

    Explore "emotionalresponses" with insightful episodes like "Improving Your Relationships, Buddhist Style | Martine Batchelor", "Back From Vacation", "#603: The Physical Keys to Human Resilience", "Coping with Financial Anxiety During COVID-19 with Bradley T. Klontz, PsyD, CFP" and "UFYB 73: Starting with Action + Giveaway of Feel Better and Get Sh*t Done" from podcasts like ""Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris", "Office Ladies", "The Art of Manliness", "Speaking of Psychology" and "UnF*ck Your Brain"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    Improving Your Relationships, Buddhist Style | Martine Batchelor

    Improving Your Relationships, Buddhist Style | Martine Batchelor
    This episode is a mix of the technical, the practical, and the delightful. We’re talking about a meditation technique that can impact relationships, your biases, and how you handle things such as lying, sex, alcohol, and social media. The key word here is the ancient term "vedana." And it involves, literally, any feeling state we experience. Basically, everything that comes up in your mind has one of at least three feeling tones: pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. When you’re mindless, a pleasant feeling tone can lead to overindulgence or clinging; unpleasant can lead to aversion; and neutral can lead to numbing out. Unchecked, this unfolding process can have disastrous results, as it pertains to your reactions to food, other people, you name it. My guest today is going to tell us about how to bring mindfulness to this aspect of our experience. Martine Batchelor was a Buddhist nun in Korea for 10 years. She’s written a number of books, including The Path to Compassion and Let Go: A Buddhist Guide to Breaking Free of Habits. She lives in France, with her husband Stephen Batchelor, who was a guest on the show not long ago. Where to find Martine Batchelor online: Website: https://martinebatchelor.org/ Martine Batchelor's Dharma Talks - https://dharmaseed.org/teacher/119/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/martinebatch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martine.batchelor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martinebatch/ We care deeply about supporting you in your meditation practice, and feel that providing you with high quality teachers is one of the best ways to do that. Customers of the Ten Percent Happier app say they stick around specifically for the range of teachers, and the deep wisdom they impart, to help them deepen their practice. For anyone new to the app, we've got a special discount just for you. If you're an existing subscriber, we thank you for your support. To claim your discount, visit tenpercent.com/august Other Resources Mentioned: More on Vedana Understanding the Five Aggregates Can Help You Get Out of Your Head: https://tricycle.org/magazine/five-aggregates/ Meditation Month 2019: Feeling Tone and Noting Sensations: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/meditation-month-feeling-tone/ Deconstructing the "Self": https://www.lionsroar.com/deconstructing-the-self/ To learn more about and practice with feeling tone, check out Joseph's meditation on Feeling Tone in the Ten Percent Happier app: https://10percenthappier.app.link/FeelingTonePod Additional Resources: Ten Percent Happier Live: https://tenpercent.com/live Coronavirus Sanity Guide: https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide Free App access for Frontline Workers: https://tenpercent.com/care Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/martine-batchelor-275 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Back From Vacation

    Back From Vacation

    This week we're breaking down Back From Vacation and we reached out to some of our favorite The Office cast and crew for the inside scoop on this episode. First, Kentapedia (Kent Zbornak) and Phil Shea help us answer fan questions about Michael and Jan's vacation photo, and Kim Ferry sends in her memories of creating Michaels beaded vacation hair. Then Angela does some amazing detective work to discover just what was written on that Post-it note on Angela Martin's partition, and we head to the warehouse inventory-luau and discuss what Spam is made of. Finally, we get an audio clip from the hilarious Kate Flannery about doing her own stunt work, and Jenna shares her memories of that really sweet scene between Pam and Dwight. We hope this episode has left you feeling hot-hot-hot!

    #603: The Physical Keys to Human Resilience

    #603: The Physical Keys to Human Resilience

    Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl said that "between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response." Frankl was talking about our ability to choose our mental responses to what we encounter in life. What if we could also choose how our physiology responds to our environment so that we can perform and thrive on a higher level? My guest today explores that question in his latest book. His name is Scott Carney and he's the author of The Wedge: Evolution, Consciousness, Stress, and the Key to Human Resilience.

    We begin our conversation discussing how Scott's investigation into the breathing methods of Wim Hof, an extreme athlete, turned him from a skeptic into an intrigued believer who wanted to learn more about our ability to exercise control over our physiology. Scott then explains his idea of "the Wedge" as the ability to consciously put a gap between an external stimulus and the otherwise automatic physiological responses it elicits. Scott and I then discuss his trip around the world to talk to people who have found ways to create wedges in their lives in order to elevate their physical and mental states. We discuss how throwing kettlebells around can be used to overcome fear and experience flow, how lying in a float tank may recalibrate PTSD, how building up tolerance to CO2 can increase your physical performance, how saunas can boost resilience, and why the power of the placebo effect is greatly underrated.

    Get the show notes at aom.is/wedge.

    Coping with Financial Anxiety During COVID-19 with Bradley T. Klontz, PsyD, CFP

    Coping with Financial Anxiety During COVID-19 with Bradley T. Klontz, PsyD, CFP

    Are you worried about your financial future in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic? Even before the coronavirus struck, many of us were prone to do unwise things with our money. What, if anything, is the pandemic doing to that very human tendency? How can we work against our worst financial instincts while our lives are so chaotic? Our guest, Dr. Brad Klontz, is a financial psychologist and a certified financial planner. He is also an associate professor of practice in financial psychology and behavioral finance at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. His advice might make you feel a little better in these uncertain times.

    Join us online August 6-8 for APA 2020 Virtual.

    UFYB 73: Starting with Action + Giveaway of Feel Better and Get Sh*t Done

    UFYB 73: Starting with Action + Giveaway of Feel Better and Get Sh*t Done

    Where you're most commonly going wrong in your thought work and why the answer to your questions never lies in simply choosing the right action to take.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://unfuckyourbrain.com/73

    To help you on your path to becoming your best selves, I designed a workbook called Feel Better and Get Sh*t Done! Text your email address to 347-997-1784 and then text "feelbetter" when it prompts you for the secret password.