

    Explore "frontend" with insightful episodes like "Top 12+ React Boilerplates and Starter Kits for 2024", "Why You Should Choose Angular or Vue over React for Your New Web Application", "Creating A Custom Plugin for Vite: The Easiest Guide", "Svelte UI: The JS Framework Shaping Tomorrow's Web Development" and "Potluck - Changing careers × Repo organization × CSS Grid × Certifications × Freelancing × Spammers × More" from podcasts like ""Programming Tech Brief By HackerNoon", "Programming Tech Brief By HackerNoon", "Programming Tech Brief By HackerNoon", "Programming Tech Brief By HackerNoon" and "Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    Top 12+ React Boilerplates and Starter Kits for 2024

    Top 12+ React Boilerplates and Starter Kits for 2024

    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/top-12-react-boilerplates-and-starter-kits-for-2024.
    What criteria do you use when choosing a React boilerplate? We made a comparison of boilerplates by features and analyzed each of them
    Check more stories related to programming at: https://hackernoon.com/c/programming. You can also check exclusive content about #react, #frontend, #boilerplate, #web-development, #javascript, #open-source, #webdev, #frontend-development, and more.

    This story was written by: @rodik. Learn more about this writer by checking @rodik's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

    React boilerplates play a crucial role in starting projects efficiently. They range from minimalistic setups to feature-rich solutions, impacting factors like authentication, UI components, and state management. Choosing a boilerplate involves considering factors like support, performance, code quality, and feature availability. Ultimately, selecting the right boilerplate can significantly streamline development and ensure project success.

    Why You Should Choose Angular or Vue over React for Your New Web Application

    Why You Should Choose Angular or Vue over React for Your New Web Application

    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/why-you-should-choose-angular-or-vue-over-react-for-your-new-web-application.
    An article that describes the advantages of the front-end frameworks Angular and Vue over the front-end React library.
    Check more stories related to programming at: https://hackernoon.com/c/programming. You can also check exclusive content about #front-end-development, #frontend, #react, #vue, #angular, #angular-vs-vue, #angular-vs-react, #hackernoon-top-story, and more.

    This story was written by: @romanismagilov301290. Learn more about this writer by checking @romanismagilov301290's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

    Angular and Vue offer a clear separation of concerns between logic and presentation. This fosters cleaner code and easier maintenance. Unlike React's JSX, where JavaScript logic can be **intertwined** with markup, these templates enforce a strict separation. They provide straightforward ways to bind form controls, making it easy to manage form data with multiple fields.

    Creating A Custom Plugin for Vite: The Easiest Guide

    Creating A Custom Plugin for Vite: The Easiest Guide

    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/creating-a-custom-plugin-for-vite-the-easiest-guide.
    How plugins work in Vite and how to create a custom plugin for Vite
    Check more stories related to programming at: https://hackernoon.com/c/programming. You can also check exclusive content about #rollup, #create-custom-vite-plugin, #frontend, #how-to-publish-your-plugin, #vite-hooks, #create-plugins-tutorial, #hackernoon-top-story, #vite-tutorial-for-beginners, #hackernoon-es, #hackernoon-hi, #hackernoon-zh, #hackernoon-fr, #hackernoon-bn, #hackernoon-ru, #hackernoon-vi, #hackernoon-pt, #hackernoon-ja, #hackernoon-de, #hackernoon-ko, #hackernoon-tr, and more.

    This story was written by: @gmakarov. Learn more about this writer by checking @gmakarov's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

    For the development server, it uses esbuild with native ES modules, which are supported by modern browsers, and we don’t need to bundle code into a single file, and it gives us fast HRM (Hot Module Replacement). For the bundle, it uses a rollup.js because it’s flexible and has a large ecosystem; it allows the creation of highly optimized production bundles with different output formats. Vite’s plugin interface is based on Rollup’s but with additional options and hooks for working with the dev server.

    Svelte UI: The JS Framework Shaping Tomorrow's Web Development

    Svelte UI: The JS Framework Shaping Tomorrow's Web Development

    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/svelte-ui-the-js-framework-shaping-tomorrows-web-development.
    In an evolving world of web development, making the most suitable choice of UI frameworks can greatly impact the efficiency and quality of your applications.
    Check more stories related to programming at: https://hackernoon.com/c/programming. You can also check exclusive content about #javascript-development, #svelte-framework, #frontend, #web-dev-tools, #svelte, #ui-frameworks, #web-development-trends, #programming-languages, and more.

    This story was written by: @myname1. Learn more about this writer by checking @myname1's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

    Svelte, a modern JavaScript UI framework, has emerged as a powerful contender thanks to its unique architecture and ease of use. Uniquely designed, Svelte compiles your code to efficient, imperative code that directly updates the DOM, stepping away from the more traditional Virtual DOM employed by other JavaScript frameworks.

    Potluck - Changing careers × Repo organization × CSS Grid × Certifications × Freelancing × Spammers × More

    Potluck - Changing careers × Repo organization × CSS Grid × Certifications × Freelancing × Spammers × More

    It’s another potluck episode in which Wes and Scott answer your questions! This month - organizing your Git repos, the difference between freelancing and contracting, changing careers, how to deal with spammers and more!

    Sanity.io - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get up and running by typing npm i -g @sanity/cli && sanity init in your command line. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

    Techmeme Ride Home Podcast

    From Techmeme.com, Silicon Valley’s most-read news source, The Techmeme Ride Home podcast is a short daily podcast about the day’s tech news. Mark Zuckerberg called Techmeme the one news source he definitely follows. New episodes are published every day at 5p.m. You can check out the show here, or search for “Techmeme Ride Home” in your favorite podcast player.

    Show Notes


    • Q: Do you prefer to have your backend and frontend in separate Git repos or together? What are the trade-offs?


    • Q: In web dev, what’s the difference between a freelancer and independent contractor?


    • Q: Default export vs named export?


    • Q: I’m looking to change careers, but I’m 41 this year. Is it too late?


    • Q: Have you guys made much use of multicolumn layout? If so, only for text, or have you come up with (or seen elsewhere) any interesting out-of-the-box uses?


    • Q: Since you publish your courses’ source code on Github, what do you think about people using that to learn instead of buying your course? Is it an intentional decision, or is it a compromise you’re willing to make?


    • Q: When is a certification needed for both jobs and side-projects?


    • How do you deal with spammers filling out forms?


    • Q: Could you better explain what a slug is? I’ve heard the term thrown around on a number of your episodes, but I don’t really know what it means.


    • Q: I am currently going through some currency conversion stuff for a project, what would you recommend to use for international conversions?


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