

    Explore "glo" with insightful episodes like "#BiroscaNews 235: Balanço de 1 ano dos Atos de 8 de janeiro", "A GLO de Lula e a falência do Estado no combate à violência", "Drumming up Love for Chris Pine", "Bonus Episode: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with Dr. Christopher Chapple Part 8" and "Glo Preemies Radio Commercial" from podcasts like ""#BiroscaNews", "Estadão Notícias", "Now You're Aware", "The Glo Podcast" and "SendMe Radio"" and more!

    Episodes (42)

    #BiroscaNews 235: Balanço de 1 ano dos Atos de 8 de janeiro

    #BiroscaNews 235: Balanço de 1 ano dos Atos de 8 de janeiro
    Faço o balanço de 1 ano dos Atos Golpistas de 8 de janeiro de 2023: quais as consequências jurídicas (penais e civis) para quem participou e para quem financiou/incentivou o golpe, com a depredação dos prédios dos 3 poderes em Brasília. Falo sobre a Operação "Lesa Pátria" da PF e sobre as ações e condenações que já aconteceram.
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    A GLO de Lula e a falência do Estado no combate à violência

    A GLO de Lula e a falência do Estado no combate à violência

    Desde ontem, militares das Forças Armadas estão à frente das operações de segurança nos aeroportos de Guarulhos (SP) e do Galeão (RJ); e nos portos do Rio de Janeiro, de Itaguaí (RJ) e de Santos (SP). O decreto de Garantia da Lei e da Ordem (GLO) foi assinado pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para fortalecer as ações de combate ao crime organizado e ajudar a conter a crise da segurança pública no Rio.

    Desde o mês passado, o Rio vive um caos na segurança pública, acentuado após a morte do miliciano Matheus da Silva Resende, conhecido pelos apelidos de Faustão e Teteu, durante confronto com a polícia. Em retaliação, criminosos queimaram pelo menos 35 ônibus na zona oeste da cidade.

    A GLO, apesar de ser uma uma ação pontual e com prazo para acabar, concede aos militares o poder sobre algumas medidas de gestão e também de gerência de recursos públicos. Em 2018, o Rio já havia sofrido uma intervenção nessa área, que foi comandada pelo general Braga Netto. A gestão dele é investigada pela Polícia Federal pelo suposto desvio de recursos públicos.

    O decreto de Garantia da Lei e Ordem, chamado de GLO, é restrito e temporário a locais determinados e só pode ser dado pelo presidente da República. Até maio do ano que vem, os militares terão “poder de polícia” nesses locais, que funcionam como importantes rotas de tráfico de drogas, e poderão revistar pessoas, efetuar prisões e inspecionar quaisquer áreas.

    Afinal, decretar a GLO é mais um erro de Lula na gestão da segurança pública do País? A operação pode comprometer a imagem dos militares? O ministro Flávio Dino perde a sua força com essa decisão? No ‘Estadão Notícias’ de hoje, vamos falar sobre o assunto com Joana Monteiro, coordenadora do Centro de Ciência Aplicada à Segurança da FGV.

    O ‘Estadão Notícias’ está disponível no Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts, ou no agregador de podcasts de sua preferência.

    Apresentação: Emanuel Bomfim

    Produção/Edição: Gustavo Lopes, Jefferson Perleberg e Gabriela Forte 

    Sonorização/Montagem: Moacir Biasi

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Bonus Episode: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with Dr. Christopher Chapple Part 8

    Bonus Episode: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with Dr. Christopher Chapple Part 8

    Dr. Chapple is Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology and founding Director of the Master of Arts in Yoga Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He’s published over 20 books about Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Yoga, and religion and ecology. He’s also a featured teacher on Glo.

    In ten bonus episodes of The Glo Podcast, Professor Chapple will chant the Sanskrit for the Sutras, explore their themes, and talk about how they apply in life. He’ll give you the Sutras’ philosophical context and relate them to movement practices in yoga. 





    Glo Preemies Radio Commercial

    Glo Preemies Radio Commercial
    Ashley Randolph saw a strong need to change the conversation when it comes to how Black NICU Families are treated in the NICU, at home and in school. Systemic racism is prevalent in every setting for these families and sets the stage for a vulnerable infant to grow into a child witnessing healthcare, therapeutic and educational environments that are inadequate in terms of racial and healthy equity.

    Ashley Randolph: Ashley is the African-American mother of 3 preemies, founder of GLO Preemies (www.GloPreemies.org), co-Founder of the Alliance for Black NICU Families and Chair to California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative. She is currently Mrs. America's Virtuous Woman. She is the author of her autobiography Black, Pregnant, and shamed about her experiences with her 3 high-risk pregnancies and preterm births. It is her mission to provide continuous and complete family centered care to African-American families in low income communities nationwide. Listen out for Glo Preemies On SendMe Radio

    EP89|如何成為一個優秀的領導人?專訪致力訓練領導技巧和溝通能力的組織「全球領袖組織(GLO)台灣分會」幹部 Emily&Rikke

    EP89|如何成為一個優秀的領導人?專訪致力訓練領導技巧和溝通能力的組織「全球領袖組織(GLO)台灣分會」幹部 Emily&Rikke
    EP89|如何成為一個優秀的領導人?專訪致力訓練領導技巧和溝通能力的組織「全球領袖組織(GLO)台灣分會」幹部 Emily&Rikke 在思考議題時,不知如何開始,懷疑哪些決定才是正確的?或者在帶領團隊時,出現效率不彰、溝通不良的問題?這次大學問邀請GLO分享組織中的兩大營隊,以【WHAT】為主軸的創客松,是幫助團隊在共事時會產生的困難及解方,及分享運用黃金負評建立團隊關係;而以【HOW】為中心做發想的全球領袖高峰會,則是在訓練做為一個領導人所需具備的技能,如何領導團隊到達目標。想了解團隊溝通的技巧或是領導技能的聽眾們,不要猶豫趕快來聽吧! ◀相關介紹與連結 ▶ FB:https://www.facebook.com/glotaiwan/ IG:https://instagram.com/glotaiwan?utm_medium=copy_link 創客松報名網址:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-impactathon-tickets-214527656997?fbclid=IwAR0V4U96VFV2Yt4BWUhBLBuX77RLwKIGRN3F2cisrXTCXtgy91E6S1JIABo ◀收聽習慣意見調查 ▶ 其他回饋、提案節目主題,或是想詢問、跟我們說什麼話,都歡迎透過表單和我們聯絡哦: https://forms.gle/Q6FrX5CWn15UgtQw9 ◀了解更多大學問 ▶ 【IG】bit.ly/charliehuangtalks【各大平台收聽】https://podfollow.com/knowhowcollege/view 【製作團隊】 .主持人:偉恩雀、查理黃 .製作人:iris鄭、曹倫 .後製:曹倫、鹿思 🎵Music🎵 Windswept by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4629-windswept License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Touching Moments Four - Melody by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4536-touching-moments-four---melody License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Anna Barker: From Startup to Glo Up

    Anna Barker: From Startup to Glo Up

    Anna Barker didn’t know she was interested in STEM until she’d almost completed college, but that didn’t stop her from becoming one of the founders of Glo, an innovative company that developed water-reactive light-up cubes. Inside Source talks with Anna about entrepreneurship, being a woman in STEM, and the idea that took her company all the way to Sesame Street.

    CL News - 15 Outubro 2021

    CL News - 15 Outubro 2021
    Fim da novela: Ministério Público Eleitoral não vê motivos para cassar a chapa Bolsonaro-Mourão, A GLO da Amazônia termina hoje e não será renovada, a esquerdalha dos EUA envia carta da Joe Biden contra o Brasil, e muito mais.
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    335 - Alternatívák

    335 - Alternatívák
    Edukációs epizód a piacon jelenleg legálisan hozzáférhető alternatív nikotinbeviteli eszközök ismertetésével, hogy segítsük a leszokókat/átszokókat, illetve iránymutatást adjunk azoknak, akik még csak gondolkoznak a váltáson.

    Exército contra invasões de terra e a direita no Uruguai

    Exército contra invasões de terra e a direita no Uruguai

    Utilizar o exército para fazer reintegração de posse no campo, essa é a mais recente ideia do presidente Jair Bolsonaro. A proposta chamada de “GLO Rural” será entregue ao Congresso Nacional, e poderia ser empregada apenas com uma canetada do capitão. A Garantia da Lei e da Ordem é autorizada no Brasil, quando as forças de segurança estaduais não conseguem amenizar situações graves de perturbação da ordem como, por exemplo, no Rio de Janeiro. Mas afinal, o que significa usar a GLO nas reintegrações de posse de terras no Brasil?

    Na edição de hoje, ouvimos Renato Sérgio de Lima, do Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, e Luís Alexandre Fuccille, da Unesp.

    Ainda no programa, a vitória da centro-direita no Uruguai, após 15 anos de governos da esquerda no país. Quem analisa o assunto é o professor da UNB, Roberto Goulart Menezes.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Episode 109: Michelle Poscente

    Episode 109: Michelle Poscente
    Michelle Lemmons-Poscente is Founder and CEO of the Global Leaders Organization, (GLO). GLO is a global membership platform made up of thousands of CEO’s, Entrepreneurs and Investors that learn, network and do business with one another. GLO has fully compliant investment portals allowing the members to raise capital and to invest in one another’s businesses.
    Previously, Michelle was the Chairman and Managing Partner of ISB Global, LLC. ISB Global and its affiliates, was a fully integrated brand strategy and representation firm actively engaged in corporate development, speaking, books, television, intellectual property development, publishing, merchandising, and distribution with leading, branded personalities, executives, and organizations around the world.
    ISB Global included: International Speakers Bureau, a twenty year old speaking agency she founded representing the most sought after speakers in the world. Celebrities, best-selling authors and sports name lined International Speakers Bureau’s roster. ISB New Media Group, a literary agency and publishing ventures group which has some 30 New York Times best-selling books to its credit in several genre’s including business, health and wellness, pop culture and comedic satire (including perennial best-selling author Chelsea Handler), and ISB Ventures which co-founded Brand Equity Holdings and M2M Brands. Brand Equity included: Healthy Home, a membership organization focused on the health and nutritional needs of mothers, children and families, and USA Association www.USAAssoc.com , a member benefits association providing a conservative alternative to AARP. M2M Brands created/sourced and marketed consumer products for celebrities.
    Her organizations have been recognized as one of the “Top Female-Owned Businesses” in the U.S. by Bank One, and noted as one of the top-managed companies in the United States, winning the Sprint #1 Small Business Award (sweeping the categories Customer Service, Marketing and Innovation).

    For more information visit:

    Undercard Supercast Episode 56

    Undercard Supercast Episode 56
    After a long awaited return, Undercard Supercast returned Monday February 3, 2014. We discussed the somewhat disappointing UFC 169 (depending on what side of the fence you were on), handed out Golden Poops and Golden Ducks, discussed the title fights we were most disappointed by, and try to run down Nolan’s topics with a fire hose. We’re Undercard Superstar, and we’re combat sports a tad hungover.

    Undercard Supercast Episode 55

    Undercard Supercast Episode 55
    On this handy-dandy episode of Undercard Supercast, we find ourselves handing awards out for UFC Fight Night Rockhold vs Philippou, WSOF, and boxing from last week, Chris Leben’s retirement and our favorite moment, we discuss the potential Michael Bisping vs Tim Kennedy bout for the TUF Nations Finale, and give our predictions for the Bellator LHW title and tournament. We’re Undercard Superstar and we’re combat sports tad hungover.

    Undercard Supercast Episode 54

    Undercard Supercast Episode 54
    On this episode of Undercard Supercast, we tackle tough hitting issues like George St. Pierre’s comments on the UFC and PED usage, who our TUF: Nations countries and coaches would be, and give our picks for UFC Fight Night Rockhold vs Philippou. We’re Undercard Superstar and we’re combat sports a tad hungover. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Cat Zingano and Mae Young.