

    Explore "diastasis" with insightful episodes like "La solitudine della diastasi - Episodio 82", "DIASTASIS - Tout sur mon opération", "punto #3 - vale la pena eseguire la Tupler Technique®️ tra una gravidanza e l'altra?", "Punto #2 - a quanto tempo dal parto si può iniziare la Tupler Technique®️‽" and "Returning to running with Gráinne Donnelly - Absolute Physio" from podcasts like ""chiacchiere di pancia di Chiara DB", "GO MY TALK", "chiacchiere di pancia di Chiara DB", "chiacchiere di pancia di Chiara DB" and "chiacchiere di pancia di Chiara DB"" and more!

    Episodes (19)

    DIASTASIS - Tout sur mon opération

    DIASTASIS - Tout sur mon opération

    Bienvenue dans "DIASTASIS : Tout sur mon opération", un podcast où je partage mon parcours personnel à travers le diastasis des grands droits, une condition souvent méconnue mais qui peut avoir un impact significatif sur la santé et le bien-être des femmes, en particulier après une grossesse gémellaire.

    Je m'appelle Ambre, et après avoir été confrontée à cette réalité après ma grossesse gémellaire, j'ai décidé de prendre les choses en main. Entre un ventre gonflé et un mal-être constant, j'ai réalisé que l'opération était la seule option viable pour retrouver une qualité de vie optimale.

    Dans ce podcast, je vous invite à découvrir mon expérience personnelle, du diagnostic à la décision de subir l'opération, en passant par les défis rencontrés lors de mon post-opératoire. Je partagerai avec vous les hauts et les bas de ce parcours, ainsi que les stratégies que j'ai mises en place pour surmonter les obstacles et retrouver confiance en moi.

    Que vous soyez vous-même confrontée à un diastasis des grands droits ou que vous cherchiez simplement à comprendre cette condition, ce podcast vous offrira des informations précieuses, des conseils pratiques et surtout, l'espoir que la guérison est possible.

    Rejoignez-moi pour une nouvelle discussion sincère et inspirante sur le chemin vers la guérison du diastasis des grands droits.

    Préparez-vous à être informée, inspirée et encouragée à prendre en main votre propre santé et bien-être. Merci de vous joindre à moi dans cette aventure vers la guérison.

    Restez à l'écoute et prenez soin de vous.

    Returning to running with Gráinne Donnelly - Absolute Physio

    Returning to running with Gráinne Donnelly - Absolute Physio
    What are the fears that stop women from returning to running after pregnancy? What are the symptoms to monitor?
    What are the steps to follow for a safe and enjoyable return to running?
    We talked about return to running after pregnancy and about the best ways to do it, after pregnancy and while in the healing process of a diastasis recti.
    There were no guidelines about it, Gráinne and her colleagues studied and published them.
    You can easily find them on her website:
    for any other question or suggestion please send an email to chiacchieredipancia@gmail.com                                                                                                                
    You can watch it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1BSyFDLOJU&t=173s

    The Tummy Team Journey - my interview with Kelly Dean

    The Tummy Team Journey - my interview with Kelly Dean
    "I strongly believe that a good quality fitness can really make the difference in the healing process of diastasis recti. This consideration is very clear in my mind and in my practice as it is the foundation of my job, but the conversation with Kelly just gave me the chance to say it out loud!"

    It was really an honor being the guest of "the Tummy Team Podcast" of Keally Dean and I'm glad Kelly agreed to post this episode on my podcast as well.

    This conversation gave me the chance to talk about my job and about the importance of fitness in the healing process of diastasis recti.




    Special episode with Gráinne Donnelly

    Special episode with Gráinne Donnelly
    An amazing and interesting chat with Gráinne Donnelly about her appoach to the treatment of diastasis, her researches with collegues all over the world, her future plans, her e-book and her training program. These were just some of the topics we discussed during this special episode of "Chiacchere di Pancia" podcast. The Italian Podcast about diastasis and about all the issues releted with diastasis recti.

    Here is the link to one of the study that was mentioned during the episode:


    Youtube - Sottotitoli in Italiano nelle opzioni "sottotitoli" - Italian subtitles


    ** Gráinne Donnelly is an Advanced Physiotherapist in pelvic health. She co-authored the internationally recognised "Returning to running postnatal - guidelines for medical, health and fitness professionals managing this population" as well as publishing her conference presentation "Diastasis Rectus Abdominis - physiotherapy management" from the 2018 Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Conference. Gráinne regularly presents at conferences around the UK and Ireland on topics related to pelvic health and well-being. She uses real-time ultrasound for pelvic health and is involved in training courses for physiotherapists.

    Episodio Speciale con Francesca Panimolle - biologa nutrizionista

    Episodio Speciale con Francesca Panimolle - biologa nutrizionista
    Il primo di una serie di appuntamenti con Francesca Panimolle - biologa nutrizionista.

    Le basi per approcciare ad un percorso nutrizionale, consigli utili, pratici e positivi che puntano al benessere e non all'ossessione del dimagrimento. Le giuste scelte e le strategie. Iniziamo a gettare le basi per approfondire in seguito il discorso relativo al rapporto nutrizione-miglioramento della diastasi dei retti dell'addome.

    Puoi vederlo sul mio canale toutube:


    Per commenti e domande:

    Episodio speciale con Laura Cusano - psicologa

    Episodio speciale con Laura Cusano - psicologa
    Il senso di inadeguatezza e il senso di solitudine. La sofferenza psicologica legata alla diastasi dei retti dell'addome è sperimentata da molte donne e l'ho provata anche io.

    La buona notizia è che È NORMALE, l'ottima notizia è che esistono strategie per gestirla.

    Ce ne ha parlato Laura Cusano - psicologa libera professionista abilitata e Psicoterapeuta Comportamentale in formazione.

    Puoi seguire l'episodio su YouTube:


    per partecipare, commentare e raccontare la tua storia:


    Episode 19: You're worth more than this: Challenging Conventional Female Fitness Programming

    Episode 19: You're worth more than this: Challenging Conventional Female Fitness Programming

    Today on the podcast we have Nora Matthew who is an absolute bad ass boss. StrongFirst Level 2, American College of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer, Original Strength Coach, founder of Pregna-Fit and Her Strength Studio and mom of three, Nora knows a thing or two about fitness and athleticism for women. Today we chat about our experiences training after babies despite prolapse, and Nora shares some pretty incredible insights on fitness for women, how her training philosophy is DIFFERENT than most studios for the ladies, the staggering results her clients get from learning to nourish their bodies and what to look for in your own gym and fitness programming. Tune in because you do NOT want to miss out on the information, inspiration and encouragement in this episode. For more from Nora, head to her_strength_studio on Instagram or Pregnancy_Fitness or Her Strength Studio.com.  

    To sign up for my FREE digital course, Better Than Kegels click here. 

    How To Fix Diastasis Recti with Yoga | Weekly Wellness Tip 17

    How To Fix Diastasis Recti with Yoga | Weekly Wellness Tip 17

    How To Fix Diastasis Recti with Yoga | Weekly Wellness Tip 17

    Diastasis recti (abdominal separation) is a common side effect of pregnancy for many women. In this mini-wellness segment, learn how to strengthen and restore your core through yoga! PLUS, learn common mistakes to avoid and prevent further injury during recovery.

    Diastasis recti (abdominal separation) is a common result of childbirth, especially in women who have experienced multiple pregnancies, carried high birthweight babies, or are over 35 years of age.

    According to Mayo Clinic, you may notice a slight cone-shaped bulge when you tense your ab muscles. It’s usually indicated by a 2.7cm gap (approximately two finger-widths) in the linea alba (connective tissue) between the rectus abdominis muscle (two parallel bands of abdominal muscle).

    Although it may seem like a mild condition, one study indicated a link between diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction in 66% of women who experienced diastasis recti during pregnancy.

    Even so, this condition may be significantly improved or reversed entirely with a gentle, effective, and consistent yoga asana (posture).

    You can support your recovery even further by drinking plenty of alkaline water, eating well, and supporting your body in its production and repair of collagen with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and zinc.

    Avoid caffeine and alcohol (they dehydrate the colon and expand the belly due to impacted waste). You may also want to limit refined sugars, gas-forming food combinations, and heavily processed foods—basically, anything that leads to poor digestion and a distended belly.

    Healing takes time. No matter how long it’s been since you had your baby, you can still begin your healing journey today!

    If you are unfamiliar with the postures I've included below, print this page and show it to your physical therapist and/or yoga teacher to promote safe practice and receive assistance with any posture variations and adjustments.

    Be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself, and fully present in your practice to enjoy the journey of self-care.

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    What to Avoid If You Have Diastasis Recti

    1. Avoid Increased Abdominal Pressure
    • Deep or intense forward folds (including sit-ups and crunches)
    • Boat Pose
    • Plank Pose (until you begin to strengthen the separation)
    • Low Plank (until you begin to strengthen the separation)
    • Spinal Balance (core work in Table Top Pose)
    1. Avoid Lengthening the Abdomen
    • Wheel Pose
    • Camel Pose
    • Upward Facing Dog (Cobra Pose)
    • Intense twists

    8 Yoga Postures To Heal Diastasis Recti

    1. Reclined or Seated Core Contractions
    2. Plank with a wall assist (hands to wall - facing wall)
    3. Squats with a wall assist (back to wall)
    4. Supine Toe Taps (lie on your back with hands on hips, knee bent with toe to the opposite knee - breathe - switch legs and perform 3-5 times)
    5. Supine alternate leg raises (lie on your back)
    6. Bridge pose with hip pulses
    7. Core spirals (seated in easy pose)
    8. Pelvic tilt (seated in easy pose)


    Disclaimer: Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner if you have (or think you may have) diastasis recti, especially if you are experiencing abdominal pain, incontinence, or pelvic instability. Work with a qualified physical therapist and/or yoga teacher to understand how to strengthen your body safely. Heavy core workouts, aerobics, CrossFit, fitness boot-camp style workouts ARE NOT recommended unless you are medically cleared by a healthcare practitioner or physical therapist who understands diastasis recti and yoga.

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode

    Learn About Yoga Postures (Yoga Journal website)


    How to Identify and Fix Diastasis Recti (WellnessMama)

    Yoga and Diastasis Recti (Yoga International)

    For additional support including pelvic floor strengthening resources, visit Dominique's website: holisticyonicare.com

    033: A New Perspective on Diastasis Recti with Dr. Sinead Dufour

    033: A New Perspective on Diastasis Recti with Dr. Sinead Dufour

    Shannon met Dr. Sinead Dufour at a pelvic health workshop for yoga teachers as part of the MamaNurture prenatal yoga teacher training. It was through Sinead that Shannon discovered she had Diastasis. Shannon talks about how some of the yoga poses done after she gave birth were contributing to her condition.

    Diastasis is not widely understood in prenatal and postnatal health. It has been falsely understood as the separation of the abdominal muscles (it is even implied in the name) when it is actually the overstraining or damaging of the linea alba tissue.

    It was after giving birth to her twins that Sinead discovered significant gaps and misconceptions in the health care system and fitness community that left women without the tools needed to take care of the pelvic health. She felt strongly that she needed to be part of the solution.

    Sinead has been a practising physiotherapist for about 15 years, with a PhD in Primary Health Care. Her extensive studies also include training in obstetrics and urogynecology. She is a professor in the Health and Science department at McMaster University and is the Director of Pelvic Health at The Womb.  

    Among this episode’s points of discussion are: the role the linea alba plays in Diastasis, Dr. Sinead Dufour’s  leadership in up-and-coming research on DRA to establish common practice principles, and what can be done to prevent this condition.


    8:55 Sinead's journey to becoming a leading Pelvic Health expert

    10:50 What is Diastasis? A common misconception about Diastasis.

    Diastasis or Diastasis Recti Abdominus (DRA)

    12:25 Linea alba’s role in pregnancy and Diastasis

    15:30 New study by top 22 Diastasis experts in Canada in order to establish practice principles experts can agree on

    18:10 Delphi Process with 3 phases setting the practice principles

    20:45 Diastasis related to manometric pressure system

    manometric pressure system- the pressure system modulated by the core four, inclusive of the linea alba and the glottis (think the concept of intra-abdominal pressure)


    19:10 Dr. Sinead’s research study

    20:10 What experts are saying: what is Diastasis and how should we manage it?

    23:00 Prenatal - how can we prevent Diastasis?

    1. Avoid exercises that concentrically engage the superficial abdominal muscles such as crunches and sit-ups
    2. Emphasis on facilitating optimal co-activation of the deep inner unit
    3. Ensuring the core 4 are working together: pelvic floor, diaphragm, transversus abdominis and multifidus
    4. Working synergistically
    5. Promoting effective, tension free diaphragmatic breathing
    6. More focus on diaphragmatic breath with ease -- less extended belly breathing and more rib cage breath
    7. Emphasizing postures that reduce excessive strained intra-abdominal pressure
    8. Avoid plank pose while pregnant or straining on the toilet,(especially with breath holding).

    25:15 Importance of continuous breath

    28:45 Encouraging students, not to breath hold (and why they may be doing so)

    31:00 Empowering language - What can students do instead of what can't it do

    32:15 Listen to the body - pain or struggling in a pose

    33:05 Intrapartum (during childbirth) considerations

    1. Continuous breath - no Valsalva breath
    2. Avoiding a back lying position when possible

    37:35 Prenatal yoga teachers are the ones who can advocate, inform and empower those who are susceptible to diastasis or other pelvic health issues

    38:25 When to refer a yoga student to a pelvic floor physiotherapist

    40:00 Postpartum (4th trimester) - "critical healing period"

    1. Abstain from exercises that concentrically engage the superficial abdominal       muscles
    2. Promote exercises that are not the same action as a crunch
    3. Every body is unique and so each person needs something different
    4. Watch for doming or invagination at linea alba during exercise

    5.Optimal load transfer at linea alba

    45:25 Later diastasis- watch out for doming or invagination (reverse doming)

    46:10 Front loading poses: bird dog, plank - when can we do these?

    47:30 Any incontinence issues - because Diastasis is a pelvic floor dysfunction


    48:50 How yoga can help with the internal pressure system and nervous system


    49:55 Autonomic nervous system tension affects the connective and visceral tissue


    50:45 Benefits of a yin yoga style


    51:40 Fertility yoga series at The Womb


    52:50 Increased inter-recti distance is normal in pregnancy


    53:45 Diastasis has nothing to do with the inter-recti distance (the width between the rectus abdominis muscles)


    57:20 How to test for Diastasis at home


    58:40 How a yoga teacher can help assess linea alba during a pelvic floor contraction


    1:00:25 Another Diastasis assessment- digital pelvic floor contraction (highlights how integrated the linea alba is with the pelvic floor)


    1:01:25 Yoga teachers are in a great position to get ahead of the curve to spread new information discovered through research (before it will be widely taught)


    1:05:50 Inter-recti distance as an assessment needs to be thrown out- as people get better and more functional the distance can actually increase proving that inter-recti is meaningless


    1:06:55 The general preface statement that will be published in their research document


    1:08:50 Preface statement for assessment of DRA


    1:10:10 How to work with Dr. Sinead Dufour





    The Womb


    Find a Canadian Pelvic Health Specialist


    Mama Nurture


    Relevant TCYT Episodes:

    007: Breath and Pelvic Health with Trisha Zinn

    008: Core Breath and Pelvic Health with Kim Vopni

    009: Kegals, Mula Banda and Pelvic Health with Shelly Prosko


    The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group


    Gratitude to Our Sponsor -- Schedulicity


    WAM076 Low Pressure Fitness for Pelvic Floor Health with Elizabeth Morel

    WAM076 Low Pressure Fitness for Pelvic Floor Health with Elizabeth Morel

    Elizabeth Morel is the owner of Little Movers PT, LLC. She graduated from the University of Scranton in 2008 where she gained her Masters of Physical Therapy. Elizabeth has concentrated on pre and post natal moms and babies since her clinical internships. After graduation, she concentrated on treating children from 0-12 with a wide variety of complex diagnoses. She is versed in many techniques including Neuro-Developmental Treatment as well as CranioSacral Therapy. Her current pediatric clientele is focused on feeding difficulties and post-frenectomy rehabilitation.

    In addition, Elizabeth continues to focus on moms, both seasoned and brand new, rehabilitating the core and pelvic floor, and re-educating posture. The technique she uses is called Low Pressure Fitness, which is the recommended therapy for postnatal moms in Europe and Latin America but is new to the USA. Elizabeth also teaches the technique to other therapists and trainers around the country in order to share her wealth of knowledge about the importance of the pelvic floor.

    In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new countries. For more information, please visit her website at www.littlemoverspt.com.

    Visit: www.HobokenChiro.com
    Email: info@hobokenchiro.com
    Dr. Brayton on Twitter
    Dr. Brayton on Facebook

    WAM041 Healing Diastasis Rectus Abdominus with Annie Martens

    WAM041 Healing Diastasis Rectus Abdominus with Annie Martens

    Anne (Annie) Martens is the owner of Bella Bellies. Anne took her experience as a personal trainer, pilates instructor, child birth educator, doula, training in Midwifery Assistance and a mother of three, to develop movement programs focused on women. 

    Anne is a Licensed Lamaze Child Birth Educator, and has studied as a Postpartum Doula with Midwife Vicki Hedley, and a Birth Doula with Sunday Tortelli. She studied and worked one-on-one with Julie Tupler from 2005-2007 and studied Midwifery Assistance under the direction of Midwife Pamela Hunt, Midwife Deborah Flowers, Midwife UmmSalaamah Sondra Abdullah-Zaima, Midwife Carol Nelson and Midwife Joanne Santana. Ms. Martens is a certified Pilates instructor under Kathy Van Patten (2003) and Bob Liekens (2005); is a certified Pilates Method Alliance Instructor, a personal trainer, completed her B.F.A. in Dance at the Boston Conservatory, where she graduated cum laude under Emiko and Yasi Tokunaga, and completed post-baccalaureate work in chemistry at Montclair State University.  

    Currently, Anne is providing teacher training through Bella Bellies® to maternal professionals and fitness professionals. She also presents seminars and workshops to maternal professionals throughout the country. Anne has presented workshops at the Pilates Method Alliance National Conference in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and has worked at Cleveland Clinic Instructing Child Birth Education and Stroller Moves®. Anne continues to work at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Hamot, instructing Child Birth Education and Bella Bellies® trademarked classes. 

    Anne's passion for maternal well-being and techniques has inspired her to write The Bella Bellies® Book Series. The Bella Bellies Books address fitness during pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and beyond. 

    The book thoroughly discusses and reviews step-by-step instruction for the following

    • movement during pregnancy
    • movement for birth
    • preventing or resolving diastasis rectus abdominus
    • techniques to help prevent pelvic floor dysfunction and adaptations for pelvic floor dysfunction
    • core movement post cesarean section
    • techniques to help prevent osteopenia and osteporosis
    • and more

    Considering the Bella Bellies Program is designed for mothers all exercises are adaptable to include a baby or child, in the Momilates® and Stroller Moves® books.  

    In terms of Public Relations, Anne is the featured speaker in "Prenatal Pilates with the Tupler Technique" DVD and has been consulted by several national broadcast productions and media sources including Web MD, Oprah.Com, Big Belli Productions, Disney Broadcasting, Baby Zone, NBC, ABC and CBS National Broadcasting and affiliates. Anne has been featured on behalf of Bella Bellies® in Fit Pregnancy, Ask Miss A, Kiwi Magazine, Expectant Mothers, Jersey Journal, Fox Online Magazine, Fox Broadcasting, Telemundo, Max & Fitness Magazine, on LX NBC (New York), and in several other popular media productions.



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