

    Explore "ep11" with insightful episodes like "EP11 | 蔣萬安抱抱事件 | 政治立場大公開 | 兩條法律瞬間挽救台灣政治文化", "ep. 11 | Cazcanes No. 7 Blanco", "EP.11 隔離的日子無色無味", "EP 11: Nate Fisher - Firearm Malfunction #BT1R" and "E11: Deep Dive Into The Magic Funnel System" from podcasts like ""大放厥詞 Loose-tongued", "STILL CHILLIN", "Leo Chat", "Beyond the 1st Response" and "Traffic Tube Secrets Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (22)

    EP.11 隔離的日子無色無味

    EP.11 隔離的日子無色無味
    這集找來了小承跟我分享他疑似確診跟隔離的心路歷程 如果你也剛好在隔離的~可以聽聽看是不是你的你也有一樣的感覺~ 記得去收聽紳士費雪~騎慾老師的頻道喔~ 這裡是老師的工作事,有需要請直接聯絡~ Mixing/Masterning: OTTM Studio https://www.facebook.com/OTTMstudio https://instagram.com/ottmstudio?utm_medium=copy_link 比比王樂器行的部分下次我會附上~ 有需求的各位~就直接臉書IG就可以囉~

    EP 11: Nate Fisher - Firearm Malfunction #BT1R

    EP 11: Nate Fisher - Firearm Malfunction #BT1R

    **Trigger Warning**

    EP 11: Nate Fisher - Firearm Malfunction #BT1R

    On this episode of Beyond the 1st Response, Robyn and Christy discuss what surviving a suicide attempt taught Nate Fisher, a retired police officer, active U.S National Guardsmen, and host of Surviving the Streets.

    Nate’s childhood dream was to be a police officer and when that was achieved, he felt he had everything. His career spanned titles like Tactical Airman, SWAT, and servicing the streets of Houston TX. Inevitably, the work began to take its toll on his personal life. An effort to make some changes in hopes of saving his marriage was futile…the job had worn him down. Nate was about to hit his breaking point and then an accident that took the life of his partner changed his world forever.

    Rolling Up on the Scene

    Nate was the first officer on scene to find his partner stuck in his squad car. As he stood up to radio it in, he felt what he thought was his partner's pulse but quickly realized the pulse he felt was his own. The overwhelming guilt of feeling that he, as a trained officer, should not have made that kind of mistake became too much for him to bear. Putting his Glock to his head as his son slept in an upstairs room and his wife watching, Nate pulled the trigger. The gun malfunctioned. Glocks never malfunction. He tried again, and nothing. 


    Nate currently uses equine therapy and is passionate about touting its benefits along with current partner Sharon. Hanging out on her farm he easily discovered the healing power of horses and advocates this method as another tool first responders can utilize to work their way back from the grips of PTSD. 

    Beyond the 1st Response Show Links:

    Surviving the Streets Fundraiser: Click to support

    Surviving The Streets Podcast


    Beyond the 1st Response
    en-usMarch 09, 2022

    E11: Deep Dive Into The Magic Funnel System

    E11: Deep Dive Into The Magic Funnel System

    In today's episode I take a deep dive into my 20 years of experience that went into creating the ground breaking magic funnel system used by thousands of students online.

    I often get asked how I came up with this? What needed to go into it to tackle so many problems in marketing such as..

    1. Generating traffic
    2. Creating a highly engaged email list (where these emails get opened)
    3. Sell products & services on autopilot without ads
    4. A free useful lead magnet. (with no extra work) 
    5. Creates omni-presence with videos showing up together in positions 1,2,3 & 4 on search engines.
    6. Creates a free email list. When people ask you what is the "cost per lead”, we simply say... zero)
    7. Create you as the ultimate authority in any niche.
    8. Creates a free retargeting campaign (keeping top of mind for 10+ days)
    9. Increased conversions. (gives 20 sale points instead of just one)
    10.  Reduces refund requests by up to 200%.

    Subscribe to the YouTube channel to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now. https://www.TripFunnels.com/Sub

    Join the revolution and get a suite of tools and training for free. http://HelpMeGetLeads.com

    14 Days 100% free access to Gold Mastermind - https://www.iServeFirst.com/ (import all five magic traffic funnels to create an entire sales machine from your YouTube videos)

    Listen to this Podcast on all available players - https://www.traffictubesecrets.com/


    Simple is harder than complex,唯有經歷過複雜,才能找到簡單的智慧。 關於極簡主義生活方式,最初開始省思是因為,認為自己的生活中好像囤積的東西越來越多,造成某種形式的浪費1.浪費了購買的錢,2.浪費了放置的空間,於是開始思考🤔,究竟是需要還是想要,又或者是眾多商業廣告模式催化下,不知不覺的購物形式,其實根本不需要那麼多東西…或者我們以為自己需要那麼多東西?才能彰顯自己?或者得到認同? 當我開始思考這一系列問題後,我大刀闊斧的對自己所有的物品進行斷、捨、離「整理」,超過一年以上沒穿的衣服、鞋子、用品,能捐的捐,太舊的就回收&丟掉,然後我給自己立下規定,從此買東西必須經過深思熟慮,不能純粹為了好看或某種情感氾濫,抑或是突然想買,或者是買了根本沒用途只為了小小虛榮心作祟等原因! 大量的閱讀,飽滿自我的內心,減少因心靈缺乏而造成的衝動購物,開始重視環保議題,並逐步落實對環境的責任,我想每個人對地球🌍都有一份責任,無論在什麼時刻,只要開始意識到都是好事! 而且東西少更會珍惜與愛護它,也會更付出心力去維持它,我喜歡極簡主義,簡單又輕鬆、自在又舒適♥️ ______________  聯絡Peggy⬇️ https://linktr.ee/peggy0223 創業圓夢story分享『稀貴妃』⬇️ https://linktr.ee/godream333 遊牧世界的市民城市(下) https://www.digitimes.com.tw/col/article.asp?id=1355 *** 生活簡單就夠了!日本極簡主義者分享6種人生哲學 https://www.gvm.com.tw/article/55341 「斷捨離極簡主義」~2步驟擺脫多餘雜物和人際關係,人生可以更輕鬆! https://www.cosmopolitan.com/tw/lifestyle/self-career/g36046943/simplelife-0407/ 極簡生活的體悟:一個人越能「放下」,就越快樂 https://esg.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/180698/post/202012030017/不是把東西丟光光就是 不買房、只擁有少數物品 32歲瑞士年輕富翁為何選擇極簡生活? https://e-info.org.tw/node/229904

    Episode 11- Quet Betch

    Episode 11- Quet Betch
    On this episode, we try and wrap our minds around the concept of a thing. What makes a thing a thing so to speak, Trina almost breaks her brain while pondering on the subject. Also we talk about our whacky childhood theories. Like are the clouds just alien space ships keeping a close eye on us?

    This weeks Explain the strain. Why were smoking some Johnny Chronics Cherry Bomb(20%THC), a dark green, and brownish bud covered in dusty THC crystals. Also we have some OS. Hash hybrid, a thick square of brown resin hash(29%-37%THC). So come along for the high because theres Always Room For Moore

    When To Seek Help For Radically Resilient Health

    When To Seek Help For Radically Resilient Health

    Even when we have the greatest habits, sometimes our best efforts just don't work for us. There is no utopia of health. No one is immune to life and sometimes even luck. In this episode of Radically Resilient Health, Dr. Carolyn Dolan walks us through how to be patient with our health and diligent in finding the true causes of our problems.  For many, it is easy just to treat symptoms, but with a little bit of health, we can live fully by finding the root cause of our health issues. 

    【解鎖,日常】EP11 | 日常Talk ft. show :「飛天少女」降臨 show’s 飛遍世界各地談 / 歌單:「好久不見」穿梭機場的片刻情緒

    【解鎖,日常】EP11 | 日常Talk ft. show :「飛天少女」降臨  show’s 飛遍世界各地談 / 歌單:「好久不見」穿梭機場的片刻情緒
    【Ep11回顧】: ‼️完整版已放上各大串流平台!‼️ 【第一單元】:日常Talk 主題:「飛天少女」降臨 show’s 飛遍世界各地談 ft.show 來賓:空服員show 記得去年二月到泰國搭乘飛機 過程中觀察著空服員的一切 如此親切 有耐心的服務每一位旅客 讓這趟旅程 多了很多的溫暖 背後付出了多少的努力與時間 不斷的培訓、測驗 為的就是順飛 也希望給旅客最好的感受 而每一次的飛行 他們總讓旅客有賓至如歸的感受 謝謝show願意來到我的節目當中分享 邀請你一起來收聽! 🟡第一段 | ◆ 進入航空業的契機 ◆ 面試、考試過程中的準備 ◆ 常見的「抓飛」作息調整 ◆ 定期的檢討會 為每次的飛行做紀錄 🎶播放歌曲:Adam Levine-Lost Stars 🟡第二段 | ◆ 空服員的大忌與原則 ◆ 犧牲的陪伴、時間與相聚 ◆ 服務的宗旨 ◆ 成就感來源&旅客小故事 ◆ 給對未來想從事航空業有興趣的人建議 【第二單元】:傾聽,日常 🔴歌單主題: 「好久不見」穿梭機場的片刻情緒 在機場 有離別、相聚 可能是難過的捨不得 也或許是喜悅的相遇 希望這些歌曲可以陪你走過這些片段! 🎧歌曲: 1. 陶喆-飛機場的10:30 2. 韋禮安-記得回來 3. 郭靜-往未來飛的客機 4. 林憶蓮–紙飛機 5. 林俊傑-飛機 🔴關於「show」| FB:禾乃氏 IG:@lavieshyuk721 痞客邦網誌:禾乃氏 *如何收聽? ➡️‼️每週三中午12:00上架各大串流平台 🟣Spotify: 🟣Castbox: 🟣sound on: 🟣世新廣播電台官網: https://shrs.shu.edu.tw/program/detail/1777 #20210412 #SHRS #FM88.1 #EP11 #空服員 #show #禾乃氏 #解鎖日常 #podcast

    Episode 10 - LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver

    Episode 10 - LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver

    Hear 30 Listeners:  I love you but you're....you're...awesome!   The Hear:30 podcast is a weekly Podcast hosted by music lovers, Joe Kylman, Josh Adams and John Adams.   We want to listen to music that we have never heard before...that we should have. A completely random album is chosen from a master list and we talk about it...love it or hate it. Our task this week was to get our dance on and listen to Sound of Silver by LCD Soundsystem.  Give that album a listen if you haven't heard it before and listen to the show!

    Hit us up at hear30podcast@gmail.com or follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!

    The Hear:30 Podcast
    en-usMarch 19, 2021

    健達出奇爛 S2E1【老吳正常發揮】街拍是一件很奢侈的事 feat.老吳

    健達出奇爛 S2E1【老吳正常發揮】街拍是一件很奢侈的事 feat.老吳
    本集圍繞著攝影主題,讚讚 大尺vs街拍 難道我們要辦線下活動了? #工商大魔王 #器材控還說不是老吳 #以前的東西比較好用 老吳的Instagram @snaplabtw 辣個男人ED大大 @edmosaic25 點擊成為糖果爸爸,一起爛☺️ IG: tinderfuxkboy 合作信箱:tinderfuxkboy@gmail.com -- by Hevin & Morris

    #Ep11 - Entendendo o KPop!! Ou não!!

    #Ep11 - Entendendo o KPop!! Ou não!!
    개인적인 이야기
    Hoje vamos conversar sobre KPop e tentar entender um pouco dessa cultura maravilhosa!!! Trouxemos Rafa, Meily e Pacote( Lucas Domingos ) para esse papo de sucesso!! Escuta ai e mostra pros amigos :)

    Me segue nas rede sociais: @mtdomingos - TODAS AS REDES
    ptOctober 04, 2020



    Everyone likes magic.  Well, almost everyone.  I do.  Increase Mather didn't.  We'll take a look at a brief history of magic up through Harry Houdini.  When we're done with that, I'll teach you a very simple card trick you can perform to amaze your family and friends.  Just don't mess it up.  If you do, you never heard this podcast.

    Thanks for listening and if you have any comments, please feel free to email me at doug@20minutespodcast.com.  If you want to stay informed of when a new episode launches, follow me on Instagram at @20MYNGB.

    Support the show

    Thanks for listening, and if you would like to help keep the show going, visit buymeacoffee.com/20minutes. It's up to you. No pressure if you don't. I'll still be here.

    Ep 11: Achieving Authentic Location Freedom (5 Freedoms Activator #3)

    Ep 11: Achieving Authentic Location Freedom (5 Freedoms Activator #3)

    Many of us are taught and conditioning into very tight orbits in our lives (physically, emotionally, mentally). In addition to our thoughts and feelings, our environment - the place we live, the places we go, the objects we surround ourselves with - plays a large role in the sometimes limiting orbits we habitually follow. 

    In this third 5 Freedoms Activator episode, we’re going to explore how to step away from those orbits and expand your horizons by embracing true freedom of location. By the end of the podcast, you’ll be thinking about yourself in a whole new way - the way you move yourself around, how you inhabit and interact with your space, and perhaps even how you move about the planet. 

    The ideal freedom of location is unique to each person, and there are so many things you can experience in this world that are a reflection of your own vision. 

    For more on the 5 Freedoms, check out Ep 2 (Exploring the 5 Freedoms), Ep 4 (Creating Time Abundance) and Ep 8 (Ultimate Money Freedom). 

    en-usJuly 01, 2019

    Weizenkeime - Superfood Special (EP11)

    Weizenkeime - Superfood Special (EP11)

    Alles über Weizenkeime 

    Entdecke die Weizenkeime von KoRo und sichere dir 5 % Rabatt mit dem Code: CHRISTIAN -> KLICK


    • Förderliche Wirkung der Blutzirkulation
    • Verbessert die Gedächtnisleistung
    • Führt bei sportlicher Betätigung zu einem späteren körperlichen Ermüden
    • Förderliche Wirkung bei Schmerzen/Krämpfen in den Waden
    • Stärkung des Immunsystems
    • Stärkt die Herzmuskulatur

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