

    Explore "emilyinparis" with insightful episodes like "Binge Partners 1x01 - Hate Watch: le serie che amiamo odiare", "EP2 | 艾蜜莉在巴黎🇫🇷 前,教你如何成為時尚雜誌專欄作家 feat. Em的時尚呢喃作者 Emily Hsieh", "Flipping the Script on Audio Description: Fashion Able", "Emily In Paris" and "S5E7 心情酸布啦 I 與異國朋友相處" from podcasts like ""BINGE PARTNERS", "精品圈不裝B", "ReidMyMindRadio", "Caramel Swirl" and "布啦醬路邊攤"" and more!

    Episodes (22)

    Binge Partners 1x01 - Hate Watch: le serie che amiamo odiare

    Binge Partners 1x01 - Hate Watch: le serie che amiamo odiare
    In questo episodio parliamo di un fenomeno, o per meglio dire un atteggiamento, l’hate watching, che è non solo interessante di per sé (l’idea di guardare qualcosa che non ci piace, o che ci fa arrabbiare, è una curiosa contraddizione in termini su cui riflettiamo davvero poco) ma anche estremamente specifico del momento storico in cui viviamo, in cui le visioni di film e serie non soltanto sono condivise ma anche parte della costruzione della nostra persona pubblica. Insomma le cose che vediamo, e quello che ne pensiamo, sono parte integrante della personalità che sfoggiamo online. Quindi è logico e prevedibile che ci aspettiamo di venire giudicati anche in base a esse.

    Abbiamo citato un articolo dal quotidiano Il Post, che trovate qui: https://tinyurl.com/247927p4

    EP2 | 艾蜜莉在巴黎🇫🇷 前,教你如何成為時尚雜誌專欄作家 feat. Em的時尚呢喃作者 Emily Hsieh

    EP2 | 艾蜜莉在巴黎🇫🇷 前,教你如何成為時尚雜誌專欄作家 feat. Em的時尚呢喃作者 Emily Hsieh
    🗣來賓:Em的時尚呢喃作者 Emily Hsieh ✍️ 美國影集 《慾望城市 Sex and the City》中的凱莉曾說過:當我剛搬到紐約的時候很窮,當時我會選擇買時尚雜誌而不是晚餐。一樣沒有要裝B,😆 Emily in Paris 之前拆解告訴你,時尚文章都是怎麼寫出來的? 節目中Emily 的分享 ✍️ Em的時尚呢喃:https://instagram.com/em.fashwhisper ✍️時尚編輯的真心話:https://instagram.com/lets_talk_about_the_truth ✍️不專業時尚評論|伯特先生:https://instagram.com/iam.alberrrt Instagram|https://www.instagram.com/_fashiontobe_ Email|fashiontobe2022@gmail.com 贊助☕️|https://pse.is/4blq2n

    Flipping the Script on Audio Description: Fashion Able

    Flipping the Script on Audio Description: Fashion Able

    In today's episode we speak with Natalie Trevonne, one of the two host of the Fashionably Tardy podcast about the lack of fashion descriptions in films and television. Of course, you already know, it's about more than entertainment. Plus we hear how Natalie's pursuit of her interest helped her find her way into acting.
    Subscribe/follow wherever you get podcasts.
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    Transcripts & more: www.reidmymind.com

    S5E7 心情酸布啦 I 與異國朋友相處

    S5E7 心情酸布啦 I 與異國朋友相處
    隨著世界是平的快速發展, 有機會能在不同國家居住, 但是要跟朋友聊什麼話題, 如何才能不被當成局外人。 日本人注重禮貌心口不一, 韓國人喜歡愛情喜歡聯誼, 美國人超熟悉蔣家政治圈, 法國人愛吃卻不愛聽八卦? 熱愛亞洲的歐洲人超神秘, 熱愛歐洲的亞洲人超好笑, 來聽聽布啦醬的神祕朋友, 怎麼打黑工怎麼帥氣開車。 如果您喜歡這個節目,歡迎分享給您的朋友。 您也可以利用下方贊助連結,讓我們能夠升級設備,將更好的節目帶給您。 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/3f996f0a-98bc-4224-b63e-341e092b4dac #新年快樂 #虎年行大運 #異國戀情 #旅遊 #交朋友 #東京未婚妻 #EmilyInParis #Workation #刻板印象 #布啦醬路邊攤 #生活

    EP22艾蜜莉在巴黎 看出何謂最透徹的綠茶婊【滿滿暴雷的一集】

    EP22艾蜜莉在巴黎 看出何謂最透徹的綠茶婊【滿滿暴雷的一集】
    阿囉哈~我們又回來啦! 這次在2021年末時和袞袞合體 就是為了愛蜜莉在巴黎啊!!!!!(以為是要講什麼感人話嗎XD) Netflixy在2021年末終於推出了第二季 第一季的巴黎美景、浪漫主廚、百花多樣的品牌行銷手法還有最重要的每位角色的情感線 都是各位觀眾看得入迷的原因 終於迎來第二季 究竟艾蜜莉要如何處理與加百列和好友卡蜜莉的三角關係 而在這一季艾蜜莉又會遇到什麼什麼樣的行銷公關危機? 如果你是還沒看過第二季的朋友 麻煩先轉台 今天的節目只有滿滿的暴雷+對艾蜜莉的抱怨XD


    ▫️錄製時間20211220 ⭐️本集大綱 「你多久沒有好好看看天空了呢?」 【廢話連篇】 1.阿妹明年4月開演唱會 2.「你可以幫我吹嗎?」 3.這週看到最好笑的留言 4.蕾神之槌VS宏慌之力 5.天使臉孔惡魔的心 【分享12月片單】 1.阿拉丁真人版-中文發音 2.毒樓-韓劇 3.戀慕-韓劇 4.某一天-韓劇 5.那年我們的夏天-韓劇 6.綠蔭之冠第二季-漫畫 7.summerbreeze-漫畫 8.重返霍格華茲 9.海岸村恰恰恰-韓劇 10.全明星運動會第三季 11.今生必定是幸福結局-漫畫 12.今生也請多指教-漫畫 13.女神降臨-漫畫 14.雪降花-韓劇 15.艾蜜莉在巴黎-美劇 【正片】 完美詮釋如何把聖誕節過得如此無聊. - - - 穎Ying 曼Man 🗣分享生活大小事 🤍𝔼𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 🔸MON. 2000更新 🔸上架平台 👉🏻𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝙾𝚗 👉🏻𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝙿𝚘𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚝 👉🏻𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢 📫合作邀約:ordinaryying29@gmail.com 🙇🏻‍♀️歡迎贊助:https://player.soundon.fm/p/36da2f0a-d56e-49f8-9018-88f4c9e0a1a7

    S5E2 旅遊甜布啦 I 法國人太幽默

    S5E2 旅遊甜布啦 I 法國人太幽默
    驕傲的公雞代表著法國, 象徵高盧人的勇往直前, 羅馬人卻說他裝腔作勢, 艾蜜莉般的巴黎存在嗎? 法國人究竟是又浪又慢, 還是骨裡留著浪漫的血? 當全世界在吵著解封時, 他們只想要博物館開放。 超高稅收卻也有高福利, 不管賺多少錢先收再說, 寧願沒藥吃也要有麵包, 聽布啦醬來聊幽默法國! 如果您喜歡這個節目,歡迎分享給您的朋友。 您也可以利用下方贊助連結,讓我們能夠升級設備,將更好的節目帶給您。 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/3f996f0a-98bc-4224-b63e-341e092b4dac #布啦醬路邊攤 #法國 #稅 #艾蜜莉在巴黎 #emilyinparis #巴黎 #麵包店 #甜點店 #boulangerie #pattiserie #旅遊 #失業 #幽默

    Cinematography: Entourage and The Affair / Steven Fierberg ASC / Season 2 - EP2

    Cinematography: Entourage and The Affair / Steven Fierberg ASC / Season 2 - EP2

    The Visual Impact Podcast is produced by Visual Impact and hosted by Rob Newton. In each episode we invite cinematographers and creative professionals to talk about their contribution to the art of filmmaking in the Film and TV industries.

    Award-winning cinematographer Steven Fierberg ASC talks about his work on the TV and Film version of Entourage and the multi Golden Globe award winning TV drama The Affair. He describes the “handheld look” used in the Entourage TV series which many shows later copied, eliminating the backlight, why the POV on The Affair was crucial and how he shot his favourite evening scenes in Paris for season 3.

    Feat. Samuel Arnold| Conversation about his career and his experience working on the show Emily In Paris.

    Feat. Samuel Arnold| Conversation about his career and his experience working on the show Emily In Paris.

    In a conversation with Perri Pierre, Samuel Arnold goes into detail about:
    - His upbringing in the upskirt of Paris.
    - The different institutes that he has attended to study acting.
    - How he got cast in his first film and Emily in Paris.
    - His experience working on the latter.
    - Lastly, some of his preferences.

    Samuel Arnold is an actor, known for Emily in Paris (2020), National Theatre Live: Antony & Cleopatra (2018), and Platane (2011).

    Club De Los 27

    Club De Los 27
    En el desconecre de hoy platicaremos del club de los 27 y pondremos canciones de estos músicos , en sección videojuegos platicamos de bloodstained , Curse of the moon , sección cómics revisamos el cómic " Bella muerte " , en la sección películas o series , repasamos el nuevo episodio de the mandalorian , la recomendación de cada semana y el documental hombre halado de Gustavo Cerati , emili in París también . Nuestra sección de deportes " México vs Corea " , hablamos del lanzamiento de spaceX Crew 1 en nuestra sección geek , la recomendación de la semana con Bowie y Morrisey y el estreno de la semana .


    主持人:小葛、Gini 來賓:歐旅人-David 終於換螺絲來聊聊Netflix大熱影集《愛蜜莉在巴黎》啦! 女孩們夢想城市的真實面貌大公開 巴黎物價好高!小資生活大不易 別嫌治安差~買名牌請用爛紙袋裝 浪漫的午夜巴黎…比白天迷人百倍 聊完整集才發現… 原來大家真正想去的是香檳😂 台灣vs台北aka天龍國 = 法國vs巴黎 巴黎人的驕傲與身俱來 連法國人自己都忍不住吐槽… 讓歐旅人David教你如何突破困境 和法國人變成朋友吧😎 世界小螺絲 好吃好玩不藏私! 歡迎到 Instagram 追蹤我們哦! Instagram:thexiaorose 世界小螺絲 請大家至各大平台收聽,給我們一點回饋哦,感恩!! 蘋果: https://reurl.cc/b5xDq3 Google: https://reurl.cc/yZXY4M Spotify: https://reurl.cc/ZOM9Ma SoundOn: https://reurl.cc/4R8j8L Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thexiaorose/?hl=zh-tw


    來分享近期邊緣人參加的兩場社交活動 報導者的podcast聽友會及百靈果的佈道大會 接著來聊聊第三季有停拍危機的《破案神探》 及熱門度超高台劇《我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛》 保守與自由衝撞的西班牙劇《有人必須死》 用刻板印象搞笑的時尚喜劇《艾蜜莉在巴黎》 ||噗浪:https://www.plurk.com/syucchousho_tw ||IG:https://www.instagram.com/syucchousho_tw/?igshid=7e7nx58v9vj5 ||FB:https://m.facebook.com/syucchoushotw/ ||音樂使用: Music:la-pompe-du-trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

    25: The Netflix trash parade, Roger Ebert fan cam, and Dylan likes a thing

    25: The Netflix trash parade, Roger Ebert fan cam, and Dylan likes a thing

    In this week's episode, we continue our month-long dive into spoopy-dom, starting with a *~body switch~* wherein Willie and Amy scream about things that annoyed them while Dylan actually wholeheartedly likes a thing!

    Topics include: The Haunting of Bly Manor take 2, Emily in Paris is a pile of sexy rocks, Call My Agent!, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, reading Wikipedia articles on scary movies, ghost exposition, Sarah Kane's Blasted, and Dylan's continued efforts to sneak in some Bong Joon-Ho jabs.

    American & French Perspective on "Emily in Paris" / BIG LIFE UPDATE!

    American & French Perspective on "Emily in Paris" / BIG LIFE UPDATE!

    We just finished watching Emily in Paris, and we are dying to talk about it since we are from both sides -- France and the U.S. 

    We talk about which stereotypes are true and which are totally false, the unrealistic aspects of the show, how beautiful Gabriel is, and also share the BIG NEWS we have been alluding to in the past few weeks.

    BECOME A PATRON: patreon.com/nobullpodcast

    Follow me on Instagram: @annawildman
    Tweet at me: @wildmanna
    Email me: annanwildman@gmail.com
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/annawildman

    Join me on a vegan food tour! foodiejapan.com/tour-item/vegan-lunch-tour/ 

    Intro/outro music by earthchain: soundcloud.com/earthchain 

    Intro/outro music by earthchain: soundcloud.com/earthchain 

    Show Notes: 

    EP19 到異地展開新的理想生活提案|從《艾蜜莉在巴黎》談角色意象的滿足感對看追劇的人的影響、英國旅遊閒聊

    EP19 到異地展開新的理想生活提案|從《艾蜜莉在巴黎》談角色意象的滿足感對看追劇的人的影響、英國旅遊閒聊
    這一部蟬聯neflix電視收視冠軍好幾天,當然要來跟一下風 我很喜歡這種都會上班族生活寫照的寫實劇 常常幻想跟他們一樣有這樣的生活(尤其是豔遇的部分哈哈) 輕鬆無壓力可追完 也想藉由這一部從角色的意象都會劇聊一下我們為什麼會覺得這部戲好看 看到艾蜜莉過得不錯的生活,其實對自己的理想生活型態也是如此 希望自己變成這樣的人,你有開始新的理想生活提案了嗎? 友情推薦:開頭提到朋友的頻道,想聽音樂解析的歡迎去他的頻道喔! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/g-bai-幾拜/id1516150047 不負責任觀劇評分:4.4/5 Podcast收聽平台:搜尋「追劇二百五」 Apple podcast sound on Spotify KKBOX 留言找我:https://www.instagram.com/chasedrama250/ 如果你對這個節目有任何想法,歡迎來信|在Apple podcast評分之處留言,讓我知道你們的想法,做為我改進節目的動力呦! Music From:https://icons8.com/music/author/gabriel By Gabriel proud of me、doesn’t make a difference

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