

    Explore "earplugs" with insightful episodes like "Phnom Penh, Cambodia", "Consistency is Key to Effective Safety Programs", "259. My Nighttime Routine", "I JUDGE YOU- HAPPY MEAL OR METH FARMER" and "Letters to Benny with Burnham Law" from podcasts like ""Dr Mary Travelbest Guide", "OH&S SafetyPod", "Love Your Work", "BASH that BOOK" and "BASH that BOOK"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia



    I’ve been on a 90-day trip to every time zone around the globe. My mission is world peace through cultural exchange. I was sustainable when I could by using local transportation, buses, and trains. I was solo, carrying a small backpack, called a “personal item,” that fit under the seat in front of me on a plane.


    In this episode, the FAQ is: Should I bring earplugs on my trip?


    Today’s Destination is Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Today’s Mistake- I left my phone at the bus office.

    Travel Advice: Keep a pen handy


    FAQ: Should I bring earplugs on my trip?


    Yes. You can first step away from the noise, turn the volume down, or try these tips to save your hearing. Noise-canceling headphones may be preferred, but you can use earplugs if traveling light. Do they work well? They are better than nothing. Here are three steps to using foam earplugs: Roll, pull, and hold. Roll them to fit your ear, pull back your ear, and then insert them until they fit comfortably. The show notes have tips to help you out.





    Today’s destination: Phnom Penh, Cambodia


    …..before you go, read up on the region's history and try to understand the heartbreaking things that happened in this country. The country went through some tough years in the last century. They are a comparatively less developed country, but the people have hope for the future. Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, meets at the junction of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. Historically, it became a trading hub for the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. Listen to the Siem Reap podcast if you can later on.


    I flew here from Ho Chi Minh City, but taking a bus and a lot cheaper would have been easy. Cambodia Angkor Airlines is reputed to have the best safety standards in the country, although I noticed that my plane was very seasoned. It was a much older model.




    US citizens need to apply for a Cambodia visa. Cambodia e-visa cost: The Total fee is USD 36, and the E-visa processing time takes 2 - 5 business days. I had to change the date of birth on my visa application, as it was incorrect, which was easy to accomplish. Between when I first submitted it and it printed out, the date got switched, so I fixed it ahead of time.

    Rice (bai) is the most essential food in the country, and more than 2,000 species once grew in Cambodia. There's hardly a dish that does not contain rice, including noodles made from rice, desserts, cakes, and alcoholic beverages, and no Khmer meal is complete without boiled rice.


    Although Cambodia's official currency is the Riel, the US Dollar is used in most transactions, so I recommend taking some US Dollars in cash (with some small denomination notes).


    The city’s walkable riverfront is lined with parks, restaurants, and bars, including the ornate Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, and the National Museum, displaying artifacts from around the country. At the city’s heart is the Art Deco Central Market. I did a lot of mid-day walking along the river at Sisowath Quay, the most popular downtown promenade. There were few people there mid-day. It is scenic; you can see boats on the Tonle Sap River and look across a beautiful vista. Walk here between the Royal Palace and Wat Phnom.


    My hotel in Phnom Penh was across the street from the Independence Monument and near the Cambodia Friendship Monument. They called it the Monument District. At night, the locals, by the hundreds, walked in a counterclockwise direction around the park to get some fresh air and exercise. It was a social experience, too. Families and singles all gathered here. I was part of the walk since I had been too hot to walk much during the day's heat.


    The Independence Monument in Phnom Penh was built in 1958 to memorialize Cambodia's independence from France in 1953. It stands on a roundabout at the intersection of Norodom Boulevard and Sihanouk Boulevard in the city's center.




    In the Khmer Rouge's Security Prison S-21, it was here that some of the regime's worst torture atrocities were carried out. More than 17,000 people passed through these gates between 1975 and 1978, accused of betraying the revolution in some way. The Tuol Sleng Museum was where prisoners were housed, a former school. You can see photographs of what happened here. You can walk through the prison rooms, formerly classrooms. It’s two stories, with offices and rooms with evidence of those killed. The detailed notes and photographs remain along with some of the remnants of furniture and statues of those who died. I took a tuk-tuk to visit this sad place at Street 113, Phnom Penh. I was unhappy but hopeful for a better future when I left here.

    Today’s Mistake- I left my phone at the bus office.


    While waiting for the bus, I entered the station and met the people working for the bus tour company. I had about an hour to wait, so I said hi and then sat down to relax from the sun. What I forgot at the desk was my phone. About ten minutes later, the driver arrived and said it was time to board the bus. In my rush, I left my phone on the desk. We started down the road, and then I remembered, so I told the tour guide I needed to get out. He said he would call and make sure they had it, and we would soon go back for it after we dropped someone at the hospital. I thought that was strange, but that’s precisely what happened. That was my second time leaving my phone behind on this trip. I was learning a lesson again. Not to leave my phone anywhere. Don’t be like me. I was lucky. You may not be so fortunate.


    Today’s Travel Advice-Keep a pen handy


    In today’s world of digital technology, one thing you will still need is a pen. There will be a time you need to write down something to remember. It could be a code, a phone number, or a key phrase. Keep something to write with nearby.


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    Consistency is Key to Effective Safety Programs

    Consistency is Key to Effective Safety Programs

    There are many ways to ensure a successful safety program, but there is one key to ensuring that it is effective: consistency. In this episode of the podcast, Editor Sydny Shepard gives examples of how building consistency into your safety approach and programs can create a more safe workspace for all.

    A special thank you to the National Fire Protection Association.

    NFPA LiNK® is the information delivery platform set to revolutionize how you work. Put safety expertise at your fingertips with digital access to NFPA® codes and standards, plus exclusive enhanced content. Utilize dynamic search functionality, bookmarking, and the ability to share and collaborate with others to save time and get the job done right. With NFPA LiNK, you can go by the book without the book to get the job done right faster and more efficiently. Learn more at nfpa.org/link

    259. My Nighttime Routine

    259. My Nighttime Routine

    You hear a lot about morning routines, but nighttime routines are every bit as important. Your parents probably had a bedtime routine for you, and if you have kids you probably have bedtime routines for them. But we need bedtime routines as adults, too. I follow a specific nighttime routine, and it helps me get to sleep faster, and wake up better-rested.

    Wind down, and don’t try to force sleep

    My nighttime routine follows two overarching principles:

    1. Wind down
    2. Don’t try to force sleep

    1. Wind down: Before I started my nighttime routine, I didn’t think about what I was doing before bed. I just went to bed when I was tired. I was treating all hours of the day as equal – following time management instead of mind management. Once I started my nighttime routine, I realized “going to bed” starts well before you’re tired. It’s like the difference between crashing a plane and a smooth landing.

    2. Don’t try to force sleep: I recently did a sleep study at a lab, and started doing my nighttime routine. But the study was supposed to start before my usual bedtime, and the nurses at the lab wouldn’t let me follow my routine. I didn’t sleep the whole night and the study was a waste. The problem for me was trying to force sleep. I had insomnia as a kid and trying to get to sleep always made me more anxious and less able to sleep. So now I’m careful not to force sleep.

    Two phases: wind-down and sleep-time

    In the spirit of not trying to force sleep, my nighttime routine follows two phases: wind-down and sleep-time.

    Wind-down phase: During the wind-down phase, I want to signal to my body that it can get ready for sleep. Again, I’m not trying to force sleep, just giving my body permission to get sleepy. I’ll get more into how I do that in a bit.

    Sleep-time phase: In the sleep-time phase, I’m again careful to not force sleep. But I have specific steps I follow that help me transition from the wind-down phase to actually getting to sleep.

    Five rules for my nighttime routine

    Your parents probably had bedtime rules for you. In your bedtime routine as an adult, you need rules for yourself. Here are five rules I follow:

    1. No social media after 9 p.m.
    2. No bright screens after 10 p.m.
    3. Blue-blocking glasses after 10 p.m.
    4. Reading only after 10 p.m.
    5. In bed by midnight.

    Here’s some more detail about each of those:

    1. No social media after 9 p.m.

    I have a theory that associating with anyone you’re not close to before bedtime disrupts your sleep quality. The only proof I have of this is I’ve experienced it myself. Though it would make sense from an evolutionary perspective: You and the tribe might find it hard to sleep if strangers from another tribe were lurking around your campfire.

    I don’t want to think about a news story in the world at-large, witness a petty argument amongst strangers, or read a hostile Twitter reply too close to bedtime. I sense that it sets my brain on alarm, making it hard to sleep. Twitter is my social media of choice, and it’s valuable enough to outweigh the above negatives, generally, but not after 9 p.m.

    When I say no social media, that doesn’t mean that I won’t chat with a close friend on WhatsApp or Messenger. I would guess associating with people you’re close to before bedtime makes it easier to get to sleep, if anything. I often make a FaceTime call to my father after 9 p.m., but no Twitter.

    2. No bright screens after 10 p.m.

    By now it’s well-established that blue light exposure late at night disrupts sleep and is even associated with higher cancer risk. Yes, our devices have nighttime modes that reduce this light, but I don’t trust that to eliminate blue light completely. So I avoid bright screens, wholesale, after 10 p.m. I stow my phone and tablet in a charging station in my living room, and ignore them until the next morning. This also makes it easier to follow my rule of no social media.

    The brightest thing I look at after 10 p.m. is my Kindle. It’s not great to be on an electronic device, but I set it in dark mode, so it’s actually less light exposure than I would get reading a paper book under lamplight. As part of this rule, I also switch off my internet and WiFi at 10 p.m. This is a good way to keep yourself off the internet, but it also may be better for your health. Studies have shown that EMF exposure before bed alters your brain activity during sleep. Scientists haven’t found any ill health effects from this (yet), but why not turn off your WiFi? We didn’t evolve to have our brain activity altered while we sleep, and you’re not using it anyway.

    3. Blue-blocking glasses after 10 p.m.

    Even if the nighttime modes on my devices did eliminate all blue light, there’s still blue light in the lights in my house, or from street lights outside. So, I nip that in the bud with blue-blocking glasses.

    The blue-blocking glasses I wear are not fashionable. They are orange, and large enough to wrap around most of my face, as well as cover my glasses. Very little blue light gets past these, and I get sleepy easier and wake up more refreshed when I wear these glasses, starting two hours before my target bedtime. I even take them with me when I travel, and they help out when I need to push my bedtime earlier to get up for early flights.

    4. Reading only after 10 p.m.

    Back when I didn’t pay attention to what I was doing before bedtime, I would often work until I could hardly keep my eyes open. I’ve since tried different activities before sleep, and found that nothing works better to get me sleepy than reading. So, the only activity I allow myself to do after 10 p.m. is read.

    This means there are a lot of activities I avoid before bed. Aside from bright screens, I’ve found that certain activities get my brain too active, and make it hard for me to fall asleep. If I play a video game on my VR headset, write in my journal, or even do something creative such as drawing, it’s not as easy for me to get to sleep, and I wake up less-rested.

    I also select the type of reading I do in a specific way that helps me get sleepy. For the first hour, I can read pretty much whatever I want. This hour helps me get through a lot of science, history, or biography books, the highlights of which I store in the digital Zettelkasten I talked about on episode 250. I use much of this reading as raw material for ideas for newsletters, articles, and books.

    As I’m reading, I’m looking out for specific signals help to me decide when I’m ready for bed. The first thing I’m looking out for is how well I understand what I’m reading. About this time of night, I can lose my reading comprehension very rapidly. One minute I’m engrossed in a complex neuroscience book, the next minute I realize I’ve read the same sentence several times over. This happens before I’m consciously aware that I’m tired, but it signals to me it’s time to change my reading material.

    When that happens, I switch from non-fiction to fiction. If 11 p.m. rolls around and I’m still comprehending non-fiction well, I make the switch anyway.

    Now I’m looking for the final signals that I’m ready for bed. At some point, I will realize I’ve just “come to.” I will have just started to doze off – my eyelids have gotten so heavy they’ve started to close, and I may have even lost control over the arm that holds up my Kindle. I’m not the type to fall asleep accidentally, but as soon as one of these things happens, I close my Kindle and go to bed.

    If by 11:30 p.m. my eyelids haven’t started closing involuntarily, I bring out the big guns. This is the reading that’s most likely to make me sleepy. I read some poetry by Robert Frost, or a play by Shakespeare. If I really want to go back in time, I’ll pull out The Iliad. Sometimes I’ll read some Emerson.

    The Robert Frost poetry is folksy and he and Emerson talk a lot about nature, which is very relaxing. The rhythms of Frost and Shakespeare lull me to sleep. And The Iliad is just hard to read.

    5. In bed by midnight

    By following this progression of reading, I almost always get sleepy by midnight. My rule is “in bed by midnight,” but really if I don’t get sleepy by then, I find it does me no good to go to bed anyway. So I try to be in bed by midnight, but if I’m not sleepy, I’ll just keep reading the big guns.

    I have found that having a set bedtime helps me get to sleep more easily, and wake up more rested. There’s not a big difference between whether I go to bed at 10:30 p.m. or midnight, but once it gets past midnight, there’s suddenly a big difference. If I can’t get to bed until 12:15 a.m. one night, I’ll feel it the next day, and will take a couple nights more before I can get my sleep back on schedule.

    By the way, I make sure to have already brushed my teeth by the time I’m going to bed. I do that at some point during the wind-down phase. I hate the feeling of being sleepy and still needing to brush my teeth, so I try to do it before. And this helps prevent any late-night snacking.

    Going to bed: the sleep-time phase

    Once I’m in bed, I’m still following the principle of not trying to force sleep. I take off my glasses, but leave on the orange goggles. I get a couple of other valuable sleep tools ready: I position my sleep mask on my forehead for quick deployment, and I put in earplugs.

    Now, I lay on my back stare off into space, and let my thoughts flow. I do not close my eyes and try to go to sleep until I feel my eyelids get heavy again.

    You might wonder: My eyelids were just heavy, now I’ve gone to bed and am waiting again for my eyelids to get heavy. Why didn’t I just read in bed? I’m a big advocate of the philosophy that you should only do two things in bed, one of them should be sleeping, and the other should not be reading. If you do other activities such as reading or surfing the web in bed, you’re just programming yourself to not be sleepy when in bed. So, I make the small compromise of having to get myself to bed once sleepy, then needing to again wait to get sleepy.

    It usually only takes a minute or two before my eyelids are falling closed. At that point, I take off the orange goggles, lower my sleep mask, and fall asleep.

    There’s my nighttime routine

    There’s my nighttime routine. After that, I sleep until I wake up. I don’t use an alarm. I try to stay in bed until at least 8 a.m., even if I do wake up earlier. (I find if I’m patient, I do fall asleep again.)

    I hope this gives you some ideas for your own nighttime routine. Pay attention to what activities do or don’t help you get to sleep, wind down gradually, and keep a regular bedtime. You may, like me, get to sleep easier and wake up better-rested. Image: Gauze by Paul Klee

    New Book: Digital Zettelkasten: Principles, Methods & Examples

    Learn how to think through building a database of the most interesting things you've ever read, or thought. Available direct from me, on Amazon, and everywhere else.

    About Your Host, David Kadavy

    David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start and Design for Hackers. Through the Love Your Work podcast, his Love Mondays newsletter, and self-publishing coaching David helps you make it as a creative.

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    Show notes: http://kadavy.net/blog/posts/nighttime-routine/

    MacVoices #20065: CES - Loop Earplugs Help Protect Your Hearing With Style

    MacVoices #20065: CES - Loop Earplugs Help Protect Your Hearing With Style

    At CES in Las Vegas, we saw lots of earphones, but nothing exactly like Loop Earplugs. Co-Founder Maarten Bodewes talks about how his personal experience led him to co-found the company, why you won’t be embarrassed to wear their earplugs, and how they make sure you get the perfect fit to protect your hearing.

    This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of PDFpen and PDFpenPro, PDFpen for iPad, PDFpen for iPhone, PDFpen Scan+, as well as TextExpander for Mac and TextExpander for iPhone and iPad, as well as the new TextExpander for Windows. Great software to help you get more done.


    Show Notes:

    Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he's doing on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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    How to Stay Healthy When You Travel with JJ Virgin

    How to Stay Healthy When You Travel with JJ Virgin

    Today, JJ discusses how important it is to establish and maintain control of your sleep environment and eating plan while traveling. Since traveling already compromises your immune system, keeping on track with food, sleep and exercise keeps your body in prime condition to fight off travel-related issues. Listen to this super informative podcast episode today, and again, right before you travel!


    Freebies From Today’s Episode

    Get JJ’s free blog about How to Eat Out Wisely by going to jjvirgin.com/traveltips.


    Main Points From Today’s Episode

    1. Travel is hard on the immune system. Protect your health by following these tips.
    2. Protect your sleep. Make sure you’re sticking as close as possible to your healthy eating plan.
    3. Exercise every day. If you’re close to a gym, awesome! If not, find another way to get your blood pumping.


    Episode Play-By-Play

    [2:00] The first travel hack centers around getting a good night’s sleep.

    [3:40] The second hack for getting a good night’s sleep is to block it out.

    [5:00] Distract yourself with this app

    [6:00] What you can do about time changes

    [7:34] Keep clothespins handy to combat this issue

    [8:30] Lights from electronics can be distracting – try this to keep them under control.

    [9:00] Don’t forget to do this to help with sleep and productivity; keep an eye out for this when you’re selecting your hotel.

    [10:45] Chill out with this to make your trip easier and healthier

    [12:20] Drink a lot of this when you’re traveling.

    [13:00] Bring this mineral to help keep things moving

    [13:35] Travel with these foods and supplements

    [14:10] Check these ideas out before you plan to eat out

    [17:50] Carry these with you in case you get hungry and don’t have access to good quality food

    [18:50] When traveling, you want to be more careful about the foods you’re eating for this reason


    Action Steps:

    1. What if you could actually be healthier when you travel or when you eat out?
    2. Use travel and eating out as a way to experiment with new, healthier foods.
    3. Check out if there are any classes you can try out.



    Mentioned in this episode:

    Subscribe to Reignite Wellness with JJ Virgin

    Become part of JJ’s community

    JJ Virgin Official Facebook page

    JJ Virgin on Instagram

    JJ Virgin on YouTube

    Tempur-pedic Sleep Mask

    Dr. Marisol Teijeiro Castor Oil products

    Emily Fletcher Ziva meditation

    Blue light glasses

    Bulletproof coffee

    JJ Virgin Sleep Candy

    Dave Asprey

    Fast Fitness online program

    JJ Virgin Safety Net Plus

    Breakthrough Food Intolerance online program

    GHIT 0048 Pre-Race Prep for Lucky Dog race in Portland OR (PIR)

    GHIT 0048 Pre-Race Prep for Lucky Dog race in Portland OR (PIR)

    Well this episode started out as a quick update and we intended to show you some of the planning that goes into a race weekend when you have to travel a significant distance.  What we ended up with was a bit of what we intended plus a whole lot more.  We go over a training session using go carts, new ear plugs for racing and a variety of other things.  Technical issues in the background abound as well, but they will hopefully be entertaining.

    E0048 - The Hot Pepper Prophecy

    E0048 - The Hot Pepper Prophecy

    We are starting off our second year with episode 48 and we've made it to 53 countries around the globe! We'd like to thank you for your support; We can't save the world without you!

    Rob Mitchelson sends us his latest Sock Jingle as suggested by fellow podcaster @soundtrackcast. Dropbear adopted a magpie much to Newton's chagrin, our studio is now wired for the best disco parties around, and Panda tells Mr. Kenney what he can do with his earplugs. Also: Dropbear is growing hot peppers of doom.


    Our sponsors The Friday Sock Company and Make More Creative;
    Emre Cords for our amazing theme music;
    and Rob Mitchelson for the insane jingles.

    Support Dropbear and Panda and become a Patron of the Arts at Patreon for as low as $1 /month! CLICK HERE>> Dropbear and Panda on Patreon

    Episode 106: Unpacking CES from Vibrators to Drones

    Episode 106: Unpacking CES from Vibrators to Drones

    On this episode Dr. Heidi unpacks her bag from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2019 sharing the delightful discoveries in digital wellbeing using AI, AR and 3D printing from vibrators to drones. Her special guest, Tally Forbes, provides a fun and fresh across generations response to future tech as they unpack.

    • Aetrex.com - insoles
    • Elsecorp.com - customized shopping experiences, using AI and AR
    • MaskID.com - for customized face treatments and masks
    • OhMiBod: - BlueMotion Nex|1 – second Generation, Lovelife Krush kegel trainer
    • AEE Mach1 Drones
    • Loop Earplugs
    • Eyeforcer for tech-neck

    This episode is also celebrates the highlighting of Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, new #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, on the CTA Mainstage for Gary’s Book Club at CES. Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally. 

    Earplugs Make Sounds Louder?

    Earplugs Make Sounds Louder?
    Wearing earplugs may help to cut out external noises, but why does it make it impossible to eat crunchy crisps? In this Question of the Week, we find out why earbud headphones make internal noises so loud, and ask how long did a dinosaur live, and what technology will we need to communicate with life around other stars? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

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