
    financial intelligence

    Explore " financial intelligence" with insightful episodes like "Biblical Investing, Part 2", "Biblical Investing, Part 1", "Recovering From Crisis, Part 2: How A Big Chicken Builds Wealth and Plans for Legacy", "Recovering From Crisis: How A Big Chicken Survives Financial Hardships" and "Invest In Yourself - Unpacking Our Time with Myles Alexander" from podcasts like ""Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing", "Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing", "Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing", "Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing" and "Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Biblical Investing, Part 2

    Biblical Investing, Part 2

    We hope this episode allows you to have a better understanding of the difference between money and currency and the need for the paradigm and lifestyle of cashflow. The following is an outline of today's conversation and a deeper look at the foundational principles of Biblical investing.



    • We have fiat currency that violates the laws of money and is disobedient to God's mandate for "just weights & measures." (Deut. 25:15)
    • Our fiat currency system is NOT an accurate information utility for investors and entrepreneurs (noise distorting the signal).
    • Nothing new - empires always monopolize money throughout history.
    • JP Morgan: "Gold and silver are money, everything else is just credit."
    • The bible is not unaware of currency manipulation...

    Investing in Uncertain Economic Times

    Redemptive Economics

    • Trust or Distrust God
    • Steward (abundance) or Storehouse (scarcity)?
    • Decentralize (Gen 1:28-29; Gen 11/12; Jewish diaspora; Holy Spirit ---> gospel)
    • Generosity (production) or Greed (speculation)?
    • Proverbs 11:24-28
    • Proverbs 13:22 - "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. (RSV)"
    • God favors a high velocity of money (velocity = how many times a dollar circulates through the economy in a given amount of time.)
    • Redemption (value) or Retirement (consumerism)?
    • Luke 12:13-21 (The Parable of the Rich Fool)
    • Compare with Boaz - Ruth - kinsman redeemer
    • Conclusion
    • God spared nothing for us - redemption
    • Pavilion illustration - gospel


    Resources and Mentions:

    The Scandal of Money - Gilder

    The Ascent of Money - Ferguson

    Honest Money - North 

    Biblical Economics - RC Sproul Jr.

    Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver - Mike Maloney


    Biblical Investing, Part 1

    Biblical Investing, Part 1

    We hope this episode allows you to have a better understanding of what the Bible calls, "just weights and measures" - outlining for us what investing looks like for people pursuing a life of stewardship and integrity.  The following is an outline on the topic of money and currency that Mike leads us through as we take a deeper look at the foundational principles of Biblical investing.


    PART 1:

    I. It All Starts with Trust in God

      A. Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25)

      B. Genesis 1:28 - "be fruitful and multiply"

      C. George Gilder (Author - "The Scandal of Money"): "Money is the central information utility of

           the world economy"

         1. Money is the critical vessel of information about the conditions of markets around the globe.


    II. Money from a Biblical Perspective

      A. Money is Seed

         1. Seed is a by-product of production, being "fruitful."

         2. As seed, money is meant to be planted/invested (Prov. 11:24; Ecc. 11:6; 2 Cor. 9:6-11).

         3. Money is not meant to be hoarded or stock-piled.


      B. "Just weights & measures" (Deut. 25:13-16)

          1. Because money is vital to communicating information in markets it is critical for it to be "honest" or reliable (e.g. ruler). This is why God emphasized "honest weights & measures."


    III. Money from a Worldly Perspective

       A. 1971 - The Dollar is Taken off the Gold Standard      

           2. Unfortunately money became dishonest, or unreliable in communicating information about markets since 1971, when the dollar was removed from the gold standard. We don't have money any more, we have fiat currency.


       B. A Distorted Signal 

          3. This fiat currency has made it much more difficult to discern "the signal from the noise." Instead the herd simply follows the next inflated asset and very little is learned as the entrepreneurial process was abandoned, by and large.

          4. So, how do we invest our currency (not money) in a God honoring way? The bible has the answers!



    The Scandal of Money - George Gilder

    Mike Hatch's course on Redemptive Economics:  www.mikehatch.thinkific.com

    Recovering From Crisis, Part 2: How A Big Chicken Builds Wealth and Plans for Legacy

    Recovering From Crisis, Part 2: How A Big Chicken Builds Wealth and Plans for Legacy

    There's nothing tricky about the principles outlined in this episode as PW's "big chicken" methodology is a result of his second go-round with financial crisis.  The first, coming from his poor financial decisions - the second, coming from his daughters health crisis.  

    What does the chicken want?

    1.  Safety and Guarantees

    2.  A Smooth Path

    3.  Balancing your best hours and secondary hours.


    We encourage you to go back and listen to the episode on the Order of Investing.  Our hope is as you listen to this discussion you are encouraged to prepare, educate yourself on the steps and pray through your plan for stewardship.

    PW detailed his "long game" in the episode and we have shared the outline below:



    1. Bottom Line - 7 streams of income protect the bottom line so bills get paid and cash flow is recovered.  Second, the cash flow is used to identify which streams will take priority moving forward into phase 2.
    2. Blue Collar Business - we would like to invest in blue collar businesses that follow the narrative of Boaz (Book of Ruth)
      • invest close to home
      • work with my hands
      • produce value
      • employ people, having a direct effect on families
    3. Rentals, specifically mobile home and tiny/micro home investing
    4. Protection - we are working with an advisory group to set up whole life insurance that will allow us to shield any income from unnecessary taxes and allow for ease of reinvestment.
    5. The Long Game
    • Equity Stakes in small business
    • Offer Loans directly from CV whole life insurance policy
    • 10x land/rentals
    • more life insurance
    • Investment into non-profit by making www.hundredmovement.com and www.younglife.org the beneficiaries of the policies.
    • investment in people and relationships

            6.  Disruptors

    • history
    • perception
    • anxiety and paralysis
    • failures
    • people



    For questions or thoughts about this episode, please feel free to reach out to PW at 





    And please visit and support these organizations for their work and investment in people:



    Recovering From Crisis: How A Big Chicken Survives Financial Hardships

    Recovering From Crisis: How A Big Chicken Survives Financial Hardships

    There's nothing tricky about the principles outlined in this episode as PW's "big chicken" methodology is a result of his second go-round with financial crisis.  The first, coming from his poor financial decisions - the second, coming from his daughters health crisis.  

    What does the chicken want?

    1.  Safety and Guarantees

    2.  A Smooth Path

    3.  Balancing your best hours and secondary hours.

    Our hope is as you listen to this discussion you are encouraged to prepare, educate yourself and take steps to pray through your plan for stewardship, whether to stave off chaos for your family or to recover from crisis.


    For questions or thoughts about this episode, please feel free to reach out to PW at 




    Invest In Yourself - Unpacking Our Time with Myles Alexander

    Invest In Yourself - Unpacking Our Time with Myles Alexander

    Myles Alexander has been a great friend for years and it was an honor to sit down and hear more of his story and specifically hear about his investment strategy as a small business owner but more importantly what engineering your financial futures looks like when you dont include the stock market.

    In this episode we decided to talk through the specific lessons that Myles taught us about his process but more specifically unpack what that could mean to you as someone investigating different avenues of cash flow investing.


    Feel free to reach out / follow Myles :


    IG:  instagram.com/form.function.architecture

    FB:  facebook.com/ffarchitecture

    Show Less

    Myles Alexander - You Are Your Best Investment

    Myles Alexander - You Are Your Best Investment

    Myles Alexander has been a great friend for years and it was an honor to sit down and hear more of his story and specifically hear about his investment strategy as a small business owner but more importantly what engineering your financial futures looks like when you dont include the stock market.

    We know this episode is longer than previous episodes but we think you will gain some great insight into making yourself you first investment.  Myles went all-in on building a set of businesses that create cash flow for his family and staff and while we realize that may not be where you are in your life, we definitely think his bet on himself is something we can all learn from.  Whether you invest in your business or someone else's, you may still need to bet on yourself to gain an education and to write/execute your financial plan.

    Feel free to reach out / follow Myles :


    IG:  instagram.com/form.function.architecture

    FB:  facebook.com/ffarchitecture

    The 7 Roads of Investing, Part 2

    The 7 Roads of Investing, Part 2

    Episode Notes

    We have done extensive work in researching some of our favorite roads of investing - our hope is that it may save you some time and help you with your pivot into a cash flow investing space.

    Our GUIDELINES  are steeped in the following investing principles:

    People - we invest to make use of what God has given us and to be able to invest in people so that they could have a better picture of who He is.

    Transparency - We strive to employ "honest weights and measures" and we seek that in the investments we make.

    Proximity - In times of financial tension or potential crisis, we move our investments closer to home where we can see them and manage them accordingly.

    Wisdom - Our hope is that God would lead us as investors and that we would develop shrewd and wise practices to build resources for our families and communities.


    Below is a list of lanes/roads and that we believe hold solid opportunities for this season of financial tension:

    1.  INSURANCE PRODUCTS - when you consider an insurance product you are buying into a promissory product which means that the insurance company is guaranteeing you a fixed percentage or profit each year which is different than a market based product such as an IRA or 401k.    If you don't have a wealth strategist and would like to talk to someone regarding your investments, please let us know so we can set up a time to meet with some trusted professionals.

    2.  SIDE HUSTLE - building a secondary stream of income is paramount to making use of opportunities related to your skillset.  Your secondary hours, meaning not your 40hr work week, can be utilized to generate significant income to free you up to invest if, and only if you figure out how to automate some of your 40hr work week.    

    3.  RENTALS - Rentals are probably the number one way to build a cash flow system for your family but it depends on the market and the players in the market.  Playing in a crowded market can drive prices up and make new investors overpay for homes.  The numbers have to be right.  Let's say that again:  the numbers have to be right!  Whatever package you create has to have enough margin with enough buyers for your service and there has to be room to play, meaning it cant be a crowded space which is harmful for beginners.

    4.  BUSINESS EQUITY - We consider this the new stock market and follows the ideal of "moving our investments closer to home" which should be a priority in times prior to financial crisis.  There is inherent risk in buying into businesses, so your cash flow has to be right for your family to assign money for the long haul to someone else's productivity or potential for productivity.  The upside is cash every year from your equity ownership.  The downside is the character and strength of the owner you are choosing to invest in.

    5.  REFERRAL FEES - There are two types of people in industry according to Malcolm Gladwell (The Tipping Point) - Mavens (experts) and Connectors.  If you have a decent understanding of process and can write a great story outlining the partnership of two Mavens, you then can sell them the story and after the introduction, write yourselves into the contract or business agreement.  Some of the greatest wealth is made from referral fees.  

    (Affiliate fees are in this category for us as well as it has become lucrative to help people partner with products)

    6.  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - You may have heard of the phrases, "niche down" or "the riches are in the niches".  We agree.  Find a niche in which you can be seen as an expert and create value - whether through an online class, mastermind class, book or audio product.  Once the value is created you must properly utilize your sales bridge to connect with potential buyers and warm them up to your product or value.

    7.  DEBT SHOP - When someone has influence over a gap in a market  or has chosen to provide a service to address a gap they are and should be a target for you to approach regarding investment.  The hard part is vetting business owners - as Jon Coyne said in a previous episode, "it is hard to test for character".  Having said that there are a few and certain to be more businesses that are partnering you/your investment with businesses.  And the beauty is that you can buy in with very little from $10 up to $50,000, thus creating a new and more personal stock market.


    Resources and Mentions:

    Related Scripture:

    1 Chronicles 12:32 - Men of Issachar, people who knew how to interpret the signs of the times.

    Matthew 24:  Signs of the end times

    Luke 16:  Parable of the Shrewd Manager

    The 7 Roads of Investing

    The 7 Roads of Investing

    We have done extensive work in researching some of our favorite roads of investing - our hope is that it may save you some time and help you with your pivot into a cash flow investing space.

    Our GUIDELINES  are steeped in the following investing principles:

    People - we invest to make use of what God has given us and to be able to invest in people so that they could have a better picture of who He is.

    Transparency - We strive to employ "honest weights and measures" and we seek that in the investments we make.

    Proximity - In times of financial tension or potential crisis, we move our investments closer to home where we can see them and manage them accordingly.

    Wisdom - Our hope is that God would lead us as investors and that we would develop shrewd and wise practices to build resources for our families and communities.


    Below is a list of lanes/roads and that we believe hold solid opportunities for this season of financial tension:

    1.  INSURANCE PRODUCTS - when you consider an insurance product you are buying into a promissory product which means that the insurance company is guaranteeing you a fixed percentage or profit each year which is different than a market based product such as an IRA or 401k.    If you don't have a wealth strategist and would like to talk to someone regarding your investments, please let us know so we can set up a time to meet with some trusted professionals.

    2.  SIDE HUSTLE - building a secondary stream of income is paramount to making use of opportunities related to your skillset.  Your secondary hours, meaning not your 40hr work week, can be utilized to generate significant income to free you up to invest if, and only if you figure out how to automate some of your 40hr work week.    

    3.  RENTALS - Rentals are probably the number one way to build a cash flow system for your family but it depends on the market and the players in the market.  Playing in a crowded market can drive prices up and make new investors overpay for homes.  The numbers have to be right.  Let's say that again:  the numbers have to be right!  Whatever package you create has to have enough margin with enough buyers for your service and there has to be room to play, meaning it cant be a crowded space which is harmful for beginners.

    4.  BUSINESS EQUITY - We consider this the new stock market and follows the ideal of "moving our investments closer to home" which should be a priority in times prior to financial crisis.  There is inherent risk in buying into businesses, so your cash flow has to be right for your family to assign money for the long haul to someone else's productivity or potential for productivity.  The upside is cash every year from your equity ownership.  The downside is the character and strength of the owner you are choosing to invest in.

    5.  REFERRAL FEES - There are two types of people in industry according to Malcolm Gladwell (The Tipping Point) - Mavens (experts) and Connectors.  If you have a decent understanding of process and can write a great story outlining the partnership of two Mavens, you then can sell them the story and after the introduction, write yourselves into the contract or business agreement.  Some of the greatest wealth is made from referral fees.  

    (Affiliate fees are in this category for us as well as it has become lucrative to help people partner with products)

    6.  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - You may have heard of the phrases, "niche down" or "the riches are in the niches".  We agree.  Find a niche in which you can be seen as an expert and create value - whether through an online class, mastermind class, book or audio product.  Once the value is created you must properly utilize your sales bridge to connect with potential buyers and warm them up to your product or value.

    7.  DEBT SHOP - When someone has influence over a gap in a market  or has chosen to provide a service to address a gap they are and should be a target for you to approach regarding investment.  The hard part is vetting business owners - as Jon Coyne said in a previous episode, "it is hard to test for character".  Having said that there are a few and certain to be more businesses that are partnering you/your investment with businesses.  And the beauty is that you can buy in with very little from $10 up to $50,000, thus creating a new and more personal stock market.


    Resources and Mentions:

    Related Scripture:

    1 Chronicles 12:32 - Men of Issachar, people who knew how to interpret the signs of the times.

    Matthew 24:  Signs of the end times

    Luke 16:  Parable of the Shrewd Manager

    Unpacking Our Time with Ryland and Katie Weber

    Unpacking Our Time with Ryland and Katie Weber

    Values Based Enterprise is business and investment based on a set of values driving action points - moving your individual, family or team towards growth and profit and best of all... creating value for others.

    Follow these simple steps and let us know if you need help or clarification:

    1. Write your Values  and test your values - email us for a pdf worksheet on Values.
    2. Pick a Lane - We normally pick lanes of investment from narratives that are handed to us.  Remember that there is more than one market - the American middle class narrative of earn, save and invest in mutual funds and IRA's is a dead or dying narrative but it's still being sold and bought.  Looking at other lanes may be ridiculed by your friends and family but stay the course and do your homework.

    Values + Gifting + Wealth of Knowledge + Cash Flow (Potential) =  Lane of Investment

    1. Test Your Knowledge - Exercise some Humility and be willing to be wrong about your assessment of the market or markets.
    2. Dialogue and Learn from Key Leaders to help shape what arena you may play best in.
    3. Stage  - get your vendors in place, do your homework and get your numbers on paper and get them right.  Get your cash flow numbers right!!!   Don't be wrong about the numbers.
    4. Execute small - aim small, miss small.  Don't go too big, too soon.  Take small measured steps in your market to see if how the market plays is something you can understand and work with.
    5. Build in Seasons - be willing to let things be ugly in the beginning stages but set goals and make sure to put them on a timeline.  If you are in the same cash flow position 6 months after your start or a year after your start, you need to look at your plan and your execution strategy.
    6. Echo Chamber - some echo chambers are good.  It takes time to learn the language of investment and even the specifics of your lane so you need a good community of people who share your language and cheer you on.  And don't be afraid to get rid of negative relationships as those voices may confuse the narrative for you as you grow.


    Resources and Mentions:

    Black Sheep - Brant Menswar

    Enneagram - https://www.gospelenneagram.com/

    Strengthfinders - https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/strengthsfinder.aspx

    Culture Index - https://www.cindexinc.com/

    Meyers-Briggs - https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/


    Ryland and Katie Weber: Value Driven Enterprise

    Ryland and Katie Weber:  Value Driven Enterprise

    The Webers run Convive Coffee Roastery in Pittsburgh, PA and have done an amazing job building a business around values that bring about a redemptive influence.  They have put years into building an intentional environment for discourse, diversity and enterprise.

    In our conversation, Katie said that part of their motivation in serving people coffee is knowing that "there are an infinite amount of dreams and inspirations happening right in front of [them]" - such a rich thought and motivation.  Excited for you to hear how they use that inspiration to invest in their people.

    You're gonna love your time with the Webers - we know we did!


    Please visit their website for coffee and more information on Convive.


    Email:  admin@convivecoffee.com / connect@convivecoffee.com


    We are really excited to launch our first digital course, Redemptive Economics - A Gospel Centered Approach to Business and Economics,  written by our very own, Mike Hatch!  Please click the link below to check out the course :


    Coupon code: bcm  (all lower case)


    Unpacking Our Time with Entrepreneur, Jon Coyne

    Unpacking Our Time with Entrepreneur, Jon Coyne

    We are really excited to launch our first digital course, Redemptive Economics - A Gospel Centered Approach to Business and Economics,  written by our very own, Mike Hatch!  Please click the link below to check out the course :


    Coupon code: bcm  (all lower case)



    There so many great lessons learned from our time with Jon that we decided to take the time to unpack some of his comments.  Some, we will leave for you to interpret as they are self explanatory.  We hope that this short review is helpful:



    Putting everything in writing between Jon and his staff allowed him to honor their time and their work and preserve and uphold their relationship. 

    Keeping agreements in writing relinquishes control of the false narrative that we have control of life and therefore can easily make good on handshake deals.  Further, it allows us to know what base expectations are and gives us the opportunity to overdeliver.

    Aligning Values and Actions are a necessity for any business to progress and writing things down bring clarity to all parties involved in creating and upholding values as well as the teams efforts/actions.



    this needs no explanation but it was encouraging to hear Jon's loyalty to his staff as investors and his financial backers.  Loyalty is a precious and rare commodity in business and investing.








    "Be careful what you ask for"

    "Recognize His will, asking moment by moment for direction"



    "if you build it, they will come is a myth"

    "have a good exit ( sales) plan"

    "get comfortable being uncomfortable... you cant just do what you're good at"

    "hurry up and wait" seems to be a standard for business life.  but while you are waiting fill the gaps with doing work in your ancillary or complementary lanes.


    Resources and Mentions:

    Blacksheep - Brant Menswar

    Good to Great - Jim Collins

    www.healuxcbd.com   (use code review50 for 50% off your purchase but please be sure to leave a review)


    The World is Flat - Thomas Friedman


    We are really excited to launch our first digital course, Redemptive Economics - A Gospel Centered Approach to Business and Economics,  written by our very own, Mike Hatch!  Please click the link below to check out the course :


    Coupon code: bcm  (all lower case)





    Unpacking the Challenges of Entrepreneurship with Jon Coyne

    Unpacking the Challenges of Entrepreneurship with Jon Coyne

    We are really excited to launch our first digital course, Redemptive Economics - A Gospel Centered Approach to Business and Economics,  written by our very own, Mike Hatch!  Please click the link below to check out the course :


    Coupon code: bcm  (all lower case)



     Resources and mentions:

    The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

    Contact Jon Coyne with questions at jcoyne@riseupt.com





    Modeling, Part 2

    Modeling, Part 2

    Our conversation with entrepreneur and investor, Bob Faletti led us to review some of the important points behind Modeling - the sequence of constructing a moving narrative to pivot your investments.  The following list includes some of the key points you may want to consider as you investigate taking back control of your financial future. 

     It is an unusual time in the markets with a lack of accountability, transparency and looming mania driving the markets to record highs.   Therefore, it is reasonable to consider pivoting and moving your money/ investments closer to home.   To do this, you need to consider doing the following:

    WORKING NARRATIVE:  Construct a working narrative.  After all, as soon as you write a plan down, it is wrong, but at least you have labeled and considered the moving parts and have a basic understanding of the elements involved in your plan/ building your investment machine.  Do your due diligence and build out 80% of your plan on paper adding in safeties and contingencies for errors and the unknown.  Then work the other 20% out in practice.

    Note:  There are many white papers on SWOT Analysis and even doing a quick youtube search can help outline your strategy to evaluate your bet.

    EDUCATION:  Pay for an education.  Take online classes, pay for a coach, pay to be in a mastermind group etc.  

    SAFETY:  Part of being a good steward is considering what season of life you are in and passing on resources to your family/ community.  This also includes safeguarding against catastrophic events and prolonging your ministry through what we like to call, bullet proof paper which is blue collar language for wills, trusts and insurances.

    NOTE:  If you are interested in meeting with a financial advisor and dont have one that you know or trust, please let us make the introduction to folks that we trust who can walk you through your SAFETY process.

    HEDGING:  With the stock market being in such a strange place we believe that part of your responsibility lies in protecting your bets with ancillary markets, i.e. silver and gold.  Yes, they are considered real money and not an investment per se but they are, historically, a "reliable store of value" and should be considered soon as their prices are pushing up with more and more distrust of the stock market.

    CONVERSION:  If you have money in the markets you will need to sit down with your financial advisor and figure out exactly how much money it will cost you to move your money.  It is their responsibility to get you numbers if you ask for them.  It is your money after all.  

    ACTIVATE CASH FLOW:  Do your due diligence and build out your plan, then work the plan and measure the cash flow with risk and your goals.  Chances are that the investment isnt exactly going to work as you expected but be flexible and patient.  There is a strong possibility with a little coaching that your new endeavor is exactly what you need to increase cash flow and secure a model of investing that is not only transparent but lives closer to home.

    REFINE NARRATIVE:   You've prayed, studied and wrote out your plans and then pulled the trigger on what you hope is the right investment.  It's important that you continue at regular intervals to seek out your brain trust and spouse and run the numbers by them to see if there are things that you are missing that can help bring about efficiency and scale.   PRAY, WRITE, BUILD, REVIEW, REFINE = SCALE

    GIVE:  Build generosity and investment in your community into the model from the beginning.  Make sure you start and finish with honoring your Kingdom values and leave the rest to God to work out.

    Modeling, Part 1: A Case Study in Beginning Real Estate Investing with Bob Faletti

    Modeling, Part 1:  A Case Study in Beginning Real Estate Investing with Bob Faletti

    We had a great time interviewing Bob Faletti and hearing about the start of his real estate investment business.  Our conversation centered around 7 crucial steps that he suggested for beginners  to integrate into their investment plan.

    1. Assess the risk and the work involved.
    2. Structure:  Full time or part time work.
    3. Vendors:  make sure you hire the right vendors to help you keep your workload in check.
    4. Find a successful model to mimic
    5. Work with a coach or strategist who has a proven track record.
    6. Live your values through serving your clients/tenants.
    7. Choose the right property - dont jump into the deal without weighing all the factors.


    The Pivot

    The Pivot

    We'd like to start with a series of critical questions:

    • how much do you believe in moving to a cash flow focus?
    • how much do you believe in erasing debt?
    • how much do you believe in pivoting your investment mentality to include a "safety" conversation - protecting your families assets through a will, trusts and insurances?
    • is it time to stage for your new investment season by freeing up brain space to learn first the language of investment, then the lifestyle of investment?
    • have you worked with your family to build a congruent mission, vision and core values statement that you can use to build your stewardship portfolio?


    Your answers to the above questions are critical in your preparation to invest.   It may lead you to more traditional avenues of investing - however, if you are feeling the urge to stage your life to steward more or learn the lifestyle of investment then it may be time to work your way through these steps.  The following list is a progression we outlined in the podcast that may help you in your pivot to the practical stages of preparation and investment.

    The Closet:  is God calling you to earn and invest for your family? OR, is God calling you to earn/invest/ steward resources for your family and for other families, your community and local businesses?  

    Margin:  Do you have or are you developing the brain space to learn the language of investing and do your own homework?  Are you ready to be the quarterback of your investment portfolio?

    Values:   Values are the cornerstone of what we call the "congruency" platform.  An investor or family's ability to be settled on their mission, vision and values sets the stage for them to streamline their energy and focus them on what God has called them to steward.

    Family Mission:  What is God calling you to do in the next 10 years?  What legacy will you leave as a family?  Strictly a financial legacy for your kids or are you wanting to invest in your community?  or missions?

    Penalties to move money:  There can be significant penalties to move your money from traditional products so you need to be sure of your calling to build cash flow machines as the basis of your portfolio.

    Insurance based products:  If you are a person who is stuck and cannot remove your $ from products that are stuck in a 401K or similar, you can ask your fiduciary to introduce you to insurance based products.  This move may protect you against further stock market decline.

    Hedging:  contrary to public sentiment, investing in money, i.e. gold or silver is a hedge against the stock market - we do not consider it an investment because it doesnt bring about returns but walks inversely to traditional markets.  If current markets fail we will see a stark rise in the value of commodities, especially real money - gold and silver.

    Proximity:  As the markets continue to show weakness and fragility it is imperative that we move our investments closer to home or at least make it so we can see where we are invested to make changes and move resources as needed.

    The Praying Game:  All of this is moot information if we haven't spent time with God seeking His counsel regarding our stewardship.  We must be seeking to answer at what level does he want our investment responsibility - for us and our families or the greater responsibility of stewarding resources for our neighbors and community.

    Our hope is as you work through these terms and ideas that you will see yourself as part of God's redemptive force on this earth and plan/move/invest accordingly.

    HTL 010: MONEY SMARTS - What to Know So Your Money Will Grow, Q & A with Randi Levenbaum

    HTL 010: MONEY SMARTS - What to Know So Your Money Will Grow, Q & A with Randi Levenbaum

    #010 - In episode 7, Randi Levenbaum shared her story of how she made a goal at age 20 to retire early and ended up doing so at age 43! 

    Well, that show got a great response and many requests to define some of the terms and techniques Randi mentioned. 

    What are stocks and bonds? What are mutual funds? What is the difference between an IRA and a Roth IRA? How about a 401K? How do I set financial goals?

    Soooo, because she is so awesome, Randi is back again to do more of a Q and A and clear up some of the mystery for you. 

    Terms like financial planning, “make your money work for you”, “the market”, portfolio, net worth, and many more are about to finally make sense!

    Now that you speak the language, you can go out there more confidently and be in control of your money and your financial future. 

    You can find this episode at 


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    Growth Opportunities in U.S. Market (Tahira Rehmatullah and Giadha Aguirre DeCarcer)

    Growth Opportunities in U.S. Market (Tahira Rehmatullah and Giadha Aguirre DeCarcer)

    In this episode, host Heather Wicklein talks with the President of T3 Ventures, Tahira Rehmatullah and New Frontier Data's Founder and C.E.O, Giadha Aguirre DeCarcer. They discuss what the landscape of business development opportunity looks like in the United States while the country struggles to cope with the impacts of a global recession. They discuss emerging verticals and geographic markets that continue to show promise, despite the economic downturn. 


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