

    Explore "gtt" with insightful episodes like "Philippe Berterottière (PDG de GTT) : "Je suis sûr que le marché se rendra compte du potentiel du titre GTT !"", "Trade ou pas Trade? Le Talkshow du trading: Trigano, CAC 40, Coca-Cola, GTT...", "Le debrief du 5 décembre : démarrage en légère baisse à Paris", "Pregestational (preexisting) Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy: Episode #106" and "S2A1: Gött tjöt - Hänger apa" from podcasts like ""Ecorama", "Trade ou pas Trade", "Debrief Bourse", "True Birth" and "Gött tjöt's podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (50)

    Philippe Berterottière (PDG de GTT) : "Je suis sûr que le marché se rendra compte du potentiel du titre GTT !"

    Philippe Berterottière (PDG de GTT) : "Je suis sûr que le marché se rendra compte du potentiel du titre GTT !"

    Philippe Berterottière, PDG de Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT), le spécialiste du stockage et du transport de gaz liquéfié, était l'invité de l'émission Ecorama du 10 mai 2023, présentée par David Jacquot sur Boursorama.com. Parmi les sujets abordés : boom du GNL, carnet de commandes, chiffre d'affaires record, défis du transport et du stockage du GNL, navire de transport d'hydrogène liquide.

    Trade ou pas Trade? Le Talkshow du trading: Trigano, CAC 40, Coca-Cola, GTT...

    Trade ou pas Trade? Le Talkshow du trading: Trigano, CAC 40, Coca-Cola, GTT...

    Découvrez Trade ou Pas Trade ? le talkshow sur le trading de Société Générale Produits de Bourse en partenariat avec Boursorama !

    Cette semaine vous avez rendez-vous avec Frédéric Bériot de La Lettre de la Bourse, Marc Dagher de DT Expert et Jean Louis Cussac de Perceval Finance afin de débattre de valeurs comme Trigano, le CAC 40, Coca-Cola, GTT, Sopra Steria et le Gaz Naturel.
    #bourse #trading #PUB #risquedeperteducapital #TOPT

    Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne Youtube Société Générale Produits de Bourse pour ne manquer aucun épisode de Trade ou pas Trade! https://www.youtube.comSocieteGeneraleProduitsdeBourse

    Site internet de Société Générale Produits de Bourse: https://sgbourse.fr/
    Découvrez notre activité d'émetteur de Produits de Bourse: https://sgbourse.fr/pourquoi-les-produits-de-bourse
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    #bourse #investissement #placement #revenu #finance #trading #investir #finance #trade #cac40 #trigano #cocacola #GTT #Soprasteria #gaznaturel

    Le debrief du 5 décembre : démarrage en légère baisse à Paris

    Le debrief du 5 décembre : démarrage en légère baisse à Paris

    Le CAC 40 ouvre la semaine sur une petite baisse de 0,67% et tombe juste sous la barre des 6700, vers les 6697 points et 2,8 milliards d'euros échangés alors que l'activité du secteur privé dans la zone euro a diminué pour le cinquième mois d'affilée en novembre, ce qui suggère que l'économie de la région se dirige vers une récession modérée.

    C'est un peu la même ambiance à Wall Street à 17h45 avec un Dow Jones à -0,76% vers les 34.168 points et un Nasdaq à -1,14% vers les 11.331 points. A noter Tesla (-4,5%) en manque d'énergie alors que le constructeur de véhicules électriques aurait décidé de réduire la production de son modèle Y en Chine, du fait de stocks élevés et d'une demande ralentie sur ce marché.

    Valeurs en hausse
    ALD accélère grâce à Stifef. Le bureau d'analyses a entamé la couverture du titre avec une recommandation d'achat et un objectif de cours établi à 21 euros, contre 10,46 euros à la clôture aujourd'hui. Stifel s'attend à ce que le leader européen de la location longue durée et de la gestion de flotte automobile publie des résultats «records» cette année après un exercice 2021 déjà solide.

    Séance solide aussi pour Valneva : la biotech a annoncé des données positives sur la persistance des anticorps douze mois après la vaccination avec une seule dose de son candidat vaccin contre le chikungunya, VLA1553.

    Seb et Orpéa sont également bien orientés.

    Sur le CAC 40, c'est Renault qui roulait le plus vite devant Alstom, Thales et Stellantis.

    Sur le SRD, les vents sont favorables pour Bénéteau (+16,4%). Le constructeur de bateaux a dinqué qu'il pourrait dépasser ses prévisions de résultats pour l'exercice 2022 et qu'il disposait désormais d'une «avance significative» sur son plan stratégique 2020-2025, dont il rehaussé plusieurs chiffres clés.

    Valeurs en baisse
    GTT est lanterne rouge sur le SBF 120. Le titre réagit à une décision judiciaire en Corée du Sud communiquée vendredi soir. D'un côté, la Haute Cour de Séoul a partiellement fait droit à son appel contre l'ordonnance rectificative de la commission coréenne en charge de la concurrence, ce qui se traduit par l'annulation de l'amende administrative de 9,5 millions d'euros payée par GTT début 2021. Mais de l'autre, elle a confirmé l'obligation pour le français de séparer l'accord de licence technologique de l'assistance technique si les chantiers navals coréens le demandaient. Pour rappel, à la fin 2020, la KFTC avait jugé que certaines pratiques commerciales de GTT enfreignaient les règles de concurrence du pays et voulait autoriser les chantiers navals coréens à effectuer les services d'assistance technique inclus dans la licence de technologie du français.

    Derrière Plastic Omnium perd 4,2%. JPMorgan a abaissé sa recommandation sur l'action de l'équipementier automobile de «neutre» à «sous-performance».

    Autre avis d'analyste sur Bouygues, pénalisé par Bank of America. Le bureau d'analyses de la banque américaine est passé de «neutre» à «sous-performance», avec un objectif de cours réduit de 30 euros à 27 euros.

    Toujours sur le CAC 40 Teleperformance repart en baisse de 2,7%

    Pregestational (preexisting) Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy: Episode #106

    Pregestational (preexisting) Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy: Episode #106

    Pregnancies affected by pregestational (also called preexisting) diabetes has significantly improved over the past several decades as\ insulin management improved and tighter glycemic control is achieved with glucose monitors.

    Diabetes in pregnancy is classifed as followes:  

    Type 1 diabetes (autoimmune beta cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency):

    a. Without vascular complications

    b. With vascular complications (eg, nephropathy, retinopathy, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, etc)

    Type 2 diabetes (progressive loss of insulin secretion, often in the setting of insulin resistance):

    a. Without vascular complications

    b. With vascular complications (eg, nephropathy, retinopathy, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, etc)

    Gestational diabetes (diabetes of during pregnancy and not clearly overt [eg, type 1 or type 2 diabetes])

    Other diabetes (eg, genetic origin, drug- or chemical-induced)

    This episode focuses on type 1 and type 2 diabetes in pregnancy and the principles of management.  


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    Maternal Resources: https://www.maternalresources.org/

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    A16: Gött tjöt - Den snabba doktorn feat Victor

    A16: Gött tjöt - Den snabba doktorn feat Victor

    Nu va det längesen, men den som väntar på något gott osv...

    I veckans avsnitt:

    • Vår första gäst entrar podd studion
    • Gual rasar över fågel nyhet
    • Varför pratar Jakob engelska med tysk brytning med en tysk i Berlin ?
    • Är reverse enginering = framfall ?
    • Historiska nyheter med Fredrik
    • Fredrik släpper sin efterlängtade jingel

    ... och mycket mer i vanlig ordning!

    Ha de!

    Gött Tjöt out

    Only One Thing Holding You Back - Behind The Scenes

    Only One Thing Holding You Back - Behind The Scenes

    With decades of business experience and working with thousands of Founders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs, I can say that your success comes down to one thing. This one thing is what is holding you back. When you think about what you want, if you don't get this one thing right, you will struggle to create what you desire. That one thing is YOU. It is your doubt. Fears. When you think about it, you are what keeps you from achieving what you want. Today, we look at 3 parts of this that allow you to transform your own thinking and your behaviors to go beyond what is holding you back.

    Get the show notes for Only One Thing Holding You Back – Behind The Scenes

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank with me your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/gttep533

    #HoldingYourBack #Leadership #GHepisode533 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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    Values in Action - Data-Driven Decisions with John Girard at Cience

    Values in Action - Data-Driven Decisions with John Girard at Cience

    One of the most critical aspects of company growth is a common understanding of the values and alignment to company core values. Many companies miss the alignment part of this, and what they need is values in action. My guest today is John Girard, CEO of Cience. His company was ranked #112 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Cience builds B2B pipelines. John's view on values drives his company to new levels of growth. Specifically, it is the values in action that govern the day-to-day work, language, and tone of the culture. John and I talk about how "data-driven decisions" are an essential element to their culture. Discover why you must put your values in action and how to do it.

    Get the show notes for Values in Action – Data-Driven Decisions with John Girard at Cience

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring John Girard at Cience with me your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/JohnGirard

     #ValuesInAction #Leadership #GHepisode532 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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    Living Your Values to Grow Fast with Jeff Kingsley at IACT Health

    Living Your Values to Grow Fast with Jeff Kingsley at IACT Health

    Company growth in times of change requires leaders to have a rock-solid foundation for your culture and leadership. Today, we keep the conversation going on living your values to align the team. Living your values starts with hiring people that have the same attitude to work and life as you. You can teach them skills, but hiring those that are living your values before they arrive at your company will make leading them easier. My guest today is Jeff Kingsley, CEO of IACT Health. We look at how living your values drive growth. Jeff shares his journey of starting a mission-driven company after leaving the traditional medical field. Discover the strategies of living your values in today's interview.

    Get the show notes for Living Your Values to Grow Fast with Jeff Kingsley at IACT Health

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Jeff Kingsley at IACT Health with me your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/JeffKingsley

    #LivingYourValues #Leadership #GHepisode529 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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    Living Your Core Values for Growth with Shawn Lipman at Feedonomics

    Living Your Core Values for Growth with Shawn Lipman at Feedonomics

    After hundreds of interviews and my research with Founders and CEOs, I know the importance of living your core values when you want to create company growth. I can also say that many leaders believe they are living their core values because they have values printed on the walls at HQ or on their website. Let's talk about living your core values with my guest today, Shawn Lipman, who is the CEO of Feedonomics. His company was ranked #95 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We look at living your core values in everything the company does.

    Get the show notes for Living Your Core Values for Growth with Shawn Lipman at Feedonomics

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Shawn Lipman at Feedonomics with me your host @GeneHammett hhttp://bit.ly/gttShawnLipman

    #LivingYourCoreValues #Leadership #GHepisode528 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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    Beyond the OKR Methodology with Ivan Osmak at Gtmhub

    Beyond the OKR Methodology with Ivan Osmak at Gtmhub

    Have you heard about the OKR methodology? This OKR methodology has taken the world of leadership by storm. My guest today is Ivan Osmak, Co-founder of GTMHub. This company has been in hypergrowth mode because of the demand to bridge the gap between strategy and operational execution. We talk about why OKRs are essential. We look beyond the traditional usage of OKR methodology. Ivan even shares the common mistakes with the OKR Methodology.

    Get the show notes for Beyond the OKR Methodology with Ivan Osmak at Gtmhub

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Ivan Osmak at Gtmhub with me your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/IvanOsmak

    #OKRMethodology #Leadership #GHepisode525 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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    Improve Employee Alignment with Shared Goals - Behind the Scenes

    Improve Employee Alignment with Shared Goals - Behind the Scenes

    Leadership has changed. In 2020 and beyond, employees are hungry for connection to their work. They want to feel like what they are doing will improve their skills and increase their value. You must improve employee alignment by listening to your employees to understand them. I struggled with employee alignment as a leader until I discovered that they have goals too. I'm going to share with you a powerful approach called "Shared Goals" to improve employee alignment. You can use it immediately and watch the eyes of your people light up. When you improve employee alignment, you will have a more engaged workforce.

    Get the show notes for Improve Employee Alignment with Shared Goals

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank with me your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/gttep521

    #ImproveEmployeeAlignment #Leadership #GHepisode521 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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    How a CEO Can Leverage Marketing Strategies for Fast-growth with Karen Hayward at Chief Outsiders

    How a CEO Can Leverage Marketing Strategies for Fast-growth with Karen Hayward at Chief Outsiders

    Driving new revenue is not just having a great product or service. Companies have to get the message distributed to the right people. If you had marketing strategies for fast-growth, you would see more traction in your market. CEOs often resist some of the strategies that require them to be the face and voice of the company. Developing marketing strategies for fast-growth requires new thinking. My guest today is Karen Hayward, Managing Partner of Chief Outsiders. His company was ranked #2827 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Karen and I discuss the power of the CEO's voice to share the stories that drive the company forward. Discover the keys to marketing strategies for fast-growth.

    Get the show notes for How a CEO Can Leverage Marketing Strategies for Fast-growth with Karen Hayward at Chief Outsiders

    Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Growth Think Tank featuring Karen Hayward at Chief Outsiders with me your host @GeneHammett http://bit.ly/KarenHayward

    #MarketingStrategiesforFastGrowth #Leadership #GHepisode520 #GTTepisodes #Podcasts

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