

    Explore " generalization" with insightful episodes like "Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV): A Detailed Approach for Model Evaluation", "K-Fold Cross-Validation: Enhancing Model Evaluation in Machine Learning", "Hold-out Validation: A Fundamental Approach in Model Evaluation", "Generalization and Maintenance" and "The Need For Speed, Reliability, And Redundancy In Network Architecture" from podcasts like """The AI Chronicles" Podcast", ""The AI Chronicles" Podcast", ""The AI Chronicles" Podcast", "The How to ABA Podcast" and "IT Visionaries"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV): A Detailed Approach for Model Evaluation

    Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV): A Detailed Approach for Model Evaluation

    Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) is a method used in machine learning to evaluate the performance of predictive models. It is a special case of k-fold cross-validation, where the number of folds (k) equals the number of data points in the dataset. This technique is particularly useful for small datasets or when an exhaustive assessment of the model's performance is desired.

    Understanding LOOCV

    In LOOCV, the dataset is partitioned such that each instance, or data point, gets its turn to be the validation set, while the remaining data points form the training set. This process is repeated for each data point, meaning the model is trained and validated as many times as there are data points.

    Key Steps in LOOCV

    1. Partitioning the Data: For a dataset with N instances, the model undergoes N separate training phases. In each phase, N-1 instances are used for training, and a single, different instance is used for validation.
    2. Training and Validation: In each iteration, the model is trained on the N-1 instances and validated on the single left-out instance. This helps in assessing how the model performs on unseen data.
    3. Performance Metrics: After each training and validation step, performance metrics (like accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, or mean squared error) are recorded.
    4. Aggregating Results: The performance metrics across all iterations are averaged to provide an overall performance measure of the model.

    Challenges and Limitations

    • Computational Cost: LOOCV can be computationally intensive, especially for large datasets, as the model needs to be trained N times.
    • High Variance in Model Evaluation: The results can have high variance, especially if the dataset contains outliers or if the model is very sensitive to the specific training data used.

    Applications of LOOCV

    LOOCV is often used in situations where the dataset is small and losing even a small portion of the data for validation (as in k-fold cross-validation) would be detrimental to the model training. It is also applied in scenarios requiring detailed and exhaustive model evaluation.

    Conclusion: A Comprehensive Tool for Model Assessment

    LOOCV serves as a comprehensive tool for assessing the performance of predictive models, especially in scenarios where every data point's contribution to the model's performance needs to be evaluated. While it is computationally demanding, the insights gained from LOOCV can be invaluable, particularly for small datasets or in cases where an in-depth understanding of the model's behavior is crucial.

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    Kind regards J.O. Schneppat & GPT-5

    K-Fold Cross-Validation: Enhancing Model Evaluation in Machine Learning

    K-Fold Cross-Validation: Enhancing Model Evaluation in Machine Learning

    K-Fold Cross-Validation is a widely used technique in machine learning for assessing the performance of predictive models. It addresses certain limitations of simpler validation methods like the Hold-out Validation, providing a more robust and reliable way of evaluating model effectiveness, particularly in situations where the available data is limited.

    Essentials of K-Fold Cross-Validation

    In k-fold cross-validation, the dataset is randomly divided into 'k' equal-sized subsets or folds. Of these k folds, a single fold is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the remaining k-1 folds are used as training data. The cross-validation process is then repeated k times, with each of the k folds used exactly once as the validation data. The results from the k iterations are then averaged (or otherwise combined) to produce a single estimation.

    Key Steps in K-Fold Cross-Validation

    1. Partitioning the Data: The dataset is split into k equally (or nearly equally) sized segments or folds.
    2. Training and Validation Cycle: For each iteration, a different fold is chosen as the validation set, and the model is trained on the remaining data.
    3. Performance Evaluation: After training, the model's performance is evaluated on the validation fold. Common metrics include accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score for classification problems, or mean squared error for regression problems.
    4. Aggregating Results: The performance measures across all k iterations are aggregated to give an overall performance metric.

    Advantages of K-Fold Cross-Validation

    • Reduced Bias: As each data point gets to be in a validation set exactly once, and in a training set k-1 times, the method reduces bias compared to methods like the hold-out.
    • More Reliable Estimate: Averaging the results over multiple folds provides a more reliable estimate of the model's performance on unseen data.
    • Efficient Use of Data: Especially in cases of limited data, k-fold cross-validation ensures that each observation is used for both training and validation, maximizing the data utility.

    Challenges and Considerations

    • Computational Intensity: The method can be computationally expensive, especially for large k or for complex models, as the training process is repeated multiple times.
    • Choice of 'k': The value of k can significantly affect the validation results. A common choice is 10-fold cross-validation, but the optimal value may vary depending on the dataset size and nature.

    Applications of K-Fold Cross-Validation

    K-fold cross-validation is applied in a wide array of machine learning tasks across industries, from predictive modeling in finance and healthcare to algorithm development in AI research. It is particularly useful in scenarios where the dataset is not large enough to provide ample training and validation data separately.

    Kind regards Jörg-Owe Schneppat & GPT 5

    Hold-out Validation: A Fundamental Approach in Model Evaluation

    Hold-out Validation: A Fundamental Approach in Model Evaluation

    Hold-out validation is a widely used method in machine learning and statistical analysis for evaluating the performance of predictive models. Essential in the model development process, it involves splitting the available data into separate subsets to assess how well a model performs on unseen data, thereby ensuring the robustness and generalizability of the model.

    The Basic Concept of Hold-out Validation

    In hold-out validation, the available data is divided into two distinct sets: the training set and the testing (or hold-out) set. The model is trained on the training set, which includes a portion of the available data, and then evaluated on the testing set, which consists of data not used during the training phase.

    Key Components of Hold-out Validation

    1. Data Splitting: The data is typically split into training and testing sets, often with a common split being 70% for training and 30% for testing, although these proportions can vary based on the size and nature of the dataset.
    2. Model Training: The model is trained using the training set, where it learns to make predictions or classifications based on the provided features.
    3. Model Testing: The trained model is then applied to the testing set. This phase evaluates the model's performance metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, or mean squared error, depending on the type of problem (classification or regression).

    Advantages of Hold-out Validation

    • Simplicity and Speed: Hold-out validation is straightforward to implement and computationally less intensive compared to methods like k-fold cross-validation.
    • Effective for Large Datasets: It can be particularly effective when dealing with large datasets, where there is enough data to adequately train the model and test its performance.

    Limitations of Hold-out Validation

    • Potential for High Variance: The model's performance can significantly depend on how the data is split. Different splits can lead to different results, making this method less reliable for small datasets.
    • Reduced Training Data: Since a portion of the data is set aside for testing, the model may not be trained on the full dataset, which could potentially limit its learning capacity.

    Applications of Hold-out Validation

    Hold-out validation is commonly used in various domains where predictive modeling plays a crucial role, such as finance, healthcare, marketing analytics, and more. It is particularly useful in initial stages of model assessment and for models where the computational cost of more complex validation techniques is prohibitive.

    Conclusion: A Vital Step in Model Assessment

    While hold-out validation is not without its limitations, it remains a vital step in the process of model assessment, offering a quick and straightforward way to gauge a model's effectiveness. In practice, it's often used in conjunction with other validation techniques to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a model's performance.

    Kind regards J.O. Schneppat & GPT-5 & Organic Traffic

    Generalization and Maintenance

    Generalization and Maintenance

    It’s important to teach our learners new skills. It’s just as important to make sure previously mastered skills are generalized and maintained. Here, we cover the best ways to incorporate generalization and maintenance into our learners’ programming. Generalization is the ability to show the same skill under different conditions, which includes different people, materials, places, and more.

    Sometimes, we get very specific about the skill we’re teaching, but we forget to diversify the situations so our learners can generalize those skills. Right from the start of a program, we should include variety to instill generalization as soon as possible. We discuss some real-world examples of generalization and helpful techniques to include in your practice. We also talk about stimulus and response generalization, the definition of maintenance and how it ties into generalization, and how to encourage maintenance once a program is closed.

    What’s Inside:

    • The importance of diversifying situations when teaching skills to learners
    • Examples of stimulus and response generalization
    • How to encourage maintenance after the end of a program

    Mentioned In This Episode:
    How to ABA on YouTube
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    How To Incorporate Natural Environment Teaching in ABA
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    The Need For Speed, Reliability, And Redundancy In Network Architecture

    The Need For Speed, Reliability, And Redundancy In Network Architecture

    Network infrastructure is important if you want your organization to run smoothly and without interruption. From hospitals to supply chains to government agencies, there are countless examples that illustrate just how critical network infrastructure can be. ePlus works to create better cloud infrastructure solutions for its customers to ensure they can perform their important roles. On this episode, Justin Mescher, the Vice President of Cloud Solutions of ePlus, shares more about the way that his team collaborates to give clients the network speed and redundancy they need, while also providing them with new cutting-edge solutions. 

    Tune in to learn:

    • The industries ePlus services (2:15)
    • How speed plays a role in the architecture of consumer applications (5:00)
    • Leveraging automation to allow for speed and standardization (7:00)
    • Thinking through the levels of redundancy you need in critical industries (10:20)
    • Working with clients to keep them informed and on the cutting edge (16:00)
    • Building teams that can keep up with the pace of change (19:40)
    • Justin’s personal journey in the technology field (22:45)
    • Developing your communication skills (26:10)
    • Deciding to specialize or generalize (27:35)



    Justin Mescher, Vice President of Cloud and Data Center Solutions for ePlus, leads overall strategy and go-to-market for both the Cloud and Data Center practices as part of ePlus’ Global Strategy Team.  He started his career in corporate IT, managing a hospital’s data center, then expanded his experience as a Pre-sales Engineer at EMC and then CTO for IDS, where he led the engineering team and developed the cloud practice. After IDS was acquired by ePlus in 2017, he has served in his current role, utilizing and leveraging his expertise in cloud strategy, design, implementation, migration, and managed services to grow the Data Center and Cloud practices for ePlus. Justin spends his time meeting with strategic customers, discussing their journey to the cloud, and developing new solutions within the ePlus portfolio to align with customer needs.


    Zayo's future-ready network and tailored connectivity solutions enable some of the world’s most innovative companies to connect what’s next for their business. Exceptional end-user experiences and better business outcomes demand one thing – a strong, healthy network. How’s your network health? There’s one way to find out – take Zayo’s Network Health Check now. https://zayo.is/3ztMpIu

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

    ATL's Episode 8: Our panel discusses how to make the ATL's work for you and your school

    ATL's Episode 8: Our panel discusses how to make the ATL's work for you and your school

    This episode is the eighth and final episode in a series of podcasts we are doing on the IB Approaches to Learning Skills (known as the ATL’s) which are at the core of all four International Baccalaureate Programmes. 

    This episode is a sort of panel discussion looking at the big idea of using approaches to learning as a framework within IB to deliver the promise of an IB education as captured in the IB mission. 

    My guests are Adrian von Wrede-Jervis, Nigel Gardner and of course John Harvey who has developed and led this series. With this episode we are taking time to look at what might be missing, what might be done better, and what each of you in an IB school can do to make the Approches to Learning more useful to your teachers and students.

    From Nigel: Integrating ATLs with concepts - here is the link to the framework that I was referring to: https://www.repurposedlearning.com/post/the-my-place-in-the-story-model

    Linking with CASEL - 5 areas of social and emotional competency https://casel.org/fundamentals-of-sel/what-is-the-casel-framework/

    Have ATL questions? Ask John using this form.

    IB Matters Website

    The IB Organization has resources on their webpages to support your learning about the ATL skills. Here is one link you may use to explore on your own.

    Email IB Matters: IBMatters@mnibschools.org
    Twitter @MattersIB
    IB Matters website
    MN Association of IB World Schools (MNIB) website
    Donate to IB Matters
    To appear on the podcast or if you would like to sponsor the podcast, please contact us at the email above.

    IB Matters
    en-usSeptember 08, 2022

    The Reign of Specialists is Over with David Epstein, Best-Selling Author of Range and The Sports Gene

    The Reign of Specialists is Over with David Epstein, Best-Selling Author of Range and The Sports Gene

    Growing up, we’re all asked what we want to be when we’re older. Our answer is normally met with an explanation of the years of education and dedication we’ll have to go through to get there. Whether it’s trade school, medical school, a PhD, or apprenticeship, we start to understand that we’ll need years of specialized training to get to where we want to be. But what if that whole way of thinking is wrong? 

    Today, we’re learning to completely shift our approach to the understanding of expertise. Our guest is David Epstein, bestselling author of Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World and The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance. He shares why you should shift your focus from being a specialist to a generalist, and how that can exponentially increase your odds for success. You won’t want to miss it.


    "The people who are good forecasters sometimes have an area of specialty, sometimes they don't, but more important than what they think, is how they think." - David Epstein


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) How Satyen became a generalist

    * (2:52) Why IQ tests aren’t as helpful as you think

    * (5:53) What makes an environment kind or wicked

    * (13:23) Getting comfortable with sporadic success

    * (18:31) The perks of generalization

    * (22:57) The shortcomings of specialization

    * (26:36) What we can learn from Vincent Van Gogh



    This podcast is presented by Alation.

    Learn more:

    * Data Radicals: https://www.alation.com/podcast/

    * Alation’s LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/company/alation/

    * Satyen’s LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ssangani/



    Connect with David on LinkedIn

    Check out David's website

    The Tipping Point

    The Tipping Point

    The  Tipping Point: Supporting Families in Articulation Beyond the Therapy Room

    Do you find yourself repeating the same message over and over to parents about how to support their child’s articulation goals? Do you wish you had 30 minutes to sit down with them and lay it all out—how to support the child in self monitoring and self correcting, how to make it fun and natural, and how to avoid constantly reminding them to speak correctly? Finding time to communicate all I wanted about generalization was a struggle for me, so I recorded this podcast specifically for parents of soon to graduate speech clients.

    *** Show Notes ***
    Science Bob’s website is full of great experiments and clear directions. The science behind each experiment is also explained, which is a good opportunity for clients to summarize why the experiment worked. Some of my favorite experiments are:
    Build a Fizz Inflator
    Fantastic Foamy Fountain
    Blow up a Balloon with Yeast
    Make Slime with Glue and Borax
    Rapid Color Changing Chemistry

    Here’s a site with easy no bake kid recipes:

    My favorite recipes for snacks are located at my website in PDF format

    Episode 16: Manifesting Value Through Generalization

    Episode 16: Manifesting Value Through Generalization
    Where do you look when you're trying to generate value? How do you manifest value? Can you manifest value on demand, or is there a struggle? Is there a fixed limit that you can't break through? In this episode we examine the beginnings of a simplified strategy to manifest value through the application of what you already know to new areas AKA generalization.

    57: Episode 57 - Broad Breadth

    57: Episode 57 - Broad Breadth
    Tweet Shoutouts @iOhYesPodcast also tips for good ways for indie devs to market a new app on a budget. I got it all wrong on my first app QuickSchedule... — Darrell Nicholas (@dwnicholas) February 18, 2015 JNCO Jeans are about to make a comeback!! (@jak @iOhYesPodcast) http://t.co/dp80hI7wMW — Kim Etzel (@KimEtzel84) February 20, 2015 @iOhYesPodcast nice chat on #reactjs native. I guess we'll just have to wait till it's open source to play with it... http://t.co/SCj6UShf0Y — Giovanni Lodi (@mokagio) February 22, 2015 @iOhYesPodcast finally, regarding remote logging, I've implemented this simple remote logger https://t.co/hh4UzTAg0v, what do you think? — Giovanni Lodi (@mokagio) February 22, 2015 The Discussion Generalization vs Specialization Back to Work #209: Habitual Ritual What causes some folks to collect hobbies/interests while others focus on and master one thing? Opinion: Is It Better to Specialize or Generalize? - Nora Dunn (no, not the SNL Nora Dunn) What type are we? John Restless. I like to learn a little bit about a lot of stuff. I wish that I could learn a lot about a large number of things, but I don’t have the time nor the mental capacity. I believe in the axiom that “Someone always knows more ‘Karate’” and that frustrates my efforts to go deep in any one area. Chad Cop-out. Somewhere in the middle. Darryl Generalist. I have always collected hobbies and dabbled in things superficially. This has transferred over to my professional life with two major (but complementary) career changes. How does this serve us with regard to iOS development? How has this hindered us? Open-Source Project of the Week DDAntennaLogger - Giovanni Lodi Giovanni asked what we thought of his simple remote logger. I was unfamiliar with both CocoaLumberjack and Antenna, so I’m passing the question along to our listeners. What do you folks think? Open up some issues/pull requests for Giovanni. Picks Chad Origami Darryl Slender from MartianCraft is one of those rare tools that fits neatly between development and design. Slender will scan your Xcode or Web projects and provide information on how image assets are being used. Exposing retina issues, unused assets, wasted space, and designer mistakes. John TaimurAyaz/TAOverlay, Simple overlays with a minimalistic design. Other World Computing, for Mac upgrades Alternative show title suggestions Not a hater Collecting hobbies Cop-out OCD Thing Systems on a hole In Love with what they do The way the winds are blowing Saxophone I really, really like bowling...a lot Baby Carrots Dark and Brooding Competent and Confident Grammar show Going to the model moon Question mark?

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