is!

    David Crowe has been an independent researcher of viruses and other questionable medical paradigms for over 25 years.  He is the President of Rethinking AIDS, host of "The Infectious Myth" podcast, and is currently writing a book critiquing viral paradigms for major illnesses, with the same title. He has a degree in Biology and Mathematics, as well as Italian, Spanish and Chinese. He is considered one of the most outspoken authorities on the Corona Virus Myth being told to us.  David's website is http://theinfectiousmyth.com

    Follow Us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/therealpsychicbabes
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    Book a reading, healing or past life regression at www.psychicbabes.com

    We are self-supported in order to avoid advertisers, so please like and comment if you enjoy the show!

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    5G Wireless: Depopulation of the Planet

    5G Wireless: Depopulation of the Planet
    Research shows that wireless radiation such as from cell phone can result in brain cancer (Hardell), brain changed in the brain (hippocampus) of the offspring (Kaplan Suleyman). Wi fi disrupts inter-cellular communication, opens the blood brain barrier and the intestinal lining) leading to every disease imaginable. It affects human ovaries and sperm so some predict that human reproduction will stop within a few generations. 5 G and the internet of things takes this one step further with very low frequencies that disrupts many bodily functions. The US military has been researching this for years and has developed uses for crowd control (active denial) and transmitting frequencies to any targeted individual to create any desired disease. It also can be used for surveillance. Ms Pu sees this as a race between those of us who wish to preserve the human race vs those who want to make a quick profit before they are inundated with law suits as happened with the tobacco industry.

    3086 Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel | Alex Epstein and Stefan Molyneux

    3086 Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel | Alex Epstein and Stefan Molyneux
    You’ve heard that our addiction to fossil fuels is destroying our planet and our lives. Yet by many measures, human well-being has been getting better and better. Alex Epstein (author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels) explains why humanity’s use of fossil fuels is actually a healthy, moral choice.

    Alex Epstein is the President and Founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, the author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels and an expert on energy and industrial policy. Center for Industrial Progress is a for-profit think-tank seeking to bring about a new industrial revolution. For more from Alex and CIP, please check out: industrialprogress.com and alexepstein.com

    To purchase The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels and get source notes, go to: moralcaseforfossilfuels.com or http://www.fdrurl.com/alex-epstein

    Episode 087 - The UN Doesn't Love You

    Episode 087 - The UN Doesn't Love You
    Critics of the United Nations will attack its hypocrisy, its inefficacy or its occasional embarrasments. But what if there was something more disturbing about the UN, something that went right to the core of the organization? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we follow the exploits of the unlikely high school dropout from Manitoba who became an international player for the UN global depopulation agenda.