

    Explore "动物百科" with insightful episodes like "Little Butterfly!", "Little Pig Ignores Me", "Helping Little Ants", "Little Frog, Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit" and "Boom Boom Boom, Play the Drum!" from podcasts like ""I'm MoMo", "I'm MoMo", "I'm MoMo", "I'm MoMo" and "I'm MoMo"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Little Butterfly!

    Little Butterfly!
    Hi! I am Momo. 嗨!我是兔一一 Dad and I are playing in the park. 我和爸爸正在公园里玩哦~~ Wow! There is a little yellow butterfly over there. 哇!前面有只黄色的小蝴蝶 Little butterfly, yellow butterfly 小蝴蝶,飞呀飞 Fly up, fly down 飞高高,飞低低 Flapping, flashing, you're amazing! 扑闪扑闪真神气 Wait, Little butterfly! 小蝴蝶,等一等 Let me take a look at you. 让我好好看看你 What a beautiful little butterfly 小蝴蝶真美丽 Wearing a yellow floral dress. 身穿黄花衣 Flapping, flashing, you're amazing! 扑闪扑闪真美丽 Wait, Little butterfly! 小蝴蝶,等一等 Come over to me 让我陪陪你 Little butterfly, yellow butterfly 小蝴蝶,飞呀飞 Fly up, fly down 飞高高,飞低低 Flapping, flashing, you're amazing! 扑闪扑闪真神气 Wait, Little butterfly! 小蝴蝶,等一等 Let me go after you. 让我追上你 Little butterfly, yellow butterfly. 小蝴蝶,飞呀飞 It flies into the flower bush. 飞到花丛里 Please wait for me, little butterfly. 我追呀追,追到花丛里 Huh, where are you? 咦,小蝴蝶去哪儿呢? Aha, the little butterfly is hiding in the yellow flower. 嘻嘻,小蝴蝶躲进了黄色的小花里 I am Momo. 我是兔一一 I have met a little yellow butterfly! 我遇到了一只黄色的小蝴蝶哦!

    Little Pig Ignores Me

    Little Pig Ignores Me
    Hi, I am Momo. 嗨,我是兔一一 Mom and I are playing at grandma's house. 我和妈妈在外婆家玩呢 Oink, oink, oink 呼噜~呼噜~呼噜噜 Hey, there is a pig in the yard! 咦,院子里有一只小猪! "Little pig, little pig, get up, get up." “小猪小猪,快起床, "Come and play with me!" 快来和我一起玩!” "Get up, get up, get up!" “起床,起床,起床啦” Little pig, little pig, oink, oink, oink 小猪,小猪,呼噜噜 I keep calling,I keep shouting 我喊呀喊,叫啊叫 Little Pig just ignores me 小猪小猪不理我 Oink, oink. Little Pig snores in his sleep. 呼噜呼噜睡大觉 Haha, I pick up a piece of grass, 嘻嘻嘻,我捡来一根草 and put it on the little pig's nose . 放到小猪的鼻子上 I rub and rub and rub and rub 蹭呀蹭,蹭呀蹭 Little Pig, Ah-choo! 小猪阿——秋一声 He sneezes.hahaha~ 打了一个大喷嚏 Little Pig still ignores me. 小猪小猪不理我 Oink, oink. Little Pig still sleeps. 呼噜呼噜睡大觉 Now, I bring a big slice of watermelon 嘿嘿嘿,我拿来一片大西瓜 and put it close to the little pig’s nose. 凑到小猪鼻子边 "Get up for the watermelon." “起床吃西瓜喽 "A big, delicious watermelon!" 好吃的大西瓜哟” Hey, the little pig stands up. 蹦跶,蹦跶,小猪站起来 Chomp, chomp, chomp! 啊呜~ The little pig eats the big watermelon in one bite. 一口吃掉大西瓜 He still ignores me. 小猪小猪不理我 Oink, oink.Oh no~ Little Pig is going back to sleep. 呼噜呼噜睡大觉 I am Momo. 我是兔一一 I have met a little pig who likes sleeping. 我遇见了一只超爱睡觉的小猪哦

    Helping Little Ants

    Helping Little Ants
    Hi, I am Momo 嗨,我是兔一一, I am watching the ants! 我正在看小蚂蚁呢! One little ant holds a grain, 一只小蚂蚁,举着小米粒, staggering down the road. 摇摇晃晃,摇摇晃晃向下走。 Oh, no! The grain has dropped! 哎呀,米粒掉啦! Take it easy, Little Ant. Let me help you. 别急别急小蚂蚁,我来帮帮忙, I pick up the grain, and give it back to the ant! 捡起小米粒,还给小蚂蚁 "Come on, you can do it, Little Ant!" “加油加油,小蚂蚁!” Two little ants carry a bean. 两只小蚂蚁,抬着大豆子, Zig Zag, Zig Zag, they walk along. 歪歪扭扭,歪歪扭扭向前走, Oh no, they have fallen into a hole. 哎呀,小蚂蚁掉坑里啦 Don’t worry, Little Ants. Let me help you. 别怕别怕小蚂蚁,我来帮帮忙。 I find a small twig and save the ants, 找来小树枝,救出小蚂蚁, “Be careful next time, Little Ants!” “小心小心,小蚂蚁!” Three little ants jump onto a leaf boat, 三只小蚂蚁,跳上树叶船, One two three, one two three, they row over the puddle. 一二三四,一二三四过水坑, Oops, the leaf boat is blown over. 哎呀,树叶船被吹翻啦! No worries, little ants, let me help you. 别慌别慌小蚂蚁,我来帮帮忙! I put back the leaf boat and hold up the ants. 放好树叶船,扶起小蚂蚁, “It’s all right, Little Ants!” “没事没事,小蚂蚁!” Many little ants are touching each other. 好多小蚂蚁,触角碰一碰, Are you playing games? 在玩游戏吗 Or are you sharing some secrets? 还是在说小秘密 Mom comes over and holds my hand. 妈妈走过来,牵起我的手。 “Momo, The little ants need to move. Rain is coming! We’d better go home too!” “一一,小蚂蚁搬家要下雨咯!我们也要回家啦!” “Bye, bye, little ants!” “再见再见,小蚂蚁!” Dark clouds cover the sky, thunders are booming loudly. 乌云乌云排成队,雷声雷声轰隆隆。 Rain is dropping on the ground. 滴答滴答下雨啦! The little ants are going home! 小蚂蚁小蚂蚁回家啦! I am Momo.I like little ants! 我是兔一一,我喜欢小蚂蚁。

    Little Frog, Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit

    Little Frog, Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit
    Hi, I am Momo. 嗨,我是兔一一, I'm watching a little frog! 我正在看小青蛙呢! Little frog, little frog, 小青蛙呀小青蛙 Playing in the pond. 在池塘里玩耍 Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit 咕呱呱,咕呱呱 singing and playing. 唱着歌儿玩耍 Let me sing like the little frog 我学小青蛙唱歌 Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit 咕呱,咕呱,咕呱呱呱呱 It's so fun 真呀真好玩 Little frog, little frog, 小青蛙呀小青蛙 Playing in the pond. 在池塘里玩耍 Jumping here and there. 这里跳跳,那里跳跳 One two three, it jumps onto the shore. 一下,两下,三下,跳到岸上啦。 One two three, it jumps onto a big stone. 一下,两下,三下,跳上大石头。 Let me jump like the little frog. 我学小青蛙跳呀跳 I jump here and there. 这边跳跳,那边跳跳 Yeah~It’s so fun! 真呀真好玩 Little frog, little frog 小青蛙呀小青蛙 Playing by the pond. 在池塘边玩耍 Puffing up its green cheeks and sticking out its long tongue. 鼓起绿脸蛋,伸出长舌头 Slurp! 吸溜一下 Oh~It eats a little bug. 把小虫子吃掉了 Let me eat bugs like the little frog. 我学小青蛙吃小虫子 Oh no, I don’t want to eat bugs. 哎呀,我可不想吃虫子 I pick up my water bottle. 我拿起小水壶 Slurp! 吸溜一下 I drink up the water. 把水喝光啦 I am Momo. I like the little frog. 我是兔一一,我喜欢小青蛙。

    Boom Boom Boom, Play the Drum!

    Boom Boom Boom, Play the Drum!
    Hi! I am Momo. 嗨!我是兔一一 Dad has bought me a drum. 爸爸给我买了一个小鼓 Boom boom boom, play the drum. 咚咚咚,敲小鼓 BOOM BOOM BOOM, it is really fun! ! Hahaha! 咚咚 咚咚,真好玩!!哈哈哈 Boom boom boom, play the drum. 咚咚咚,敲小鼓 I am going to compete with Dad. 我和爸爸比一比 who will play louder? 看看谁敲得更大声 I raise the small drumsticks and hit them hard. 我举起小鼓槌,重重地一敲 Boom—— 咚—— "Oh my! Momo played a very loud drum!" “呀!一一敲得好大声” Dad was shocked . 爸爸吓了一大跳 Hahaha, dad is such a coward. 哈哈哈,爸爸真是个胆小鬼 Dad takes a deep breath and raises the small drumsticks. 爸爸深吸一口气,举起小鼓槌, I quickly cover my ears. 我赶紧捂住耳朵 Boom - boom - boom 咚—咚—咚 Hahaha! Dad played so quietly! 哈哈哈!爸爸敲得好小声 Hahah,I won. 嘿嘿,我赢咯 Boom boom boom, play the drum. 咚咚咚,敲小鼓 I am going to compete with Dad. 我和爸爸比一比 who will play faster? 看看谁敲得更快 I raise the small drumsticks. 我举起小鼓槌, Boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom. 咚咚咚咚,咚咚咚咚 I bang the drum, boom boom boom, 我把小鼓敲得咚咚响, like a horse running fast. 好像马儿在奔跑 Dad raises the small drumsticks, 爸爸举起小鼓槌, Boom, boom, boom, boom, 咚,咚,咚,咚 Boom, boom, boom, boom, 咚,咚,咚,咚 Dad played very slowly, 爸爸敲得慢悠悠, Like a fish swimming slowly. 好像鱼儿慢慢游 Hehe, I won again. 嘿嘿,我又赢咯 I am Momo. 我是兔一一 Boom boom boom, I love playing the drum! 咚咚咚,我喜欢敲小鼓!

    Little Duckling, Quack quack quack!

    Little Duckling, Quack quack quack!
    Hi, I am Momo. 嗨,我是兔一一 I am playing at grandma's house. 我在外婆家玩呢 Grandma has a little duckling. 外婆家有只小鸭子 Quack quack quack, waddle waddle waddle. 嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎 The little duckling comes to me. 啪叽啪叽走过来 Flapping its wings, twisting its waist. 翅膀拍拍,屁股歪歪 Dancing around me, again and again. 围着我转呀转 Hi, Little Duckling, come and play with me. 唔,小鸭子你想和我一起玩吗? I give my doll to the duckling. 我拿出布娃娃递给小鸭子 Do you want it? 小鸭子你想玩布娃娃吗? Quack quack quack, waddle waddle waddle. 嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎 The little duckling shakes its head, flaps its wings, and twists its waist. 小鸭子摇摇头,翅膀拍了拍,屁股歪了歪 I give my cookies to the little duckling. 我拿出小饼干递给小鸭子 Do you want the cookies? 小鸭子你想吃饼干吗? Quack quack quack, waddle waddle waddle. 嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎 The little duckling shakes its head, flaps its wings, and twists its waist. 小鸭子摇摇头,翅膀拍了拍,屁股歪了歪 Uhm, Little duckling, what do you want then? 唔,小鸭子想玩什么呢? Let me do the same. 嘻嘻嘻,我来学小鸭子 I clap my hand, I twist my waist. 小手拍拍,屁股歪歪 I dance like a duckling. 跳起鸭子舞 Quack quack quack, waddle waddle waddle. 嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎 The little duckling nods its head, 小鸭子点点头, Flaps its wings, twists its waist 翅膀拍拍,屁股歪歪 and dances together with me. 和我一起跳呀跳 Aha, the little duckling wants to have a dance with me! 哈哈,原来小鸭子想和我一起跳鸭子舞! I am Momo. 嘻嘻嘻,我是兔一一 I have a duckling friend, really good at dancing! 我有一只小鸭子朋友,它很会跳鸭子舞哦!

    Little Kitty, Meow Meow Meow

    Little Kitty, Meow Meow Meow
    Hi, I'm Momo. 嗨,我是兔一一 I'm playing with my Little Kitty . 我正在和小猫咪玩呢 Little Kitty, meow meow meow. 小喵咪,喵喵喵 Walking to the flowerpot, 走到花盆边 Take a look, take a sniff. 看一看,闻一闻 Take a sniff, take a lick. 闻一闻,舔一舔 Oh no! 哎呀不行啦 Flowers are not food. 不能吃小花 What a naughty cat! 真是一只调皮的小猫咪 Little Kitty, meow meow meow, 小喵咪,喵喵喵 Jumping to the windowsill, 爬到窗台上 Take a look, take a sniff, 看一看,闻一闻 Take a sniff, take a lick. 闻一闻,摸一摸 Oh no!watch out! 哎呀小心呐 The cactus will hurt your paw. 仙人球会扎手呀! What a naughty cat! 真是一只调皮的小猫咪 Little Kitty, meow meow meow, 小猫咪,喵喵喵 Jumping on me to chill out. 跳到我怀里 Take a look, take a sniff, 看一看,闻一闻 Take a sniff, take a lick. 闻一闻,舔一舔 Oh no! 哎呀不行啦 My face just got washed 我刚洗完脸 and not for a lick. 你可不能舔 "What a naughty cat! " 真是一只调皮的小猫咪 Little Kitty, meow meow meow, 小猫咪,喵喵喵 in front of the mirror 来到镜子前 standing still 阿吚呀,吓了一跳 Ah! There is another kitty. 啊哦,镜子里也有只小猫咪 Meow meow meow 喵喵喵,喵喵喵 The Little Kitty meows in front of the mirror 小猫咪对着镜子喵喵喵 What a funny Little Kitty! 真是一只好笑的小猫咪 Hi, I'm Momo 嗨,我是兔一一 My "meow meow" kitty is super fun. 我家有一只超好玩的小猫咪哦

    Chirp, Chirp, Chirp. Who is That?

    Chirp, Chirp, Chirp.  Who is That?
    Hi! I am Momo. 嗨!我是兔一一 Aaa~I am sleeping! 哈~我还在睡懒觉呢! Chirp, chirp, chirp…… 叽叽叽…… Huh? Who is that? 咦?是谁呀? Near the window! Let me go and have a look. 在窗户那儿!过去看看 Thwap..! I open the curtains. 滋啦,我拉开窗帘 Oh no! Nothing at all. 啊哦!什么都没有! Um, I am so sleepy! I’m going back to bed. 唔,好困!我再睡一会儿哦 Chirp, chirp, chirp…… 叽叽叽…… Oh! It’s chirp chirp chirp again! 喔!是叽叽叽! Thump, thump, thump. I run to the window at once. 蹬蹬蹬,我一下就跑到窗边 Where? Where are you? Let me see you. 哪儿呢,哪儿呢,让我看看你 Oh no! Nothing at all. 啊哦!什么都没有! Huh! I'm not going back to bed. I'm waiting for you. 呼!不睡啦,我起床等你哦 Chirp, chirp, chirp…… 叽叽叽…… Oh, it’s on the balcony. Chirp Chirp Chirp is coming again! 喔,在阳台那儿,叽叽叽又来啦! Thump, thump, thump, I run over to take another look. 蹬蹬蹬,我跑过去一看 Aha! Something dark flies away! 呼啦~一个黑影飞走啦! Oh no, I missed it. I wish I had been faster. 哎呀,没看清,我再快一点就好啦 "Momo, come and have some cookies." “一一,来吃饼干啦” Chirp, chirp, chirp…… 叽叽叽…… "Oh, it’s chirping again. Mom, who is that? Where is it?" “喔!是叽叽叽!妈妈,这个叽叽叽是谁呀?它到底在哪里呀?” Mom smiles and puts a cookie on the balcony! 咦!妈妈笑眯眯,把一块饼干放阳台啦! "Shh…Let’s wait for a moment. Maybe it will come back for the cookie. " “嘘—我们等一等,叽叽叽说不定会来吃哦” Aha! Chirp chirp chirp is flying back. 呼啦!一个小黑影出现啦 Now I see it clearly. It's a little bird! 喔,看清楚啦,叽叽叽是一只小鸟呀! I am Momo. 我是兔一一 I know who chirp chirp chirp is. It’s a little bird! 我知道叽叽叽是谁喽,是小鸟哦!

    Smart Little Snail

    Smart Little Snail
    Hi, I am Momo. 嗨,我是兔一一 I am playing in the garden. 我正在花园里玩呢 There are many puddles in the garden. 花园里好多小水坑呀 Splish splash! I jump in the puddles. 啪嗒啪嗒踩踩踩 Wow, there is a little snail in front. 哇,前面有只小蜗牛 The little snail moves slowly. 小蜗牛扭呀扭 It climbs up a big leaf. 爬上大大的叶子 Splat! 啪嗒—— Oh! Watch out! There is a drop of water falling! 噢!小心!有一颗好大好大的露珠! The little snail tumbles 咕噜噜噜噜…… onto the grass. 小蜗牛滚到了草地上 Are you all right, little snail? 小蜗牛你没事吧? Hey, where is the little snail? 咦,小蜗牛去哪儿了? Aha, here it is! Its shell is moving! 啊哈,在这! 蜗牛壳动起来了! And wow, its tentacles are coming out! 哇,小小的触角钻出来了! it turns out that the little snail was hiding in its shell. 嘻嘻嘻,原来刚刚小蜗牛躲进壳里啦~ What a timid little snail! 真是一只胆小的小蜗牛呀! The little snail is moving again. 小蜗牛扭呀扭, It climbs onto a little flower. 爬到一朵小花上 Whoosh 呼呼—— My goodness! The wind is blowing. 噢!天呐!有一阵好大好大的风! Howling and wailing… 咕噜噜噜噜…… The little snail rolls on the grass. 小蜗牛又滚到了草地上! Are you all right, little snail? 小蜗牛你没事吧? Hey, where is the little snail? 咦,小蜗牛去哪儿了? Aha, here it is! Its shell is moving! 啊哈,在这!蜗牛壳又动起来了! And wow, its tentacles are coming out! 哇,小小的触角钻出来了! Aha, again, the little snail was hiding in its shell. 嘻嘻嘻,原来刚刚小蜗牛又躲进壳里啦~ What a timid little snail! 真是一只胆小的小蜗牛呀!略略略~ Tap tap tap 咚咚咚 I tap on the little snail’s shell, 我敲了敲小蜗牛的壳 and say to it, 对它说, "Little snail, come and play with me, please." “小蜗牛,和我一起玩吧!” The little snail is still moving around. 小蜗牛扭呀扭 Where are you going? 你要去哪里呢? It keeps moving. 小蜗牛扭呀扭 Aha, it climbs up a small tree. 嘻嘻,你爬到一棵矮矮的小树上啦 and keeps moving 小蜗牛扭呀扭 Wow, you are eating fruit on the tree, aren't you? What a smart little snail! 哇哇,你在树上吃果子吗?真是只厉害的小蜗牛呢! I am Momo. 我是兔一一 I have met a smart little snail! 我遇见了一只很厉害的小蜗牛哦!

    World’s Greatest, double the wonder

    World’s Greatest, double the wonder
    Binoculars, check. Small tent, check. Compass, flashlight… check, check. All checked. 望远镜,带上。小帐篷,带上。指南针、手电筒……带上,带上,统统带上! Dr. Whipsmart, where are you going? 大头博士,你要去哪呀 Eh? You want to know where I’m going? 啊?你问我要去哪儿? Shh… It’s a secret. I can only tell you. 嘘!这可是个秘密,我只偷偷告诉你! Dr. Whipsmart… that’s me… I’m going to ex… 大头博士,我呀!要去探……探……

    The World’s Fiercest Sea Animal

    The World’s Fiercest Sea Animal
    The Killer Whale looks dignified and strong. Its back is black while its belly is white. It’s kind of cute, but don’t be deceived by its appearance. 虎鲸还真有点虎头虎脑的,它的背部是黑色,肚子是白色的,黑白相间,看着还萌嘟嘟、怪可爱的。 Killer Whales are huge, around 8 to 10 meters long, roughly the height of a three story building. And they’re not only scary. They’re also good hunters. Group attacks, baiting, and camouflaging are what Killer Whales do best. 虎鲸体型巨大,身长8-10米,也就是大约3层楼那么高,但是你可不要以为他们是傻大个哦,他们的捕猎技巧非常高超,车轮战、诱惑战、埋伏战,它们都非常拿手。

    The World’s Fastest Animal

    The World’s Fastest Animal
    The Cheetah is a champion among animals when it comes to speed. It can run as fast as 130 kilometers for short distances, which is as fast as most trains. 猎豹是动物中的短跑冠军,短距离内最高的时速可以达到130千米,和一辆普通火车的速度差不多。 The Cheetah can accelerate very quickly. In only two seconds, a Cheetah can go from fully stopped to its top speed. Its legs are like strong motors, operating very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a walking Cheetah turns into a speeding Cheetah. 而且,猎豹加速很快,只要短短两秒钟,猎豹就能从静止进入高速追逐的状态,它们的腿就像强力马达,哒哒哒,高速运转。就这么的,眼睛一闭一睁,猎豹就进化成了极速猎豹了。

    The Biggest Cow in the World

    The Biggest Cow in the World
    The Indian bison can be more than six feet tall and more than nine feet long, which is almost as tall as the ceiling in your house! 印度野牛身高可达2米左右,体长在3米左右,差不多有一层楼那么高呢 Indian bisons are also very heavy. They can weigh up to one ton! If you try to seesaw with an Indian bison, it will take about fifty kids on the other end of the seesaw to lift the bison off the ground! 印度野牛还非常重,它们的重量可达1吨!如果你想要和印度野牛玩跷跷板,这位牛大哥,坐在跷跷板的一边,而另一边,要坐上差不多50个小朋友才能把印度野牛跷起来! The Indian bison lives in India, and also many parts of Southeast Asia. They eat grass, leaves, and all sorts of plants, and are very grumpy. If you make an Indian bison mad, watch out! 除了印度,在东南亚的许多地方也能看到它们的踪迹。它们虽然吃草啊叶子啊这些素食,但是呢,牛脾气可是非常暴躁的。要是惹火它们,那可就不得了了

    The World’s Biggest Fish

    The World’s Biggest Fish
    Whale sharks are around 10 meters long, but can reach as many as 20 meters, the length of two school buses. The whale shark is grayish brown and covered with yellow spots and stripes. It looks like a giant chess board. 鲸鲨体长约10米左右,最大的鲸鲨,长达20米!就像两间教室连起来那么长!鲸鲨的身体是灰褐色的,布满了黄色斑点和条纹,看起来就像一张大大的棋盘一样! Even though it has a giant body, its eyes are tiny. Ha ha! It looks like it’s squinting. It’s actually very cute, and very docile. This is where the whale shark gets its nickname, gentle giants. 别看他的身体那么巨大,但是呢,他却是个眯眯眼,哈哈,大个子眯眯眼,长得真是非常萌了,看上去憨憨的,所以呢,鲸鲨的别名也叫——大憨鲨。

    The World’s Fastest Fish

    The World’s Fastest  Fish
    Look! He has a giant body, about 2 to 5 meters long. When the sailfish stands up, he’s as tall as a small two story building. His body is covered with scales, and he has grayish white spots on his brown body, like he’s wearing the latest fashion. He’s really fashionable. Not only that, the sailfish’s mouth is sharp and straight, like a sharp sword. 瞧呀,他身形巨大,身长两米到五米,最大的旗鱼站起来,就像一栋二层小楼那么高!他身披鱼鳞,褐色的身体上,有灰白色的斑点!就像穿了一件时装,超时尚!不仅如此,旗鱼的嘴巴,又尖又直,就像一把锋利的长剑! But, this is nothing. 不过,这些都不算什么。 The most dashing thing about the sailfish is his fin. 旗鱼真正帅气的是他的鱼鳍 On his back is a huge fin, like a giant sail. Sailfish, a big fish carrying a sail. Ha ha! That’s how he got his name, Sailfish. 在他的背上,有一个又高又大的鱼鳍,就像一面巨大的旗子。旗鱼,背着旗子的大鱼,哈哈,旗鱼的名字,就是这样来的哟!

    The Smallest Bird in the World

    The Smallest Bird in the World
    The Hummingbird is only about 2 to 4 cm long, around the same size as an eraser. When it flies, its wings beat very fast, making a buzzing sound like a bee. That’s why it’s called the Hummingbird. 蜂鸟,只有2-4厘米长,跟一块普通橡皮差不多大。它飞翔的时候,翅膀扇动地很快,会发出嗡嗡嗡像蜜蜂一样的声音,所以,人们把它叫做蜂鸟! The tiniest Hummingbird weighs only 2 grams, about as heavy as two pieces of candy. 最小最小的蜂鸟,体重只有2克,也就和两块糖差不多重。

    The World’s Farthest-Flying Fish

    The World’s Farthest-Flying Fish
    The flying fish doesn’t actually fly through the air like a bird. Instead, it glides. Yes! Gliding! A flying fish glides, mainly to avoid danger. It has to swim at a really high speed before gliding, and it wags its tail really hard. Then, the fish spreads the big, broad pectoral fins on its chest and starts to glide on the breeze. 飞鱼呢,其实不能像鸟儿一样在空中飞行,而是滑!翔!飞鱼滑翔,主要是为了躲避危险,它们在滑翔之前要高速游泳,尾巴剧烈地摆动,然后,飞鱼展开它胸口又宽又大的胸鳍,开始在空中乘着风滑翔。 Someone once did a test and found that a flying fish can glide nearly 35 feet in the air, and it can go as far as 3,300 feet! 有人曾经做过测试,飞鱼滑翔的最高高度近11米,飞行距离可达1000多米。 The flying fish, the farthest-flying fish in the world. That’s why we call it the flying fish. With a little wind up, it goes over 3,000 feet. 飞鱼啊,作为世界上飞得最远的鱼,真可谓——飞鱼凭风起,直上一千米!

    The World’s Tallest Land Animal

    The World’s Tallest Land Animal
    A giraffe is around 4.8 meters tall. Its legs are very long and slender. It walks elegantly like a fashion model. 长颈鹿的身高大概有四米八.四条大长腿,又细又长!它们走起路来就像模特儿一样优雅。 The giraffe lives in the vast African grasslands. It is very tall and has a long neck. When it stretches it out, it can eat leaves from the top of a tree. 长颈鹿呢,生活在非洲大草原上,它个子高高、脖子长长,只要轻轻一仰头,就能吃到高处的树叶。 Even though the giraffe appears gentle and charming, when it encounters danger, such as the jaws of a lion, it uses its hooves to give its enemy a hard kick, making the enemy groan with pain. 你们不要看长颈鹿温柔迷人,但是呢,当他们遇到危险的时候,比如说,被狮子咬的时候,它就会用自己的蹄子,狠狠地去踢狮子,踢得狮子嗷嗷叫。

    The World’s Largest Land Animal

    The World’s Largest Land Animal
    Including its trunk, the African Elephant is around 6 or 7 meters long. So, an African Elephant is about as big as a large truck. African Elephants can weigh up to 10 tons, about the weight of 200 adults. 如果算上鼻子,非洲象的身长有6-7米,也就是,一头非洲象,一辆卡车那么长!最大的非洲象,体重可以达到10吨!相当于大概200个大人的重量! The African Elephant has big ears. Each ear can grow to a length of 1.5 meters. How long is that exactly? The length of its ears is about as tall as most 12 year olds. 非洲象还是个大耳朵,每只耳朵的长度可达1.5米!什么概念?也就是说,非洲象耳朵的长度,和一个12岁小朋友的身高差不多!

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