

    Explore " doma" with insightful episodes like "Marriage and Divorce with the Reverend John Stonestreet: The Classic Anglican Podcast", "16/ Zašto stalno nemaš vremena | Evo gdje griješiš u organizaciji i upravljanju vremenom", "Soňa Houžvová (Kokoza) o zásadách kompostování", "BONUS: How to Architect the Future (Max Simkoff, Founder & CEO of Doma)" and "Same-sex Parenting – 11" from podcasts like ""The Classic Anglican Podcast", "Mama s vama", "LOOPA Vojty Kovala", "B2BaCEO (with Ashu Garg)" and "I Shouldn't Have Had Kids"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    Marriage and Divorce with the Reverend John Stonestreet: The Classic Anglican Podcast

    Marriage and Divorce with the Reverend John Stonestreet: The Classic Anglican Podcast

    Marriage: Today our guest is the Reverend Deacon John Stonestreet. He serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He’s a sought-after author and speaker on areas of faith and culture, theology, worldview, education, and apologetics. John is the daily voice of Breakpoint, the nationally syndicated commentary on the culture founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is also the voice of the Point, a daily one-minute feature on worldview, apologetics, and cultural issues. You can also hear John featured most Fridays on the World and Everything In it, and Deacon John is the Theologian in Residence at St George’s Anglican Church in Colorado Springs worshiping with our Bishop Suffragan, the Right Reverend Mike Williams, Director of Education, Training, and Formation for the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy within the Anglican Church in North America.

    In this Episode: 



    Deacon John's Sermon at St. George's Anglican in Colorado Springs 

    Same Sex Marriage: A Thoughtful Approach to God's Design for Marriage

    Breakpoint Podcast

    The Point

    The Colson Center for World View

    The World and Everything in it

    Carl Truman


    16/ Zašto stalno nemaš vremena | Evo gdje griješiš u organizaciji i upravljanju vremenom

    16/ Zašto stalno nemaš vremena |  Evo gdje griješiš u organizaciji i upravljanju vremenom

    Može li se vremenom upravljati?
    Ja nemam vremena, Meni uvijek nešto iskrsne, Ja sam neorganizirana, su rečenice koje često olako izgovaramo, dok se pritom nismo zaista zapitale jesu li te tvrdnje u potpunosti točne i zašto smo stekle takva uvjerenja. Jesu li to tvrdnje koje smo preuzele bez razmišljanja ili je jednostavno tako lakše definirati bijeg od preuzimanja odgovornosti za to kako provodimo svoje vrijeme?

    Mislimo li da su osobe koje nemaju vremena uspješnije ili bolje majke? Ili suprotno- jesmo li uvjerene da osobe koje 'imaju vremena' ništa ne rade?

    Kroz ovu epizodu sam podijelila svoje alate za organizaciju i ispričala vam svoje iskustvo i  kako sam u jednom periodu svog života bila primorana napraviti samorefleksiju i zapitati se

    • Na što moje vrijeme odlazi?
    • Kome poklanjam svoje vrijeme?
    • Kome / čemu sam dala moć da upravlja mojim vremenom?
    • Kreiram li svjesno svoje planove?

    i na taj način u potpunosti promijenila to kako poimam svoje vrijeme.

    Nadam se da će vam služiti!
    Hvala vam što rastete samnom!

    ↓ s vama svaki dan  ↓

    Soňa Houžvová (Kokoza) o zásadách kompostování

    Soňa Houžvová (Kokoza) o zásadách kompostování

    Naposledy v tomto roce vítejte u nového dílu LOOPY. Po minulé epizodě ještě jednou zůstaneme u kompostování. Kdo posloucháte pravidelně, mohli jste slyšet díly s Veronikou Nováčkovou z Bezobalu a Bárou Kebovou ze Zachraň jídlo. Původně měl tuto minisérii zakončit díl se Soňou Houžovou z Kokozy - po nákupu, který bude méně náročný na obalové materiály a optimálnější zpracování surovin, které jsme nakoupili, jsme se se Soňou zaměřili na to, co dělat s tím, co zbyde. Kdo znáte Kokozu, určitě víte, že takové zbytky - zeleniny nebo ovoce - patří ideálně na kompost. 

    Nakonec tedy tuhle třídílnou sérii zakončíme až dnes. Pokud kompostujete a nebo sledujete Kokozu, tak vám tenhle díl bude připadat asi trochu banální. Ale pokud o kompostování teprve uvažujete, tak dostanete velmi dobré rady do začátků. Ideálně si tedy pusťte nejdřív díly s Veronikou a Bárou a pak navažte touto epizodou se Soňou Houžvovou. 

    BONUS: How to Architect the Future (Max Simkoff, Founder & CEO of Doma)

    BONUS: How to Architect the Future (Max Simkoff, Founder & CEO of Doma)

    This is a special bonus episode of B2BaCEO featuring one of Foundation Capital’s own CEOs, Max Simkoff. In 2016, Max founded Doma, a real estate transactions startup, out of our San Francisco office and Foundation led his Series A. Just last week, less than five years later, Doma started trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

    You can watch the full story of how Doma went from proof-of-concept to public company in our new video series, “Diary of a Startup."

    But this episode of the podcast focusses on what Max learned it takes for a FOUNDER-CEO to build a great company. Max walks us through all the critical first steps, even the seemingly trivial ones, for starting a business. He gets into the minds of VC investors and what founders need to do to really impress them. And he lays out, in no uncertain terms, who exactly is and isn’t a real entrepreneur.

    Same-sex Parenting – 11

    Same-sex Parenting – 11

    If you're straight, you might not know the kinds of hoops that same-sex parents jump through in their effort to raise and protect their kids. Never ones to shy away from the taboo, Bonnie and Ellen tell you all about it in this episode of I Shouldn't Have Had Kids.

    It will probably blow your mind.

    For instance, what if you had to adopt your own child after his birth?

    Or, what would you do if the office lady in your step-son's school told you that you couldn't pick him up without a note from the bio mom?

    And what names does a kid use for each of his two moms or his two dads?

    Houston, we have a problem.

    Get ready to bust a gut as Bonnie and Ellen push past anger and find humor in even the most unfair situations on their journey to fabulous same-sex parenting.

    Quote from Zach Wahls' speech to the Iowa legislature in 2011 (see video link below):
    “My family really isn't so different from yours after all. Your family doesn't derive its sense of worth from being told by the state, ‘You're married. Congratulations.’ No, the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other: to work through the hard times so we can enjoy the good ones. That comes from the love that binds us. That's what makes a family.”

    Zach's YouTube Video: Zach Wahl's address to Iowa legislature
    Rosalia Video: Rosalia's performance at the 2020 Grammy Awards
    Resource for same-sex cards: Zazzle

    Find all episodes of I Shouldn't Have Had Kids wherever you get your podcasts
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    Or, email us :)

    1.08 Up in Smoke

    1.08 Up in Smoke

    Transcript of episode (link following): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AIxq0_1xI-rA9U_GaS-j1LtQIi7Wvdbzyc7vibh_0MM/edit?usp=sharing

    *Clarification* Erik asserted the Civil War was about states right's. We know that it is was far more complex than that and that was an aspect of the causes.

    Quote from Runaway World: There are three main areas in which emotional communication, and therefore intimacy, are replacing the old ties that used to bind together people’s personal lives – in sexual and love relationships, parent–child relationships and also in friendship. To analyse these I want to use the idea of the ‘pure relationship’. I mean by this a relationship based upon emotional communication, where the rewards derived from such communication are the main basis for the relationship to continue. I don’t mean a sexually pure relationship. Also I don’t mean anything that exists in reality. I’m talking of an abstract idea that helps us understand changes going on in the world. Each of the three areas just mentioned – sexual and love relationships, parent–child relationships and friendship – is tending to approximate to this model. Emotional communication or intimacy is becoming the key to what they are all about.

    Articles and books we referenced for this episode:

    Marijuana’s huge impact in Colorado, by the numbers _ FOX31 Denver Jan 4, 2018

    Despite claims, data show legalized marijuana has not increased crime rates - Colorado Politics Feb 28, 2018

    Five years in_ The effects of legalization in Colorado and Washington state - Lift News Nov 13, 2017

    Increase in harder drugs after the decriminalization of pot

    Colorado's Drug Problem Among USA's Worst, Study Says _ Westword May 31, 2017

    States Rights - constitution _ Laws.com

    Civil war about states rights

    History of DOMA

    The Role of Precedent in the United States_ How Do Precedents Lose Their Binding Effect_ - China Guiding Cases Project

    Article IV _ Constitution _ US Law _ LII _ Legal Information Institute

    Obama administration will not block state marijuana laws if distribution is regulated - The Washington Post Aug 29, 2013

    Addiction: The view from Rat Park

    Runaway World by Anthony Giddens

    The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado_ The Impact, Sept 2016 Vol 4

    Correlation versus Causality

    Stoned Driving Nearly Doubles the Risk of a Fatal Crash _ TIME.com, Feb 10, 2012

    Hair dyes and cancer-cancer myth - Cancer Council Western Australia, Jan 01, 2018

    The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program was established by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in 1996.

    How long can a drug test detect cannabis usage_ – Calculator _ Marijuana Central

    Alcohol, Drugs and Crime

    Government Says You Can’t Overcome Addiction, Contrary to What Government Research Shows - Reason.com, Feb 01, 2014

    10% of the U.S. Population Has Quit Drugs or Alcohol _ TIME.com, Mar 7, 2012

    Decision-Making Under Stress_ The Brain Remembers Rewards, Forgets Punishments _ TIME.com, Mar 5, 2012

    Dihydrogen Monoxide - The Truth

    Philly’s post-Super Bowl ‘celebration’ was really a riot, Feb 6, 2018

    What Is Confirmation Bias_ _ Psychology Today, Apr 23, 2015

    ★ Support this podcast ★

    1.06 Sex Tech

    Taking Down DOMA

    Taking Down DOMA

    Former Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, a spring 2015 fellow at the Institute of Politics, recounts the legal journey that ultimately led to the US Supreme Court’s 2013 decision to strike down a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act - a major victory for the LGBT rights movement.


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