
    direct listing

    Explore " direct listing" with insightful episodes like "Finance Focus #13 - IPO, Initial Public Offering", "NFX Mashup: The SPAC Masterclass", "The IPO Whisperer Lise Buyer Talks Going Public", "Julia & Kevin Hartz On Taking Eventbrite Public" and "A faster, easier, cheaper way of going public" from podcasts like ""Whitestone Podcast", "The NFX Podcast", "The NFX Podcast", "The NFX Podcast" and "Equity"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    Finance Focus #13 - IPO, Initial Public Offering

    Finance Focus #13 - IPO, Initial Public Offering

    Have you heard about privately-held companies being strong enough to be listed on a public stock exchange? That’s called doing an IPO, an Initial Public Offering, or “going public.” Well, the whole staging of a company like that is fascinating. Join Kevin as he walks through this amazing world that can build real wealth for the ordinary person—and how Jesus did that for us even more so at the Cross! // Download this episode's Application & Action questions and PDF transcript at whitestone.org.

    NFX Mashup: The SPAC Masterclass

    NFX Mashup: The SPAC Masterclass
    This is an NFX Mashup, where we string thoughts from past episodes together under the same topic. Startups today have more options than ever before — much earlier in their life cycles — for entering the public markets. Founders are constantly looking for advice on how to think about traditional IPO vs. SPAC vs. direct listing — and how to even answer the question: Am I ready to be a public company? In this mashup, NFX Partner Pete Flint is joined by Eventbrite co-founder Kevin Hartz, Hippo founder Assaf Wand, and the IPO whisperer Lisa Buyer on their experience and advice around taking tech companies public.

    The IPO Whisperer Lise Buyer Talks Going Public

    The IPO Whisperer Lise Buyer Talks Going Public
    Lise Buyer, known as the IPO whisperer Pete Flint on the NFX Podcast to discuss all things taking a company public via traditional IPOs, Direct Listings, and SPACs. Lise consulted on Trulia’s IPO in back in 2012 when Pete was CEO and Co-Founder. Previously, Ms Buyer was the Director of Business Optimization for Google Inc. where she was one of the chief architects of the company’s innovative IPO. Lise shares her expert thoughts on: - What has changed in public markets - Why some companies should stay private - When to make the decision of going public as a company leader - What stays the same in a company after going public - Building the infrastructure to go public - & the differences between traditional IPO vs. Direct Listing vs. SPACs Read the full NFX Essay here - https://www.nfx.com/post/new-world-of-going-public/

    Julia & Kevin Hartz On Taking Eventbrite Public

    Julia & Kevin Hartz On Taking Eventbrite Public
    Julia and Kevin Hartz co-founded Eventbrite, a website that allows users to create, share, and join events worldwide. In this episode of the NFX Podcast, the two join NFX Partner Pete Flint to discuss their founder journey, financing, fundraising, scaling, unicorn status, and a deep dive on the little-known details of taking a tech company public via SPAC. Launched in 2006 and headquartered in San Francisco, Eventbrite has navigated through the pandemic with a refocused strategy and a leaner cost base. In September of 2018, Julia took Eventbrite public, making her among the few women to lead the successful initial public offering of a technology start-up.

    A faster, easier, cheaper way of going public

    A faster, easier, cheaper way of going public

    Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast (now on Twitter!), where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines.

    This is the fourth episode of the week, pushing our production calendar to the test. Happily we've managed to hold it together amidst the news deluge that the last few days have brought. It was a good week for our scheduling change, with the main episode of the show coming to you on Thursday afternoon versus Friday morning.

    Change is good.

    But unchanging this time around was our hosting lineup, with Natasha Mascarenhas and Danny Crichton and myself yammering with Chris Gates on the mix. Here's what we got into:

    • The CEO of TikTok is out, bids are swirling, and whom will wind up owning a piece of all of TikTok's global operations is not clear. Walmart is in the mix, apparently, which feels very 2020.
    • The New York Stock Exchange has gotten approval from the SEC for a new type of direct listing, one in which the company going public can sell a bloc of shares during the normal price discovery process. This means that all the banker-faff of setting a price and roadshowing to various investor groups could be going the way of the buffalo.
    • About time, maybe? That was our take after reading this Bill Gurley note and the latest SEC news.
    • But while the direct listing world is getting more interesting, the SPAC world is taking flight. Desktop Metal is going public via a SPAC which is all sorts of fascinating. A younger, Boston-based unicorn going public in this manner is eye catching!
    • And then two funding rounds, the first from Finix, which can't stop adding to its Series B. And Mural, which raised the largest Series B we can recall.

    And with that, we're all going to bed. We're tired. No more news, thanks!

    Credits: Equity is hosted by TechCrunch's Alex Wilhelm and Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.

    Equity Shot: Everyone filed to go public Monday

    Equity Shot: Everyone filed to go public Monday

    Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast (now on Twitter!), where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines.

    We're back out of sequence, because literally every company you can name (well, almost) dropped an S-1 yesterday so we had to sit down and parse them out a bit. That so many filings dropped during the same two days when we had Y Combinator's two-day Demo Day at the same time meant that we were all a bit punchdrunk, but we rallied.

    Natasha and Danny and Chris and myself all piled back onto the mics to dig through all the numbers. Here's a rundown of the companies we went through:

    • Palantir, which filed its formal S-1 during our recording session. Danny covered most of the news last Friday, but the public doc is now live, so happy sleuthing.
    • Unity's huge IPO that shows how big gaming is. Natasha connected it to the broader Apple-Epic dustup, and we all reviled in its growth results.
    • Snowflake had Danny so excited he was conjuring scripted segues, and we were all impressed at its historical growth. Sure, it lost a lot of money last year, but, hey, Snowflake has dialed that back as well.
    • And then there was Asana, a company I've covered quite a lot over the years. Our general take is that the company's growth has been good, if it is losing more money than we anticipated. Still, Asana could set a neat new precedent of raising debt ahead of a direct listing. This is one to watch.
    • And then we spent a little time on JFrog and Sumo Logic (more here), because we are nothing if not completionists.

    Got all of that? It was a lot of facts to get through, but we did our best and we hope this helps. More tomorrow as we talk Y Combinator with a special guest host. Chat tomorrow!

    Credits: Equity is hosted by TechCrunch's Alex Wilhelm and Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.

    No parties allowed at the Airbnb IPO

    No parties allowed at the Airbnb IPO

    Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast (now on Twitter!), where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines.

    What happens when the entire podcast crew is a bit tired from, you know, everything, and does its very best? This episode, apparently. A big thanks to Chris Gates for helping us trim the fat and make something good for you.

    Before we get into the topics of the week, don't forget that Equity is not back on YouTube most weeks, so if you wanted to see us do the talking with some fun extra from the production team, you can do so here. More to come once I get my new external camera to work.

    That done, here's what Natasha and Danny and I got into this week:

    Whew! We're doing a lot over at TechCrunch.com, so, stay tuned and know that if we were a bit frazzled this week it's because we're working our backends off to bring you neat things. You will dig 'em.

    Ok, chat Monday, a show that we're already planning. Stay cool!

    Credits: Equity is hosted by TechCrunch's Alex Wilhelm and Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.

    #37 SPAC —— 是割韭菜还是初创公司募资救星

    #37 SPAC —— 是割韭菜还是初创公司募资救星
    不同于 IPO 上市和直接上市的 SPAC。 SPAC(Special Purpose Acquisition Company),中文是「特殊目的的并购公司」,也叫作空白支票公司。这种公司手头没有运营资产,但承诺用首次公开募股(IPO)筹集的资金去收购某家企业。目前美国每年新上市的企业有 20% 都是通过这种结构上市的。 相比 IPO 上市与直接上市,SPAC 可以省略许多步骤,比如没有锁定期,最快可以在几周内上市。 最近,这种上市模式重回大众视野。在刚刚过去的 7 个多月,已有 20 家公司通过 SPAC 并购交易在美国公开上市,并成功筹资 121 亿美元。按此趋势,今年的筹资额有望突破去年创下的 135 亿美元的纪录。 本期节目的嘉宾有两位,一位是硅谷投资人马睿,她也是英文播客 TechBuzz China 的主播;另一位是常舜骐(Sean Chang),精品投行公司 ONEtoONE (万途)上海办公室的董事总经理 。 她们将和主播丁教一起聊聊为什么投资者愿意选择 SPAC 模式,具体的操作步骤有哪些,以及比起 IPO 和直接上市的方式,SPAC 有什么特殊之处等话题。 另外,我们的节目「到海外去」第二季已经上线,可在以下平台购买收听: 国内:爱发电 (https://afdian.net/@gochuhai)、喜马拉雅 (https://www.ximalaya.com/keji/39955082/)、蜻蜓FM (https://www.qingting.fm/channels/367125)、「声动活泼」公众号 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/38fh6lf8Xoko6V_yvCs8WA) 国外:Himalaya (https://www.himalaya.com/business-podcasts/1198672) 、Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/gochuhai) 我们准备的福利 :如果你不仅自己购买了「到海外去」,并且也安利身边的朋友成功,我们将免费送出沈奕斐老师的社会学幸福思维课。发送安利成功后购买的截图到我们的邮箱 ting@sheng.fm,我们会放送出免费兑换礼卡 ( 礼卡有限,先到先得)。 【主播】 丁教 ,声动活泼联合创始人 【嘉宾】 马睿 ,硅谷投资人、英文播客 TechBuzz China 的主播 常舜骐 (Sean Chang),ONEtoONE (简称“万途”)一家精品投行公司,上海办公室的董事总经理 【后期】 迪卡普里鑫,后期&创意 【主要话题】 [01:00] SPAC 是什么 [03:07] SPAC 的特点,与 IPO、Direct Listing 区别 [05:58] 创业公司选择 SPAC 的成本 [06:46] 投资者选择 SPAC 的风险与回报 [11:20] SPAC 的投资者看中的是什么 [18:00] SPAC 成功案例 【延伸阅读】 SPAC (https://baike.baidu.com/item/SPAC/20484090)(Special Purpose Acquisition Company )即特殊目的收购公司。是一种为公司上市服务的金融工具。 IPO (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A6%96%E6%AC%A1%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80%E5%8B%9F%E8%82%A1/52072?fromtitle=IPO&fromid=210299&fr=aladdin)(Initial Public Offering)是指一家企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。 【音乐】 * Counting the Days-Cody High * Reversed Beginning STEMS INSTRUMENTS - Luwaks 【关于我们】 网站:shengfm.cn (shengfm.cn) 新浪微博:声动活泼 (https://weibo.com/7296676317/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6) 邮件:admin@sheng.fm 支持我们:www.shengfm.cn/donation Special Guests: 常舜骐(Sean Chang) and 马睿.

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