
    faith and business

    Explore "faith and business" with insightful episodes like "Friday Faith Foundations - Hard work is always rewarded", "Are you using your gifts for God's glory? With Rebecca George", "Are you using your gifts for God's glory? With Rebecca George", "Friday Faith Foundations - God is on duty even during the sowing season" and "Friday Faith Foundations - God is on duty even during the sowing season" from podcasts like ""The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social", "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social", "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social", "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social" and "The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social"" and more!

    Episodes (73)

    Friday Faith Foundations - Hard work is always rewarded

    Friday Faith Foundations - Hard work is always rewarded

    Owning a business is not for the faint of heart. It takes hard work, discipline, and determination. The good news is, hard work is always rewarded.

    Let's face it, owning a business can be challenging. I often hear people say that they became an entrepreneur because it would be easier than working a 9-5. Maybe that's true but I'm not convinced. Entrepreneurship requires a lot of hard work. And that hard work is always rewarded. However, if you don't work hard, you will not succeed, no matter what. Talent is a blessing from above, but God doesn't expect you to hold that talent on a pedestal without working hard to embody it, develop it, master it, and share it. In other words, work hard and use the gifts God has given you. In fact, Scripture has a lot to say about hard work.

    Success comes from hard work

    Proverbs 14:23 reminds us: "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." This verse emphasizes that hard work is always rewarded by bringing a profit. The opposite, mere talk, results in poverty. 

    I've seen this over the years when working with clients. Those who were not afraid of hard work, who were willing to roll up their sleeves and dig in, and who didn't make excuses, achieved the profit level they wanted. However, those who simply talked about what they wanted and what they were going to do to get it did not reach their goals.

    Hard work is always rewarded, especially when the hard work is for God's glory

    We are reminded by Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, you should do it all for God’s glory. Likewise in Proverbs 16:3, we learn that when we commit our work to the Lord, our plans will succeed.” And, in Colossians 3:23-24 Paul also tells us that whatever we do, work at it with all our heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

    Hard work is always rewarded, both from an earthly financial perspective as well as a heavenly, eternal life, perspective.

    Hard work is always rewarded, especially  when you welcome it and don't complain about having to do it

    In Philippians 2:14-15 Paul told the Philippians, and it applies to us today, to do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that we may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

    Again, we have a reminder to embrace our gifts and work hard to use them for God's glory. 

    Hard work is a mindset

    You want success and therefore you must work hard to achieve it. But even more importantly, posture yourself like Jesus when approaching hard work. Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you discern the action you should take. Doing what everyone else says to do is not the answer. God has given you specific gifts that require certain tasks to use them to help others. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and strength to do the hard work but to bring all glory to God, not to yourself. Pride has no place in a Jesus-like heart. Work hard from a place of humility and all glory will be brought to God.

    Once again Paul comes to our rescue. In Galatians 6:9 he reminds us not to become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Working hard while maintaining a balance of humility may make you feel weary, that's how Satan tempts us to be prideful. We want immediate rewards and gratification for our hard work. We're all guilty of it at one time or another. But we are works in progress, and we have God's grace to carry us through.

    Hard work it's never impossible

    When, not if hard work and success seem nearly impossible because it will happen, scripture provides comfort. Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:13 that we can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives us strength. Therefore, the question is, will you do hard work, and when. We've been called to it and will be rewarded for it - here on earth and in heaven. There's no time to waste. Get to work.

    If we work hard, we will be able to celebrate like Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:7 in which he says "I have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith.” This is God's goal for us. We are again reminded of it in Psalm 128:2: You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.

    Friends, I'd love to hear from you. Did this episode inspire you to work hard(er)? What were you dragging your feet on that you are now ready to step into action to accomplish?

    Additional Resources

    As a Christian business coach for Christian business owners, this is one of the highlights - getting to share what scripture says about working hard to achieve success while glorifying God. I hope you enjoy and learn from the Friday Faith Foundation episodes as I do. We are all works in progress. It's a blessing to get to grow alongside you.

    Not sure what steps to take to grow your business? Download our free resources: Intro on SEO for entrepreneurs, 10 Strategies to Grow Your Business without Social Media, and start taking action today.

    Or, if you have questions, be sure and apply for a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom feature on The Robyn Graham Show. Ask me a burning question about growing your business and tell our listeners how you help your clients - it's a great PR opportunity!


    Want an invitation to the Success without Social Webinar? Join the exclusive email list for details.

    Are you using your gifts for God's glory? With Rebecca George

    Are you using  your gifts for God's glory? With Rebecca George

    Often, things hold us back from doing what we’re called to do, or what an experience has led us to. It may be fear, doubt, or it may be a lack of confidence from deep-rooted insecurity.

    These thoughts and emotions often stem from not being rooted in Biblical truth. And when this happens, using your gifts for God's glory is almost impossible.

    When you are rooted in deep Biblical truth, even though doubt sets in, because you are human, you’ll know where to turn.

    When using your gifts for God's glory, don’t let Satan hold you back

    Listen. If you are in a place of doubt and fear, but keep hearing a voice calling you to something, stop and listen. That voice is most likely the Holy Spirit calling you into your purpose.

    If negative thoughts are keeping you stuck in a state of doubt, fear, and procrastination, holding you back from acting, challenge the thoughts. Satan is a master of creating doubt and insecurity. But the Holy Spirit is the authority. If you are being called, stop and catch the negative, doubtful, fearful thoughts and challenge them. Are they realistic?

    Discovering your purpose

    Using your gifts for God's glory can be difficult if you are unsure of what God is calling you to do.

    Venn diagrams can be a simplified way to see something visually. At a foundational level, Rebecca likes to say as a follower of Christ, this side of heaven, our job is to go and make disciples.

    Everyone’s life is different. Our communities are unique and we have an opportunity to impact that to grow God’s Kingdom.

    The three circles of Rebecca’s diagram are:

    1. What matters to you? Are there things that you do and experience such joy that time flies by?
    2. What matters to God? Search scripture to discover what God wants us to do – for His glory. And then connect it to what matters to you.
    3. What matters to others? Are there practical things that need to be done that you can do through your unique skill sets?

    All those three things intersect and where they do, you’ll discover your purpose.

    Likewise, as a business coach for Christian business owners, Robyn is passionate about helping others discover complete clarity around their purpose. Robyn’s purpose equation is values + visions + passions, and where the three overlap is where your purpose lies.

    A life of abundance is available when you follow your purpose.


    Read the full shownotes and access all links.

    Download the free eBook, 10 Strategies to grow your business without social media. 

    Website for Rebecca George

    Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl 


    Are you using your gifts for God's glory? With Rebecca George

    Are you using  your gifts for God's glory? With Rebecca George

    Often, things hold us back from doing what we’re called to do, or what an experience has led us to. It may be fear, doubt, or it may be a lack of confidence from deep-rooted insecurity.

    These thoughts and emotions often stem from not being rooted in Biblical truth. And when this happens, using your gifts for God's glory is almost impossible.

    When you are rooted in deep Biblical truth, even though doubt sets in, because you are human, you’ll know where to turn.

    When using your gifts for God's glory, don’t let Satan hold you back

    Listen. If you are in a place of doubt and fear, but keep hearing a voice calling you to something, stop and listen. That voice is most likely the Holy Spirit calling you into your purpose.

    If negative thoughts are keeping you stuck in a state of doubt, fear, and procrastination, holding you back from acting, challenge the thoughts. Satan is a master of creating doubt and insecurity. But the Holy Spirit is the authority. If you are being called, stop and catch the negative, doubtful, fearful thoughts and challenge them. Are they realistic?

    Discovering your purpose

    Using your gifts for God's glory can be difficult if you are unsure of what God is calling you to do.

    Venn diagrams can be a simplified way to see something visually. At a foundational level, Rebecca likes to say as a follower of Christ, this side of heaven, our job is to go and make disciples.

    Everyone’s life is different. Our communities are unique and we have an opportunity to impact that to grow God’s Kingdom.

    The three circles of Rebecca’s diagram are:

    1. What matters to you? Are there things that you do and experience such joy that time flies by?
    2. What matters to God? Search scripture to discover what God wants us to do – for His glory. And then connect it to what matters to you.
    3. What matters to others? Are there practical things that need to be done that you can do through your unique skill sets?

    All those three things intersect and where they do, you’ll discover your purpose.

    Likewise, as a business coach for Christian business owners, Robyn is passionate about helping others discover complete clarity around their purpose. Robyn’s purpose equation is values + visions + passions, and where the three overlap is where your purpose lies.

    A life of abundance is available when you follow your purpose.


    Read the full shownotes and access all links.

    Download the free eBook, 10 Strategies to grow your business without social media. 

    Website for Rebecca George

    Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl 


    Friday Faith Foundations - God is on duty even during the sowing season

    Friday Faith Foundations - God is on duty even during the sowing season

    It's easy to celebrate and trust God when in a season of harvest. But do you trust that God is on duty even during the sewing season?

    If you are in doubt, I assure you that God is on duty even during the sowing season when you are questioning when the time of harvest will arrive.

    How do we know that God is on duty even during the sowing season?

    Let's begin with reading Proverbs 3:5-6, the focus of this message.

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.

    Are you in a seed sowing season or a harvest season? No matter what season you are in and experiencing, trusting God is critical for ultimate growth and success.

    Fact: When you are in the seed sowing season, what this year has been for me, you may feel unsuccessful. You may feel tired of doing all the things with what seems like minimal results. Stress and pressure, desperation, and frustration may feel like the norm.  But during these times, it's important to recognize areas of growth and to trust that God is using this season to prepare you for the upcoming season of harvest.

    How to approach and live in the seed sewing season

    During the seed sowing season do not fall into a negative mindset and the temptation to doubt the Lord. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He's planted seeds and He's nurturing them - if you are letting Him. Where many of us go wrong is we don't trust and we don't submit ourselves and our businesses to Him and His ways.

    The emphasis here is on never leaving you nor forsaking you - God is so serious about this that we can find the phrase in Deuteronomy 31:8 and Hebrews 13:5, in both the New and Old Testaments.

    Remember His ways are the best ways. Here we can refer to Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.


    Read the full show notes and access all links.


    If you are looking for more Bible verses to refer to and meditate on as you grow your business, download the free eBook: 37 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to reflect on and live by.

    You're invited

    Two special invitations for you.

    The first is to apply for a feature (free PR) on a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom Conversation on The Robyn Graham Show. This is your opportunity to share the wins you get for your clients and ask me a question about growing your business.

    And, I will be introducing the inaugural Success without Social Mastermind in September during three free webinars. You can attend one or all three. The content will be the same with minor adjustments based on attendees. Nothing will be sold during the webinar. I'll be teaching mindset, strategy, and action to help you get the results you want. And how you can grow your business without social media. Faith and conversations like this one will be a significant part of the mastermind and build the foundation of your business for a lifetime of limitless earning potential.

    We have an exclusive email list for the mastermind and webinar details. Be sure to join the list so that you don't miss any details.

    Friday Faith Foundations - God is on duty even during the sowing season

    Friday Faith Foundations - God is on duty even during the sowing season

    It's easy to celebrate and trust God when in a season of harvest. But do you trust that God is on duty even during the sewing season?

    If you are in doubt, I assure you that God is on duty even during the sowing season when you are questioning when the time of harvest will arrive.

    How do we know that God is on duty even during the sowing season?

    Let's begin with reading Proverbs 3:5-6, the focus of this message.

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.

    Are you in a seed sowing season or a harvest season? No matter what season you are in and experiencing, trusting God is critical for ultimate growth and success.

    Fact: When you are in the seed sowing season, what this year has been for me, you may feel unsuccessful. You may feel tired of doing all the things with what seems like minimal results. Stress and pressure, desperation, and frustration may feel like the norm.  But during these times, it's important to recognize areas of growth and to trust that God is using this season to prepare you for the upcoming season of harvest.

    How to approach and live in the seed sewing season

    During the seed sowing season do not fall into a negative mindset and the temptation to doubt the Lord. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He's planted seeds and He's nurturing them - if you are letting Him. Where many of us go wrong is we don't trust and we don't submit ourselves and our businesses to Him and His ways.

    The emphasis here is on never leaving you nor forsaking you - God is so serious about this that we can find the phrase in Deuteronomy 31:8 and Hebrews 13:5, in both the New and Old Testaments.

    Remember His ways are the best ways. Here we can refer to Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.


    Read the full show notes and access all links.


    If you are looking for more Bible verses to refer to and meditate on as you grow your business, download the free eBook: 37 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to reflect on and live by.

    You're invited

    Two special invitations for you.

    The first is to apply for a feature (free PR) on a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom Conversation on The Robyn Graham Show. This is your opportunity to share the wins you get for your clients and ask me a question about growing your business.

    And, I will be introducing the inaugural Success without Social Mastermind in September during three free webinars. You can attend one or all three. The content will be the same with minor adjustments based on attendees. Nothing will be sold during the webinar. I'll be teaching mindset, strategy, and action to help you get the results you want. And how you can grow your business without social media. Faith and conversations like this one will be a significant part of the mastermind and build the foundation of your business for a lifetime of limitless earning potential.

    We have an exclusive email list for the mastermind and webinar details. Be sure to join the list so that you don't miss any details.

    Faith-Driven Success: The Path to Profitable Entrepreneurship with Jason Webb

    Faith-Driven Success: The Path to Profitable Entrepreneurship with Jason Webb

    In this captivating episode of Entrepreneur Journey, we sit down with Jason Webb, the mastermind behind The Profitable Salesman, to uncover the secrets of his entrepreneurial journey and gain insights into his expertise. Jason's story is a testament to the power of faith, determination, and effective sales techniques. Join us as we delve into the remarkable transformation from struggles to breakthroughs, pivotal moments, and the key people who influenced his path.

    The episode kicks off with a rapid-fire round of questions, offering a glimpse into Jason's personal preferences and dreams. From favorite praise songs to dream adventures and even a peek into his choice of movie roles, you'll get to know Jason in a whole new light. The highlight comes when he shares the age at which he would time-travel to give advice to his younger self.

    As we shift focus to entrepreneurship, Jason reveals the golden formula for success beyond monetary gains. The conversation deepens as we explore the integral role of personal faith and belief systems in shaping his entrepreneurial decisions and how these principles have shaped his approach to sales and business at The Profitable Salesman.

    Balancing work and family life is a tightrope that many entrepreneurs tread. Jason opens up about his own challenges and imparts invaluable advice for those striving to achieve equilibrium. The heart of the episode lies in Jason's profound lessons about effective sales techniques and relationship building, offering a glimpse into the core teachings at The Profitable Salesman.

    Finally, the elusive secret to building a profitable business is unveiled, leaving listeners with a dose of inspiration and actionable takeaways. As the episode draws to a close, Jason reflects on his journey and imparts parting words of wisdom to all the trailblazers listening in.

    Join us for this empowering episode and tap into the reservoir of knowledge and experience that Jason Webb graciously shares. Don't miss out on the opportunity to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform or on YouTube for more enlightening episodes of Entrepreneur Journey. Until next time, keep blazing new trails on your entrepreneurial adventure.

    To find out more about How We Can Help You Increase The Revenue In Your Business, Book a Free Discovery Session It will not be a high-pressure sales call, and even if we do not end up working together, we promise you will leave with knowledge on how to take the next steps forward toward more profit in your business. 

    Faith-Driven Success: The Path to Profitable Entrepreneurship with Jason Webb

    Faith-Driven Success: The Path to Profitable Entrepreneurship with Jason Webb

    In this captivating episode of Entrepreneur Journey, we sit down with Jason Webb, the mastermind behind The Profitable Salesman, to uncover the secrets of his entrepreneurial journey and gain insights into his expertise. Jason's story is a testament to the power of faith, determination, and effective sales techniques. Join us as we delve into the remarkable transformation from struggles to breakthroughs, pivotal moments, and the key people who influenced his path.

    The episode kicks off with a rapid-fire round of questions, offering a glimpse into Jason's personal preferences and dreams. From favorite praise songs to dream adventures and even a peek into his choice of movie roles, you'll get to know Jason in a whole new light. The highlight comes when he shares the age at which he would time-travel to give advice to his younger self.

    As we shift focus to entrepreneurship, Jason reveals the golden formula for success beyond monetary gains. The conversation deepens as we explore the integral role of personal faith and belief systems in shaping his entrepreneurial decisions and how these principles have shaped his approach to sales and business at The Profitable Salesman.

    Balancing work and family life is a tightrope that many entrepreneurs tread. Jason opens up about his own challenges and imparts invaluable advice for those striving to achieve equilibrium. The heart of the episode lies in Jason's profound lessons about effective sales techniques and relationship building, offering a glimpse into the core teachings at The Profitable Salesman.

    Finally, the elusive secret to building a profitable business is unveiled, leaving listeners with a dose of inspiration and actionable takeaways. As the episode draws to a close, Jason reflects on his journey and imparts parting words of wisdom to all the trailblazers listening in.

    Join us for this empowering episode and tap into the reservoir of knowledge and experience that Jason Webb graciously shares. Don't miss out on the opportunity to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform or on YouTube for more enlightening episodes of Entrepreneur Journey. Until next time, keep blazing new trails on your entrepreneurial adventure.

    To find out more about How We Can Help You Increase The Revenue In Your Business, Book a Free Discovery Session It will not be a high-pressure sales call, and even if we do not end up working together, we promise you will leave with knowledge on how to take the next steps forward toward more profit in your business. 

    Friday Faith Foundations - The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    Friday Faith Foundations - The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    Follow your gut! In other words, follow your intuition if you want to grow your business!

    What is the influence of intuition on entrepreneurship? Before we can answer that question, we need to define intuition. Mirriam-Webster defines it as the power of knowing immediately and without conscious reasoning. And now I ask, is that it? Or is there more to intuition?

    I personally believe that intuition is a gift from God and it is not something we have on our own.

    Is intuition a gift from God?

    Do you believe Jesus has called you to a purpose, to create a business to serve others? What about being successful and making money? Do you believe He wants that for you?

    I mean really believe with all your heart.

    You may think your business and your beliefs are separate, but your faith and beliefs do influence your business and the decisions you make.

    Another question, do you believe that Jesus sent a helper? Someone to live inside you and teach you, guide you, and remind you of all Jesus taught while on earth?

    He did!

    And that intuition you feel - is that helper - that counselor - the Holy Spirit - the supernatural authority that helps you discern and make decisions when you ask Him to.

    If you believe in Christ as your savior, you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Maybe you are new to faith or you haven't been taught much about the power of the Holy Spirit, then this may sound crazy. But this concept is biblically sound.

    The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    In a March 2022 Forbes article, Jazz Gill wrote about the influence of intuition on entrepreneurship. He shared this thought in the article: The true spirit of entrepreneurship is about intuition. It’s about creating and seizing opportunities, making the impossible possible. It’s about building strong relationships and networks to expand and execute on those opportunities.

    I agree with Jazz Gill on this thought. But we may vary on the source of intuition and the true power it has on our entrepreneurial journies. The opportunities we create and seize are going to be much more impactful and profitable if we think of intuition as guidance from the Holy Spirit. How? Why? Because when we depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to discern what is right for us, and we will stay aligned with our values, callings, and the purpose God has called us to. In addition, we'll be more likely to set pride aside and humbly follow God's will for us. The more aligned with God's purpose, the more successful we will be.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Interested in more scripture verses to guide you on your entrepreneurial journey? Download the free eBook - 37 Bible Verses Every Entrepreneur Needs to Reflect on and Live By.

    Apply for a feature on The Robyn Graham Show Thinking it Through - Wins and Wisdom Conversations.

    Friday Faith Foundations - The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    Friday Faith Foundations - The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    Follow your gut! In other words, follow your intuition if you want to grow your business!

    What is the influence of intuition on entrepreneurship? Before we can answer that question, we need to define intuition. Mirriam-Webster defines it as the power of knowing immediately and without conscious reasoning. And now I ask, is that it? Or is there more to intuition?

    I personally believe that intuition is a gift from God and it is not something we have on our own.

    Is intuition a gift from God?

    Do you believe Jesus has called you to a purpose, to create a business to serve others? What about being successful and making money? Do you believe He wants that for you?

    I mean really believe with all your heart.

    You may think your business and your beliefs are separate, but your faith and beliefs do influence your business and the decisions you make.

    Another question, do you believe that Jesus sent a helper? Someone to live inside you and teach you, guide you, and remind you of all Jesus taught while on earth?

    He did!

    And that intuition you feel - is that helper - that counselor - the Holy Spirit - the supernatural authority that helps you discern and make decisions when you ask Him to.

    If you believe in Christ as your savior, you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Maybe you are new to faith or you haven't been taught much about the power of the Holy Spirit, then this may sound crazy. But this concept is biblically sound.

    The influence of intuition on entrepreneurship

    In a March 2022 Forbes article, Jazz Gill wrote about the influence of intuition on entrepreneurship. He shared this thought in the article: The true spirit of entrepreneurship is about intuition. It’s about creating and seizing opportunities, making the impossible possible. It’s about building strong relationships and networks to expand and execute on those opportunities.

    I agree with Jazz Gill on this thought. But we may vary on the source of intuition and the true power it has on our entrepreneurial journies. The opportunities we create and seize are going to be much more impactful and profitable if we think of intuition as guidance from the Holy Spirit. How? Why? Because when we depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to discern what is right for us, and we will stay aligned with our values, callings, and the purpose God has called us to. In addition, we'll be more likely to set pride aside and humbly follow God's will for us. The more aligned with God's purpose, the more successful we will be.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Interested in more scripture verses to guide you on your entrepreneurial journey? Download the free eBook - 37 Bible Verses Every Entrepreneur Needs to Reflect on and Live By.

    Apply for a feature on The Robyn Graham Show Thinking it Through - Wins and Wisdom Conversations.

    Don't Lose Your Joy In The Pursuit Of Success with Robert Bass

    Don't Lose Your Joy In The Pursuit Of Success with Robert Bass

    The pursuit of entrepreneurial success is a long and hard journey with many sacrifices and  a lot of dark days.

    Robert Bass says, YES it's going to be challenging but it doesn't have to be life draining. Every area of our lives can be fruitful, filled with joy and love, if we make that our intention.

    Robert Bass  is an entrepreneur, author, pastor dedicated to encouraging others through the word of God. His passion is to help people grow to their full potential. Robert's new book, Hidden Fruit is a must-read!

    Robert's pick for the Leaders Are Readers Series:
    7 Habits OF Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

    Please grab a copy of Robert's Book, Hidden Fruits at https://www.hiddenfruitbook.com/

    P.S Please leave a review of this episode in your podcast listening app. Much appreciated 😊

    It's time to REINVENT!

    Let's connect on Instagram

    I'm Priscilla Shumba, your host. I'm a Business Consultant, Podcaster, and Author. A wife and mom of 2. Faith-driven entrepreneurship is my passion. Please connect with me and let me know what topics you'd like me to cover on the podcast.

    Connect with me on Instagram @reinventingperspectives
    Check out our Faith & Biz Blog at www.reinventingperspectives.com
    Buy our #1 book The Christian Entrepreneur's Took: Are You Ready For A Kingdom Perspective Available on Amazon.com

    Thank you for listening in!

    P.S. Please leave a review. Your feedback is gold. Much appreciated.

    Decision Vision Episode 88: Should I Mix My Faith With Business? (Part Two) – An Interview with Soumaya Khalifa, Khalifa Consulting, Inc.

    Decision Vision Episode 88:  Should I Mix My Faith With Business? (Part Two) – An Interview with Soumaya Khalifa, Khalifa Consulting, Inc.
    Decision Vision Episode 88: Should I Mix My Faith With Business? (Part Two) – An Interview with Soumaya Khalifa, Khalifa Consulting, Inc. Khalifa Consulting CEO Soumaya Khalifa joins host Mike Blake to discuss how she integrates her Islamic faith with her work and business, as well as her community-building work with the Islamic Speakers Bureau. [...]

    Decision Vision Episode 87: Should I Mix My Faith With Business? (Part One) – An Interview with Bill Leonard and Jonathan Minnen

    Decision Vision Episode 87:  Should I Mix My Faith With Business? (Part One) – An Interview with Bill Leonard and Jonathan Minnen
    Decision Vision Episode 87: Should I Mix My Faith With Business? (Part One) – An Interview with Bill Leonard and Jonathan Minnen "Mix my faith with business?" Many won't even touch the question, and others struggle with it. Christian business owner Bill Leonard and Jewish attorney Jonathan Minnen join host Mike Blake to discuss how [...]

    Michael "The Tech Rabbi" Cohen (@TheTechRabbi) - How To Move With Faith

    Michael "The Tech Rabbi" Cohen (@TheTechRabbi) - How To Move With Faith

    Michael Cohen, The Tech Rabbi, is a designer, educator and creativity instigator. His mission is to help educators around the world reveal their own creative abilities so they can empower students to solve interesting problems and become positive contributors to our global society. He is the author of the book Educated By Design, which outlines his principles for revealing and nurturing our innate creative courage and capacity. He is a national keynote speaker, advisor, and trainer. When he isn’t traveling the world sharing his message, he serves as the director of innovation for Yeshiva University of Los Angeles Boys School (YULA) where he manages and teaches at the Schlesinger STEAM and Entrepreneurship Center.