

    Explore " disbelievers" with insightful episodes like "Episode 144 | My Journey through The Qur'an | Surah Al-Inshiqaq, Al-Buruj, At-Tariq, Al-'A'la & Al-Ghashiyah", "Episode 143 | My Journey through The Qur'an | Surah At-Takwir, Al-Intifar & Al-Mutafifeen", "13. Sura ar-Ra‘d with Urdu Translation" and "15. Sura al-Hijr with Urdu Translation" from podcasts like ""The Official TMEPodcaster", "The Official TMEPodcaster", "Recitation of Holy Quran by Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali with Urdu Translation" and "Recitation of Holy Quran by Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali with Urdu Translation"" and more!

    Episodes (4)

    Episode 144 | My Journey through The Qur'an | Surah Al-Inshiqaq, Al-Buruj, At-Tariq, Al-'A'la & Al-Ghashiyah

    Episode 144 | My Journey through The Qur'an | Surah Al-Inshiqaq, Al-Buruj, At-Tariq, Al-'A'la & Al-Ghashiyah

    This podcast summarises Surah Al-Inshiqaq, Al-Buruj, At-Tariq, Al-'A'la & Al-Ghashiyah.  

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    Episode 143 | My Journey through The Qur'an | Surah At-Takwir, Al-Intifar & Al-Mutafifeen

    Episode 143 | My Journey through The Qur'an | Surah At-Takwir, Al-Intifar & Al-Mutafifeen

    Continuing our journey through the Qur'an with these 3 summarised Surah:

    Surah At-Takwir, Al-Intifar & Al-Mutafifeen

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    13. Sura ar-Ra‘d with Urdu Translation

    13. Sura ar-Ra‘d with Urdu Translation
    Sura 13. ar-Ra‘d (Thunder): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Alif, Lam, Mim, Ra. (Only Allah and the Messenger know the real meaning.) These are the Verses of the Book of Allah, and whatever has been revealed to you from your Lord is the Truth, but most people do not believe. 2. And Allah is He Who has raised aloft the heavens (in space) without pillars (as) you see; then He settled Himself on the Throne of His Authority (encompassing the entire universe befitting His glory) and fettered the sun and the moon to a system, each moving (in its respective orbit to complete its rotation) during its appointed term. He alone devises strategies for the total system (of the entire universe) and vividly manifests (all the) Signs (or the laws of nature) so that you may develop firm faith in appearing face to face before your Lord. 3. And He is the One Who spread out the earth (despite its being round) and brought about mountains and rivers in it and produced pairs of (genders) two each among all kinds of fruits (as well. He is the One Who) stretches the cover of the night over the day. Indeed there are (many) Signs in it for those who meditate. 4. And there are in the earth tracts (of different kinds) that are adjacent to each other and the gardens of grapes and crops and palm trees, clustered and non-clustered. All these are irrigated with the same water. And (despite that) We make some of them superior to others in taste. Verily there are (great) Signs in it for the people who apply reason. 5. And if you are surprised (at the denial of the disbelievers), then (more) surprising is this that they say: ‘What, when we become dust (after death), shall we then be created anew?’ They are the ones who deny their Lord, and they alone will have shackles round their necks. And they are the ones who are the inmates of Hell. They will reside in it forever. 6. And they hasten to demand from you punishment before mercy though many torments have passed before them. And, (O Beloved,) your Lord is Most Forgiving to the people despite their (oppression and) injustice. But certainly your Lord is Severe in punishment (as well). 7. And the disbelievers say: ‘Why has any Sign not been sent down to this (Messenger) from his Lord?’ (O My Glorious Messenger!) You are only a warner (to the disobedient of their evil consequences) and a provider of guidance to every community (of the world). 8. Allah knows what every female bears in her womb, and how much the wombs contract and how much they distend, and with Him is everything in a fixed measure. 9. He is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Most Great (and) the Most Exalted. 10. He among you who talks in a low voice and the other who talks in a loud voice, and he who is hidden in (the darkness of) the night and he who moves about in the day (light), all are alike (to Him). 11. For (every) human being there are (angels) coming in succession who, before him and behind him, guard him by the Command of Allah. Verily, Allah does not change the state of a people until they bring about a change in themselves. And when Allah intends to torment a people (due to their own evil works), then none can avert it. Nor is there any helper for them apart from Allah. 12. He is the One Who, to rouse in you (sometime) fear and (some other time) hope, shows you lightning and (at times) raises (rain-laden) heavy clouds. 13. The thunder (of clouds and lightning or the angel appointed over it) and all angels glorify Him with His Praise out of His fear. And He sends thunderbolts and strikes with them whom He wills. And they (the disbelievers, despite these Signs of His Might,) dispute about Allah. And He is Stern in strategy and Severe in grip. 14. Calling towards the Truth (i.e. the Oneness of Allah) is for Him alone. And those (false gods - idols) they (i.e. disbelievers) worship besides Him cannot give them any answer at all. Their example is like the one who (sits) stretching both his palms towards water so that it may reach his mouth (itself), but it (i.e. water) reaches not (like this). And (in like manner) the praying of disbelievers (to idols and their idol-worship) is but wandering distracted. 15. And whoever is in the heavens and the earth prostrates himself before Allah, (some) willingly and (others) perforce, and their shadows (too prostrate themselves before Him) morning and evening. (Then why do the disbelievers do idol-worship turning away from Allah?) 16. Say (before these disbelievers): ‘Who is the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth?’ Say (yourself): ‘Allah.’ (Again) ask (them): ‘Have you taken besides Allah (these idols) as your protectors who cannot control any profit or loss even for themselves?’ Say: ‘Can the blind and the seeing be equal? Or can darkness and light be the same? Have they associated such partners with Allah that have also created (some creation) themselves similar to that of Allah, so this creation (created by these idols) has caused them doubt of resemblance (i.e. error of judgment that they too could create as Allah does)?’ Say: ‘Allah alone is the Creator of everything. And He is One. He is Dominant over all.’ 17. He sends down water from the sky and the valleys flow according to their (respective) capacity. Then the floodwater carries the scum raised to the surface. And the items that are heated in the fire for making ornaments or other articles also have foam that comes up the same way. Thus Allah illustrates examples of the Truth and falsehood. So, (whether produced by water or by fire) the foam or scum passes away useless but what is beneficial to the people endures in the earth. That is how Allah illustrates examples. 18. For those who accept the Command of their Lord is the excellent outcome. And those who reject His Command, even though they possess all that is in the earth and the like of it added to that, and they atone it (to be delivered from torment, even then) they are the ones whose accountability will be horrible. And Hell is their abode, and that is a wretched abode. 19. Someone who knows that whatever has been revealed to you is the Truth, can he be like the one who is blind? Truly it is only those endowed with wisdom who accept admonition, 20. Who fulfil their pledge to Allah and do not breach their covenant, 21. And who keep unified all (fulfil all their obligations to Allah, their obligations to the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), to humanity at large and to their close relatives) that Allah has enjoined to be unified and remain in a state of fear from Allah and dread an evil reckoning, 22. And who remain steadfast in seeking the pleasure of their Lord, and establish Prayer and spend (both) secretly and openly out of the sustenance We have provided and continue eliminating evil by means of good; they are the ones for whom there is a (beautiful) home in the Hereafter. 23. (There) are evergreen gardens. They will enter them with the pious from among their ancestors, their wives and their children. And the angels will come to them through every door (of Paradise). 24. (Greeting and felicitating them, they will say:) ‘Peace be upon you as a reward for your patience. So (see now) what a beautiful home it is of the Hereafter!’ 25. And those who break the promise of Allah after making it firm and strand all (the relations and obligations) that Allah has commanded to be kept unified, and do mischief and strife in the land — upon them is the curse and for them is evil home. 26. Allah releases the provision abundantly for whom He pleases and restrains (for whom He wills). And these (disbelievers) are greatly charmed by the worldly life whereas, in contrast with the life in the Hereafter, the worldly life is nothing but a worthless provision. 27. And the disbelievers say: ‘Why has any Sign not been sent down to him (the Messenger) from his Lord?’ Say: ‘Verily Allah, (despite Signs,) holds astray whom He wills and leads him towards Himself who turns to Him in repentance. 28. Those who believe and their hearts become calm and contented with the remembrance of Allah — know that it is the remembrance of Allah alone that brings calm to the hearts. 29. Those who believe and do pious works, for them there are pleasures and rejoicing and excellent abode (in the Hereafter).’ 30. (O Beloved!) Thus We have sent you (as Messenger) to an Umma (Community) before whom in fact (all) the communities have passed. (This is now the last of all the communities) so that you may recite to them that (Book) which We have revealed to you. And they are still denying ar-Rahman (the Most Kind Lord). Say: ‘He is my Lord. There is no God but He. In Him have I put my trust and I turn towards Him alone.’ 31. And if there were a Qur’an by which mountains could be set in motion, or by which the earth could be split open or by which the dead could be spoken to, (even then they would not believe in it). But all matters are under the Control of Allah. Have the believers not yet perceived that if Allah had so willed, He would have guided all mankind? And (some) disaster will continue afflicting the disbelievers due to their misdeeds or will be alighting close to their homes (i.e. towns) until Allah’s promise (of torment) comes to pass. Surely Allah does not go against His promise. 32. Indeed the Messengers were mocked (by the disbelievers) before you (as well). So I granted the disbelievers respite and then seized them (with torment). (See) then how My torment was! 33. He (Allah) Who is watching the conduct of every soul and (these idols that the disbelievers) have made peers to Allah — (can they be alike? No way!) Say: ‘(Just) name them. (You fools!) Do you inform Him (Allah) of something whose (existence) He does not know in the whole earth? Or is it all (mere) superficial talk (which has no contact with reality)?’ Rather (the truth is that) the deceptive scheme of the disbelievers has been made fascinating to them and they have been hindered from the (straight) path. And he whom Allah holds strayed, there is none who can be his guide. 34. There is for them chastisement in the worldly life (as well), but certainly the torment in the Hereafter is more fierce. And there is none who can rescue them from (the punishment of) Allah. 35. A glimpse of the Paradise that has been promised to the Godfearing (depicts that) it has rivers flowing under it. Its fruits are everlasting, and so (also) is its shade. This is (the beauty of) the end of those who adopt Godwariness. And the end of the disbelievers is the Fire of Hell. 36. And those whom We have given the Book (the Torah, if they are true believers, then) they rejoice at this (Qur’an) which has been revealed to you. And also some from among their sects are those who deny a part of it. Say: ‘I have been given only this command that I worship Allah and must not associate (any) partner with Him. I invite towards Him alone, and to Him have I to return.’ 37. And in like manner We have revealed this (Qur’an) as a Commandment in the Arabic language. And, (O listener,) if you follow the desires of these (disbelievers) after the (conclusive) knowledge has reached you, then there is no helper or protector for you against Allah. 38. And, (O Messenger,) indeed We sent before you (many) Messengers and brought up for them wives and children (as well). And that is not the role of a Messenger to bring a Sign but by Allah’s Command. There is an inscription for every appointed term. 39. Allah erases whatever (writing) He wills and confirms (whatever He wills). And with Him alone is the Real Book (the Protected Tablet (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz)). 40. And whether We show you (during your visible life) a portion (of the torment) that We have promised these (disbelievers), or We lift you (before that - both these options are subject to Our Will). Your assignment is only to communicate (the Commandments) and accountability rests with Us. 41. Do they not see that We are persistently reducing the land (under their control - most of the areas under their rule are gradually accepting the Islamic Rule)? And Allah is the One Who decrees; there is none who can undo His decree. And He is Swift in accountability. 42. And no doubt they also indulged in deceitful plots who have passed before them. So the power to reverse all these plots (also) rests with Allah. He knows best what every soul is busy earning, and the disbelievers will soon come to know for whom is the Home of the Hereafter! 43. And the disbelievers say: ‘You are not a Messenger.’ Say: ‘Sufficient is Allah as a Witness between you and me (on my Messengership), and so also is the one who (exactly) possesses the knowledge of the (revealed) Book.’

    15. Sura al-Hijr with Urdu Translation

    15. Sura al-Hijr with Urdu Translation
    Sura 15. al-Hijr (the Rocky tract): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Alif, Lam, Ra. (Only Allah and the Messenger know the real meaning.) These are the verses of the (Glorious) Book and the Enlightening Qur’an. 2. (Watching the scenes of Allah’s Mercy on the believers in the Hereafter,) the disbelievers would persistently aspire: would that they were Muslims! 3. (Feel not aggrieved.) Leave them. Let them eat (and drink) and make merry and let (their) false hopes keep them negligent (of the Hereafter). Then they will come to know (their end) soon. 4. And never have We destroyed any township but that there was for them a known inscription (law, which they violated and met their fate). 5. No people can go beyond its appointed term nor can they step back (under the law of rise and fall). 6. And (the disbelievers) say (insolently): ‘O man on whom this Qur’an has been revealed, indeed you are insane. 7. Why do you not bring us angels if you are truthful?’ 8. We do not send down angels but with the (judgment of) Truth (i.e. We send them down to execute the torment when its time approaches) and they are not granted respite at that time. 9. Assuredly We alone have revealed this Glorious Admonition (the Qur’an), and surely We alone will guard it. 10. And We indeed sent Messengers before you as well among earlier generations. 11. And there did not come to them any Messenger but they would mock him. 12. That is how We infuse this (mockery and ridicule) into the hearts of the sinners; 13. These people will not believe in this (Qur’an) and (this) is what has been the practice of the bygone people. 14. And if We open to them some gate in the heaven (and also make this possible for them that) they keep ascending through (it) the whole day, 15. (Even then) they will certainly say (this): ‘Our eyes have been hypnotized (through some magic trick and deceit), rather we are spellbound.’ 16. And indeed We brought into existence constellations in the heavens (in the form of galaxies to safeguard the planets), and adorned this (spatial universe) for the beholders. 17. And We have ensured the protection of this (system of heavenly universe) from every outcast Satan (i.e. from destructive phenomenon of every rebellious force). 18. But anyone who tries to eavesdrop, a (blazing) illuminating meteor follows it. 19. And We have spread out the earth (despite its being round), and We brought about firm mountains in it (by allying different elements together), and in it We provided means of growth to all species in (requisite) proportion. 20. And in it We generated for you means of subsistence and also for those (human beings, animals and birds) whom you do not provide for. 21. And there is not a thing (in the universe) but that We have its treasures with Us and We send it down only according to a fixed quantity. 22. And We send winds carrying the burden of clouds. Then We pour down water from the sky. Then it is you whom We give it to drink, and it is not you who maintain its reservoirs. 23. And indeed We alone give life and cause death, and We alone are the Inheritor (and the Owner of all). 24. And surely We know those who lived before you and We also do know those who will come after you. 25. Verily it is your Lord Who will gather them together (on the Day of Resurrection). Surely He is Most Wise, All-Knowing. 26. And indeed We originated man’s (chemical) genesis from that dry sounding clay which, (first) having grown old (and under heat of the sun and other chemical and biological effects), had turned into black stinking mud. 27. And We created jinn before this from a smokeless blazing fire. 28. And (call to mind the occasion) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am about to create a human organism from the old (and) black stinking, resounding mud. 29. So when I accomplish bringing his (physical) constitution into its perfect real being and breathe My (Divine) Spirit into (the inner self of) this (human physical) organism, then fall down prostrate before him.’ 30. So, (no sooner did the light of Allah’s effulgence light in the human organism than) all the angels fell down in prostration together, 31. Except Iblis. He refused to join those who prostrated themselves. 32. (Allah) said: ‘O Iblis, what has happened to you that you have not joined those who have prostrated themselves?’ 33. (Iblis) replied: ‘I cannot be the one who should fall down prostrate before a human being You have created from an old (and) black stinking and sounding mud.’ 34. (Allah) said: ‘Then get out from here, for you are indeed the cursed one (the outcast). 35. And, verily, the curse will (persistently) rest upon you till the Day of Recompense.’ 36. He said: ‘O Lord, then grant me respite till the Day (when) people will be raised up (again).’ 37. Allah said: ‘So, indeed, you are among those granted respite, 38. Till the Day of the appointed time (Resurrection).’ 39. Iblis said: ‘O Lord, because You have led me astray, I will (also) best adorn and embellish for them (the sins, revolts and violations) in the earth and will certainly lead all of them astray by all means, 40. Except for those exalted servants of Yours who have attained freedom (from my deceits and intrigues of the ill-commanding selves).’ 41. Allah said: ‘This (freedom from these deceits and intrigues) is the (very) path that leads straight to My Threshold. 42. Surely, you will in no way be able to influence My servants (who have attained this freedom from you) except the misguided lot who have adopted your way. 43. And verily the promised place for all of them is Hell. 44. It has seven doors; for each one a fixed portion of them has been specified.’ 45. Indeed the Godfearing will be amid Gardens and fountains. 46. (It will be said to them:) ‘Enter them peacefully, throwing away fears.’ 47. And We shall remove from their breasts all spite that they had (in the world against one another due to misunderstanding). They shall be brothers seated on couches face to face (in Paradise). 48. No discomfort will touch them nor will they be driven out from there. 49. (O Beloved!) Tell My servants: ‘I am Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’ 50. And (also warn) that: ‘It is My torment which is the most grievous torment.’ 51. And relate to them (also) the news about the guests of Ibrahim (Abraham). 52. When they came to Ibrahim (Abraham) they greeted (him with): ‘Peace.’ Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘We are feeling somewhat afraid of you.’ 53. (The guest angels) said: ‘Do not feel afraid. We give you the glad tidings of (the birth of) a son endowed with knowledge and wisdom.’ 54. Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘You are giving me the glad tidings at a time when old age has already overtaken me. So what good news are you giving me now?’ 55. They said: ‘We give you good news which is true. So do not lose hope.’ 56. Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘Who can lose hope of his Lord’s Mercy except the strayed ones?’ 57. Ibrahim (Abraham) asked: ‘O deputed angels (sent by Allah), what other assignment do you have (to accomplish besides these glad tidings for which you have come)?’ 58. They said: ‘We have been sent towards a sinful people, 59. Except the family of Lut (Lot) all of whom We will indeed save, 60. With the exception of his wife. We have decided that she shall certainly be among those who stay back (to become the victims of the torment).’ 61. Then, when those deputed (angels) came to the house of Lut (Lot), 62. Lut (Lot) said: ‘Indeed you are (looking) strangers.’ 63. They said: ‘(No indeed;) in fact we have come to you with the (punishment) about which these people have had doubts. 64. And we have brought to you (the judgment of) the Truth and we are certainly truthful. 65. So set off with your family sometime during the night and follow them in the rear and none of you must (even) look back, and proceed to the place (where) you have been commanded to.’ 66. And We informed Lut (Lot) of this judgment through Revelation that the root of these people shall be cut off the moment it dawns. 67. And the people of the city (possessed by their lust) approached (Lut (Lot)) rejoicing. 68. Lut (Lot) said: ‘Surely they are my guests, so do not put me to shame (about them). 69. And fear (the wrath of) Allah and do not humiliate me.’ 70. Those (lost in wickedness) said: ‘(O Lut (Lot),) did we not forbid you (providing protection to) all the people of the world?’ 71. Lut (Lot) said: ‘There are my (people’s) daughters. If you desire to do something (then marry them instead of perpetrating indecency).’ 72. (O Glorious Beloved!) By your (sacred) life, surely these people (too) are wandering astray, possessed by their lust (like the people of Lut (Lot)). 73. So, the blazing Blast seized them at sunrise. 74. And We turned their town upside down and rained upon them stones of baked clay. 75. Verily in this (occurrence) there are Signs for those who possess the ability to probe into reality. 76. And truly that town lies along a frequented highway. 77. Surely in this (episode of the people of Lut (Lot)) there is a Sign of (warning) for the believers. 78. And, in reality, the dwellers of al-Aika (the Thick Wood) too were hardened wrongdoers. 79. So We avenged Ourselves on them (as well) and both these (towns still exist) on the highway. 80. And no doubt the people of the valley of al-Hijr (the Rock) too denied the Messengers. 81. And We bestowed upon them (also) Our Signs but they persisted in turning away from them. 82. And they used to carve out houses in the mountains without any threat and fear. 83. And the dreadful Blast seized them (as well) the moment it dawned. 84. So the (riches) they used to earn could not repel (Allah’s punishment) from them. 85. And We have not created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them without any purpose. And the Hour of Resurrection is certainly approaching. So, (O embodiment of excellent morality,) bear with (them) most graciously and effectively with perseverance. 86. Indeed your Lord alone is the Creator of all things, All-Knowing. 87. And surely We have bestowed upon you the seven oft-recited Verses (i.e. chapter al-Fatiha) and the Glorious Qur’an. 88. Do not even lift your eyes towards the things with which We have benefitted the disbelievers for their (few days’) luxury, nor grieve over their (turning away from the straight path), and keep your wings (of affection and care) lowered over the believers (to make them feel contented and cared for). 89. And say: ‘Indeed I am (now) the open and clear Warner (of Allah’s torment).’ 90. The (torment) that We sent down upon the dividers (i.e. the Jews and the Christians), 91. Those who divided the Qur’an into pieces (and split it i.e. accepted the favourable verses but rejected the others). 92. So, by your Lord, We shall indeed interrogate them all, 93. Pertaining to the works that they used to do. 94. So declare openly all those (matters) that you have been commanded and turn away from those who set up partners with Allah. 95. Surely We suffice you for (taking them to task) who scoff, 96. Who set up other gods along with Allah. So they will come to know (their end) soon. 97. And We indeed know that your (sacred) breast feels straitened by what they say. 98. So glorify your Lord with His praise and live among those who prostrate themselves before Him. 99. And worship your Lord till you attain to that station of certainty of faith (which goes with your glory i.e. perfect cognizance of divinity or the moment of union with the Divine Essence).