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    Episodes (6)

    Don't Throw Away Your Confidence and Reward

    Don't Throw Away Your Confidence and Reward

    Ed Underwood

    Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence and Reward! (Hebrews 10:32-39)


    “My righteous one shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38).

    We come to a great transition in the Book of Hebrews as the writer moves from teaching to application. He has masterfully presented Jesus Christ’s superior ministry (6:13-10:18). Proving that Jesus is better than every and any alternative and cautioned them against forsaking him and his followers, the writer now offers the most stern warning: Do not sin willingly and persistently because God severely judges his New Covenant people! 

    The key Greek term parresia, confidence (vv 19, 35; 4:16) brackets the admonition. The message being that though true believers should live with a healthy expectation of judgment for contemptuous lifestyles that dishonor God and insult the Spirit of grace (v 29)—all who truly believe should desire the confidence that faith in Christ brings to our lives.

    These paragraphs have a greater purpose than simply warning those who are tempted to walk away from Jesus. They’re designed to encourage all of us to draw near to God in enduring faith. We’ve already considered the first paragraph (19-25) that teaches us to draw near to God in community by resourcing our New Covenant blessings in Christ. We then looked at the warning itself: Do not be disloyal to Christ because God sternly disciplines His New Covenant people.

    Now we close out our study as the author transitions from the consequences of walking away from Jesus to a reminder of the days when they were faithful. He’s hoping that these memories of the joy of serving Christ in sacrificial ways will spark repentance. He reveals his shepherds heart in this desperate plea to return to their past faithfulness and the joys they shared in community. 



    Plea: We’ve come so far together; don’t throw away your confidence and reward.



    The final paragraph recalls more faithful times when the joy of serving Jesus surpassed the pain of persecution, and then reminds them of what they’re throwing away if they walk away from the Lord.


    I. Plea: Remember the joy we shared in serving Jesus in hard times? Don’t throw away your confidence and reward! (Hebrews 10:32-39)


    A.The shepherd of this community reminds them of former times of faithfulness in spite of the pain as they lived for what really matters to the redeemed (32-34).


    1.But remember the former days…after you were enlightened. This is speaking of those days following their belief in Christ when they served the Lord no matter what the cost.


    2.You endured suffering, humiliation, and injustice. You risked visiting those who were thrown into prison for their faith (Matthew 25:36) while authorities and mobs were confiscating your belongings.


    3.But, you did this gladly because you looked forward to what really matters—the better and eternal possession (I take this as the believer’s inheritance in the kingdom!).   


    B.Now he pleads with them not to throw away their confidence and reward, but rather to have the faith to endure by doing God’s will as they look for Jesus’ return. In this context God’s will means faithfully serving Christ in spite of the cost. (35-39)


    1.Those about to walk away should understand what they’re throwing away—their confidence (4:16; 1 John 2:28) and reward (Hebrews 1:14; 3:6, 14; 9:15; 10:19; Matthew 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10). 

    The eternal inheritance laid up for them was so real in their eyes that they could lightheartedly bid farewell to material possessions which were short-lived in any case. This attitude of mind is precisely that 'faith' of which our author goes on to speak." (F.F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Hebrews, p. 270)


    2.The author speaks for himself as one of them who will continue to do God’s will with enduring faith as he waits for the soon coming of Jesus. He knows that God’s righteous ones (How could he be more clear that this is a warning to believers?) should not shrink away from living by faith. The alternative is to become God’s disappointing child. 


    3.The author is counted among those who do not timidly shrink back from the cost of following Jesus and thus live wasted lives, but he is among those who have the faith that preserves physical life (soul is frequently to mean “physical life,” cf. James 5:20). I believe that the word translated perish (NET Bible), perdition (NKJV), destruction (NASV), is picturing the path that those who draw back decide to walk. The path toward destruction, I believe, in this context is loss of physical life. The Greek word speaks of waste. What a waste of a life when a New Covenant child of God refuses to live for the Lord Jesus.


    II. There are five categories of people we will meet in life and the church:


    A.In 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3, Paul describes three spiritual categories of human beings.


    1.The natural man, or unbeliever (2:14). This person cannot receive the things the Spirit of God is teaching believers because only the Spirit can discern these messages. They do not have the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9), therefore the only message the Spirit is enabling them to believe is the gospel (1 John 2:2).


    2.The one who is spiritual, or maturing Christian (2:15). This person is lead and taught by the Spirit and can scrutinize issues in life. He or she is accessing the mind of Christ as the Spirit teaches them the Scriptures in the context of community.


    3.The people of the flesh, or carnal (flesh-dominated) Christian (3:1-4). This person continues to act as a mere babe in Christ, his or her mind dominated by self-centered thoughts that result in divisive behavior. 


    4.The infant in Christ (3:1-4), who simply needs to grow out of the self-centered and divisive ways of the world.


    5.In Matthew 13:24-30 Jesus warns us against an extremely dangerous person we may encounter, the tare. The tare is a person sown into the wheat field of God’s people to do harm and disrupt. We can’t tell the difference between these stealthy insurgents and true believers until the end of the age. Note: Their behavior will be virtually identical to that of a carnal, or flesh-dominated Christian. 


    III. Hebrews 10 and You! How should I respond to those who claim Christ while rebelling?


    A.Rebuke. Warn them against the loving but severe discipline of the Father.


    B.Remind. Recall stories of the joy of service when they first believed.


    C.Re-evaluate. If this doesn’t resonate, consider the possibility that they are unsaved or a tare.


    D.Resolve. To love them well, but do not trust them with your life or your community.

    II Corinthians: Triumph in Trials

    II Corinthians: Triumph in Trials

    Study Notes
    Ed Underwood

    2 Corinthians Triumph in Trialspage1image66301568

    “For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ is the one who shined in our hearts to give us the light of the glorious knowledge of God in the face of Christ.”
    (Paul to the Corinthians, 2 Corinthians 4:5-6)

    The thirteen Pauline Epistles develop the foundational truths of Christianity introduced in the Gospels. Paul wrote nine letters to churches and four to individuals. He writes from the perspective of the Apostle to the Gentiles, church-planter, pastor, and friend. His letters contain instructions, exhortations, and corrections that were real-time—messages to real people, gathered in real churches, with real problems as they endeavored to follow Christ and make a difference in their world. One consistent theme undergirds all of Paul’s teaching—the reality of every believer’s position in Christ.

    Corinth was one of the most influential cities in the Roman Empire and the capital of the province of Achaia. The “Las Vegas” of the Empire, Corinth was a wealthy and debauched place inviting all to come and taste the pleasures of the hundreds of temple prostitutes at the Temple of Aphrodite. The city prospered on commerce, entertainment, vice, and corruption. Corinth had gained such a reputation for sexual depravity that Aristophanes had coined the verb korinthiazo = to act like a Corinthian, i.e., to commit fornication.

    Paul planted a church there on his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1-7). He taught the Word of God in the city for eighteen months, and recruited Apollos from Ephesus to replace him as pastor of the Church in Corinth. About five years later during his third missionary journey, Paul wrote 1 Corinthians from Ephesus to address problems in and answer questions from the Corinthian church. He sent Timothy to Corinth and expected him to return with a report (1 Corinthians 16:10-11). Timothy brought back the distressing news that false teachers were stirring up opposition to Paul and his teaching. So Paul made a hurried and painful visit to Corinth to stand against these enemies of the gospel (2 Corinthians 2:1; 12:14; 13:1-2). When he returned to Ephesus, Paul wrote a sorrowful letter, asking the congregation to discipline the leader of the opposition (2:1-11; 7:8). Titus carried this letter to Corinth, and Paul went to Macedonia to meet with Titus on his return trip (2:12-13; 7:5-16). There in Macedonia Paul wrote 2 Corinthians, and sent it with Titus and another brother in Christ (8:16-24). Finally, Paul made his last recorded trip to Corinth (Acts 20:1-3), an extended stay that allowed him to write his masterpiece, the Book of Romans.

    Paul’s Corinthian Interactions (from Tom Constable)
    Plants the “former Response First “painful “severe Second Anticipated church letter” to Paul Corinthians visit” letter” Corinthians visit

    Second Corinthians is the most personal of Paul’s letter to churches. If Romans reveals his mind, 2 Corinthians reveals his heart. The first seven chapters express his joy over the good report that the church had responded to his exhortation to remember the centrality of Christ. He then devotes chapters 8 and 9 to the principles guiding his request that they give to the work of Christ. Finally, in chapters 10-13, Paul speaks to the remnants of the opposition by defending his apostleship. No more realistic presentation of the cost of disciplemaking exists in the New Testament. And no more majestic presentation of the power of the gospel of the New Covenant can be found:

    Paul’s overwhelming concern in this letter was to oppose the influence of false teachers who were telling Christians that righteousness was by works. As he makes the gospel sparkling clear, he reveals some of the deepest practical truths about the glorious struggle of serving Christ in this fallen world.

    I. INTRODUCTION (1:1-11): Paul thanks God for the comfort that is ours during suffering because of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    2 Corinthians: The magnitude of the privilege of serving Christ eclipses the pain.

    II. PAUL EXPLAINS HIS MINISTRY TO THOSE WHO STOOD AGAINST THE LIES ABOUT HIM (1:12-7:16): Paul didn’t delay his planned visit to Corinth because he was afraid of his enemies but to give the church ample time to repent. He goes on to demonstrate the superiority of the New Covenant, who Satan opposes the gospel, and how that opposition brings not only suffering today, but the prospect of rewards from Christ in the future. It’s a great privilege to be an ambassador for Christ that requires separation from the sin of our culture. Finally, Paul thanks the Corinthians for the good news of Titus’ report of their repentance.

    III. PAUL EXPLAINS NEW TESTAMENT STEWARDSHIP (8:1-9:15): This is the longest and most complete discussion of the principles and practice of giving of our money in the New Testament. The example is the Philippians selfless, courageous, and sacrificial giving. The application is Paul’s insistence that the privileged and wealthy Corinthians keep their promise to give generously. The promise is that God reward generous and sacrificial giving in the name of His Son.

    IV.PAUL EXPLAINS HIS DEFENSE OF HIS APOSTLESHIP (10:1-13:10): To the rebellious minority still resisting his authority, Paul presents his impeccable credentials. His meekness does not mean weakness but sensitivity and servanthood. His knowledge, integrity, resumé, sufferings, miraculous visions and works measure up to any of the Apostles. And they better get that right, because he’s coming, and he’s bringing his apostolic authority with him!

    V. CONCLUSION (13:11-14) Paul exhorts, encourages, and greets the assembly at Corinth.

    2 CORINTHIANS AND YOU: If you’re considering following Christ as His devoted disciple (and you should!), Second Corinthians will calibrate your expectations. From this letter you will discover the two overarching truths all who serve Christ by pouring into others know learn: The expectation of suffering and the anticipation of glory. If you’re willing to pay the price of suffering for Christ, God will give you a front row seat to see His glorious power working in this world.

    Don’t underestimate the pain of ministering in the name of Christ!

    1. Expecttrialsandtribulations—2Corinthians4:8-1511:16-33.
    2. Expectopposition—2Corinthians11:1-15.
    3. ExpectSatanicattack—2Corinthians4:1-7.
    4. Expecttohavetogiveyourmoneyandaskforthemoneyofothers—2Corinthians8-9. 5. Expecttobemisunderstoodandfalselyaccused—2Corinthians10:1-18.

    Don’t underestimate the privilege of ministering in the name of Christ!

    1. Experiencethewonderofbeingusedtochangelives—2Corinthians3:1-5.

    2. KnowthatyouareministersofanawesomelyNewCovenant—2Corinthians3:6-18.

    3. Experience the power of Christ pulsating through your body, this “container”—2 Corinthians 4:1-8.

    4. ExperiencetheexhilarationoflivingbyfaithasanambassadorofChrist—2Corinthians5:1-21.

    5. AnticipateyourrewardatChrist’sjudgmentseat—2Corinthians5:9-11.

    Christ: “Jesus Christ is presented as the believer’s comfort (1:5), triumph (2:14), Lord (4:5), light (4:6),

    judge (5:10), reconciliation (5:19), substitute (5:21), gift (9:15), owner (10:7), and power (12:9).”

    –Kenneth Boa


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