

    Explore " hajj" with insightful episodes like "Le pèlerinage", "Le jeûne", "L'aumône", "La prière" and "Le témoignage de foi" from podcasts like ""Piliers de l'islam / أركان الإسلام", "Piliers de l'islam / أركان الإسلام", "Piliers de l'islam / أركان الإسلام", "Piliers de l'islam / أركان الإسلام" and "Piliers de l'islam / أركان الإسلام"" and more!

    Episodes (53)

    Le pèlerinage

    Le pèlerinage

    La Mecque est un lieu physique mais aussi un lieu symbolique, un lieu magique, quelque part dans l’imaginaire, au-delà de l’espace et du temps. Où est donc notre Mecque intérieure ? Où est la Ka‘ba du cœur ? Telles sont les questions que se sont posées avant nous celles et ceux qui se souciaient de faire de leur pèlerinage, non pas seulement un voyage en Terre Sainte, mais bien plus essentiellement un itinéraire intérieur et une initiation. Une circumambulation (tawâf) non pas tant autour de la Pierre Noire physique qu’autour de la pierre noire de leur propre conscience que la vie spirituelle va polir jusqu’à la faire redevenir blanche, accueillante et transparente à la lumière divine… L’islam, voie d’éveil, n’est-il pas avant tout un pèlerinage au centre de notre être ?

    Auteur : Abdennour Bidar. Producteur : Institut du monde arabe. Crédits musique : La Sulâmiyya, Chants soufis de Tunis, 5. Lagmar wa ndjoum, © Institut du monde arabe, 1999. Retrouvez l'album complet sur arabosounds. Identité graphique : Lila Saddoune / IMA. Montage & mixage : Making Waves. Jingle IMA : Anthony Capelli / Making Waves.

    Le jeûne

    Le jeûne

    Jeûner, oui, mais de quoi ? Il y a presque mille ans déjà, l’Imâm Al Ghazâlî répondait en présentant les « secrets du jeûne » (asrâr as-sawm) du mois de Ramadan d’une manière pour le moins surprenante : le plus important, écrivait-il, n’est pas tant de s’abstenir de boire, de manger, d’avoir des relations sexuelles, du lever au coucher du soleil mais « d’orienter intimement son aspiration vers Allâh puissant et majestueux et de s’éloigner de tout ce qui est autre que lui – Gloire à lui » (Al Ghazâlî). Ainsi le mois du jeûne serait-il le mois du retour à l’essentiel, de la consécration de soi à la vie spirituelle à travers cette « aspiration » dont nous parle Al Ghazâlî. Mais comment incarner cela dans nos vies contemporaines, où le spirituel peine tant à trouver sa place ?

    Auteur : Abdennour Bidar. Producteur : Institut du monde arabe. Crédits musique : La Châdhiliyya, Chants soufis du Caire, 8. Yâ rabbî, bi-l-Mustafä balligh maqâsidanâ/Ô mon Seigneur, dirige-nous vers le Prophète purifié, © Institut du monde arabe, 1999. Retrouvez l'album complet sur arabosounds. Identité graphique : Lila Saddoune / IMA. Montage & mixage : Making Waves. Jingle IMA : Anthony Capelli / Making Waves.



    On réduit souvent l'aumône (la Zakât) à un impôt social alors qu’elle nous invite à être pensée bien plus largement comme la présence en islam d’un don infiniment plus large, qui va de l’hospitalité à l’entraide, de la fraternité au dévouement, et d’un sens du don infiniment plus profond aussi : dès lors, en effet, que Allâh est le « Donateur suprême » (Al Wahhâb), qui donne quand je donne ? N’est-ce pas la générosité même de la vie, la puissance créatrice de l’univers qui ouvre sa main à travers la mienne ?

    Auteur : Abdennour Bidar. Producteur : Institut du monde arabe. Crédits musique : Les Aïssawa de Fès, Rituel de transe, 3. Allahumma salli/Chant de louange, © Institut du monde arabe, 1999. Retrouvez l'album complet sur arabosounds. Identité graphique : Lila Saddoune / IMA. Montage & mixage : Making Waves. Jingle IMA : Anthony Capelli / Making Waves.

    La prière

    La prière

    La prière n’est ni mécanique ni dogmatique, elle se vit comme un chemin initiatique quotidien : au fil de sa gestuelle en quatre temps (station debout, inclinaison, prosternation, station assise), le corps et l’âme se trouvent engagés ensemble dans l’histoire symbolique et initiatique d’un face-à-face entre le divin et l’humain. La prière peut culminer dans une rencontre, une union mystique qui est présence de l’infini dans le fini. Et si, finalement, la prière avait pour vocation de nous faire découvrir que les mystères du divin et de l’humain ne font qu’un ?

    Auteur : Abdennour Bidar. Producteur : Institut du monde arabe. Crédits musique : Ensembles al-Mahi & al-Bura’i, Chants sacrés de Nubie et de Kordofan, 7. Al-Ba‘ûdah/Le moustique, © Institut du monde arabe, 2002. Retrouvez l'album complet sur arabosounds. Identité graphique : Lila Saddoune / IMA. Montage & mixage : Making Waves. Jingle IMA : Anthony Capelli / Making Waves.

    Le témoignage de foi

    Le témoignage de foi

    On présente souvent la Shahâdat, le témoignage de foi de l'islam, comme une simple déclaration : « Il n’y a de divinité que Allâh et Mohammed est son Prophète ». Mais elle est en réalité beaucoup plus, car la fonction de témoin, à laquelle la croyante et le croyant sont appelés, fait référence au grand thème de la vision : témoigner c’est attester de ce que l’on a vu, de ce que l’on a contemplé, et ainsi l’islam se déploie comme une spiritualité de la vision, du regard, de l’œil du cœur (‘ayn al qalb) qui contemple ce que l’œil sensible ne voit pas. Qu’est-ce donc qui est appelé à se découvrir, en islam, à travers la contemplation ?

    Auteur : Abdennour Bidar. Producteur : Institut du monde arabe. Crédits musique : La Châdhiliyya, Udhkurhâ wa-nta mâshî, lâ tulhîka amthâlahâ/Remémore-toi la majesté de Dieu, même en marchant, © Institut du monde arabe, 1999. Retrouvez l'album complet sur arabosounds. Identité graphique : Lila Saddoune / IMA. Montage & mixage : Making Waves. Jingle IMA : Anthony Capelli / Making Waves.

    [Bande annonce] Lancement des podcasts de l'IMA

    [Bande annonce] Lancement des podcasts de l'IMA

    Le 20 octobre prochain, l’Institut du monde arabe, désormais doté de son propre studio d’enregistrement, lance son offre  de podcasts. Plus qu’aucune autre institution culturelle, l’IMA investit ce média avec une offre riche et éclectique qui répond à trois objectifs :
    - Diffuser plus largement ses rencontres et débats
    Les rencontres de l’IMA désormais disponibles hors les murs : partout et à tout moment ! Traduites ou réalisées en arabe, elles s’adressent désormais également aux auditeurs arabophones.
    - Prolonger l’expérience de l’IMA
    Les podcasts de l’IMA, ce sont aussi des contenus complémentaires aux activités de l’Institut : expositions, spectacles, cinéma, apprentissage de la langue arabe...
    - Faire entendre de nouvelles voix
    À travers ses séries documentaires, l’IMA porte des voix nouvelles, émergentes et singulières, de France et du monde arabe.

    [Bande annonce] Lancement des podcasts de l'IMA

    [Bande annonce] Lancement des podcasts de l'IMA

    Le 20 octobre prochain, l’Institut du monde arabe, désormais doté de son propre studio d’enregistrement, lance son offre  de podcasts.
    Plus qu’aucune autre institution culturelle, l’IMA investit ce média avec une offre riche et éclectique qui répond à trois objectifs :
    - Diffuser plus largement ses rencontres et débats
    Les rencontres de l’IMA désormais disponibles hors les murs : partout et à tout moment ! Traduites ou réalisées en arabe, elles s’adressent désormais également aux auditeurs arabophones.
    - Prolonger l’expérience de l’IMA
    Les podcasts de l’IMA, ce sont aussi des contenus complémentaires aux activités de l’Institut : expositions, spectacles, cinéma, apprentissage de la langue arabe...
    - Faire entendre de nouvelles voix
    À travers ses séries documentaires, l’IMA porte des voix nouvelles, émergentes et singulières, de France et du monde arabe.

    [Bande annonce] Lancement des podcasts de l'IMA

    [Bande annonce] Lancement des podcasts de l'IMA

    Le 20 octobre prochain, l’Institut du monde arabe, désormais doté de son propre studio d’enregistrement, lance son offre  de podcasts. Plus qu’aucune autre institution culturelle, l’IMA investit ce média avec une offre riche et éclectique qui répond à trois objectifs :
    - Diffuser plus largement ses rencontres et débats
    Les rencontres de l’IMA désormais disponibles hors les murs : partout et à tout moment ! Traduites ou réalisées en arabe, elles s’adressent désormais également aux auditeurs arabophones.
    - Prolonger l’expérience de l’IMA
    Les podcasts de l’IMA, ce sont aussi des contenus complémentaires aux activités de l’Institut : expositions, spectacles, cinéma, apprentissage de la langue arabe...
    - Faire entendre de nouvelles voix
    À travers ses séries documentaires, l’IMA porte des voix nouvelles, émergentes et singulières, de France et du monde arabe.

    Islam with Safi Kaskas

    Islam with Safi Kaskas

    Welcome to the THIRD season of Dawn of an Era of Well-Being. This season we are dedicating our focus to the world’s religions, and discovering how religion and spirituality can help bring the us together in a more harmonious condition. 

    In today’s episode, we will be talking to Safi Kaskas about Islam which is the second largest religion on this planet after Christianity. It is also the most recent expression of the three primary Abrahamic faiths, preceded by Christianity and Judaism. Islamic practitioners, or Muslims, take their spiritual and ethical guidance from the teachings of the Quran, which was “revealed” by God to the prophet Muhammed in the 7th century CE. Muhammed is himself seen as the last prophet, following a lineage which begins with Adam and includes Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Though Islam shares this common thread with the other Abrahamic religions Muhammed is regarded as the ultimate authority, the “Seal of the Prophets.”  

    In this inspired conversation, Dr. Kaskas will try to help us understand what is and is not dictated in the Quran and what it means to be a Muslim. Islam is a profoundly spiritual faith which preaches love of your fellow man as among its highest principles, yet it is clear that this message has been distorted in some parts. Kaskas will explain some of the history of the region to help us understand how some bad actors in the community have managed to gain an outsized influence on the world stage.  

    Safi Kaskas is an administrator in the managerial sciences with over 40 years of broad-based experience  in strategic planning, leadership and business ethics with an emphasis on strategic management in the corporate and academic worlds.

    He is a co-founder of East West University, Chicago, IL; and was elected as President of its Board of  Directors from 1979 – 2005. He continues to serve on its board as an ex officio. He is the Founder and  President of Strategic Edge Management Consultants, Dr. Kaskas helped many mid-level and large  corporations successfully develop their business portfolios. His consultant firm focused on strategic
     development within the health care industry and founded the American Strategic Healthcare  Management Company (ASHM) which is active in the healthcare field in Jeddah, Saudi Arabic.

    In addition to his focus on strategic management science, Dr. Kaskas has studied Abrahamic religions and lectured throughout the US and the Middle East on subjects related to Islam, interfaith and reconciliation between Evangelicals and American Muslims. He is Senior Researcher in Islam and Multifaith Reconciliation with George Mason University, Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution.

    Dr. Kaskas translated and published the Qur’an into simple easy to understand English in January 2015 and published The Qur’an with references to the Bible in January 2016. This book has 3000 references to the Old and the New Testaments.

    Dr. Kaskas is the founder and President of the International Qur’an Research Association IQRA.


    Reflections from Hajj

    Reflections from Hajj
    Lessons from the Sacred Sands I had the privilege of delivering a sermon reflecting on my Hajj experience, a journey that touched my heart and transformed my soul. Join me as we delve into the spiritual lessons of Hajj and discover the timeless wisdom that can guide us all on the path of righteousness. May these reflections inspire you and ignite a flame of devotion in your heart.

    The Hadith of Ghadeer: Theological Implications & Ethical Lessons | Dr. Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer | 7.3.2023

    The Hadith of Ghadeer: Theological Implications & Ethical Lessons | Dr. Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer | 7.3.2023

    Dr. Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer is the Research Scholar for the Islamic Center at New York University and an Associate Chaplain for the Center of Global & Spiritual Life at NYU.  In addition, he is currently a doctoral candidate at NYU Steinhardt’s School of Education. Sheikh Faiyaz attained an MA degree in Islamic Studies (UK), with a concentration on early Islamic history, after his undergraduate degree from SUNY Stony Brook University in Political Science and Religious Studies.  He has had his research published by academic journals. In pursuing the classical course of Islamic education, Faiyaz studied in the Seminary of Karbala, Iraq, one of the most prominent centers for Islamic learning. 

    As a faith leader and social activist, Faiyaz Jaffer has lectured at various universities, seminars, and workshops across the United States, Canada, Europe, East Africa, and the Middle East. Due to the political and social climate, he has been making strides in the greater New York area by taking part in a number of interfaith seminars and discussions in the aspiration of increasing dialogue with various faith leaders. His outreach efforts have allowed him to be featured in some of the country’s most prominent media outlets. As a highly sought-after lecturer and religious leader, Faiyaz regularly leads prayer services and delivers sermons across North America.

    Support the Islamic Center at NYU

    Our operating and programmatic budget comes directly from donations and as our community grows, so do our expenses. If you are interested in making a one-time, monthly, annual, or general donation to the Islamic Center at NYU, please do so at https://icnyu.org/donate/.

    From Hajj to Breathwork: A Conversation with Shaamiela Safodien

    From Hajj to Breathwork: A Conversation with Shaamiela Safodien

    Join this conversation with Shaamiela Safodien, a psychological counselor, mindfulness teacher, and breathwork practitioner, as we learn about her unique path of spirituality and healing. From her traditional Muslim upbringing to her enlightening experiences during her Hajj pilgrimage at just 18 years old, Shaamiela's story is both captivating and inspiring.

    In this heartfelt conversation, we delve into the power of connecting with nature and our own bodies for growth and healing. Shaamiela shares her insights on the cyclical nature of women, the role of breathwork in shifting our narratives, and the importance of a holistic approach to healing that incorporates both traditional talk therapy, spirituality, and embodiment. 

    Shaamiela reflects on her journey of understanding the power of her body and incorporating mindfulness and breathwork into her daily practice. We also touch upon the challenges faced by Muslim women in a tradition that is often interpreted in ways that make it difficult for them to express themselves. Don't miss this heartwarming and thought-provoking episode, full of valuable insights and inspiration for anyone on their own path of growth and healing.

    Shaamiela's website: https://www.livingwithinsight.net and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/living_with_insight/

    Support the show

    Find out more about Rose's work, including the Rahma Collective: https://lnk.bio/dr.rose.aslan
    Website: https://compassionflow.com

    Support Rahma with Rose so I can keep producing more episodes here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2197727/supporters/new

    Music credits: Vocals: Zeynep Dilara Aslan; Ney/drum: Elif Önal; Tanbur: Katherine Hreib; Rebap: Hatice Gülbahar Hepsev

    Reform, Revival, and Remembrance: Lessons from the Sacrifice of Ibrahim (AS) | Dr. Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer | 6.20.2023

    Reform, Revival, and Remembrance: Lessons from the Sacrifice of Ibrahim (AS) | Dr. Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer | 6.20.2023

    Dr. Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer is the Research Scholar for the Islamic Center at New York University and an Associate Chaplain for the Center of Global & Spiritual Life at NYU. In addition, he is currently a doctoral candidate at NYU Steinhardt’s School of Education. Sheikh Faiyaz attained an MA degree in Islamic Studies (UK), with a concentration on early Islamic history, after his undergraduate degree from SUNY Stony Brook University in Political Science and Religious Studies. He has had his research published by academic journals. In pursuing the classical course of Islamic education, Faiyaz studied in the Seminary of Karbala, Iraq, one of the most prominent centers for Islamic learning. 

    As a faith leader and social activist, Faiyaz Jaffer has lectured at various universities, seminars, and workshops across the United States, Canada, Europe, East Africa, and the Middle East. Due to the political and social climate, he has been making strides in the greater New York area by taking part in a number of interfaith seminars and discussions in the aspiration of increasing dialogue with various faith leaders. His outreach efforts have allowed him to be featured in some of the country’s most prominent media outlets. As a highly sought-after lecturer and religious leader, Faiyaz regularly leads prayer services and delivers sermons across North America. 

    Support the Islamic Center at NYU 

    Our operating and programmatic budget comes directly from donations and as our community grows, so do our expenses. If you are interested in making a one-time, monthly, annual, or general donation to the Islamic Center at NYU, please do so at https://icnyu.org/donate/.

    Jody McIntyre's Journey: Palestine, Driving to Mauritania, Memorizing #quran, Reverting to #islam #ramadan

    Jody McIntyre's Journey: Palestine, Driving to Mauritania, Memorizing #quran, Reverting to #islam #ramadan

    #muslim #content #ramadan #podcast  #interview

    In Episode 008 we talk to Jody McIntyre, a beautiful conversation full of reminders and benefits. He talks about his journey to Islam and how he eventually drove to Mauritania and completed memoizing the Quran completely which he now teaches in Birmingham. 

    Follow us on Instagram and Support:

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    Ramadan Special: Making Umrah in Ramadan with Yasin Chowdhury, Hajj Operator

    Ramadan Special: Making Umrah in Ramadan with Yasin Chowdhury, Hajj Operator

    Our First Ramadan Special with Abu Umayr Yasin Chowdhury who has been operating tours to Makkah and Medinah for over 15 years! He talks about his experiences making Umrah, how to make Umrah, Umrah in Ramadan and more!

    Yasin Chowdhury Social & Links:
    Tarbiya Tours & OneCall Travels

    As always please share, like and subscribe and help our efforts grow. 

    Get in touch on Instagram with suggestions for our next guests! 

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    0113. DenomInation: Islam

    0113. DenomInation: Islam

    My good friend, Imran, joins me to talk about the traditions of the Muslim people.  Listen and learn about Imran's experience in the religion and what his understanding of what it means on the big stage of life.  When this is all done, you're going to find out that the core values, and even some of the stories and traditions, aren't so different after all.  This is Part 2 of my Denomination mini-series: Islam.


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