

    Explore " g20" with insightful episodes like "Güncellen 07.00", "Las noticias de la tarde del lunes 14 de noviembre de 2022", "Güncellen 18.00", "The State of America - Prevailing Optimism" and "Episode 16" from podcasts like ""GÜNCELLEN", "KISS FM NOTICIAS", "GÜNCELLEN", "Bedell Frazier Investment Counselling" and "Religion Media Centre Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Güncellen 07.00

    Güncellen 07.00

    Türkiye, İstanbul'daki bombalı saldırının yasını tutuyor, Rotterdam Belediyesi belediye binasına Türk bayrağı asarak yarıya indirdi, Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya savaş tazminatı ödemesine karar verildi, G-20 üyesi 17 ülkenin lideri küresel krizlere çözüm arayışıyla masaya oturuyor, Kral III. Charles 74 yaşına girdi, Bilim insanları, fizik tedaviyi elektrik uyarımlarıyla birleştirerek felçli hastaların yürümesini sağladı, Adele sesini 9 milyon liralık sistemle koruyacak, Cristiano Ronaldo-Manchester United gerilimi, Katar, Dünya Kupası öncesi eleştiri ve boykot çağrılarına cevap verdi, Potada Türkiye-Sırbistan maç sonucu.

    Las noticias de la tarde del lunes 14 de noviembre de 2022

    Las noticias de la tarde del lunes 14 de noviembre de 2022

    El PSOE critica el "desprecio" de Isabel Díaz Ayuso y el "silencio" de Alberto Núñez Feijóo tras la multitudinaria manifestación celebrada el domingo en Madrid para defender la sanidad pública en la región. Por su parte, la presidenta regional madrileña, asegura que la manifestación no fue en defensa de la sanidad pública sino que fue una manifestación partidista.

    Mientras tanto, el Congreso ya tramita la reforma de la sedición, criticada tanto por JxCat porque dicen que el objetivo es conseguir la extradición de Puigdemont como por  Alberto Núñez Feijóo que anuncia propuestas para mantener el delito de sedición y tipificar de nuevo como delito el referéndum ilegal para independizar un territorio.

    También en lo político, Reyes Maroto aspira a liderar la lista del PSOE a la alcaldía de Madrid; y en el plano internacional, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, se ha reunido por primera vez con su homólogo chino, Xi Jinping.

    De vuelta a casa, primer día de huelga en el sector del transporte con la ministra del sector, Raquel Sánchez, insistiendo en que este paro carece de justificación.

    En clave sanitaria, la mitad de fumadores desarrollará EPOC mientras que Sanidad invita las claves para tratar de evitar la diabetes en el día mundial de esta enfermedad.

    En la página económica, conocemos el programa “Adecco Aquí Ahora” de contratación en sectores de difícil cobertura. Y tras echar un vistazo a lo que pagaremos mañana por la luz, el cierre de mercados y qué tiempo nos espera para mañana, terminamos con una recomendación literaria, la que nos propone Cristina Campos que regresa a las librerías por la puerta grande con las “Historias de mujeres casadas” que le han valido ser la novela finalista del Premio Planeta en este 2022, una novela que ahonda en la intimidad femenina a través de sus tres protagonistas.


    Edición: Ismael Arranz
    Realización: Víctor Álvarez

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Güncellen 18.00

    Güncellen 18.00

    İstiklal Caddesi'nde yaşanan patlama, Biden-Cinping görüşmesi, CIA Direktörü ve Rus mevkidaşı Ankara'da görüştü, Motorine indirim, 4 gün mesai, Elon Musk'ın Twitter kararları, Kral Charles' saldırı düzenleyen gencin yardım kampanyası, Rihanna'nın yeni şarkısı, Christina Aguilera'nın belgeseli, Dünya Kupası'na Dua Lipa konseri, 2023 Dünya Kupası kapsamında bu akşam Türkiye-Sırbistan maçı oynanacak.

    The State of America - Prevailing Optimism

    The State of America - Prevailing Optimism

    Things have felt pretty grim in America. That feeling is everywhere. This past month I've traveled from coast-to-coast and in between. You can see and feel the angst. Sentiment has seldom been as sour as seen in 2022. Investor confidence has reached basement-level lows. The political divide in our nation clearly plays a role in it. The one thing that Democrats and Republicans agree on is the belief that the country is headed in the wrong direction. They just defiantly disagree on the cause. They blame the other. That has been the state of America.

    But there's always that prevailing optimism; There's hope. Just when you think all is lost, a spark can turn things around. That's what this week felt like; At least to me. The 2022 midterms had some surprises, which could lead to more stability in Washington. I stress the word "could" because of course we're talking about Washington. The other factor driving optimism for better days ahead was the declining rate of inflation which has draped the American people. Price increases are falling. Some reprieve could be around the corner. That's the signal the Market sent this week.

    Episode 16

    Episode 16

    Hannah Scott-Joynt is joined by regular journalist colleagues Leo Devine and Rosie Dawson to look at some of the key stories of the week, including the impact of BBC proposed cuts on local radio Sunday morning breakfast output, where 39 local programmes will be reduced to 10 regional shows. The Bishop of Warrington, Beverley Mason, and Pauline McAdam, formerly of BBC Radio Merseyside, explain the devastating consequences for communities, where local radio is a lifeline.

    Other stories include the news that some Church of England bishops seem to be shifting to allow same-sex marriages, British Jewish leaders’ strong reaction to the new right-wing coalition in Israel, and a meeting of global faith leaders in advance of the G20 challenging each other to create a more peaceful world.


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    Ashley Townshend on Australia and India’s Convergence on the Indo-Pacific

    Ashley Townshend on Australia and India’s Convergence on the Indo-Pacific

    The Indo-Pacific has emerged as a region of great significance. China is cementing its strategic presence in the region with a push toward financing infrastructure, announcements of alternative security and development mechanisms, and security pacts, most recently, with the Solomon Islands. Meanwhile, the United States remains preoccupied with its various priorities including the war in Ukraine and a broader engagement with European security. As regional dynamics continue to evolve, actors like India and Australia find themselves facing common concerns, as well as opportunities that continue to converge. 

    In this episode of Interpreting India, Ashley Townshend joins Deep Pal to discuss the recent developments in the Indo-Pacific. What would be the contours of an Indo-Pacific strategy that counteracts Chinese adventurism and influence in the region? How can India and Australia strengthen their bilateral relationship by harnessing their national defense industrial bases? And, how can the QUAD countries become significant contributors to public security in the region?


    Episode Contributors

    Ashley Townshend is a senior fellow for Indo-Pacific security at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is also the founding co-chair of the annual U.S.-Australia Indo-Pacific Deterrence Dialogue and a nonresident senior fellow at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. A leading Australian expert on Indo-Pacific strategic affairs, Ashley has written extensively on U.S. strategy in Asia, regional strategic competition with China, the U.S.-Australia alliance, and Australian foreign and defense policy. He is also the co-author of the monograph Averting Crisis: American Strategy, Military Spending and Collective Defence in the Indo-Pacific.  

    Deep Pal is a visiting scholar in the Asia program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His research and publications focus on the Indo-Pacific, Indian foreign policy in its immediate and greater neighborhood, and regional security of South Asia, with particular emphasis on China.


    Additional Reading

    The U.S. Is Losing Its Military Edge in Asia, and China Knows It by Ashley Townshend

    US Indo-Pacific Strategy, Alliances and Security Partnerships by Ashley Townshend


    🎙️ Check out our podcast, Interpreting India available now on YouTube, Spotify, and iTunes!

    Home: https://interpreting-india.simplecast.com/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeXQMWQXRkJXF71nDiX9LhlXiSkhR8JJT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/51yeOb8SimMIPe2KgIUQ8g

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/interpreting-india/id1476357131


    Carnegie India Socials:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carnegieindia/ (@CarnegieIndia)

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarnegieIndia

    Website: https://carnegieindia.org

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarnegieIndia/


    Every two weeks, Interpreting India brings you diverse voices from India and around the world to explore the critical questions shaping the nation's future. We delve into how technology, the economy, and foreign policy intertwine to influence India's relationship with the global stage.

    As a Carnegie India production, hosted by Carnegie scholars, Interpreting India, a Carnegie India production, provides insightful perspectives and cutting-edge by tackling the defining questions that chart India's course through the next decade.

    Stay tuned for thought-provoking discussions, expert insights, and a deeper understanding of India's place in the world.

    Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review to join the conversation and be part of Interpreting India's journey.

    Top U.S. Diplomat Talks China

    Top U.S. Diplomat Talks China

    The last few months saw a buzz of activity in Asia. The Biden administration just launched its signature Indo-Pacific Economic Framework to jumpstart trade relations with regional partners. Meanwhile, China stirred the pot as it inked a controversial pact with the Solomon Islands. And just a few weeks ago, members of the G20 convened in Bali, while news of the assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe shocked the world. 

    At the forefront of the recent developments in the Asia Pacific has been State Department Counselor Derek Chollet. Counselor Chollet returns to The World Unpacked to talk about his trip with Secretary Blinken to Asia, Shinzo Abe’s legacy, U.S.-China competition, and more.

    Follow Doug on Twitter @DouglasLFarrar


    Joko as Broker: Credibility Bolsters Widodo in Kyiv, Moscow Visits (with Ukraine Amb Vasyl Hamianin)

    Joko as Broker: Credibility Bolsters Widodo in Kyiv, Moscow Visits (with Ukraine Amb Vasyl Hamianin)

    President Joko Widodo's sudden plan to engage in personal diplomacy with Putin involves high stakes.   Prospects for progress are daunting, but the  trip marks a welcome foray by Indonesia's leader into international affairs.  Ukraine's ambassador to Indonesia joins the pod to put the effort in context and help shed light on what is reasonable to anticipate. 

    Also: Megawati uncorks more vitriol aimed towards Ganjar, and all sides gear up for yet another tussle over an attempt to revise Indonesia's antiquated Criminal Code (KUHP). 

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    Elezioni in America e Italia: cambia qualcosa o tutto come prima?

    Elezioni in America e Italia: cambia qualcosa o tutto come prima?

    Joe Biden subisce la prima batosta elettorale. In Italia il centro sinistra vince elezioni locali. Discutiamo i risultati e soprattutto i trend a medio e lungo termine che stanno diventando apparenti in Italia e America: spoiler alert - siamo più simili di quanto si pensi…

    E poi, G20 a Roma con prima visita di Biden in Italia, Bolsonaro in Veneto, partiti italiani che vanno e vengono e inflazione che sta per arrivare.  

    Iscrivetevi e scaricate il podcast su tutte le app musicali sotto le parole chiave "Vera America". Buon ascolto!  

    Real America, il podcast su tutto ciò che è America per gli Italiani in giro per il mondo!

    Wo ist Kamala?

    Wo ist Kamala?

    Während Präsident Biden auf Europa-Tour ist und nach dem G20-Gipfel in Rom und dem Papstbesuch bei der Klima-Konferenz in Glasgow vorbeischaut, hält wer die Stellung zu Hause in DC? Eigentlich seine Vize-Präsidentin. Aber wo ist sie geblieben? Wir wurden in letzter Zeit öfters nach Kamala Harris' Rolle gefragt - und was davon zu sehen bzw. zu spüren ist? Sollte sie nicht die Vorkämpferin für die progressive Agenda sein, die der konservativen Rechte das Fürchten lehrt? Und hatte sie nicht auch die Aufgabe, die Flüchtlings-Krise an der Grenze zu lösen? Aber bislang ist davon in der Öffentlichkeit nicht viel rübergekommen.   

    Wir betrachten ein Jahr nach der Wahl ihre bisherige Bilanz und schauen auch insgesamt auf die historische Rolle der Vizepräsidenten und wie sie sich im Laufe der Zeit vom ständigen Stellvertreter zum Vertrauten und „letzten Mann im Raum“ entwickelt hat.

    Theme Music:  Reha Omayer, Hamburg

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    Facebook: AmerikaUebersetzt
    Twitter: @AUbersetzt

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    Australia navigates the relationship with France, Aukus and the G20

    Australia navigates the relationship with France, Aukus and the G20
    At the G20 in Rome in the wake of the controversial Aukus deal in which Australia opted to buy nuclear submarines from the US and UK and ditch the $90bn existing deal with France – Katharine Murphy speaks with the political editor of the Australian Financial Review, Phil Coorey and the chief political correspondent of the SMH and the Age, David Crowe about the growing tensions with France and what this could mean for Australia in the international arena

    COP26 Preview: A test for the US and China

    COP26 Preview: A test for the US and China
    Major movement on climate initiatives will require the countries to put aside broader diplomatic tensions. POLITICO’s Phelim Kine reports. Plus, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis follows through on his threat to sue Biden over vaccine mandates. And the Justice Department changes its policies to crack down on white-collar crime. Phelim Kine is POLITICO's China Correspondent and author of the China Watch newsletter. Jeremy Siegel is a host for POLITICO Dispatch. Irene Noguchi is the executive producer of POLITICO audio. Jenny Ament is the senior producer of POLITICO audio. Raghu Manavalan is a senior editor for POLITICO audio. Read more: The U.S.-China COP26 cliffhanger

    Las noticias de la mañana del 27 de octubre de 2021

    Las noticias de la mañana del 27 de octubre de 2021

    El Ministerio de Trabajo vuelve a reunirse con patronal y sindicatos para negociar la reforma laboral, mientras que Sanidad y las comunidades abordan los aforos en los recintos deportivos. Esta mañana, también seguimos de cerca la actividad del volcán de La Palma.

    Fuera de nuestras fronteras, el presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro ha sido acusado de crímenes contra la humanidad. En la lucha contra el Coronavirus, Amnistía Internacional reclama al G20 el acceso a las vacunas para todos y terminamos conociendo al mejor panadero del mundo: es español.

    Edición: Ismael Arranz
    Realización: César Berzal

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Values Across the Globe 🌎 and Generations G20-V20 | Dr. Mandeep Kor Rai Dylan & Dimah Al-Sheikh

    Values Across the Globe 🌎 and Generations G20-V20 | Dr. Mandeep Kor Rai Dylan & Dimah Al-Sheikh

    The value of values 🌎 Legacy, Impact & Transformation. Join me in conversation with the co-founders of the Values20, launched September 2020. They are leveraging the huge potential of a diverse group of organizations, experts, and practitioners from around the world. Values 20 (V20), by joining the V20 ecosystem, are on a mission to demonstrate to the G 20 and the wider world.

    What Intrigued Me?

    • Dr. Mandeep Kor Rai Dylan: push the slow button. There is no greater or more or faster. Just simply operating from a place that's really, to our core nourishing. 

    What Inspired Me?

    • Values20 🌎 Legacy, Dimah Al-Sheikh aim from an intellectually and from a knowledge perspective, share the best practices on the V20 platform driving a human-centric, initiatives. To share what works first and to share what didn't work. Do projects that create global and national transformation.

    Knowledge Bomb

    The V20 created three task forces:

    • Global values address how values can contribute to achieving societal and economic objectives;
    • Leadership Values is assessing how values can improve organizational outcomes;
    • Quality of Life Values is focusing on how to enhance people’s wellbeing.

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    About the Guests

    Dr. Mandeep Kor Rai Dylan,
    a founding member of the V20, a global expert and connector on Values.  Author of the Values Compass. Business Book Awards 2021 recipient in the category of Diversity Equity and Inclusion.

    Dimah Al-Sheikh, Founder and Chair of Values 20 and Executive Manager of Misk Values.   

    About the Show

    Podcast Host: Life & Leadership: A Conscious Journey with Dr. Michelle St Jane

    A podcast for Global and Re-Emerging Leadership creating community/tribe, a circle of influence, transcendency of compassionate leadership in the world and wider universe. A unique destination for learning about Leadership + Conscious Stewardship + Legacy.

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    Bidens Präsidentschaft steht auf dem Spiel

    Bidens Präsidentschaft steht auf dem Spiel

    Für Joe Biden sind es entscheidende Tage seiner Präsidentschaft, und es geht um sehr viel: schafft er es, sein Gesetzespaket für eine bessere Infrastruktur doch noch durch den Kongress bekommen, dann könnte er nicht nur auf dem Klimagipfel in Glasgow eine zentrale Weichenstellung für mehr Klimaschutz präsentieren, sondern auch den Wählerinnen und Wählern in den USA zeigen, dass er und die Demokraten sehr wohl in der Lage sind, Dinge anzupacken und „gebacken“ zu bekommen. Aber dafür muss er die eigenen Reihen erst mal schließen. Und das ist zwischen dem progressiven Flügel, dem das Gesetzes-Paket zu wenig ist, und dem moderaten Flügel der Partei, dem es zu weit geht, sehr viel kniffliger als erwartet. Dabei braucht er – auch angesichts dramatisch sinkender Umfragewerte - die Unterstützung seiner Fraktion im Kongress mehr denn je. Keine Frage: für Joe Biden geht es in diesen Tagen ums Ganze!

    Theme Music:  Reha Omayer, Hamburg

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    How can banks, insurers, and asset managers reduce their vast financial exposure to carbon intensive industries?

    How can banks, insurers, and asset managers reduce their vast financial exposure to carbon intensive industries?

    Ahead of the COP 26 conference in Glasgow, analysts Lev Dorf, Brandan Holmes and Vanessa Robert explain why banks, insurance companies and asset managers are under pressure to reduce exposure to carbon-intensive industries. Indeed Moody's has estimated that G20 financial institutions are exposed to carbon transition risk to the tune of a staggering $22 trillion. However, financial institutions will need to play a vital role in financing the shift to net zero, and in this episode our team discuss what new areas of economic growth are emerging, amid the risks of decarbonization. 

    Inside this episode:

    • Brandan Holmes on the drivers of  decarbonization for insurance (begins at 2:38 mins)
    • Lev Dorf on the biggest risks of decarbonization for banks (begins at 9:08 mins
    • Lev Dorf discusses the economic opportunities for banks (begins at  13:17 mins) 

    Related Content:


    The Geopolitics of Data with François Godement and Ralf Sauer

    The Geopolitics of Data with François Godement and Ralf Sauer

    In a special episode recorded at the Global Technology Summit 2019, guest host, Rudra Chaudhuri speaks to François Godement and Ralf Sauer about the global debates on issues of data privacy and data protection, EU's approach to data sovereignty, and the implications of India's personal data protection bill.



    Rudra Chaudhuri is the director of Carnegie India. His primary research focuses on the diplomatic history of South Asia and contemporary security issues. He is currently writing a book on the global history of the Indian Emergency, 1975-1977. At present, he is also heading a major research project that involves mapping and analyzing violent incidents and infrastructural development on and across India’s borders.

    François Godement, an expert on Chinese and East Asian strategic and international affairs, is a nonresident senior fellow in the Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is also senior advisor for Asia to Institut Montaigne, Paris, and an external consultant for the Policy Planning Staff of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Until December 2018, he was the director of ECFR’s Asia & China Program and a senior policy fellow at ECFR.

    Ralf Sauer is the Deputy Head of Unit in DG Justice and Consumer's international data protection unit. As such he is co-responsible  for the entire work of this unit which covers data flows both for commercial purposes and in the area of law enforcement cooperation. The objective of the unit is to facilitate such data flows through multi- and bilateral arrangements at international level  while ensuring a high level of data protection.


    Additional Reading:

    1. Digital Privacy: How Can We Win the Battle? by François Godement
    2. Will a GDPR-Style Data Protection Law Work for India? by Anirudh Burman
    3. The era of data globalism is over. Where does this leave India? by Rudra Chaudhuri


    🎙️ Check out our podcast, Interpreting India available now on 

    YouTube, Spotify, and iTunes! 

    Home: https://interpreting-india.simplecast...

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    Carnegie India Socials:

     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carnegieindia/ (@CarnegieIndia)

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    Website: https://carnegieindia.org

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarnegieIndia/

    Every two weeks, Interpreting India brings you diverse voices from India and around the world to explore the critical questions shaping the nation's future. We delve into how technology, the economy, and foreign policy intertwine to influence India's relationship with the global stage.

    As a Carnegie India production, hosted by Carnegie scholars, Interpreting India, a Carnegie India production, provides insightful perspectives and cutting-edge by tackling the defining questions that chart India's course through the next decade.

    Stay tuned for thought-provoking discussions, expert insights, and a deeper understanding of India's place in the world.

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