

    Explore "design-thinking" with insightful episodes like "Reimagining ZOOM Interviews", "Earth911 Podcast: WIlliam Ulrich on Learning from Y2K to Design the Circular Economy", "Utility 4.0 mit Oliver Deuschle (SMIGHT) – Verteilnetz-Laternen im Great Barrier Reef", "Episode 5 - American Dreaming | Cluttered" and "48: Ali Azeem - Creating A “Human First” Business: Insights, Inclusion, and Impact" from podcasts like ""ACR Journals On Air", "Earth911.com's Sustainability In Your Ear", "Utility4.0 - The future of energy", "American Dreaming | Cluttered" and "Transforming Work with Sophie Wade"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Reimagining ZOOM Interviews

    Reimagining ZOOM Interviews

    The pandemic has changed much in our world—from the way we work, to the way we shop, and even the way we learn. Rheumatology wasn’t immune from such changes and when medical institutions needed to adjust their practices to accommodate a changing world around them, the process by which fellowship interviews were conducted needed to change as well. Thus, a shift to the video communication platform Zoom was made.

    Now, as the pioneering cohorts of the new Zoom matching process graduate, we are joined by Bharat Kumar, MD, MME, FACP, RhMSUS. Dr. Kumar has been doing a lot of research on what went well, what didn’t, and what merits rethinking. Dr. Kumar is the first author of the manuscript Reimagining the Rheumatology Fellowship Interview: Using Participatory Design-Thinking Process to Create a More Applicant-Centered Experience.

    Earth911 Podcast: WIlliam Ulrich on Learning from Y2K to Design the Circular Economy

    Earth911 Podcast: WIlliam Ulrich on Learning from Y2K to Design the Circular Economy
    What do the response to climate change and the Y2K computer bug, which required hundreds of thousands of technology workers to spend several years fixing in the 1990so prevent catastrophic errors when the date turned over to Jan. 1, 2000, have in common? Both are complex problems that reach into every corner of our lives. Y2K showed humans they can overcome huge challenges using self-organizing groups that span companies, nations, and many languages. Meet William Ulrich, president of Tactical Strategy Group and cofounder and board member of the Business Architecture Guild, a global, not-for-profit association of business professionals dedicated to enabling strategy execution and business model transformation. Bill worked extensively on the Y2K solution and has developed an approach to creating sustainable, circular businesses based on his decades of work on the practice of business architecture.

    Bill wrote two papers that applybusiness architecture thinking to create circular economies in the auto industry. We talk about how those ideas can be applied to "product-as-a-service" businesses that take responsibility for the materials used to build, for example, a car or smartphone, over many generations of products. He also emphasizes the patience and transparency are necessary to help companies make adequate progress toward low- or no-carbon operations. The Climate Crisis will not be solved by silver-bullet solutions but broad transformation of our infrastructure and economy, which requires disclosure of information so that everyone, including entire supply chains and the consumers that rely on them, can learn and improve. If anything, it can help identify the unknown unknowns that can upend our progress. You can learn more about Bill https://tacticalstrategygroup.com/and his Northstar Radio Show can be heard at https://tacticalstrategygroup.com/the-north-star

    Utility 4.0 mit Oliver Deuschle (SMIGHT) – Verteilnetz-Laternen im Great Barrier Reef

    Utility 4.0 mit Oliver Deuschle (SMIGHT) – Verteilnetz-Laternen im Great Barrier Reef
    Lange war SMIGHT von der Idee begeistert, Straßenlaternen (wer hat sie früher nicht auch mal „ausgetreten“) mit IoT, Sensoren und E-Auto-Ladesteckern smarter, intelligenter, besser zu machen. Nicht so smart für die Produktentwicklung war immer wieder, dass in diesen Straßenlaternen tagsüber nur wenig und nachts gar kein Strom lief. Schade, aber wie so oft im Innovationsleben nicht umsonst. Denn heute hilft den Smighties (nennen sich so) die Erfahrungen und das Wissen aus der Laterne bei der Trafostation um die Ecke. Und das die smart wird, ist ein wesentlicher Faktor für das Gelingen der Energiewende. Die findet eben vor allem in den Verteilnetzen statt, wo die Prosumer sich ihre emissionsfreie Energiewelt aus Solar, Speicher, Wärmepumpe und Wallbox neu zusammenbauen. Damit uns dabei nicht die Verteilnetze schlapp machen, müssen Netzbetreiber genau sehen und überwachen können, wie sich unser aller Energieverhalten verändert, wo es abnormal oder gar kritisch wird. Am besten auch als Prognose in die Zukunft. All das macht SMIGHT Grid 2. Mehr über diese spannende Reise erfahrt ihr in dieser Folge mit Oliver, einem echten Vollblut-Netzer, der natürlich genau weiß, wie das Netzgeschäft da draußen funktioniert. Wir dröseln genau auseinander, wie das ganze funktioniert. Besprechen wie sie sich mit ihrer Lösung in den Netzmonteur hineingedacht haben und warum jetzt nur noch die Anreizregulierung der Bundesnetzagentur smarter werden muss, damit unsere Netze uns dabei unterstützen, aus dem fossilen Zeitalter herauszukommen.

    48: Ali Azeem - Creating A “Human First” Business: Insights, Inclusion, and Impact

    48: Ali Azeem - Creating A “Human First” Business: Insights, Inclusion, and Impact

    Ali Azeem, the Global Head of Growth at Ipsos Strategy3, has always believed in making an impact through involvement across the three professional realms--corporate, government, and charity. He shares his career journey as he has developed greater insights into human behavior—from customers and constituents to business colleagues—leading to his increasing focus on and interest in creating organizations that are “human first”.





    [02:40] Ali is raised by entrepreneurial parents.


    [03:09] Ali’s early interest in business models through video games.


    [04:37] Going through a turnaround after the credit crunch.


    [06:45] Learning the importance of communication with colleagues, especially during times of stress.


    [08:47] Ali believes in making a positive impact across three parallel streams – business, politics, and charity.


    [10:18] How Ali found being involved in politics exciting.


    [11:39] The human realities of government—good and bad.


    [15:30] Working at an innovation agency, Ali began empathizing with customers to tap into their experiences.


    [18:54] Recognizing cultural differences when exploring new ideas.


    [22:09] Ali joins Ipsos which emphasizes human insights using a design-thinking approach.


    [24:22] Discussion involving people and empathy converging into a new type of organization.


    [26:50] Initiatives that must accompany diversity efforts to demonstrate inclusive leadership.


    [30:20] The challenges measuring inclusion.


    [31:38] How business leaders can shift their mindsets to be more inclusive.


    [35:20] The importance of recognizing that employees bring very different backgrounds and cultural contexts and how to enable them to be successful.


    [39:42] Ali’s insights after analyzing data on gender pay gaps.


    [43:07] Insight 1 – The pay gap in the UK relates to mothers rather than women in general.


    [44:21] Insight 2 – Women aren’t achieving as many of the higher paid senior positions.


    [45:21] Career choices many women make in corporate roles don’t often have enough flexibility.


    [47:24] What many men thing of as “the proper life’ and the consequences.


    [49:05] How motherhood impacts women’s earning capacity.


    [50:08] New positive UK legislation regarding parental leave.


    [51:05] The mindset shift supported by the legislation.


    [53:40] Ali recommends we create more prosperity by making better machines and focusing on a people-maximizing approach.


    [55:58] Thinking about meaningful corporate purpose.


    [58:10] IMMEDIATE ACTION TIP: Start with the right mindset. The biggest unlock will come if you take ownership of making your life better, your customers’ lives better, and the lives of people impacted indirectly by your company.





    Ali Azeem on LinkedIn

    Ali Azeem on Twitter


    Game Over by David Sheff

    Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R Sunstein





    “Often companies are talking about diversity, focusing more on the diversity side, because it’s easier, it’s measurable.”


    “Hiring these [diverse] people is quite an easy job relative to the much harder thing which is to make them feel included.”


    “Let’s start building better machines.”


    “We need to evolve from what we’ve been doing before and that means moving away from this profit-maximizing approach to a people-maximizing approach.”

    Brian T. O´ Neill · Founder · Designing for Analytics // Jesus Templado · Bedrock @ LAPIPA_Studios

    Brian T. O´ Neill · Founder · Designing for Analytics // Jesus Templado · Bedrock @ LAPIPA_Studios
    Today Jesus chats with Brian, an inspiring professional who really understands the importance of Design when it comes to ideating, creating, and implementing data-fueled solutions and applications.

    Brian T. O’Neill is the founder of Designing for Analytics and a true believer in the importance of designing human-tailored data solutions. For over 20 years, he has been successful in creating innovative Advanced Analytical and AI business solutions for global leaders such as DellEMC or Tripadvisor, JP Morgan Chase amongst many others.

    Brian and Jesús explore how extraordinary value can be created when the outputs of data science and analytics are turned into engaging, valuable decision support applications and user experiences centered around the stakeholders, as humans, in the loop. The importance of generating adoption when building a data application or business solution is also discussed throughout the call.

    Brian also hosts his own podcast: Experiencing Data, where he reveals the strategies and activities that Product, Data Science, and Analytics leaders are using to deliver human-centered data products.

    Brian also authored the DFA Self-Assessment Guide, teaches a seminar called Designing Human-Centered Data Science Solutions, and publishes a weekly Insights mailing list. In 2020, Brian began advising students in MIT’s Sandbox Innovation Fund and was published in O’Reilly Media’s 97 Things About Ethics in Data Science Everyone Should Know.
    Brian is a classical and jazz musician by training, a professional drummer and percussionist in Boston.

    Listen to this episode to discover if Brian´s creative musical background has something to do with his "Design mindset" for Advanced Analytics and AI solutions.

    Lean Validation Playbook - Matteo Cavucci, Federica Pecoraro e Mattia Carletti (Avanscoperta meetup)

    Lean Validation Playbook - Matteo Cavucci, Federica Pecoraro e Mattia Carletti (Avanscoperta meetup)
    📕 Lean Validation Playbook con Federica Pecoraro, Matteo Cavucci e Mattia Carletti

    Un percorso che è iniziato durante il corso di Matteo Cavucci a Milano (novembre 2019) e che ha portato Federica, Mattia e il team di Fightbean a dar vita al Lean Validation Playbook, di cui parleremo proprio con Federica, Matteo e Mattia al nostro meetup.
    Ma di cosa si tratta?

    In qualità di designer, sviluppatori e strategist, abbiamo infinite possibilità per migliorare la vita dei nostri clienti grazie al digitale. Ma come essere sicuri che la funzionalità che abbiamo in mente sia quella giusta per il nostro pubblico? Come esplorare diverse soluzioni prima di scegliere quella da implementare?

    Grazie al Lean Validation Playbook, una raccolta di metodi per testare idee e soluzioni legate alla creazione di prodotti digitali e affronta il lato operativo che manca a molte strategie di business, scoprirai come partire con il piede giusto mettendo al centro il valore per l’utente per creare servizi realmente utili e apprezzati.

    Ne parliamo con Federica Pecoraro (Founder e UX Lead @ Fightbean), Matteo Cavucci (Consulente per lo sviluppo del prodotto digitale e trainer @ Avanscoperta) e Mattia Carletti (Design Lead @ Fightbean), che fanno parte del team Lean Validation Playbook insieme a Franceska Dalsaso (UX Designer @ Fightbean) e Christian Fei (Developer).

    🇬🇧 Lingua: italiano

    🎙 Speaker
    Federica Pecoraro - Matteo Cavucci - Mattia Carletti

    📰 Bio

    Federica Pecoraro, Founder e UX Lead @Fightbean
    Progettista, facilitatrice, autrice della Guida Definitiva al Design Sprint, aiuta le aziende a creare prodotti digitali migliori.

    Matteo Cavucci, Consulente per lo sviluppo del prodotto digitale e trainer @Avanscoperta
    Trainer e consulente con oltre dieci anni di esperienza nella progettazione e nello sviluppo lean e agile di processi.

    Mattia Carletti, Design Lead @Fightbean
    Progetta interfacce e prototipi con una particolare attenzione alla user experience e alle microinterazioni.

    👉 Matteo Cavucci è il trainer del corso Product Discovery Workshop with Lean Value Tree (prossima edizione: 6-7-10-11 maggio 2021, in inglese).
    ➡️ https://bit.ly/Product_Discovery_Matt...​

    Ecco i link che hanno menzionato durante il talk:

    - Il sito del Lean Validation Playbook: https://leanvaluetree.it/​
    - L'articolo dove si parla di com'è iniziato il progetto: https://cri.dev/posts/2021-04-06-svil...​
    - Il form da compilare per dare il tuo contributo attivo e partecipato al Lean Validation Playbook: https://forms.gle/UN3KnzKTW56o7iGe7​
    - Il talk di giugno 2020 con Matteo Cavucci e cinque partecipanti al suo workshop: cosa è successo un anno dopo il corso, esperienze, esperimenti e lezioni: https://youtu.be/uii9y57XhzY​

    #ProductOwner​ #LeanValueTree​ #ProductDiscovery​ #ProductStrategy​ #Lean​ #LeanThinking​ #ProductManagement​ #Product​ #Project​ #ProjectManagement​ #Validation​ #LeanValidationPlaybook​ #LeanStartUp​ #Idea​ #Ideas​ #IdeaValidation

    #39 Interviewfolge mit Eva-Maria Zoll

    #39 Interviewfolge mit Eva-Maria Zoll
    https://newworkhero.es/podcast Wenn Eva in Projekten arbeitet und zu keinem Zeitpunkt alles hinterfragt von Grund auf neu gedacht wird, ist sie skeptisch. Sie liebt disruptive Prozesse und begleitet diese mit einer unschlagbaren Mischung aus Empathie und Struktur. Das Thema Culture Design entdeckte die auf ihrer Reise durch vier Kontinente, dem Studium des Human Centered Design und der Gründung ihres eigenen Unternehmens culturedesign.org.


    "Design-A-Baby pt.2" Could scientific advancement push the boundaries of humanity's already greedy and hostile environment? Hosted By Hero's Angel and Music Produced By Jason Shaw.


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    #023 Design ist Berufung Teil 1

    #023 Design ist Berufung Teil 1
    Hier bekommst du Einblicke in Unternehmungen, Tipps und Tricks von Profis und Inspirationen für den Alltag. Wenn dir die Folge gefallen hat, teile Sie unter dem Link Episoden URL: Episoden URL: https://unternehmer-dna.podigee.io/23-023. Das ist die erste Folge von «Design ist Berufung - Ehrliche Gestaltung als Unternehmenskern» mit Felix Lange von Langefreunde aus Schwerin. In dieser Folge lernst du, wieso es Sinn macht, bestimmte Dinge einfach zu verbessern, was die Motivation bewirken kann und warum es wichtig ist, bestehende Methoden und Ansätze zu nutzen, die bereits erprobt sind. Du findest Felix auf Facebook unter https://www.facebook.com/langefelix oder über Instagram unter https://www.instagram.com/langefreunde/. Außerdem kannst du dir die Seite von Langefreunde hier anschauen: https://langefreunde.de/. Das aktuelle Projekt Parafree von Langefreunde findest du hier: https://www.parafree.de. Gib mir gerne ein Feedback, wenn dir die Folge gefallen hat! ------- Hier findest du mehr über mich: - Website: https://nematali.de - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mustafa.nematali/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Versicherungsundfinanzexperte/ - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqEHVPBgqsjyPx_81wWbLiA ------- Viel Spaß!

    LSE12. Jak dobrać odpowiednie metody do ustalonych celów szkoleniowych?

    LSE12. Jak dobrać odpowiednie metody do ustalonych celów szkoleniowych?
    Wszystkie linki na stronie: https://2edu.pl/lse/ Dzisiaj posłużę, się cytatem, który opisuje najtrafniej cały odcinek i zawartą w nim historię.

    Za każdy razem, gdy źle zdefiniujecie cel, dobierzecie do niego nieprawidłową metodę pracy i nieodpowiednią metodę pomiaru - umiera jakaś piękna kompetencja, którą ktoś mógłby zdobyć! Bądźcie paladynami, wyrzućcie miotły. Dbajcie o rozbudowę własnego paladyńskiego kuferka. Życzę Wam, aby z czasem był tak bogaty w struktury, modele, schematy i sprawdzone strategie uczenia, poparte dowodami naukowymi, żeby potrzeba było zespołu, aby go unieść. Serdecznie Was pozdrawiam. Tomasz Jankowski.